How to make broth transparent? Homemade recipes. How to make a turbid broth transparent? A trick that every housewife must own

How to cook the most delicious broth: cooking secrets

Bouillon is both an independent first course and the basis for soup or sauce. By the way, broth is a very low-calorie meal. The calorie content of pure broth is only 15-20 kcal per 1 liter.

Cook broths from meat, bones, poultry, fish, mushrooms. It would seem, what is easier then? However, such a simple thing as broth, you need to be able to cook. After all, the taste and aroma of the broth depend on many "little things" - the ratio of water and boiled products, the size of the boiled pieces, the time and temperature of cooking, the boiling power of the broth.

The most fragrant and healthy broths are obtained from beef and beef bones (see photo ... soup is cooked on beef bone broth, I give the recipe at the end of the post), poultry and some game species (partridges, pheasants, etc. .. . eh, would try)))). Less tasty and healthy are broths from lamb and especially from pork, as well as from the bones of these animals.

Even a broth made of bones is better to cook not from a random set, but a la “what hit the arm”, but from 65% flat bones, 10% tubular and 25% spongy (with holes, so-called “sugar”). This set is not accidental, because different bones contain different amounts of nutrients, and so on. the broth will be the most saturated and delicious.

The finer the food sliced, the more nutrients that go into the broth when they are boiled, and the more delicious, wholesome and nutritious the broth becomes. The meat is usually cut into pieces weighing 1.5 - 2 kg, brisket - up to 3 kg. (as it is rather thin in itself). Grinding meat is not worth it, because during cooking, its appearance will deteriorate and it will then be difficult to beautifully cut the meat for serving. The only exceptions are dietary broths intended for the nutrition of sick and recovering. The meat for such broths is crushed to the state of mincemeat so that all valuable substances are transferred from meat to broth. At the end of cooking, such broths are filtered.

Bones before cooking are also better chopped into pieces. Then more of them will enter the pan, and the broth will turn out tastier.

The best and most useful broth is obtained by cooking in an open container. The use of pressure cookers and crock-pots is, of course, more convenient, but due to strong changes in proteins and fats when cooking under an airtight lid, the quality of such a broth decreases sharply.

Bones are cooked no more than 6 hours.

Meat - 2.5 - 3 hours (young meat does not need to be cooked as long as an adult; overcooked meat also does not decorate the taste and appearance of the broth). Moreover, the broth cooked on the meat of adult animals is much healthier and tastier than boiled on the meat of young animals.

Products intended for cooking broth are always poured with cold water

During cooking, the broth should not boil too much, because in this case, it will turn out muddy and will get an unpleasant aftertaste. The ideal option is medium heat and low boiling on only one side of the pan. The fat will collect at the opposite wall and will be easy to remove. Remove fat and foam periodically throughout the cooking time.

Everything said above about cooking meat, bone broths and poultry broths is also true for mushroom and fish broths.


The meat broth is cooked from meat and bones (together), as well as from poultry, tongue and other meat products, which are usually boiled for serving as a main dish.

The quality, usefulness and taste of the broth very much depend on how strictly the technology for its preparation is observed:

  1. Bones (better, as I already wrote. Beef) are washed in cold water, draining it at least 2-3 or even more times, then crushed (chopped into smaller pieces, revealing the inside of the bones). Then put in a pan and pour cold water (norms: 4.5 - 5 liters per kilogram of bones, or 1.25 liters per kilogram to obtain concentrated broth). The brisket on the bones is cut into 2-3 parts and laid in a pan along with the bones. The sternum muscle fibers are very dense and coarse and require long cooking. Well-cooked brisket meat is easily separated from the bones.
  2. It is better to try to heat the pan with food so that the water boils no earlier than after 30 minutes, and it is impossible to reduce the fire until the water boils.
  3. Most importantly, you should not miss the moment when the water boils. At this point, you need to remove the lid, allow the foam to collect on the surface, get stronger when it begins to boil slowly and remove it with a slotted spoon. So that the broth does not boil strongly, it is necessary to immediately reduce the fire. So you can maintain the transparency of the broth.
  4. During the whole cooking process, a certain mode of cooking the broth must be observed: it should boil not very much and it is better that the broth boils on only one side. Then the grease and foam will collect on the surface on the other hand and it will be easier to remove. A broth will be more transparent and without a greasy bitter taste. A transparent meat broth is always tastier and healthier than the same broth, but muddy. Remove fat during cooking, but still need to leave a little on the surface of the broth. So we will not let aromatic substances disappear from the broth and, therefore, maintain a rich taste.
  5. For 20-30 minutes before the end of cooking, in the broth you need to add the stalks and petioles tops of parsley, celery, young carrots (not all at once, but what is there, and in a small amount; it is convenient to bind the tops in bunches before adding, so that later you can easily and simply it was all from the broth to extract), peeling asparagus, leek or something similar that you can imagine. It is still good at this time to dip the whole unpeeled onion into the broth ... the onion will give off the aroma to the broth, and the onion peel will give a golden hue. At the same time, the broth needs to be salted.
  6. Cooking time for the broth should never exceed 4.5 - 6 hours (this depends on the age of the animal). If you cook the broth longer than the specified time, the taste and aroma of the broth are lost. The readiness of the meat is determined by piercing. When the meat is well cooked, it is very easy to pierce (for example, with a toothpick). The prepared meat is laid out on a dish and covered with a damp clean cloth so that it does not dry out while it waits its turn before serving.
  7. If the broth is not cooked from the breast, but from beef or other meat, then it is laid 2 hours after the start of cooking bones. So we avoid the digestion of meat and preserve its juiciness. For meat soups, they use broths of veal, lamb, pork, poultry, etc. A veal or pork head broth is boiled without adding bones or other meat, and the brain is also separate from the head. Fresh tongue and heart of cattle are cooked in broth in the same way as meat. Ready tongues are still warm peeled. To prepare the broth from beef tails, they are cut into pieces along the joints, washed in cold water and put in a pan. Pour cold water and cook the same way as meat. Finished tails can be stored not only under a damp cloth, but directly in the broth.
  8. All fat is completely removed from the finished broth, and the broth itself is filtered through a clean cloth.
  9. If you have cooked concentrated broth (1.25 liters of water per 1 kg of meat products and bones), then you will need to dilute it with boiled water to a volume of 3.5-4 liters before use. and boil. Then you can cook soup in such a broth.


In general, it is cooked in the same way as meat. Beef and lamb bones are cooked for 4.5 - 6 hours. Veal and pork - 2-3 hours. To make the broth transparent and more tasty, the bones are previously slightly browned in the oven.

By the way, the boiled bones can be boiled again in a small amount of water, and the weak broth obtained in this way can be used to make sauces.

The fat removed during the cooking of the broth is also optional to pour out, but you can collect it and use it for cooking other dishes (unless, of course, you like it). From 1 kg. bones can get up to 100 g of fat.

Poultry Broth

A poultry broth is prepared not only from the whole carcass, but also from offal (except for the liver), skin and bones. The bird is poured with cold water, brought to a boil, remove the foam and boil at a low boil. The main difference from cooking meat broth is that vegetables are laid already 20-30 minutes after the start of cooking (and not before it ends). Poultry broth is usually cooked no longer than 1-2 hours, it all depends on which bird the broth is cooked, how old and size it is. Salt the poultry broth at the same time as laying the vegetables. At the end, the broth is filtered, the bird is removed and stored separately from the broth until served.

Fish bouillon

Fish broths are cooked from heads, bones, fins, and skin. From the heads of bream, roach, carp, roach, a good broth does not work, because he is bitter.

Large heads and bones are cut into 2-4 parts and washed in cold water. Gills must be removed. If there are rusty spots on the head and bones of sturgeons, they should be scalded with boiling water and then washed with cold water again.

All put in a pan, pour cold water and cover. Before boiling, remove the lid, remove the foam, add onions, stems or roots of parsley, celery, salt and boil for about an hour. When cooking is complete, the broth is left to stand for half an hour, then the fat is removed and the broth is filtered through a clean cloth.

If fish soup is prepared, then the fish is placed in a pan, poured with hot fish broth and boiled. The broth from cooking fish is used to make soup, and the fish is removed and laid out on plates, pouring ready-made soup when serving.

If the soup is cooked from the heads of sturgeon, stellate stellate sturgeon and beluga (head) they are cut like this: chopped in half lengthwise, cartilage is separated from each half and cooked separately. The meat is cut into pieces of 100-125 g, scalded, washed and folded with a not too thick layer in a dish with low walls (stewpan). It is poured with water and boiled at a low boil for 1.5 - 2 hours (until the cartilage is soft). When the broth is ready, the pieces of golovizna carefully removed with a slotted spoon, remove the hard parts of the shell and keeping the pieces intact, put on a dish. The broth is used to make soup.

For cooking fish broths and soups sometimes use the heads and tails of salted fish - chum, pink salmon, salmon, salmon (if they are not covered with rust). Strong salted fish is pre-soaked in cold water, changing it several times over several hours. Such a broth is cooked similarly to a fresh fish broth. Just be careful with salt, first you need to try the broth, it can turn out to be quite salty.


If dried mushrooms are used to prepare mushroom broth, they are sorted, washed thoroughly from dirt and adhering particles, poured with cold water at the rate of 4.5-5 l per 400 g of dried mushrooms and left for 3-4 hours to swell. Boil in the same water without adding salt for 40-50 minutes. Ready broth is salted and filtered. Store until serving on a hot plate. Ready mushrooms are washed again to remove sand residue, cut as required in the recipe or as you like and added to the soup.

If the mushroom broth will be served as an independent dish, then when cooking it is added carrots, chicken and onions, cut lengthwise into 2-4 parts (for taste).

A broth of fresh mushrooms is cooked in exactly the same way, but you do not need to soak them, you can rinse and immediately boil them.


The soup was cooked in beef bone broth. My broth turned out to be very concentrated, so I diluted it with hot water and boiled it before cooking the soup.

Ingredients for Soup:

1 large onion

1 medium carrot

dried parsley and celery roots

5 medium potatoes

bunch of green onions

1 bay leaf

sunflower oil, salt and black pepper to taste


In the preparation of such a soup there is nothing complicated. Finely chopped onions and carrots chopped into strips are sautéed together with dried parsley and celery roots (sold in the department of spices in the store) in sunflower oil until half-cooked (what is sautéing and how it differs from frying next time). Then added to the slightly boiling broth. After 5 minutes, the broth is laid. When the potatoes are cooked about halfway, add homemade noodles to the pan. Immediately add salt, bay leaf and pepper. Boil until cooked noodles. Let stand for 5 minutes to cool slightly, pour on plates and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

A little bit about cooking homemade noodles:

For homemade noodles to work out, you need to roll out the dough very thinly first, the layer should be no thicker than one millimeter. Then this layer needs to be dried ... that is, it needs to be rolled out in advance, and by the time we need ready-made noodles, the dough will dry out. Only after that we roll up the dough sheet with a roll and cut into widths from 2 mm to 0.5 or even 1 cm. This is already, as you like, or as a recipe requires. It would be nice to dry the finished noodles a little more, before laying in the soup. Then it will not creep into the bitter unpleasant pieces in the broth, and the soup can very well be eaten the next day. Verified))

As the theater begins with a hanger, the cooking of tasty soup “starts” not at the stove, but in a store or market, at the time of purchase of meat for the broth. In this article I will tell you how to cook a delicious brothto preserve all the nutrients and prepare the first dishes and sauces that will delight the household. So, what do you need to prepare a delicious broth?

Cooking broth   - where to begin

To cook the broth, first you need to decide on the meat - the broth can be cooked from beef, pork, turkey, rabbit, chicken, it all depends on your culinary ideas.

The jelly substances that are contained in bones and connective tissue give the broth its rich taste and strength, so no doubt choose meat on the bone with a film and veins. The best meat for the broth is beef, pork or lamb brisket, shoulder or shank.

To cook the broth for the jellied housewife, parts with a high content of cartilage are often used - the head, ears or drumsticks. The bird or rabbit can be cooked whole or previously cut into pieces.

The most delicious broth is obtained from fresh meat, but for the first dishes you can also use frozen, having previously thawed it at room temperature.

The second component of the correct broth is water. Bottled or filtered water is suitable for its preparation, in a normal tap water there may be undesirable impurities that can ruin the dish.

How to cook meat and bone broth

Depending on the purpose and method of preparation, brown, strong and clarified meat broth is distinguished. Extractive substances, which are many in the bone and connective tissue, give the main aroma and taste to the dish. The meat for the broth in the process of cutting should not be freed from films, cartilage and tendons - these are the components that will ensure broth richness, aroma and unrivaled taste.

The next step - we take a capacious pan, fill in water and put on fire. The tips on which a rich broth could only be obtained when laying meat products in cold water are hopelessly outdated. With this method, most of the meat juice goes into the water and coagulates when boiling, forming an unappetizing foam, which we patiently remove. And if you put the meat in water heated to 60 ° C, most of the valuable substances will remain inside and go into the broth gradually, during cooking. And the foam will be less.

The meat in the broth is laid in a whole piece, on a three-liter pan of future soup or borscht you will need about a kilogram of meat products on the bone. Before preparing the meat and bone broth, do not be lazy for half an hour to fry the meat components in the oven until golden brown. This will help get rid of excess fat and give the dish an amazing flavor.

By the way, in our time it is better to cook the "secondary" broth. This is especially true for poultry, which is stuffed with various antibiotics. But in some cases, this also applies to the so-called red meat - beef or pork.

So, need to cook meat   as follows: pour meat with hot water (about 60 degrees), bring to a boil, boil for 1-2 minutes and drain the first broth, also remove the remaining foam from the pan. Pour the meat again with hot water and now cook the "secondary" broth until the meat is ready.

This will not affect the broth richness, but will help to remove harmful surface impurities.

How much to cook meat for broth

A strong broth from meat is obtained by the gradual transition into water of extractive substances contained in bone and connective tissue. The meat and bone broth is cooked from an hour to two, depending on the type of meat and the size of the piece. When using a piece weighing up to a kilogram with a small number of bones and tendons, the cooking time of the broth is 60-90 minutes. When boiling liquid from the surface of the broth, it is necessary to remove the foam, otherwise the broth will be cloudy.

To clarify the broth, you can use raw proteins - they are whipped with a little water and poured into a boiling broth. After coagulation of the egg mass, the liquid is filtered.

After boiling water and removing the foam, reduce the heat and cook the broth with a slight boil. The fat formed on the surface should also be periodically removed - it gives the broth a greasy flavor. Vegetables for soup can be stained on this fat. Salt the broth shortly before the end of cooking. Broth seasoning dishes improve the color and aroma - add unpeeled onions, whole carrots and celery or parsley root, peppercorns and bay leaves to the pan. An hour after the start of cooking, vegetables can be removed - they have already given up their color and aroma.

Rich meat broth   ready - what's next

Ready broth can be used immediately for cooking, making sauces or gravy. The cooled broth must be filtered, it can be stored in the refrigerator or frozen for future use, spilled in plastic containers. You can also use broths for making sauces. The sauces in the broth are very tasty - bechamel, tomato, sour cream.

The remaining broth can be used for stewing vegetables, cooking aspic, in dishes such as risotto or satsivi. Or you can just warm up the broth, season it with fresh herbs and serve it with a boiled egg and pies - homemade people will appreciate this dish as excellent!

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In cooking, there are several recipes for dishes, especially soups and aspic, where you need a clean, literally transparent broth.

What to do if the broth during the cooking process becomes cloudy? Is it possible to return it to a golden, amber color, so that it looks appetizing? There are many ways to help achieve the desired result. Some need to be used when cooking, others - when the soup cools down.

How to make broth transparent

Let's try to give detailed instructions with step-by-step recommendations. So how to make the broth transparent?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove it from the fire at the very moment, as soon as they noticed that the broth began to cloud. Let the soup cool.
  2. While the broth is cooling, prepare raw chicken protein. To do this, you need to carefully break the egg into two parts, transfer the yolk to another dish, and place the protein in a small bowl.
  3. Use a fork to beat the protein, as if you want to cook an omelet. Beat so that a foam forms.
  4. Now pour the protein into a cloudy, slightly chilled broth, and begin to stir it slightly.
  5. Next, put the pan on the fire again and wait until the broth boils, but do not stop stirring.
  6. As soon as the consomm boils, remove it from the fire and again leave it for five minutes, no more. Cool - again on the stove. And so we do this two or three times.
  7. When the broth last cools, catch large portions of the protein from the pan. A slotted spoon or a large spoon will help.
  8. After the actions done, pour all the contents into a clean pan, you can strain through a small sieve. It is advisable to line it with gauze, folded four to five times.

How to Make Chicken Broth Transparent

How to make chicken stock transparent? In order to achieve excellent results in preparing a decoction of chicken, you will need to rinse the meat in advance under running water, and then boil it over low heat. It turns out that the first broth will simply have to be poured. It will help to collect a birdhouse and other unnecessary garbage. After the carcass, rinse thoroughly again.

While the broth is on fire, try not to disturb it, but remove the foam that forms on the surface regularly.

In the finished product for beauty, you need to add grated carrots, small noodles, onions, they will help make the consom more saturated, tasty and aromatic.

Golden Chicken Broth Recipe

How to make chicken stock transparent and golden? In order to prepare a delicious decoction of chicken, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse it, boil it beforehand and wash it again.

Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in a frying pan to form a golden crust. It will help give the soup a wonderful shade.

And in order to make the broth even brighter, strain it through cheesecloth, folded at least twice.

Such a simple recipe. It is the chicken fillet that will give the broth tenderness and unique taste.

We make the broth transparent, especially if it has become cloudy

Let's share a couple of secrets that you need to adopt for those who are thinking about the question of how to make the broth transparent if it is cloudy?

  • The meat must be thrown a whole piece, so that it gives its juice gradually, and not immediately. It is imperative to peel the chicken, otherwise the soup will be too greasy. Never pour meat with too cold water, but you should not throw it in boiling water. The surface of the water will be covered with a film and the broth will not look attractive.
  • In the case of a muddy broth, you will have to use a dense cloth through which you need to filter the soup.
  • Immediately remove the resulting foam, otherwise it will spoil the appearance of the broth.
  • Cook food only over low heat, do not let the broth boil heavily.
  • Discard frozen meat.
  • In a muddy broth, you can throw a raw onion or potatoes cut into several parts.
  • Pork and beef need cooking from one hour to two, but the chicken is cooked for up to an hour.
  • A simple protein will help to make a turbid broth transparent.
  • Filter the broth through a fine strainer, then the consom will become more transparent and tasty.

Secrets of competent clarification

So, how to make the broth transparent and golden? There are some tips:

  1. Water temperature should not exceed 70 degrees.
  2. Cooking broth extract from protein, eggshell.
  3. The guy should be cold and introduced into the broth in parts, and not pour out immediately.
  4. It is desirable to put the shell in gauze, and it is also advisable to place raw minced meat there.
  5. The time for which the guy will lighten the broth is 10 minutes.
  6. We are preparing an additional dressing for the soup (carrots, onions, herbs), it will help to hide its turbidity and opacity.

Broth for delicious jellied meat

For such a delicate dish, the hostess will need only a transparent meat broth.

Kholodets is a dish traditionally prepared in Ancient Russia. This is a great appetizer for strong drinks, as well as an incredibly tasty and healthy product. The dish contains gelatin, which is formed due to natural ingredients and helps to strengthen bones and elasticize tendons.

If during cooking the broth has become dark, do not worry, it can still be lightened. To do this, transfer the broth to another pan in order to rid it of the precipitate formed, then strain and bring it to a boil again.

In a bowl, you can beat the onions with ice and put in gauze in a consom, and then let it cool. If necessary, drain the precipitate.

How to make chicken stock gold

How to make the broth transparent and golden? In order to give the rich broth amber color, you will have to try, but this is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.

It is advisable to fry carrots and onions in olive oil, turmeric will also help, it will help make the broth golden.

By the way, large carrots can be thrown into the whole soup, it will give a nice, orange color.

Remember that from home-grown hens, the consomme is always lighter, more rich, tastier and more transparent, and the color will be gently yellow, appetizing.

Now you know several ways to make the broth transparent. And finally: do not forget to decorate it with finely chopped greens. Bon Appetit!

A broth is a decoction that is obtained by stewing meat, mushrooms, vegetables or poultry on the water. The finished first course is consumed alone or in combination with croutons. The broth is indicated for use by people who have recently suffered a serious illness or complex operation. It restores strength faster and is easily absorbed. For this reason, the housewives are interested in how to cook a delicious transparent meat broth.

Classic meat broth

  • meat or poultry - 600 gr.
  • greens (any, fresh) - 30 gr.
  • provencal herbs - to your taste
  • carrots (chopped into pieces) - 1 pc.
  • onion (chopped into 4 parts) - 1 pc.
  • filtered water - 2 l.
  1. Wash the greens with vegetables and meat, dry. Meat for cooking the broth should not be cut, because during the cooking process it should give juices gradually. Only in this case you will receive a dish completely transparent. If the broth is prepared from poultry, remove skin in advance so that the potion does not turn out to be oily.
  2. After washed and dried meat, send it to the pan, add water according to the recipe (chilled). Put on the stove, wait for boiling. Your main task is to boil the meat broth, and not bring all the ingredients to readiness. Use only cold water so that the juice comes out of the meat during slow heating.
  3. If you send the main component to a hot liquid, the piece is covered with a “crust”, sealed. As a result, the broth will turn out to be of low nutritional value and without special taste. Cover the container and wait for the start of the drilling (medium fire).
  4. When this happens, reduce the power of the stove to a minimum and immediately remove the cover. Condensation must not enter the broth, so as not to spoil the taste and texture. After boiling, a foamy cap forms on the surface, remove it with a slotted spoon.
  5. Foam that adheres to the sides of the refractory tableware must be removed with a damp cloth. Otherwise, these "flakes" will be in the broth and spoil its appearance when served. A greasy film may also form on the surface, which must be discarded with a dry paper towel.
  6. Half an hour before the completion of cooking, add chopped carrots and onions, sprinkle with herbs. So the broth will come out fragrant. Add a little onion husk to make the broth golden.
  7. The duration of the preparation of the dish depends on the initial size of the meat piece, its rigidity and age category. As a rule, the broth is boiled for 1.5 hours (chicken), 2.5 hours (beef), 2 hours (veal), 2.5 hours (pork). The report comes from the moment of boiling.
  8. After the specified gap comes to an end, remove the broth from the stove. Build a filter from a colander and gauze, strain the first dish. Serve the broth garnished with chopped dill or parsley.

Beef and pork broth

  • beef tenderloin - 0.3 kg.
  • pork pulp - 0.3-0.4 kg.
  • favorite seasonings - to taste
  • purified water (drinking) - 2.8 l.
  • laurel - 4 pcs.
  • onions - 1 head
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  1. First rinse the meat under the tap, free from skins and fatty veins. Do not cut the beef and pork so that the pieces give the juice evenly as it warms up.
  2. Fold the main ingredients in a pan, fill with purified water and place on the stove. Cover, wait for the boiling to begin. When this happens, foam will begin to appear. Get rid of it, also catch fat from the surface.
  3. Send the peeled onion and carrot, chopping them in pieces. Add laurel and your favorite spices, note the time. After 5 minutes, turn down the heat to a minimum, wait 2.5-3 hours.
  4. When the broth is boiled, it is necessary to filter it using several layers of gauze and a colander. Serve a clear first course, garnished with greens.

Meat broth with eggs and herbs

  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • meat on the bone - 250 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • beef (pulp) - 1 kg.
  • parsley (roots) - 10 gr.
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  • fresh herbs - 30 gr.
  1. Rinse the meat and send it to cook. Remember to descale systematically. Boil the product for about one hour, after which put slices of beef. After 10 minutes, mix the necessary spices to taste.
  2. Continue simmering until cooked. Chop parsley and onion in parallel. Put the food on a greased baking sheet, and bake in the oven.
  3. Ready vegetables must be added to the broth 25 minutes before the end of full cooking. Serve the finished dish in portions with half a boiled egg. Do not forget to add fresh herbs.

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • meat - in fact
  • bay leaves - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  1. Wash the meat thoroughly with running water. Chop into pieces and send to the multi-bowl. Peel the vegetables and wash thoroughly. Chop carrots into thin circles. Send the vegetables to the meat, place the whole onion.
  2. Add bay leaves and spices to taste. Pour the required amount of filtered water to the maximum mark in the multi-bowl. Set the "Extinguishing" mode. Set the timer to 1.5 hours.
  3. Depending on the stiffness of the meat, the languishing time can be increased. After the program ends, strain the prepared broth from vegetables and spices. The result is a fairly rich broth.

Meat broth with vegetables

  • zucchini - 0.5 pcs.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lecho - 120 gr.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 4 prongs
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • greens - 25 gr.
  • meat broth - 1.5 l.
  1. Wash and peel the vegetables. Pour boiling water over the meaty tomato, get rid of the peel. Chop the onion in half rings. Chop the tomato and garlic into small pieces. Cut the remaining vegetables into strips.
  2. At the same time put the broth on the fire, wait for boiling. After the first bubbles appear, send the potatoes to the composition. After 3-5 minutes, add the remaining vegetables. Boil for a while, mix lecho, tomato and chopped greens.
  3. A few minutes before cooking, add the necessary spices and mix thoroughly. Boil foods until cooked. Turn off the stove, leave the broth to infuse for a third of an hour. After that you can serve.

Bone Broth

  • steamed rice - in fact
  • meat on the bone - 1 kg.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • animal fat - 40 gr.
  • swede - 75 gr.
  • allspice - to taste
  • parsley root - 20 gr.
  • dill - 15 gr.
  • bay leaves - 4 pcs.
  • parsley - 25 gr.
  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly, you will need it after cooking the meat. Wash all vegetables, chop with straws. Send the food to the pan, add the required amount of vegetable oil, pepper and laurel.
  2. Pass until golden brown. Simultaneously boil the broth from the meat on the bone. Then add the prepared vegetables and rice. Stir, simmer for a while over low heat. Add greens, wait for all products to cook.

It’s easy to cook a delicious meat broth. Take the amount of ingredients based on the volume that you want to receive at the exit. Feel free to add your favorite components. The broth from this will turn out to be more saturated.

Video: how to cook meat broth

Cooking the broth is a real art, it’s not enough just to put the meat in the pan and cook, you need to choose the right cuts that will make the broth play with the taste, necessary broth and aroma. It’s not easy to cook meat broth, but the article will help to comprehend science without any special difficulties.

Meat preparation

Cooking meat broth begins with the purchase and preparation of meat cuts:

- for chicken broths, wings, chicken paws (the same ones that are sold with claws), necks are suitable;

- for beef, you should pay attention to the tails, legs (without hooves), large bones with cartilage;

- for the pork fat, front or hind legs, tails, piglet "piglet" (it contains a lot of gelatin), ears are suitable.

After the purchase, the meat is thoroughly washed, cleaned of impurities, especially pork ears and tails, chopped to medium size so that the meat fits in a pan where the broth will be cooked. This is how fish and vegetable broths are prepared, only for fish one should take fish bones, heads, fins, and for vegetable - carrots, celery root, parsnip, onions.

Prepared for cooking meat, fish, vegetables are sent to the liquid for further cooking. Traditionally, the workpiece is placed in a container, filled with water so that it barely covers the products, then the broth will turn out saturated, thick and tasty. Water with vegetables or fish lowered there should be brought to a boil, then a ladle or a slotted spoon should remove the foam from the surface, then just boil for 25-30 minutes until fully cooked.

As for meat broths, it takes much more time to cook. It is important to extract more gelatin to enrich the liquid, so you need to cook it for several hours: chicken for at least 2 hours, beef and pork for 3-4 hours. Dissolution of gelatin in a liquid is necessary if the broth is boiled for the preparation of sauces, this ingredient will give the sauce the necessary consistency.

To make the broth clean and transparent, you should add and heat cold water gradually at the beginning of the process. With this approach, the proteins released from the meat slowly curl, settling on the bottom and walls of the pan, or rise to the surface, from where they can be easily removed with the back of the ladle.

Maximum taste

Evaporation of the broth is an important process in which foreign matter in the pan rises to the surface of the liquid in the form of foam, because of this, the finished broth can become cloudy, and in some cases even bitter. Therefore, the liquid should be boiled over low heat, then the pieces of meat will not disperse and it will be easy to collect them. To collect the exfoliated proteins, it is necessary to carry out manipulations, which in the culinary world are called the French word “depouillage”, that is, the removal of foam and foreign particles by a ladle with a slotted spoon, ladle.

When the broth is barely boiling, the curdled protein is grouped into one mass and rises to the surface “in a heap”, it is worth moving the pan from the heat and the foam will immediately move to the cold side, then it is easy to remove it with a slotted spoon and the broth will become clean, bright, almost transparent.

How long does it take to boil the liquid?

Cooking time depends on the further use of the product. Glaze broth or concentrated sauce extract should be evaporated longer than a regular soup broth. When the liquid evaporates, the taste becomes more concentrated, the consistency thickens and it is important to maintain balance. If the sauce is boiled to the desired taste, but not thick enough, there is no point in further evaporation, since it will become very salty, and the taste will be concentrated, which is not always good for demiglasy sauces.

How to cook the broth?

It is important not to cover the pan with a lid when cooking meat or fish broth, so that the liquid does not boil too much and the foam can be easily removed from the surface as it appears. A similar method of preparation is the most correct, but even tastier product will turn out if you use a well-known and even slightly old-fashioned pressure cooker for cooking. It may seem to some that the use of a pressure cooker is a rollback to the 70s, in fact, modern kitchen appliances have become more advanced and ideal for cooking broths.

A pressure cooker is a secret weapon for preparing excellent meat, vegetable or fish broth. With a tightly closed lid, odors do not evaporate, but remain inside the pan, cooking at high temperature enriches the aroma more, as it triggers the Maillard reaction, in which the aromas and taste notes of the products open and dissolve in water.

Higher cooking temperatures give huge advantages:

- the ingredients give off more taste;

- the high temperature inside the hermetically sealed pan starts the Maillard reaction, it is also called the browning reaction;

- more saturated, complex and rich aromas and tastes are created.

The result of cooking under high pressure is the deep taste of the broth, which cannot be achieved when cooking the broth in a conventional pan.

How to cook the right broth?

When the broth is ready, it must be filtered to remove particles of the starting products. The case is simple, but requires a reasonable approach. If you do not cook consommé (the broth for this meat dish should be filtered, not filtered), then pieces of the fragments should be caught with a slotted spoon, and the rest of the liquid should be passed through a colander. To improve the taste, before filtering, you should mash vegetables, spices, meat with a ladle, so that they give a taste to the liquid, add juiciness, after which the broth should be filtered again.

The second filtering is carried out through a fine sieve or through a colander with a clean towel lined at the bottom or gauze folded three times. Remember, wet gauze filters better than dry, so it should be moistened first. Double filtering through a large, then through a fine sieve may seem like an extra complication, but this is how a beautiful transparent broth is obtained without extra particles and inclusions.

Storage of the finished broth:

1. When the preparation of the broth is finished, you need to deal with its storage. The great thing about boiling broths is that if you take a large pot and cook the stock with stock, it can be frozen, as the finished product retains good taste and aroma when frozen. But if you are going to store fragrant billets in large volumes (1-2 liters), do not freeze it with one huge lump. This is not practical, then suddenly you need to separate 200 or 500 ml for the sauce. Take for freezing special ice-making cells or ordinary silicone baking tins and fill them with saturated liquid. Put in the freezer and store on demand.

2. It is ideal to boil the "excess" broth to a concentrated state, when it takes the form of a viscous and dense syrup texture, then pour it into silicone ice molds. In the future, ice pieces can be used instead of bouillon cubes, which are sold in the store in the form of pressed powder, only a decoction brewed at home will be much more useful.

How to achieve maximum taste?

In the preparation of brown meat broths, I would like to add the characteristic, complex flavoring shades caused by the Maillard reaction (high-temperature frying of the ingredients). This can be achieved by frying the meat and / or bones in a frying pan, grill, in the oven in a baking dish before cooking.

When roasted in a dry pan or when baked, the meat will have a rich taste that will enrich the broth. After roasting, you can use pieces that have stuck to the bottom of the mold or pan, to do this, deglaze the precipitate: pour in the liquid, heat, scrape with a spatula so that the liquid absorbs the caramelized nuances of the residues, their taste and aroma, then add the resulting mixture to the decoction, any other a dish or make a sauce based on it.

Deglazing allows enriching sauces, broths with complex shades of aromas and tastes. Most often, the pan is deglazed with alcohol (wine) or vinegar, but any liquid that goes with the dish is suitable. If the broth is intended for a saturated sauce prepared on the basis of port, red wine, then the pan should be deglazed with brandy, port, red wine. White wine is suitable for chicken stock, for vermouth fish or a couple of drops of feather. A small portion of lemon juice is suitable for deglazing a pan where poultry was fried, rum is good for caramelizing bananas.


Deglazing is an excellent chef technique that will help to prepare a wonderful sauce. As soon as you bake the chicken, leave it to “rest”, the remaining meat juices should be deglazed over high heat, adding grain mustard and water to the container. After frying the fish, it is best to “process” the pan with lemon juice, add butter there, warm up a little and pour the finished fish with this sauce, it will turn out to be unforgettably delicious.

The last way to help emphasize and improve the taste of fish or meat broth is to fry the finely chopped onion and a couple of anise stars in butter. You can experiment by changing the amount of anise and onion, add vegetable oil instead of butter, but the result will always be unchanged. It will be delicious!

The effect of frying onions with anise is incredible! The ingredients, when combined, create notes of cinnamon, cloves, thyme, black pepper, chili, very suitable for a meat dish or onion soup. They simply enrich the meaty taste of meat broth. In order for the method to “play” with shades, add the fried components to the liquid. Then, bring the whole mixture to a concentrated state. Then the components that make up the broth will begin to interact with each other, creating new shades of aroma and taste. Now you know how to cook the broth correctly so that it turns out delicious! Enjoy your cooking and successful experiments in the kitchen, friends!

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