How to cook chicken horns in a pan. Chicken pasta - step-by-step recipes for cooking in a pan, in the oven or in a slow cooker

Who doesn't like pasta and chicken?

Of them you can cook so much!

Dishes are hearty, tasty and rarely require a lot of time.

Hit the fillet with pasta?

Chicken fillet pasta - general principles of preparation

For most dishes, pasta just needs to be boiled in water. To do better according to the instructions. If further the dish is baked or fried, it is better to cook the products for 1-2 minutes less so that they retain their shape and do not become sour during subsequent heat treatment.

Boiled chicken fillet, bake, fry. Usually cut into cubes or strips. Sometimes slightly beat off with a hammer. Mostly used breast. But some people prefer cropped fillet from the thigh.

What else is put in the dishes:

You can use any spices, like sauces. Dishes are wonderfully combined with greens and often sprinkled with hard cheese, sometimes baked under it.

Recipe 1: Fried Pasta with Chicken Fillet and Vegetables

The easiest way to cook pasta with chicken. Previously cooked items left over after dinner can be used. Or make pasta specifically for this dish.


0.4 kg of chicken;

0.3 kg of pasta;

0.1 kg of carrots;

0.1 kg of onion;

50 ml of oil;


1. According to the instructions on the packaging, we prepare pasta. Do not forget to salt. It is very important not to digest in order to maintain shape and integrity. We send in a colander, let it drain water.

2. Chicken fillet cut into small strips or small cubes. Spread in a skillet with well-heated butter and fry. Then cover and simmer over low heat in our own juice. No fluid needs to be added!

3. Open the pan and add the chopped onions to the fillet, and then the carrots. Fry the chicken with vegetables, pepper, season with salt.

4. For almost ready vegetables, spread the pasta from a colander. Fry together.

Recipe 2: Macaroni and Chicken Fillet with Cheese

To prepare this dish you will need hard cheese like "Russian", which melts well. The filet is already boiled and its weight is indicated in the recipe.


0.3 kg of pasta (dry);

0.3 kg of breast;

2 pieces of onion;

100 grams of cheese;

1 piece of carrots;

50 ml of tomato paste;

Oil, spices;

2 cloves of garlic.


1. In a pan, heat a little oil and add the chopped onion heads. The size of the pieces is any. Fry a little.

2. Rub the carrots and put them in the pan too.

3. We cut the boiled fillet or simply disassemble it into fibers. The pieces should be the same size as the pasta. The dish will look harmonious. We shift to vegetables.

4. Bring tomato paste with a glass of water and fill in the fillet. Add garlic, salt, any seasonings can be, for example, a mixture for chicken or just black pepper.

5. Cover and simmer for about seven minutes. The fire is small.

6. While preparing the fillet, just cook the pasta.

7. Form the dish. To do this, put boiled products on a plate, pour hot sauce with fillet on top and immediately sprinkle with grated cheese.

Recipe 3: Pasta with Chicken Fillet and Mushrooms

Recipe for insanely delicious creamy pasta with chicken. They are prepared based on Italian pasta and look especially impressive with spaghetti. But you can take horns, shells, tubes, spirals or any other products that are in the house. Instead of parmesan, you can take any hard cheese for serving.


300 grams of champignons;

0.25 kg of pasta;

50 grams of parmesan;

4 cloves of garlic;

500 ml cream;

Salt pepper;

4 tablespoons olive oil.


1. Wash the washed fillet with paper towels. The chicken must be dry. Cut it into long strips.

2. Spread the chicken in a hot oil. We take a large frying pan so that everything fits. Fry until the straw is lightened on all sides.

3. Add the mushrooms. They can also be chopped into strips or cut into thin plates. Fry for five minutes.

4. Shred the leeks with ringlets. We use only the white part of the onion. Spread to the chicken. Add chopped garlic immediately.

5. After five minutes, pour in the cream, salt, pepper and warm well. Turn off.

6. Separately, cook pasta, grease with a drop of olive oil.

7. We collect the dish. Put the pasta on the plate, on top of the chicken with mushrooms in a creamy sauce and sprinkle with grated parmesan. Done! If you want to add greens to this dish, then basil is the best choice here.

Recipe 4: Pasta with Chicken Fillet and Tomato Sauce

The recipe for fragrant pasta with chicken in juicy tomato sauce. If there are no fresh tomatoes, then you can replace with pasta or any sauce. The recipe uses spaghetti.


Fillet 500 grams;

Garlic 2 cloves;

0.3 kg of tomatoes;

0.4 kg of spaghetti;

1 bell pepper;

1 spoon of flour;

50 ml of oil;

1 onion head;

Spices for chicken;

150 ml of chicken stock.


1. Cut the fillet into strips, sprinkle with spices for chicken and stir well with your hands. Add a spoonful of flour, stir again.

2. Spread the chicken in a hot oil and fry until golden brown. The fillet will be ready. We take out, put in a saucepan and cover so that it does not cool.

3. In the same pan, put the chopped onion and fry until rosy.

4. Remove the peel from the tomatoes, cut into cubes and send to the onion.

5. We fry the tomatoes almost until soft and then add the Bulgarian pepper, chopped very finely. Pour in the broth, put salt and any spices, cover and cook for ten minutes.

6. We cook spaghetti according to the recipe on the package.

7. Serve pasta with rosy chicken and pour plenty of tomato sauce.

Recipe 5: Oven with chicken and vegetables in the oven

For this dish you will need broccoli cabbage. If there is no fresh vegetable, then you can use a frozen product. You can take any pasta, but not very large ones.


0.4 kg of pasta;

0.4 kg of chicken;

0.15 kg of sour cream;

0.15 kg of cheese;

3 cloves of garlic;

2 tablespoons breadcrumbs;

0.2 kg broccoli;

1 onion head;

Pepper, salt;

50 grams of oil drain;

1 carrot.


1. Separately, boil the fillet and pasta. If there is time, then you can cook products after chicken in the same broth. It will be tastier. We don’t bring pasta to full readiness, let it be a little firm.

2. Rub the carrots and chop the onion head, fry with butter over high heat. Spread the broccoli and fry for a couple of minutes.

3. Mix vegetables with boiled pasta.

4. Add the fillet to be cut into slices.

5. Put salt and any seasoning in sour cream. Squeeze a clove of garlic, carefully rub the sauce and send to the rest of the products.

6. Lubricate the form and sprinkle thickly with crackers. If they are not, then you can use semolina. She will also give the dish a delicious crust.

7. Spread the future casserole, sprinkle with grated cheese.

8. Fry at high temperature (220) until cooked and a beautiful crust on the surface.

Recipe 6: Pasta with Chicken Fillet and Zucchini

It’s not necessary to use zucchini for this dish. You can take an ordinary zucchini. But only young and without large seeds.


0.25 kg of pasta;

0.2 kg of zucchini;

0.2 kg of boiled fillet;

1 onion head;

40 grams of olive oil;

50 grams of hard cheese, can be parmesan;

Any greens for decoration.


1. Cook the pasta immediately, drain the water.

2. Cut the zucchini. The shape depends on the pasta chosen. If you took spaghetti, then zucchini is better to cut into strips or strips. If horns or other small items, then you can make cubes.

3. Onion cut very finely, you can dice and fry in hot oil.

4. Add zucchini and bring almost to readiness.

5. Next lay out the pieces of fillet. For spaghetti, chicken can be parsed with long and thin fibers. Season the dish with spices.

6. Spread pasta cooked before, warm well over high heat.

7. Beat the eggs with a fork, pour, fry for a few seconds and turn it off.

8. We spread the hot dish on plates, sprinkle with grated cheese and decorate with herbs.

Recipe 7: Pasta with Chicken Fillet and Pesto

For such pasta with chicken, you can use any product, but tastier and more beautiful it still turns out with noodles. Fatty cream will be needed, preferably at least 20%, and more can be.


1 tablespoon of oil;

300 grams of pasta;

0.5 cups cream;

0.3 cups pesto;

Salt and pepper.


1. We cut the breasts with plates and beat off with a hammer, rub with salt and pepper.

2. Heat the oil and fry on both sides. Cut into strips, fold into a bowl and cover so as not to cool. You can wrap in a towel.

3. Cook pasta according to the instructions on the package. But do not throw the broth away, leave half a glass for the sauce.

4. Put the pesto in the pan after frying the chicken, warm up for a minute. Add cream and 100 ml of decoction after pasta.

5. Turn off the well-heated sauce.

6. Put the pasta, chicken in a plate and pour with aromatic pesto dressing. If desired, sprinkle with grated Parmesan.

Recipe 8: Pasta with Chicken Fillet and Bacon

This dish is prepared based on Italian carbonara. It turns out very nutritious and delicious.


0.2 kg of bacon;

0.25 kg of pasta;

70 ml cream;


Some oil;

50 grams of grated cheese.


1. Cut the chicken into strips and fry in a spoon of oil for about five minutes, no more.

2. Add the bacon, which is also desirable to cut, but can be a little thinner. Cooking another two minutes. But we look at his readiness.

3. Add the pasta boiled in ordinary water. We are warming up. The bacon should have secreted enough fat, no need to add oil.

4. Break the eggs into a bowl, add cream and grated cheese, salt, and pepper. Beat with a whisk.

5. Pour all this mixture into a frying pan, stir. As soon as the sauce sets, turn off and put the dish in plates.

The fillet will be soft and juicy if you do not overdo it on the stove.

Any, even the most boring pasta dish will be more fun and tasty if it is served beautifully. Vegetables, greens, sauces to the rescue!

The pasta will not stick together if you add a spoonful of oil during cooking. You can throw a creamy piece.

Good pasta from durum wheat is much healthier, and they do not require rinsing with water. If the products are not digested, they will not stick together.

Chicken fillet will be tastier and more aromatic if it is pre-marinated in spices. You can use Provencal herbs, soy sauce, ketchup, mustard.

It will take to roast chicken, to cook pasta -, joint frying of chicken and pasta in a pan will take more.

How to Roast Chicken Pasta

  Boneless chicken breasts - 2 pieces, about a pound
  Macaroni - 300 grams
  Dill, parsley - 1 small bunch
  Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons
  Salt and pepper, Provencal seasonings - to taste

How to Fry Chicken Pasta
Cook pasta. Defrost chicken fillet, rinse under cold water, wipe with a napkin. Chop the chicken thinly across the fibers. Heat a skillet over medium heat, pour oil, lay chicken. Salt and pepper the meat, add seasonings and fry, stirring, over medium heat without a lid.
  Add the pasta to the pan, mix well, warm, sprinkle the pasta with chicken greens and cover for 10 minutes.
  In addition to pasta with chicken, grated cheese can be served.

Chicken Breast Pasta

  Macaroni - 300 grams
  Chicken breast fillet - 300 grams
  Cream 25% - 250 milliliters
  Champignons - 300 grams
  Hard cheese - 200 grams
  Onions - 1 piece
  Salt - 2 teaspoons

  Curry - half a teaspoon
  Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  Water - 1.5 liters

How to Make Pasta with Breast
  1. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a pan, bring to a boil and pour 1 teaspoon of salt.
  2. Put 400 grams of pasta in a pan and cook until cooked (recommendations on the packaging).
  3. Throw the cooked pasta into a colander.
  4. 300 grams of chicken breast cut into pieces 1x1 centimeter, put in a bowl.
  5. Add half a teaspoon of curry, 1 teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of pepper.
  6. Mix the contents of the bowl and leave for 15 minutes.
  7. Place the champignons in a colander and rinse under running water.
  8. Dry the champignons with a paper towel, then cut into thin slices.
  9. Onion finely chopped.
  10. Grate the cheese (on a coarse grater).
  11. 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil pour into a skillet, put the skillet over medium heat.
12. Add chicken breast and fry for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  13. Add onions, fry for 3 minutes.
  14. Add the plate of mushrooms, fry for 7 minutes.
  15. Pour 250 milliliters of 25% cream, bring to a boil, then heat for another 2 minutes.
  16. Put pasta in a pan with sauce, mix.
  Spread pasta and breast in plates, sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Chicken and Mushroom Pasta

  Chicken fillet - half a kilo
  Macaroni - 300 grams
  Champignons - 300 grams
  Cream 20% - 300 milliliters
  Cheese ("Russian" or similar) - 100 grams
  Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons

Chicken and Mushroom Pasta Recipe
Cook pasta. Wash the mushrooms and let them dry a little. Defrost chicken fillet, rinse under cold water and wipe with a napkin. Cut the chicken into cubes with a side of 2 centimeters (across the fibers).
  Heat the pan, pour oil. Thinly cutting champignons, put them in a pan and fry, stirring, for 5 minutes. Then add chicken to the mushrooms, salt and pepper, fry for 15 minutes.
  Pour in the cream and simmer, stirring, for another 5 minutes.
  Add boiled pasta to the pan, mix well, warm and cover for 10 minutes.
  When serving pasta with chicken and mushrooms, sprinkle each serving with a pinch of grated cheese.

Pasta with breast and tomatoes

  Pasta (finished) - 500 grams
  Chicken breast fillet - 3 pieces
  Parmesan cheese - 150 grams
  Tomatoes - 250 grams
  Spinach - 1 pack
  Garlic - 3 prongs
  Salt - 1 teaspoon without top
  Ground black pepper - half a teaspoon
  Dry white wine - half a glass
  Olive oil - 4 tablespoons

How to make pasta with breast, tomatoes and spinach
  1. Cut the chicken into small pieces.
  2. Tomatoes cut into slices ("cherry" - in half).
  3. Rinse the spinach under running water and drop it onto a paper towel.
  4. Grate Parmesan cheese on a fine grater.
  5. Peel the garlic and finely chop it.
  6. Pour 4 tablespoons of olive oil into a skillet, put on high heat, heat for 1 minute.
  7. Put the chicken fillet in a frying pan, fry over high heat for 2 minutes.
  8. Stir the contents of the pan, fry over high heat for 2 minutes.
  9. Add 1 teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of ground black pepper, fry on low heat for 5 minutes.
  10. Put the prepared pieces of chicken in a bowl.
  11. Put finely chopped garlic in a skillet, fry over medium heat for 30 seconds, stirring occasionally.
12. Pour half a glass of dry white wine into a frying pan with garlic, heat over high heat until the volume of liquid decreases by 2 times.
  13. Add tomatoes, slices of fried fillet, prepared pasta; turn off the fire.
  14. Add spinach and 50 grams of Parmesan cheese, mix everything.
  Serve pasta with breast, tomatoes and spinach, sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan cheese on top.

Pasta is an inexpensive, quick to prepare side dish for meat or vegetables. Any housewife can prepare a delicious dinner in just half an hour. Especially if boiled pork, chicken or beef is already stored in the refrigerator. It remains only to cook gravy or vegetables - and a wholesome, hearty dish is ready.
Today we offer you several recipes, according to them you can cook not only pasta with chicken, but also pasta with any other type of meat. It will turn out no less tasty.

Chicken with Delli sauce and pasta garnish
To cook pasta with chicken in accordance with the traditions of oriental cuisine, we need seasonings (curry, peas, turmeric, pickled ginger, cloves and cardamom powder), 2 medium-sized boiled breasts, soy sauce, a pair of medium-sized onions, one large fruit Bulgarian pepper and a little any vegetable oil, packaging of any pasta weighing 400 grams.

Heat the oil in a pan and add the chopped pepper, ginger and onion. Fry, stirring vigorously and add half a glass of broth left after boiling the breasts. grind in a blender and put in a pan. Stew for a couple of minutes and add one pinch of seasonings, a few peas of pepper, soy sauce to taste. Bring the mixture to readiness.
Boil any pasta and arrange on plates. Here we put the finished mixture of chicken and vegetables. From the given number of products, you will cook pasta with chicken for a company of four eaters.

Shells with meat under a cheese crust
Of course, pasta with chicken is a simple dish. Its recipe is unusually simple and quite affordable. But this does not mean that it cannot be tasty and gourmet. Try to cook it according to our recipe and you will be surprised at the effect.
To prepare 4 servings, you will need 400 g, a package of maxi-sized shells, any cheese (except processed), 4 large tomatoes, a large onion, large Bulgarian pepper, salt, pepper, frying oil, a couple of garlic cloves.
Cut the fillet into strips and fry in a deep bowl. We also add onion and Bulgarian pepper, sliced \u200b\u200bin very thin strips. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the peel and wipe through a sieve. Add the crushed garlic and pour the mixture into the pan for vegetables and meat. We simmer the mixture until almost ready.
Boil the shells in time a little less than indicated on the package. We spread in a form or on a baking tray. We start with a mixture of vegetables and chicken meat and sprinkle each with cheese. Bake until golden brown and serve with tomatoes and herbs.

Chicken pasta - a traditional recipe
To prepare this dish we need one large carrot, onion, oil (preferably olive), chicken 400 g and the same number of feathers or horns.
Shred the vegetables and fry until golden brown. Boil the fillet and cut into strips. Combine with vegetables and fry until the onions are completely softened. Combine with boiled and washed pasta.
This dish is quite self-sufficient, so adding all kinds of sauces to it makes no sense. But a light vegetable salad will be quite appropriate.
Another way to cook chicken with pasta is even simpler than the previous one. Cut the boiled fillet into small pieces, mix with ready-made pasta and pour in a suitable sauce.
Ready pasta without dressing can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Therefore, the next morning you can offer your home instead of the usual milk porridge unusual pasta in Greek. Heat the pasta in butter and mix them with sweetened to taste. Sprinkle cinnamon on top.
  with chicken, on the Internet you will meet a great many. But this does not mean that it is already impossible to invent anything new. Feel free to experiment with various components. After all, cooking is an art and there is always a place for creative expression in it.

And again - Italian cuisine! This country has given the world culinary many delicious and spicy dishes, including spaghetti (with chicken in this case). In fact, Italians say, and not without reason, that sauce is one of the main places in this dish. And it is no coincidence! Today we’ll try to cook spaghetti with chicken in various sauces - tomato, cream, as the taste of this dish depends on them in many ways, and not only in the respected opinion of Italian cooks. We hope that you will feel in your own culinary experience, as much as possible, using almost the same products for the dish, to radically change its plan. So, let's start cooking.

Spaghetti Chicken Fillet with Tomato Sauce

To prepare, you need to take: a pack of spaghetti (500 grams), a pair of medium size, a couple of onions, three cloves of garlic, a pound of ripe fresh tomatoes, hard cheese (preferably Parmesan), vegetable oil (preferably olive), seasoning from Italian herbs.

How to cook step by step

  1. Cut from the breast, freeing from the bone. By the way, let the bone go to the broth - it will also come in handy later.
  2. And we cut the meat into small pieces in squares. They must be marinated in with a little salt and lemon juice.
  3. Grind or crush garlic. Thinly cut the onion into half rings.
  4. Tomatoes can be peeled (but some prefer along with it). Chop them finely.
  5. Fry onion and garlic lightly in vegetable oil, add chopped tomatoes. We extinguish on low heat until liquid appears. Add spices and simmer for about 15 minutes.
  6. Add a few soup ladles to the future sauce. With a blender, we turn all this into a homogeneous mass and simmer for another half an hour.
  7. Pieces of the breast marinated by this time over high heat are fried for a couple of minutes to lightly brown.
  8. Pour and simmer for another seven minutes.
  9. Now it’s the turn of spaghetti. It makes no sense to do them yourself, since the choice of good products is obvious. The only advice: choose thinner and from durum wheat. Boil spaghetti (the cooking time is indicated on a bundle, usually 10 minutes for thin ones).
  10. When the second part of the "Spaghetti with Chicken Fillet" dish is cooked, pour and spread the pasta on plates. And already on top of the pasta we spread portionwise on top of it, strew it with grated cheese and fresh chopped herbs.

Spaghetti with chicken in a creamy sauce

The sauce made from cream goes well with chicken and pasta pasta. And if you also sprinkle cheese on top, garnish with greens and slices of fresh tomatoes - generally a jumble!


To cook spaghetti with chicken, this option will require: a pair of medium-sized chicken breasts, onion, a glass of fat cream, a large spoonful of flour, a piece of hard cheese, butter and spices.

To cook? Easily!

  1. Separate the fillet from the seeds and chop into small pieces. It is advisable to marinate the meat lightly, but if in a hurry, then you can.
  2. Fry the meat on a fast fire until tender. Add salt and pepper.
  3. Finely chop the onion and fry separately. Then we add meat to it. Stew, adding water or broth, for about another half an hour.
  4. In the meantime, we’ll be preparing a creamy spaghetti sauce with chicken. To do this, we breed flour in a small amount of warmed cream. After a good stir, add the remaining cream and 50 grams of water.
  5. In the pan, add cream with flour, add spices, salt. Bring to a boil and turn off.
  6. Boil the spaghetti. We rub the cheese.
  7. We spread the pasta in suitable dishes in portions. Sprinkle grated cheese on top, and when it melts slightly, pour sauce with pieces of meat. You can decorate with greens.

Have you noticed that children of all ages love the most? Of course, pasta and chicken. Besides the fact that it is very tasty, each of the ingredients contains many useful substances. For example, spaghetti (or any pasta) are cereals that are beneficial to the body, especially if they are made from durum wheat. Chicken meat is rich in protein, practically does not contain cholesterol (in comparison with other animals) and is a dietary product (in particular, white fillet). So we will cook in a slow cooker a simple but very tasty recipe that will appeal to every family member or guests and will be no worse than a restaurant.


  • 1 pack of spaghetti or egg noodles;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 0.5 kilograms of chicken fillet;
  • 1 tablespoon of flour
  • 1 glass of milk.

Recipe for cooking:

  1. First, turn on the appliance in a double boiler mode and boil water. Put the pasta without wringing it into the pan. Cook at the same temperature for 7-10 minutes (but it all depends on the type of product, so the exact cooking time is better to look at the packaging).
  2. Then we discard the pasta in a colander, allowing the remaining water to drain.
  3. We switch to frying mode, usually 140-160 degrees. First, lightly pass the onion, then put the carrots (you can shabby, you can chopped - it depends on personal preferences) and meat.
  4. Fry everything under the lid until golden and ruddy, then add spices and salt to taste.
  5. Then fill the resulting dish with a glass of milk with flour previously diluted in it and bring to a boil.
  6. A delicious chicken in milk sauce is ready, it can be laid out on spaghetti or mixed (to taste), served. Read more:

Spaghetti with chicken

Spaghetti with chicken   - aromatic, tasty and "capricious" dish. Atwhen cooking, add grated fresh tomatoes to the dishit turned out juicy and delicious. How to do it?


  • Chicken meat - 500 grams
  • Spaghetti - 350-400 grams
  • Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs. (large)
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Onion - 1-2 heads
  • Carrots - 2 pcs. (large)
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Chicken stock (or water)
  • Ground black pepper
  • Bay leaf

How to quickly cook chicken spaghetti:

  1. Cut into arbitrary pieces chicken meatand fry in a pan in sunflower (or olive) oil until light golden.
  2. Then, add finely chopped onion to the meat and fry until the onion changes color. Unforgettable to mix!
  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the pan. We also lay garlic cloves, bay leaves for the meat and simmer everything together over medium heat until the onion gains carrot color. Mix from time to time!
  4. During this time, grate fresh tomatoes.
  5. Add the grated tomatoes to the meat and vegetables, salt and pepper to taste, mix and simmer for several minutes.
  6. After that, add to the pan spaghetti. Pour the chicken broth into the pan (if there is no broth, pour boiled water).
  7. Tip:Add the broth so that it only reaches the level of spaghetti. If necessary, you can add more broth during cooking.
  8. Once spaghettibecome soft, gently mix all the products and simmer until fully cooked. Try the dish on the salt and, if necessary, correct.
  9. During this time we make a salad of fresh vegetables.
  10. We lay out the finished dish in portions and serve on the table with a salad.

Spaghetti with chicken  very tasty and simple dish.

Bon appetit and mood!


Dedicated to lovers of Italian cuisine! A hearty and delicious dinner in just half an hour! Delicious spaghetti in tomato sauce with juicy and fragrant chicken!


  • Chicken fillet - 400 g
  • Tomatoes - 450 g
  • Tomato paste - 40 g
  • Spaghetti - 300 g
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Ground black pepper
  • Dried Basil - 1 tsp.
  • Olive oil


  1. We put water for spaghetti on the fire. As the water begins to boil, pour two tablespoons of olive oil and salt, stir. Boil spaghetti to the state of "al dente".
  2. While the water for the spaghetti boils, prepare the chicken and sauce. We cut the chicken fillet into 0.5 cm wide plates. Pour a little olive oil into the pan and put on medium heat. We lay the fillet in one layer on a hot pan. Fry for two minutes. During this time, we clean and finely chop a large clove of garlic. Sprinkle the chicken with half the garlic, salt, black pepper and 1/2 tsp. the basilica.
  3. Turn the chicken over and sprinkle with salt on the other side. Fry for another 1-2 minutes. The chicken is fried very quickly, as soon as it is browned, turn off the fire.
  4. Set aside the finished chicken (I roasted 400 g in two passes).
  5. Peel ripe tomatoes and three on a coarse grater.
  6. In a pan where the chicken was fried, put the tomatoes and simmer over medium heat. No need to add oil. As soon as the tomatoes have started the juice, reduce the heat, add the second half of the garlic, tomato paste, a little salt, the remaining basil and mix. Stew for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Add the chicken to the sauce, mix and turn off the heat. Cover and let the chicken soak in the flavor of the sauce.
  8. Ready spaghetti recline in a colander.
  9. Mix spaghetti with chicken and sauce. Optionally, you can garnish with a few sticks of hard cheese (pecorino romano, parmesan).
  10. Put the spaghetti on plates, spread the chicken on top. The chicken is very soft and aromatic.

Chicken Spaghetti in Cream Sauce


  • Chicken breast - 1-2 pcs.
  • Pasta - 400 g
  • Cream 10% fat - 200 ml
  • Onions - 1 large head
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Provencal herbs


  1. Boil chicken breast in salt water almost until ready for about 20 minutes. If the meat remains a little pink inside - nothing, it will come with further stewing. But the breast should not be digested, otherwise it will become completely dry and not so tasty.
  2. Cool and separate the white meat from the bone. The process will be easier if you immediately use chicken fillet. Cut the chicken into medium-sized cubes.
  3. Melt the butter in a pan.
  4. Onions cut into half rings or squares. Fry it in butter for several minutes until translucent.
  5. Then we put the chopped chicken meat in the pan to the onion and fry for a couple more minutes.
  6. Pour the cream, mix everything and cover. Stew for 3-4 minutes.
  7. Boil the paste according to the instructions on the packaging in salt water. We recline in a colander and let the water drain. To prevent pasta from sticking together, you can gently rinse it under a stream of cold running water.
  8. We transfer the pasta to the pan with chicken and cream. Mix, sprinkle with Provencal herbs and black pepper. You can also add finely chopped dill or parsley. Read more:

Bon Appetit!

Spaghetti with Chicken and Tomato


  • Spaghetti 300 gr.
  • Chicken fillet 300 gr.
  • Sweet pepper, 2 pcs tomatoes
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Grated hard cheese to taste
  • Greens, peppers and salt to taste


  1. Spaghetti are boiled in a standard way, reclined in a colander, washed and left under a closed lid in a warm place. Chicken fillet is cut into small pieces and seasoned with oregano, basil, pepper and salt, it is best if the meat is saturated with tastes and aromas within ten to fifteen minutes.
  2. Tomatoes are crosswise incised and placed in boiling water for one minute, after which the hot water is drained and the tomatoes are poured with cold water. Then the peel is removed from the tomatoes, and they are finely chopped, gourmets prefer to use only the walls of the fruits, and the seeds are removed, because it is in them that the main acid of the product.
  3. The pepper is cut into small cubes. The garlic is peeled, finely chopped (in circles) and fried in a preheated pan with simmering vegetable oil for about two minutes, after which it is extracted from the oil, for a greater flavor you can warm a little root or ginger powder in the oil.
  4. Chicken meat is put in the oil prepared in this way and fried until golden brown, about a couple of minutes, maybe five minutes. Then, chopped tomatoes and peppers are added to the chicken meat, as well as salt to taste, if fresh tomatoes are taken, not canned.
  5. Everything is thoroughly mixed and stewed for about ten minutes. Then spaghetti is added to the mixture of chicken and vegetables, and everything is stewed for another five minutes with continuous stirring.
  6. When serving, the dish is sprinkled with grated parmesan and chopped herbs. So, knowing how to cook spaghetti with chicken, you can quite calmly organize very nice Italian-style dinners.