How to cook lobio beans. White Bean Lobio

Gomardzhoba, genatsvali! - the Georgians say to each other, sitting down at a large welcoming table, bursting with all kinds of dishes. On this table - beautiful wine, golden khachapuri, aromatic chihirma and, of course, lobio. Most dishes of traditional Georgian cuisine have found ardent admirers in all corners of the earth. The lobio recipe is known to the chefs of the best restaurants in the world, it is served even to the highest guests. Let's try and we cook this dish.

What is lobio?

"Lobio" means "beans", because it is she who is included in any lobio recipe. There are a great many of these recipes - experts number them in hundreds. Almost any bean is suitable for this dish: red and white, pockmarked and plain, small and large. Georgians also make lobio from green beans, cutting it into strips of 1-3 cm. One of the main rules for preparing this dish is to use only one type of beans in one dish, because different varieties differ from each other in cooking time. Georgian cuisine (unlike Moldavian) is characterized by the use of whole beans and not boiled gruel, although it is quite acceptable sometimes to completely boil the beans until they are completely out of shape. Taste variety is achieved by complementing the same base with different seasonings and spices.

Options for Lobio Prescription Ingredients

As a rule, 1-2 additional components are included in one dish, although Georgian cuisine leaves wide scope for culinary imagination. In addition to boiled beans for lobio, the following components are used:

  • walnuts;
  • tomatoes
  • oil;
  • wine vinegar;
  • celery root;
  • the eggs.

Spices for Lobio

First of all, we are talking about fresh herbs: cilantro, parsley, mint leaves and basil, sprigs of thyme and dill. In addition, dry seasonings are used: saffron, cloves and cinnamon, different varieties of pepper, suneli hops.

Product ratio

Whatever the lobio recipe was chosen, the proportions are about the same. For each pound of beans, you need to take 3-4 medium-sized onions, a quarter cup of oil and vinegar, about 4 tomatoes and half a glass of peeled walnuts. The ratio of herbs: 1.5 tablespoon. Dry seasonings need to be added, focusing on your own preferences.

How to Make Bean Lobio

  1. Boil the beans and, not letting it cool, pour into a wok or cauldron with toasted onions. Continue frying by adding salt.
  2. In a bowl, heat up wine vinegar with fresh and dry seasonings.
  3. If tomatoes are used, they need to be peeled, mashed and added to beans.
  4. Nuts need to be beaten with a blender (or better crushed in a mortar) along with garlic, pepper and salt, add to vinegar.
  5. Grate the cheese, dissolve in a small amount of broth and only then add to the beans.
  6. Combine the vinegar and bean parts, simmer everything together until tender.

Lobio is a national Georgian specialty dish, which is popular not only in Georgia, but among all the peoples of the Transcaucasus, including the southern parts of Russia as a whole. The dish is very interesting in that it, in fact, is a bean stew, but the combination of the usual ingredients gives such a refined and nutritious result that lobio is served in many restaurants around the world.

In Georgia, every housewife has her own recipe for this dish and her secrets, but the rest of the housewives can cook in a classic way.

Classic recipe

Consider in detail the classic recipe.

In the Caucasus, lobio is prepared both on a casual and festive table, always using a large number of spices and spices, usually added at personal discretion.

But in general terms, to prepare a classic Georgian lobio, you need this set:

  • 1 cup red dry beans;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 gr. walnuts;
  • 1 bitter pepper;
  • 1 cup tomato juice;
  • 1 teaspoon apple (or wine) vinegar;
  • salt pepper;
  • fresh herbs (preferably cilantro) - to taste.

Cooking time: about an hour plus a night for soaking the beans.

With beans soaked at night, you need to drain the water and rinse it several times in running water, then put on fire to cook for forty minutes, stirring occasionally.

While the beans are being prepared, cut the onion in half rings and fry it in oil.

Chop the garlic and walnuts, mix and add to the onion pan along with the already cooked beans. Pour in tomato juice, season with pepper, salt and finely chopped hot pepper pods, mix and put in a stew dish for about ten minutes.

Ready lobio is sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs and served hot.

For a complete Georgian surroundings, you can serve corn tortillas and slices of cheese to it.

Lobio in Georgian

Like it all, all dishes from beans take quite a lot of time: you need to remember to soak the beans overnight, then boil them for a long time, etc. However, there is an express option with which all lovers of lobio will be able to get this dish as soon as possible.

  • 2 cans of red canned beans (natural);
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 6 tbsp. tablespoons of unrefined oil;
  • 100 gr. walnuts;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of natural wine vinegar;
  • green onions, parsley (or cilantro) - to taste;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking time: approximately 30 minutes.

Calorie content: about 90 KK / 100 gr.

Grind walnuts and garlic (you can do this in a blender) and add wine vinegar and chopped greens to them. Finely chopped onion is fried in butter until golden, then you need to add all the tomato paste to it and simmer for a couple of minutes on a quiet fire.

Discard the canned beans in a colander and put in a frying pan for tomato frying, seasoning the hops with suneli, salt and pepper, then cook everything together for a few more minutes.

After removing from heat, season the dish with a garlic-nut mass, mix and leave under the lid for another 10 minutes to insist and soak.

Oven in red bean lobio with meat in pots

Dishes in pots have a special charm, so they are very loved by everyone. Most often, some meat dishes are prepared in pots, and lobio is no exception here - it can also be prepared in this way. Lobio in pots is very saturated.

  • 0.5 kg of red dry beans;
  • 0.5 kg of pork;
  • 4 medium onions;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of thick tomato paste;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of unrefined oil;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Cooking time: approximately 1.5 hours.

Calorie content: about 150 Kk / 100 gr.

Soak the beans overnight and rinse several times in running water, then cook with the addition of bay leaf and without salt, which will take about forty minutes. Water is not completely drained from the beans, leaving a small amount at the bottom.

While it is boiling, make a frying of onions and carrots, frying them until cooked, adding at the end tomato paste and chopped garlic, as well as spices. Cut the meat into small slices, chop the parsley.

It remains to lay all the blanks in pots in repeating layers - beans with water in which they were cooked, meat, roasting, greens - cover them with lids and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour. Serve this lobio hot.

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How to cook in a slow cooker

Modern household appliances make life easier for housewives, leaving them time to do other household chores. So, classic lobio can also be cooked in a slow cooker, and it will turn out to be as spicy and satisfying as the usual version.

Essential ingredients (per 1 serving):

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of red dry beans;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 teaspoon of thick tomato paste or adjika;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cream and 1 tbsp. a spoon of unrefined vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped walnuts;
  • 1 teaspoon seasoning hops-suneli;
  • cilantro, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: approximately 1 hour 10 minutes.

Calorie content: about 100 Kk / 100 gr.

Soaked at night and washed beans should be put in a multicooker bowl and pour water so that it covers the beans. If the multicooker has the "Beans" mode, then you need to set it for 60 minutes, or set the "Extinguishing" mode for 70 minutes.

While cooking, you need to peel and chop the onions and garlic - they will need to be added to the beans ten minutes before the end of its cooking, along with adjika or tomato paste.

Then vinegar, sunflower and butter are added to the bowl, along with walnuts, salt and pepper. When the multicooker program finishes its work, it remains to add the hops-suneli, chopped cilantro to the dish, mix everything and let it stand for 5 minutes.

To get lobio as similar or even indistinguishable from a classic Georgian dish, you need to know a few basic secrets in its preparation:

  1. The standard ratio of boiling water to beans is two to one. Their readiness can be determined by slightly torn skin (so as not to try "by little tooth").
  2. For lobio, cooked beans are usually slightly crushed, but this should be done without effort, so that the dish as a result does not turn into a viscous bean porridge.
  3. Mixing different types of beans for cooking lobio is not worth it, because each of them has its own cooking time, so the dish will not work.
  4. Despite the fact that lobio implies the use of spices and herbs, you don’t need to be overly zealous with them, and you shouldn’t add a lot of spices to the dish at once - just a few basic ingredients are enough.
  5. Beans must be soaked overnight before cooking. The minimum time for soaking is 4 hours, and ideally the beans need to be soaked for 12 hours.
  6. Lobio can be made with different types of meat, including chicken, mushrooms, vegetables - for example, with eggplant, and with almost any kind of herbs and spices.
  7. Georgian lobio is a low-calorie dish, but the most high-calorie dish is white bean, or any bean made with meat.

This dish is the visiting card of the Georgian feast. It is prepared differently in different parts of Georgia.

  © Holly "sa Herbivore

Basically, lobio is distinguished by bean varieties, its size, shape, color, color pattern (monochrome, spotted, dotted, striped). They are also different in the degree of boiling beans and, most importantly, seasonings.

Beans are boiled either so that its grains remain intact, or boiled into a shapeless mass like porridge. In modern Georgian cuisine, whole grains are preferred.

To speed up cooking, beans are almost always (except fresh) soaked in cold boiled water for 6 to 24 hours (preferably at least 12 hours).

Soaking the beans (and boiling) in raw water makes it hard, glassy due to the presence of calcium salts in the water. When boiling water, calcium salts of temporary hardness are removed from it and precipitate (scale).

Soaking the beans in distilled water gives good results.

It is even better to soak beans for real lobio in good beer - this gives the dish a special pleasant spicy taste. In addition, water for beer undergoes special softening. Beans are also brewed in the same beer (i.e. beer after soaking does not merge and is not replaced with fresh beer). Of course, there is no alcohol left after cooking.

Soaking should be carried out in the refrigerator, which eliminates the possibility of acidification. If soaking is carried out at room temperature (especially in summer), water should be changed 1-2 times so as not to become acidic.

After soaking, the beans are sorted again, since in the swollen form, all damage to the beans is more easily detected.

During cooking, the beans are slowly brought to a boil and cooked on the lowest heat - 2-3 minutes of rapid boiling will make the beans solid.

The most common and persistent condiments for lobio are onions, vegetable oil and wine vinegar. Tomatoes, walnuts, steep eggs, Imereti cheese, tklapi can be added to the main trio.

As the most commonly used spices in lobio, parsley, cilantro, celery, leek, mint, savory, basil are introduced, but not all at the same time, but 3-4 for each type of dish.

In addition, dry spices are added: black or red pepper, cinnamon, cloves, coriander (cilantro), saffron, crushed garlic or grated celery root.

5 recipes of Georgian lobio

Lobio (classic recipe)


500 g beans of the same color
   vegetable oil
   1 tsp spice mixtures (dry cloves, black or red pepper, cinnamon, coriander, suneli, Imereti saffron)
   1 bunch of cilantro
   1 bunch parsley
   1 bunch celery
   1 bunch leek
   1 bunch of mint
   1 bunch of savory
   1 bunch of basil
   1 bunch of dill


1. To sort out beans, wash. To cook faster, soak in cold water at night or in the morning to evening. Well, if during this time you can change 1-2 times the water. Drain and sort out the beans again. Rinse again.

2. Fold in a saucepan in which you will cook, pour cold water so that it slightly covers the beans. Boil over low heat with the lid closed. As you boil, you need to gradually add boiling water. Do not salt.

3. Drain the remaining water from the finished beans and transfer it to a stewpan with stewed onions, which should be cooked while the beans are cooked: peel the onion, cut into cubes, stew with vegetable oil.

4. Only now salt the beans and onions and let stand so that the beans are saturated with oil.

5. Then transfer the beans and onions to porcelain or enameled dishes, add spices, finely chopped greens and serve.


300 g beans
   2 onions
   2 cloves of garlic
   salt to taste


1. Sort the beans, rinse, pour into the pot (clay dousing pot), add water and put to cook. As boiling water add boiling water.

2. Put chopped onions in boiling beans.

3. When the beans are boiled, add the crushed garlic, finely chopped greens (cilantro, parsley, celery, savory, mint), crushed capsicum and salt into the pot. You can add finely chopped leek.

4. Then thoroughly knead the prepared beans with a spoon (preferably wooden) and, boiling for another 2-3 minutes, remove from heat.

5. Optionally, at the end of cooking, add Tkemali sauce, pomegranate juice or wine vinegar to the mass.

Caucasian bean dumplings


700 g beans
   50 ml of vegetable oil
   1 cup peeled walnuts
   2 large onions
   2 cloves of garlic
   parsley and cilantro
   ground black pepper
   salt to taste


1. Crush nuts, salt and garlic, gradually adding vegetable oil.

2. Squeeze the oil from this mass, and mix it with ground black pepper, finely chopped cilantro and onion.

3. Grind the sauce with boiled beans.

4. From the resulting mass, form knels the size of a small apple and put them on a plate.

5. Serve the dish, sprinkled with parsley and watering with squeezed peanut butter.

String Beans (Lobio) Braised with Tomatoes


1 kg of bean pods
   0.6 l of water
   600-700 g of tomatoes
   5 onions
   2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
   4 cloves of garlic
   wine vinegar
   salt to taste


1. Cook the prepared bean pods in salted water so that they are not very boiled. Drain the broth (1/4 cup) and add part of the vegetable oil.

2. Separate the finely chopped onions separately in vegetable oil and add it to the boiled beans.

3. In a pan where the onions were fried, put the sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes (after removing the skin from them and removing the seeds) and stew them.

4. Dilute crushed capsicum, cilantro, garlic and salt with a decoction of beans and wine vinegar.

5. The resulting product is transferred to a pan with beans. Add the prepared tomatoes, mix, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

6. Then add finely chopped basil, savory, parsley, dill, cilantro.

7. Stir everything and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes.

Red Bean Phali


500 g of red beans
   200 g onions
   200 g butter
   4 eggs
   30 peeled walnuts
   150 g crackers
   25 g of mint and dill
   100 g wine vinegar
   a pinch of pepper
   salt to taste


1. Wipe the beans boiled in salted water until ready to spoon through a sieve.

2. Add spassed shredded onions, salt, pepper, egg yolks to the vegetable puree. Mix everything well.

3. From the resulting mass, cut balls the size of a walnut. Dip them in egg whites, breaded in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil.

4. Prepare gravy: crush crushed nuts with a decoction of beans. Add salt, pepper, pomegranate juice, herbs. Bring everything together to a boil and cool.

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption - together we change the world! © econet

Lobio  - A popular vegetable dish of hospitable Georgian cuisine. From Georgian, the name of the dish translates as "beans." The basis of the lobio recipe are boiled legumes.

But, as you know, there are more than a dozen varieties of beans. Thus, several dozen dishes from it bear this name. At least we are used to seeing beans in a dish not as the main ingredients, but as a supplement. Vinaigrette, lean borsch or bean salads are vivid examples of this.

In this recipe, classic red bean lobio, which will form the basis of the dish. The second important component is onions, whose weight is half the weight of legumes.

Note to the hostess:

The taste of the dish will become more saturated if, instead of dried oregano and peppermint, add fresh fragrant herbs. It will take 1 bunch of each item.

Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice.

Red Bean Lobio Classic Recipe

Cooking time: 1 h 20 min. + time for soaking beans and pickling green stalks

Servings Per Container: 6


  • red beans - 300 g;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • tomato - 3 pcs.;
  • walnut kernel - 120 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • vinegar 3% - 60 ml;
  • fresh cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • dried oregano - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • dried mint - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • hops-suneli - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • ground red pepper - a pinch;
  • salt to taste.

The recipe for a classic red bean lobio:

Sort the beans, and, pouring cold water, leave for 6-8 hours (you can at night).

Rinse the cilantro well, dry it and separate the leaves from the stems. Finely chop the stems, put them in a ceramic or glass bowl and fill with vinegar. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Wash the swollen beans, put in a pan and pour a small amount of cold water (the water should slightly cover the grains). Let the water boil and cook the beans over medium heat under a lid for 45-50 minutes until cooked. As a rule, water already evaporates after this period of time, but if it still remains, drain it away. And if during the cooking process the water evaporates too quickly, then add the required amount of boiling water to the pan.

While the base of lobio (beans) is boiling, prepare the remaining ingredients.

  1. Peel the onions and chop coarsely.
  2. Wash the tomatoes. Make a cruciform incision on each.
  3. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for literally 30 seconds, remove them with a slotted spoon and remove the skin from them.
  4. Then cut the tomatoes into 1x1 cm cubes.
  5. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put onion and fry it until golden brown.
  6. Add the tomatoes and continue cooking for another 10 minutes over high heat, remembering to stir.
  7. Finely chop the leaves of cilantro.
  8. Grind walnuts with a knife.
  9. Peel and rinse the garlic cloves.
  10. Transfer the onions and tomatoes to the pan. Add pickled stalks, chopped cilantro leaves, and walnuts.
  11. Add spices - oregano, mint, hops-suneli, ground black and red pepper. Salt to taste.
  12. Squeeze the garlic directly into the pan through a press.
  13. Mix everything thoroughly. Put on a small fire and warm under the lid for 10 minutes.
  14. Add red beans, mix well and warm for another 10 minutes (over low heat under a lid).

Classic red bean lobio is ready. Put it on a large in-depth dish and serve warm to the table, after decorating with cilantro and mint leaves. For red bean lobio, serve warm corn cake on a separate plate.

Classical Georgian cuisine means color, spicy taste, delicious and simple dishes at home. If you are not a fan of this country, it is simply impossible to dislike the traditional dishes of this country.

For example, a Georgian dish like lobio (beans) is a side dish for main dishes and a great snack. There are many different types of cooking lobio. Every woman living in Georgia knows several different recipes for this dish.

Beans are a very nutritious and tasty product, in addition, it is a source of healthy vitamins, vegetable proteins, which is why beans are superior in value to even some types of meat. If you cook, you can help your body, because the protein in the body is absorbed by 80 percent.

Experts have found that all bean lovers are balanced and calm people who have a kind and gentle character. And the presence of potassium, magnesium, iron and other useful substances in beans makes this variety of bean a very useful food product. It is very important that people eat beans after forty years. In addition, nutritionists recommend eating bean dishes several times a week.

Lobio in Georgian - preparation of necessary products

Remember that different types of beans should never be mixed during the cooking of one dish, because due to different cooking times of beans, you can get a different consistency of beans. It is necessary to boil the beans very strongly, and in some recipes it is generally kneaded to a paste state. You can add a piquant taste to the dish by adding various Georgian spices to it.

Here you can add fresh herbs (onions, cilantro, parsley) marjoram, suneli hops, rosemary, white mustard, mint, bay leaf, fenugreek, dill, cinnamon, caraway seeds, saffron, cloves. As a result, you get a not very spicy and fragrant dish, red or black pepper can be added to your liking.

A mandatory attribute of almost every Georgian dish is chopped nuts. Before boiling beans, it must first be soaked in water for a couple of hours, so that it boils faster, and also in order to remove substances that contribute to bloating of the stomach. After that, all the liquid from the beans must be drained, and then pour it with clean water and put on a stove to cook.

Red bean lobio classic recipes - a selection of the best cooking recipes

Red Bean Lobio with Meat Classic Recipe

Red beans are considered the richest source of fiber, which gives a full feeling of satiety. The World Health Organization recommends eating 40 grams of fiber every day, as it helps remove toxins from the human body and helps stabilize blood sugar. The calories contained in red beans are not at all full, so you can eat it at least every day.

To make a classic red bean lobio you need:

  • 500 grams of red beans
  • 600 grams of tomato,
  • 600 grams of lamb pulp,
  • 5 cloves of garlic,
  • 3 onions,
  • Dill, cilantro, hot pepper, vegetable oil, salt


Before you cook this dish, you need to soak the red beans for several hours. Meat must be prepared in advance for this dish. Rinse it, cut into small pieces and fry in sunflower oil for thirty minutes.

To the meat, add peeled and finely chopped tomatoes, as well as chopped onions. Chop pepper and herbs very finely, chop all the garlic in the garlic. Add all these ingredients to the meat pan. Pound the boiled beans thoroughly, mix with all the other ingredients and continue cooking for another seven minutes.

Georgian lobio with tomatoes

Lobio cooked according to this recipe is suitable for fasting. Most people believe that all lean dishes are completely tasteless and not good for the body - but this does not apply to lobio. This dish can be even tastier than some meat dishes.

  • 200 grams of red beans
  • 400 grams of onion,
  • 150 grams suneli hop,
  • 200 grams of tomatoes,
  • 2 tablespoons chopped nuts
  • Chives, parsley, cilantro,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,


Boil the beans until soft, previously soaked in water, leave the pot with beans on the stove so that it can soften more. Peel the onion and cut it large enough, add the tomatoes cut into a small cube and all the necessary seasonings.

Continue stewing all contents until all vegetables are boiled. Drain all the liquid from the beans and immediately add it to the lobio. Grind walnuts and garlic thoroughly, add them to the vegetable mixture, add pepper and salt to taste.

In lobio add finely chopped greens, top with a lid and turn on a small fire on the stove. The dish can be served warm and cold. Bon Appetit!

Lobio with champignons

To prepare this dish, it is very important that the boiled beans remain whole. Therefore, beans must be cooked over low heat.

To prepare you need:

  • 5 medium onions,
  • 250 grams of champignons,
  • 200 grams of red beans
  • 4 cloves of garlic,
  • 50 milligrams of vegetable oil,
  • 50 grams of nuts


All beans should be pre-soaked for the whole night, and then boiled in water for 1.5 hours until tender. Rinse the mushrooms and cut into large enough pieces, fry them in warmed sunflower oil until golden brown.

Then transfer the fried mushrooms to a separate plate and add pre-chopped garlic to them. Cut large enough walnuts. combine all the components together, add pepper and salt to them.

Lobio for the winter with vegetables

Home-made canned beans are a rather rare dish that is easier to buy at any grocery store. But it is in vain. Try to cook this vegetable dish, in which the main component is beans, and you probably will not regret it.

To prepare you need:

  • 3 cups beans
  • 1 kilogram of sweet pepper
  • 2 kilograms of ripe tomatoes,
  • 1 kilogram of carrots,
  • 2.5 tablespoons of salt,
  • 200 milligrams of vegetable oil,
  • 70 milligrams of vinegar,
  • 200 grams of sugar


Boil the beans in water with salt until fully cooked. Peel the whole pepper from the seeds and cut it with a small straw. Let all the tomatoes through a meat grinder, grate the carrots. All vegetables must be mixed, add oil, sugar, salt to them and continue to cook on low heat for half an hour after boiling.

Vinegar can be added about 10 minutes before final cooking. Put all the hot mass in pre-sterilized jars and can roll up the lids.

The largest amount of beans is found in white beans. It is white beans that saturates the body with excess calories. Black and red beans help to cleanse the body, in addition, such beans contain a large amount of anthocyanins - useful substances that slow down the aging of the body.

Green lobio is a dish that is different in taste. The main thing is to learn one important principle, and you can cook a variety of dishes from green bean pods. For example, you can cook lobio with satsivi, scrambled eggs, meat, eggs, walnuts.

You must first boil the beans for 50 minutes, then mix thoroughly with herbs and add melted butter. Stew the dish for 10 minutes in a pan and can be served. Bon Appetit!

String Bean Lobio

Excellent lobio is obtained from green beans; light nut shades are felt in its taste. Serve it on the table as a salad.


400 grams of frozen beans in pods;
   1 onion;
   a handful of walnuts;
   3 cloves of garlic;
   along a bunch of cilantro and dill;
   freshly ground pepper and salt;
   sunflower oil.

Recipe for string beans:

Finely chop the onion, fry it in sunflower oil, add the beans in the pods. To give the dish a special taste, you can add a mixture of red and green pepper during the frying process. Cover everything and simmer until cooked. About 5-6 minutes before the vegetables are ready for green lobio, add salt. We begin to prepare the dressing. We clean walnuts, finely chop them with a knife.

Garlic is also finely chopped, it is also possible to chop it using a press. Mix chopped greens with nuts, freshly ground pepper, garlic, and sunflower oil. Mix the prepared beans with the cooked dressing.

If desired, pre-peeled tomatoes and seasonings can be added to lobio from green beans, and “hops-suneli” will be perfect. We serve the dish on the table, it can act as a salad and complement the taste of other dishes.

Bean Lobio with Meat

This cooking option is pretty unusual, because there is meat. The taste of the dish is original, special, you will definitely like it.

   500 grams of beans;
   600 grams of beef and tomatoes;
   4 onions;
   5 cloves of garlic;
   a bunch of cilantro and dill;
   dried oregano;

Dip the tomatoes with boiling water, then place in cold water for a couple of minutes. Remove the peel from the tomatoes, cut them into cubes. Add tomatoes to the finished meat. We put chopped garlic with herbs there, simmer for 10 minutes.

Beans are added to meat and vegetables, cook for 5 minutes, stirring. Cover the dish and let it brew for 20 minutes. That’s what happened lobio, the recipe with a photo showed in detail the whole cooking process. Cook a delicious, light and satisfying meal for your family.

The main thing in the preparation of lobio according to the classic recipe is the right variety of beans. Red or mottled creamy beans of the current year's crop are best suited - there will be enough starch in it and at the same time it will not be too dry.

Pour the beans into a large bowl and pour water. The water is cold.
  If some beans come to the surface, touch them with your fingers, they may be empty in the middle. Such beans need to be thrown away.
  Leave the red beans to swell for 6-8 hours.

Then drain the water, transfer the beans to a deep pan and pour fresh water so that the water completely covers the beans. Set the pot on high heat to bring it to a boil.
  As soon as the water boils, you need to get rid of it - pour and pour cold water again (the ratio will be ideal 1: 4). Cook over medium or low heat, stirring occasionally, 50 minutes - an hour and a half. Beans should become soft.

Mash a portion of the beans with a fork right in the pan. Just do not overdo it, the dish should have a lot of whole beans.

Sort the kernels from the husk and shell. Nuts should not be sweet and spoiled.

Grind them in an affordable and convenient way for you - using a blender or meat grinder.

For lobio, according to the classic recipe, take two large onions weighing about 180-190 grams or three medium-sized onions. It is necessary to remove the husk from them and cut into a not very small cube. The onion in the dish should be felt and should be visible.

Prepare a frying pan (preferably a large diameter with high sides) - heat, pour in vegetable oil.
  Put the onion in an even layer and fry it until transparent with a slight fire on the stove burner, with a light gold in color.

Blanch fresh tomatoes. First, wash the tomatoes well, make cross-shaped shallow cuts with a sharp knife near the stalk and on the opposite side and, lowering the tomatoes in boiling water, count to ten. More than 10 seconds to keep vegetables in boiling water is not worth it. If there is a bowl of ice nearby, then you can instantly cool the tomatoes in it; if there is no ice, hold it under a stream of cold water. Pry off the skin with a knife blade and peel it off with little effort. That's it, our tomatoes are blanched.

Cut a bunch of cilantro with a knife. Grind greens should not be very finely. Chop the garlic into small cubes. You can grind them through a press, but chopped with a knife will still be more correct.

Add tomato cubes to a clear onion, season with spices - suneli hops, black pepper, a small amount of dried red pepper. The amount of hot pepper control to your taste. In principle, the dish should be spicy and spicy, but at the same time edible for spiciness.

Beans, nuts, cilantro, garlic and a little broth in which the beans were cooked are added to the onions and tomatoes. To salt.

Stir and simmer on fire for 3-4 minutes. If you see that the dish turns out to be rather dry, you can add more water from under the beans.

If you serve hot lobio according to the classic recipe, then this is the main course. And if it's cold - a snack.