How to cook pasta nests? How to cook "nests" of pasta so that they do not lose shape.

The combination of pasta and minced meat can be found in many dishes of different cuisines. This classic beloved by everyone, lasagna stuffed with minced shells, pasta bolognese, cannelloni, casseroles with different sauces. Like the above dishes, they are very tasty. All that is needed for their preparation is to find suitable pasta in the form of nests and to prepare related products.

The dish is not only very tasty and satisfying, but also has an original look. If you like pasta, then for a dining table or dinner, such a dish will be just right. Pasta nests with minced meat can be prepared in a pan, in a slow cooker and in the oven. Today we will cook them using the oven.


  • Pasta "Nests" - 8-9 pcs.,
  • Onions - 2 pcs.,
  • Stuffing - 500 gr.,
  • Sour cream - 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.,
  • Solid - 100 gr.,
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves,
  • Spices and salt to taste,
  • Sunflower oil to lubricate the mold.

Pasta nests with minced meat - recipe

The first step is to cook the roasting. Carrots and onions must be peeled. Grate the carrots on a medium or fine grater.

Dice the onion.

Put the vegetables in a frying pan with vegetable oil, lightly salt and sauté for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Remove the stewed vegetables from the stove. Add sour cream and spices to them.

Shuffle. Nesting ready. Now let's get the stuffing. By the way, you can use absolutely any stuffing. Both pork and beef, chicken or combination. In this recipe, I used minced pork. Add ground black pepper to the minced meat, grated onion, spices and salt. Mix it well with your hands. Grate hard cheese on a medium grater. We will sprinkle the dish with them before baking.

In the boiling salted water, dip the "nests" of pasta.

Boil them for 2-3 minutes until half cooked. It is important that the pasta is only slightly welded. Carefully remove the slotted spoon so that they do not fall apart. Put in a baking dish greased with vegetable oil.

In each pasta nest, put the minced meat with a teaspoon. You can do it differently, roll the balls with wet hands from the minced meat and put them in the middle of the nests. Spread the minced meat lightly with a slide.

To make the nests juicy and not dry, always pour water into the mold. The water level in the mold must be at least 1 cm. Instead of water, meat broth can also be used. Sprinkle pasta with minced meat during vegetable frying.

Add the chopped garlic. I must say right away that in this recipe garlic is an amateur. If you do not like it, then do not add it. You can also sprinkle with chopped herbs if desired.

Pour mayonnaise from a pack.

To finish, sprinkle the nests with grated cheese. Put the form in an oven preheated to 180С.

Oven pasta nests with minced meat   bake for 25-30 minutes with the lid closed. After this, the lid must be removed and baked until a cheese crust appears for another 10 minutes.

Put the finished dish on plates. Serve with vegetable salads as a side dish. Good appetite. No less tasty are obtained.

Pasta nests with minced meat. Photo

No hostess will have a question “How to cook pasta?” But only if we are not talking about “nests”. These pasta in the form of bird nests appeared on store shelves not so long ago, but many gourmets managed to fall in love. Indeed, pasta nests with various fillings are not only tasty and satisfying, but also an unusually beautiful dish. claims that his success depends on the ability to properly boil pasta.

So that they do not break up, do not lose their shape, turning into a regular vermicelli and, at the same time, boil well and do not stick together?

Cooking process

To cook them you need a pan with a wide bottom or a pan with high sides. Nests from pasta are laid out at the bottom in one layer at a small distance from each other and are poured with boiling water. You need to take just enough water to cover the pasta.

When the water boils again, salt and add a tablespoon of olive oil. Cooked pasta over low heat under a lid. Cooking times are usually indicated on the packaging. To get al dente pasta, i.e. “By tooth”, time needs to be reduced by 2 minutes.

Ready nests from pasta are carefully laid out on a plate with a slotted spoon (no need to rinse!) And filled with filling. As a filling, you can use variegated thick sauces, for example, mushroom or seafood, as well as make pasta nests with minced meat.

Toppings Recipes

1. Minced pasta nests. For 400 grams of minced meat, 3 medium onions are taken. The onion is finely chopped and fried, after which minced meat, salt and favorite spices are added to it. The filling is fried before the minced meat is cooked.

2. Ham pasta nests. 3 tbsp. tablespoons of flour fry in 100 grams of butter, add 400-500 grams of milk, salt, pepper, and cook until thickened, constantly stirring. A few minutes before being ready, add the onions (1 pc.) And 200 grams of ham fried in a separate bowl.

3. Pasta nests with mushroom sauce. The onion, chopped into small cubes, is fried until golden brown, 600 grams of finely chopped mushrooms are added to it and fried until the moisture evaporates completely. After that, pour 500 grams of heavy cream and the sauce is stewed over low heat until thickened.

4. Seafood Pasta Nests. 500 grams of your favorite seafood (mussels, shrimp, squid) or a ready-made sea cocktail is boiled in salt water for 2-3 minutes, then fried in butter and stewed in 1 glass of heavy cream.

Having watched all kinds of culinary shows on TV, I once bought a pasta nest and bought it in a store, and when I cooked it, I got regular noodles instead of a nest. Then I wondered how to properly cook pasta nests? Walking around the supermarket once again, she stopped in the grocery department and looked at the nests again. I took various packages from the window, read, looked. And it was the bundle that attracted me, on which 2 recipes on how to cook pasta nests were shown and described right away in the form of a mini-MK. I will not describe the second one, as it implies the usual way of making noodles, well known both to me the first time and to everyone who has ever cooked pasta. But the first method even had its own name: Classic Italian pasta nests. And it was he who prompted me to buy these nests again.

Having brought home a packet of raw nests, I began to cook them according to the instructions. And what I did was unexpectedly pleasantly pleased. I will try to convey everything as I did according to the instructions.

1. We release the nests from the packaging and put in a wide pan. It is very important to cook the nests in a spacious wide bowl, the instructions even mentioned a large frying pan or stewpan. It is necessary that the nests in the pan each fall into place, not on top of each other. At first I installed 5 nests on the bottom, but after a little thought, I added a sixth to them. Although 2 nests are enough for one person to eat, the remaining 2 were redundant and were eaten the next day, heating in a pan like noodles. Well, I did not guess the first time!

2. Having thus placed the nests in a dry pan, fill the kettle with water and boil the water.

3. While the water is boiling in the teapot, add a tablespoon of salt to the pan with the nests - it is needed so that the temperature in the water is evenly distributed, the pasta is evenly boiled and not stick together.

4. Add one or two tablespoons of olive oil to the pan with nests (I think it will not matter if you add sunflower instead of olive).

5. We add dry spices to the nests - I take the Mriya brand - especially for pasta and spaghetti.

6. And here the teapot has already boiled, so we remove the teapot and fill our nests with boiling water so that the water only slightly covers them or is at the same level. Now we immediately put the pot on the fire with water.

7. On my packaging with pasta it was written that they should be cooked for 5 minutes. After 3 minutes it seemed to me that the celebrities were welded and I hastened to catch them.

8. It is necessary to remove the nests from the water with a slotted spoon (the larger it is, the better), but in no case should it be thrown back into a colander, otherwise instead of nests you will get noodles again. When each nest is taken out separately, it is better to press the nest with a slotted spoon to the side of the pan, squeezing out slightly excess moisture. But in general, there were no problems - I managed to get all the sockets more or less accurately.

You can serve nests with any goulash, paprikash, beef stroganoff, schnitzel, cutlet, etc. I cooked chicken liver fried with onions. On their own, the classic Italian nests according to this recipe turned out to be very unusual, fragrant, and tasty. But the left pair on a plate slightly stuck together inside. If you still have extra servings, pour them with vegetable oil, adding it directly to the middle of the nest, so that it does not stick together, it will be easier to heat it later.

Noodles from pasta - a dish that looks very impressive. But the taste of traditional pasta, equipped with delicious filling, is radically transformed. We suggest preparing this dish with mushroom filling. It turned out very tasty, but - satisfying. Therefore, count no more than 3-4 nests per adult.

So, to prepare 4 servings of pasta nests, take:

pasta nests at the rate of 3-4 nests per 1 serving (total 12-16 nests);

50 g butter;

400 g of fresh champignons;

1 small onion (I have a Sterling white onion);

2 small tomatoes;

half a glass of walnut kernels;

4 tbsp sour cream;

vegetable oil;

Stuffing for pasta nests

1. Peel the onion, chop finely.

2. Rinse the mushrooms under running water, put in a colander and let the water drain. Then chop them the way you like.

3. Put the peeled walnuts in a blender bowl and smash. I left several pieces of nuts uncooked, but I did not grind them either:

4. Wash and chop the tomatoes:

Now all the ingredients for preparing the filling for pasta nests with mushrooms are ready:

5. In a pan, heat the vegetable oil.

6. Put the onion in the heated oil and lightly fry it so that it becomes transparent.

7. Then add the chopped mushrooms and salt, and then cover with a lid.

8. When the mushrooms are ready to taste, add sour cream; stir.

We increase the fire and let the sour cream boil a little.

9. Add mushrooms, tomatoes; stir and cover; on low heat we stand a couple of minutes and turn off the fire.

How to cook pasta nests?

When all the vegetables are sliced, you can cook the filling and boil the nests at the same time. We put a pot of water on a slow fire.

Do not forget to salt.

When the water boils, lower the pasta nests into it.

Given that the nests of pasta are suites of thin spaghetti, then they cook quickly. The best option is to note the time indicated on the pasta bag, and then pull out one pasta for its readiness. Do not interfere with the nests - otherwise they will fall apart.

If you want to cook nests from pasta from ordinary spaghetti, then the procedure is also simple: boil the spaghetti, throw it into a colander (you can then mix it with butter) and form nests from them.

But back to the finished nests. When they have boiled, we take out each nest from the pan with a slotted spoon, hold it for several seconds above it, letting water drain, and put it directly on the plates.

Melt the butter and pour over the nests.

Put mushroom stuffing in each nest - and serve.

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Pasta nests with minced meat - an unusual, but easy to prepare dish. His homeland is Italy. In this country, the population is very fond of a variety of variations with pasta.

Rare ingredients are not needed for the dish. They can be freely purchased in our stores. The dish is nutritious and you do not need to add any side dish to it.

What do you need?

The main problem with cooking can be special pasta intended for this dish. In large cities, you can buy them at any major store or shopping center. In smaller settlements, difficulties may arise with their acquisition.

For a dish you need to buy a packet of Tagliatelle pasta. These are thin spaghetti twisted in the shape of a bird's nest. The hostess will need 12 pieces of such balls. Stuffing can be prepared independently from chicken, pork or purchased ready-made (500 g).

Of spices, it is better to use only salt and black pepper. You should not put garlic or spicy, fragrant mixtures, because the taste will be too saturated.

Essential Ingredients

Find the rest of the components is easy. Have to take:

  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • 1 medium-sized carrot;
  • 2 tbsp. l any red sauce;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • 2 tbsp. l sour cream and mayonnaise;
  • spice.

You can, according to your own taste and preferences, make some changes. Adherents of good nutrition may not use mayonnaise in pasta nests with minced meat, but add more sour cream.

Replace the broth in a variant with cooking in a pan can be simple water. During the stew, it will be saturated with minced fat.

Product Preparation

First you need to do stuffing. If you bought it already ready, then you just need to add spices and finely chopped onions. To cook the minced meat yourself, you need to pass 500 g of any meat twice through a meat grinder.

Pasta is boiled in salted water for 3 minutes. They do not need to be kept on fire longer. The product must not be cooked. Vegetables need to be peeled and washed well. Onions are cut into medium cubes, and carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater.

Nests made of pasta are laid out in a baking dish. Inside each placed ready-made stuffing. It should be clearly visible above the surface of the paste.

If you add a little mincemeat to the nests, then during stewing it will drop and the dish will lose its characteristic shape.


First you need to do the frying. The onion is allowed to become transparent in the pan. Then carrots are added here. These ingredients are fried for 10-15 minutes.

Sauce diluted with a small amount (250 ml) of water is added to the mass. The lighter should simmer over low heat for another 10 minutes. The resulting sauce must be filled with cooked pasta nests with minced meat.

At the top of each is a tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise. Top they are sprinkled with grated hard cheese. The cooked dish is put in the oven for baking for an hour. The temperature should be at least 180 ° C.

The form with the finished dish is taken out of the oven, the nests with a spatula are separated from each other. Before serving, you can sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs.

Such nests will be an excellent, original decoration of the festive table. Because banal mashed potatoes as a side dish will not surprise anyone. Also, the original presentation can cause appetite even for the most capricious child who does not like meat.

Variation of dishes cooked in a pan

Minced pasta nests can be made with some changes to the recipe. The amount of ingredients remains the same as in the first embodiment. If the pan is small, then consumption can be halved.

In this case, you do not need to cook pasta in advance. Stuffing is prepared on the same principle. Another difference is the lack of frying. Be sure to boil the meat broth, which is needed for making pasta nests with minced meat, the photos of which are posted in the article. It can be cast in advance when preparing the first course.

A large onion grated on a fine grater is added to the minced meat. Thus, it will become juicier and tastier. Carrots are not used in the recipe.

Nests are laid out in a pan. Inside each is placed minced meat with a slide. The broth is poured. A small amount of mayonnaise or sour cream is laid out on the nests. It should half cover all the components of the dish.

The mass in the pan should be stewed for about 20 minutes. At this time, the cheese must be grated. The greens are chopped finely. Each nest is sprinkled with cheese. The pan is closed again and set on fire.

When the cheese is completely melted, sprinkle with greens on top of the dish. All liquid must be vaporized during the quenching. When feeding the nests are separated from each other and served in portions. To the original dish, you can offer in a separate bowl any purchased or self-prepared red sauce.