How to use soy sauce. Soy sauce: benefits and harms, application

There are two types of natural soy sauce - light and dark. It takes a lot of time to cook it - from several months for a light sauce to two to three years for a dark sauce. Not only color, but also the palatability of soy sauce, and accordingly its use in cooking, depend on aging and fermentation time.

Dark soy sauce is a longer-aging product, it has a thick consistency, a pronounced, rich aroma, but at the same time it is less salty than light-colored sauce. Dark sauce is used mainly as a seasoning for meat dishes and for the preparation of meat marinades. Light sauce does not have a characteristic aroma, it has a salty taste, lighter consistency and this makes it a great salad dressing. Its use in cooking is broader than that of dark sauce - the rich taste and dark color can spoil the appearance of the finished dish and its taste. Each of the two types of soy sauce is good in its own way, and it is desirable to have both sauces at home.

Most often, in cooking, soy sauce is used as the basis for the preparation of other famous sauces.  - shrimp, fish, mustard, mushroom. Additives are a variety of spices and spices - ginger, cinnamon, mustard, garlic, anise. Sesame oil, honey, tomato paste, lime and lemon juice, powdered sugar are added to soy sauce. Soy sauce can also act as an independent seasoning  to prepared dishes, for example, at the last moment it is added to chicken or meat cooked in a wok pan.

What can be cooked with soy sauce?  It is used as a marinade for cooking chicken fillet, pork or beef previously sliced \u200b\u200bin small narrow strips. The meat is marinated in soy sauce with the addition of wine and spices and then fried with onions, carrots and peppers. Soy sauce is mixed with ketchup, chicken wings or chicken stomachs are pickled in it (they need to be cleaned) and then fried over high heat or stewed with broth or water. If you add a little honey to the dark soy sauce, you get an excellent marinade for shrimp or salmon.

With the addition of soy sauce, the original Shanghai pork dish is prepared. A piece of pork is boiled with seasonings, then fried over high heat to a dark brown crust and then stewed with the addition of soy sauce, sugar and garlic. For cooking duck, there is also a recipe for an unusual sauce. Soy sauce and vodka are added to the dill broth and duck is cooked in this broth. Soy sauce improves the taste of soups, it is recommended to add to mushroom and meat soups. Soy sauce will make the taste of familiar cabbage or bell pepper salads more spicy, it will tone the taste of fish cakes, various types of noodles.

Soy sauce is considered a fully balanced product that combines beneficial properties and excellent taste. Of course, if it is prepared in a natural way and from natural products. A surrogate product cannot be useful, it contains a minimum of natural components and a maximum of all kinds of chemical additives.


It is difficult to imagine a shelf with seasonings for a lover of Japanese cuisine, wherever soy sauce takes pride of place - its properties, composition, benefits of natural recipes and the harm of its chemical substitutes are described in detail in this publication site. There are so many kinds of this sauce that it’s easy to get confused. This guide will show you which soy sauce is the best, what they make of, what they eat with, and much more.

What is soy sauce?

Soy sauce is a salty brown liquid that is made by fermenting (fermenting) soybeans and toasted wheat grains and used as a seasoning in Asian cooking. It originated in China and is now popular in many countries.

Soy sauce has many uses, it is a universal seasoning. It enhances the meaty taste in salty dishes, adding color and improving aroma. It combines the aromas of spices in marinades and softens the stiffness of vinegar in salad dressings.

What soy sauce looks like - photo

The composition of soy sauce

The four main ingredients in natural soy sauce are:

  • soya beans;
  • wheat;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • fermenting agents (mold or yeast).

Different types of soy sauce can have a different amount of these components, which form a variety of colors and aromas.

Soya beans

The beneficial properties of soy sauce come mainly from proteins found in soy. Soybeans are first impregnated with water for a long period, and then steamed at high temperatures.


Salt and water

Salt is soluble in water, and this brine is used to control the spread of bacteria during fermentation. Salt also acts as a preservative.

Fermenting Agent (Aspergillus)

Aspergillus is a type of fungus for spreading koji mold. This is one of the most important elements in the preparation of soy sauce, it plays an important role in the fermentation of ingredients. This is the key to the special taste of soy sauce.

The nutritional value of tamari soy sauce per 100 g.

  Name  amount  Percent Daily Value,%
  Carbohydrates  4.8 g
  Sugar  1.7 g
  Protein  10.5 g
  Fats  0.1 g
  Dietary fiber (fiber)  0.8 g 4
  Vitamin B6  0.2 mg 16
  Calcium  20 mg 2
  Iron  2.4 mg 30
  Magnesium  40 mg 12
  Manganese  0.5 mg 25
  Phosphorus  130 mg 13
  Zinc  0.4 mg 3
  Copper  0.1 mg 7
  Selenium  0.8 mcg 2
  Thiamine  0.1 mg 4
  Riboflavin  0.2 mg 9
  Niacin  4 mg 20
  Folate  18 mcg 5
  Choline  38.4 mg 7

How to make soy sauce

There are two methods for making soy sauce:

  1. Traditional - it takes several steps and can take from several days to several months, depending on the recipe.
  2. Chemical is a quicker and less expensive way to produce soy sauce that uses acid-hydrolyzed vegetable protein.

Traditional soy sauce production

Traditional soy sauce is made by mixing soybeans, fried wheat, special molds and salt water, after which it is aged for five to eight months. Then, the resulting puree is then pressed, and the liquid of soy sauce is pasteurized and bottled.

Soy sauce production technology:

  1. Soybeans and fried and crushed wheat are mixed with a certain type of fungal culture - aspergillus (Aspergillus)   and left for two to three days for fermentation.
  2. Then water and salt are added, and the whole mixture is left in the fermentation tank for five to eight months, although some types of sauce may take longer. Salt is an important component in the production of soy sauce, as it acts as an antimicrobial agent.
  3. During fermentation, mold enzymes act on soy and wheat proteins, gradually dividing them into amino acids. Starches turn into simple sugars, then fermented to lactic acid and alcohol.
  4. After completion of the process, the resulting puree is laid out on the fabric and the liquid is squeezed out. Then it is pasteurized to kill any bacteria and filtered. And finally, bottled.

High-quality soy sauce is made only by natural fermentation. It is often labeled "natural fermentation." The list of ingredients usually contains only water, wheat, soy and salt.

Chemical production

Chemical production is a much faster and cheaper way to make soy sauce. This method is known as acid hydrolysis, and it can produce soy sauce in a few days, not months.

The resulting soy sauce tastes worse, contains harmful substances, and dyes and flavorings are added to it.

In this process, soybeans are heated to 80 ° C and mixed with hydrochloric acid. It destroys proteins in soy and wheat.

The resulting product is less attractive in terms of taste and aroma, since many substances produced by natural fermentation are absent. Therefore, colorants, flavors and salt are added.

Also, this method is bad in that some undesirable compounds are formed, including carcinogens, which are harmful to health.

In Japan, soy sauce, which is made chemically, is not considered soy sauce and cannot be sold under that name. However, sometimes it is mixed with natural to reduce the cost.

In other countries, chemically produced soy sauce can be sold as is. You will find this type of soy sauce in any grocery store, you can immediately recognize it at a low price.

On the label, the composition will indicate "hydrolyzed soy protein" or "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" if it is chemically made.

So, soy sauce of natural fermentation is done for about 18 months, and it is healthy and nutritious. Using the chemical method, it is produced in just two to three days, and this product can be potentially harmful to your health.

Types of Soy Sauce

There are literally hundreds of types of soy sauce. Varieties depend on the ingredients used, the method used to create the sauce, and the region in which it is made.

Most often in our grocery stores you will see such soy sauces as:

  • light coloured;
  • dark;
  • low in sodium;
  • tamari.

Light soy sauce  - This light, but not transparent brown liquid. This is what most people call "regular" soy sauce. This is a good universal seasoning.

Dark soy sauce  - caramel (sugar color, E150) is added to it after a longer fermentation process, this slightly thickens the sauce and gives a slightly sweet taste and complex aroma.

Low sodium - It is produced mainly by a chemical method that does not use cultures of bacteria and fungi and therefore requires less salt.

Tamari - This Japanese form of soy sauce, is made only from soy, without wheat or other grains. Tamari has a very pure taste and is preferred by those who need a gluten-free diet.

What is the taste and smell of soy sauce

Differences in production give each sauce its own unique smell. For example, tamari has a darker color and richer flavor than ordinary Chinese soy sauce. It also has a more balanced and less salty taste than the pungent taste of regular soy sauce.

Where to buy and how to choose soy sauce

Finding soy sauce is not difficult, it is available at many grocery stores and supermarkets, but choosing a high-quality natural product is not so easy.

Before buying soy sauce, carefully read the label. The composition should not be E220 (sulfur dioxide) or E200 (sorbic acid), vinegar, yeast, sugar or anise, as well as preservatives.

Real soy sauce consists of wheat, soy and salt. The percentage of protein should not be less than 7%. Dark Chinese soy sauces also contain sugar.

How to find out which soy sauce is the best

  • The label should say “natural fermentation”.
  • Low-quality types of soy sauces obtained by chemical hydrolysis contain E-additives in the list of ingredients, for example E621 (sodium glutamate as a flavor enhancer) and E211 (benzoic acid as a preservative).
  • The color of the liquid should be brown or light, but be sure to be transparent (without turbidity). If the color is dark brown or even black, then this is not a natural product.

Among the best are Kikkoman brand soy sauces. They are made in the traditional way, they have a balanced taste and they are actually very versatile.

How and how much to store soy sauce

The shelf life of soy sauce depends on its type and even a specific brand, so look for this information on the label.

Unopened soy sauce can be stored in a cool, dark place, and after opening - in the refrigerator. The natural product has a limited shelf life, as no preservatives are added. For example, uncured Kikkoman brand sauce should be used within a month.

Cooling helps the taste and quality characteristics remain at their peak for a longer period. Most natural soy sauces will not go bad if you do not keep them in the refrigerator, but the quality will decline faster.

A fresh bottle of soy sauce should have a piquant aroma and a reddish-brown color. When opened and in contact with air, the natural fermentation sauce darkens over time and becomes stronger in taste and aroma. This is the result of oxidation. Although it is in no way harmful, it will lead to a decrease in taste.

Low-quality chemical soy sauces do not impair taste when stored at room temperature.

The use of soy sauce in cooking

You probably know about the use of soy sauce in many Asian dishes and what it is usually eaten with, but you can use it in many more different (and tasty) ways. Here are just a few of them.

What to eat soy sauce

  • Try cooking Chinese food at home. This is more useful than ordering it and a great opportunity to experiment with new ingredients in the kitchen. Chicken in soy sauce is a great place to start.
  • It balances the taste of sweet and sour barbecue sauce.
  • Add it to noodles or spaghetti by cooking mushrooms with onion soy sauce.
  • Try the delicious grilled ribs in honey and soy sauce.
  • Crispy and slightly sweet fried shrimps with garlic in soy sauce are delicious in taste, and the recipe is very simple.
  • Chicken wings in honey and soy sauce are easier to make than you think. Find them yellow wheat noodles in specialized Asian stores or replace it with egg.
  • Your children will love chicken breast in soy sauce and you will love the fact that you feed them fresh and healthy food.
  • Chicken in soy sauce in a pan or in the oven has an ultra-thin, crispy crust and super meat.
  • Fish in soy sauce is a quick and easy cooking method that does not require special cooking skills. Try fried salmon with brown sugar icing with vegetables and rice.

Health Benefits of Soy Sauce

Soy sauce contains many different types of antioxidants. Studies have shown that it has a higher phytonutrient concentration of antioxidants than red wine.

It is a good source of mineral antioxidant manganese and also contains a valuable amount of antioxidant phenolic acids, including vanilla, syric, coumaric and ferulic.

Soy sauce is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, vitamin B3 (niacin), and protein.

The results of modern research on whether soy sauce is healthy seem promising, but it is too early to say that it brings truly significant health benefits.

Contraindications (harm) and side effects of soy sauce

Whether soy sauce is harmful depends on which product you purchased - natural fermentation and chemical production. The site strongly recommends looking for a product that is manufactured in a traditional way.

But even if you have natural soy sauce, use it in moderation, otherwise you will feel not only benefit, but also harm.

It is contraindicated in diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • stones in the kidneys.

People who are allergic to wheat or those who are intolerant to gluten should avoid soy sauce. There are types of sauce made from rice, not soy - they are suitable for those who can not be gluten-free.

Soy sauce often contains large amounts of sodium per serving. It is harmful if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, or diabetes. Sodium increases blood pressure, which can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of heart disease.

Use soy sauce in small quantities and not often, so that only its beneficial properties appear, and do not use it at all if you have any contraindications.

There are two types of natural soy sauce - light and dark. It takes a lot of time to cook it - from several months for a light sauce to two to three years for a dark sauce. Not only color, but also the palatability of soy sauce, and accordingly its use in cooking, depend on aging and fermentation time.

Dark soy sauce is a longer-aging product, it has a thick consistency, a pronounced, rich aroma, but at the same time it is less salty than light-colored sauce. Dark sauce is used mainly as a seasoning for meat dishes and for the preparation of meat marinades. Light sauce does not have a characteristic aroma, it has a salty taste, lighter consistency and this makes it a great salad dressing. Its use in cooking is broader than that of dark sauce - the rich taste and dark color can spoil the appearance of the finished dish and its taste. Each of the two types of soy sauce is good in its own way, and it is desirable to have both sauces at home.

Most often, in cooking, soy sauce is used as the basis for the preparation of other famous sauces.  - shrimp, fish, mustard, mushroom. Additives are a variety of spices and spices - ginger, cinnamon, mustard, garlic, anise. Sesame oil, honey, tomato paste, lime and lemon juice, powdered sugar are added to soy sauce. Soy sauce can also act as an independent seasoning  to prepared dishes, for example, at the last moment it is added to chicken or meat cooked in a wok pan.

What can be cooked with soy sauce?  It is used as a marinade for cooking chicken fillet, pork or beef previously sliced \u200b\u200bin small narrow strips. The meat is marinated in soy sauce with the addition of wine and spices and then fried with onions, carrots and peppers. Soy sauce is mixed with ketchup, chicken wings or chicken stomachs are pickled in it (they need to be cleaned) and then fried over high heat or stewed with broth or water. If you add a little honey to the dark soy sauce, you get an excellent marinade for shrimp or salmon.

With the addition of soy sauce, the original Shanghai pork dish is prepared. A piece of pork is boiled with seasonings, then fried over high heat to a dark brown crust and then stewed with the addition of soy sauce, sugar and garlic. For cooking duck, there is also a recipe for an unusual sauce. Soy sauce and vodka are added to the dill broth and duck is cooked in this broth. Soy sauce improves the taste of soups, it is recommended to add to mushroom and meat soups. Soy sauce will make the taste of familiar cabbage or bell pepper salads more spicy, it will tone the taste of fish cakes, various types of noodles.

Soy sauce is considered a fully balanced product that combines beneficial properties and excellent taste. Of course, if it is prepared in a natural way and from natural products. A surrogate product cannot be useful, it contains a minimum of natural components and a maximum of all kinds of chemical additives.

This universal seasoning has become popular thanks to Asian cuisine. The brackish sauce with a sharp characteristic odor goes well with almost any dish. What is the uniqueness and benefit of soybean dressing and who does not want to abuse it? How to apply the sauce, what treats is it especially suitable for?

What is soy sauce

It is actually a cult in Eastern cuisine. Who would have thought that a liquid product of a dark brown color with a pungent odor would be able to gain popularity on almost the entire planet? The proof of this is a natural, original fermentation product of soybeans of the famous kikkoman brand (Kikkoman), which every connoisseur of healthy nutrition knows about.

The mixture of beans and crushed grains, aspergillus fungi (in some sources they are called “koji mushrooms”) has become a true revolution in cooking. Due to its beneficial properties and low calorie content, nutritionists recommend a soy product during diets to normalize digestion and strengthen the cardiovascular system. But is sauce useful to everyone? What are the contraindications for use?

Soy sauce - benefits and harms

Fans of aromatic dressing do not always think about whether soy sauce is good. This question is controversial. As with any product, the measure is important. It is known that soy sauce is one of the leaders in the content of amino acids and antioxidants, and can even compete with citrus fruits. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and the whole organism. But people with diabetes and gastritis need to be careful with this product.

When losing weight

This product is also useful for diet followers - it is low-calorie (bju - nutritional value is 50 kcal) and does not contain cholesterol. Soy sauce is often used as a seasoning: they replace salt, harmful seasonings (mayonnaise, ketchup), but the attitude of nutritionists to it is not always unambiguous. Soy sauce with a diet such as rice helps a lot: they are seasoned with rice so that the dish is not so fresh and the diet is easier. At the same time, it is still very important to purchase an original, high-quality product that does not contain carcinogens.

Can pregnant

In moderate amounts, soy sauce during pregnancy can be consumed. It contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin. It contributes to the normalization of sleep, reduces irritability. Pregnant women should remember: replacing them with mayonnaise, ketchup, give preference to dressing with a low salt content, otherwise puffiness will appear.


The main danger that may lurk the consumer when buying a product is fake. The harm of soy sauce is directly related to the quality of seasoning. In the pursuit of profit, unscrupulous manufacturers produce a hazardous surrogate not from acid-hydrolyzed soy protein, but with the help of harmful chemicals. The product should not contain flavor enhancers, flavorings.


Many are interested in: what is soy sauce made of? Production: fermentation of soybeans after pressing. The result is a clear liquid without sediment, with a protein content of 6-8%, it can be light or dark, with or without wheat, highly salted or with a reduced content. After seasoning, pasteurization is required. An open bottle can be stored for about a month, in the refrigerator - about 3.

How to make soy sauce at home

A simplified recipe for soy sauce at home without chemical additives contains two steps: soaking and boiling. For 150 grams of soybeans soaked for the night, take 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of wheat and salt to taste. Boil soybeans for one and a half hours (you can add chicken or vegetable broth to the water for saturation). Then you need to drain the broth and make mashed beans from the beans (crush with a blender), add the remaining components, boil a little more and the seasoning is ready.

Soy Sauce Recipes

The range of methods for applying universal seasoning is huge. Dishes with soy sauce have become a real culinary find for many housewives. The sauce will complement the classic recipes, add new colors, bring benefits and make the taste of your favorite dishes even brighter. It is used as a seasoning for light salads, the basis for pickling fish, meat, poultry or vegetables. Check out step-by-step home recipes with photos.

Fried shrimp

  • Cooking time: 15-20 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 3 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 191 kcal.
  • Destination: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Asian.

Recipe for fried shrimp in soy sauce is useful to every housewife. Although this dish is easy to prepare, its taste does not become less refined. Before serving, treat can be sprinkled with herbs, pour lemon juice, add nuts (peanuts, pistachios). For a side dish rice is perfectly suitable. How to cook step by step? Pay attention to the following recipe with a photo.


  • peeled, pre-thawed shrimp - 500 g;
  • onions - 2 medium heads;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the garlic, pass through the press (garlic).
  2. Peel the onion, finely chop into cubes.
  3. Fry onion with garlic in oil for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Dilute honey with 2 tablespoons of warm water, pour seafood.
  5. Add the shrimp with honey to the onion with garlic, mix - fry for another 5 minutes.
  6. Top up the sauce, simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes.
  7. Serve as a snack, supplemented with lemon slices and herbs. Separately, in the gravy boat, serve the sauce.

Marinated meat

  • Cooking time: 120 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 3 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 175 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Chinese.
  • The complexity of the preparation: medium.

Marinated meat in soy sauce in the oven is a great way to please your home with a delicious, unbroken dish. Please note - it is very important not to overdry the main ingredient, so that the meat does not become stiff. To do this, do everything strictly according to the cooking technology. Onions are an indispensable ingredient in the dish - it gives the meat its juiciness and piquant taste. As a result, you will get a juicy, tasty treat with a pleasant, spicy taste.


  • pork - 500 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 150 ml;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • paprika - 1 tsp;
  • fresh ginger, to taste - 20 g;
  • black pepper - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • sesame seeds - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the meat with medium pieces, cubes, and discuss with a paper napkin. Rub with spices.
  2. We clean onion, garlic, ginger, wash pepper. Finely chop.
  3. Fry a little sesame in a heated deep frying pan. Then add the vegetable oil, pass the onions until golden brown for about a minute. We put bell pepper to it, fresh ginger and fry for another two minutes.
  4. Add the meat, let it brown on all sides, make the fry.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  6. Transfer the contents of the pan to a greased baking dish. Pour in soy sauce, mix thoroughly.
  7. The treat should be stewed for about an hour in the oven.


  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 193 kcal
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Indian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

An Indian recipe for wings in soy sauce can compete in taste with Buffalo wings. To create a sweet and sour taste, you can add a little honey (or sugar) to the dressing. Chicken wings according to this recipe with photos are tasty, spicy, juicy, they are well combined with sour cream or sour-milk sauce with herbs and seasonings. Enthusiastic guest reviews are provided to you.


  • chicken wings - 1 kg;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • lemon - half;
  • tomato paste - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • butter - 100 gr.;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • dry spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the butter in a deep skillet (in a skillet or wok pan), fry a little chopped garlic. After that, it must be removed so that the dish is not bitter.
  2. Rinse the wings, dry with a paper towel. Divide the whole portion into three parts. You need to fry in several approaches.
  3. Proceed according to the principle: first pour the oil, then put a portion of the wings and fry thoroughly from all sides.
  4. When the whole quantity is fried, in a large bowl mix the wings and soy sauce, sprinkle with lemon juice, season with tomato paste.
  5. Place the chicken again in a pan or cast-iron pan, where it is cooked (20-30 minutes).


  • Cooking time: 10-15 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2 Persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 104 kcal.
  • Destination: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Japanese.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Recipes for salads with soy sauce are varied and plentiful. They are great for lovers of fresh vegetables and those who follow the figure. To reduce the number of calories, Greek yogurt is added to the sauce (it can be replaced with ordinary). Place on a flat, beautiful plate fried chicken or boiled fillet, vegetables, hard-boiled egg, garnish with fresh parsley leaves - a delicious, vitamin treat is ready to serve.


  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • radish daikon - 1 pc.;
  • red sweet apple - 1 pc.;
  • greek yogurt (or kefir) - 50 g;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sesame seeds - 10 g;
  • parsley leaves for serving - 5 leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the radish. Wash and peel the apple and cucumber.
  2. Cucumbers need to be cut into thin slices, grate radishes on a coarse grater, and cut the apple into small cubes.
  3. Mix soy sauce with yogurt to a uniform consistency.
  4. Pour them with prepared vegetables, sprinkle with sesame seeds and garnish with parsley.

Fish in the oven

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2 Persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 128 kcal.
  • Destination: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Spanish.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Baked fish in soy sauce is a great dish for lunch or dinner. For cooking, it is advisable to buy a fish with a small amount of bones or fish fillet. You can prepare a treat in several ways: first marinate in soy sauce, and then bake with herbs or cook in the oven, watering the famous seasoning. Complete the fish with potato wedges or other vegetables of your choice.


  • fillet of pollock thawed - 600 g;
  • white wine (or wine vinegar) - 150 ml;
  • salted soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • leeks - 100 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • lemon pepper - a pinch;
  • coriander - a pinch;
  • basil, fresh leaves for serving - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. First, prepare the marinade: mix soy sauce with wine.
  3. Slice the onion into thin rings, pass the garlic through the garlic.
  4. Disassemble the fish fillet into portions, grate with spices.
  5. Send fish, onions, and garlic to the marinade for 30 minutes. It should completely cover the fillet.
  6. Line the baking dish with foil. Put the fish in it and pour the gravy. Bake until cooked for about 20-30 minutes.


  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2 Persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 104 kcal.
  • Purpose: side dish.
  • Cuisine: Vietnamese.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Another great way to diversify vegetarian food is to cook vegetables in soy sauce. This recipe with photos can be used to prepare a side dish or main course. If you like to experiment, then you can add pumpkin seeds or fried nuts to vegetables - this is the perfect combination of ingredients!


  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 300 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 4 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

  1. Wash, dry greens, peel vegetables.
  2. Finely chop the tomato, onion, and zucchini into cubes.
  3. Grate coarse carrots.
  4. Sauté the vegetables for 3 minutes in a pan, stirring constantly.
  5. Reduce heat, add soy sauce, herbs. Stir well and simmer for another minute.


For religious reasons, the monks of ancient China replaced dairy products and meat with soy. As a result, vegetarian cheese (from soy milk) and soy sauce. The exact date of appearance cannot be indicated, but soon the Japanese borrowed the cooking method. Almost all Japanese dishes have this product, which gives piquancy and sophistication to culinary recipes.

The product of the cuisine of Asian peoples, has a transparent composition and dark brown color, a characteristic smell and taste. For its high useful and taste qualities it was called the “king” in Japanese cuisine. Applied when marinating seafood, meat, fish.
  Add to the second and first courses. Use for fish, mushroom, shrimp, meat seasonings. They replace salt, seasonings, mayonnaise, oil.

What the product is made of

The manufacturing technology has been unchanged for several centuries and consists in the fermentation of stripped beans, fried wheat and salt in the sun. The process takes about a year.

The resulting mass is filtered, bottled and stored for two years. Modern technologies add Aspergillius bacteria to the fermentation process, accelerating fermentation up to one month.

Did you know? Real soy sauce contains only three products - wheat, salt, and soy.

If there is yeast, vinegar, sugar, and other ingredients, then such a product can no longer be natural.

The composition of the sauce is extremely simple - it is water, dietary fiber, ash. There is practically no fat. But soy seasoning is enriched with minerals, vitamins, amino acids. Of the essential amino acids, we list histidine.
  The list of essential amino acids includes aspartic acid, alanine, glycine, glutamic acid (a natural flavor enhancer), proline, serine, tyrosine, cysteine. All amino acids contribute to the preservation of youth and health.

The advantages of the product include a low content of saturated fats, the absence of cholesterol, a significant amount, B3, a high content,. By cons - the presence of a very significant dose (more than 200% of the daily norm).


Particularly stand out. This is - B2, B3, B6, B9. The content of vitamin PP is high. Vitamins are directly involved in metabolic processes, in the synthesis of substances, in energy production, in the struggle for the health of the childbearing organs and good mood.

Minerals are represented by many macro- and microelements. Macronutrients: potassium, magnesium, sodium. Trace elements: iron, manganese,. Minerals manage the nervous system, water-salt metabolism, increase hemoglobin, improve the quality of teeth, hair, nails, skin, strengthen the skeletal system.

Calorie content

Nutritional value consists in the content of a large number of elements of the periodic table, the absence of fats, exquisite taste and the ability to enhance the palatability of other products.

The composition of the BJU

The amount of protein is 7%, and carbohydrates in the product is 8.1%. There is no fat. The product is low in calories. Rich in vital elements.

Is there any benefit

No doubt the benefits are great. First of all, we note the presence of a significant amount of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. It is a prophylactic against the occurrence of cancer cells, reducing the number of free radicals. Replaces meat in the menu of vegetarians, since the presence of proteins is close to meat products.

Allows you to abandon salt due to the abundance of glutamines. It has the ability to delay the aging process and improves hemodynamics.

Due to the large number of useful elements, this product improves blood circulation. But with the use of an excessive amount of soy products (proved by Harvard scientists), the characteristics and concentration (accumulation) of sperm in men is reduced.
  This feature is associated with the presence of female hormones in the composition of soy and products from it. Therefore, the measure in use should be observed.

For women

The positive effect of the sauce is based on its isoflavones, the structure of which is close to the structure of estrogen in women. It is this quality that improves the general condition of the fair sex, normalizes their hormonal background.

  • allergic to animal proteins;
  • having disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, coronary disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension);
  • overweight;
  • having chronic constipation and cholecystitis;
  • possessing pathology of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • diabetics.

Important! Doctors advise patients with hypertension to remove salt from the diet, changing it to soy sauce.

For children

Children under three years of age should not eat soya product, as there is a high risk of allergic reactions and disturbances in the endocrine system (thyroid gland).

But the presence of soy in baby food is justified in case of intolerance to milk components, with a lack of enzymes for the breakdown of lactose, galactose in small ones (hereditary diseases). Sometimes this is the only method of normal physical and mental formation of the baby.


Pregnant women are advised to stop using because of the negative effects on the fetal brain and the threat of miscarriage.

Lactating women need to significantly limit the use of this seasoning due to the negative effect on the baby through mother's milk.

Possible harm and contraindications

Harmful soy sauce is possible with too frequent and large amounts of its use (one or two tablespoons per day is enough for an adult). For men, it is fraught with a change in the functions of the genital area.

Important! Bean allergies are contraindicated. The cause of allergies can also be the antioxidants that make up the sauce.

If you experience nausea, pain in the abdomen, feelings of fatigue, swelling, it is better to consult a doctor and stop taking soy seasoning.

Children under three years of age should not use this product in food. At risk are also pregnant and lactating.

In the modern world, the choice of sauce is complicated by a variety of brands and types. Truly natural and healthy will necessarily be packed in glass containers, contains only soy, wheat, salt (the presence of protein about 7%) and is produced by fermentation without yeast, vinegar and other chemical additives.

It is expensive, but also brings great benefits when used properly. Natural soy product does not deteriorate for a long time and is stored for up to two years, preferably in a refrigerator and in glass packaging. The shelf life of other analogues is indicated on the label.

Slimming Soy Sauce

Use soy sauce as a way to fight overweight. After all, it regulates metabolic processes, accelerates metabolism due to amino acids and minerals, removes toxins, promotes the absorption of the necessary substances. Replacing salt with soy seasoning, you accelerate the removal of excess water and prevent swelling.

Did you know? A distinctive feature of a natural soy product is the ability to emphasize and enhance the taste of any dish, which makes you refuse additional seasonings (based on the properties of glutamic acid).

Cosmetic properties

The use of sauce is not limited only to nutrition. The presence of vitamins, amino acids, minerals makes it useful for cosmetic purposes.

Hair Mask Recipes

  1. Recipe 1. Beat with two teaspoons of soy sauce (only real) and (any). Moisten the mixture for an hour. Rinse with water at room temperature, then wash with shampoo. Do twice a week for a month.
  2. Recipe 2. Mix two tablespoons of soy sauce with a glass of water. Apply to clean, damp hair for ten minutes. Wash off with warm water. Use as needed to improve the appearance of the hair and give a light chestnut shade.

Face masks are often used not soy sauce, but soy itself. Here are some of the simplest ones.

  1. Recipe 1. Pour crushed soybeans with boiling water. Add a couple of drops (or), yolk of a fresh egg. Stir, apply for 15 minutes, rinse. Apply any moisturizer.
  2. Recipe 2. Pour 100 g of grinded soybeans with boiling milk (100 ml). Let stand for 20 minutes. Add three drops of rosemary oil. Beat. Apply for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off. Apply with acne and skin inflammation.

How to make soy sauce more original: a step-by-step recipe with a photo

Often soy seasoning is mixed with other ingredients to get your original recipe. Here is one of them.

Grocery list

Product list includes:

  • soy sauce - 90 ml .;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • garlic - 3 prongs;
  • tomato paste - 40 g;
  •   - 25 ml .;
  • black pepper, seasoning for chicken (to taste, optional).

Action list

  • Mix squeezed garlic with lemon pulp.
  • Strain.
  • Add tomato paste and honey to soy sauce.
  • Dilute with garlic lemon juice.
  • Sprinkle with black pepper. Add seasoning (optional).
  • Mix well. Use for marinating chicken. To withstand. Bake or fry.

The oldest product of mankind - soy sauce is still popular. It remains an indispensable seasoning due to its high palatability and healthy composition. But beware of a fake, it will not bring benefits, and often exclusively harm.