How to heat pancakes in a pan. How to freeze stuffed pancakes

Many of us love delicious home-made pancakes cooked with love! Ever since the formation of Russia, this beautiful Slavic dish has always been present in the diet of our people. However, today's frantic pace of life deprives a person of free time, including the preparation of his favorite dishes. Semi-finished products are flooding the market more and more, among which, however, one can find quite decent and tasty products, such as frozen pancakes.

Thanks to a special technique of freezing, pancakes retain all their useful and valuable nutritional properties. And one of the main advantages of the semi-finished product is its rather long shelf life. However, not everyone knows how to cook and heat pancakes correctly, which is best used for defrosting: a microwave, oven or slow cooker, and some other nuances of cooking. About all this - read below in this article.
  To date, the following types of frozen pancakes exist:

  • With meat
  • With berries or fruits
  • With cottage cheese
  • With mushrooms
  • With vegetables
  • With condensed milk

How to heat frozen pancakes

  1. One simple way to make pancakes is as follows:
  2. When you take out the semi-finished product from the refrigerator, make sure that they are not very cold. If this happens, just put the pancakes on a plate in the microwave and set the defrost mode.
  3. After lightly fry the pancakes in a pan pre-oiled with vegetable or butter, and you can serve the dish on the table. On average, frying pancakes in a pan occurs as follows: fry 5 minutes on low heat on one side and the same amount of time on the other. And then add a couple of tablespoons of water, cover the pan with a lid, turn down the heat to a minimum and fry for 5 minutes too.

Frozen pancakes in the microwave

We offer you a proven method of heating and cooking in the microwave:
  To cook the stuffed pancakes in a microwave oven, you need to put them in the form of a star of 5-6 pieces on a wide plate and put in the microwave for 5-5.5 minutes. The laid out rolls in this way will warm up much better and more evenly.

Frozen pancakes - in a slow cooker

For cooking pancakes, you can use any multicooker. Fry in it for about 6-8 minutes on each side. Baking mode, the lid must be removed during frying.

According to numerous reviews on the Web, the best recipe for frying frozen pancakes is to cook them in a pan with butter or vegetable oil, while you can unfreeze processed foods in the microwave.

Many of us love delicious home-made pancakes cooked with love! Ever since the formation of Russia, this beautiful Slavic dish has always been present in the diet of our people. However, today's frantic pace of life deprives a person of free time, including the preparation of his favorite dishes. Semi-finished products are flooding the market more and more, among which, however, one can find quite decent and tasty products, such as frozen pancakes.

Thanks to a special technique of freezing, pancakes retain all their useful and valuable nutritional properties. And one of the main advantages of the semi-finished product is its rather long shelf life. However, not everyone knows how to cook and heat pancakes correctly, which is best used for defrosting: a microwave, oven or slow cooker, and some other nuances of cooking. About all this - read below in this article.
  To date, the following types of frozen pancakes exist:

  • With meat
  • With berries or fruits
  • With cottage cheese
  • With mushrooms
  • With vegetables
  • With condensed milk

How to heat frozen pancakes

  1. One simple way to make pancakes is as follows:
  2. When you take out the semi-finished product from the refrigerator, make sure that they are not very cold. If this happens, just put the pancakes on a plate in the microwave and set the defrost mode.
  3. After lightly fry the pancakes in a pan pre-oiled with vegetable or butter, and you can serve the dish on the table. On average, frying pancakes in a pan occurs as follows: fry 5 minutes on low heat on one side and the same amount of time on the other. And then add a couple of tablespoons of water, cover the pan with a lid, turn down the heat to a minimum and fry for 5 minutes too.

Frozen pancakes in the microwave

We offer you a proven method of heating and cooking in the microwave:
  To cook the stuffed pancakes in a microwave oven, you need to put them in the form of a star of 5-6 pieces on a wide plate and put in the microwave for 5-5.5 minutes. The laid out rolls in this way will warm up much better and more evenly.

Frozen pancakes - in a slow cooker

For cooking pancakes, you can use any multicooker. Fry in it for about 6-8 minutes on each side. Baking mode, the lid must be removed during frying.

According to numerous reviews on the Web, the best recipe for frying frozen pancakes is to cook them in a pan with butter or vegetable oil, while you can unfreeze processed foods in the microwave.

Natalya: | July 23rd, 2017 | 8:58 pm

Please tell me how long can you keep such pancakes? Week, month? And do expiration dates differ depending on the filling, for example, less meat is stored with meat? thank
Answer:  Natalia, the shelf life of pancakes is 4 months. If these are stuffed pancakes, then the shelf life will depend on the type of filling. If it is pancakes with minced meat, then the shelf life is 2 months, if with cottage cheese - 4 months, if with berries - 4 months, etc.

Anna: | February 24th, 2017 | 9:07 pm

Great idea. Cheap and cheerful. And the oven is not necessary once again. I’ve been doing it for half a year already, I read it on your site. I am hoarding 3 things. Thanks for the tips)
Answer:  Anna, thanks for the comment! Have a nice and healthy freeze!

Irina: | February 24th, 2017 | 5:58 pm

Thank you for the article!!! Finally, I’ll make up my mind to such a freeze)))) such semi-finished products and the child is not afraid to give - you know exactly what is inside))))
Answer:  Irina, thanks for the comment! Useful freezing and delicious pancakes!

Julia: | January 19th, 2017 | 2:47 pm

is it possible to freeze pancakes, those that are on soda and kefir or on yogurt
Answer:  Julia, pancakes can be frozen - and on kefir, and yogurt.

Hope: | February 22nd, 2015 | 8:04 pm

Thank you so much for the flash mob, many interesting recipes. The remaining pancakes stuffed with minced meat and frozen. The truth is only four pieces left :-)

Svetlana: | February 22nd, 2015 | 5:43 pp

Well, here came the last day of our pancake week. What remains frozen in stock. Thank you for the recipes. Be healthy and happy.

Tell me please! But the pancakes can be frozen and how? thank
Answer:  Yes you can. As well as pancakes.

Ada: | May 1st, 2014 | 2:41 pm

tell me, please, what other fillings can you store for a long time? thank.
Answer:  Ada, you can freeze pancakes with absolutely any filling, they are perfectly stored and after defrosting remain delicious. But you need to pay attention that onions and potatoes after defrosting become tasteless (although they may be liked by someone, they definitely lose in taste).

Tat `yana Aleksandrovna:  | March 4th, 2014 | 4:28 pm

First, I put the ready-made pancakes with the filling on the plate and put them in the refrigerator. When they freeze, I put them in an airtight bag and store them in it. I warm in a skillet over low heat, they turn out with a delicious crust)
Answer:  Tatyana Alexandrovna, thanks for sharing your experience!

Larisa: | December 8th, 2013 | 3:14 pp

There are large zip packages for freezing - they significantly save space in the freezer. The idea with two pancakes together is wonderful. Thank.

Olga: | July 7th, 2013 | 10:21 dp

I don’t agree with the phrase “Pancakes, alas, require a lot of active cooking time” - I bake pancakes on 4 frying pans at once and the process takes only about half an hour. It used to bake on three - also pretty fast. Similarly, pancakes - bake in two large pans.

Inna: | January 9th, 2013 | 10:56 dp

And how to freeze pancakes without filling? Layered by paper? How to cook then? thank

Answer: You can not interlayer. When you thaw out, you can separate it from each other.

Oksana: | September 30th, 2012 | 3:10 pp

Hello, but please tell me, if there is no microwave, then what is the best way to defrost and warm pancakes?

Answer: You can leave it to thaw at room temperature, and then heat it either in a skillet over low heat under a lid or in the oven.

Dasha: | November 5th, 2011 | 4:18 dp

Thank! I cut the meat portionwise and simply into plastic bags (like fish and poultry). I have a separate container for meat, so that vegetables do not absorb unnecessary odors. A second container for vegetables and another for home-cooked foods.

Anonymous: | November 4th, 2011 | 9:33 pm

what a fellow you are !!! I also love so much for freezing for the future (it’s somehow easier to breathe if you know that you have cutlet and pancakes in the freezer). I love your site, I took a lot for myself!
  P.S. how many containers you have to freeze ... and what is your order in the freezer !!! I’ll do it the same way ... Do you also put the meat in a container?

Dasha: | June 6th, 2011 | 6:00 dp

I myself am not a technologist, so I focus on ready-made algorithms for storing frozen foods. For example, frozen pancakes with cottage cheese, which are sold in a store, can be stored - at a storage temperature not higher than minus (16 ± 1) ºС - 180 days;
   - at a storage temperature not higher than minus (12 ± 1) ºС - 90 days;
   - at a storage temperature not higher than minus (10 ± 1) ºС - 30 days;
   - at a storage temperature not higher than minus (5 ± 1) ºС - 48 hours.
I have an Indesit refrigerator and freezer. In the freezer, the temperature is maintained at 18 degrees, which means that I can store pancakes there for almost six months. Naturally, they have not lived there for so long. I try to use all frozen products (including meat) for a month, for this I write the date on the lid of the container.
  About the loss of useful properties. Of course, freezing vitamins and nutrients does not increase. But if you freeze as fresh products as possible, do it quickly and in sealed packaging, then losses will be minimized. In any case, homemade semi-finished products are much more useful than store ones, since we only know approximately the composition, method of preparation and storage of the latter.
  About the taste. Thawed pancakes with cottage cheese to taste the same as fresh. But with other products (for example, chopped egg or slices of fruit) the taste will change, slightly, but not for the better.

Maria: | June 5th, 2011 | 10:02 pp

But how long can you store frozen pancakes with filling without health risks? Are taste properties lost for too long (what?) Storage time? And useful? I don’t even know who to ask another%)

Many housewives prepare pancakes for the future, because it is very convenient due to the saving of time and effort. It is enough to knead the dough and the filling once, warm the pan, and the pancakes can last for 3 months. However, for storage, you need to freeze pancakes, and how to do it right is described in the article.

Freezing rules

To prevent pancakes from sticking together, they need to be properly frozen. There are several rules for this.

Dish without filling

  1. Each pancake is shifted with cling film. The whole pancake pyramid is completely wrapped in film, placed on a flat board, placed in the freezer. On top of the film, you must stick a label on which the number of cooking will be written.
  2. Each pancake is folded into a tube, and then wrapped with cling film. All tubes are placed in a container, closed and placed in the freezer. On the lid of the container you must write the date of freezing.

With filling

To freeze stuffed pancakes, you must use one of the instructions below:

  1. So that the bundles do not stick together, they need to be laid out on the board and slightly frozen. Usually a couple of hours is enough for this. After this, the pancakes need to be folded into one container, write the date of freezing on it, and put it back. They need to be shifted very quickly so that the convolutions do not have time to thaw.
  2. If there is no room for a board in the freezer, then each convolution with a filling needs to be wrapped with cling film, put them all in a plastic container, signed and left to freeze.

Defrost rules

To prepare frozen pancakes, you do not need to defrost them first. The only thing to do is remove the cling film. Typically, a frying pan, oven, microwave or slow cooker is used to prepare such a dish.

How to cook in a pan

For this method of cooking, pancakes rolled into tubes or envelopes are more suitable.

  1. First, the pan is greased with a small amount of vegetable oil, and then put on the stove.
  2. Pancakes are laid out on its surface, which are fried on all sides for 7 minutes until a golden blush appears.
  3. It is better to cook them under the lid so that each pancake envelope warms up from the inside.

In the oven

You can cook any frozen pancakes in the oven.

  1. The first step is to preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Pancakes are laid out on a baking sheet covered with greased parchment.
  3. Warm up the dish for 20 minutes.

In the microwave

This method of preparation does not imply the appearance of a blush on the pancake surface, so it is best to defrost those pancakes in the microwave that were frozen in a pile.

  1. Before placing the dish in the microwave, all layers of cling film must be removed from the pancake stack.
  2. Defrosting a pancake stack in the microwave is necessary in the “Defrost” mode for 5 minutes.

In a slow cooker

To cook pancakes in a slow cooker, you must first remove the food wraps from them.

  1. All envelopes fit into the thicket of the slow cooker, and the device is activated in the “Baking” mode for 8 minutes.
  2. The device cover is not required to be closed.
  3. If blush does not appear on the pancake surface during defrosting, increase the frying time.
  4. It should be fried on both sides.

How to make pancakes for freezing

Pancakes without filling

For baking you need:

  • a liter of milk 2.5% fat, you can take skim;
  • 6 large chicken eggs;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • a dining spoon of olive oil;
  • a dining spoon with a hill of granulated sugar.

How to do:

  1. Eggs are actively beaten in a chilled bowl with a whisk.
  2. Milk is poured into the same bowl. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  3. Sugar is added to the milk mixture, and flour is gradually sifted.
  4. Everything is actively mixed until a batter is formed and all lumps are eliminated.
  5. An oil-flavored frying pan is maximally heated on the stove.
  6. A portion of dough flows into its center, which is immediately distributed over the surface by tilting the pan in different directions. This is necessary in order to fry even large round pancakes.

The pancake is fried until a golden blush appears, and then flips to the other side.

Pancakes with Chocolate Curd

For cooking you will need:

  • half a miter of mineral water;
  • two thirds of a dessert spoon of salt;
  • a couple of lunch spoons of sugar;
  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • a pair of olive oil lunch;
  • 50 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 250 grams of soft cottage cheese;
  • 2 teaspoons powdered sugar.

Cooking Technology:

  1. For this recipe, it is better to purchase a pharmacy mineral water, for example, Essentuki, Borjomi, Narzan.
  2. Sugar and salt are poured into the prepared water, and then the oil is poured.
  3. Gradually, flour is sifted into the prepared liquid. In this case, the dough must be actively mixed to eliminate all lumps.
  4. The dough should resemble the consistency of oily fermented baked milk.
  5. Pancakes are fried in an oiled heated frying pan for a couple of minutes on both sides.
  6. At this time, the filling is being prepared.
  7. Chocolate is heated in a water bath, and then cottage cheese is transferred to it. The cream is mixed until smooth, and then powdered sugar is added to it.

A little cream is placed in each pancake, and then it is wrapped in a base tube.

Cereal pancakes with semolina and cottage cheese

The following products will be required:

  • a glass of cereal flakes;
  • half a kilogram of 1% cottage cheese;
  • a glass of semolina;
  • half a liter of kefir;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • half a dessert spoon of soda;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons with a slice of sour cream;
  • a couple of lunch spoons of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Step by step cooking:

  1. In a separate container, semolina, flakes and kefir are mixed. The bowl is covered and left for a couple of hours.
  2. Then eggs are driven in, salt, granulated sugar, soda are poured, oil is poured. Everything is actively kneaded.
  3. If the dough is thick, you need to pour in a small amount of kefir.
  4. Each pancake is fried in a hot pan until a blush appears.
  5. At this time, curd filling is being prepared. Cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar are mixed in a separate bowl. If you want a more tender filling, you should wipe it through a sieve.
  6. A small amount of cottage cheese is wrapped in each prepared pancake base. It turns out a small neat envelope.

Minced Serum Pancakes

Would need:

  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 600 milliliters of serum;
  • half a kilogram of minced meat;
  • dessert spoon of sugar;
  • small onion;
  • a teaspoon of fine salt;
  • half a dessert spoon of soda;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil.

How to cook:

  1. Eggs are beaten in a container, half of salt and sugar are poured to them.
  2. Flour mixed with soda is sieved into the resulting whipped mixture. All lumps are broken with a whisk.
  3. Serum, vegetable oil are poured in a small trickle. Everything is actively kneading.
  4. Pancakes need to be fried in a heated skillet for 2 minutes on each side.
  5. At this time, meat filling is being prepared.
  6. Finely chopped onions are fried in another pan until golden.
  7. Stuffed meat is added to the onion, which is fried until cooked. The meat should be salted and mixed regularly.
  8. A small amount of filling is carefully laid out in the resulting pancake base, and then everything is wrapped in an envelope and cooled.

Simple pancakes with mushrooms and carrots

For cooking you need:

  • half a liter of water;
  • 5 eggs;
  • dessert spoon of sugar;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • a can of canned champignons;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a dining spoon of sunflower oil;
  • a couple of glasses of flour;
  • dessert spoon of salt.


  1. In a separate container, milk is mixed with water.
  2. Eggs are driven into diluted milk. The whole mixture is sweetened, salted with half a spoonful of salt, mixed until smooth.
  3. Flour is sifted into the resulting liquid, everything is mixed until the lumps are eliminated.
  4. Oil is poured into the dough.
  5. Pancakes are fried in a hot pan for a couple of minutes on each side.
  6. Mushroom filling is being prepared at this time. Champignons are transferred to the pan and lightly fried.
  7. The carrots are rubbed on a fine grater and sprinkled with mushrooms, everything is kneaded, fried for another 7 minutes and removed from the stove.
  8. Each pancake wraps a tablespoon of fried mushrooms.

All pancakes prepared according to the described recipes can be frozen. It is worth considering that each such dish has its own shelf life. Ordinary pancakes without filling can be stored in the freezer for 3 months. Dessert with cottage cheese - not more than a month, and with meat and mushroom filling - not more than 2 months. By the way, if onion was added to the filling, then such frozen pancakes should be consumed within 2 weeks, since with further storage the onion tends to oxidize and cause an unpleasant burping.

How to cook pancakes in the microwave recipe with a photo - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Pancakes in the microwave

Pancakes in the microwave  It turns out very lush and tasty. A microwave oven has many possibilities and therefore can greatly facilitate life in the kitchen. In the microwave, you can not only heat food, but also prepare many healthy dishes without much effort. In the microwave, you can even cook delicious pancakes. only need a flat plate, which in diameter will correspond to the dish of the microwave itself. Pancakes in the microwave are no worse than pancakes cooked in a pan, try to cook them yourself in this way and see for yourself.

To prepare pancakes in a microwave oven, you will need:

  • flour - 200 gr.;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 75 gr.;
  • table salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • yeast - 8 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l

Such pancakes are prepared according to the principle below:

First, separate the whites from the yolks. In a container with yolks, add table salt, yeast, granulated sugar and half a glass of milk. Melt half the butter in the microwave at high power for 20 seconds. Add the melted butter to the bowl and add the sifted flour in small portions, while stirring intensively so that no lumps form. Beat the whisk with a whisk and add it to the dough after it becomes homogeneous. Without stopping stirring, add the rest of the milk until a uniform dough is obtained. Smear a flat plate with melted butter and place about a couple of tablespoons of dough. Spread the dough on a plate and send to the microwave at the highest power for one minute. At the end of time, remove the plate with pancake and carefully transfer it to the dish. We do such actions until the dough is over. Serve pancakes. cooked in the microwave, with sour cream or jam. You can also brew delicious herbal tea or aromatic coffee.

Pancakes in the microwave

Add milk with starch and butter to the dough. To stir thoroughly. Leave on for 30 minutes so that the dough “disperses”.

To cook pancakes in the microwave, first we heat the plate. If it is not heated, the finished pancake will be difficult to separate from the plate.
  Grease a hot plate with oil and pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dough. You can tilt the plate to distribute the dough, but you can immediately put it, the dough will disperse itself.
  Turn on the microwave at maximum power (I have 850) for 1 minute.

Gently but quickly pry off the edges of the pancake. Then, tilting the plate, remove the pancake. Grease the plate again and bake the next pancake.

   Especially delicate crepes Pancakes in a hole Thin crepes Pancakes Velvet pancakes in milk Thin milk pancakes Especially delicate crepes Pancakes thin milk Pancakes Classic pancakes in milk Velvet crepes in milk Milk pancakes: a traditional recipe Thin crepes Velvet crepes in milk tender pancakes How to cook pasta in the microwave Breakfast in a cup Potato chips in the microwave Cake “Minute”

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How to cook frozen pancakes in the microwave and oven

   When there is absolutely no time or desire to mess with the preparation of dinner or breakfast, we resort to semi-finished products. If a high-quality product is not everything, you still need to “bring it to mind”, and today we will learn how to cook frozen pancakes in the microwave. We’ll find out how best to do this, how much time to keep, and how to make them rosy and hot.

It seems that heating pancakes in the microwave is not difficult, however, there are secrets here.

How to heat frozen pancakes in the microwave

If the pancakes are not too frozen, in good quality, there is no ice on them and the cake mix is \u200b\u200bfresh, it will not be difficult to cook it. Classical defrosting and subsequent preparation are as follows.

We spread the required number of pancakes on a plate and put in the microwave in the “Defrost” mode for 3 minutes.

It is better to arrange them in the form of a “snowflake” so that they diverge from the middle in different directions - so defrosting will not only go faster, but more evenly.

  • Pour oil into the pan, wait until it warms up well - 1-1.5 minutes and spread pancakes.
  • Brown them on each side and put them on a plate covered with a napkin to absorb excess oil.

It is not necessary to keep baking over high heat, it is necessary that the pancakes warm well from the inside.

If the presence of a crisp is not important, it is better to cover them with a lid and add 1 tbsp. water, leaving to warm up on the smallest fire. This is especially true for pancakes with salty filling - this technique will make them juicier.

If you want them to maintain crispness, cover and, moreover, add water to them in no case - this will make the dough too soft.

How to cook frozen pancakes in the microwave

But if the semi-finished product needs not only to be heated in the microwave, but also cooked until cooked, it is worth acting as follows.

Step by step cooking frozen pancakes

  1. After defrosting, when the dough is completely “left” and the pancakes become soft and tender to the touch, we send them back to the microwave, to the normal cooking mode, setting the maximum power.
  2. On pancakes you need to put a small piece of butter - this is the key to successful pancakes in the microwave.
  3. Be sure to cover the pancakes with a special cover for the microwave (if it is not there, then the plate with pancakes can be packed with a plastic bag).
  4. Hold for 2-3 minutes and get it.

Depending on the microwave, it is better to check the dish in the middle of cooking, because the features of the stove are such that it is first cooked inside and not outside.

How to make frozen pancakes in the oven

If there is an oven in the kitchen, then heating and cooking frozen pancakes in the oven until ready is even easier!

  • We spread the frozen pancakes on a small baking sheet with non-stick coating or use any other form, but then grease it with oil.
  • We spread pancakes in it directly in frozen form, cover with several pieces of butter.
  • We set the temperature to 180 ° C and go about our business!

About 20 minutes will take to prepare dinner or afternoon tea. While the oven is warming up, it will take to defrost the pancakes, and then they will begin to brown.

Of course, it all depends on the stove and on which shelf - top or middle, we will place a treat, so it's better to look and follow the cooking.

Put ready pancakes on a plate and serve with sour cream, cream or fresh vegetables.

As you can see, heating and cooking frozen pancakes in a microwave or oven costs nothing! The main thing is to try, and there you’ll already be able to fill your hand and adapt to gadgets in your kitchen and semi-finished products of a particular manufacturer.

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Microwave pancakes

Did you know that with a microwave oven you can even bake pancakes that are less greasy but just as tasty? No? Then I’ll tell you a secret how to cook pancakes in the microwave. Enjoy it!

  • Milk 150 Milliliters
  • Egg 1 Piece
  • Yeast 10 grams
  • Butter 2 Tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Flour 300 grams

Description of the preparation:

Before I start telling you how to cook pancakes in the microwave, I must say that this method of cooking has its own nuances, so I didn’t point out the ingredients in large portions - first, try your best. I had no punctures, as this is a very simple recipe for pancakes in the microwave. However, for the first time, out of inexperience, it may not work out. However, I hope there will be no problems. So, the recipe for pancakes in the microwave: 1. Slightly heat the milk to begin with, and dilute the yeast in it. Pour the flour into the already diluted mixture, and mix immediately. Never fall asleep the whole amount of flour at once - as they say, you will not turn lumps :) 2. Mix and put in a warm place, so that our dough is a little “friends” with yeast. 3. As soon as the dough comes up a little and bubbles begin to appear on the surface, it's time to add the egg, sugar, and pre-melted butter to the dough (do not forget, we, following this classic pancake recipe in the microwave, melt and add only one spoon to the dough oil). 4. Stir the dough, cover it, and again let it stand for a bit until it rises again. Now the fun begins. 5. So, we take a wide plate suitable for a microwave, and melt the second spoon of oil on it. Well spread it around the perimeter, and begin to spread pancakes with a spoon. So that our pancakes in the microwave at home succeed, you can presoak a spoon. And do not make them too big - they will not remain damp inside. 6. That's it! It remained at full power to send them into the microwave for three minutes, then get it, turn it over, and hold it for another three minutes. All! A simple and affordable recipe, and odorless fried throughout the apartment! So I'm sure you will like such a simple pancake recipe in the microwave :) Bon appetit!

Important! The video may differ from the text version of the recipe!

7 recipes for microwave

Pies with apples in the microwave

Let's bake delicious cakes in the microwave and have a little party.

The microwave recipe is very simple and quick. The dough turns out to be a little bit sweet and you can make pies from it with any filling.

  Flour - 3-3.5 Glasses
  Kefir - 0.5 Liter
  Sugar - 2 Tbsp. tablespoons (half - in the dough, half - for the filling)
  Salt - 1 Pinch
  Soda - 1 Teaspoon (no top!)
  Vegetable oil - 4-5 Art. spoons
  Egg - 1 Piece
Apples - 3-4 Pieces
  Cinnamon - 2 Pinch

  1. Pour kefir into a deep bowl. Add soda to it and stir.
  2. Pour sugar and salt, add the egg. Stir to dissolve the salt and sugar well.
  3. Now add the flour and knead the dough. It should be soft and supple.
  4. Set the dough aside, cover with a towel and give it a “rest”. In the meantime, let's get into the filling.
  5. Washing apples. Cut out the core. Cut into small pieces.
  6. Divide the dough into small balls of which we will mold pies.
  7. Sprinkle apples with sugar and cinnamon.
  8. We make cakes of dough balls, put the filling and gently pinch the edges.
  9. Lubricate the microwave plate with vegetable oil and put the pies on it, which also need to be greased with oil.
  10. Turn on the microwave at medium power. Calculate the time for baking yourself - an average of 1.5 minutes per pie. If you have 10 pies, then 15 minutes.
  11. Turn on the kettle, make tea and get ready cakes :) Have a nice get-together!

Sausages in the test in the microwave

Sausages in a microwave dough are even easier to cook than in the usual way. And it turns out - at least no worse. Save time and cook your favorite pastries without much effort;)

  Yeast Puff Pastry - 200

  Sausages - 6 Pieces
  Egg - 1 Piece
  Sesame - 50 Gram

  1. We get the dough to defrost, and while we remove the sausage from the sausages. You can also weld a little sausage, if you are not quite sure about the quality of these meat products.
  2. Now roll the dough a little and cut into 6 square pieces.
  3. Further - even easier. We put a sausage on each of the squares, immediately sprinkle with our favorite spices, or add the sauce, and twist.
  4. We put our sausages with a seam down on a baking dish, and grease each pre-lightly beaten egg.
  5. It remains only to make incisions on the dough from above, and lightly sprinkle each sausage with sesame seeds - and you can send it to the microwave. I had 500 watts of power, and they prepared in ten minutes.

Such a simple and tasty thing. Try it and you! ;)

Microwave Cake

Cake “Minute” in the microwave bakes quickly. To make it tasty, the main thing is to make the dough correctly. I was ideally able to cook only the fourth time - right there it still depends on the microwave. Try to clearly follow my recipe, if you are lucky with the microwave - it will turn out delicious :) If not, you will need to edit the recipe a bit, adjust it to fit your oven.

  Flour - 1 Glass
  Sugar - 1 Glass
  Egg - 2 Pieces
  Cocoa - 2 Tbsp. spoons
  Soda - 0.5 Teaspoons

  1. Using a mixer, beat the eggs in a white foam, gradually adding sugar.
  2. Carefully add the flour with soda and cocoa in portions. Stir with a spoon so that the dough does not sit.
  3. I take a soft form as for a cake, carefully pour out the dough and put in the microwave.
  4. Bake at a maximum of about 4 minutes.
  Actually, that’s all :) The “Minute” cake in the microwave is ready. Bon Appetit!

Pancakes in the microwave

Did you know that with a microwave oven you can even bake pancakes that

will be less greasy but equally tasty? No? Then I’ll tell you a secret how to cook pancakes in the microwave. Enjoy

  Milk - 150 Milliliters
  Egg - 1 Piece
  Yeast - 10 grams
  Butter - 2 Tbsp. spoons
  Sugar - 1 Tbsp. a spoon
  Flour - 300 Gram

So, the recipe for pancakes in the microwave:
  1. Slightly heat the milk to begin with, and dilute the yeast in it. Pour the flour into the already diluted mixture, and mix immediately. Never fall asleep the whole amount of flour at once - as they say, you will not turn lumps :)
  2. Stir, and put in a warm place, so that our dough is a little "friends" with yeast.
  3. As soon as the dough comes up a little and bubbles begin to appear on the surface, it's time to add the egg, sugar, and pre-melted butter to the dough (do not forget, we, following this classic pancake recipe in the microwave, melt and add only one spoon to the dough oil).
  4. Stir the dough, cover it, and again let it stand for a bit until it rises again. Now the fun begins.
  5. So, we take a wide plate suitable for a microwave, and melt the second spoon of oil on it. Well spread it around the perimeter, and begin to spread pancakes with a spoon. So that our pancakes in the microwave at home succeed, you can presoak a spoon. And do not make them too big - they will not remain damp inside.
  6. That's it! It remained at full power to send them into the microwave for three minutes, then get it, turn it over, and hold it for another three minutes.

All! A simple and affordable recipe, and odorless fried throughout the apartment! So I'm sure you will like such a simple pancake recipe in the microwave :) Bon appetit!

Microwave chocolate muffin

I offer you a super-fast recipe for a chocolate muffin in a mug. He is getting ready

incredibly easy, and it turns out very tasty. Only 5 minutes - and you can enjoy this wonderful dessert!

  flour - 4 tbsp. spoons
  sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
  cocoa - 2 Tbsp. spoons
  egg - 1 Piece
  milk - 3 tbsp. spoons
  butter - 3 Tbsp. spoons
  soda - 1 pinch

  1. Pour flour, sugar, cocoa and soda into a ceramic mug (which must be suitable for use in the microwave, because it is in it that we will prepare the chocolate muffin). Mix well with each other.
  2. Add the egg to the mixture of dry ingredients, mix. Next, add milk and softened or melted butter, mix thoroughly to make the dough uniform.
  3. Bake the cake in the microwave at 1000 watts. three minutes. Somewhere in the middle of cooking, he will begin to rise, but then will sit down.

Serve a chocolate muffin in a cup sprinkled with powdered sugar or coconut, sprinkled with condensed milk or jam, with tea, coffee, cocoa or milk.

Chocolate muffin in a mug is ready!

If desired, you can add nuts, dried fruits or candied fruits to the dough. This dessert will delight children of 4-8 years old, especially if you involve them in the cooking process. Bon Appetit!

Microwave Pizza Dough

Pizza very often helps out housewives in different situations. Everyone loves her - from small to large. There are many recipes for making pizza dough. In my family, most often they require “thick” pizza - that is, pizza based on yeast dough. As you know, yeast dough needs some time to “mature”. I will tell you how to speed up this process and prepare a microwave pizza dough:

  Dry Yeast - 1.5 Teaspoons
  Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  Salt - 1 Teaspoon
  Sunflower oil - 2 Tbsp. spoons
  Milk - 0.5 cups (you can mix milk with

water, you can use just water)
  Flour - 250 grams (almost 2 glasses)

  1. Sift the flour and mix with dry yeast.
  2. Add salt and sugar.
  3. Pour warm milk and knead smooth dough.
  4. Add vegetable oil and mix well.
  5. Put the dough in the microwave at minimum power for 1.5-2 minutes (I have a minimum power of 180 watts).
While the dough is coming up, you can prepare the filling. Then the dough can be taken out, rolled out, well, then you yourself know. Good luck ;)

Microwaveless pizza

For quick pizza cooking at home, I would call the microwave oven the most convenient device. And even though the oven is more usual for us, it’s still worth paying attention to the method of making yeast-free pizza in the microwave, if only because it has a number of advantages. Pizza in the microwave is quickly and well baked, does not stick, and the ready-made one looks and tastes very tasty.

The dough, by the way, can be yeast. For the microwave, ready-made pizza cakes are also suitable as a basis.

For the test:
  milk - 120 ml
  egg - 1 pc.
  flour - 200 g

For filling:
  tomato sauce - 1 tablespoon
  ground pepper to taste
  oregano - 1 pinch
  hard cheese - 70-100 g
  any filling to taste

  Tomato sauce (ketchup, lecho), cheese and spices are a necessary component of pizza, but you are free to choose the filling yourself: from sausages, meat, fish, mushrooms and vegetables (by the way, mushrooms and vegetables need preliminary frying) to sweet pineapples and berries . All ingredients need to be cleaned, washed, dried and cut into slices, slices, slices, slices - as you like.

Prepare the dough: pour flour into a deep dish with a slide, in the middle of which make a depression. Drive an egg in and pour in milk. Stir all the ingredients and knead not sticky to the hands

On a table sprinkled with flour, roll out the dough with a very thin flat cake, literally 1 mm, to bake pizza in the microwave. Put the cake on a flat baking dish in the microwave, slightly raising the edges of the dough. With sauce or lecho with small pieces of vegetables, evenly thinly coat the dough layer. Sprinkle with spices: pepper and necessarily a small amount of oregano (oregano), which gives a peculiar taste to pizza. Now you can spread the filling, evenly distributing it throughout the cake. Juices, onions, tomatoes, pineapples, sweet peppers will add juiciness to it, and satiety and brightness - ham, mushrooms, fish or meat. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of pizza. By the way, when baking in the microwave, the filling remains juicy even without a cheese crust, so you can do without cheese, but it is somehow more tender.

Bake pizza in the microwave at full power for about 7-9 minutes.

Pancakes in the microwave: fast, simple, cheap and a minimum of dirty dishes

It turns out that pancakes can also be cooked in the microwave too. If Shrovetide is coming soon, then this is more than a good occasion to try the proposed recipes. I think you absolutely do not like the prospect of once again spending half of the holiday at the stove. Would you like to celebrate the birthday of New Spring with everyone? Then a super fast way to cook pancakes without fuss with a frying pan, kitchen shovels and the subsequent washing of greasy dishes.

All you need in this case: products for making pancakes, a bowl and a microwave. Yes, it's that simple!

Three recipes for everyone:

Ingredients for regular pancakes:

  • 1 large egg
  • 300 milliliters of milk
  • butter or vegetable oil,
  • 100 grams of flour.

Beat the egg and half the milk in a bowl. Then add the flour gradually until a thick mass is obtained. Beat well to prevent lumps from forming in the resulting test. Add the remaining milk. It is very important that the dough has a thick consistency, then it will not “run away” anywhere.

Take a plate suitable for use in the microwave. Lubricate it evenly with oil so that the pancakes do not stick to the surface during cooking.

Pour a small portion of the cooked dough onto a plate and place in the microwave. Heat for a minute until you get a pancake. If the dough is still raw, continue heating, but do not overdo it, otherwise, simply burn it.

Unfortunately, if there is no electric grill in your stove, then the pancakes will not be so browned like your grandmother's, but no less tasty.

Bake all the pancakes.

Serve pancakes with jam, honey, sour cream or chocolate paste.

P.S. You can change the recipe by putting sugar or other additives in the dough.

An interesting alternative to cooking can be pancakes in the microwave in a mug. They can be made both ordinary and gluten-free. I offer just such.

  • 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil (you can use both creamy and vegetable),
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of gluten-free oatmeal,
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of gluten-free universal flour,
  • ¼ Art. tablespoons of baking soda
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of jam or syrup,
  • 1 large egg
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of milk.
  If you still took the butter, then you need to melt it. Put in a large mug suitable for heating in the microwave, put in the microwave for maximum mode for 20-30 seconds. Remove and let cool slightly.

Add oatmeal, gluten-free all-purpose flour and baking soda. Mix well.

Put jam or syrup, egg and pour in milk, continuing to mix until smooth.

Put the mug with the resulting pancake billet in the microwave and cook at maximum for 3 minutes.

After the time runs out, let the mug stand in the microwave for another minute or two until fully cooked.

Pour over the resulting pancakes with jam or syrup remnants and you can eat.

Since we indulge in pancakes with buns here, here is another recipe that is suitable for vegetarians: pancakes in the microwave from wholemeal.

  • 100 g whole grain flour
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of unrefined sugar
  • 1 sec powdered sugar
  • 100 ml vanilla soy milk,
  • ½ tbsp tablespoons of olive oil,
  • coconut oil for lubrication.

Combine all dry ingredients.

Add liquid gradually, stirring constantly until the dough thickens. It should have a viscous consistency.

Lubricate a microwaveable dish with coconut oil.

I usually put four flat cakes on one plate, but no matter how you put the dough and whatever plate you choose, the distance between the flat cakes should be no less than a centimeter, as they will rise when heated. Plates with indentations in the middle are very good: if this middle is completely filled with dough, you can get one big perfectly round pancake.

Heat the dough in the microwave for about two minutes at maximum until the pancakes become thick and lush. The dough begins to heat from the edges to the middle. Damn ready if it does not stick to the hand when touched.

I advise you to serve pancakes to the table hot, with jam, chocolate syrup, sour cream, as well as your favorite sweets.

The easiest way to please yourself with pancakes is to heat ready-made frozen pancakes in the microwave, and they can be either home or store-bought (which, of course, is less preferable).

What else can you cook tasty:

  How to cook Bechamel sauce with a photo step by step

Microwave pancake recipe

   This recipe will undoubtedly be of interest to owners of microwave ovens. Often, those who have this miracle device in their kitchen are not even aware of all its capabilities. Most often, housewives just warm food in it, but do not undertake to cook in it. But precisely for this he was called up.

Surely, you will be even more surprised when you learn that in the microwave you can even cook pancakes. Perhaps this is how they come out also useful. Therefore, if you have a microwave and you prefer healthy food, then this recipe is for you! Learn all the secrets of this amazing recipe.

You will need such a set of products:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 8 g of yeast;
  • 200 g of flour;
  • 5 g of salt;
  • 530 ml of milk;
  • 40 g of sugar.

    The cooking sequence should be as follows:

       Start with the eggs. It will be necessary to separate the proteins from the yolks and deal with them separately. Salt the yolks and add sugar to them. Next, add yeast and mix well. Pour a little milk into the yolks. Now melt the oil in the microwave. For this, 20 seconds will be enough. Pour it to the rest of the ingredients. Sifting flour, pour it out gradually. Stir constantly. Beat the whites separately well. Then put them in the dough with the remaining milk. Make sure your dough is smooth, free of lumps. Pancake baking will be unusual. You do not need a pan. Instead, look for a plate that matches the diameter of both the microwave and the desired pancake size. In addition, it should be flat. Pancakes will be baked in it. She, like a frying pan, will also need to be lubricated with oil, but only creamy. Put the dough with a spoon. A few spoons should be enough to fill the bottom of the plate with dough evenly. Place it in the microwave for just a minute and take out a ready-made pancake. You will definitely like such pancakes with sour cream or any jam. And, of course, you will appreciate all the benefits of a microwave!

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