How to store greens in a refrigerator? Secrets of long-term storage of greens in the refrigerator. Greens: Secrets of Long-Term Storage - Irzeis

Sorrel, spinach, celery, cilantro, dill, parsley, tarragon - all these spices are very useful for humans. But in order to feel their full benefit to yourself, you need to know how to store greens in the refrigerator.

Features of storing spices in the refrigerator

Almost all green plants have developed leaves and thin integumentary tissues, therefore their ability to retain moisture is very weak, water evaporates quickly. As a result, spinach, sorrel, dill, cilantro, parsley lose their original properties and fade. For this reason, all housewives want to know the intricacies of storing spices.

It is best to store spices on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Before sending them to the refrigerator, you need to carry out the “cleaning” procedure - remove the leaves that are already yellowed, carefully fold the branch to the branch. Such delicate herbs, such as basil, are recommended to be put in a wet towel first.

If desired, you can freeze fresh herbs. So it will retain its properties much longer. Before placing sorrel, spinach, celery, dill, parsley, tarragon, celery, cilantro in the freezer compartment, all of them should be washed well under running water and dried, laying on a towel. Then the blanks are wrapped with cling film or packed in plastic bags. For each type you need to use separate bags. Please note that air must not enter inside.

If you want to preserve the greens with a view to its further use for the preparation of first courses, then it will need to be chopped. After you wash and dry all the herbs, carefully chop them with a knife. Do not squeeze the spices so that they do not lose their juices, which contain useful vitamins and minerals. Shredded herbs are recommended to be placed in a mold that you usually use to freeze ice. Then fill it with water. In the first courses, you can add such herbal pieces of “ice”.

To preserve the appetizing appearance of spices, it is important to control the storage temperature. In general, storing greens for a long time is not recommended. The optimal shelf life is 2 weeks. In this case, the temperature should be 0 degrees. Only properly stored spicy herbs can be considered good for your health.

What to store?

  • glass jar;
  • plastic container;
  • plastic bag;
  • paper towel.

It is best to put sorrel, spinach, cilantro, dill, celery, parsley, tarragon in a vacuum container from high-quality food-grade plastic. Such containers are now offered by many manufacturers of similar products. In terms of color, volume and shape, the containers are very different, so you will not have difficulties with the purchase. The container must certainly be well washed and dry.

Before putting the herbs in the jar, you need to remove the bad leaves and cut off the roots. For a long time the greens are stored with a paper towel. Wet greens need to be wrapped in such a towel and put in the refrigerator. It is important that the paper does not creep away from moisture. Having decided to store this product in a plastic bag, be sure to tie this “container” tightly. The result should be a kind of ball with spices inside, which must be sent to the refrigerator.

If you do not need to store spices for a long time, then first remove all the bad leaves. Next, moisten the roots with water and pack the herbs in different bags. After that, just send it to the refrigerator.

Mistresses note

Fresh greens has only one drawback - a short shelf life. Already a couple of days after the purchase, it begins to lose its original appearance and useful properties. Heat and light are the main enemies of fresh spices. They "kill" all the vitamins. In just a couple of hours, vitamin C can “disappear” from herbs. That is why you need to store fresh herbs in the refrigerator. And if you also know some secrets, then you will be able to save a wide variety of herbs as long as possible.

  • After purchase, dill and parsley should be put in a glass of water.
  • Lettuce leaves will be fresh all week if you cover them with cling film.
  • Greenery needs moisture and this moisture must be warm. Putting herbs in warm water, you fully preserve its aroma.
  • Mint and dill are best stored in small portions and in foil.
  • Onions, spinach, celery, parsley, dill, before being sent to the refrigerator, need to be thoroughly dried.
  • You can return the attractive appearance of a withering greenery by dipping it first in hot water, and then in cold.
  • To preserve not only the usefulness, but the appearance of the spices, they do not need to be salted before being sent to the refrigerator.
  • You can not store dill, cilantro and parsley for longer than three weeks, but if you freeze them, then even after a month you can taste a tasty and healthy product.
  • Dirty spicy herbs are stored longer than washed.
  • If you don’t have time to immediately wash the spices and pack them in containers, then just use a waffle towel. Wrap the spices in it, and put in the refrigerator. It is very good if there is a special department for storing vegetables in the refrigerator.

Fresh herbs must certainly be included in the daily diet of any person. Not everyone has the opportunity to use the spice just plucked from the garden. But knowing how to properly preserve greens, you will provide yourself with a tasty and healthy product. Keep the herbs in the refrigerator, get the most health benefits from eating them, and be happy!


We are all delighted with the aromas of freshly picked or brought greens from the market. It is an adornment for any dish and delicious support to our health. But, unfortunately, the lifespan of such a product is very short, but I want that in the winter, and at any time tasty and fragrant herbs are at hand.

To maintain freshness, it is necessary to deprive the spice of access to sunlight and excessive moisture.

Another storage enemy is oxygen. At the termination of access of air greens remain much longer.

Regardless of the type of grass, it should not be washed. Washing, as well as the presence of any moisture, accelerates the deterioration of the product.

It is advisable to choose a room for storing greens that is darkened and cool. Elevated temperature generally does not contribute to the preservation of anything.

To keep the greens bought at the market or in the store as long as possible, it should be chosen correctly. The fresher the spice you buy, the more chances to keep it for a long time.

Preliminary preparation for storage

As soon as they brought the product home, the first thing is to sort out. Dry, diseased leaves with signs of decay - discard.

If there is dust on the leaves, they can be wiped with a slightly damp sponge. If you decide to still wash, be sure to dry thoroughly. This can be done with a paper towel, it should be spread out and put greens as thin as possible.

Several ways to keep greens at home

The most popular storage methods:

Glass jar

Shelf life in this form at home and a half months. To do this, greens are laid down, the jar is closed with a clean polyethylene lid. Greens can be pre-chopped, and then rammed into a jar, preferably sprinkled with salt. In this case, the shelf life is increased to 2 months. Keep the jar in a cool place.

Plastic bottle

Ideal for storage in the freezer. Grind greens (it needs to be washed beforehand), we fall asleep in small plastic bottles and put in the freezer. Shelf life is several months.


Salt is the most famous preservative, so it is suitable for preserving the product for a long period. It should be taken in 5 parts of herbs and 1 part of salt. Stir and pour into glass jars, while tamping tightly.

In this form, the spice can be stored until the next harvest. It is advisable to put the jar in a cool dark place (cellar or basement).


This method is great if you do not need to store it for long - for several days. It is enough to put the bunch in a container with water and change the water every day. In this case, the roots must be cut off, and a plastic bag should be pulled on the leaves.

Vacuum container

Such a container is good in that it does not have air access. Store with a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator. Shelf life - a few days, if not opened - up to a month.

Food bag

For storage in a bag you will need a paper towel, which should be put in a bag. Put dry greens on a napkin, close the bag and place on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

Wet paper

Another way to save a product for a short time. You can use wrapping paper or cloth, such as linen or cotton. Dampen cloth or paper. You can under the tap, you can just sprinkle out of the spray gun. Wrap greens tightly, put in a bag and refrigerate. In this form, you can store on the balcony or in another cool place.

In dry form

A method for long-term storage. The grass is ground and carefully dried, then, after drying, it can be placed in a bag or in a jar. The container must be absolutely dry. You can store dried herbs for years, the main thing is to prevent air from entering.

Places for storing greens

To preserve freshness and vitamins, a refrigerator or freezer is best suited if you need to keep it for a long time.


A glass jar, container or paper towel is suitable. The ideal place is the bottom and side shelves. The container must be tightly closed.


Before freezing, greens should be carefully sorted and washed. Can be frozen using plastic bags. There is another way in which the parsley is chopped, placed in an ice container and filled with water. You can freeze both in bunches and in crushed form.

It is stored in the freezer for about 6 months (if it is not thawed).

In the kitchen

You can store in the kitchen in the cabinet for several days, for this the greens should be put in water or wrapped in a wet cloth. Home storage space must be without access to light. If the kitchen is warm, the greens cannot be stored for more than a few hours.

How to store certain types of greens

There are nuances of storage, depending on the type of greenery. For example, peppermint and basil are stored at room temperature better than in the refrigerator. Each type of greenery has its own way:


Plastic bag or container. Cultural is better suited for long-term storage, but wild-growing can also be used.


The ideal option is freezing raw. For consumption, spinach leaves are not recommended to thaw with heat. This should happen naturally. Spinach can be stored in perforated bags in the refrigerator for up to five days.


Tie in bundles and wrap with cling film so that it does not absorb extraneous odors.

Lettuce leaves should be dry and slightly chilled. As such, they must be stored in the department for vegetables and fruits, in a container with a tightly closed lid.

Preservation of greens for the winter

  • salting;
  • freezing
  • drying.

When salted, herbs are stored longer, but lose their aromatic properties. Therefore, drying and freezing is a priority.

When harvesting for the winter, you can mix different types of herbs. These mixtures are ready to use.

If you want to give freshness to an already wilted product, try dipping the grass in cold water, and then immediately in hot; you can’t store it after that, you need to immediately eat it.

It is advisable to wash in a container with water, and not under a stream, so it is less injured and lasts longer. For a quality washing of greens, water should be drained, and not grass taken out of it, then sand and dust will not remain on the leaves.

If the seasoning will not be stored for a long time, it should not be mixed, since different types of herbs absorb the surrounding aromas in different ways.

To always have aromatic and healthy herbs in your diet, it is not necessary to go to the market every day or have your own garden. With proper storage, you can have spices and aromatic seasonings on the table all year round.

Fresh herbs are a great addition to most first and second courses. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to pick the right weed from the garden before preparing dinner. Therefore, you have to buy her in a store or market and try to extend her life as much as possible. And in the winter, buying does not always work. So what to do in such a situation - completely abandon the dill and parsley? In no case! Today I will tell you about how to keep greenery at home for a long time so that you can use it even in winter.

In order to ensure long-term storage of parsley, dill, basil and other herbs, it is necessary to properly prepare it.

Dill, parsley and green onions should not be pre-washed in water before being stored in the refrigerator. It is better to do this immediately before use. If necessary, this greens can be wiped with a clean, dry cloth or napkin.

If you decide that there is no way without water, follow these rules:

  • It is better to wash the greens not in running water, but in a deep saucepan or basin. This will get rid of extraneous specks more effectively.
  • After the greens are washed, it is necessary to get their containers before draining the water. This is done so that grains of sand and other debris remain at the bottom of the container, rather than settle on washed leaves. After this, the branches are finally washed under the tap.
  • Before storing the greens, they must be thoroughly dried. To do this, it is shaken off from water, laid out on paper towels, blotted with a napkin and left for 15 minutes until completely dry.

Only after all the procedures you can think about how to store greens in the refrigerator. And here there are several ways to keep fragrant grass fresh for the coming winter.

Store greens in the refrigerator

A prolonged stay in warmth and in the sun not only leads to wilting of leaves of green vegetables, but also contributes to the loss of most of vitamin C. Therefore, it is best to store greens at home with a refrigerator. There are several ways to do this.

Method number 1: containers

The easiest way would be to use various plastic containers.

Washed and carefully dried greens are placed in a dry clean plastic container, tightly closed with a lid and cleaned in the refrigerator. In this form, greens can retain its freshness for several weeks.

The best option would be to use special vacuum containers. They are made of high-quality food-grade plastic and, thanks to various forms, can easily fit in any refrigerator.

Another great option for storing fresh twigs of dill, parsley, and basil is to use a special container for herbs, for example, a Prepara bulb. These containers are interesting in that after placing the greens in them, a little water is added to the device through a special nozzle. This allows you to keep the freshness of greens longer. Cones come in different sizes and even store plants with tall stems.

If you do not have suitable containers, you can use ordinary glass jars. They put dry greens in them, and then tightly close the lid and put them in the refrigerator.

Method number 2: packages

If you do not have or do not want to occupy the existing plastic containers, an ordinary plastic bag can come to the rescue. However, here you need to know some features.

  • Sorted and washed greens are placed in a bag. Then it is widely opened to fill with air, and tied. Keeping such a ball of greens is best on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • There is another version, however, it is not worth washing the greens first. Dried plant leaves are folded into a plastic bag. Then they tie it and pierce several small holes for ventilation. Salad, dill and parsley are stored in this way for about a month, and spinach is able to remain fresh almost all winter.
  • You can also wrap fresh greens in a paper towel or other thick paper that is pre-moistened with water before laying in the bag. This will ensure the safety of plants up to 3 weeks.

Freezing greens

If you want to be able to use fresh greens longer than is possible when stored in the refrigerator, you should freeze it in the freezer. So you will be provided with your favorite herbs for the whole winter.

For freezing, the selected branches must be washed and thoroughly dried, then cut or leave whole and put in a plastic container or plastic bag. Plants packaged in this way are put into the freezer and used as needed.

In addition, given the type of frozen grass, the following options can be suggested:

  • It is convenient to freeze dill and mint by wrapping small portions of the plant in foil. This does not require a lot of space in the freezer, but will help maintain weed throughout the winter.
  • It is convenient to use plastic containers to freeze basil leaves and sprigs of rosemary. Plants are laid in layers and sprinkled with salt.
  • Chives can be stored chopped in a plastic bottle. This method will provide ergonomic storage and use of stems.

An interesting enough way to store herbs for the winter is to freeze them in ice cubes. To do this, washed greens are finely chopped and put into ice molds, which are then poured with water and placed in the freezer. If necessary, ice cubes can be removed from the mold and added to the cooking dish.

If your greens, after storage in the refrigerator, are still slightly hardened, you can revive it as follows. Sprigs of plants must be placed in a glass of cold water, into which add a teaspoon of vinegar.

And if you want to make parsley more fragrant, try rinsing it with warm water. You can also refresh faded lettuce leaves. About 15 minutes in warm water, and a revitalized sprout can be served.

With these simple tips, you can keep your favorite spicy herbs fresh and enjoy them all winter long.

Your little house.

Before storage, herbs must be prepared. The main preparatory stages:

  • Sort and delete marriage. After you come home, sort through the greens:
    1. untie the bunches with plants;
    2. carefully review each leaf for yellowness, dry branches, insects. They need to be removed from the green.
  • The stage of cleaning from dust and germs involves washing the greens. Rinse the spice under running water, or soak it in a container. If you wash in a bowl, then change the water several times to remove all impurities.
  • Drying. Shake water from greens. Put paper or waffle towels on the table. Spread wet leaves, leave them until the liquid has completely drained. To fix the effect, blot the greens with a towel on top.
  • The room in the package. Complete the preparation of fresh spices by sorting and unfolding in the package.

How to keep greens fresh in the refrigerator

Each type of green plant requires specific storage conditions. On average, the freshness of greens can be extended for 1-3 weeks. It all depends on compliance with the rules of preserving spices.

How to store parsley in a refrigerator

Keeping parsley in its original form is a difficult task. After all, it begins to fade in the first hours after collection from the garden. What can we say about storage in the refrigerator. So that it does not fade, you need to artificially saturate it with moisture.

  1. Collect the parsley into a bunch.
  2. Fill a small plastic cup with half the water. Place the parsley stalks in it.
  3. Put a plastic bag on top of the leaves. Place the packed parsley down the refrigerator where the temperature is acceptable for storage.

Useful advice!

Change the water in a glass every day, and then parsley can stand for 30-50 days.

Storing green onions in a refrigerator

Chives are the most common spice to use. It can be stored for up to 60 days if you maintain an air temperature of 0 ° C. At 2-4 ° C. onions will be stored for up to one month.

There are several savings options:

  1. Put unwashed onions in a plastic bag, tightly closing it or tying it. Make 5-7 holes in it with a toothpick so that air enters there. Put the bag to other vegetables.
  2. Save the onion for 14-20 days will allow wrapping in kraft paper. Blot greens with a damp sponge to remove large particles of dirt. Put on kraft paper, spray cool water on top (use a spray bottle for convenience). Roll paper with a bow into a bundle, hide the ends inward. The resulting "cocoon" put in the refrigerator.

Storage of peppermint in a refrigerator

Mint is a fragile plant, even subject to all storage conditions, it will retain freshness for no more than 7-8 days. You can save it by wrapping it in a damp towel. First, sort out the mint, discard the blackened and yellowed leaves. You should not wash the plant before storage, so you will reduce its period. Put the selected leaves in a slightly moistened terry towel, place on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Mint can be stored for longer than 7 days; it can only be frozen or dried.

Storage of spinach in a refrigerator

Spinach, like mint, quickly loses moisture and fades. It will be possible to save it for fresh consumption, observing all storage rules, one week. Squeeze purchased or cut spinach, fold all illiquid leaves. You do not need to immediately rinse them, do it just before cooking. Place the sorted greens in special food bags with prepared holes. Put in the refrigerator. To save spinach for six months, only freezing in the freezer will allow.

Storage of basil in a refrigerator

This fragrant grass should only be stored in the refrigerator. Long exposure to sunlight and high temperatures will quickly ruin it. Spice storage options:

  1. The first method will save basil for 7 days. Place greens in a container or plastic bag, put in storage in the refrigerator.
  2. The second method will keep the spice fresh for 2-4 months. Dig the basil bushes directly with the root system, shake off the adhering soil, rinse under a small stream of water. Fill a plastic cup halfway, place the roots of the plants so that they are covered with water. Change the water every day so as not to breed pathogenic bacteria.


If you decide to freeze basil, then leave only the leaves. The fact is that the stem cells, under the influence of low temperature, lose their structure and turn into a mucous substance after defrosting.

Storage of sorrel in a refrigeration unit

Sorrel is kept in the refrigerator for a week. Rinse in water and dry dry. Place in a polyethylene packaging or container. Use a container with holes. Put the sorrel in the vegetable compartment.

  Storage of dill in a refrigerator

Dill is stored in the refrigerator for 7-10 days. Rinse and dry a bunch of greens, take a cling film, wrap the dill in several skeins, put in a refrigerator.

Keeping lettuce leaves in the fridge

Salad leaves can be stored in the refrigeration unit for a month. Disassemble a head of fresh salad into sheets. Wrap each in plastic wrap, and then put it in a plastic container. Refrigerate away from other fruits and vegetables. Protect from excessive moisture so that lettuce does not become moldy.

  Preservation of freshness of cilantro in a refrigeration unit

Delicate cilantro is used in small quantities. Extend its period of use:

  1. For one week. Take a plastic container, line the bottom with a dense tissue paper, put peeled cilantro, tightly close the lid. Place the container on the bottom shelf with the rest of the vegetables.
  2. For 2-2.5 weeks. Fill the cilantro with the leaves down and the stems up at the bottom of the half-liter jar. Boil a small amount of water, cool to + 3-4 ° C. Pour water into a jar to cover the leaves. Change the water every day.

Keeping arugula in the refrigerator

Shelf life of arugula in the refrigerator is small, only 4-5 days. Take freshly cut grass, sort it out, discard all sluggish and yellow leaves. Then, tie them into small bundles, and wrap the stems with cling film. Fold the resulting bundles in a plastic container.

Helpful information!

Arugula is prone to absorb various odors. Store only in hermetically sealed containers and away from vegetables that emit pronounced aromas.

Preserving the freshness of celery in a refrigerator

You can save celery stalks in a refrigeration unit for 20-30 days. Take a thick plastic bag, put celery in it, place it at the bottom of the refrigerator with other vegetables. It is important that the collected or purchased petioles are juicy. If they are sluggish and flexible, then they will be stored for no more than one week.

Preserving the freshness of wild garlic in a refrigerator

Wild garlic is the most difficult spice in storage. No matter how you try to preserve its juiciness, pleasant appearance and taste longer, but it will not last longer than 4 days. Externally, wild garlic may not change if held for more than 4 days, but the taste and smell will be spoiled.

It must be stored in a refrigerator in a sealed airless bag. Do not wash before laying. Sort the leaves, put them in a plastic bag, release the air manually as much as possible, but if there is a vacuum machine, use it. Put to the rest of the vegetables.

Capacity for storing greens in the refrigerator

It is not recommended to place the spice without packaging. Firstly, in this form it will retain external and taste qualities for only 1-3 days, and secondly, plants will absorb the smell of other products that are in the refrigerator. Use as a storage container:


To reduce the contact of plastic with green products, lay a paper towel on the bottom. Also, the paper absorbs excess moisture, which may appear during storage.

Spice Storage

The storage space determines the useful life of the plants.

  1. The first place, in terms of the duration of greenery conservation, is occupied by the freezer. In it, green products retain their taste and healthy properties for 6 months. Plants should be washed and dried. Use plastic bags for storage.
  2. The second place is taken by the preservation of products in the refrigerator. Store the spice in the bottom of a cold cabinet where the temperature is optimal for vegetables. The freshness of plants will be 1-2 weeks.
  3. The third place is occupied by the kitchen cabinet. Place greens in a glass of water or wrap in a damp cloth. In this form, it will last 2-3 days.

How much to store greens in the refrigerator

Green nameShelf life in the refrigeratorShelf life in the freezer

It is stored in a container with water or in a glass jar for up to 50-60 days;

The package is 7 days.

In thick cellophane or cling film for six months.

With stems in water 20-50 days;

In the container for up to two weeks.

Six months in a package of polyethylene.
It is stored up to two weeks, regardless of packaging.Six months, regardless of packaging.
Peppermint, MelissaA moistened towel is kept fresh for one week.Shelf life 4-5 months.
Green feather bow

With roots in water up to 3 weeks;

In a moistened towel for up to 2 weeks.

4-6 months. You need to freeze chopped onion slices, drenched in softened butter.
Storage in a package - one week.Half a year.
Storage in polyethylene packaging with holes is 5-6 days.Half a year.

Two weeks if the stems are in the water;

A week in a different package.

Six months in a plastic bag.


To preserve greens longer, you do not need to wash them before laying them.

The secrets of storing greens

  • Storage in a vacuum container is the easiest way to store greens.
  • To keep the spice in the refrigerator longer:
    1. put lettuce leaves immediately after you have purchased or cut them from the garden;
    2. wrap in wet kraft paper or a towel;
    3. do not put greens on the top shelves of the refrigerator.
  • Remaining fresh greens in the refrigerator will help to maintain optimal temperature conditions, which should not exceed 0 + 3-5 ° С. Therefore, it must be put down for long-term storage down the refrigeration unit.
  • In order not to provoke decay of the spice, be sure to sort it out before bookmarking. Discard spoiled leaves.
  • The dry environment and the thermal regime of the refrigerator close to zero will not allow greens to fade.
  • There are several ways to revive greenery, if it has slightly let down:
    1. fill half a deep bowl with cold water, put 10 ice cubes in it, put grafted greens for 5 minutes. After such a procedure, she should “quicken”;
    2. to return freshness to “drooping” parsley, cilantro, or dill will allow soaking the stems in water with the addition of vinegar. Fill a glass halfway with cold water, drip a few drops of nine percent vinegar. Put a bunch of spices in it. After a few hours, the greens are saturated with water and will return to their previous appearance.

Storage of greens in the refrigerator or in the freezer will help out at the most unexpected moment. Stock up on fresh spices for the future. Now you already know how to properly store it!

Fresh herbs, as a rule, are a regular on the shelves of each refrigerator. It is believed that it is the cold that helps preserve the beneficial properties of greenery.

In order for this rule to work, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Before sending the greens for storage, it is desirable rinse. This is done not only for the convenience of further use, but also to allow the greens to "breathe". It can be left in water for up to 1 hour to allow it to be saturated with moisture and to maintain an attractive appearance for longer. However, you should not lower for a long time varieties that can lose their taste and become watery (for example, lettuce).
  2. If you are going to save herbs, you should not forget about the main rule: greens, dried out from moisture, is stored the longest. After washing, it is better to put the herbs on paper, which absorbs the rest of the water.
  3. Important to take care of tight-fitting containerwhere you can store greens. You should not resort to packages that are familiar to everyone: they let air through, which is why the greens lose useful properties in a couple of days and wither. Vacuum containers are ideal, in which even fresh herbs are easily stored for at least a week.

In addition, you can store fresh herbs in the refrigerator in glass jarby closing it with a lid. For lack of containers or cans, fresh herbs can be stored in the refrigerator, wrapping the roots with a paper towel   or a soft cloth and sprinkled with water.

Unusual ways to store greens

In order to save greens in a glass jar, experienced housewives resort to various tricks. For example, greenery can add a whole or half peeled onion. If the greens are stored in their entirety, water is sometimes poured into the jar and the roots are lowered there. In such conditions, it is necessary to cut the stems per centimeter daily and change the water.

In order to preserve greens for a long time, it is better to dry and laid out in containers, jars or bags, send to the refrigerator or freezer. At the same time, greens can be stored either whole or in crushed form, in which it can immediately be sent to the dish. You can freeze fresh herbs; in this form, it can be eaten for more than one season.

Some housewives prefer to store greens on the kitchen table, dropping the stems into the water. However, under such conditions, many herbs with a large evaporation surface (parsley, celery, lettuce) wither before our eyes. Lemon mint and basil are well tolerated.

In this way, the best way to keep greens is to keep them chilled. In order for the greens to keep their freshness as long as possible, it is necessary to periodically check and sort out the bookmark, since different varieties of herbs have different storage periods.