How to cook buckwheat - simple tips and tricks. How to cook buckwheat friable in water in a saucepan recipe

Buckwheat is considered one of the most popular cereals today. We have known her taste since childhood. Unfortunately, no matter how trite it may sound, but not all novice housewives know how to cook buckwheat in water. This topic is considered very relevant, as it can help avoid incidents during cooking porridge. Knowing some of the intricacies and features of the process of cooking buckwheat, as well as studying the simplest recipes, will help you quickly and easily learn how to make buckwheat porridge on water at home.


Buckwheat porridge is considered so universal that with its help you can cook a lot of unusual dishes. Buckwheat can be cooked not only in water, but also in milk or with the addition of sunflower oil. Buckwheat is even fried, and boiled is added to cutlets and some other meat products. To study the process of making buckwheat porridge in more detail, you need to find out all its features at each stage.

Cereal preparation

Before you put the buckwheat to cook, it must be sorted and washed, no matter how clean it may seem to you. Not only the attractive appearance of the future side dish, but also its taste properties depend on proper preparation and washing. It is very important to conduct a visual inspection of the porridge. It is necessary to remove from it all the extra pebbles, which in themselves are slightly larger than buckwheat kernels. In this case, it is best not to be lazy and sort out buckwheat, since it is precisely such defective pebbles that chip the teeth in the future.

You should also check the porridge for empty kernels. There is no need to cook empty husks.

In order not to search for empty kernels manually, buckwheat must be placed in water for a couple of minutes, empty kernels will pop up themselves, then they will need to be removed using a slotted spoon.

Finally, buckwheat should be finally rinse until water is completely clear.

Time needed

An equally important issue that worries many housewives is the amount of time required for cooking buckwheat. Here are a few things to keep in mind. From how long the porridge will cook, how long it will be steamed and stand in hot water, its taste will largely depend.

When using the most common recipes for cooking porridge and maintaining the appropriate proportions, it is enough to cook buckwheat for 20-25 minutes (preferably under a closed lid). Cooking buckwheat in a slow cooker is even simpler. It is enough to choose the necessary mode and wait for the preparation of porridge.

To get airy and loose porridge it is recommended to steam it. Typically, cooking is done in a steam bath and lasts more than half an hour.


Despite the fact that buckwheat is considered a very versatile product, in order to cook it correctly, it is necessary to maintain certain proportions, whatever the recipe was chosen. The ratio of buckwheat to water should always be 1: 2.That is, for one glass of buckwheat, you should always take 2 glasses of water. Similarly, you definitely will not lose.

Cooking recipes

To date, on the Internet, you can find a lot of different recipes that will help you properly cook buckwheat at home. Next, we consider the most popular and simple ones, which will not take even a lot of time for beginner housewives.

Recipe boiled friable buckwheat

As ingredients should be used:

  • buckwheat porridge - one glass;
  • water - two glasses;
  • butter - 1.5 tsp;
  • salt.

Cooking step by step.

  • At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the right amount of buckwheat porridge and water. It is imperative to observe proportions. It is worth remembering that in the process of cooking porridge it will become exactly 2 times more, therefore, you should be careful with the necessary volume.
  • Next, we sort and wash the cereals.
  • Previously, it is recommended to fry all the buckwheat in a pan, you need to mix it well. It is very important that the seeds are not burnt.
  • After the grains have been thoroughly fried, you should add butter to them and wait until it has completely melted. This stage is very important, since it will depend on it whether the porridge will be dry in the future or not. It is especially important to add oil at the moment when the porridge is no longer fried, otherwise the oil itself may burn, and the dish will be spoiled.

  • At the next stage, buckwheat should be filled with the required amount of water, having previously prepared a convenient container for this. Professionals note that in order for buckwheat to turn out to be tasty and crumbly, it is very important that air does not get into the pan or cooking pot that you use. It is most convenient to cook friable porridge in a pan with a transparent lid.
  • We are waiting for the water to boil, slightly reduce the heat, cook the porridge for about 20-25 minutes until fully cooked.
  • After the porridge is cooked, it will certainly turn out friable, as it was cooked as if steamed. In the finished porridge, you can add herbs and spices. Sometimes experts recommend covering the porridge with something warm for another 10-15 minutes. In this way, the side dish will “reach” full readiness.

Buckwheat on the water

  • At the first stage, we carefully sort out the porridge and rinse it until the water is clean.
  • Pour the required volume of water into a prepared pan, turn on a strong fire and wait for the water to boil.
  • Next, pour buckwheat into the water, reduce the heat to medium, close the pan with a lid and cook porridge for about 20 minutes.
  • According to the readiness of the porridge, water should not remain in the pan. In buckwheat, add butter and salt. A delicious side dish is ready. It will go well with meat and fish dishes.

In the microwave

Another quite interesting and simple recipe is cooking buckwheat in a pan with a microwave. It is very important to purchase a small saucepan that is suitable for microwave ovens.

  • Pour the right amount of pre-selected porridge into the container and pour everything with boiling water, cover, and then place in the microwave.
  • The microwave must be set to maximum power and wait until the water boils. Typically, the average time is 3-4 minutes.
  • After boiling water from the pan, you must remove the lid and put the porridge in the microwave again. With a power of 500-600 watts, porridge should be cooked for no more than 10 minutes.

Such a non-standard recipe may appeal to many, as it does not require unnecessary trouble.

To surely prepare an excellent side dish, you must follow the advice of professionals.

  • It is best to use buckwheat of the first grade. The second and third are considered less quality. The best option for buying may be the 1st grade kernel, which has a minimum of impurities and is ideal for home cooking in a slow cooker or a conventional pan.
  • It is best used for children, as it is chopped buckwheat grains that boil very quickly.
  • To choose buckwheat porridge correctly, it is very important to pay attention to its processing. Raw buckwheat most often has a greenish tint. To keep the cereal longer, it is thermally processed, as a result of which the grains acquire a saturated brown color. Light brown grains are a sign of less processing of the product, however, to obtain crumbly porridge, it is best to purchase dark brown groats.

  • While cooking porridge, it is not recommended to mix it, thereby violating its normal process of ripening under steam.
  • For cooking, it is better to choose pots that retain heat very well. In addition, it is very important to choose the right pan volume. It should not be too small, since buckwheat has the property of being highly digested. It is highly undesirable for it to spill over the edges.
  • When cooking porridge, it is recommended to remove the white foam.
  • Salt should be cold water. Only after boiling it is possible to lower buckwheat.
  • Many housewives have a question, how much to cook buckwheat porridge. Twenty minutes is enough if the porridge is cooked in accordance with all the rules and in compliance with all proportions. In order to check whether the porridge is ready or not, you should open the lid, slightly slide it and see if there is still water. If there is no water, then the porridge is steamed well and cooked.

  • It is very important to be careful with buckwheat diets, about which there is a lot of information on the Internet. The use of buckwheat alone is especially dangerous for people who suffer from diabetes mellitus, as well as for those who have problems with the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Summing up, we can say that buckwheat is a very useful cereal that should be included in the diet of each person.

This porridge has practically no contraindications for consumption, with the exception of the individual intolerance of this cereal. Also, this porridge is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A simple and quick way to prepare buckwheat on the water in a pan, see below.

Buckwheat porridge is our mother.

What does your childhood smell like? Among the smells of dusty asphalt, nailed by a quick summer rain, grandmother's affectionate hands, mother’s spirits and father’s mustache there are others that probably come up from time to time: the aroma of freshly baked muffin, rich thick borsch, crumbly buckwheat porridge. Years pass, but these smells are firmly associated precisely with childhood - barefoot, happy, carefree. To immerse yourself in pleasant memories, mentally return to those years, sometimes it’s enough to cook a portion of buckwheat - and a warm wave of happiness will cover and overwhelm with bright moments.

Speaking of porridge, do you know how to cook buckwheat properly? Is there a couple of secrets in your arsenal that make life much easier and even sometimes allow you to mentally lift your nose to say that you know how to cook the most delicious of all possible buckwheat cereals? In general, let's talk today about this grits, about its benefits and harms, life hacks and features, the intricacies of cooking and interesting recipes - even if you think you know everything about how to make buckwheat deliciously, believe me, this article will open your eyes to new facts.

Where did buckwheat come from?

In the debate about where buckwheat came from on our table, historians cannot reach a compromise. According to some studies, the birthplace of this cereal is the Himalayas, others claim that it was born in Greece, while others cite evidence that buckwheat was first grown in North India. Some scientists believe that buckwheat was found on the territory of Russia, another says about Nepal - there are many options, and everyone can choose the one that is closer to him by conviction.

However, no matter what version is actually true and true, no one will dispute the fact that this cereal is considered to be a “Russian product” throughout the world. All historians agree that buckwheat in Russia began to be grown in the 7th century, and it got its name due to the fact that Greek monks were engaged in cultivating this culture.

Briefly about the main thing:

- How much to cook buckwheat in water? 20 minutes.
  - How much to cook buckwheat porridge in milk? 25 minutes
  - How much water to pour: 1 to 2.5.
  - What water to fill in? Cold!
  - When to salt? Salt water immediately.

The benefits and harms of buckwheat

When it comes to the benefits of buckwheat, most of us probably recall the fact that this cereal contains a record high amount of iron - everyone knows that it is recommended for people with low hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, buckwheat includes phosphorus, iodine, potassium, fluorine, zinc and a number of other useful substances. Vitamins of group B (B9, B2, B1), PP, E turn this cereal into a magic pill, which should be taken daily and regularly.

Separately, it must be mentioned that buckwheat contains 18 amino acids (this is not a typo!) Of amino acids necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. Buckwheat protein is similar in composition to easily digestible egg protein - and this fact adds special weight to buckwheat as a product that can to some extent replace meat and eggs.

Buckwheat lowers blood cholesterol, cleanses the kidneys and liver, and normalizes bowel function. For heartburn, it’s useful to chew some raw grains, and for problems with blood pressure, eating this porridge should be done systematically.

However, with a general laudatory tone, which is usually described as the usefulness of buckwheat, it is worth remembering that this cereal is not recommended for people with diseases of the stomach and duodenum. During pregnancy and lactation, the amount of buckwheat consumed should be strictly moderate.

How to prepare buckwheat for use

A couple of dozen years ago, buckwheat, which could be bought in markets or in stores, was not particularly clean - it had to be scattered on the table and sorted out, separating from the chaff, spoiled grains, strange pebbles and even other grains. Surely your grandmother, about to cook buckwheat porridge for breakfast, still does it in the described way - she puts glasses on her nose, spreads a couple of glasses of cereal on a flat surface and sorted it out with elaborate movements, pouring it into a saucepan. Fortunately, the modern competitive environment is forcing manufacturers to deprive their grandmothers of their usual activities - current buckwheat, as a rule, does not need such thorough preliminary preparation.

However, do not forget that, firstly, there is no limit to perfection, and secondly, sorting out buckwheat means not only cooking delicious porridge, but also training fine motor skills of hands, therefore, maybe you should ask your son or daughter to help mom with cooking dinner? Pluses - the mass: and perfectly clean cereals, and tasty porridge, and a busy child, and developed fingers.

How to rinse buckwheat. Before proceeding directly to the preparation of buckwheat, it is worth rinsing the cereals thoroughly. There are two ways to do this.  The first is simple: pour buckwheat into a colander and hold it under running water for a minute or two. The second is more difficult, but with a significant advantage - after it you don’t have to wash a sieve or other dishes: pour the cereal into the pan in which you plan to cook the porridge, pour water so that the buckwheat is covered with 2-3 cm liquid, stir well, drain the muddy water along with trash accidentally caught.

However, there is one big secret: many housewives do not wash buckwheat at all before use. And nothing bad happens.  In general, this issue lies entirely in the competence of your personal squeamishness or the permissible level of contamination of certain food products (and household items in general), so it is up to you to decide, there are no strict rules here and there cannot be.

Well, and the last. Do you know how to make fragrant buckwheat even more fragrant? A small touch before adding cereal to the pan: bake it in a dry frying pan (just warm it properly on a hot surface) - this way you “wake up” the pheromones that are hidden in buckwheat, free them and make the household run into the kitchen with dinner requirements even before dinner is ready.

In what dishes do buckwheat cook

Like any other cereal, buckwheat is preferable to boil in a thick-walled dish that holds heat well - this way the preparation of cereals will occur even after you turn off the gas, which will make it more saturated in taste, aromatic and crumbly.

If you have a pan with a multi-layer bottom, do not hesitate to give preference to it - it will not only save you energy, but also help buckwheat to sweat - “reach” after the porridge has been cooked.

Ceramic, cast-iron, glass ... buckwheat can be cooked in almost any dish, the only exception is aluminum pots, which oxidize and risk spoiling your mood due to the unusual taste of your favorite cereal.

How to cook buckwheat in water

The classics of the genre are the usual side dish, a convenient breakfast, a healthy afternoon snack.

  2.5 cups of water;
  1 cup buckwheat;

To cook buckwheat on a side dish on the stove, rinse the groats, dry, then put in a pan and pour water at the rate of 2.5 cups of liquid per 1 cup of dry component.Do not forget to salt, put the pan on the stove, bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook under a tightly closed lid for 20-25 minutes  - water should be completely absorbed in buckwheat.

You may need a little less liquid - in this version, if you see that buckwheat is ready, and there is still a lot of water, just remove the lid, increase the heat to maximum and wait until the liquid evaporates. You can understand when to turn off the fire by the characteristic sound.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker

Thanks to modern wonder pots! In the morning I gave up everything I needed, put up a program, went to work. He returned home - and a thick smell of buckwheat porridge spreads around the apartment ... Beauty!

  2 glasses of water;
  1 cup buckwheat;
  salt, butter to taste.

Buckwheat sorted, washed, calcined, put in a multicooker bowl. Add water, salt, spread butter if desired. Close the lid, select the program "porridge", if necessary, set a delay timer. After the signal of readiness, turn off the multicooker and leave the porridge for another 15 minutes under the closed lid.

How to cook buckwheat in bags

An option for the lazy - those who do not like to wash dishes and generally do not want to think about how and what to cook. But for some reason he wants to.

  1 bag of buckwheat;
  2 l of water;
  salt to taste.

In a pot of sufficient volume, boil water with salt, then dip a bag of buckwheat into it, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to a barely noticeable boil. Cook for 15 minutes, then remove the bag from the pan, cut with scissors, put the contents on a plate. If desired, add butter and serve.

How to cook buckwheat in milk

A sweet childhood memory ... It’s worth to cook porridge with milk at least occasionally in order to return to those days when my mother carefully prepared sweet milk treats for breakfast.

  1 cup buckwheat;
  4 cups of milk;
  salt, sugar to taste;
  butter for serving.

Bring the milk to a boil, pour in the washed cereal, add salt, sugar and, stirring occasionally, cook until the buckwheat is ready. Serve hot, if desired, add a small piece of butter to a plate with porridge.

How to cook buckwheat in the microwave

The option, of course, is strange and not very justified in terms of the effort expended, however, in the absence of a conventional stove (for example, in an office) it is quite viable.

  1 cup buckwheat;
  2 glasses of water;
  salt to taste.

Rinse buckwheat, mix with water, salt and put in a microwave pan. Cook at maximum power (optimal - 1000 W) for 4-5 minutes, then reduce the power to 600 W and cook for another 15 minutes.

Buckwheat with vegetables in pots in the oven

Buckwheat in pots turns out friable and rich in taste - due to the fact that it languishes for a long time at relatively low temperatures (inside they are lower than outside) and in a completely closed dish (pots must be with lids), it retains a lot of its aromas, which when cooked by standard methods, they simply evaporate. Buckwheat in pots is also convenient because it can be cooked for a long time, very long and unreasonably long, but it will not be bad at the same time - it is almost impossible to spoil this dish in the oven. You can put the pots in the oven and go for a walk, not really worrying about the fact that you may delay - even an hour late is unlikely to turn buckwheat into coals.

  1 large carrot;
  1 large onion;
  2-3 branches of stem celery;
  1 bell pepper;
  1 bunch of dill or parsley;
  vegetable oil for frying vegetables;
  2-3 tbsp. l nonfat cream optional;
  salt, pepper to taste.

Peel the carrots, rub on a fine grater, fry in a well-heated frying pan until soft and a slight color change.
  Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings, fry in vegetable oil until soft and golden.
  We cut the celery stalks in crescents, slightly let them in the pan - literally 1-2 minutes.
  Wash bell pepper, separate from the stem, cut into thin strips, then add to the skillet to the celery and simmer for another 2 minutes.
  Grind greens.
  Dry the buckwheat in a clean preheated pan until a clear aroma appears, then mix with vegetables and herbs. Salt, pepper. We spread in pots, filling them to half. Fill with water so that the cereal was covered with a liquid of 1.5 cm. If desired, add a small amount of low-fat cream to each pot. We cover, put in the oven preheated to 200 degrees, cook for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 170 degrees and cook for about 30 minutes (but not more than 2.5 hours).

How to cook buckwheat with mushrooms

Ah, what aromas are in the kitchen when such a simple, budget, most ordinary dish is cooked for dinner - buckwheat with mushrooms! Nourishing, appetizing, light and healthy, it will not leave anyone indifferent, gather the whole family at the table and even invite neighbors who will flock to the smell penetrating through the thin walls of apartment buildings.

  300 g of champignons;
  2 large onions;
  3-4 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  1 cup buckwheat;
  salt, black pepper to taste.

In a frying pan with a thick bottom, heat the vegetable oil, fry the onions, chopped into cubes, until golden. At the same time, cut the washed and dried mushrooms into thin slices, then put them in the company of the already fried onion. Stir occasionally, fry the mushrooms until the excess liquid evaporates and the mushrooms are lightly fried.
  Add buckwheat, fry again, there should be no liquid in the pan. Salt, add black pepper if desired, pour water so that the cereals and mushrooms are covered with a 1 cm liquid. Cover tightly with a lid and simmer, simmer for 20-30 minutes until the cereal is ready - the water should evaporate. We serve immediately.

Lean Greek

Oh, this is a great dish for those who, for one reason or another, constantly or occasionally refuse animal products. Simple, hearty and aromatic.

  1 cup buckwheat;
  2 glasses of water;
  1/3 tsp salts;
  2 medium-sized potatoes;
  vegetable oil for frying;
  2 carrots;
  2 onions;
  1 tbsp. l tomato paste.

Grated peeled carrots, fry in vegetable oil until soft. Cut the onion in half rings, fry until golden.
  Boil buckwheat until cooked in 2 glasses of water. We knead the potato masher into a non-uniform mashed potatoes.
  Peel the potatoes, rub on a fine grater, slightly squeeze out the excess juice.
  We combine the potato mass with buckwheat, knead well. If desired, mincemeat can be slightly discouraged - lifting the entire mass above the bowl and with effort tossing it back.
  We form cutlets or balls with a diameter of 3-4 cm, fry over medium heat in vegetable oil until a good crust is formed. We put the buckwheat in a deep saucepan, spread the fried onions and carrots between them. Pour a glass of water mixed with tomato paste and simmer for 25-30 minutes on minimum heat.

10 facts about perfect buckwheat porridge:

  1. Buckwheat porridge should be cooked under the lid.
  1. To make buckwheat aromatic and tasty, you should add a piece of butter in a saucepan with ready-made porridge, and then wrap it in several towels, cover with a blanket and leave to warm up - you will be surprised at the result obtained by applying this simple trick.
  1. When the buckwheat porridge boils, a foam forms on the surface of the water - if you do not remove it, nothing bad will happen, but the cereal will be tastier and more aromatic if you remove the foam with a slotted spoon or a special spoon with holes.
  1. If you like knitting porridge, increase the amount of water to 3 cups and mix the cereal sometimes when cooking. Increase the cooking time by 10 minutes.
  1. The laziest way to make buckwheat: in the morning, rinse the groats, fill it with water, add salt and leave somewhere in an inconspicuous place at room temperature until evening. In the evening, it will be enough for you to just warm up the porridge - buckwheat will “pull” the water and be completely ready.
  1. In order for buckwheat porridge to be friable, it is necessary not only to maintain the correct proportions of cereals and water, but also not to stir buckwheat in the cooking process.
  1. During cooking, the volume of buckwheat increases 2-2.5 times.
  1. Buckwheat is poured with cold water. Oddly enough, if you pour it with hot water, it will cook for 4-5 minutes longer.
  1. Buckwheat goes well with many products: it is delicious with soy and any tomato sauce, mushrooms and vegetables, cream and sour cream, meat and fish. Universal side dish!
  1. And don’t forget: whatever one may say, you won’t spoil the porridge with butter. Do not be greedy!

5 unusual facts about buckwheat:

  1. Not without reason, buckwheat is considered the optimal product for those who follow a diet - the concentration of nutrients and vitamins in this cereal is up to 3 times higher than the concentration of the same vitamins in other cereals. In addition, it significantly speeds up the metabolism, which makes it an indispensable component of most popular diets.
  1. Few people know that sugar and buckwheat are incompatible things. Perfectly in harmony to taste, the first kills (neutralizes) the necessary microelements for the body in the second, so the common kindergarten practice of feeding children with sweet buckwheat porridge in milk is very doubtful.
  1. The traditional product of Russian cuisine, buckwheat is quite popular in Japan - it was there that the soba noodles, which are made from buckwheat flour, were born.
  1. The chemical composition of buckwheat is such that a portion of porridge eaten in the morning is able to cheer up and provide an excellent psycho-emotional state for the whole day.
  1. Do you know that buckwheat does not give in to any attempts to bend it under existing realities and, actively resisting modern science, is not friends with genetic engineering? It is believed that this cereal belongs to the category of eco-food, because it is not subject to genetic modification.

Buckwheat is a healthy and beloved product by many. In today's article, we’ll talk about how to properly cook cereals and how to diversify the daily menu with its frequent preparation.

Useful properties of buckwheat

In ancient Russia, buckwheat porridge was called the “princess” and served even on the royal tables. Proverbs were written about her, such as, for example, “buckwheat porridge is our mother,” thus raising the taste and nutritional properties of buckwheat.

But buckwheat is appreciated not only for its excellent taste, but also for a huge number of properties useful to the body. By the number of vitamins, micro and macro elements included in it, it confidently leads among other cereals. The protein contained in buckwheat is absorbed by the body by 80% and may well replace the consumption of meat. The fat content, on the contrary, is small. And this fact makes the digestion longer, which contributes to better saturation.

Buckwheat is an indispensable groat for everyone who regularly plays sports

In general, buckwheat is deservedly included in the list of dietary products. And experts call her nothing more than "the queen of cereals."

Calorie table and nutritional value

Vitamins and Minerals Table

The calorie content of buckwheat, cooked on water, is 93 kcal per 100 grams, which is significantly less compared to a raw product. Nutritional value per 100 grams is also lower and in numbers looks like this:

  • Protein: 3.4 g
  • Fat: 0.6g
  • Carbohydrates: 20.5 g

100 grams of buckwheat, boiled in milk, contains 139 kcal. Nutritional value is:

  • Protein: 5.4 g
  • Fats: 4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 20.5 g

Video: health benefits of buckwheat

How to cook buckwheat: a classic recipe

In order for buckwheat to turn out to be friable and tasty, it is important to properly prepare the grits and perform the cooking technology. At the very beginning, you need to decide on the amount you are going to cook. From one glass of 250 ml, approximately 3 servings are obtained.

  1. Sort buckwheat, remove impurities and debris. Even if the manufacturer guarantees quality, do not be too lazy to do it. After all, there is always a chance that there will be extraneous impurities in the cereal, and you have to eat it. But, pay attention, it is not necessary to reject black grains. Black color is nothing more than a dried shell, which contains many utilities, more than in the grain itself.

    Before you start cooking, grits must be sorted out

  2. Rinse the buckwheat 2-3 times until the water becomes clear.
  3. Sometimes during storage at home or in the warehouse of a trade organization, buckwheat dries. In this case, it must be dried in an oven at a temperature of 110–120 о С or in a frying pan, stirring until a light brown color appears. This usually takes 3-5 minutes. The procedure is optional and if the smell of cereal was originally pleasantly buckwheat, this step can be skipped. After roasting, buckwheat will be friable and more fragrant. But we must bear in mind that any heat treatment reduces the beneficial properties of cereals.
  4. Cook porridge should be in an aluminum pan with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid. A cauldron is suitable for these purposes. Enamel cookware is unsuitable for cooking, in it porridge can burn, and enamel break off and get into food.

    Best for cooking buckwheat

  5. Buckwheat can be cooked in water, broth, whole or diluted milk. Use the ratio: for 2 parts of liquid 1 part of cereal.  In order to prevent a mistake, measure both the liquid and the croup with the same container. Buckwheat is cooked in milk a little longer than in water or broth.
  6. In one liter of boiling water, add 1.5 teaspoons of sugar and salt to taste. If you are afraid to make a mistake with salt, take a third of a teaspoon. Sugar in such an amount will not make porridge sweet (it can be eaten with meat or vegetables), but it will give the finished dish a unique taste. To make the porridge sweet, add more sugar: 2-3 tablespoons per liter of water or milk.
  7. Pour 2 cups of buckwheat into boiling water. Remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon. Cover the pan, turn on the maximum gas and cook for 5 minutes. Then turn down the heat, achieve a moderate boil. Cover again and cook for 7–10 minutes. Do not disturb the porridge.  You should also not open the lid too often and look into the pan. By doing this, you only prevent porridge from boiling properly.
  8. When buckwheat swells, reduce gas to a minimum. To improve the taste, add any dietary fat: creamy fresh or ghee, lard clean or with cracklings, goose or chicken fat, vegetable oil. About one tablespoon. Fat can be added to the finished dish, but at this stage it is better absorbed into the porridge, and the taste will be more saturated.
  9. On low heat porridge is cooked for 10-15 minutes. To prevent buckwheat from burning, put the pan on the divider.

    Divider - a convenient device that protects porridge from burning

  10. The total cooking time is 25-30 minutes. Buckwheat readiness is determined visually or by taste. But before turning off the gas, check if there is any water left at the bottom. To do this, vertically dip the spoon into the pan and slightly spread the porridge. If there is no liquid at all, turn off the gas. If a small amount of water remains, there are two ways to proceed. Keep the porridge on low heat without a lid for another 2-3 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated. Or turn it off, buckwheat will turn out more juicy.
  11. To make the porridge more tender, after cooking, let it brew for 5–10 minutes in a warm place. You can wrap it with a towel or leave it on the stove turned off.

If the process is not strictly observed, a situation may arise when buckwheat is still raw and there is almost no water in it. This can be seen in the numerous nostril-like openings on the surface through which the vapor of the last evaporating liquid escapes. You can correct the situation by adding a small amount of hot water from the kettle to the pan. Do not pour too much, otherwise the opposite problem will arise: the finished buckwheat in plenty of water. You can’t add cold water from the tap, it will badly affect the taste of the product.

Alternative methods

The development of scientific and technological progress led to the creation of new modern household appliances, which greatly facilitated various types of homework. Novelties have not spared cooking. Today there is no longer an urgent need to cook buckwheat porridge on a gas or electric stove. You can use other, more modern technology.

In a slow cooker

  1. Sort buckwheat and rinse well 2-3 times.
  2. Pour the cereal into the slow cooker, add water or milk. To make loose buckwheat, take

    Add salt and butter to taste

    proportion: 2.5 parts of cereal to 3 parts of liquid. To improve the taste, put a piece of butter, about 50 grams per 1-2 cup of buckwheat. Salt and spices to taste. If you need to prepare liquid milk porridge, take 2-3 glasses of milk for 1 glass of buckwheat. And add 2 tablespoons of sugar to make the porridge sweet.

  3. Close the lid, plug the appliance into a power outlet.
  4. On the control panel, select the desired program. In different models it can be: groats, buckwheat, porridge in water or milk.

    Set the corresponding mode on the multicooker

  5. The program by default will set the time required for cooking. Usually it is 25–35 minutes. In some models, it is possible to increase or decrease the time. Adding 3-5 minutes will make the porridge drier. A decrease - it will better preserve the useful properties of cereals. It all depends on personal preferences.
  6. Wait until the multicooker program is completed, a timer signal will notify you.
  7. We leave the finished porridge in the slow cooker for 5-10 minutes, without turning off the appliance. In standby mode, the porridge warms up and becomes more delicious. Can be left for a longer time. This is very convenient if you are going to eat not immediately, but after some time.

    Porridge will be even tastier if, after the completion of the main time, leave it in a warm bowl for 5-10 minutes

Video: how to cook buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker

In the microwave

  1. Sort buckwheat, clean from impurities and rinse with water.
  2. Dishes should be without metal elements. It is better to take a special one for the microwave. When choosing a size, consider that the volume of finished porridge will increase several times.

    Choose a dish taking into account that the volume of cereals will increase several times

  3. Put the ingredients in the bowl.

    Put the bowl of grits in the microwave and set the time

    For 1 part of buckwheat, take 2 parts of hot boiled water.  Salt and dry spices to taste. Fresh spices are best added to the finished dish. Cover the dishes and put in the microwave.
  4. Set the time to 10 minutes.  Turn on the appliance at full power, wait for the completion of cooking.
  5. Remove the bowl of buckwheat from the microwave, add the butter to improve the taste.
  6. Without covering the containers, put in the microwave again for 5 minutes at full power.

    Remove the buckwheat from the microwave, add oil to taste and mix

    Wait for the timer signal and enjoy the result.

Video: how to cook buckwheat porridge in the microwave

In a double boiler

Cooking loose buckwheat:

  1. Prepare the grits.
  2. Choose a rather large container for cooking so that the finished buckwheat does not spill over the edge. For 1 cup of cereal, the capacity should be at least 1 liter, but a little more is better.
  3. Pour buckwheat into a container, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 1.Add salt and butter to taste.

    If buckwheat is poured with boiling water, the cooking time will be reduced

  4. Put in a double boiler for 40 minutes.
      Close the appliance cover. Cooking times may vary depending on capacity. Therefore, be sure to check in the instruction manual for how long to set a timer for buckwheat. Wait for the program to complete.

    Add salt and butter to taste

You do not need to follow the process and this is a great advantage compared to the traditional method. At this time, you can do other things.

A double boiler will save you time

If you want to make liquid cereal, take 1–2.5 cups of milk or broth for 1 cup of dry cereal. In milk porridge, add 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Video: cooking porridge in a double boiler

In a thermos

This method is good because buckwheat is not cooked, but steamed and it turns out, as cooked in a Russian oven. A thermos should be taken not with drinking, but with food, that is, with a wide mouth so that it is convenient to extract the finished product. The only negative is a longer cooking time, the porridge will be ready no earlier than in an hour. But cooking buckwheat is so simple that even a child can handle it.

Food thermos can be used not only for storage, but also for making buckwheat porridge

  1. First scald the thermos with boiling water. Then pour in it sorted and washed buckwheat.
  2. Pour steep boiling water at the rate of: for 1 measuring cup of buckwheat, 2 cups of boiling water.

    Pour buckwheat into a thermos and fill it with water

    Add salt and spices to taste.

  3. Close the lid tightly and leave for 1–2 hours. Time can be increased. In a quality thermos, buckwheat will not deteriorate and will be hot even after a day.
  4. Pour buckwheat onto a plate, add butter.

    It is not necessary to ensure that the cereal does not burn or become too boiled

Buckwheat prepared in this way does not require much effort. It will not boil, burn or digest, as on a stove. And you can eat it at any time, just open the thermos. If you don’t have time to prepare breakfast in the morning, steam the buckwheat in a thermos from the evening. Breakfast will be tasty and healthy, and good morning.

Video: how to cook buckwheat in a thermos

In bags

Today, the food industry pays much attention to the creation of various semi-finished products that save housewives time and do not take a lot of cooking effort. One such product is packaged buckwheat. Its main advantages are simplicity and affordability. You can not bother with the cooking process at all. Anyone can cook buckwheat in a bag, even a person very far from cooking. In addition, such cereals do not need to be sorted and washed - the manufacturer has already done this, having carried out additional cleaning and heat treatment. Sometimes buyers worry about synthetic bags that are boiled with buckwheat. Experts say that all fears are in vain. Cooking bags are made of high-density food film, are characterized by high thermal stability and comply with all the requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision for safety. No harmful substances from them pass into the water. The only thing that buckwheat in bags is inferior to weighted groats is the price. Packaging costs about twice as much as a weighted product of the same mass.

Buckwheat in a bag can be prepared even by one who has never cooked anything

  1. Pour 1-1.5 liters of water into the pan, put on gas and bring to a boil. Add salt to taste.
  2. In boiling water, dip 1-2 bags of buckwheat. One bag is designed for one person.
  3. After 15-20 minutes, turn off the gas, and fold the buckwheat bags in a colander so that the glass is excess water.
  4. Open the bags with a knife and put the buckwheat on a plate. Add butter or sauce as desired.

Video: instant cereals

Raw buckwheat

Any heat treatment of cereals destroys part of its useful properties. In order to preserve them, it is best not to cook or fry the buckwheat. But then there will be another problem: hard grains are not edible. You can solve this issue in this way:

  1. Pour buckwheat with sour milk or kefir in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  2. Put in a warm place for 8-10 hours. During this time, the cereal absorbs moisture, swells, becomes soft and edible.

This recipe is convenient to do in the evening. By morning, the dish will reach the desired condition and you will have a super-healthy breakfast.

Buckwheat with kefir - the best breakfast for those who appreciate a healthy lifestyle

Video: buckwheat with kefir for breakfast - the perfect start to the day

If we talk about maintaining the beneficial properties of buckwheat, then in a sports dietetics a mix of buckwheat and oatmeal has been developed. True, you still have to cook buckwheat, but the time of the heat treatment is minimized, and the benefit, on the contrary, is maximized.

  1. Sort buckwheat, rinse and fill with water at the rate of 1 to 1. Leave for 2-3 hours.
  2. After that add a quarter glass of water, bring to a boil and boil for 3-4 minutes on low heat.
  3. Add 2 egg whites, 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of raisins, cinnamon and nutmeg - at the tip of the knife. Boil everything together for another 1 minute and turn it off. Mix with a lot of useful properties is ready.

When buying, pay attention to the color of the cereal. The so-called green buckwheat has a lighter color. These are all the same grains of buckwheat, but not subjected to heat treatment and therefore retained all the useful substances. And that means they will bring more health benefits.

Green buckwheat contains more nutrients than brown

Buckwheat recipes

Often, many have the question: what to do if buckwheat is tired and you don’t want to eat it at all? The first answer that comes to mind: do not eat. But there is a category of people to whom buckwheat is prescribed by nutritionists for frequent and sometimes daily use. In this case, there is only one way out - to diversify the menu. In addition to the usual cereals boiled in water or milk, from buckwheat, you can cook many different tasty and healthy dishes: with mushrooms or meat, casseroles, pancakes and even cookies, sweets and cake.

In sour cream sauce


  • 1 tbsp. buckwheat;
  • 2-3 onion heads;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of frying oil.

It is prepared very simply:

  1. Cook buckwheat in any of the ways described above.
  2. Peel and chop onion and garlic. Onions - medium slices. Garlic is smaller.
  3. Put butter, chopped onion and garlic in a pan. Sauté until golden brown.

    Sauté the onions and garlic

  4. Next, reduce the heat and add sour cream. Mixing well, pass 2 minutes.

    Add sour cream to the onion and mix well.

  5. Put the boiled buckwheat in the sauce, stir.

    Add boiled buckwheat to the sauce

  6. The dish is ready. You can add finely chopped parsley and dill to the plate.

Video: how to cook delicious buckwheat

Buckwheat porridge with champignons

  • 15 champignons;
  • 4 onions;
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l butter.
  • herbs, salt and spices to taste.

We cook in this way:

  1. Cook the loose buckwheat porridge as described above.

    Boil buckwheat

  2. Pour onion peeled and diced or half rings into a pan with oil and fry until golden. It is better to fry in a pan with a thick bottom over high heat. But make sure that the onion does not burn. If the bottom of the pan is thin, make the fire smaller.

    Fry chopped onion

  3. Peel fresh champignons, remove damaged spots and films. Rinse under running water in a colander. Then first pour over boiling water, and then rinse with cold water. Dice. The size is arbitrary, but keep in mind that after heat treatment they will decrease by about 3 times.
  4. Mushrooms send in a pan with onions. Reduce the heat. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Stir and fry for 5 minutes at a moderate boil.

    Add chopped mushrooms to the onion, mix

  5. After this pour in the sour cream, stir well, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes with a slight boil.
  6. When serving, put the loosened buckwheat porridge in the plates, pour mushroom sauce and sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

    Buckwheat absorbs the taste and smell of mushrooms

Boiled buckwheat can also be poured into a pan, mix with sauce and simmer for 2-3 minutes. And then let it brew for 5-10 minutes. During this time, it absorbs the aroma of mushrooms and onions and acquires a unique taste.

Video: buckwheat with mushrooms

For 1.5 cups of buckwheat, you will need:

  • 150 g of beef;
  • 1-2 onion heads;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l tomato paste;
  • frying oil;
  • salt and spices to taste.


  1. Boil buckwheat in the water as described above.
  2. Slice the ingredients. Carrots can be grated, and the garlic chopped in the garlic.
  3. Pour onion and carrots into a pan with vegetable oil. Sauté until golden brown.
  4. Add tomato paste, sweet pepper, garlic and meat. Mix well and fry for 3-4 minutes.

    Saute vegetables and meat

  5. Pour 1 cup of boiled water into the pan. Add salt and ground black pepper. Stir, bring to a boil and reduce heat. Cover the pan and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes. Readiness can be determined by taste, meat should be soft.

    Pour the fried ingredients with water

  6. Transfer the contents of the pan to a pan with boiled buckwheat and mix well. The dish is ready. When serving, the serving can be decorated with a sprig of parsley or a slice of tomato. It will be not only beautiful, but also useful. Buckwheat with vegetables is better digested and absorbed.

Buckwheat porridge with meat is very tasty and nutritious.

Video: how to cook buckwheat with meat

Cottage cheese and buckwheat casserole

For 1.5 cups of buckwheat you will need:

  • 750 ml of milk;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 1/4 tsp salts;
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • 2 t. breadcrumbs.

Cooking casseroles:

  1. Cook buckwheat in milk. Salt to enhance the taste, add at the beginning of cooking to dissolve well.
  2. In order to hold together all the ingredients of the future casserole, beat the sugar with eggs until a thick foam forms. Add vanilla sugar for flavor.
  3. Grind cottage cheese with a blender and combine with sour cream and egg mass.
  4. Add chilled boiled buckwheat and mix well.

    Stir the whipped mixture with buckwheat

  5. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. In order not to break the casserole and not disturb its delicate structure when it is baked, it is better to take a detachable shape with a diameter of 20–25 cm.
  6. Put the dough in the mold. Smooth the surface with a spatula for a neat and beautiful look. In order for the casserole to acquire a golden brown crust, spread several pieces of butter on the surface.

    Top with butter

  7. Put the form in preheated to 180-200

    Bake 25-30 minutes

    O With an oven for 25-30 minutes. Readiness is determined by the golden color of the surface of the casserole.

  8. Before getting out of the mold and cut into portioned pieces, let cool for 5 minutes. The table can be served with sour cream and honey.

    Let the casserole cool slightly and serve

Video: buckwheat groats

Buckwheat Cookies with Chocolate

Such cookies will be not just an addition to tea, but a favorite treat for family and friends. And if you have children, the question of how to feed them buckwheat will never arise again.

  • 200 g buckwheat;
  • 120 g flour;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 4 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder;
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon.


  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan and set aside. It should cool, but remain liquid.
  2. Buckwheat flour must be made. Use a coffee grinder for this. At this point, the cereal should already be washed and dried.
  3. To buckwheat flour add wheat, baking powder and cinnamon. Mix everything.

    Shuffle dry ingredients

  4. Beat eggs and sugar in a thick foam. Pour melted butter into the mixture. In order for the eggs to not curl, pour the oil in a thin stream while stirring.
  5. Add the flour mixture in small portions to the egg mass. Knead the dough. It should be thick and elastic. If the dough is thin, add 1 tablespoon of wheat flour.

    Add flour to the egg mixture

  6. Break a bar of chocolate, without removing it from the foil, into arbitrary pieces. And then tap on the tile with a kitchen hammer to make the chocolate better chopped. The output should be pea-sized pieces.
  7. Add chocolate to the dough and mix.

    Add chocolate and mix well.

  8. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and grease with butter.
  9. Form a cookie. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of dough, roll a ball out of it and flatten a little. So that the dough does not stick to your hands, periodically moisten them in cold water.
  10. Put the cookies on a baking sheet at a small distance from each other so that it does not stick when baking.

    Distribute the buckwheat evenly on a baking sheet and dry in the oven

  11. To make buckwheat crunch like sweets in nuts like candies, fry it in butter for 2-3 minutes. And set aside, buckwheat should cool.
  12. Melt the chocolate in a steam bath. To do this, pour water into the pan. Place a bowl on top so that it does not touch the water. Put chocolate in a bowl and add cream. Put the structure on the gas and wait until the chocolate melts.

    Melt White Chocolate

  13. To separate the buckwheat from the fat, use a slotted spoon to transfer it to a paper towel, cover it with another paper towel and press down gently. Pour the grains thus treated into a milk-chocolate mass. Stir everything well.
  14. Arrange the chocolate-buckwheat mass in the molds for solidification. For this we use silicone molds for sweets. If they are not, you can take the form for ice or mini-muffins. There is no need to lubricate them.

    If you want to surprise loved ones, make buckwheat sweets for them

    Video: we make unusual buckwheat sweets

    Now you know how to cook buckwheat using any available household appliances. And the recipes given in the article will help make dishes more diverse so that buckwheat does not bother and bring maximum benefit to the body. Bon Appetit!

Fragrant buckwheat porridge is a classic dish on the table of almost every Russian family. However, not every housewife knows how to cook and how much to cook buckwheat, in what proportion to add water to make the porridge tasty and crumbly, as in the photo from the best recipes. Read more about this and improve your culinary skills to delight loved ones with delicious dishes.

How to cook buckwheat

Since there are several devices for cooking buckwheat (pan, pan, slow cooker), there will be many cooking methods. The proportions of water should be unchanged and your accuracy in following the instructions: the grains should not be disturbed during cooking. Only in this way the porridge will turn out evenly cooked, crumbly, as in the photo from the cookbooks, and the cereal will not turn into a viscous mixture.

Before cooking porridge, many prefer to rinse buckwheat, but this does not need to be done. On the contrary, it is necessary to pour dry grain into a preheated dish and fry for a couple of minutes. Only then can you fill in with water and cook until the liquid evaporates completely. If you are not sure about the quality of the grain, then you can sort it out before cooking. A hot side dish will turn out tasty only if you follow all the subtleties and find out how much to cook buckwheat:

  • Do not cook porridge over high heat, medium is quite suitable.
  • 7-10 minutes before the product is ready, cover the pan and leave over low heat so that the cereal is evenly cooked.
  • You can salt at any time during cooking, but it is advisable to have water for now, since the crumbly porridge does not absorb salt.
  • In no case should you wash the grains with cold water. If the cereal is of low grade, then you can simply sort it out.
  • If you want to get a tough grits, then cook until half-cooked, and then cover and leave over low heat until the water boils completely.

The proportions of water and buckwheat

Most cereals are brewed according to the same scheme in a ratio of 1 to 2: you need twice as much water, that is, one faceted glass of buckwheat will need two glasses of liquid. Observing these proportions, you get perfectly boiled porridge, a grain to a grain. A little more water will make it more boiled, which kids will really like.

How many times buckwheat is boiled

Any grains are boiled several times. Buckwheat is boiled about twice. This should be considered when you want to calculate the amount of porridge for several people. For example, one person will need half a glass of cereal. Children can take less grain. To get a viscous porridge, more fluid is needed, so it will break apart a little more.

How much buckwheat is cooked in time

The approximate cooking time is 15-20 minutes. Often, how to cook a product is written on the packaging, but if you bought cereals by weight in the market, then you should count on this amount of time. At the same time, don’t leave porridge on the stove and leave, because as soon as the grain absorbs all the water, buckwheat will start to burn, so the cooking time is approximate. After you find out how much time to cook buckwheat, you will definitely get a delicious side dish for the whole family.

On the water

The most popular way to make porridge is on the water. Such a dish can be served with meat, vegetables, butter or even just sprinkled with sugar. Cooking time will depend on your personal preferences: loose porridge should be cooked less than viscous. The approximate cooking time is 15 minutes. Depending on your personal preferences, you can reduce or increase the cooking time to obtain the state of buckwheat that you like best.

In milk

Children and not only really like milk buckwheat porridge. Buckwheat, like any other cereal, can be easily boiled in milk. Well-boiled buckwheat is suitable even for babies. Boil the porridge in milk for a little longer - 25-30 minutes, while it is important to ensure that it does not burn. To do this, after boiling, set a slow fire and cook, stirring occasionally.

In the pan

Although now there are many special devices for cooking (slow cookers, double boilers), most housewives prefer to boil buckwheat in the classical way - in a pan. For this, dishes with a thick bottom are best suited. Subject to the proportions of grain and water, as well as preliminary frying of cereals, the product will cook for about 15 minutes. After the liquid is absorbed into the grain, it is necessary to cover the pan with a lid and let stand for another 5 minutes.

In a slow cooker

If you are accustomed to more automated methods of cooking, then you should not worry about the quality of the cooked buckwheat, because the device will do everything for you. So, in many multicookers there is even a special regime for boiling cereals. You only need to fill up the required amount of cereal, add water and start the necessary program.

How much do you need to cook buckwheat

Depending on what kind of porridge you want to get, you need a certain amount of liquid and time to prepare it. Remember that the less you cook cereal, the more vitamins remain in it, but not everyone likes a tough, crumbly product. How to cook correctly and how many minutes to cook buckwheat to a certain state, read on.


The most important thing when cooking friable cereal is the preliminary frying of grains in a red-hot dish. Enough 3-4 minutes, and then pour buckwheat with water, salt and leave to cook for 10-15 minutes. After all the water has boiled away, it is necessary to cover the pan with a lid and let simmer for another 5 minutes. Add oil to taste and serve the side dish.

Loose buckwheat can be steamed. So in the product will remain the largest number of healthy vitamins. To prepare, simply pour water into a bowl, evenly spread the required amount of buckwheat and put a double boiler on a fire (or turn it on if you use an electric one). After boiling water, reduce the heat and wait 25-30 minutes. The dish is ready to be served!

Buckwheat is called the "queen of cereals", this name fully justifies itself. It contains a whole complex of substances necessary for the body, in addition in an easily digestible form. For cereal and baby food, this cereal is ideal. How to cook buckwheat so that it does not lose its valuable properties?

What is useful buckwheat?

Buckwheat surpasses all cereals in the content of vitamin P, it contains a huge amount of magnesium (Mg), iron, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, B9). It contains vitamin E, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants, useful organic acids (oxalic, citric and some others). It contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid.

How to cook buckwheat in water

What to do if you make a mistake with the amount of water?

Sometimes it happens that the porridge is completely ready, and the liquid for some reason remains, gurgles in the pan and does not decrease, its cereals no longer absorb. Just drain it carefully, holding the lid with a towel, put the oil, cover the pan with a lid and let it stand for a couple of minutes.

If you forgot to reduce the fire on time, the water boiled away, and buckwheat is still undercooked, then you can add water. But first you need to try: if the porridge is almost ready, then do not rush to pour water. Better add butter, cover tightly, turn off the heat and just let it stand for 10-15 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat in milk

Buckwheat can also be boiled in milk: it will turn out an excellent buckwheat porridge for children. For 1 cup of buckwheat you need 4 cups of milk, cook under the lid over low heat for 35 minutes stirring occasionally. At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar and butter to taste.

Milk porridge can be prepared in another way: boil buckwheat in water and pour it with hot milk. After that, season with butter and sugar and let stand a little. In this case, a little milk is required; it is simply added to the required porridge density.

How to cook buckwheat very quickly?

Sometimes the hostess has no time to follow the stove, you need to get the result quickly. Buckwheat can be cooked in 15 minutes, if you soak it in cold water for several hours. This is a convenient way, if it is not known when it will be necessary to serve the finished lunch.

Buckwheat is washed 2-3 times in cold water, poured in a pan with clean water for cooking and so left. Buckwheat gradually swells, increasing in volume. At the right time, put the pan on a large fire, add salt and hold until it boils. Then the fire is reduced, after 10 minutes the porridge can already be quite ready for use.

Another useful feature of buckwheat is that it can be removed from the fire a little undercooked if you have to rush somewhere, and it’s dangerous to leave the stove on. In this case, the pan with undercooked porridge should be left in a warm place and covered with a towel on top, so that it remains hot longer. When warm, porridge will “reach” and become completely ready for use.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker

Cooking buckwheat in a slow cooker has some advantages in its simplicity and lightness. You will not need to stand over the stove and wait until the porridge is cooked. You just need to lay the necessary ingredients in the pan of the multicooker, select the desired mode and wait.

So, the necessary ingredients:

  • buckwheat groats - 1 glass;
  • water - two glasses;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • some butter.

Now the sequence is cooking.