How to preserve pear compote. How to make compote for the winter from pears and apples

Pears are quite difficult to preserve; it is impossible to do without knowing certain secrets of preparing the dish. That’s why I would like to talk about preserving pear compote today. I offer you several recipes for making this delicious drink with and without sterilization of jars.

Recipe for pear compote for the winter

Kitchenware: kitchen sponge, kitchen scale, three-liter jar, iron cover, sharp long knife, measuring utensils, deep saucepan big size, an iron ring or a thick old towel, a device for rolling up lids, a warm blanket.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. We thoroughly wash 10-13 pears with a kitchen sponge, and then carefully remove the tails so as not to harm the fruit pulp.
  2. Pure three liter jar fill with pears, while folding them loosely so that they do not wrinkle.

    One three-liter jar takes about 10 pears, but much depends on the size of the fruit.

  3. Pour 5 g of citric acid and 180-200 g of sugar into a jar of pears.
  4. Pour about 1.5 liters of boiling water over the fruits and do this in small portions, while trying to pour water in the center and not on the walls of the jar. The jar must be filled with boiling water up to the neck.
  5. We place an iron ring at the bottom of a large pan or lay out a thick towel, on top of which we place a jar of pears.
  6. Pour into the pan as much warm water as needed so that the jar is half immersed in the liquid.
  7. Cover the pears with a sterilized lid, let the water boil and sterilize the jar for at least 40 minutes.
  8. After this time, remove the compote from the pan and roll up the lid of the jar.
  9. We send the jar of compote to a dark place, place it with the lid down, and then wrap it well in a warm blanket. Let the compote brew in this form for at least 5-6 hours. The jar must cool down to room temperature. Transfer the cooled compote to a storage place.

Video recipe for pear compote for the winter

The video below shows the easiest way to preserve delicious compote from whole pears for the winter.

  • Experienced culinary experts recommend canning small pear in its entirety, and divide medium and large-sized fruits into two to four equal parts. Canned whole fruits will look appetizing on any occasion. festive table, but cut into slices is better to use as a filling, for example, for pies or cake.
  • To prepare the drink choose exclusively ripe and dense fruits. Pay close attention to dents; there should also be no cuts or rotten parts on the pears.
  • If the fruit has a dense and thick skin, it is better to cut it using a potato peeler. It allows you to easily and quickly remove the skin, while preserving the valuable pulp of the fruit.
  • On its own, the pear is a fairly sweet fruit, so don’t overdo it when adding it to the compote. granulated sugar. Otherwise, compote may turn out too sweet.
  • Be sure to fill the chopped or peeled fruits with water and add 1 teaspoon of citric acid. This procedure is necessary in order to so that the pear slices do not darken and have not lost their attractive appearance.

  • Be sure to line the bottom of the pan with a thick towel or install an iron ring. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the bank will burst and all efforts will be in vain.
  • Whole pears are best sterilized longer so that they do not subsequently “explode” during storage.
  • I advise you to choose iron lids for preserving pear compote, because rubber may lose its elasticity during the sterilization process of the product.
  • I don't recommend adding too much spice When preserving compote, it is better to do this after opening the jar.
  • The pear compote will be completely ready to eat. only after 2-3 months, so I advise you not to rush things and be patient.
  • Such preservation can be stored not only in the cellar, but also in a cabinet in the kitchen or pantry. Main - protect the compote from direct sunlight.

Recipe for pear compote for the winter without sterilization

Cooking time: 20-30 minutes.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 70-73 kcal.
Amount of compote: three liters.
Kitchenware: three-liter jar, large bowl, iron lid, wooden cutting board, measuring utensils, a sharp long knife, a canning machine, a warm towel.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for pear compote for the winter without sterilization

Check out the proposed video material, and preserving pear and currant compote will no longer be a big problem for you.

  • Black currants can be replaced with any berry, which has a sour taste. Thanks to the sweet and sour berry, the taste pear compote it turns out more saturated.
  • If such a berry is not at hand, replace it with citric acid. For a three-liter jar you will need very little acid, just two pinches. Or, as an option, add the juice of half a lemon to one three-liter jar.
  • You can also prepare pear compote without various additives: pour chopped pears into glass containers, add sugar and pour boiling water. Then we roll up the lid of the jar, turn it over and cover it with something warm. Next, let the compote cool completely.

Recipe for pear and lemon compote for the winter without sterilization

Cooking time: 1:50-2:00
Calorie content (per 100 g): 68-71 kcal.
Amount of compote: three liters.
Kitchenware: three-liter jar, knife and cutting board, warm towel, saucepan, iron lid, deep large bowl.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. Place a quarter of a lemon in a jar, and on top of it 10 washed whole pears.

  2. Pour 2-2.5 liters of boiling water into the jar so that the liquid covers the fruit.
  3. Cover the glass container with a lid and wrap it in a warm towel so that the pears “evaporate” and turn slightly yellow.
  4. After about 20 minutes, drain the water from the container back into a deep bowl.
  5. Bring the water to a boil, then pour boiling water over the pears a second time.
  6. Cover again with a lid and wrap with a warm towel. In this form, leave the fruit to infuse for half an hour.
  7. After 30 minutes, drain the liquid from the jar again and add 150-200 g of sugar to it.
  8. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, cook the syrup over low heat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  9. Fill the pears with hot syrup and cover the jars with a lid.
  10. Wrap the jars properly in a warm towel and allow the drink to cool completely.

Video recipe for pear and lemon compote without sterilization

The above-described process of preserving pear compote is shown in the video below.

If you have additional knowledge about preserving pear compote, please share the information with me. Tell us, what recipe do you usually use for pear drinks? Maybe you found best combination fruits or add special spices? Write about all this in the comments. Also, do not forget to leave your feedback on pear compotes according to the recipes described above. Good luck to you and good health! Bon appetit!

Many people associate pear compote with childhood memories. Grandmothers and mothers often treated us to this drink. But it has one drawback - pears do not contain acid at all, and without it the drink turns out to be too sugary. There are two ways to solve this problem; Popular About Health will tell you how. We will look at several proven recipes for pear compote for the winter, and the list of ingredients in each of them will be designed for a three-liter jar. Just follow the instructions and you will have a great drink.

Getting ready to seal the pears in 3 liter jars

When you can something for the winter, the housewife’s main concern is that the jars do not swell, otherwise all the work will go down the drain. What needs to be done to prevent this trouble from happening?

1. Carefully sort through the fruits, choosing only the best. If we are talking about pears, then give preference to green, dense varieties, and also pay attention to ensure that the fruit is not damaged.

2. Wash the fruits well.

3. The peel should be removed only in case of minor damage.

4. Wash the container well and sterilize it, do not forget to do the same with the lids.

5. Twist correctly and tightly.

If at least one of the conditions is not met, the compote will spoil. Now let's talk about how to add acid to pear compote? To do this, many people use available berries - red or black currant, gooseberries, cherries or cherry plums, plums.

In this case, the compote will not only acquire a pleasant sourness, but will also be colored beautiful colour. If there are no berries, then citric acid will come to the rescue. For a 3 liter jar you need to add 1 teaspoon of this component.

Another important point, which you need to know - be sure to cut out the cores of pears, as the seeds contain poison. Compotes made from fruits with seeds are not intended for long-term storage. Now you know all the intricacies of preparing pear compote for future use, it’s time to get acquainted with the recipes for the drink.

How to cook delicious compote for a 3 liter jar for the winter?

A simple recipe without sterilization

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar: pears – 700 g; sugar – 300 g; citric acid – 5 g; mint – 5 leaves; water – 1.5-2 liters.

After washing the fruits, cut them in half. The cores need to be cut out, but don’t rush to throw them away. They are the ones who will give a unique rich aroma compote. Set them aside for now in a separate bowl. Cut the fruits themselves into slices. To prevent them from darkening, place them in slightly acidified water.

How can we find out exactly how much water we need for canning per 3 liter jar? It's simple. Fill it halfway with pears and fill it with water. Then pour it into the pan and add about 10 percent more, because during the cooking process some of the liquid will evaporate. The resulting volume is per jar (on average, one and a half liters), for this amount of water you need to use 300 grams of sugar. If the pear variety is sweet, then you can add a little less granulated sugar.

So when you measured required quantity water, bring it to a boil, add sugar, boil for a minute to completely dissolve it. Then place the pear cores in boiling water. Cooking time is 5 minutes, after which the seed pods need to be removed with a slotted spoon. Now put sliced ​​pears, acid, mint into the pan and cook for 10 minutes. Pouring into jars ready compote from pears and twist for the winter.

Preparing apples and pears for a 3-liter jar

Ingredients based on a 3 liter jar: 400 g pears, 400 g apples, sugar – 350 g, water – 2 liters.

For this recipe, choose sour, dense apples. Let's get started. Immediately put water to boil (about 2 liters per jar). Wash the fruits and remove the cores. Cut the fruit into slices and place the slices in boiling water. Boil them for 3 minutes.

Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the fruit and place in jars, filling them two-thirds full. Blanching will help prevent the cuts from browning. Add sugar to the water in which the apples and pears were boiled. We wait for it to boil again and immediately pour the boiling syrup over the fruit. Cover with lids and leave to steep for a quarter of an hour.

After waiting the allotted time, pour the syrup into the pan again and boil. Again, pour the fruit into the jars and wait 15 minutes, covering with lids. Now we repeat everything again - drain the syrup, boil it, fill the jars with it and seal it.

If you don't want to bother with three-step boiling, there is another method - sterilization. In this case, the sweet boiling syrup is poured into the container once, and, covering with lids, the compote is sent to sterilize in boiling water for 25 minutes. Then the containers are screwed on. After prolonged heat treatment, the product can be stored for a very long time; the likelihood that the jars will swell is almost zero.

In a similar way, you can cook compote for the winter in jars with pears and any other fruit. But choose as a complement those that can compensate for the sweetness pears - sour plums, berries. Then the drink will be refreshing and pleasant.

What can you say about pear compote? Only that you need to drink it. The indescribable taste and aftertaste cannot be compared with drinks made from concentrates, which are sold to us in the store as juice or nectar. I remember when I was sent to my grandmother in the village for the holidays, my first question was: can I eat a pear already? This tree was my refuge. I jumped along the branches like a squirrel and the most beautiful yellow, honey-colored fruits hanging on the very top of my head were not out of reach for me. I still remember the taste; my grandfather called it “lemonka”. And what jam we made! On the street, in a basin, on an open fire... all the bees and wasps visited us. When enough sweets had been cooked, they began to cover the compotes. All the banks that were on the farm were used. All relatives loved the drink made from pears. Grandma was still mixing different varieties, to the “lemon” I added “duchess”, and a little more greenish “berry”.

They trusted me to pluck them from the branches. I didn’t like collecting “scavengers”; other grandchildren received this task. And what a war there was for “licking the spoon” and trying the foam from the jam! Eh, childhood, childhood. I remembered this episode when I saw a box of these fragrant fruits at the market. I decided to please my family and treat them to a real pear drink.

Pear compote for the winter without sterilization with citric acid: the best recipe

While it's still standing hot weather, it is difficult to do canning in the kitchen, and even to sterilize jars. A small amount of I decided to dry the pears. In winter, dried fruit compote will be a favorite. But such “drying” cannot be used for cake or cream. Only from natural compote. I had to look in my culinary diaries recipes without long boiling. I have some, I’ll cook them myself and share them with you. Happy cooking!


  • pears – 300g;
  • sugar – 1/2 cup;
  • water – 3l;
  • citric acid – 1/4 tsp.

If you like the smell of mint, add a couple of fresh leaves.

How to seal pear compote for the winter in 3 liter jars

Pear compote for the winter: a simple recipe with sterilization

And another recipe for delicious compote, but with sterilization. I heard from friends - I closed it right away, but the lids swelled and the compote fermented. In my opinion, this happens if the container was poorly washed, the lid was not screwed on tightly, or the fruit was rotten. But in order not to risk it, sterilize it. Pear compote great drink and another bonus - a dessert made from pieces. The drink itself turns out to be pale yellowish. If you want to get a bright color, add dark-colored berries - currants, plums... I like assorted, mixed different fruits and it turns out incomparable taste juice But mine only require pears. You have to please. I am sharing the recipe with you, I hope that when you cook it, you will be satisfied.

This recipe is suitable for very ripe, soft varieties, which simply won’t stand up to cooking and will turn into mush.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • pears – 2-4 pcs (depending on size);
  • water – 1l;
  • sugar - to taste.

How to make compote from soft fruits so that it does not become cloudy

Compote of whole pears for the winter recipes for a 3 liter jar

Summer is the time for canning vegetables and fruits, so we arm ourselves with proven recipes and prepare jars for the winter various blanks. Of the wide variety of fruits, today we will focus on pears. They are good both fresh and canned. You can make jam, marmalade, marmalade and compotes from them. To prepare the latter, we use any variety of pears that you like, the main thing is that they are juicy, sweet and ripe. Do not use fruits that are too green or overripe. Green fruits can be hard and unsweetened, but overripe fruits will not make a beautiful compote; they can become wrinkled and deformed during the cooking process. Having decided on the variety and having purchased the necessary fruits at the market, we will begin canning. To prepare pear compote, we recommend using spices to give the drink the necessary aroma. These fruits themselves have sweet taste, but this is not enough to cook a delicious compote. Add cinnamon, which will decorate the drink and give it an unforgettable aroma. To prevent the drink from becoming cloyingly sweet, we will use citric acid, which will give it a light and pleasant sourness, which the fruits themselves lack. You can use anise stars and buds as spices. dried cloves, but this is up to your taste and preferences.

Required Products:

  • 500gr. pears;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 150gr. granulated sugar;
  • 1 pinch of citric acid;
  • 1 cinnamon stick.

How to make compote from whole fresh pears

Enjoy the pleasant taste of whole pear compote with spices!

My jars store well both with and without sterilization. Follow all the cooking rules and you will get a fragrant solar drink! Choose from the suggested recipes which one you like best and cook with pleasure!

Pear compote is one of the current preparations for the winter. Natural, enriched useful substances, endowed great taste and aroma, the amber-yellow drink cannot but please the family on cold evenings.

There are a lot of recipes for this preservation. The sugary-sweet pear goes well with other fruits, berries and citrus fruits. Making an amazing drink is easy even for a novice cook.

Pear drink is a treat for the whole family

Pear is one of the most healthy fruits summer season. It is enriched with organic acids, microelements and vitamins that strengthen the immune system and heal various diseases and improve the general condition of the body. The fruits are used in cooking for making desserts and alcoholic drinks, it is added to baked goods, salads and main courses.

Winter varieties of pears are stored raw throughout the cold period of the year, and preparations are made from other varieties: they are dried, soaked, and made into jams and drinks. Canned pear compote is a great way to preserve your favorite fruits for the winter, while preserving most of them beneficial properties. This healing drink necessary for people with kidney stones, diabetics, pregnant women, the elderly and young children.

To make the prepared compote look presentable, have pleasant taste and aroma, for canning you need to choose unripe pears with firm flesh, which, after heat treatment or pouring hot syrup, will retain their integrity. The most suitable varieties Limonka, Oktyabrskaya, and wild species are considered for preparing preserves. The fruit must not be rotten or damaged. If the fruit's skin is too thick, it is recommended to remove it.

Pears have practically no acid of their own, so canned food from it often “explodes.” To avoid such a nuisance, add citric acid or sour fruits and berries to the compote during cooking.

Recipes for canned compotes

There are many recipes for pear compotes. It is prepared either alone or with the addition of spices and other fruits. Small pears are placed whole in jars, large ones are cut into pieces. Using simple ways preparations canned drinks, you can easily save your summer vitamin treat for winter.

There are general rules:

  1. 1. Before rolling up the pear drink, carry out heat treatment fruits - blanching. To do this, whole or sliced ​​fruits are dipped in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, then transferred to cold water.
  2. 2. Seaming lids and jars must be disinfected. Sterilization is carried out by treating dishes with hot steam.
  3. 3. To further rid the preserved product of unwanted microorganisms, cans of the finished drink are pasteurized. The roll is dipped in water at a temperature of 70–80 degrees and boiled for up to half an hour (depending on the size of the jar: liter - 15 minutes, two-liter - 20 minutes, three-liter - 30 minutes).

If the pears have peeled peels and cut cores, they do not need to be thrown away. These parts are recommended to be added when cooking syrup to improve taste qualities future drink.

With lemon and mint

The drink prepared according to this recipe has an original sweet and sour taste with “oriental notes”.

From the indicated proportions of products, 6 liters of seaming are obtained:

  • pear fruits - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 cups;
  • lemon - 2 slices;
  • vanilla - to taste;
  • mint shoots - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 2 l.

First you need to prepare the fruit: wash, cut into slices, remove the stem and core, peel (if it is too rough).

The fruits are blanched and placed in a jar. Vanillin (a pinch), a lemon ring, and 2 mint sprigs are also added there. Pears are poured with hot syrup, to prepare which you need to bring water and sugar to a boil.

The drink is poured into jars, covered with lids, turned over, covered with a warm blanket and left to cool. This preserve can be rolled without sterilization.

Drink made from pears and apples

On 2 three liter jars compote you will need:

  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 600 gr;
  • water - 5 l.

To brew the drink, follow the step-by-step recipe:

  1. 1. Fruits are washed, cut in half or slices, core and stalk removed, poured cold water with the addition of citric acid.
  2. 2. Pour water into the pan and add required amount Sahara. The syrup must be brought to a boil so that all the sugar dissolves.
  3. 3. Place apples and pears in jars and pour hot syrup over them.
  4. 4. The finished drink can be canned and stored in a cool, dark place.

Pear and plums

Plum perfectly complements pear, giving the drink rich taste and color. To prevent the seaming from darkening and being transparent, it is recommended to choose unripe fruits. The bone is not removed from them. If they put very sweet variety plums, then you can add citric acid to the syrup.

You need to prepare the ingredients:

  • pear fruits - 1 kg;
  • plum drupes - 1 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • citric acid - 2 gr.

The first step is to wash, remove excess parts and cut the fruit. To prevent the pears from darkening, they are dipped in water acidified with citric acid and kept there for 5 minutes.

To cook compote, put a deep stainless or enamel bowl with water on the fire, pour sugar into it and completely dissolve it. IN hot syrup pour in the chopped fruit and simmer over low heat until the pears soften. Remove the finished fruits from the brew and place them in sterile jars. The syrup is cooked for another 10–15 minutes.

After all operations, pour hot liquid over the fruit and roll up.

Canned pears and lingonberries

This drink has a bright ruby ​​color, good taste and many useful properties.

To prepare the preserve you will need the following set of products:

  • pear - 1 kg;
  • lingonberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 5 l.

Prepare pears for preservation: wash, remove damaged areas, cut out the middle, and blanch. Rinse the berries under running water and sort through, removing spoiled ones. Cook lingonberries with 1 cup of water in a small container with a lid until they are soft.

Mix all the products specified in the recipe in one pan, bring to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes. The finished fruit and berry compote is poured into jars and covered with lids.

Pears are used for making jam, marmalade, and marshmallows. But the easiest way is to prepare pear compote for the winter. The drink turns out to be very aromatic and tasty, but almost colorless. Can be used to add color various additives, for example plums or chokeberry. Here are several recipes for making pear compote.

Almost any variety of pear is suitable for making compote. Exception - winter varieties with thick skin, compote from such fruits will come out tasteless.

For harvesting, you can use small-fruited varieties of pears; they are placed whole in jars. If the pears are large, then you need to cut the fruits into pieces and cut out the seed pods. The number of pears placed in jars is a matter of taste. If your family loves compote fruits, then you can fill the jars to the top, not packing the fruit too tightly. If your goal is to get a drink, then you need to fill the jars only a third.

Tip: Since pears are quite sweet fruits, the compote should be prepared with citric acid or lemon juice. You can solve this problem by adding sour fruits or berries to the pears.

You can prepare compote without sterilization; for this, the double pouring method is used:

  • The first time, the jars are filled with boiling water and left for about 20 minutes. Then the water is poured into a saucepan, sugar and citric acid are added to it, and brought to a boil.
  • The second time the jars are filled with boiling syrup, after which the container must be sealed hermetically.

Interesting facts: the ancient Greeks believed that a pear was the best remedy from seasickness. They tried to take these fruits with them during sea voyages.

Pear compote for the winter - recipe for a 3 liter jar

The simplest version of compote is prepared only from pears. Here is a recipe for a 3 liter jar.

  • 10-15 ripe pears;
  • 200-250 gr. Sahara;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

We sort out the fruits, wash them and cut them into slices, cutting out the seeds. Place the chopped pears in a saucepan, add sugar and citric acid, and pour in cold purified water.

Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. During the cooking process, you can gently stir the fruit once. There is no need to stir frequently, otherwise the pear slices will fall apart.

We wash and sterilize the jars. Pour the compote into prepared jars so that the liquid fills the jar completely. Immediately roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and place them on the lids. We wrap the top of the jars with warm blankets. After a day, we remove the jars and put them into storage.

Fragrant compote with lemon

You don’t have to add citric acid to the compote, but prepare it with lemon, the drink will be even more aromatic.

  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 1 lemon;
  • sugar at the rate of 250 gr. for a three-liter jar.
  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 1 kg plum;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 300 gr. Sahara.

Wash the fruit well. We cut the plums with a knife along the groove, divide them in half and remove the seeds. Cut the pears into four parts, removing the seeds. Place plum halves and pear quarters in jars.

Fill the jars with boiling water and cover with lids. Let stand for 20 minutes. Then pour the water into the pan and add sugar. Bring to a boil. Pour the boiling syrup into the jars, filling the jars to the top. Close the jars with boiled lids.

With peaches

Another version of the sweet drink is prepared with the addition.

  • 5 pears;
  • 6-8 peaches;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 250 gr. Sahara.

Scald the peaches with boiling water, cut them in half and remove the pits. Using a small knife, remove the skin from the peaches. Wash the pears well and cut into quarters, removing the seeds.

In three-liter jars, wash them well and scald them with boiling water. Place pear quarters in jars and place peach halves on top. Pour boiling water over and let stand for 20 minutes. Drain the water from the jars and boil, adding sugar to the water. Pour boiling syrup into the jars and immediately roll up the boiled lids.

Healthy drink with raspberries

Pear compote goes well with raspberries. The drink is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It can be used as an antipyretic for colds. For a liter jar.

  • 1 large pear;
  • 100 gr. raspberries;
  • 200 gr. Sahara.

We sort through the raspberries and discard the spoiled ones. Pour water into a large bowl and place the berries in it, stirring gently. Under running water tender berries There is no need to wash them, they may become wrinkled. Place the berries on a clean surface dry dish and let it dry.

Pour raspberries into the bottom of clean jars. Wash the pear and cut into small slices. There is no need to cut off the skin, but the seeds must be cut out.

Advice! Pears for making compote should not be overripe; you should choose fruits with dense pulp.

Place sugar in a jar and pour boiling water. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize the jar in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then take out the can and roll it up tin lid hermetically sealed.