How to cook rice garnished deliciously: step by step recipes. How to cook crumbly rice to a side dish in a pan correctly

Today we will tell you how to cook rice for a side dish. It should be noted that there are a great many ways to create such a dish. We will present only a few bottom ones. Which one to choose for serving at the dining table is up to you.

Cooking rice for garnish

There is nothing complicated in preparing such a dish. Moreover, this side dish is considered the most nutritious and nutritious. It can be served at the table with meat, and with sausages, sausages, fish, meatballs and so on.

So, the preparation of friable rice for garnish involves the use of the following components:

  • salt is not too large table - apply to taste;
  • water settled - about 1.5 liters;
  • long-grain rice - 2 cups.

Cooking process

How to boil rice on a side dish so that it turns crisp and tasty? To do this, it is good to sort out the groats and remove all inedible elements. Next, the product must be put in a sieve and washed thoroughly under cold water.

After the rice is processed, you should take a large pot and put it on the stove. Having added the settled water to the dishes, it is necessary to wait for it to boil. Next, pour salt into the bubbling liquid and put out all the washed cereal.

Stirring the products regularly with a spoon, you should wait for them to boil again. After this, the cereal must be cooked over low heat until completely soft. As a rule, 20-25 minutes are enough for this.

Final stage

After the cereal becomes soft, but not boiled, boiled rice needs to be thrown into a sieve and rinsed thoroughly under cold water. Before serving such a side dish to the table, it should be scalded with cool boiling water and shaken vigorously, trying to deprive the fluid as much as possible.

How to nourish and deliciously cook rice for a side dish?

The previous option for cooking rice cereals can be used in cases where you want to get a lean side dish. If you have a desire to make a more satisfying dish, then we offer you another recipe that recommends the additional use of vegetables. For him we need:

  • settling water - about 1.5 l;
  • sunflower oil - a few large spoons;
  • large juicy carrot - 1 pc.;
  • seasoning and aromatic spices - apply to taste;
  • sweet salad onions - 2 pcs.;
  • long grain rice - 2 cups.

Ingredient Processing

Before boiling rice on a side dish, it should be cleaned of existing debris, then put in a sieve and washed thoroughly in cool water until it is completely transparent.

After the cereal is prepared, it is necessary to start processing vegetables. They need to be washed and cleaned, and then chopped. It is advisable to grate the carrots on a grater (coarse), and chop the onions finely.

Cooking rice

Boiled rice according to the presented recipe is prepared exactly the same as described above. To do this, put it in a very bubbling liquid, salt and cook until soft for 20-25 minutes. Next, the product must be discarded on a sieve and washed thoroughly in cold water. After this, the rice needs to be shaken vigorously and left aside until all excess moisture has left it.

Passing vegetables

About how to cook rice on a side dish without using additional ingredients, we described above. But to get a more satisfying and aromatic dish, it should be done a little differently. To do this, pour the sunflower oil into the stewpan and warm it a little. Next, in hot dishes, put chopped onions and carrots. Fry the ingredients over low heat preferably about слаб hour. During this time, vegetables should become transparent. In conclusion, they should be seasoned with pepper and salt.

The process of forming a dish

How to cook rice garnished tasty and satisfying? To do this, boiled and moisture-free cereals should be poured into a saucepan with sautéed vegetables. Having seasoned the ingredients with any favorite spices and seasonings, they must be thoroughly mixed with a large spoon. Next, the side dish should be slightly warmed up and arranged in plates.

Family members can serve such a dish with any meat (fried, stewed, boiled) and fish. Also, sausages, meatballs or meatballs are well suited to boiled rice with sautéed vegetables.

Making viscous rice porridge

About how to cook rice for a side dish in the form of a friable dish, we told you a little higher. However, such cereal can not only be boiled in a large amount of water, but also make a hearty and tasty porridge from it. For her we need:

  • salt is not too coarse - use to taste;
  • high fat milk - 1.5 cups;
  • round grain rice - 2 cups;
  • butter - a few small spoons;
  • medium-sized sugar - use to taste and desire.

Preparation of the main product

To make a side dish of rice in the form of milk porridge, one should purchase not round grain but round grain cereals. Indeed, it is in this variety that contains a large amount of starch, which allows you to make a very viscous dish.

Thus, for the preparation of milk porridge, it is necessary to sort out the cereal well, and then put it in a sieve and rinse it several times with water so that it becomes completely transparent.

Heat treatment

After round-grain rice is processed, you should take a small saucepan with a thick bottom and pour fresh high-fat milk into it. Next, the filled dishes must be put on fire and brought to a boil. In this case, be sure to ensure that the dairy product does not “run away” over the edges of the dishes.

When the milk begins to boil violently, it is necessary to pour in it previously processed round-grain rice. Stirring the grits regularly, you should wait until the products begin to boil again. After this, the fire must be reduced, flavor the ingredients with salt and cook for 40 minutes. During this time, the groats will completely break apart and become viscous.

If the porridge starts to stick to the bottom of the dishes, but at the same time the rice remains harsh, it is recommended to add a little more milk to the saucepan.

Final stage

After you get viscous rice porridge, it must be seasoned with butter, tightly closed and removed from the stove. Having wrapped the pan with a blanket, it is advisable to stand aside for half an hour. After this time, the product needs to be mixed well again and put on plates.

How to serve at the dining table?

You can use rice porridge prepared according to the above method without additional ingredients in the form of meat, fish, etc. But for this, during its cooking, it is advisable to add a little sugar to the products. This will make the dish more full and tasty. If sugar is not added, then such a side dish is well suited to boiled meat or steamed fish.

To summarize

Now you know how to make a lean, nourishing and milk side dish from ordinary rice groats. It should be noted that the preparation of this product does not end there. After all, there are still many ways of making a delicious lunch using round-grain or long-grain rice. So, some housewives add green peas, canned corn, fried mushrooms and other ingredients to the boiled friable cereal. With them, your lunch can acquire completely different tastes, which will certainly be appreciated by all invited guests.

Oriental cuisine gave our culinary specialists a delicious side dish of rice, the recipe of which is able to create an excellent composition with fish and meat dishes. He is also an excellent neighbor to a variety of spicy and spicy sauces. Will make a company of vegetable dishes.

The basic rule, how to cook rice on a side dish, is to withstand the proportions of water and additional ingredients.

How to cook rice on a side dish

Rice is put in water ready to boil (water is taken twice as much as rice) and held under a closed lid for up to fifteen minutes. Then the container is removed from the fire, and under the closed lid it languishes for the same amount of time. Such rice will always be quite sticky and crumbly.


  • rice grains - a glass;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • canned corn;
  • sweet pepper;
  • oil base.

Rice on the side dish. Step by step recipe

  1. Rice is prepared according to the standard scheme described at the beginning of the article.
  2. Vegetables are cleaned of excess parts, crushed in small cubes.
  3. Vegetables are dipped in heated oil. Bring to a mild state.
  4. Until the end of the frying process, spread rice and sweet corn. Constantly stirring, bring the vegetables to readiness. Salt at the final stage.

A delicious recipe for preparing rice for a side dish has a number of interesting nuances.

  • Enhancers of taste can be added to rice. Drain a little rice broth, add vinegar and sugar. Such rice will be fragrant and spicy.
  • Spices used in cooking: paprika, black pepper and rosemary.
  • In some cases, the grains are laid before boiling water and removed before boiling.
  • A great way to cook rice is to use a double boiler. To prepare it is prepared by soaking.
  • Fresh herbs are laid out in rice only before serving. So that the grains are saturated with the freshness of dill, parsley or basil, they are covered with a lid.

Having considered the most versatile recipe for delicious rice to garnish, you can find some similarities with the preparation for sushi. In fact, the oriental approach to cooking rice has one basis. So, having learned to cook one recipe, you will recognize them all. "I love to cook" wishes you bon appetit! And take advice on

For many housewives, cooking cereals becomes a complex technology. With a competent approach, you need to take into account all the nuances - from the choice of grains to the length of time. You can cook rice in different ways, it depends on the destination - there are recipes for making porridge and side dishes. You can use the pot, slow cooker, double boiler and pan.

How to cook rice properly

There is a huge variety of ways to cook rice. There is an option to combine with vegetables, spices or eat without seasoning. To get a properly cooked cereal, you need to consider the type of grain:

  • Long grain - cooked for 20 minutes, the ratio is 1: 2 (a double amount of water is taken per glass of rice). It differs in long thin grains - up to 10 mm in length, does not stick together, served with meat, fish, and salads.
  • Mid-grain - cooked for 15 minutes, infused for 10 minutes, proportion 1: 2.25. For the white type, pre-soaking for a third of an hour is necessary. It differs in small grains 5 mm long, oval in shape. Ideal for recipes for rice soups, pickle, porridge and pilaf, it is more viscous.
  • Kruglozerny - it boils for a third of an hour, the proportion is 1: 2.5. It absorbs water perfectly and sticks together; it is indispensable for sushi recipes and casseroles.

Tips for cooking rice:

  1. Under the conditions, cereals should be washed in a sieve with running water.
  2. Put the entire volume in the pan, pour water in the right ratio, salt, close the lid.
  3. Simmer.

How to cook rice step by step:

  1. Measure the groats, rinse in a colander until clear, flowing water.
  2. Pour into an unenameled pot, pour cold water in the correct ratio.
  3. Salt, add spices, a spoonful of butter.
  4. Cook over low heat under a tightly closed lid.
  5. After evaporation of water, try, if the cereal is harsh, then add 50 ml of water and cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Serve boiled cereal with fish.


For many housewives, the biggest problem is how to cook friable rice. There are several ways, including in a double boiler:

  1. Dry cereals should be sorted out, washed with running water, let the liquid drain.
  2. Pour boiling water a centimeter above the grains, wait half an hour.
  3. Pour out water, place the rice on the grid of a double boiler, fill the container to half. Flatten with a spoon. Pour water into a double boiler.
  4. Leave to cook for half an hour in cereal mode.
  5. After cooking, sprinkle with oil, put for 5 minutes under the lid without stirring.

How to cook rice in a microwave of Panasonic or another company so that it crumbles:

  1. Rinse, lay in a bowl, pour salted boiling water 1: 2, close the lid.
  2. Keep at full power for 5 minutes, stir, reduce power to 500 W, wait 14 minutes.
  3. Steam for 20 minutes under a closed lid.

How to cook rice in a pan:

  1. Pour water into a pan, add salt, add rice, pour a spoonful of oil per 100 grams of product.
  2. Keep 17 minutes after the appearance of bubbles under the lid, let it simmer on medium, but wide fire.
  3. 2 minutes before ready to pour soy sauce as desired.
  4. To get a golden dish, you can lightly fry the product before cooking, so that they do not boil.

Rice grains in a bag are ideally crumbly. The cooking time depends on the manufacturer's instructions and the type of cereal. You can boil white steamed in a quarter of an hour, and brown in 25 minutes. First you need to boil the water in the pan: so that it covers the bag 2 cm, then lower the cereal. A delicious simple dish will be ready without stirring, guaranteed not to burn.

To garnish

The main function of rice is to use it as a side dish. For 4 people, you need a glass of cereal, from which you will get 400 g of the additive to the main dish. How much to cook rice as a side dish is up to the hostess herself. The average time is from a third of an hour, if you take cold water, up to 15 minutes, if there is boiling water. To get a beautiful delicious side dish of rice, as in the photo, you can tint it with spices - curry, turmeric or beetroot.

In milk

It will be useful for mothers with children to learn how to cook rice milk porridge. She can feed the child in the morning or serve for an afternoon snack. To prepare the dish you will need:

  • round rice grains - 200 g;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • sugar - 15 g;
  • butter - 30 g.

How to cook rice for porridge:

  1. Rice grains do not need to be washed, immediately pour a glass of water, put on a small fire, stir to prevent burning. Keep until water is absorbed.
  2. Pour ¾ cup of milk, boil, leave minimal heat, stir.
  3. As it thickens, add milk in small portions. Pour salt, sugar, add milk, cook until soft grains. Here you can add a little vanillin.
  4. Add oil.
  5. Serve with fruits, nuts, raisins - for taste and aesthetics, as in the photo in cooking magazines.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

It will be useful for everyone to learn how to cook rice in a slow cooker, because this technique has become popular with housewives. Procedure:

  1. Rinse the cereal, lay in the bowl, pour boiling water in a ratio of 3: 5.
  2. Add salt, oil, set the grits mode (river, rice), cook until the end of the program.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker for a couple:

  1. Rinse, dry the pictures, put in a container.
  2. Pour in water with a ratio of 1: 2, add pepper, turmeric, rosemary, salt.
  3. Cook in a double boiler mode (2/3 hours), leave for 5 minutes with the lid closed.

How to cook rice for sushi

Fans of Japanese cuisine will need information on how to cook rice for sushi, so that it turns out, as in the photo. To do this, you need to take a special grade for rolls (Sen Soi, Japanese, Mistral) or the classic fine-grained round groats. Soak is necessary before cooking. Cooking is carried out in a ratio of 1: 1.5 lasts a third of an hour, plus the same amount will be required for drying.

You can also make a sticky filling for rolls using a slow cooker. This will require soaking for half an hour for Japanese varieties, but for the round-grain type of cereal, this is not required. You can cook rice grains in the corresponding mode. If there is no separate function, a combination of the baking mode for 10 minutes and stewing is suitable - for 20. Water can be seasoned with a slice of nori for a delicious aroma and after ready to sprinkle the future roll with hot vinegar dressing for a sticky consistency.


Rice fell in love with many families for its useful qualities, mild taste and texture. Mistresses prefer to cook cereals for a side dish, and this is not surprising. Boiled rice goes well with fish, meat, stewed vegetables, mushrooms. Due to its versatility, the dish will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated gourmet. However, during the cooking process, difficulties may arise associated with the heat treatment of a particular rice variety.

How to cook steamed rice with a side dish

  1. A feature of this type of rice is considered to be its hard shell. First you need to rinse the grains under a large amount of water. It is necessary to exclude white coating, after washing the water should become transparent.
  2. Then you need to soak the rice. To do this, pour the grains into a deep bowl or pan, fill with purified water. The exposure time is 35-45 minutes, during which time the shell will soften.
  3. Now you can start cooking. Pour 500 ml into the pan. water, optionally add your favorite spices or take as a basis chicken broth. Salt the liquid, bring to a boil.
  4. At 0.5 liters. water accounts for 200 gr. rice grains. Pour them into boiling liquid, mix immediately. Switch the burner to the minimum mark, cook the rice under the lid for 20 minutes.
  5. When the set time has elapsed, remove the dishes from the stove, add the butter (optional). Close the container, let the rice brew for a quarter of an hour. Use as a side dish.

How to cook long rice with a side dish

  1. Long-grain rice has a high starch and extraneous dust content, so washing is indispensable. Put the composition in a sieve or bowl, pour water 6-7 times. When the liquid becomes clear, proceed to the next step.
  2. Prepare heat-resistant cookware for cooking, it should have a thick bottom and sides. Put in a pan rice grains in an amount of 200 g., Pour 450 ml. filtered water at room temperature. Do not add salt at this stage.
  3. Send the tank to the fire, set the average power indicator. Bring the mixture to a boil under a closed lid. Now rice can be salted to taste. Set the fire to maximum, simmer for 5 minutes, reduce to a minimum.
  4. Continue cooking rice for another 12-15 minutes under the lid. No need to mix the composition, otherwise the grains will stick together and form porridge. After the allotted time has passed, turn off the burner.
  5. Add a slice of butter if desired. Let the garnish brew for 15 minutes, for a better effect, lay a towel over the pan. Proceed to the tasting.

  1. Cooking begins with the preparation of grains. This step cannot be skipped, as it sets the tone for the whole dish. To begin the manipulation, it is necessary to pour the rice into a sieve, then rinse under the tap 5-7 times.
  2. You can carry out the procedure in a colander. After all the actions, the water should become completely transparent. It is this feature that suggests that we can go further.
  3. Now move the grains into a deep bowl or basin, fill with filtered water and wait 20-30 minutes. During this period, the rice will soften a little, it will be easier to work with it.
  4. You can start cooking. Drain, rinse the groats again under the tap. Take a thick-bottomed pan, pour 2 parts of water into 1 part of rice.
  5. Do not throw grains yet, add salt to the water. Put on the stove, wait for the first bubbles to appear. When the salt granules dissolve, add 30 ml. vegetable or olive oil.
  6. Pour rice into boiling liquid, immediately start stirring. Reduce the power of the burner to the middle mark, cover the dishes with a lid. The cooking time is 12-15 minutes.
  7. Throughout the heat treatment, rice should not be mixed. Otherwise, the grains will stick together, you will not be able to use the grits for garnish.
  8. After the set time has passed, turn off the fire, do not open the dishes. Put a towel on the pan, wait a third of an hour. Many housewives prefer to add butter at this stage.

How to cook black rice on a side dish

  1. Groats need to be processed in advance. Saturated black rice is difficult to prepare, so follow the basic instructions. Sort dry grains, put in a pan and fill with running water.
  2. Wait a certain period so that the rice settles to the bottom, and excess dust remains at the top. Drain, repeat 4-5 more times. With each soaking, intensively knead the grains. When all the dirt has been removed, move on.
  3. It is desirable to soak black rice in water at room temperature, it will become softer and more pliable. To do this, pour filtered liquid into a bowl, pour in the grains, leave overnight (at least 7 hours).
  4. Start cooking on the stove. Prepare a thick-walled pan, fill it with water so that 1 part of rice accounts for 3 parts of the water passed through the filter. For now, don’t pour the grains.
  5. Bring the fluid to the first bubbles, adhering to the maximum mark. Pour black rice into boiling water, wait for the second boiling.
  6. When this happens, reduce the power of the stove to a minimum, pour salt to taste. Cover, simmer exotic cereals for about 25-30 minutes. During this period, the rice will soften and cook.
  7. Remove the dishes from the fire, put the groats on a colander or sieve. Rinse from a jug of filtered water to remove excess starch. Now scald the composition with boiling water, wait a bit, serve it to the table.

  1. Cooking brown rice always begins with a preliminary wash. This must be done to remove dust and starch residues. Fold the composition onto a sieve, rinse under the tap. You need to bring the water to a transparent state.
  2. Now scald the grains with boiling water to seal the useful elements inside the shell. Put rice in a bowl, fill with purified water, soak overnight. If you do not have much time left, reduce the duration to 4-5 hours.
  3. Transfer the soaked rice to a thick-bottomed pan, pour 20 g. salt per 250 gr. grains. Now add 650-800 ml. purified water, send the cookware to the stove. Stir, bring to a boil.
  4. Cover the container with a lid, cook over high heat for about 7 minutes. Next, reduce the power to a mark between the average and minimum. Stir the composition, simmer the cereal for another half hour, do not open the dishes.
  5. After the set time has passed, turn off the burner, add a slice of butter (at your discretion), put a towel over the lid. Let the garnish stand for 30-45 minutes, then arrange on plates.

How to cook red rice on a side dish

  1. Red rice is an unpolished type, so you need to sort through the grains before cooking. Remove foreign debris and damaged objects. For convenience, put rice on the table one handful.
  2. When the whole volume of grains is sorted, spread the rice with a thin layer on the working surface. Evaluate again whether there are pebbles, fragmented elements, or husks in the composition. If necessary, exclude all unnecessary.
  3. Put red rice in a deep bowl, rinse under the tap until the water is completely clear. You will need 5-8 reps.
  4. If desired, rice can be soaked in water at room temperature and left for 2 hours. If you don’t have the time, start cooking. Pour 0.6 l into the pan. filtered water, add 0.2 kg. rice, add 10 gr. salt.
  5. Put the container on fire, cook at maximum power. When the water boils, remove the foam, cover the container with a lid, reduce the burner to a minimum.
  6. After 35-45 minutes, evaluate the consistency of the grains, they should be soft. If the cereal crunches on your teeth, strain the rice for another 10 minutes. Turn off the burner, insist on the side dish under the lid for a quarter of an hour.
  7. In some cases, the liquid in which the cereal is cooked acquires a brownish tint. In such situations, drain it immediately after boiling, add new water. Salt the dish 5 minutes before being cooked.

  1. The difficulty with wild rice is that the grains are quite hard. The bran-type shell restrains useful enzymes; the shell is poorly digested.
  2. Before boiling rice, you need to soak it. Thanks to this, the water will wash the starch, making the finished dish crumbly and healthy. To soak, rinse the groats under the tap 5-7 times, the water should not be cloudy.
  3. Then pour the rice into a bowl, fill with filtered water, leave for 6 hours. After passing the set time, rinse the grains again. You can extend the soaking time to 10 hours to get more wholesome sprouted rice.
  4. After washing and soaking, heat treatment can begin. Pour 750 ml into the cookware. clean water, salt, put the container on the stove. Wait for the bubbles to appear, then pour in the rice and cover the pan with a lid.
  5. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Now turn down the heat to a minimum, cook wild rice for another half hour. It does not need to be disturbed, otherwise porridge will turn out. Readiness is determined by visual inspection, rice grains increase 3-4 times.

Regardless of the type of rice, do not neglect the preliminary preparation. You need to rinse and soak the cereal, then you can start cooking. A delicious side dish is obtained from all varieties of rice grains, but the brown, black, wild, steamed and red composition is considered the most useful.

Video: how to cook rice crisp

In Russia, rice is not yet as popular as in Asia and Europe, where it is one of the favorite foods that are used to prepare not only side dishes, but also other dishes. However, among our compatriots this product is becoming more and more popular, as it is simple to prepare and quite useful, especially when it comes to brown and wild rice. However, not all housewives know how to cook rice for a side dish. 5 recipes from around the world and the advice of experienced chefs will help with this.

Culinary secrets

In countries where rice is used as one of the main ingredients of most dishes, they know the secrets that make it really tasty to garnish. However, many of our compatriots may find the advice of experienced culinary experts useful.

  • Different varieties of rice are suitable for different dishes. So, for Italian risotto, only those varieties of rice cereal that contain a lot of starch are suitable. But if you boil rice according to traditional Russian recipes, you better choose varieties with a low starch content, otherwise during cooking the rice will turn into a mush.
  • To prevent rice from sticking during cooking, it is better to pour water with a supply of at least two parts of water to one part of the cereal. Odorless vegetable oil will give you additional help: pouring just the time of spoons of this product into the pan, you will feel how much the rice tasted and tastier.
  • Rice for making risotto and similar dishes, the rice is not washed so as not to remove starch from its surface.
  • Many recipes for making rice involve roasting it, so it keeps its shape better when cooking.
  • A bouquet of spices and spices used can dramatically change the taste of rice side dish.

We offer you some recipes that are not too similar to each other, allowing you to deliciously cook rice for a side dish, with a minimum of effort.

Boiled rice on a side dish

What do you need:

  • rice groats - 1 tbsp .;
  • water - 2 tbsp .;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • salt, seasoning from aromatic herbs and dried vegetables - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the rice, put it in a thick-walled pan. Salt, fill with water.
  2. Put on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. Turn down the fire.
  3. After cooking for 10 minutes, add salt and seasoning, stir.
  4. Continue cooking until the water has evaporated almost completely.
  5. Pour in oil, stir, turn off the stove. Wrap the pan and leave for a quarter of an hour.

PC will turn out tender and crumbly. If cream is added to it instead of vegetable oil, it will acquire a creamy taste. Cooking rice according to this recipe in a slow cooker, at the last stage it is left in the heating mode, the rest of the time it is cooked using a special program designed for cooking rice. According to this recipe, rice is a side dish cooked all over the world.

Risotto - Italian side dish rice

What do you need:

  • rice - 1 tbsp .;
  • broth or warm water - 0.5 l;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • dry white wine - 50 ml;
  • parmesan or a similar grade of cheese - 25 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste (if broth is used, they can be omitted).

How to cook:

  1. Heat oil and fry finely chopped onion in it.
  2. Add rice, stir-fry. About 5 minutes.
  3. Pour in the wine, pour spices to taste. Cook, stirring until the wine has evaporated almost completely (partially absorbed into the rice).
  4. Pour in half a glass of broth. Stir while waiting for it to soak into rice. Pour in the same part of the broth. So, each time waiting for the complete absorption of the broth, use up all of it.
  5. Finely grate the cheese, cut the butter into thin slices
  6. Add them to the rice, mix it and immediately remove from heat.

After that, the risotto can immediately be served as a main course or side dish. In the first case, it is better to cook it with vegetables, adding them at the same stage as the wine. It will be tasty anyway.

Japanese rice

What do you need:

  • rice - 1 tbsp .;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • green onions - 100 g;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp .;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • soy sauce - 40 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse well and fill with water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes under a lid. Remove from the stove.
  2. While the rice is being cooked, finely chop the onion and fry it in butter. Add eggs to the onion and beat with a whisk. As a result, they should be fried in small lumps.
  3. Add rice to the stewpan with onions and eggs, pour in soy sauce. Stew for a couple of minutes, after mixing.

Such rice can be served as a side dish or as an independent dish. It goes well with fish and seafood. It will especially appeal to those who are not indifferent to Asian cuisine, although its taste cannot be called very specific.

Turkish rice

What do you need:

  • rice - 1 tbsp .:
  • water - 1.5 tbsp .;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • frozen vegetable mixture - 0.4 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Fry the rice in oil for a minute. Then fill with water and cook, without covering, for 15 minutes over low heat.
  2. Season with salt. Add vegetable mixture without defrosting. Cook until the liquid has completely dissolved.

To make the dish even tastier, spices should be chosen bright and fragrant. You can add a little turmeric - it will give the rice a nice yellow tint. Rice cooked with a garnish according to this recipe will be especially useful, since it contains a lot of vegetables.

Hawaiian Rice

What do you need:

  • rice - 1 tbsp .;
  • canned corn - 100 g;
  • canned green peas - 100 g;
  • sweet pepper - 100 g;
  • curry seasoning - 5 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • cream - 0.2 l;
  • water - 100 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pepper, remove the stalks and seeds. Cut the pulp into small cubes, mix with corn and green peas.
  2. Mix curry with warm water and cream. Lightly salt.
  3. Mix the vegetable mixture with rice, put in a glass or ceramic form.
  4. Pour in cream. Put in the oven.
  5. Turn on the oven and wait until the temperature inside it reaches 180 degrees. Cook rice with vegetables 25-30 minutes. The liquid should have evaporated almost completely by this time.

Serving such a side dish is best for poultry dishes, such as chicken breast.

It is delicious to cook rice with a variety of recipes. Many countries of the world have their own unique cooking technology for this dish. If you collect recipes from around the world, you will have a different side dish of rice each time and never get bored.