How to eat carbonara with a spoon. How Italians eat spaghetti (Eat spaghetti like Italians)

Spaghetti or pasta is a delicious and popular dish, which is now served in almost every institution. However, often there are difficulties with how to eat spaghetti and not screw it up, sprinkling spaghetti with a sauce of oneself and others, losing all the desired pasta on the table or not wrapping them at all on an unfortunate fork.

Many people are accustomed to cutting long spaghetti with a knife and only then eat it, and when it comes to pasta, here we usually wrap some pasta on a fork and bend over a plate, like the humanities above physics, try to eat it until no one sees it.

But this is fundamentally wrong, and in Italy for such behavior with pasta you just throw rotten pizza. How to eat spaghetti and not be considered an illiterate citizen?

Before you start learning to eat spaghetti according to etiquette, it is worthwhile to understand that it simply does not work to look graceful in this case. Perhaps you will languidly reel pasta on a fork after several dozen unsuccessful attempts, but not now.

So, spaghetti are complex dishes, etiquette experts do not recommend ordering them on dates and business lunches.

How to eat spaghetti?

We take a fork and a spoon. Eating spaghetti or pasta using these two cutlery is the most correct, but at the same time difficult way.

So, if a fork and a spoon are attached to your pasta in your serving, then you can both use them and ignore them (it’s better not to).

Director of the Lady's School, Tatyana Tersenova-Zavodovskaya, tells in detail about the rules of a meal with carbonara.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Hold a tablespoon in your left hand and a fork in your right. Using a fork, stretch a maximum of three pasta to chest level and slowly wind them onto the fork, moving the latter towards you. Winding pasta, gradually lower the fork. There are two ways: you either remove the pasta from the fork and put it on a spoon, or eat it directly from the fork, insuring yourself with a spoon. In the first case, your pasta should lie on a spoon in a nice, neat tangle. After that they can be eaten.

Especially the spoon is relevant in the case when you think about how to eat carbonara paste. With a spoon, we scoop up the cream and eat the egg.

Just twist the pasta on a fork is as careful as possible so as not to spatter the sauce on yourself and others.

Alternative methods

You can also wind spaghetti exclusively on a fork without using spoons. We take 2-3 pasta, and slowly wrap them on a fork, twisting the fork in the direction of ourselves. It is important to "twist" everything without leaving the hanging ends of the pasta, and only then eat it.

In addition, it is important not to take spaghetti from the center of the plate, but to take from the edge. This corresponds to etiquette, and is more convenient in terms of eating.

Italian pasta served with sauce. According to Italian etiquette, you can not leave a single gram of sauce on a plate. Use a piece of bread to pick up the rest of the sauce.

More precisely about how to eat, combine, serve and how to drink pasta.
I will tell you how this happens in Italy. Currently, pasta has become the property of world culinary, so it seems to me important to know how this dish is eaten in its historical homeland, and it's up to everyone to decide whether to follow these rules or not.

During the Renaissance, pasta was already on the menu of Italians. The rich Florentines consumed it with sugar and expensive spices, and the poor estates were satisfied with either a single paste or a paste, accompanied by such modest ingredients as garlic, cheese or vegetables. Starting from the 18th century, pasta consumption in Italy began to grow steadily. Macaroni, spaghetti, penne were the first types of pasta, the production of which began on an industrial scale. Then pasta was considered as food for the poor and served with tomatoes.

A similar situation has developed with cutlery. Despite the fact that the fork first appeared in Italy at the beginning of the 10th century, for a very long time it remained the property of only the upper classes. Yes, they ate pasta with their hands. Commoners lifted spaghetti high above their heads, masterfully twisted and sent into their mouths, while managing not to get dirty at all.

In the Middle Ages, guests came to dinner parties with their personal appliances. Later they began to set tables, serving devices for each of the guests. The first forks caused categorical rejection by the church, which declared the innocent device dangerous and vicious: perhaps the plug was associated with the devil.
At the end of the 18th century, the Neapolitan chef Gennaro Spadacchino introduced a fork with four prongs for the convenience of using pasta. Therefore, we owe it to him for the familiar appearance of this object. It was only in the 19th century that mass production of cutlery, including our long-suffering fork, began, after which it finally managed to gain recognition and widespread use around the world.

There is a difference in the concepts of "pasta", "pasta" and "pasta".
Macaroni is a type of pasta made in Naples and shaped like a hollow tube. In Russian, the word "pasta" has a common noun. And the Italians themselves are to blame for this, for a long time they used the name "macaroni" to all types of pasta until the beginning of the 19th century. Having developed the worldwide habit of calling pasta pasta and spaghetti, Italians suddenly changed the use of these words. And for about 200 years now the term "pasta" has been used in everyday life, and the word "pasta" (maccheroni) has been used only for the name of a certain type of Neapolitan pasta.
Pasta is produced in different countries, they may also include flour of soft wheat varieties.
The Italian pasta Seca (secca) - dry pasta - is made exclusively from durum wheat flour.

Now about the varieties of Italian pasta. The paste is dry and fresh.
Dry is made from water and hard flour. There are a great many types of dry pasta: spaghetti, penne, and bucatini, and fusilli, and farfalle, and so on.
Fresh is kneaded on eggs and flour from soft wheat varieties. It can be lasagna, tagliatelle, fettuccini, etc.
Fresh pasta is also stuffed. It includes ravioli, tortellini, angelotti, etc.
Various types of pasta with sauce are served in Italy as a first course. In Russia, traditionally, the first dish is soup. In Italy, it is pasta, or risotto, or soup. I am not talking about this from culinary rigorism. I don’t know about you, but when I come to my new country, I try to understand its culinary traditions. How do people eat? And the differences are always significant. In Italy, pasta is eaten as the first dish, which can be followed by the second: usually it is meat or fish with a side dish. But in everyday life, in Italian families, if it’s not holidays, they use the first dish for lunch, and the second for dinner or vice versa.
In a restaurant it is customary to order first a snack, then the first or second; overpower and that, and another and the third is not for everyone. Then dessert, fruit, coffee. You can finish the meal with a glass of tincture on herbs that promote digestion.

How to cook pasta.
To boil the paste, you need to use a voluminous pan. It is filled with water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 g of paste. At the time of boiling water, salt is added at the rate of 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Then the paste falls into the boiling water, you can increase the fire, because at the moment of immersion the temperature will drop. Cooking time is written on the packaging of pasta, it already takes into account the fact that the paste should be boiled to the state of "al dente", that is, it must maintain a fairly dense consistency. The paste cooked in this way is better digested.
If you cook pasta with sauce, boil it to the al dente state, add the pasta to the pan with the sauce and stir vigorously over the heat for a couple of minutes. Who knows how. can mix pasta with sauce tossing it in a pan. If the sauce is thick, you can save a little water from cooking the pasta and add during the mixing process.
If you cook fresh pasta, in the absence of other instructions, usually the degree of its readiness is calculated one minute from the moment of emergence to the surface.

How to combine pasta with sauce.
Short dry paste can be smooth or grooved.
Paste with a smooth surface goes better with vegetable or fish sauces.
Corrugated pasta is better for meat sauces.
Long dry pasta does not go well with meat sauce; it cannot hold it. And vice versa: it goes well with fish sauces, seafood sauces, vegetables.
Fresh pasta goes well with fish and crustacean sauces, but the best combination is with meat sauce or game sauce. Bologna meat sauce is usually served with tagliatelle, and spaghetti alla bolognese is an invention of tourists.
Stuffed pasta, such as ravioli, for example, is served with a sage butter sauce. But it can also be served with other types of sauces: meat, fish, vegetable.
Stuffed pasta, such as tortellini, is usually served in broth, but goes well with sauce.

How to serve pasta.
Pasta, already mixed with sauce, can be served in a special deep wide dish and served in plates on an additional table near the dining table. To fill the plates use special serrated tooth tongs for pasta

or a large spoon with battlements.

You can serve pasta portionwise in individual plates for each guest. In Italy, according to the rules of etiquette, the paste should be served in large flat plates. And in deep plates a liquid first course minestrone or soup is served. Recently, in restaurants these rules have been violated, and pasta is served in deep plates, apparently, for reasons of practicality and common sense: after all, in a deep plate, pasta does not cool longer, and it is more convenient to eat it. Grated cheese is served in a cheese bowl, a special dish with a lid and a spoon. But cheese is not served with pasta with fish sauce.

How to eat pasta.
In Italy, it is permissible to use only a fork from cutlery, helping yourself with a spoon is considered bad form.
The fork is held in the right hand, it is necessary to grab a few (3-6) pasta threads with a fork and gently wind them onto the fork, resting on the edge of the plate. If you start from the middle of the plate, then the skein of pasta can be too large. Try to keep the paste stick small, and you could easily put it in your mouth. Make sure that the threads of the paste do not hang from the fork; it’s indecent to bite off a paste or to noisy tighten it with your mouth. It seems complicated only at first, but it's worth a try, and I'm sure that the process will capture you!
If pasta with seafood sauce, then first you need to grab the clam with a fork, and then screw the pasta onto the fork, as if wrapping the clam. If the mollusks are in shells, then first they must be freed from the shells with a fork and knife, and the shells should be placed on a specially served plate.
Collecting the remaining sauce with a slice of bread is not accepted, but it is very tasty! This can be done at home when no one sees us!

The combination of pasta with wine
During a meal in Italy they drink wine and water.
Wine suitable for a specific type of pasta is determined by the components of the sauce.
Dry white wine, young and aromatic, perfect with delicate pasta with vegetable sauce.
It is recommended to combine white dry wine with a pronounced structure or young red wine with fish sauces or with seafood sauces
Dry red aged wines are perfect with meat or game sauces.

In conclusion, I want to say that the etiquette of behavior at the table, regardless of country and era, has an invariable component. Traditions, fashions, and behaviors may change. But, as he wrote back in 1550-1552gg. Giovanni della Casa in his treatise "Galateo":
"The main thing is never to embarrass your fellow practitioner. The desire to look too refined can be regarded as the desire to show your superiority. Therefore, sometimes it is better to make mistakes together with everyone than to look perfect alone." This is the real nobility of behavior. And not only at the table.

This post is from our Italian Meetings community.

Spaghetti is a true national Italian dish. Over time, it became popular in our homeland, but not all compatriots know how to eat spaghetti according to all the rules and standards of etiquette.

To eat this product, use a fork and a spoon at the same time. Special plates for spaghetti were also invented, but their use is not so common even among Italians, so this device is not necessary when serving spaghetti on the table. In most cases, spaghetti is served in ordinary deep plates.

There are different ways to consume spaghetti, but there are two of the most common ones.

Classic way

With a fork, which is in the right hand, 2-3 pasta threads are hooked and pulled to approximately mid-chest. Then, with the help of rotational movements, spaghetti is wound on a fork, while lowering them to a plate. Rotate the fork in the direction "to yourself." When you get a small ball of spaghetti on a fork, you need to cut off the excess with a spoon, which should be held in your left hand.

The same spoon can be used to take a little sauce.

Italian way

Now let's look at the way spaghetti is eaten in Italy. True Italians do not recognize the use of a spoon and do just fine without it. According to this method, 2-3 strands of spaghetti also cling to the fork, then they are pulled to the level of the chest. Then, holding the fork at the same level, the vermicelli is carefully wound on it. Thus spaghetti as if creeping up.

The main thing in this method is not to grab too many strands of spaghetti on the fork. Otherwise, you will get too big a ball, which is almost impossible to eat aesthetically.

  • Speaking of etiquette, it is worth noting that spaghetti is usually served as an independent dish, complementing it with all kinds of sauces. It can be either home-made sauce or the most ordinary ketchup from the store. The main thing is that they are served in a special gravy boat and slightly warmed up. Even if ketchup is already in the bottle, it still needs to be served on the table exclusively in special dishes.
  • If you have a little sauce left in your plate, do not eat it.
  • Spaghetti is never cooked or served in broken form. They need to be used exactly the length that is provided by the manufacturer in packaging.

Now you know how to eat spaghetti. You can use one of the above methods, showing your good manners and good manners at the table. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is worth practicing the right way to eat spaghetti before a responsible dinner, so as not to make a bad impression on others.

Secular Etiquette Brian Don

How Italians eat spaghetti (Eat spaghetti like Italians)

How do Italians eat spaghetti

(Eat spaghetti like Italians)

Spaghetti, like a detachment of fighters, can only be waged from the front edge.

General George S. Patton

Some restaurants and hostesses offer their guests to eat pasta with a knife, fork and a large spoon - and this is not a joke. However, spaghetti and other types of thin pasta (which usually have a length of 25 to 30 cm) are properly eaten with a fork. Typically, pasta is served in a bowl (sometimes on a plate), pouring sauce in the center. If the cutlery offered to you includes a large spoon, you can use it to pour the sauce over the pasta, and then, using a fork, mix the pasta with the sauce and cheese. If you put a bib, then you can use it.

If the paste is cooked "al dente" (the ideal consistency, when the products are no longer stiff, but still very dense), it is more difficult for a beginner to cope with it: the overcooked products are wound onto the fork more easily.

How to eat pasta with a fork

Place the fork vertically in the center of the plate. Keeping it still straight, turn the fork to wind some spaghetti around the teeth.

Lift the fork and evaluate the size of the resulting tangle and the length of the hanging spaghetti. If the size is too large or the hanging ends are too long to be able to put the whole thing in your mouth, put the fork and rewind the spaghetti. Keep your napkin ready. Practice well at home.

How to eat pasta with a spoon

Hold a spoon in your left / nonprincipal hand. Throw some spaghetti on a fork. Place the tips in a spoon and turn the fork so that the spaghetti is wrapped around itself. Send a serving to your mouth. Do not overlay too much. Using a spoon is easier and considered acceptable for children and beginners.

What can not be done

Pat the last drops of sauce on your plate at a dinner party with pieces of bread. This is called "fare la scarpetta." (Although bread is always on the table, it is not customary to serve it or eat it with pasta.)

Use a knife and fork to cut long pasta into pieces once.


Shake with a fork to drop some of the spaghetti from it.

Use a napkin as a bib.

Everything that you see, I owe spaghetti.

Sophia Loren

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The simple everyday question “How to eat spaghetti?” Sooner or later baffles any person. Someone, he suddenly puzzles while watching a very moving cartoon "Lady and the Tramp." Someone will suddenly be prevented from fully enjoying the great taste of pasta with carbonaro sauce in the presence of strangers at the corporate party. And someone will be driven into a dead end right at a family dinner in an Italian restaurant, when the children suddenly notice out loud that finally the knives can be put aside.

The fact that spaghetti and knives are incompatible as with a herring is obviously not for everyone. It would seem that it can be more logical and convenient to make a short out of a long one, and use a knife and fork to send yummy to your mouth? But, if you do this with spaghetti, whose most important merit and difference from other fellow-class pastas is the length, then you will simply destroy all the charm of this dish. Destroy yourself.

No, knife and - this is unacceptable. This is a bad manners and an insult to everything Italian. By the way, Italians value people by the way they eat long pasta, one of which is spaghetti.

It is impossible to cut, shred, grind, cut a long paste. Just cheat. But in this way - to wind the paste on a fork - there are variations. Valid, correct. And the only true way, according to Italians, is the classic one.

Acceptable include the use of modern tricks - a special plate for spaghetti, similar to a cake pan baking dish, in the center of which there is a cylindrical recess with high sides that prevent spaghetti strings from sliding off their forks.

The correct, most common “classic” method of absorbing spaghetti, like any other long pasta, is the “fork + spoon” option.

Spaghetti and the rules of their eating:

Spaghetti is always served on a deep plate, preheated. Hold the fork in your right hand, and a tablespoon in your left, while the spoon will play the role of a flap pasta wound onto the fork from the rest of the mass of their brothers.

From a served ball of long pasta, flavored with sauce, in one “capture” with a fork, you need to pull no more than 2-3 threads of spaghetti. If you are greedy and pull more, then be prepared for the fact that the final ball of pasta, screwed on a fork, will be larger than your mouth. Embarrass!

Having hooked on a fork 2-3 threads, pull them, raising a fork to the level of a breast. After that, wind them in the direction “towards you”, gradually lowering the fork onto the plate. A spoon in the role of an emphasis for a fork with twisted spaghetti threads will allow you to enjoy the sauce.

The second method of “fork + spoon” is also considered convenient and correct, but, alas, not classic Italian. In accordance with it, you should slightly push the total mass of spaghetti on your plate, freeing up some space for a spoon. Pull 2-3 spaghetti threads on the free edge of the plate. Fork tines vertically rest against a spoon. At the same time, spaghetti is wound on a fork not on a plate, but on a more maneuverable device than it is on a spoon. But this method is not recognized by Italians, lovers and connoisseurs of the true delights of spaghetti.

The Italian method is simple to describe, and simple-minded, like the Italians themselves. Forget the spoon. Just quickly pull the spaghetti threads to their maximum length and simply wind them on a fork.

And if you are a true Italian, not a single string of spaghetti will slide back from your fork. Ready-made spaghetti or any other long pasta has only one way - to the mouth of its true connoisseur!