How to start a production of sauces - mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise.

In this article:

The production of mayonnaise and ketchup is rightfully considered one of the most profitable. Slightly inferior in economic efficiency production of mustard, so it is recommended to consider it as an auxiliary product. There is an increased interest of the population in small-scale products, which differ from the standards of mass production. This trend can serve a budding entrepreneur well.

On average, the population consumes about 3.5 kilograms of pasta different products per year (mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup). Thus, the product will be in demand, and its production will be economically profitable.

Organizational nuances of the food business

1. Deciding on the organizational form of business

To operate a mini-factory for the production of pasty products, it is recommended to register an LLC on the general taxation system. Strategic partners are wholesale warehouses, food warehouses and supermarkets, which often prefer to cooperate with a reliable company.

To prepare periodic reporting, it will be more economical to use the services of an outsourcing company.

During the registration process, a novice entrepreneur will need the following OKVED code: 15.87 Production of spices and seasonings

2. We study regulations

Before releasing the first batch of pasty products, it is recommended to study state standards:

  • GOST R 53590-2009 Mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces. Are common technical specifications.
  • GOST R 52141-2003 Ketchups. General technical conditions.
  • GOST 9159-71 Mustard seeds.

3. Product certification

To organize the production of any type of sauce, it is mandatory to undergo certification and receive the necessary package of documents that will confirm the quality of the product. To complete it, it is necessary to decide on the regulatory document according to which paste products will be produced.

Regulatory documents can be the above-mentioned GOSTs or personally developed specifications (technical conditions).

Mayonnaise production technology

Exist various recipes mayonnaise, but the main ingredients in it remain unchanged - eggs and vegetable (soybean) oil. From eggs, only the yolks, only the whites, or both are taken. Eggs must be pasteurized to kill salmonella and other bacteria. Eggs are delivered to large enterprises in metal tanks in liquid form.

Using a pump, the eggs are pumped through a hose into a cooling receiving tank.

The second main ingredient is soybean oil. All tanks or other containers that come from the supplier must be hermetically sealed and not opened until they arrive at the mini-plant. The pump also pumps oil into storage tanks. Next comes weighing additional ingredients- spices to be added secret recipe companies.

The resulting mixture is poured into a tank at room temperature. As a result of mixing all the components, mayonnaise paste is obtained.

Meanwhile, the raw eggs are poured into a large refrigerated tank. Thus, in the production workshop there are 3 containers: with pasta, eggs and soybean oil. Next, in a certain ratio (according to the company’s recipe), all components are sent to a mixing vat.

After 5 minutes of operation of the unit, the eggs, paste and oil are mixed into a homogeneous mass - mayonnaise.

Periodically, samples of the mini-plant product are sent to the laboratory for quality control.

Laboratory technicians evaluate parameters such as color, consistency and smell. After checking finished product for quality, the packaging machine pours it into plastic containers. It is recommended to place foil inside the lid, which is attached by induction heating. It is this that will protect the mayonnaise from heating, and also indicate that the jar was not opened after shipment from the factory.

The quality control laboratory carries out another check - the consistency of the product is measured.

Ketchup production technology

Ketchup production begins by adding a mixture of sugar and salt to a giant pot of water. The components are thoroughly mixed.

As the main raw material, factories often use ready-made concentrated tomato paste, which is pumped into a large digester.

A sugar-salt solution is placed in it.


The mixture is thoroughly mixed in a giant cauldron. Steam is supplied between the internal and external walls of the unit, which prevents the mass from burning. The stirrers constantly rotate and make the ketchup homogeneous, i.e. homogenization of the mixture occurs.

Digester structure

The finished factory sauce is sent for laboratory testing, where the mass fraction of soluble solids is measured using a refractometer - i.e. find out if there are enough tomatoes in ketchup.

If all the parameters suit the specialist (consistency, aroma, color, etc.), then the batch is sent in bottles.

The containers can be manufactured in a neighboring workshop. The basis is PVC granules, which many plastic products are made of. Next, dye is added - so the container will acquire a noticeable red color.

The granules are heated and ground in a device that is similar to a meat grinder - an extruder.

Hot red “sausages” are pressed on both sides by the walls of the molds.

Then the syringe injects a portion of air into the plastic blank and the semi-finished product becomes a “pot-bellied” bottle.

It is noteworthy that standard bottle for ketchup weighs only 42 grams, it goes to bottling directly from the conveyor, barely cooling down.

At the same time, ketchup spills over hot technology when the temperature of the finished product should not be less than 80 degrees. In this case, the appearance and proliferation of bacteria in the sauce is prevented. Next, the bottles are equipped with caps, labels and packaged in boxes.

Technology for producing mustard from seeds

The starting components for the production of the product are: mustard plant seeds, pepper and turmeric, salt, water and white vinegar. The crushed ingredients are poured into a mixing tank with water and vinegar.

The approximate proportions for making yellow mustard are as follows: 60% water, 20% vinegar, 15% seeds and 5% spices.

Mustard seed is added last. A huge rotary mixer mixes all the components for about an hour at a speed that helps break up the grains (up to 265 km/h).

Rotary mixer

The contents are poured into a stainless steel mill.

Inside the unit there are 2 artificial stones that grind the grains (millstone grinding). During the grinding process, the mixture is heated to 60 degrees, as a result of which it turns into bright yellow mustard with a creamy consistency. Before bottling, the finished product is checked for uniformity.

If the particles are larger than a quarter of a millimeter, then specialists adjust the millstones to a finer grinding program.

Let's organize a mini-factory - a list of mandatory steps

The preliminary stage of releasing the first batch of the finished product is:

  • choosing a room that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • acquisition of a technological line;
  • search for an experienced technologist.

The equipment procurement stage is inextricably linked with the planned production volume. Almost all technological lines have a similar configuration. The difference lies in the design of the homogenizer - the apparatus that is responsible for crushing into microscopic droplets. The main factors that influence the choice of a forward-thinking entrepreneur are the cost of the production line and the degree of automation of the technological process.

You also need to decide on the packaging method. For mayonnaise, the most preferred options are tubes (polymer disposable bags) or plastic containers.

Equipment for this type of packaging is inexpensive. In case of bottling in glass jars, the finished product will have a maximum shelf life, and the production process will be labor-intensive.

Thus, the first method of packaging pasty products (mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard) is the most preferable, since it will be possible to achieve minimal storage and transportation costs.

We purchase a technological line for the production of pasty products, which consists of the following units:

  • long-term pasteurization baths with stirrers; (photo bath)
  • boiler;
  • homogenizer; (photo homogenizer)
  • vacuum installation; (photo of vacuum installations)
  • transfer pump;
  • storage tanks for raw materials and finished products; (photo storage tanks)
  • dispenser and packaging plant. (photo of packaging machine)

The cost of the production line is 3,000,000 rubles.

It is planned that the mini-plant's products will be in the middle price segment. It is planned to produce mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard.

Economic feasibility of the production process

To operate a mini-factory for the production of pasty products, 9 people will be enough:

  • director – 13,000 rubles;
  • chief technologist – 12,000 rubles;
  • laboratory assistant – 11,000 rubles;
  • manager for procurement of raw materials and sales of finished products - 9,000 rubles;
  • 5 workers to service the line (5,000 rubles each) - 25,000 rubles.

Total monthly payroll is 70,000 rubles.

Monthly fixed costs will consist of the following sections:

  • Payroll – 70,000 rubles;
  • utility costs - 7,000 rubles;
  • rent industrial building– 10,000 rubles;
  • transportation costs – 5,000 rubles;
  • packaging containers – 4,000 rubles.

Total: 96,000 rubles.

Business plan for mayonnaise production

Let's determine the cost of 1 kilogram of mayonnaise (2 jars of 500 grams each). The starting ingredients for the production of the finished product are:

  • vegetable oil– 25% (30 rubles per 1 liter) – 7.5 rubles;
  • eggs ( egg powder) – 20% (30 rubles for 10 pieces) – 6 rubles;
  • water, sugar and salt - 46% (20 rubles per 1 kg) - 9.20 rubles;
  • acetic acid - 3% (35 rubles per 1 liter) - 1.05 rubles;
  • spices 6% - (80 rubles per 1 kg) - 4.80 rubles.

Total: 28.55 rubles.

The planned daily production volume of mayonnaise is 70 kg (140 plastic jars or 350 tubes). Thus, monthly output, taking into account 22 working days, will be equal to 1540 kg (3080 packages of finished product per plastic container or 7700 pieces of finished product in tubes).

Total cost = Monthly production x Cost of 1 kg of mayonnaise = 1540 kg x 28.55 rubles. = 43,967.00 rubles.

Gross income = Monthly output x Retail cost of 1 kg of mayonnaise = 1540 kg x 150 rubles. = 231,000 rubles.

The financial performance indicators of the mini-plant for the first month of operation of the enterprise will be presented in the following form:

  • gross income – 231,000 rubles;
  • cost price – 43,967 rubles;
  • gross profit - 187,033 rubles;
  • monthly fixed costs – 96,000 rubles / 3 types of product = 32,000 rubles;
  • profit minus taxation (15%) – 131,778 rubles.
  • return on sales - 57%.

Ketchup production business plan

Let's calculate the cost of 1 kilogram of ketchup (2 jars of 500 grams each). The starting ingredients for the production of the finished product are:

  • concentrated tomato paste 28% (100 rub./kg) – 28 rubles;
  • sugar 10% (30 rub./kg) – 3 rubles;
  • water 42% – 0 rubles;
  • dried vegetables 9% (100 rub./kg) – 9 rubles;
  • spices – 4% (120 rubles/kg) – 4.80 rubles;
  • salt – 7% (10 rubles/kg) – 0.70 rubles.

Total: 45.50 rubles.

The monthly output of the finished product will be 1650 kg or 5500 packages of 300 grams.

Total cost = Monthly production x Cost of 1 kg of ketchup = 1650 kg x 45.50 rubles. = 75,075.00 rubles.

Gross income = Monthly output x Retail cost of 1 kg of ketchup = 1650 kg x 130 rubles. = 214,500 rubles.

The mini-plant will complete the first month of work on selling ketchup with the following financial indicators:

  • gross income – 214,500 rubles;
  • cost price – 75,075 rubles;
  • gross profit – 139,425 rubles;
  • profit minus taxation (15%) – 123,539 rubles;
  • return on sales – 57%.

Mustard production business plan

Let's calculate the cost of 1 kilogram of mustard.

The following ingredients are required for its production:

  • water 60% - 0 rubles.
  • mustard plant seeds 15% (90 rubles/kg) – 13.50 rubles;
  • pepper 2% (150 rub./kg) – 3 rubles;
  • turmeric 2% (125 rub./kg) – 2.50 rubles;
  • salt 1% (10 rub./kg) - 0.10 rubles;
  • white vinegar 20%. (160 rubles/liter) – 32 rubles.

Total: 51.10 rubles.

The monthly output of the finished product will be 500 kg or 2500 jars of 200 grams each.

Total cost = Monthly production x Cost of 1 kg of mustard = 500 kg x 51.10 rubles. = 25,550 rubles.

Gross income = Monthly output x Retail cost of 1 kg of mustard = 500 kg x 150 rubles. = 75,000 rubles.

Subject to 100% sales of finished products, the mini-plant will complete the first month of operation with the following indicators:

  • gross income – 75,000 rubles;
  • cost price – 25,550 rubles;
  • gross profit – 49,450 rubles;
  • monthly fixed costs – 32,000 rubles;
  • profit minus taxation (15%) – 14,832 rubles.
  • return on sales – 19%.

Thus, the production of mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard is economically profitable business. The total net profit is 271,935 rubles, and the average return on sales is 45%. Financial investments will fully pay off in 1.5 years.

Sales of pasty products

The main forces of the sales manager must be directed to concluding contracts with wholesalers, grocery stores and supermarkets. At first, in order to stimulate strategic partners, it is advisable to use several simple techniques:

  • providing a discount for each additional box of goods that was purchased over a certain period of time; - each intermediary for a free product (for example, 10 pieces of packaging), subject to the purchase of a certain number of boxes;
  • discount on products subject to pickup;
  • monetary incentives for dealers (sellers) for their efforts to promote paste products.

To increase product recognition, the manufacturer can produce souvenirs with the company logo (pens, calendars, notepads, etc.) and give them to the public free of charge. It would also be advisable to hold a promotion to sell packaging at a discounted price. Stimulation of short-term sales growth, possible in case of sale at a reduced cost 2-3 related products(mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard).

During the first months of operation of the mini-factory, investments in advertising will not be impressive. This is especially true for plans to work exclusively in your region, as well as cooperation with small wholesalers and directly with supermarkets. In this case taste qualities manufactured products will work for themselves. However, if the assortment increases, it will be necessary to properly promote the product. Bright packaging, a creative slogan, participation in international competitions and winning prizes will help increase demand from consumers.

Today, in the conditions of mini-productions, production is also widespread various sauces, ketchups, etc. NZPO LLC - Molpromline™ develops and produces equipment and production lines for the production of sauces such as soy sauce, mustard sauce, horseradish sauce, Tkemali, Adjika, etc.

Vacuum homogenizing plant in mustard production

For the production of small volumes of mustard, the commercially produced vacuum homogenizing unit UG-GURT is ideal. If you are going to produce more than two tons of finished products per day, we are ready to manufacture a mustard production line for you.

Purpose of UG-GURT

The homogenizing installation of the UG-GURT type is intended for emulsification, mixing and heat treatment of liquid and paste-like products.

Operating principle of vacuum homogenizing unit

The working capacity of the unit has a jacket for heating and cooling the product and a heat-insulating casing. Inside the container there is a special type of mixing device with perforated blades, a bumper and floating scrapers that prevent the formation of burns during heating of the product and ensure good heat exchange between the coolant (coolant) and the product being processed.

On the cover of the unit there is a stirrer drive and a hatch for loading dry ingredients, a vacuum chamber for connecting the device to the evacuation system, a pipe for loading liquid components, as well as a fitting for returning the product from the circulation channel. Below the container is located, combining the operation of a homogenizer and a rotary-pulsation apparatus, a dispersant with two funnels for introducing fat phases and bulk components into the product during circulation.

    Products manufactured besides mustard

  • Dairy - soft cottage cheese, kefir, condensed milk, processed cheese, recovery of milk powder, cream.
  • Oil and fat - combined oils, margarines, mayonnaise, pastes.
  • Fruit and vegetable - jams, jams, ketchups, sauces, confitures, purees, pastes.
  • Confectionery - creams, fillings, chocolate-nut spreads, chocolate glaze, honey.
  • Non-alcoholic - juices, nectars, drinks.
  • disinfectants. Cosmetic - creams, shampoos, balms, gels, ointments, toothpastes.
  • Pharmaceutical - ointments, emulsions, gels.
  • Chemical - detergents, adhesives, varnishes, polishes,

Technical characteristics of mustard production plants

Models of installations for the production of mustard





Geometric volume, l 200 450 700 1000
Working volume (depending on product viscosity), l 160 360 560 800
Rotation frequency, rpm mixers 18
rotor 3000
Drive power, kW mixers 1,5 1,5 2,2 3
rotor 7,5 11 15 30
Product heating temperature, °C 110
Pressure in the working volume of the bowl, MPa -0,04…+0,1
Size of solid particles after homogenization, no more, microns 4
Parameters of steam supplied to the jacket: pressure, MPa 0,3
temperature, °C 140
consumption, kg/hour 70 100 130 160

Table mustard

Table mustard (food) is a ready-to-use seasoning made from mustard powder - ground mustard cake.

Mustard is an annual plant of the cruciferous family, there are Sarepta, white, black and Abyssinian. Ripe seeds contain up to 47% mustard oil, which is used not only for preparing salads, frying vegetables, baking bread, production of sweets and canned food, but also in the soap, textile and pharmaceutical industries.

Today a wide range of this sauce is produced - Mustard “Russian”, “Russian”; "European"; "Savory"; "English", sauce with mustard "Remoulade" ( Slovak cuisine) and etc.

    To prepare table (food) mustard, the following types of raw materials are used:
  • mustard powder according to GSTU 1829;
  • sunflower oil according to GOST 1129 or other vegetable oils,
  • granulated sugar according to DSTU 2316 (GOST 21);
  • table salt according to DSTU 3583 (GOST 13830);
  • food vinegar according to DSTU 2450;

Technological process of mustard production

Water is loaded into the mixer, heated to 60-70°C, prepared sugar and salt are added, after complete dissolution, the solution is brought to a boil, allowed to boil, and cooled to 60°C.

The mustard powder is sifted, loaded into a homogenizer, and a hot sugar-salt solution is gradually introduced. Kneading is carried out until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The mixed mass is kept for 12-15 hours in a warm place for “ripening”. Then add flavored vinegar, vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. After this, ripening continues for 24 hours.

Making Flavored Vinegar

Preparation of flavored vinegar: 0.1-0.2% spices are added to 80% vinegar essence and infused for 24 hours.

The richness of the flavors of all varieties of mustard depends on the composition of the flavored vinegar, the amount of sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Flavored vinegar may contain allspice and hot pepper, Bay leaf and cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, cardamom and garlic.

Ready mustard is a homogeneous spreadable mass - yellow with a reddish-brown tint.

    According to physical and chemical indicators, mustard must meet the following requirements:
  • Mass fraction of dry substances 32-43%.
  • Titratable acidity (in terms of acetic acid) – 1.5-1.7%
  • Mass fraction total sugar – 5-16%
  • Mass fraction table salt – 1,5-3,0 %

You can buy equipment for the production of mustard, horseradish, adjika, tkemali according to previously agreed upon options, dimensions and productivity. The price of equipment for the production of mustard, horseradish, adjika, and tkemali is always negotiable due to the unpredictability of costs.

In the process of transformation raw foods ready - either cold or hot food, spices play the main role. Spices are designed only to change the taste of the dish. They make food either only salty, or only sweet, sour, spicy. Without spices, no cooking is possible.

First place. Basil

Basil is considered the most popular spice all over the world. In cooking it is used both fresh and dried. This seasoning is perfect for meat and all fish dishes, as well as almost all vegetable dishes. Basil is one of the most versatile aromatic herbs. It can be used alone or together with other herbs and spices, be part of sauces and simply decorate dishes. Basil adds a slightly sour flavor to foods prepared with it. sweet taste. It goes perfectly with cucumbers, rice and legumes. In the Middle Ages, basil was used to season almost all dishes containing tomatoes. The use of basil is quite wide. Vinegar and wonderful-tasting basil oil are made from it. Since the main value of basil - its smell - does not withstand heat treatment, it is recommended to add it to ready-made cold dishes or a few minutes before cooking - to hot ones.

Second place. Marjoram

The second widely used spice is marjoram. Just like basil, it goes well with meat and stewed vegetables. Marjoram is used as a seasoning in the preparation of almost all dishes. Dishes made from peas and beans become tastier with it and are better absorbed by the body. Previously, wine was made from marjoram. It is an integral part of spaghetti and potato sauces. Pairs beautifully in a spicy blend with rosemary, thyme, tarragon and basil. It is added to pates, cheeses, mushroom dishes, fish dishes, poultry, salads, minced meat and hot snacks.

Third place. Cinnamon

The third place of honor on this list is occupied by cinnamon. It is used in cooking in all Eastern countries. It is used to make curry seasoning and flavor beer. The most widespread use is to add cinnamon to confectionery products. Cinnamon is also added to hot chocolate and coffee. Pinch grated chocolate and cinnamon will be a great addition to coffee. Cinnamon is used to flavor drinks, marinades, cookies, buns, sweet dishes made from cottage cheese and fruits, and added to vegetable and fruit salads, in poultry, pork and lamb dishes.

Fourth place. Carnation

Cloves are used in moderation for cooking meats, marinades, confectionery and wines. Cloves are added to meat dishes, rice and include a wide variety of spicy mixtures. It adds piquancy to dishes made from pork, game birds and vegetables. In sweet dishes (compotes, puddings, confectionery and other desserts), cloves are used alone or mixed with cinnamon.

Fifth place. Mustard

One of the most popular seasonings for sausages, fried meat and the eggs, of course, come with mustard. Especially this one hot seasoning love in Russia. There are several types and flavors of Russian mustard alone. It is also added to all kinds of sauces, vegetable oil, salads and mayonnaise. There are also numerous recipes for marinades, which include both whole seeds and mustard powder. Mustard is a good emulsifier that serves as a protective coating when cooking meat. poultry, veal and even fish. It not only prevents meat juice from leaking out, but also flavors the dish. You can make salads from mustard leaves, stew them and boil them.

Scientists believe that omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids will save you from premature aging. At the same time, it is recommended to slightly reduce the consumption of omega-6 fatty acids, that is, milk and meat products. This will reduce your risk of developing heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis and stroke. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in large quantities found in fish oil and seafood


Do you think apples in the famous fairy tale are called rejuvenating apples for nothing? It is a cheap and at the same time rich source of antioxidants that protect body cells from the effects of free radicals. Regular use apples help extend life expectancy by ten percent. And the risk of developing heart and vascular disease is reduced by 15-20 percent.


Reds juicy tomatoes can be eaten either raw or in the form tomato juice, and even fried. The pigment lycopene, contained in tomatoes, slows down oxidative processes in skin cells and protects against negative impact solar radiation. Wherein heat treatment has virtually no effect on the lycopene content. On the contrary, evaporation and frying leads to the concentration of pigment in the final product.

Now that you know about the best anti-aging products, you can stop spending on expensive anti-aging creams and lotions. Use natural!

The process of obtaining ready-made food mustard consists of the following stages:

Preparation of bulk components; cooking sugar syrup; preparing marinade filling; preparation of food mustard; packaging and capping.

Bulk components - mustard powder, salt, sugar, peanut flour - are sifted on sieves with a cell section of 1.0-1.5 mm before use. To capture ferroimpurities, magnets are installed on the sieves. At the same time, sifting crushes the existing lumps of mustard powder and peanut flour what they provide best conditions for their swelling.

Preparation of sugar syrup and salt solution

Sugar syrup is prepared from sugar and water in a ratio of 9:5, respectively. To eliminate the possibility of the development of mucous bacteria, boil the syrup for at least 20-30 minutes.

A saline solution is prepared from salt and water in a 1:1 ratio, respectively. The salt solution is heated, brought to a boil, then filtered.

Preparing the marinade filling

1 kg of spices (pepper, cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf, cardamom, etc.) is poured into 10-12 liters of water and brought to a boil. For the efficiency of the hood, the infusion process is continued for up to 24 hours with the equipment completely sealed, after which the hood is filtered. To extract more aromatic substances, it is recommended to burn the extract from the filtered dry spice residue. The filtered spices are poured with water in an amount of 50% of the original, brought to a boil, allowed to brew for 20-24 hours and filtered. After this, the second extract is thoroughly mixed with the first extract. The finished marinade filling (extract) is added based on the amount of spices provided for in the recipe.

It is allowed to prepare the marinade in a 4-7% solution of natural vinegar or acetic acid, for which the ground spices in a linen bag are placed in a container with a vinegar solution, brought to a boil and left there for further infusion for 20-24 hours. After which the extracted spices are removed, and the extract is used in accordance with the recipe.

Peeled and crushed garlic is infused in water for five days. Take 2.5 times more water than the mass of garlic.

The preparation of food mustard is carried out in two stages. The first stage includes mixing the mustard powder and the ripening process, the second stage includes adding the recipe components to the main composition, rubbing the mustard through a special rubbing machine or pumping it into the finished product container with a homogenizer. According to accepted terminology, the first stage is called “1st mixing”, and the second stage is called “2nd mixing”.

The distribution of the recipe amount of water (P) in the production of food mustard is carried out as follows:

P = A + B + C + D + E,

Where A is the amount of water in sugar syrup;

B is the amount of water in the saline solution;

C is the amount of water in the marinade mixture;

D is the amount of water in vinegar;

E is the amount of water added in pure form.

1st mixing.

The mixer is fed hot water(70-85°C), then add the recipe amount of mustard powder, as well as vinegar or acetic acid in an amount of 50% of the recipe and marinade filling at a temperature of 60-62°C with constant stirring. Continuous stirring is continued for 25-30 minutes . After stopping mixing, the mustard mass is left alone for 2-3 hours. During this time, the process of fermentation (ripening) of the mustard occurs.

2nd mixing.

After ripening, vegetable oil, salt solution, sugar syrup, and the remainder of vinegar or acetic acid are added to the mustard mass with continuous stirring, according to the recipe. The mixing process is continued for 25-30 minutes. The finished food mustard is passed through a rubbing machine into the container of the finished product or supplied there with a homogenizer pump at a pressure of 0.2-0.3 MPa.

When making mustard with fillers (horseradish, garlic, tomato, etc.), finely ground filler or its extract is introduced during the second mixing period after adding vinegar or acetic acid. The mustard with the filler is mixed until the filler is evenly distributed throughout the entire mass, after which it is fed into a rubbing machine or homogenizer.

Ready-made food mustard produced with the Quality Mark is subject to higher requirements: complete absence of dark inclusions in ready mustard. Dark inclusions are particles of destroyed seeds that accompany mustard seeds as impurities, as well as seed shells that are not completely removed from the kernel. Their presence in mustard worsens appearance product. To remove dark inclusions, mustard powder is poured cold water(20° C) in a ratio of 1: 15, mix with a stirrer and leave alone for 2 hours. In this case, the main part of the dark inclusions settles to the bottom of the container. The separated water is decanted, the mustard is separated from the sediment and heated to a temperature of 80-90 ° C, after which it is kept at room temperature 20 hours. The newly separated water is decanted again, and the remaining mustard (mustard:water ratio = 1:5) is used to prepare food mustard. To establish the exact amount of water in purified mustard, it is necessary to accurately measure the water during decanting.

There is no standard equipment for completing mustard production lines.

Below we will outline the basic fundamental requirements for individual devices in accordance with the requirements of the technological process.

Sieve vibrators for sifting mustard powder. The mesh size of the sieves should not exceed 1.0-1.5 mm. The surface area of ​​the sieves is approximately 0.28 m2. Oscillation amplitude 10 mm. The number of vibrations per minute is 500-600, productivity is 1.5-2.0 t/h. Electric motor J10 31-4, power 0.6 kW. Vibrating screens must be equipped with magnets to capture ferroimpurities.

Containers for preparing sugar syrup, salt solution and marinade filling. Tanks with a working volume of 0.4-0.5 m3, made of stainless steel, equipped with frame mixers with a rotation speed of 30 rpm (for sugar syrup and salt solution). Container for preparing marinade filling without a stirrer, with a sealed lid. All three containers are equipped with heating to ensure boiling of solutions.

Filter. Between the pump supplying sugar syrup, salt solution, marinade filling and containers with these solutions, a filter is installed that captures the smallest foreign impurities (for example, fibers from burlap, large pieces of ground spices, etc.).

Apparatus for preparing food mustard. A vertical type mixer with a steam-water jacket, equipped with a paddle or rake type mixer, with a rotation speed of 70-80 rpm. The mixer should ensure thorough mixing of mustard powder with aqueous solutions until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is necessary to install an umbrella with exhaust ventilation over the apparatus, since during the ripening of mustard a large amount of steam with the smell of allylic oil is released.

Apparatus for grinding food mustard. To grind the mustard mass to a fine and homogeneous state, various grinding machines and devices are used. A homogenizer pump may be used. In addition, an OCM colloidal mill can be used to grind milk protein when producing protein-curd pastes and creams. A colloid mill with a capacity of 400-600 kg/h consists of a frame with a stand, a feed hopper, a feed auger, a chopper, a branch pipe, a chopper drive and a feed auger drive. The mill frame is steel, welded, and has a stand for an electric motor with a worm gearbox. A grinder, a hopper with a feeder auger, an electric motor and a tray for exiting the finished product are mounted on the frame.

Technical characteristics of the device

Chopper rotor speed,

TOC \o "1-3" \h \z rpm.................................... ........................... 2900

Feeder hopper capacity, l 50

Rotation speed of the feed auger, rpm 36 Electric motor power, kW

Chopper AO-52-2 .... 7

Feeder screw AOL 22-4 ... 0.4 Dimensions, mm:

Length................................................. ........................... 905

Width........................................ 500

Height................................................. ....... 1890

Weight of the installation with electrical panel, kg. . 445

To ensure the uniformity of food mustard, you can also use various types of grinding machines with a mesh size of no more than 0.6-0.8 mm.

Automatic machine for filling jars with mustard. Productivity 3000 cans per hour. The capacity of the can is 125 g. The machine is complete with a battery table. Table capacity 250 cans. Table rotation speed 5.7 rpm.

Pump. Centrifugal, made of anti-corrosion material, used for pumping milk and other food products. Brand 36MTs4-12 with a capacity of 4 m3/h can be used. Electric motor AOL 22-2, power 0.6 kW.

Container for the finished product. A tank with a working volume of 1.5-2.0 m3, a conical bottom and an outlet fitting at the end of the bottom cone. The tank is made of anti-corrosion stainless steel.

During the production of food mustard, the sequence of technological operations, their duration and temperature regime, based on the following technological parameters:

Infusion time for spices when preparing marinade filling, hours 24 Boiling time for sugar syrup, minutes 20-30

Ready-made food mustard is packaged in glass jars with a capacity of 50, 100, 200, 500 ml, with a net weight of 55, 125, 230, 550 g or in aluminum tubes coated on the inside with food varnish, with a capacity of 50 g. It is allowed to package ready-made food mustard for enterprises on special orders public catering in glass jars with a capacity of 0.5 to 3.0 kg. For single use, it is allowed to package food mustard in bags made of captivated folyn or laminated paper with a net weight of up to 6 g.

Jars of mustard are sealed with lacquered metal lids with threads, with a parchment lining, and lids made of high-pressure polyethylene, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

The lids of jars with threads must be covered with a strip of paper (parcel), on which the trademark of the manufacturer is indicated. Mustard bags indicate: the manufacturer, its subordination, location, net weight, price, date of manufacture, period and storage conditions.

Allowed deviation from net weight:

When packed up to 150 g±3.0% from 200 to 500 g ±2.5% over 500 g up to 3.5 kg±2.0% when packed in bags ±5%

Cans of mustard are sealed in wooden boxes, corrugated cardboard boxes or paper boxes. The net weight in secondary packaging should not exceed 25 kg.

Tubes of mustard, 20 pcs. Packed in cardboard boxes or packs of wrapping paper, which are covered with paper tape. Packs and boxes with tubes are placed in wooden and cardboard boxes.

Mustard sachets are packed in paper-lined boxes or corrugated cardboard boxes, no more than 2000 pcs.

Labeling of cans and tubes of mustard, as well as boxes, is carried out in accordance with GOST.

Storage of mustard is allowed in dark, dry, well-ventilated rooms at a temperature not exceeding +10 ° C and with a shelf life of 45 days in summer, 90 days in winter.

Mustard is transported to bases in accordance with sanitary requirements and cargo transportation rules.

Starter on the distribution panel. Cardboard boxes are installed on a plate conveyor.

To fill the container, the solenoid electromagnetic supply valve automatically opens. The valve remains open until the scale arrow indicates the set weight. In this case, the electrical contact of the scale will close and close the supply valve. To regulate the flow rate of margarine next to the three-way

When producing fats with antioxidants, the temperature of the fat mixture

The temperature of fat cooled in a freezer is within the same limits, where the temperature of ammonia evaporation is from -15 to -20 ° C.

Stearic acid used in the production of the emulsifier must have an iodine value of no more than 18 hours and a melting point of no less than 58° C.

The composition of the universal fat mixture for margarine “Table milk”, “Creamy” is given in Appendix 1, options 1-4; “New dining room” - options 1.3.

The composition of the universal fat mixture is given in Appendix 1, options 5,6.

One of the simplest sauce production technologies is the production of mustard. Such production does not require either expensive raw materials or complex equipment. Therefore, even small entrepreneurs can afford to implement such a business project. With a properly drawn up business plan and pre-thought-out methods for selling products, this production can pay for itself pretty quickly. The main thing is to carry out the necessary certification of production and products, organize the purchase of raw materials and the sale of finished goods.

For a mini-workshop for the production of mustard, you need to find a room about 3 meters high, with water supply, natural lighting, electricity, and ventilation. It will also need to be repaired to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. It may be possible to find a completely finished premises, for example, a former food industrial workshop. And, of course, do not forget that additional rooms will be needed for warehouses of finished products, raw materials and containers.

Raw materials for mustard production.
The raw materials for making mustard are: mustard powder, water, vinegar, mustard or vegetable oil, spices, salt and sugar.

Before choosing equipment, you need to decide whether you will produce only mustard or several sauces. Mustard is to some extent seasonal product, the demand for it drops in the summer, but is consistently high in winter and autumn. By producing several sauces, such as mayonnaise and ketchup, you will achieve more stable income, even if you pause mustard production in the summer. But investments, accordingly, will require completely different ones.
In any case, the decision is up to you, and if you limit yourself to the production of one mustard, you can purchase a ready-made line for its production. This means that the specialists themselves will bring your premises into proper shape and condition, install equipment and train employees.

The equipment for such a workshop will consist of: a vibrating sifter, a digester, an open digester, a mixer, a rotary pump and a grinding machine.

A ready-made mustard production line with a capacity of 250 kg per shift costs 220,000 rubles. Its sellers promise an income of 50,000 rubles per month, however, if there is a market and the business is built correctly.

If you decide to produce several different products, you will have to purchase a more advanced special kit for making sauces. It consists of: a universal homogenizing module, a long-term pasteurization bath, a centrifugal pump, a special stainless steel table, and technological scales.

It is better to decide on the packaging of finished products in advance, since the equipment for packaging also depends on this. Of course, it is much more profitable to pack mustard in plastic packaging; it is an order of magnitude cheaper than glass, which will further reduce the cost of the finished product. For packaging in plastic packaging you will need: a dispenser for liquid and viscous products, a special installation for sealing packages and a compressor.

Prices for all equipment will vary depending on the manufacturer and configuration. But by purchasing equipment for the production of sauces, even if at first you will only produce mustard, you can always expand your range.

As for personnel, you will need an experienced technologist, and finding ordinary workers without experience and training them will not be difficult. The number of employees will depend on the scale of your production, but for starters, two workers, a sales manager, and a technologist will be enough. You can find an accountant coming.

If everything is relatively simple with the production and organization of a mini-workshop, then you will have to rack your brains over the sale of the finished product. This is where you need a good manager who can negotiate wholesale purchases with stores and supermarkets and come up with the right system of discounts. It doesn’t make sense to invest a lot of money in advertising at first; let the main advertising be the catchy packaging and quality of the product.

You can also try to negotiate directly with the owners of several small stores. At correct recommendations sellers, buyers will get used to both your yet unknown products and the fact that the product is of high quality. There is also the option of cooperation with supermarkets that sell private label products. All you have to do is take orders and pack the goods in the required packaging. Of course, for such cooperation you will need to prove the quality of your products and their compliance with GOSTs. But you won’t have to think about promoting your own brand or worry about sales.

Investment and return on investment.
The cost of 1 kg of mustard is approximately 52 rubles. When producing 500 kg of finished products per month (250,000 packages of 200 grams each), the cost of the finished product will be equal to 25,500 rubles.
The retail price will be approximately 75,500 rubles, monthly expenses will be about 32,000 rubles (premises rent, raw materials, etc.), and the net profit after taxes will be almost 15,000 rubles.

So, when initial investment 300,000 - 350,000 rubles for a mini-workshop, even with minimal output, you will completely recoup the investment in less than two years and will receive a net profit.

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