How to grow kombucha at home from scratch. Unique properties of medusomycetes

In the late 80s, kombucha lived in almost every home. Simultaneously jellyfish-like and multi-layered pancake pie, he ate scarce tea and sugar, gained weight and was considered a panacea for most diseases. Kombucha infusion - wonderful drink, giving strength, quenching thirst and allowing you to tone the body for the whole day. They willingly distributed it to relatives, friends and complete strangers, carefully separating the top layer.

Today, the forgotten kombucha is becoming extremely popular again. However, it is not easy to get: it is sold on various Internet forums, sent from other countries across the ocean, and they are very sad when the mushroom dies.

But it’s quite possible to grow kombucha at home yourself “out of nothing.” However, you need to be patient because the process of growing kombucha is long.

tea mushroom(another name for Japanese mushroom, sea ​​mushroom) comprises different types yeast fungi and bacteria of acetic acid fermentation. It is the symbiosis of these cultures that allows kombucha to process sweetened tea into a healthy and tasty drink.

There are several recipes for growing your own kombucha.

Recipe No. 1

Brew fresh strong tea, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and leave for three days in a warm place. A thin oily film will begin to form on the surface. This is the germ of the kombucha. After a month and a half, when the membrane has become stronger, it must be transferred to a new jar and filled with cooled, weak, sweetened tea at the rate of 5 teaspoons of sugar per 2 liters of tea. Water for tea must be boiled, because raw water contains a lot of potassium salts, which can destroy the mushroom. Do not seal the jar with the mushroom, but simply cover it with a napkin. Keep away from windows as cold and direct sunlight will stunt the development of kombucha. The mushroom will grow, acquiring its familiar dense consistency and shape. According to some recommendations, a young embryo should be placed in a weak solution for several minutes apple cider vinegar. And after that he can be sent to a permanent place of residence. As a rule, kombucha lives in a fairly spacious container (for example, a three-liter jar) with a wide neck, filled with sweetened tea; the neck of the jar is always covered with gauze.

Recipe No. 2

Another way to get kombucha is to use Apple juice. To do this, you need to leave the apple juice at the bottom of the container for 1.5–2 months. The resulting substance on the surface of the juice should be placed in a nutrient medium of slightly sweetened tea leaves until the subsequent formation of kombucha. The neck of the jar must be covered with two layers of gauze.

Recipe No. 3

According to another recipe, kombucha can be grown from kvass homemade. To do this, pour freshly prepared homemade kvass without filtering and place in a warm place. Do not close the lid, as free air access must be ensured. Within a few days, a thin film forms on the surface. The young mushroom will grow and try to occupy the entire surface of the liquid, thereby blocking the access of air to the solution in which it grows. Due to this, the fermentation process may slow down. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully bend the edges of the mushroom, letting air inside. After a few days, the embryo will turn a little white and become more visible against the background of the drink. Now you can transplant the young kombucha to a permanent place in a jar of sweetened tea.

Recipe No. 4

Pour 100 g of live unpasteurized beer into a jar, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and pour in 2 teaspoons of sour wine. Mix and place in a warm and preferably dark place. After a few days, the surface of the mixture will be covered with a thin film - the embryo of the future fungus. It should be carefully removed and transferred to a jar with a pre-prepared solution of tea and sugar.

Recipe No. 5

Tea mushroom can be obtained by making homemade apple cider vinegar. Take apples, without wormholes or rot, and grate them together with the core. coarse grater. Place in a glass bowl and pour in warm boiled water at the rate of 1.5 liters of water for every 400 g of grated apples. Add 10 g of yeast and 100 g of honey for each liter of water. Yeast can be replaced with a piece of dry bread, and sugar can be used instead of honey. Store the container with the mixture open in a dark place at room temperature for 10 days. The contents must be carefully mixed with a wooden spoon 2-3 times a day. Then transfer the mixture into a gauze bag and strain. Pour the liquid into a new glass container, cover with gauze and leave so to continue the fermentation process. Apple cider vinegar matures within 40–60 days. By this time, the liquid calms down and becomes transparent. And on the surface a so-called vinegar queen is formed - a dense jellyfish, which is nothing more than a young kombucha. Next, it needs to be placed in a pre-prepared nutrient medium of sweet tea and infused.

Kombucha (medusomycete), popular in the times of our mothers and grandmothers, was undeservedly forgotten, but only for a while. Now he is regaining his position. Appreciated in Europe and the USA pleasant taste And beneficial features this drink. There it is produced industrially and sold in departments healthy eating. It's time for us to remember this healing substrate. Medusomycete can be ordered online, but it is better to produce it yourself. Learn how to grow kombucha from scratch.

Exist different variants obtaining a medusomycete. No difficulties: following step-by-step instructions, you can easily grow this miracle kombucha at home.

On tea leaves

How to make kombucha with large leaf black or green tea? The classic recipe looks like this:

  1. Place 5 tbsp in a large teapot. l. tea leaves and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  2. Add 7 tbsp to the infused tea. l. Sahara;
  3. Through a strainer, pour the liquid from the teapot into a clean liter jar;
  4. Wrap the neck of the jar with gauze and place the container in a warm, dark place.

After 1.5-2 weeks, a slight vinegar smell will appear. This indicates that fermentation processes are taking place. Soon a thin mucous film will begin to form on the surface, and the smell of vinegar will disappear. After 1.5 months, the film will acquire a dense consistency. This is young kombucha. It is necessary to carefully transfer it into a 3-liter jar, previously filled with cooled sweetened tea of ​​weak strength. Here the medusomycete will continue to grow, and you will get a tasty drink.

Kombucha containers must be clean. If there are microbes on the walls of the vessel, the medusomycete will simply die. Not recommended for use when washing chemicals. It is better to use soda and then rinse the bottle thoroughly under running water.

Place the jar of kombucha in a warm place, avoiding exposure to sunlight. The container is covered with gauze.

On the rosehip

Rosehip infusion is rich in vitamins and is good for health. But it is contraindicated for those who have kidney stones. This should be taken into account when choosing rose hips as a base. The cultivation of the mushroom is carried out as follows:

  1. Pour 4 tbsp into a thermos. l. mashed rose hips and pour boiling water (0.5 l);
  2. The contents are infused in a thermos for 4 days;
  3. Strain the infusion and pour it into a 3 liter jar;
  4. Add a glass of tea, having previously dissolved 5 tbsp in it. l. Sahara;
  5. Cover the jar with gauze and leave it in a dark place.

After 1.5 months, a young mushroom will appear on the surface.

On apple cider vinegar

Preparing a medusomycete drink with apple cider vinegar has its own characteristics. The process takes longer. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. A bottle of apple cider vinegar is left in a warm, dark place for 2-2.5 months, waiting for sediment to form;
  2. When sediment appears, the contents of the bottle are poured into cooled sweetened tea;
  3. The mixture is kept for some time until a thin film appears and then a full-fledged mushroom forms.

It is very important to use quality apple cider vinegar. Product with various additives and preservatives are not suitable for cultivation.

Now the young medusomycete can be transplanted to a permanent place of residence - in a jar of weakly brewed tea.

With homemade kvass

Many people prepare a refreshing drink in the summer - kvass. It can be used to form kombucha. How to do it?

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of freshly prepared unfiltered kvass into a liter jar;
  2. Place the container in a warm, dark place;
  3. Wait for the film to appear and let the mushroom grow.

If the medusomycete grows so much that it blocks the access of air to the liquid, its edges should be carefully folded.

When the mushroom germ turns white against the background of the drink, it can be transported to a jar of tea.

On beer and wine

It is worth trying an interesting but rarely used method of forming a tea jellyfish, following the rules:

  1. Combine 100 g of live unpasteurized beer, 2 tsp. sour wine and 1 tsp. Sahara;
  2. Place the container in a warm, dark place for several days until a thin film appears;
  3. Carefully remove the kombucha germ and place it in a bottle of sweet tea for further development.

Growing kombucha is only part of the story. It is important to preserve it. Medusomycetes need to be properly cared for. This product really likes cleanliness. Tea for it is prepared only with purified water, and the mushroom itself must be bathed once a month. There are other rules for caring for medusomycetes. You can get acquainted with them in the article “Kombucha how to care for and use.”

Kombucha propagation

  1. You make tea. For 1 liter of boiling water, 2 tsp is enough. green or black tea;
  2. Dissolve 40-50 g of sugar;
  3. Cool the tea until room temperature and pour it into a clean jar;
  4. Place a piece of mushroom in this container;
  5. Cover the neck with gauze and place the vessel in a warm, dark place.

In a week, the drink will be ready for consumption, and the medusomycete, having been saturated with sweet tea water, will noticeably increase in size. To your joy and health!

In the summer heat, everyone wants to drink something refreshing. A lot has already been said about the dangers of soda and drinks from the store, we won’t repeat it. But we want what we drink to be beneficial for the body. There is nothing simpler: get a very interesting fungus at home. It will process sugar and tea leaves, and the output will be a healthy and tasty drink that can stand in the refrigerator for quite a long time without losing its properties. original properties. Today we are interested in where to buy kombucha, how to care for it and what happens as a result.

From friends, in the newspaper, on the Internet

Ask around at work and with friends. Surely someone knows where to buy kombucha, and perhaps they will just share it with you. It reproduces very willingly, so separating a small part for breeding does not present any problems. But it also happens that the search is not successful. Then we move on to plan B.

Open the newspaper for free advertisements and start searching in the headings “Miscellaneous”, “Living Corner”, “Health Products”. Usually, within a few minutes, you already have dozens of places to buy kombucha. All that remains is to go and bring yourself one copy.

Internet sites are another way to find sellers. Open any popular city website and you will probably find where to buy kombucha. Its price is usually purely symbolic, from 50 to 200 rubles. Do not forget that this creation will require quite a large amount of tea leaves and granulated sugar.

What is

Before you grow kombucha in a jar, you need to understand why you need it. To do this, we advise you to collect information. A tasty drink that quenches thirst well - this is just superficial information. Below we will look at how it affects the body. So, the mushroom is a thick cake, inflated with gas, which floats near the surface. Its upper part is dense and shiny, while the lower part is looser and shaggy. If it is not divided, it will gradually become thicker, occupying the entire space of the nutrient medium.

Health Factory

The cultivation of kombucha was first practiced in Ceylon, which was to be expected. gave the world this unique fungus. In its lower part (loose, from which numerous threads hang) a kind of biochemical factory operates. Numerous colonies of fungi and bacteria live here, the analogues of which are difficult to find. They convert sugar tea solution into the complex "microelements - amino acids".

It is thanks to the interaction of these two types of microorganisms that we get delicious drink. It is perfectly refreshing in the summer heat. Therefore, with the onset of a hot period, you can put several cans at once, the drink will not be superfluous.

Benefits for the body

Usually, after studying this information, a person begins to actively look for where to buy kombucha in Moscow or another city. Specialized health stores often offer to purchase this amazing product. It is noteworthy that he will live with you for as many years as you want. Also supply all your friends.

The benefits for the body are due to the presence large quantity biologically active substances. This guarantees beneficial effect on the body. Moreover, research on the fungus continues to this day, but traditional medicine has been widely using it for a long time. Research has found the presence of valuable microelements such as calcium, iodine and zinc. In addition, the fungus contains bacteria that can kill or slow down the development of pathogens. That is, it is also a natural antibiotic, safe and natural.

How is kombucha used? Reviews

The beneficial properties and contraindications for the use of this remedy have been studied very well today. ethnoscience widely uses its medicinal potential. It is used for diseases gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, to relieve headaches. In addition, many note in their reviews that regular use allows you to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Before use, be sure to study all the beneficial properties and contraindications. Reviews of kombucha are often characterized as a panacea for all diseases. Of course this is not true. But in some cases, even official medicine agrees with its use. Its infusions help well with chronic runny nose, sore throat and tonsillitis. Some people note from their own experience that even with dysentery, this drink can help better than pharmaceutical drugs.


Who should avoid this drink? Still not revealed negative impact of this drink on the human body. Its use as an external agent, for wiping and lotions, is absolutely safe. The drink can be consumed not only by adults, but also by children. However, it is not advisable to use it for people with high acidity or stomach ulcers. The list of contraindications also includes gout and diabetes, individual intolerance to components.

In general, the drink is not dangerous to the human body. However, those who drive a car should avoid it. It contains alcohol, albeit in small quantities. And one moment. Doctors recommend taking it as a general tonic, and not as a medicine. If you have any pain, contact a specialist and do not self-medicate.

How to grow mushroom at home

If you couldn’t buy it, you can try to grow it yourself. Let's tell you, a mushroom from scratch. To do this, you only need water and tea leaves and apple cider vinegar or rosehip decoction. So, the cooking technology. Everything is very simple, tea is poured into a three-liter jar. It should be just like drinking, not too strong or weak. You need about half a liter of tea. Now add 50 g of sugar, tie the neck with gauze and leave it like that. You need to choose a place that is not darkened, but also without direct sunlight.

Watching the result

After about two weeks, a film will begin to form on the surface. Be patient: it may take several months for a large mushroom to grow. But nothing is required of you, just observe. If you can take an infusion of an adult mushroom from someone, then things will go much faster. Add it to the jar and watch the result. Another way to speed up the process is to add apple cider vinegar to the water, about 1/10 of the total volume. When the film is already clearly visible and dense, the mushroom is ready; now it will grow much faster and produce healthy drink.

Preparing the drink

When the mushroom becomes large enough, you can start making the drink for your own purposes. A three-liter jar will require approximately 6 tablespoons of sugar. Pour the tea leaves so that the color is tea-like and pleasant. The rate of ripening of the drink depends on the temperature of the water, lighting and the amount of sugar. You will have to navigate according to your taste. It is usually drained after 2-3 days.

If the infusion turns out to be very sharp and sour, it stings the tongue, it means that the mushroom has stopped growing. This usually happens in winter, when you don’t really feel like drinking. And in the summer you will refill the jar regularly, or even decide to add another one.

Gradually you will determine for yourself optimal quantity sugar and time for the drink to mature. The finished infusion is poured into a clean jar and placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Now the whole family can drink it.

Kombucha (originally “Japanese”, as it was brought to Russia during Russian-Japanese war) was to the taste of the Russian people. Maybe due to the fact that the drink is highly unusual taste- strong kvass, more like beer, combined with apple syrup. Preparing it does not require any special skills; anyone can make an infusion at home. Kombucha (another eastern name mushroom) is prepared from tea leaves with the addition of yeast and sugar. But this classic recipe, variations with rose hips, kvass, beer and even apple juice are also possible.

How to get kombucha, making it at home from scratch

To have a carbonated drink at home every day, you need to grow your own mushroom. It's very simple, all you need is tea leaves, sugar and a large jar (3 liters would be enough). It will grow for about 1.5–2 months.

Growing scheme:

Disinfect the jar by pouring boiling water over it. This will help kill germs and ensure that mold does not appear;
You will also need strong tea, brewed in another clean container (dry tea leaves 2 or 3 tablespoons per liter of boiling water). Leave for at least 20 minutes, only then will it receive the necessary strength for our mushroom;
Pour the tea into a three-liter jar, straining it in advance. Mix with 4 tablespoons of sugar, stir until sugar dissolves. The tea solution will be rich and sweet;
Take the gauze, fold it in four and tie the neck. This way we will not allow dust to penetrate, but there will still be enough air for fermentation processes;
Now the “difficult” part: hide the jar for 1.5-2 months and don’t touch it. If everything was done correctly, you will see a 1-2 mm film on the surface, which will be the early stage of the fungus. You raised this miracle!
You again need to prepare tea leaves and transplant the mushroom germ into it. After a week, repeat this action again.
After some more time, you will end up with something similar to a jellyfish. You need to remove it from the jar, rinse thoroughly under water, after which the mushroom can be used in making drinks.

The recipe for the drink itself is simple. Once you have washed the mushroom, you need to put it in a jar of sweet tea. Now you will have to wait much less (literally 5-10 days - and the drink is ready). The mushroom will give all its beneficial bacteria And sweet tea will find a completely different bright taste. We recommend drinking kombucha chilled.


It is forbidden to place a jar of mushroom in the sun, but the temperature in the room itself must be at least 25°, only then will your mushroom grow.

If you add a small amount of apple cider vinegar (1/10 of the total volume) to the finished drink, then it will be easier to grow the mushroom from scratch. This will take less time.

How to grow kombucha from a piece?

Growing Kombucha at home 2 months - long term. Few people want to wait that long, so you can ask for a piece of mushroom from relatives or friends. Maybe someone will share with you. It is capable of growing quite quickly, so a piece will soon turn into a large, whole and living mushroom.

The main thing to remember is that you cannot cut a piece; let them separate it for you with your hands. It's layered like an onion, so your friends won't have any problems coming off.

The great thing is that such a piece does not need to be grown for further drinking, it can be used immediately, and it will grow and develop itself in the process. If the provided layer is very small, then we advise you not to create kombucha in a three-liter jar; then it would be more appropriate to start with a two-liter jar.

What to do if you get a piece:

First of all, be sure to wash it, you must not allow dust or dirt to penetrate, as our friend from Japan will get moldy;
The tea you need is not very strong, strain it, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
Now you need to wait until the tea leaves cool down. When warm, pour it into a pre-prepared jar, carefully placing your layer of mushroom on top. Don't forget to tie the neck with gauze;
Now you need to hide the jar in a warm place, but as with the option of growing from scratch, you must not allow it to be exposed to sunlight;
The drink takes 5-10 days to brew. Some people start using it after 3 days; the taste in this case will be milder. You can drink a little on day 3, and then on day 10, to see what you like more. During this time, your little layer will grow a little;
You can pour the entire drink into another jar when it is ready, then immediately pour cool sweet tea over the mushroom. This way you will provide yourself with a new portion in advance.


If your mushroom is still very small, it is difficult for it to get used to new conditions every time you drain the liquid. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to leave a little of the drink, and then add a new sweet brew to it.

Kombucha care

Always keep kombucha in a glass container, as various metals can negatively affect it when oxidized. The only exception may be a polyethylene container; it is made of organic compounds of synthetic materials;

We recommend placing the jar in a dark place. It would be great if you find a similar place somewhere in the kitchen away from other food smells. Please note that you cannot place the mushroom near a window, because cold or direct sunlight can slow down its development;

Room temperature is ideal for it to thrive. If the temperature in the house does not fall below 17 °C and does not rise above 25 °C, then growth will occur very quickly;

The gauze cannot be removed from the neck even after the mushroom has given its juice. If you replace the cheesecloth with a lid, the brew will stop fermenting and you will no longer be able to make kombucha drink. In addition, gauze protects the drink from dust and insects, which often fly towards its pleasant aroma;

You can’t put a mushroom in a jar with undissolved sugar, and it’s also forbidden to add sweetness. All this will lead to burns on the fungus and the appearance of large brown spots;
The tea must be moderately strong for the mushroom to grow successfully. Otherwise, the process will slow down;

awssssssssssssss of tea leaves cannot be left in a jar of juice, they will slowly begin to deteriorate his health. If your jellyfish is covered in wounds, it may be because of the tea leaves;

Wash your kombucha. Firstly, it is hygienic, and secondly, constant care will prolong its life. You can use tap water, but it is better to buy spring water and rinse with it. In summer you need to clean it a couple of times a week; in winter, once on the weekend is enough;

It is forbidden to put mushrooms in very hot tea;

You can track its health by color. If your pet is covered with a brown color on top, then rinse it with water, and separate the part in which it has changed and throw it away. This often happens when it sits in its own solution.


Kombucha can make you happy all year round, and all you need is to grow your own little mushroom, which not only tastes good and perfectly quenches thirst, but is also a very valuable health infusion. Its health benefits have been scientifically proven, so this is a rare case when something tasty can also be healthy.

This wonderful drink with a unique sweet and sour taste- like greetings from childhood. Without even thinking about its usefulness, they simply drank it to quench their thirst, and it was much tastier than modern carbonated drinks. Kombucha, of course, deserves to be remembered today and have his legal rights restored again. As soon as this microorganism is not called “tea kvass” or “tea jellyfish”... But the correct name, accepted in all countries, is “kombucha”, which means nothing more than “kombucha”.

What is Kombucha? This is a thick film consisting of layers. It tends to float on a “cushion” of sweet tea. Essentially, it is a conglomerate of yeast-like fungi and bacteria.

What are the benefits of kombucha?
If you consider that the Chinese were the first to use it in ancient times, then there is no doubt about its exceptional benefits. And they wouldn’t call it a “medusomycete,” that is, an elixir of health and immortality. It is amazing that in China this microorganism was known and widely used already 250 years BC!

Medusomycete affects sweet tea in such a way that it becomes a sweet and sour tea kvass, somewhat reminiscent of a slightly carbonated drink. And the process is very simple: sugar is fermented under the influence of yeast, and bacteria help the alcohol oxidize into acetic acid. The result is an extremely healthy drink. How can he help? to the human body? The list will be long: kombucha is capable of:

  1. Normalize stomach acidity;
  2. Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. Restore intestinal microflora;
  4. Help cure dysentery and kidney stones;
  5. Fight constipation;
  6. Relieve headaches of neurological origin;
  7. Normalize arterial pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood;
  8. Eliminate insomnia;
  9. Relieve hangover syndrome;
  10. Heal and rejuvenate the human body.
Is it possible to grow kombucha at home?
Several decades ago, kombucha was present in literally every home. Three-liter jars filled with this drink and covered with gauze always stood on kitchen tables or window sills. And most often people passed each other a plate of this mushroom with a small amount liquids. The kombucha quickly began to develop new layers, and soon the owners were enjoying a delicious drink.

But these days, finding those who know how to grow kombucha at home is quite difficult. Although this can be done literally from scratch. Follow the recommendations - and you will succeed. You just have to comply simple rules and carefully care for the mushroom so that mold does not form in the jar. And you can grow kombucha using either rose hips or sweet tea.

Rose hip kombucha
Treat the thermos with boiling water. Pour washed rose hips into it at the rate of 10 pieces per 0.5 liter of water. Fill in boiling water, tightly close the thermos with a lid and, having patience, do not open it for two months. But when you remove the lid of the thermos, you will see real kombucha, plump, but transparent and not yet dense enough. While it is not quite ready to produce tasty and healing drink.

Rinse the mushroom with boiled cool water, transfer to a three-liter jar and fill with cooled sweet tea. The concentration is as follows: for one liter of water you will need 2 teaspoons of tea leaves, and add sugar to taste. Next, cover the neck of the jar with gauze. The mushroom should be stored in a warm place. If it happens in the summer, then in three days the drink will be ready. If in winter, then in a week.

Sweet tea mushroom
For the second method, you will immediately need to treat it with boiling water. three liter jar. You need to pour strong sweet tea into it - about 0.5 liters. Next, cover the neck with gauze and place the jar in a warm place for two months. Then everything happens in the same way as in the previous recipe.
These are the simplest ways to grow kombucha.

Kombucha care
You managed to independently obtain a source of healing drink. However, that's not all. Remember that you have raised a living organism that will only serve you with good care. The mushroom should always float on the surface. Only in this state will it be useful to you. If it starts to sink, something is wrong with it, most likely you welded it incorrectly.

Usually this tea goes away very quickly, so you need to constantly replenish the liquid supply, this is a prerequisite for the development and growth of the fungus. If there is any spent tea left after the feasts, strain it and pour it into a jar with mushroom. At the same time, make sure that no tea leaves fall there. Add sugar according to your own taste.

But this is not all care. In order for the mushroom to grow well and be healthy, it needs to be washed every three weeks in a warm boiled water. Strain the remaining infusion in the jar, process the jar well, pour in the strained tea solution and dip the washed mushroom into it. The infusion should always be transparent. If you do not do this procedure, all your work will be lost: the mushroom will begin to deteriorate and separate, and the infusion will become unusable.

Storing Kombucha
It is better if it is constantly in a dark place, at an air temperature of no more than +25 degrees. The fact is that direct sunlight and low temperature can destroy the mushroom. Already at +17 it will stop developing and become covered with dark algae. You will have fewer problems if you use two jars at the same time: in one there will always be a mushroom, and in the other you will pour the finished drink: once every three days in the summer and every five days in the winter. It is advisable to store this liquid in the refrigerator. If you do not change the solution, a film will form on it - a harbinger of kombucha disease.

Make sure that the thickness of the mushroom is no more than four centimeters. Carefully pinch off the excess top layers and place them in other jars. It will be a good gift friends and relatives. And the strongest and most productive are the lower layers. Kombucha infusion can be enriched and medicinal herbs– leaves of nettle, blackberry, plantain, strawberry, birch. And prepare the brew not from black, but from green tea.

For the drink to be beneficial, its age should not exceed one month. Next it will be vinegar, harmful to the body. But even in this form it can be used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. A drink that has been standing for a week is refreshing and even slightly alcohol effect. In this state, half of the liquid should be drained, refrigerated and consumed gradually. And fill the jar with strained tea solution. In a few days, a new portion of tea kvass will be ready. You pour half again and replenish with fresh solution. And so on all the time.

For whom is kombucha drink contraindicated?

  1. Patients with diabetes.
  2. Those suffering from fungal diseases can only drink well-fermented tea kvass.
  3. At increased acidity stomach, drink the drink in limited quantities.
  4. It is advisable for drivers to consume only fresh infusion of kombucha.
  5. It is not recommended to drink tea kvass during or after meals. It is better to do this on an empty stomach or before bed.
Those who are not contraindicated can drink kombucha, but only with mandatory breaks to prevent stomach irritation.