How to determine if olive oil is real? just do fakes? Learning to distinguish real olive oil from a fake.

Olive oil is a product of centenarians. More Avicenna called him the best of   medicines. So that olive oil does not disappoint you, you should learn to choose it correctly. If you learn to read labels on bottles correctly, evaluate the color and taste of olive oil,   then you can choose a good oil in any store.

To know, which olive oil is the best , you should first understand the classification of olive oils. This will help you determine the quality of olive oil, even if it is packaged in an unopened container. All olive oils are divided into three large groups:

  • natural (virgin),
  • refined
  • oilcake (pomace).

The best olive oil is, of course, class

Refined olive oil is also very good. That is, it is a high-quality vegetable oil, but in its composition, refined olive oil cannot compete with natural. Refined olive oil is considered the best for frying, because when heated it does not oxidize so much and does not form carcinogens in it.

As for olive oilpomace , then it is obtained from the extracts, which are placed in a centrifuge, or treated with special solvents, with which it is possible to extract some more oil from the cake. It is used mainly for baking. In Spain, oilcake is also often calledorujo . So if you see such an inscription on a jar of olive oil, you should not choose it.

The label should indicate not only where the oil was produced, but also where it was bottled. Good olive oil is produced and bottled in one country, and the producer is the packer. If on the package only the place of the spill is indicated, or only the place of production, the quality of such an oil should arouse your suspicion. You should not choose olive oil, spilled in a country where olives do not grow. Most likely, this means that in the country of production this oil could not pass the quality check.

Unlike wine, olive oil does not get better over time, so pay attention to the date of the spill. Even the most best olive oil over time, it may lose its taste. By the way, for the same reason, do not buy olive oil "in reserve". The best container for natural olive oil is a darkened glass bottle. It does not let in sunlight, therefore, it slows down the oxidation processes that reduce the quality of olive oil.

How to determine the quality of olive oil by color?

To evaluate the taste of olive oil by color is very difficult. The color of the oil depends on the huge   number of factors. From the ripeness of olives, from the time of harvest, from the presence of impurities. A greenish “herbal” hue of color may indicate that olive oil was obtained from green olives. This is, of course, high-quality olive oil with a slight bitterness in taste. Olive oil usually has a yellow color, sometimes with a purple hue. And finally, dark brown olive oil is obtained from the most ripe fruits that have already fallen to the ground.It has a sweet taste.

It is worth noting that the most   quality olive oils are a mixture of oils, squeezed silt olives of different ripeness. Tasters choose the most successful oils from olives of different ripeness and mix them in different proportions to get the best olive oil. As a result of this, it is possible to obtain oil with the most striking bouquet of aromas, tastes and aftertaste.

How to check the quality of olive oil?

Of the most affordable ways to determine the quality of olive oil, we can only say about checking for cold. Quality olive oil does not tolerate cold. If you put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes, white flakes form in it. However, this does not affect the taste of olive oil. As soon as the oil warms to room temperature, all white crystals will disappear.

To summarize:

1. The best olive oil belongs to the classExtra virgin , or vintage varieties of olive oil.

2. The acidity of the best olive oils is 0.8%.

3. Good olive oil can be yellow or light green in color.However, it is impossible to choose high-quality olive oil only by color.

4. The packaging of quality olive oil shows the production date, country of production, the exact address of the manufacturer, the date of bottling.The place of production and the place of the spill must match.

No wonder olive oil is called "liquid gold." And the matter is not only in its high price, but also in unique properties, which are also worth its weight in gold. Do you want not to get sick, live long and look young? Drink a spoonful of olive oil every morning. In any case, the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra believed so, and today the peoples of the Mediterranean states follow her covenants. And in fact, they suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system less often than residents of other countries.

Why is it like that?

What is the secret of olive oil? It's all about monounsaturated fatty acids, which it is rich in. The main one is oleic. Thanks to this composition, olive oil lowers the level of bad cholesterol, but maintains the necessary level of “good”. In addition, it is indispensable in the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: it prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder and improves bowel function. It is also important that olive oil is absorbed by the body at 100%, while sunflower oil, for example, at 80%.

All the results and conclusions presented in the article apply only to the studied samples.

What are we paying for?

It is advisable to store olive oil in a cool dark place - under such conditions, the oxidation process is slower, which means that beneficial substances last longer.

The benefits of olive oil can be discussed for a long time. The question is different: what oil is sold in our stores? After all, its cost is quite high - an average of 200 rubles per 250 ml. And where is the guarantee that the liquid gold is in the bottle, and not a fake? This question is asked by many consumers. Therefore, it was decided to test the Extra Virgin class olive oil - it is considered the most valuable and useful.

For research, we bought eight names of these products from popular brands in stores: Carbonell, Altero, Maestro de Oliva, Borges, ITLV, Colavita, Monini, Mylos plus.

The first five samples were produced in Spain, “Colavita” and “Monini” in Italy, “Mylos plus” in Greece, on the island of Crete.

The cheapest in this selection was Altero olive oil (100 rubles per 0.5 liter), the most expensive were Carbonell and Monini (450 rubles per 0.5 liter), as well as Colavita ( 480 rubles for 0.5 l). *

Note: Monini and Colavita oil was sold in 0.25 liter bottles and cost 225 and 240 rubles. respectively. But for clarity, the price was recalculated for 0.5 liters.

We bought samples for this test in early July, that is, even before the imposition of sanctions on the supply of products from European countries (including those that produce olive oil). The prices that we provide in this publication are indicated at the time of purchase.

Unfortunately, due to the embargo, the choice of olive oil has decreased markedly, and its cost in chain stores has risen sharply. This is especially true for large cities, where people pay attention to a healthy diet, and therefore actively buy olive oil. So the situation with its range and prices is now completely different than in early July. However, we hope that these are temporary difficulties, and our test in the future will serve as a guide for you when choosing this wonderful product.

Real or not?

To answer the most important question - the authenticity of olive oil, you need to study its fatty acid composition. That is, find out what acids and in what quantities it contains, in particular, the very oleic acid (according to its norms, it should be from 55 to 83%).

All samples successfully passed this test: their acid values \u200b\u200bare normal, which means that they are all extra virgin olive oil!

What did the numbers talk about?

Having sorted out with authenticity, experts continued to research product quality. To do this, it was necessary to determine the acid and peroxide number.

The acid number indicates the content of free fatty acids in the oil. The more of them, the worse the quality of the product. Extra Virgin virgin olive oil should have an acid value of no more than 1.6 mg NaOH / g. Another important indicator is the peroxide value (for Extra Virgin it should not exceed 20 mmol / kg). It indicates the oxidation of fats under the influence of air. Substances that are formed in this case can cause the breakdown of vitamins and even lead to poisoning. Than both these indicators are lower, the oil is better.

The leader in both cases was Carbonell olive oil, one of the most expensive in our test (see diagrams 1 and 2). But the second runner-up surprised the experts. It turned out to be Altero oil - the cheapest (100 rubles for 0.5 l), and also sold in a plastic bottle, which is usually a sign of a poor quality product. So go - guess.

Chart 1. Acid Number Test Results

No moisture needed!

But the surprises did not end there. By mass fraction of moisture, Altero was even better than Carbonell.

Mass fraction of moisture is measured in percent. This is the most important quality indicator, which is used to judge the energy value of products, and the less it is, the more useful solids in food (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.). But excess moisture activates the activity of bacteria and leads to undesirable chemical reactions. All this can cause product spoilage.

There are no norms for the mass fraction of moisture, therefore, the quality of the samples in this case was evaluated by comparing the results. As already mentioned, the Altero sample became the best in this category (mass fraction of moisture 0.06%). Then follow three samples with an indicator of 0.1% (“Maestro de Oliva”, “Borges”, “Monini”), then “Carbonell” (0.11%) and closes the list of trinity “ITLV”, “Mylos plus”, “ Colavita "(0.12%). The results of this test are shown in diagram 3.

Diagram 3. Test results by mass fraction of moisture

Laboratory experts also tested the color, smell and transparency of the oil. All 8 samples comply with the standard: yellow oil, clear, without sediment, without odor.

Try to buy olive oil in dark glass bottles (green or brown), because when stored in the light, the product oxidizes faster.

Be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture and the expiration date of the oil. Over time, it loses its valuable properties, so it is better to use it within one and a half to two years from the date of production.

Find the olive oil category information on the label - Extra Virgin, Pure olive oil, Pomace olive oil or Mixed oil (Mix). The first is ideal for salad dressing, the second and third are ideal for frying. Well, Mix oil can be called olive only with a stretch of the imagination.

On a note

The authenticity of olive oil can be checked at home. Put the bottle in the refrigerator. If after cooling you see that a precipitate has formed in it in the form of white flakes, then the oil is real olive. The fact is that the fatty acids contained in it thicken when cooled. This is a natural process due to the fact that the first-pressed oil is unfiltered and contains a maximum of useful substances. After raising the temperature to room temperature, olive oil takes on its usual form and retains all its healing properties, taste and aroma.

We conducted such a test on the test samples and found out that the effect of “precipitation” is most noticeable in olive oil “Carbonell”, which was the best in the test.



"Monini" - The oil has not changed much after cooling

"Borges"- The oil has not changed much after cooling

"Maestro de Oliva"

"Colavita"   - The oil is slightly cloudy after cooling

ITLV- The oil became cloudy, thickened, a light precipitate formed in it

"Mylos plus"   - The dark glass of which the bottle is made does not allow to consider the changes


All samples of unrefined olive oil of the Extra Virgin class were successfully identified by their fatty acid composition and actually turned out to be genuine olive oil.

Carbonell olive oil has become the leader in terms of quality - it has the best acid and peroxide values.

The second place was taken by the cheapest Altero test sample. He also received first place in the mass fraction of moisture, which indicates a good quality product.

According to the organoleptic characteristics (color, smell, transparency), all samples comply with the standard.

Extra virgin olive oil Carbonell

Country of origin: Spain
Net weight: 500 ml
Price: 450 rub.

The best quality indicators for acid and peroxide value.

Extra virgin olive oil Altero

Country of origin: Spain
Net weight: 500 ml
Price: 99 rub.

Test results: is Extra Virgin class olive oil. The best result for the parameter "mass fraction of moisture."

Extra virgin olive oil "Monini"

Country of origin: Italy
Net weight: 250 ml
Price: 225 rub.

Test results: is Extra Virgin class olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil “Borges”

Country of origin: Spain
Net weight: 250 ml
Price: 182 rub.

Test results: is Extra Virgin class olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil "Maestro de Oliva"

Country of origin: Spain
Net weight: 250 ml
Price: 190 rub.

Test results: is Extra Virgin class olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil Colavita

Country of origin: Italy
Net weight: 250 ml
Price: 240 rub.

Test results: is Extra Virgin class olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil “ITLV”

Country of origin: Spain
Net weight: 500 ml
Price: 268 rub.

Test results: is Extra Virgin class olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil “Mylos plus”

Country of origin: Greece
Net weight: 250 ml
Price: 195 rub.

Test results: is Extra Virgin class olive oil.

Types of Olive Oil

Extra Virgin or Extra Vergine (translated as “pristine pure”) is the highest quality unrefined olive oil, which is obtained by pressing olives (first cold pressed) without the use of chemical and biochemical additives. Thus, the maximum of nutrients and vitamins is preserved. This oil is greenish in color, astringent, with a bitterness characteristic of fresh olives. It is best used for dressing salads or making sauces.

Pure olive oil is a high quality oil. It is a mixture of refined olive oil (85%) and Extra Virgin (15%). Ideal for frying, as it does not emit carcinogens when heated.

Pomace olive oil (POMAS) is a refined olive oil that is made from oilcake left after the first squeeze of the olives, and then enriched with Extra Virgin oil. The product does not have such nutritional value as the first two, however, it contains all the vitamins and minerals present in olive oil.

In addition, so-called mixes are on sale, in addition to olive, they also contain other oils (sunflower, corn, etc.). Such products are labeled “Mixed oil” or simply “Mix”. Typically, manufacturers honestly write about this on the packaging, but not in large print, but finely and inconspicuously.

If you are faced with a violation of your consumer rights, you can contact the DEMOS portal for free and report a dangerous or low-quality product. To do this, click on the "Report" button and fill out the form. Specialists will analyze the application, if necessary, conduct an examination, give consultations, and also help to correctly compose the application to government bodies. And all this is completely free! Moreover: the employees of the DEMOS website control how citizens ’appeals go through the authorities and then publish the decisions they make on the portal. Thus, the work of government agencies is monitored.

Olive oil is a din from the national products of Greece, Italy and Spain. Since antiquity, this oil has been an integral part of the Mediterranean diet. From ancient times it was used to illuminate temples and mosques, as well as in the conduct of Christian and Jewish rites.

In Russia, until the end of the 19th century, olive oil of the highest grade was called Provencal, the lowest - wooden. Over time, many myths have developed about this product that are rooted in our society. We decided to dispel the most well-established misconceptions about olive oil once and for all!

This statement is loved by advertisers, they say, since Greece gave mankind olive oil, it means that Greek producers are also the best at understanding it. But instead of Greece, Italy or Spain can just as well be delivered, because, for example, the Spaniards account for almost half of world oil production.

Alas, the age of the industry does not guarantee quality. On the contrary, the best oils today are produced in the regions where these traditions have appeared relatively recently: Australia, the USA and South America. It is modern technology that allows them to get a quality product.

Myth # 2: The greener the olive oil, the better.

Do you know what color the glasses are for professional olive oil tasters? Blue! In order not to be distracted by a color that does not speak of quality, taste and beneficial properties. It depends on the variety of olives and the time of their collection. If the fruits are picked green, then the oil will be greener.

Myth number 3: olive oil increases the calorie content of food

100 ml contains 900 kcal, and almost all of them are unsaturated fatty acids, the so-called "good" cholesterol. Proteins of oil envelop the surface of the food without letting it in, and the ability to quickly heat up to high temperature reduces the frying time. As a result, all useful substances are saved and the amount of "bad" cholesterol is reduced. Calorie content does not increase.

Myth number 4: you can’t fry food in olive oil

It is believed that olive oil is suitable exclusively for dressing salads. However, in Spain it is used mainly for frying. You just need to choose the right variety. It’s really better not to fry on extra virgin, but refined behaves perfectly when heated.

Myth # 5: Olive oil can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Olive oil is often compared to wine because the climatic and soil conditions for the production of both are close. But with regard to oil, the principle “the more seasoned the better” does not work. It must be stored in a corked bottle in a dark, cool place, but not in the refrigerator, otherwise a precipitate will appear. The term is up to a year, but no more than two years, otherwise it will start to oxidize.

How to determine the quality of olive oil at home?

Warm a plastic cup with oil in your hand, covering it with your palm. The optimum temperature is +28 degrees. Pull some of the product into your mouth, stretching your lips and making sounds as if you were drinking hot tea from a saucer. Got a rancid taste? He talks about poor conditions or excess storage periods. Wine (vinegar) notes and musty appear due to improper fruit collection when the olives lie on the ground.

As a rule, in salads they add - unrefined cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, the acidity (content of free fatty acids) of this oil is less than 1%. “Extra Virgin”, according to the standard, has an excellent taste, the aroma is slightly bitter, richly expressed - this is the best olive oil. Conventional unrefined olive oil (virgin olive oil) can have an acidity of up to 2%, it does not have the “Extra” prefix. If during the first extraction of olives olive oil comes out with an acidity of more than 2%, then the manufacturer can not call it virgin. Once this oil was used solely for technical purposes and was called "lamp" (lampante virgin olive oil). Now this oil is refined to improve palatability and reduce acidity, and this oil is suitable for frying, provided that the acidity< 2 %. Поэтому, если на этикетке написано «Refinado», то знайте- перед вами неудавшееся масло «Virgin», которое прошло повторную обработку - рафинацию.

Refined olive oil is used for frying. Manufacturers give different names to refined olive oil: “Pure olive oil”, “Rafined olive oil”, “Light olive oil”. Some manufacturers of olive oil deliberately mislead the consumer by pointing to the label of refined olive oil - “olive oil”. Of course, refined olive oil is inferior in taste and useful qualities, but this oil is better suited for frying due to the fact that it does not contain phospholipids, which are intensively oxidized even with slight heating with the formation of carcinogens.

  "Pomace" - oil cake olive oil - is used only for greasing forms before baking, and the Spaniards call this oil "Orujo". Such olive oil should not be purchased. In Spain, the health authorities banned its widespread sale due to the fact that it found substances that provoke the development of cancer.

Read the label carefully, pay attention to the classification of oil and acidity (it should be no more than 3.3%). The label should also indicate the country of origin, the place and date of the oil bottling (ideally if the producer himself pours and packs olive oil). Also, the coordinates of the importing company should be indicated on the label. If only the production or bottling area is indicated on the label, then the quality of such an oil should be in doubt. Beware of buying oil spilled in a country where olive trees do not grow. This may mean that this oil has not passed quality control in their country.

On some olive oil labels you will see the designations IGP and DOP. IGP stands for "Indicazione Geografica Protetta" and means that one of the technological processes in the production of olive oil took place in a protected controlled area, which is officially represented on the world market. That is, the collection and squeezing process is strictly controlled on the spot - in Spain or Greece, but the cleaning and bottling was not carried out on the territory of the manufacturer.

DOP marking - “Denominazione d’ Origine Protetta ”means that collection, extraction, purification and bottling took place in the same area.

It so happens that manufacturers do not indicate the acidity of the oil, then focus on the description of the taste and smell provided by the manufacturer on the bottle. This will help you understand the quality of the oil and choose olive oil that suits your tastes. Indeed, the softer the taste and the grassy finish has olive oil, the less acidity it has (0.4-0.6%). And if his taste is sharp, intense, and the aroma is tart, then as a rule, the acidity of such an oil is likely to be 0.8-1%.

Pay attention to the date of bottling - after all, even the best oil eventually loses its quality and oxidizes, and the shelf life of olive oil is about a year. It is better to store it in a glass tightly closed container in a dark place.

You can determine the quality of olive oil at home as follows: put it in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes. If sediment and flakes have appeared, and the oil itself has thickened, then this is a quality olive oil. As soon as the oil warms up to its usual room temperature, everything will return to normal, and such a test will not affect the taste.

Another way to check the quality of olive oil: drip a little oil on your hand and rub - if the oil is well absorbed by the skin, then you have acquired high-quality olive oil.

In pursuit of beauty and harmony, all means are good !!! ... Here is another one that we often use, but do we buy real oil ??? ...

More recently, I learned how to check the oil, it turns out that you need to put it in the refrigerator for the night, if in the morning you find white flakes in a bottle of oil !! , and if not, then alas ... that’s fat !!! ... (The flakes will disappear after a while, after you pull it out of the refrigerator ... on the quality of the oil, this experiment has no effect !!!). ..

And now a little history ...

Spring allergy.

Most historians and archaeologists claim that people learned about the healing properties of olive oil a long time ago, about 6,000 years ago. It was then that in the Mediterranean they learned to cultivate olives, later called blessed trees. Contrary to the opinion of most of our contemporaries, the first to learn to grow olive trees were not the Greeks, Italians or Spaniards at all, but the inhabitants of Egypt and Asia Minor. Subsequently, olives came to other countries, and olive oil became one of the most valuable products of those times, a symbol of the economic well-being of many states and peoples. "Liquid gold" - the so-called olive oil was not only cooks, but also bankers, merchants, ancient physicians and cosmetologists.

The beneficial composition of olive oil.

Today in Greece, where about half of the calories in the diet are olive oil, people are the least likely to die from heart disease. It is not surprising, because this oil is almost 100% composed of unsaturated fats that protect our heart and blood vessels, and the Greeks not only cook most of the dishes with olive oil, but simply drink it in small portions, of course, although it may seem strange to us.

Corn oil also has a lot of unsaturated fats, but they are different from those found in olive oil. There are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, and the former are not as useful as the latter. It is known that in our body there is “bad” cholesterol, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease, and “good”, which prevents the occurrence of these problems. Corn oil is also useful, but it reduces just the level of “good” cholesterol, but olive oil, due to the content of monounsaturated fats in it, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol.

The fact that monounsaturated fats prevent the occurrence of cancer, scientists learned not so long ago - at the end of the last century. At first, experiments on animals were carried out, and then it became known about the results of observations conducted in different countries.

Olive oil for health.

Researchers have found that health status and consumption of olive oil are closely related. Women were mainly monitored, and concluded that the risk of getting breast cancer with it is reduced by 20%, by half, and in the Mediterranean countries, where a certain diet has long been established, by almost 75%.

What's the secret? It turns out that olive oil contains an amazing substance - oleic acid, which significantly reduces the risk of the onset and development of tumors. If the tumor has already formed, the use of olive oil helps to make the treatment more effective and faster.
  Squalene contained in olive oil can slow the growth of tumors, prevent the development of cancer of the skin, lungs and colon. Japanese doctors have learned to use these squalene so that chemotherapy can be more effective, and they are getting great results in treating cancer.

Needless to say, in cooking, olive oil is simply unparalleled? Any dishes, starting with sweets and ending with hot spices, get an amazing taste and bring much more benefit if olive oil is used in their preparation.
  The variety of olive oil and its taste is determined by the area where the olives were grown, as well as the time of harvest. From the fruits collected earlier, the oil is spicy, and has a characteristic greenish color, and if the olives are ripe, the oil will be with a mild taste, light yellow.

Oil can be liquid, or it can be thick and viscous - it depends on the area, just like taste and smell. Italian oils can be very different: Ligurian oil is similar to a mixture of almond and pine nuts with a hint of wildflowers, but other varieties produced in the same province have a sharper smell and taste, like pepper.

Tuscan oil smells harsh, but the smell is pretty pleasant. In general, olives today tend to grow wherever possible, even in America: Californian olive oil is also very popular in the market.

Manufacturers of olive oil do not pack it in plastic bottles, but only in glass or special metal containers. We are used to buying vegetable oil in plastic containers, but such packaging reduces its quality and even promotes oxidation.

How to choose olive oil. Which olive oil is better.

Fortunately, in our country olives do not grow, therefore, having bought real olive oil from the producer, there is no doubt in its quality - although you must be able to choose the “right” oil too. Connoisseurs always have in their kitchen not one grade of olive oil, but several: for cooking meat and fish, hot and cold dishes, salads and pastries. Everyday dishes can be prepared with the addition of less expensive varieties, but for festive delicacies, of course, it is better to use expensive, elite olive oil.

Who benefits from olive oil. Olive oil for weight loss.

There are many recipes with olive oil in different nations, in the cuisines of different countries, and we will give here one very simple but useful recipe. It is especially useful for the inhabitants of our country - after all, for many months of the year we have to be content with "winter", or even completely canned vegetables, and there is no real fresh greens (except for store-bought) in winter. Women who want to keep their figure slim and their skin smooth should often cook a French salad seasoned with olive oil.

For its preparation, a green salad is used - fresh leaves of several varieties. Well, if it is possible to add olives to the salad - by the way, they also need to be able to choose. Knowledgeable nutritionists argue that it is impossible to salt a green salad in any case, and it is better not to cut lettuce leaves, but eat them whole, in kind. However, if this is not very convenient, cut the salad, but not too finely, but larger.
  Salad dressing is prepared as follows: unrefined olive oil - 3 tbsp. l., lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l., mustard - 0.5 tsp., and the pepper that you like best is better allspice. Shake the dressing carefully, pour lettuce, add olives, mix and serve immediately. Remember that any salads should only be freshly prepared.

Who should not drink olive oil.

You should know that olive oil, with all its usefulness and healing power, should not be consumed by people suffering from exacerbations of gastroenterological diseases, especially enterocolitis and cholecystitis. This applies to any vegetable oil, not just olive oil. As for healthy people, here gastroenterologists believe that you can consume up to 40 g of oil per day, adding it to any dishes: first, second, salads, even vegetable juices.

Olive oil for face and neck.

The versatility of olive oil has long made it popular in cosmetology, and cosmetologists claim that it is very useful for any type of skin.

According to an Indian recipe, oil gel will help to refresh and soften the skin of the face and neck, if it is properly prepared and used. It is necessary to mix 5 tbsp. l olive oil with 4 tbsp. l fresh aloe juice, add 1 tsp. essential oils - tea tree, mint, lemon and almonds. There, add glycerin - 1 tsp, and rose smelling oil - 10 drops, mix well and pour into a dark glass bottle. Use this gel every day instead of washing - just apply it on a cosmetic disc or swab, and wipe your face. Store the gel in the refrigerator.

Mask of olive oil.

The cosmetic effect will increase if, after such washing, a mask is made: add 2 tbsp. To the pulp of fresh cucumber and banana. l olive oil, stir until smooth and apply for about half an hour to the face. Rinse off the mask with clean, cool water.
  Olive oil is so useful, healing and surprising that it is impossible to talk about it in a short article. Try to learn more about its properties, use it more often, and be healthy and beautiful!