How to make alcohol at home. How to make vodka from alcohol (ethyl or medical)

Blogger Sergei Anashkevich writes:

Do you remember the joke about how Vasily Ivanovich asked Petka to hide a tank of alcohol from the soldiers, and he painted over the inscription “ALCOHOL”, writing “C2H5OH” instead? And the soldiers were in good shape in the morning. Why - it is written HE. It turned out that he really was!

Surprisingly, there are practically no detailed reports on the Internet about how EGO is made - the main raw material for vodka.

How vodka itself is made is complete. From fusel to luxury brands. But alcohol - no!

I’ll have to fill this gap, since last week I visited the Usad distillery near Kazan, part of the Tatspirtprom concern.

Here they make alcohol of the highest category “Alpha”, which is gradually displacing the once top-end “Lux” from the production of quality brands of vodka. All the same ancient method, invented before our era, implemented in industrial scale in the 14th century and widely practiced in barns and garages during rebuilding. Good old distillation...

At the entrance - grain from the bag, at the exit - the purest 96-degree liquid...

As you know, the cheerful effect of alcoholic drinks and methods of obtaining them have been known to mankind since biblical times: remember, Noah accidentally drank fermented fruit juice and got drunk. In general, scientists suggest that the idea of ​​chemical distillation of liquids arose back in the 1st millennium BC. The distillation process was first described by Aristotle (384–320 BC). Many alchemists of that time were engaged in improving the technique of distillation, believing that through distillation they could isolate the soul of wine. Thanks to this, the distillation product was called the “spirit of wine” (from the Latin “spiritus vini”).

The process for producing alcohol was discovered in various regions globe almost simultaneously. In 1334, an alchemist from Provence, Arnaud de Villger (France), first obtained wine alcohol from grape wine, considering it a healing agent. In the middle of the 14th century, some French and Italian monasteries produced wine alcohol called “Aquavitae” - “water of life”, and in 1386, thanks to Genoese merchants, the alcohol reached Moscow.

Production ethyl alcohol was started in Europe after the invention of the distillation apparatus in Italy in the 11th century. For several centuries, ethyl alcohol was almost never used in pure form, except in the laboratories of alchemists. But in 1525, the famous Paracelsus noticed that the ether obtained by heating alcohol with sulfuric acid has a hypnotic effect. He described his experience with poultry. And on October 17, 1846, surgeon Warren euthanized the first patient.

Gradually, alcohol was divided into food and technical alcohol, obtained by splitting wood waste. In England technical alcohol was exempt from increased sales taxes, since the market value of alcoholic beverages paid for government fees, but doctors and industrialists could not afford such a price. To prevent the consumption of toxic industrial alcohol, it was mixed with methanol and other unpleasant-smelling additives.

Subsequently, alcohol gained immediate popularity in medicine due to constant wars. In 1913, about 2,400 factories were recorded on the territory of the Russian Empire, producing mainly vodka and wine. Later, the production of alcohol and vodka was separated.

With the outbreak of the First World War, the production of vodka virtually ceased, and the production of alcohol also decreased. Production began to recover only in 1925-1926, and the grandiose restoration of the alcohol industry began only in 1947; new scientific and technical technologies and achievements began to be intensively applied. In 1965, there were 428 factories in the USSR with an annual output of 127.8 million decaliters of alcohol, and by 1975, alcohol production increased to 188.1 million decaliters. In subsequent years, this production gradually decreased due to the increasing production of drinks with lower strength.

Depending on the raw material, alcohol can be food-grade or technical.

Food is produced only from food raw materials. The most common and economical raw material for producing alcohol is potatoes. Potato starch easily boiled, gelatinized and saccharified. In addition to potatoes, grains are used to produce alcohol - wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, millet, as well as sugar beets, molasses or molasses.

Industrial alcohol is obtained from wood or petroleum products subjected to acid hydrolysis.

Now about the categories of alcohol and why “Alpha” is displacing “Lux”. The thing is that Alpha alcohol must be produced from wheat, rye or a mixture of them, that is, exclusively from grain raw materials, unlike other alcohols, which can also be produced from a mixture of grain and potatoes.

The second important difference between “Alpha” and “Lux” is the reduced content of toxic methyl alcohol: the norm of its content is only 0.003% in terms of anhydrous alcohol, whereas for “Lux” alcohol it is 0.02%. This is significant!

At the Usladsky distillery, alcohol is produced exclusively from wheat and only one category - “Alpha”.

Wheat is brought in special grain trucks and placed in high elevator barrels, from where it is further supplied to production.

Grain for the production of alcohol must be good quality and humidity no more than 17%, otherwise there is a high risk of spoilage, which will affect the quality of the final product.

From the storage tanks, with the help of a huge and powerful pump-turbine, the grain is “pumped” through high columns for primary processing.

Pump for “pumping” grain from storage to cleaning:

The first task is to clean the grain from all impurities, both solid and ordinary litter, husks, etc.

So at the very beginning it goes to the separator.

First, the wheat is sifted through a sieve, which retains all large items.

This rubble accumulated near the separator in just half a day!

This is what remains after the grain has “gone” through the pipes further for crushing:

The crusher turns grain into coarse flour. This is necessary for further boiling of the grain and release of starch from it.

The grain is boiled to destroy its cell walls. As a result, starch is released and becomes soluble. In this state, it is much easier to saccharify by enzymes. The grain is treated with steam at an excess pressure of 500 kPa. When the boiled mass comes out of the cooker, the reduced pressure leads to the formation of steam (from the water contained in the cells).

Such an increase in volume breaks the cell walls and turns the grain into a homogeneous mass. The boiling temperature is 172°C, and the cooking duration is about 4 minutes.

All processes occurring at the distillery are monitored by operators in the control room. Here they see everything that is happening at each site, since the alcohol production process is continuous and carried out 24/7.

The crushed grain is mixed with water in a proportion of 3 liters per 1 kg of grain. The grain batch is heated by steam (75°C) and pumped into the contact hole of the installation. It is here that the pulp is instantly heated to a temperature of 100°C. After this, the heated batch is placed in the cooker.

During the saccharification process, malted milk is added to the cooled mass to break down the starch. Active chemical interaction leads to the fact that the product becomes absolutely suitable for the further fermentation process. The result is a wort that contains 18% dry sugar.

When a test for iodine is made from the mass, the color of the wort should remain unchanged.

Ethyl drinking alcohol has become widespread in household, various homemade alcoholic drinks are made from it: vodka, cognac, tinctures, liqueurs, liqueurs and cocktails. Edible wine alcohol is used for canning juices and berries. Based medicinal herbs And drinking alcohol can be prepared useful tinctures for treatment various diseases. For home food purposes, only rectified alcohol made from sugar-containing or starch-containing raw materials is used; in no case should ethyl and methyl alcohol be confused. Methanol is a terrible poison obtained from wood products.

From a chemical point of view, drinking ethyl alcohol is a colorless liquid, completely transparent with a sharp characteristic odor and a burning taste. Easily dissolves in water. When set on fire, it burns with a blue flame. The chemical formula of drinking alcohol is C2H5OH. Boils at - 78.3 degrees.

Attention: Solutions with high content alcohol is flammable and requires careful handling, as well as compliance with fire safety rules.

You can make ethyl alcohol yourself. Making alcohol at home is a very real task. Having special equipment for the production of alcohol, you can easily obtain a product quite High Quality, in no way inferior to industrially produced alcohol.

Raw materials for alcohol. The main raw materials for the production of ethyl alcohol at factories are: grain, potatoes, sugar beets. At home, alcohol can be made from any product that contains sugar or starch. Wheat, corn, barley, sugar, jam, berries, fruits, the list is simply huge. The choice should be determined by the cost of raw materials and the yield of the finished product. The most common and easiest to prepare is, of course, sugar, and the cheapest raw materials include grains, beets, and potatoes.

Elite varieties of alcohol, as a rule, are produced on the basis of alcohol prepared from grain and fruit-berry raw materials. Below is how to make alcohol from wheat. Based this recipe, similarly, you can prepare alcohol from other available raw materials, the technology is almost the same.

Alcohol production process, preparation technology

Alcohol production is quite complex technological process, which requires constant monitoring and compliance with all regimes at the rectification stage. The main stages of the process can be identified:

  1. Making mash,
  2. Obtaining raw alcohol
  3. Rectification of alcohol.

Making mash from wheat


  • Wheat – 10 kg;
  • Water – 40 l;
  • Enzymes:
  • Amylosubtilin – 25 g;
  • Glucavamorin – 25 g;
  • Dry yeast – 50 gr.

How to prepare mash.

  1. Grind the wheat in a special crusher, or grind it with another in an accessible way. It is advisable to grind not into flour, but the fraction should be like cereal, but not critical!
  2. In a large 50-60 liter container, heat water to a boil, add wheat cereal. When adding cereal, the mash must be stirred to prevent the formation of lumps. Leave the porridge to steam for 3-6 hours.
  3. At a mash temperature of 80C, add enzyme A-Amylosubtilin. Under the action of enzyme A thick porridge will become liquid and ready for saccharification.
  4. At a temperature of 63-65C, add the enzyme G-Glucavamorin, which saccharifies starch. This temperature must be maintained for 2-3 hours. After this time, you can do an iodine test to ensure that the wort is saccharified. In the absence of enzymes, malt can be used. Take ordinary ground brewing malt 2.5 kg and add it at 63-65C.
  5. Sweet wort must be cooled as quickly as possible to the yeast pitching temperature of 25-28C to avoid unnecessary microbes getting into it. This can be done using a special chiller for cooling, or placing the container with the wort in an ice bath.
  6. Pour the cooled wort into a fermentation container and add the prepared yeast. Yeast can be used compressed, the dosage in this case increases. A water seal is installed on the fermentation tank, and the mash ferments for 5-6 days at a temperature of 25-30 degrees.

Obtaining raw alcohol.

  1. If you have a regular moonshine still, then the thick mash must be filtered through a sieve or distilled in a special bag to avoid burning. If it is possible to distill the mash with steam or in a steam-water boiler, then filtration is not needed. Another advantage of steam distillation is an increase in raw material yield.
  2. The mash is poured into the cube of a moonshine still and driven to the water without selecting the head and tail fractions. As a result, 10 kg of wheat should yield 11-13 liters of raw alcohol, with a strength of 28-30 degrees. There is no need to purify moonshine before rectification.

Rectification of alcohol.

To obtain pure ethyl alcohol at home with a strength of 96.6%, a conventional moonshine still will not work. For its production you need distillation column made of stainless steel, in which the complex processes heat and mass transfer.

The structure of the column is in many ways similar to moonshine still, but allows you to obtain pure ethyl drinking alcohol without impurities. Many people are interested in the question of how to purify alcohol at home, but alcohol does not need additional purification. Alcohol purification occurs in the column itself. You can make such a device for producing alcohol yourself, in more detail.

The column is installed on a distillation cube into which moonshine is poured. The device is connected to special automation, which controls the entire rectification process, both the temperature and pressure in the cube, and also selects the head fractions and selects the alcohol. After switching on, the column works for itself for some time, during which time the fractions are located along the column. Then the heads begin to be collected drop by drop, followed by drinking alcohol and then the tails. Everything is the same as during distillation, but in the column itself the processes are much more complex.

Alcohol production can also be controlled manually, but this is a long and difficult process. As a result, 2.5 liters of pure drinking alcohol are obtained from raw alcohol. How to check the quality of alcohol at home? To do this, a Lang test is performed, which is well described on the Internet. For Lang's test, you need distilled water, potassium permanganate and the alcohol being tested.

Edible alcohol is used to prepare various homemade drinks. The alcohol solution can be used to prepare vodka, and on its basis, prepare other high-quality alcohol. Drinking alcohol must be stored in a sealed container; the shelf life is unlimited. Keep away from children and fire!

Cotton candy - you will see for yourself that when developing the device, maximum attention was paid to simplifying the design and the ability to avoid scarce materials.

1.Description: The simplest design with a capacity of 300-500 portions per hour consists of:

1. Electric motor;

4. Housing-electric motor (220V.N-50W, p=1250-1500 rpm), used from a washing machine. It is possible to use any other one while maintaining the specified number of shaft rotation speeds. The disk is made of sheet aluminum, Ø170-180 mm and thickness 0.2-0.3 mm. You can use tin from tin can(from under the herring). The bushing is made of lightweight material, turning and welding to connect the motor shaft to the sheet.

In this design, it is desirable to use fluoroplastic, textolite, etc. The body is a hollow cylinder Ø700-800 mm and 350-400 mm high. To make "cotton wool" at home, use a strip of plastic or linoleum, connecting its short sides together.

Attention! Be extremely careful not to touch the disk and motor housing when the device is plugged in. Use a ground wire. Your health and safety comes first.

Product manufacturing technology: during manufacturing cotton candy You need to remember that the product is afraid of high humidity and temperature. Good packing and a refrigerator will help you “extend” the life of the finished product to a day or more.

For cooking 8-10 standard portions put 110-115 grams in a small, preferably enamel bowl granulated sugar(20-22 pieces). Pour 120-150 ml of water into it and put it on the fire without stirring. After 5-10 minutes, the water will boil away and the sugar will begin to turn slightly yellow, and a light smell characteristic of burnt sugar will appear. Knock down the foam, use horizontal movements of the ladle and pour the contents of the ladle in a thin stream onto the edge of the 2-4 mm disk, which is already rotating.

Hot syrup, breaking into thousands thin threads, freezes at room temperature. Then turn off the engine, separate the threads from the body with a simple knife, cut along the diameter line finished product, and roll the resulting semicircle into a tube on the table.

Do the same with the second semicircle and cut the cotton wool into the required number of servings. Food coloring may be used.

To maintain the high quality of the cotton wool, it is necessary to clean the disk from adhering syrup after each working cycle. When using 2-3 ladles at once, the manufacturing process becomes virtually continuous.

Don't be discouraged if the product isn't of very high quality the first time. Reuse the same mass. The main thing is the accuracy of all operations and their exact observance.

Snickers recipe

Products: 2 eggs; 1 cup of sugar; 1 cup flour; 1 teaspoon (slaked) soda with vinegar; 2 cups nuts; a little vanillin; 3 tablespoons of condensed milk.

Preparation : Mix nuts without chopping with eggs and sugar. Add soda, flour, condensed milk. Mix everything well and place on a baking sheet greased with butter.

Knead the dough in the mold (with your hand previously soaked in water) and bake until done. Then cut into portions while hot. When cool, dip into glaze.

Glaze : 3 tablespoons sour cream, 3 tablespoons sugar, 3 tablespoons cocoa, 30 grams butter. Mix all ingredients (except butter) and cook over low heat until boiling. Let cool slightly and add butter to the warm mixture.

Not so long ago, the production of alcohol was an absolute monopoly of the state, and its production by citizens was considered a violation of the law. However, now the situation has changed. Almost anyone can engage in activities related to the production and sale of alcohol products.

Subject to all norms and legal requirements, of course. This opens up wide opportunities for running such a specific business, which in reality can turn out to be a very profitable, promising and, of course, profitable business.

Overview of the main issues related to the start of alcohol production

But, before taking any concrete steps and starting to build own production, associated with such a difficult task as making alcohol, you need to get answers to a number of important questions. They cover the following topics:

  • supply of your production (sources);
  • sales finished products(channels and end consumers);
  • the method by which ethanol production will be carried out;
  • the type of alcohol that is planned to be produced (drinking or technical);
  • equipping your workshop or plant (equipment);
  • possibility of obtaining a license (fee necessary documents).

Only after clear and detailed answers to all of the above questions have been received can you begin to organize production itself. Namely: buy/rent a workshop or plant, purchase equipment for the production of alcohol and raw materials, start producing trial batches, etc. In this article we will try to analyze the main points associated with starting an alcohol business. They will form the basis of your business plan, without which it is impossible to start a business activity (and especially such a specific one) and make it a truly successful and well-functioning production.

Choosing the type of alcohol produced and distribution channels: to whom, how, for what purposes

Alcohol is used in a wide variety of industries: both food enterprises (for the production of alcoholic beverages and not only), and pharmaceutical, chemical and other factories. Manufacturers of cosmetics, perfumes and other things also need it. Need in this product is high, and therefore you can choose the direction that is more interesting to you.

In addition, when deciding what type of alcohol to produce - industrial or drinking, you should analyze this market in your region. Don’t be surprised if there are major competitors: the business is still profitable. Therefore, make a qualitative overview of the main sales channels and compare planned production volumes with existing demand. You may have to export your products to other nearby regions, which means additional costs (in particular, transport) and new competitors.

It is also possible that you yourself will want to expand your business in the future, and the production of alcohol will grow into something larger, for example, into a wine and vodka factory. This is a completely feasible and promising idea, since the final product ( alcoholic products) is significantly more expensive than the cost pure alcohol. And if the proper level of production and quality of the product is maintained, there will always be a consumer.

Having assessed all the main points (competitors, sales channels, development prospects), decide on the type of alcohol you will produce and move on to the next question. And it is connected with the choice of raw materials and the search for sources of supply.

Selection of raw materials and sources of their supply

Another, no less important, smoothly follows from the previous question - the choice of the types of raw materials used for production and the sources of their production.

The production of alcohol by distilling mash can be carried out using a variety of raw materials. First of all, it is sugar. Its productivity is maximum: 10 kg of such raw materials gives approximately 5-5.5 kg of the finished product, that is, pure alcohol.

However, it is also the most expensive. In addition to sugar, you can use various starch-containing products: grains (rice, corn), as well as sugar beets and fruits (apples, grapes, plums, etc.). It is also possible to produce alcohol from potatoes. From wheat you can get up to 3 liters of alcohol, and from beets/potatoes and fruits only about a liter.

In any case, the choice is quite large. In addition, you can use several different sources at once, and also mix mash obtained from various components. This is unimportant if you produce technical alcohol. But in the production of drinking alcohol, and especially of high quality (extra and higher categories), such mixing is unacceptable. The raw materials must be of high quality (and not rotten or frozen fruits, beets, etc.) and single-component.

Assessing the capabilities of raw material suppliers

What raw materials will be used depends on the ability to obtain them uninterruptedly in required quantities(it’s easy to calculate them based on the above data and planned production volumes). Analyze the situation with raw material suppliers in your region.

This could be a sugar factory located nearby, or a state farm that can supply you with fruits, beets, etc. Estimate the volume of possible supplies. A rash approach to this issue may not work in your favor; as a result, the productive capacity of the workshop or plant will be idle. Find out in advance about the terms of cooperation with potential suppliers.

Production planning: premises, equipment, technology

After all the main issues have been resolved: the type of alcohol and possible sources of its production have been chosen, marketing methods have been determined, competitors have been analyzed - you can proceed to the most important thing. These are questions about where (room) and on what (equipment) to produce alcohol, as well as how to do it (technology). Let's look at them in more detail.

Choosing a room

As for the premises, its choice must be approached with all responsibility. Let's look at the main parameters that it must meet. We hope you are not planning to produce alcohol at home? This option is quite acceptable if you make it for personal needs, but we are going to do business. But here everything is already serious, and the appropriate premises are required to organize a fully functioning workshop in it.

Criteria for choosing production areas:

  1. Dimensions - your workshop should be two or even three times larger than the area occupied by all the equipment for the production of alcohol (in particular, fermentation tanks). The same applies to ceiling heights.
  2. Temperature - the room where production is planned should be warm enough. That is, there are two options - a well-organized heating system or good thermal insulation. This is essential to maintain fermentation processes on a continuous basis.
  3. Ventilation is also a very important point. It can be either forced or natural (only if a water seal is used).
  4. A separate room must be intended for the installation of distillation equipment (distillation part).
  5. Other important parameters. The workshop itself must have a sewerage system, floors with equipped drains, and also running water.

As you can see, it is important to take into account various nuances before deciding whether the premises are suitable for organizing a distillery in it. Keep in mind that the larger production volumes you plan, the larger the dimensions of the equipment (as well as its quantity), and the larger the area required for the workshop or plant.

We purchase equipment

Before moving on to choosing equipment and searching for sellers from whom purchases will be made, you need to understand the production process itself. The technology for producing alcohol is not very complicated. However, it is important to have a complete understanding of all stages of production and the equipment required for each of them. This is necessary to understand what equipment to buy for alcohol production, what size/volume and in what quantity. This section of the article is devoted to this issue.

There are two most important components - the mash tank and the distillation unit:

  1. The first component is a so-called technical bath - a container made of stainless material into which raw materials are loaded at the first stage of processing. The mash tank must have a drain valve and a hatch for a water seal, since carbon dioxide is released during the fermentation process.
  2. The second (distillation unit) consists of two parts: mash (here the process of distillation of mash takes place) and rectification (here the resulting ethanol is purified).

In addition to the main equipment, you will need various additional devices and components: refrigerators, thermoelectric heaters, separators, alcohol meters, etc.

Make a detailed list of what alcohol production equipment you need, in what quantity, with what physical and technical characteristics. It is best to determine the full set of production equipment and its specific characteristics with the chief technologist of your future workshop.

As for the cost, you need to calculate it in advance (at least approximately) and include it in your business plan. The price largely depends on the planned capacity.

Thus, a distillation unit for the production of alcohol for a small workshop (productivity about 12 l/hour) will cost approximately 150 thousand rubles. If we talk about a large plant, then the prices here are much higher - from 1 to 3 million rubles for just one column. But the power is several times greater.

It may be worth starting with a small workshop, and if production develops favorably, expand and grow into a larger factory production. It all depends on your desires and capabilities for this moment, especially financial ones.

Drinking and technical alcohol: production

The process of making alcohol is almost the same regardless of what raw materials are used and for what purpose the final product is intended. However, there are still differences and they are associated with the preparatory (or initial) stage of production.

If we describe the technologies of how to make alcohol from apples, oats or sugar, they will be different. The fact is that starch-containing products pass pre-treatment- sugaring. The result is sugar wort, which is then fermented. That is why it is easiest to make alcohol from sugar, but not cheaper. Let's consider how to prepare plant raw materials for the main stage of production.

Grain processing

For production you can use rye, wheat, rice. First, the grain is cleaned of foreign impurities and passed through an air sieve apparatus. It is dried and ground before use. Wort is prepared from the resulting flour: the flour is combined with water in a special container, where they are mixed. Next, the batch is heated by steam to 75 degrees and fed into the contact hole of the installation. Here the mixture is heated to 100 degrees.

Then the grain gruel is sent to the cooker, where it is boiled for several minutes at high temperature (up to 172 degrees). As a result, the cell walls of the grain rupture. Malt milk is added to the already cooled mass to break down the starch. As a result of this saccharification process, sugar wort is obtained, which is used for further alcohol production.

Fruit processing

Preparation of wort from apples and other fruits is somewhat simpler than from grain. The fruits are crushed and wort is added to them (in a proportion of approximately 5% of the fruit mass). Then the same thing happens as with grains. Water is added, everything is mixed and heated in the cooker. Then the resulting homogeneous mass is cooled, ground and fermented.

Alcohol production technology: main stages

  1. Raw materials (sugar or sugar wort obtained from other products) and yeast are loaded into a special mash tank. The mash is prepared within a week, as a result of which the alcohol content in it should reach 15% (if it is more, the fermentation process will stop).
  2. Next, the finished mash is sent to the distillation apparatus. In the first part, the distillation itself occurs: heating (ethanol evaporates) and cooling of the vapor (condensation).
  3. In the second part, ethanol is purified from fusel oils. The process is called fractional distillation. The result is the same finished product - pure ethyl alcohol.

Since the mash is prepared within 7 days, a week’s worth of raw materials is loaded into the distillation apparatus. This must be taken into account to ensure continuity of the production process. Thus, approximately 7 times more containers will be required than the capacity of the rectifying apparatus.

In general, we can say that the technology is quite simple and understandable. Anyone can understand the process of making ethyl. This is not the production of methyl alcohol, which requires serious knowledge of chemistry and can be very dangerous if not organized correctly. However, in both cases there is no point in joking; in this process, compliance with all standards, technology and safety precautions is the key to successful production and the absence of accidents. By the way, you still need to obtain the appropriate license. More on this later.

Legal alcohol production . Obtaining a license

Once you have understood all the intricacies and nuances of your future business, have studied how to produce alcohol and what is needed for this, you can move on to one of the most important stages - obtaining a license. Without this document, no matter what knowledge you have and no matter how much money you have, it will not be possible to implement plans to build and launch production. So, what documents will be required to obtain the coveted permit? Let's review them:

  1. Constituent documents (memorandum of association, charter, etc.) - original or copies certified by a notary.
  2. Registration documents (certificate of state registration) - original or notarized copies.
  3. Certificate of registration with the tax authority - original/copy.
  4. Payment order for payment of the fee for the provision of a license (required with a bank mark).
  5. Certificate of absence of tax arrears.
  6. A document confirming the availability of premises suitable for organizing the production of ethyl alcohol (on the basis of ownership or lease).
  7. Conclusion on the compliance of the premises with sanitary and epidemiological standards.
  8. Conclusion on the compliance of premises with fire safety requirements.
  9. Conclusion on their compliance with environmental standards.
  10. Documents confirming the availability of certified equipment (for the production and storage of alcohol products, control over production volumes).
  11. Certificate of technical competence (it must reflect the list of analyzed equipment, raw materials and finished products and their compliance with state standards).
  12. A document confirming the availability of sufficient authorized capital.
  13. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  14. Goskomstat codes.

Before collecting a complete set of documents, you will have to run around. However, the presence of all the required certificates, conclusions and certificates is the guarantee that you will receive the coveted license and will be able to begin legal activities in the production of ethyl alcohol.

It would seem that there are no more obstacles to the long-awaited start of your activities - you can safely start the production process. This is true. But it is very important to always be on alert in this matter, especially with regard to maintaining the quality of finished products and compliance with excise legislation.

Prospects for the development of alcohol production

In the process of developing your business and delving deeper into this area of ​​activity, you will be able to find a number of tempting prospects for yourself. In particular, the reorganization of production in order to increase its scale and expand its specificity.

This can be your own perfumery, cosmetics or food production alcohol-related, chemical or pharmacological activities. The choice is quite large. Of course, these enterprises require additional costs, capital investments and time. However, they will be able to take your business to a new level, including making a profit.

In addition, you can expand your production without large capital investments. In parallel with the production of alcohol, start producing feed for farm animals. When producing ethanol, a light brown waste is formed, called stillage. It is a very valuable secondary raw material due to its protein, carbohydrate and fiber content, and therefore can be used to feed cows, pigs and other animals. And its yield is no less than 13 liters for every liter of alcohol. Very profitable business, which does not require large expenditures.


In this article, we tried to highlight for you all the main points associated with organizing such a specific type of business as the production of ethanol or, more simply, alcohol. We considered issues related to the selection of raw materials for the production of alcohol and the search for its sources; methods of marketing finished products; features of the workshop premises required for the production of equipment. The technology for producing alcohol from various raw materials was also described.

We also did not ignore the legal issue, presenting a list of necessary documents to obtain a license to carry out this type of business. In conclusion, we briefly discussed the prospects and opportunities for obtaining additional profit in the production of alcohol. We hope this information will help you make own business plan and soon begin this profitable activity.

Many of us know what a mini-distillery is and what function it performs. True, not everyone can afford to purchase such a unit and produce highly purified alcohol at home. Fortunately, you can avoid spending large sums of money and make the design yourself. Let's consider the operating principle of a home mini-distillery, as well as the algorithm for its self-assembly at home.


Of course, most of us know how much quality food costs these days. homemade alcohol. In addition, the composition of the drinks that we buy in stores may not correspond to what is written on the packaging. In order not to take risks and not overpay, you can go the other way and use a simple household mini-distillery right at home. With its help, you can not only produce highly purified alcohol and all kinds of drinks. Perhaps he will help you open your own business and produce alcohol at home not only for yourself and your loved ones.

To understand how a mini-distillery works, you need to understand the components and basics of making alcohol at home.

Mini-distillery for making alcohol at home

The main ingredient when creating alcohol with your own hands is considered vegetable fibers. These include juice berry crops, grain, potatoes, sugar beets and waste from its processing.

A one-time distillation of this raw material at home only provides preliminary separation of the primary mash. The latter contains many components, including not only alcohol, but also many harmful products: ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde, ethyl methanoate. The presence of all these components is extremely undesirable in any food product.

To get rid of these impurities, the mash undergoes repeated cleaning, called fractionation. This process guarantees homemade alcohol highly purified, which can be used not only for making drinks, but also for any household purposes.

It is important to know!

The easiest way to recover from alcoholism without pills, injections or doctors with a 100% guarantee of results. Find out how our reader, Tatyana, saved her husband from alcoholism, without his knowledge...


Mining pure alcohol at home it’s completely the same industrial production alcohol. This can be judged by the equipment of modern mini-distilleries. Their design includes the same elements as in factory installations, only much smaller in size. It is worth remembering that the presence of certain parts determines the price category of units for the production of alcohol - the more expensive the device, the more components it includes. An average-cost household mini-distillery consists of the following elements:

  • unit for water-thermal processing of the mixture;
  • pure culture mixer;
  • fermentation vessels;
  • unit for distilling the mixture;
  • rectification device;
  • installation for re-cleaning mash;
  • device for absolutization - the final stage of mash cleaning.

Equipment for a modern mini-distillery

The unit, which includes all these parts, works according to the following principle. First, the mash enters the heat treatment unit. There she is influenced high temperature, and also undergoes crushing with a hammer crusher in specially created conditions. Then the crushed mash is mixed with water and alpha-amylase, a special enzyme preparation. After this, the resulting mixture is exposed to a powerful steam jet and treated with enzymes. This is how the mini-distillery produces high-quality and chilled alcohol, which can then be mixed with plant components. As a result of this, folk craftsmen receive medicinal or alcohol and other natural medicines.

It is important to remember that in order to achieve a good result when processing mash at home, the latter must be mixed correctly. To do this, it is necessary to strictly observe, all components of the mixture must be added in optimal proportions and fermented under certain conditions.


Having understood the principle of operation of the unit at home, you can begin making it yourself. We will use the simplest materials that can be found at home. As a result of this, we will be able to save a good amount of money. To make it yourself you will need:

  • galvanized bucket with a capacity of up to 8 liters;
  • 2 meters of copper pipe;
  • clamp and a pair of bolts;
  • cold welding;
  • aluminum pan or can;
  • 3–4 nuts;
  • silicone gasket;
  • several screw ties;
  • 2–3 meters of steel wire;
  • drill.

Before you start assembling it yourself, we recommend making an approximate drawing in which you need to indicate the dimensions and locations of connections between the elements. In addition, in the drawing it is worth noting the number of fasteners used and the volume of vessels. This way you won’t get confused when assembling the device at home.

Drawing of a home mini-factory for the production of alcohol

First you need to make a coil. To make it at home, you can take any cylinder and wrap a copper tube around it. Both ends must remain open so that couples can enter and exit the coil without obstruction. Next, take a drill and drill a small hole in the wall of the bucket. The hole size must be calculated depending on the diameter of the copper tube. It should fit right into the hole and not dangle in it. We pass the lower part of our coil through the hole, while we secure the upper part in a standing position using a clamp and bolts. It is important to pay attention to the tightness of the lower end of the tube. It is best to coat this part of the coil with cold welding.

The next step in making the device yourself will be preparing the distillation cube. To do this, take a can or pan with a sealed lid, and then connect it to the apparatus. If the lid does not fit tightly to the vessel, it is best to use a silicone gasket. Remember, do not use rubber under any circumstances, as this material will simply spoil the alcohol with its smell.

And a little about secrets...

Russian scientists from the Department of Biotechnology have created a drug that can help treat alcoholism in just 1 month. The main difference of the drug is ITS 100% NATURAL, which means it is effective and safe for life:
  • Eliminates psychological cravings
  • Eliminates breakdowns and depression
  • Protects liver cells from damage
  • Helps you recover from heavy drinking in 24 HOURS
  • COMPLETE RIDGE from alcoholism, regardless of stage!
  • Very affordable price.. only 990 rubles!
A COURSE RECEPTION IN JUST 30 DAYS PROVIDES A COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM WITH ALCOHOL. The unique complex ALCOBARRIER is by far the most effective in the fight against alcohol addiction.