How to cook poached egg using kitchen gadgets. Step-by-step recipe for poached eggs

Scrambled Egg Recipe

In the article you will find the answer to the question of how to cook poached eggs correctly. You will learn several methods of cooking this dish at once.

5 minutes

143 kcal

5/5 (2)

Now we will learn how to cook a great dish that is striking in its simplicity. But despite the simplicity of preparation, it is quite original and can surprise many people.
  In this article you will learn how to make poached egg. This method of preparation will allow you not only to effectively serve a simple chicken egg, but also to save in it many useful trace elements and vitamins. Many housewives, and not only they, are interested, how to cook poached egg at home. It is a mistake to believe that such a dish requires special skills in the field of cooking. Everything is quite simple, and you can cook it at home in a matter of minutes.
  I’ll tell you right away several cooking methods for this dish.

  • The first  - traditional, but the second one is very interesting and quite useful.
  • Second recipe  will talk about how to cook poached egg in a bag.
  • Besides these two, I will share with you another cooking method - in the microwave. This recipe will appeal to those who are not used to spending time cooking any dish.

Traditional poached egg recipe

Kitchen appliances and utensils:  deep pan, egg bowl, stove, whisk or tablespoon.


How to choose the ingredients for the dish?

  • To prepare such a dish you need to use freshest chicken eggs. Otherwise, you can simply spoil such a beautiful and simple dish.
  • Make sure that the surface of the egg, i.e. the shell was clean and without deformation. It is unacceptable to use eggs that have cracked shells in cooking.
  • To choose a good chicken egg, you can use a very popular method - shake a testicle near your ear. If you hear a characteristic gurgle, then this is the first signal that such an egg is absolutely not suitable for cooking.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking

Cooking poached eggs in cling film

  • Time for preparing:  3-4 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container:1 serving
  • Kitchen appliances:  deep pan, small bowl, high-quality cling film.


  • Chicken egg  - 1 PC.
  • Olive oil.

Step-by-step recipe for poached eggs

Video of poached egg cooking

You have already seen that preparing poached egg is simple and easy. I want to offer you to consolidate the knowledge gained by video material in which you will find complete cooking process. Seeing with your own eyes, you can cook this dish even faster. In the second part of the video you already know, you will find the answer to the question of how to cook poached eggs according to the method described above.

How to cook poached egg in the microwave?

  • Time for preparing:2 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container:  1 serving
  • Kitchen appliances:  containers for ingredients, microwave.


  • Egg  - 1 PC.
  • Vinegar  - 1 teaspoon.
  • Boiling water  - 1 tablespoon.
  • Salt  - taste.
  • Spice  - taste.

Step by step recipe

What does this dish eat with?

  • This is a unique French dish you can serve. in the form of sandwiches  on breakfast. In this case, various seasonings and vegetables are also added to them. Instead of bread, today they often use toastsbut you can also use croutons  or breadcrumbs.
  • In gourmet restaurants, poached eggs are often served. together with fish. If you want to arrange a meal, as in a restaurant, and use a fish, then poached eggs are best for salmon.
  • For a hearty breakfast, you can use not only fish meat. Take advantage baconin order to turn French poached eggs into Benedict eggs.

Video recipe - poached egg in the microwave

To cook as quickly as possible poached eggs in the microwave, you can watch the video, which describes the complete cooking process. This is a great addition to the basic recipe in this article.

The best start to the day is eggs for breakfast. This healthy and tasty dish contains an amino acid for building muscle, not fat, as well as many components that take care of the health of our nails, hair, and skin. Poached eggs without shells, but with the creamy yolk desired inside, combine wonderfully with toasts, salads, pastas, sauces, each time acquiring a new taste. An egg eaten for breakfast reduces the calorie content of the entire daily diet, and if it is still sewn, then we will also enjoy the quality breakfast as a gift.

Eggs - poached cooking recipes with photos

Poached French invented back in the XIV century and since then the dish has been constantly improved. Now there are many different options for its preparation, which is not at all as difficult as some people think. The main thing when choosing eggs is to pay attention to the integrity of the shell, and store in a special compartment of the refrigerator for no more than four days.

The classic version of the dish is to break the egg into boiling water so that the yolk does not spread. After boiling for about 60 seconds, water must be removed from the heat, but leave the egg for another 10 minutes to “reach” the desired state. And to get it like the French have, the egg must be fresh: not older than 4 days. After removing the poached water from the water, it should be salted, pepper, sprinkle with cheese or pour any sauce to taste, and if you want, then pierce.

In silicone molds

Not everyone gets the right dish when the egg breaks right into boiling water. At this point, the protein spreads over the water, and in order to achieve a positive result, you need to spend more than a dozen eggs. But contemporaries came up with a unique solution - silicone molds that are used for cupcakes or muffins. True, you will need a slow cooker or a double boiler for this option, but many housewives already have these new-fashioned appliances in the kitchen. But if they are not there, then no one canceled the water bath on an ordinary stove.

To prepare a delicious breakfast, take a silicone mold, grease it with butter or vegetable oil, pour the egg, put the cheese and chopped greens. We put the mold in a container with boiling water, covering it with cling film. Cook for 3 minutes, then gently get it, pour sauce and breakfast with an appetite. If desired, time can be increased, then the French breakfast in the "bag" will be boiled hard-boiled, and not soft-boiled.

In a slow cooker

A modern slow cooker will help to achieve the perfect French poached. This will require silicone molds and a special stand for cooking steamed dishes.

  1. Gently pour the egg into the molds so as not to damage the yolk, salt, set in the multicooker bowl.
  2. We select the “steaming” mode, and the time is 5 minutes.
  3. To keep the yolk liquid, after 3 minutes open the slow cooker, the remaining time our dish is prepared with the lid open.
  4. We spread the finished poached on a plate and feel in France.

In cling film

Our grandmothers also came up with a way to cook delicious eggs with a liquid yolk using cling film, and they come out very beautiful. For preparation, you need 2 pieces of film 25x25 cm, and the action plan is as follows:

  • Boil water.
  • Cut off the desired film size, with a brush, grease with oil.
  • Place the film in a small cup, gently driving an egg.
  • The edges of the film are lifted and twisted from above. We try to keep the air inside.
  • Lower the bags for 4 minutes, supporting the edges of the film over the surface of boiling water.
  • We take out the bags, and put the poached poached on a dish.
  • Serve with crispy bacon, crackers, pepper or put a sandwich on the bread.

In molds

Molds are suitable for any, not just silicone. Lubricate them with oil, pour 2 tablespoons of sour cream and beat one egg at a time. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg and a little butter. Pour water into a large frying pan, boil it and put the molds. The fire should be weak, but the water is boiling. Cover the pan and leave the dish for 6 minutes, then remove the prepared poached from the molds.

In the microwave

It is easy to cook French poached in an ordinary microwave oven. For this we need the ingredients:

  • 200 ml of water;
  • volumetric bowl;
  • fresh egg;
  • 0.5 tsp table vinegar.

The bowl should be filled with freshly boiled water, adding vinegar. An egg is gently poured into this mixture, and then the bowl is put in the microwave for about 50 seconds at maximum power. The prepared poached bread is taken out with a slotted spoon, placed on a plate or parchment so that the water leaves, and then it should be served with brown bread, lettuce, chicken paste or with any other favorite dish.

Video: vitamin salad with poached egg - for breakfast

Do you want to cook a truly culinary masterpiece by pampering your loved ones with a wonderful breakfast? Useful tips for preparing a delicious breakfast option from chef D. Shiverskikh will help you with this:

Anastasia Trutanova

trainee at Delicatessen restaurant

Poached egg is a super-ingredient. It has the ability to turn pasta into pasta, a sandwich into a bourgeois breakfast, and there is a lot of sense in its very interior: a hot flowing yolk is an ideal sauce for anything. An egg made in this way is an excellent, self-sufficient breakfast.

However, preparing poached bread is a quivering thing, because all dreams of a perfect egg, which, it would seem, boiled water in a pan, broke an egg there, and you're done, turn into a nervous gathering of protein rags into a vinegar funnel. Obviously, there are some nuances and the question requires more in-depth study. In trying to make the perfect poached egg, I tried five different ways, from vintage to progressive.


“Egg in your pocket”

The word poached comes from the French poche, which translates as “pocket”. A similar manner of cooking eggs - in an oiled parchment pouch - and gave the name to this dish.

Cooking:Grease a sheet of parchment 20 by 20 centimeters with butter and put in a shallow bowl, break the egg on top and fasten the edges of the parchment. Dip the resulting bag into barely boiling water for 3.5 minutes, then remove the egg from the bag.

Output:  This method is suitable for lovers of reconstructions and seekers of historical truth, but in reality it requires an excessive number of actions that slightly affect the result. Moreover, the shape of the egg is not perfect: the protein spreads over the envelope.


"Egg in the bag"

Repackaged eggs, or Arzac eggs, in honor of the popularizer of this method of cooking - the Spanish chef Juan Marie Arzac. This method is essentially an arrangement of the former in a modern manner - in both cases, eggs without shells are boiled in something that replaces it.

Cooking:  Lubricate a small plastic bag inside with butter and break an egg into it. Pull the edges of the bag with an elastic band as close to the contents as possible - so the egg will have more chances to maintain its shape - and cook for 4 minutes 20 seconds, holding the bag with the egg so that it does not touch the bottom.

OUTPUT:Like the first, this method is associated with unnecessary actions. Despite the abundance of butter, the protein will stick to the walls of the bag, and it will take a lot of effort to extract the egg. However, if you have a certain knack and time, this method can entertain you with its amusement.


"Hedgehog, he's a plow-worker"

For lovers of kitchen appliances that simplify life and save time, there is the so-called plow-land, aka “hedgehog”, which looks like a small slotted spoon that repeats the shape of an egg. In theory, the protein in it should retain its shape and the egg will turn out to be close to ideal.

Cooking:  Lubricate the arable land with butter, break an egg there, dip in barely boiling water and cook for 3.5 minutes.

OUTPUT:Compared to the previous ones, this method is simpler, but the protein still creeps a little. Apparently, the secret to perfect poached is still different.


"And the nature"

The most seemingly simple and uncomplicated method is surrounded by many myths: add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar to make the protein curl faster in an acidic environment, create a funnel with a whisk so that the protein flakes wrap around the yolk, pre-break the egg into a glass, and salt well with water. But in reality, everything turned out to be much simpler.

Cooking: Boil a small amount of water, reduce heat to a minimum. Add a couple drops of vinegar. Take a small sieve and break an egg into it, strain the liquid protein. Dip the egg in barely boiling water and cook for 3.5 minutes.

OUTPUT:The egg turned out to be almost perfect: I traced the excess liquid protein, which turns into rags in the water, using a sieve. (We spied this trick on the great Heston Blumenthal). Adding vinegar is optional, and certainly not a guarantee of perfect poached. I added a couple of drops to make Moscow tap water, quite alkaline in composition, more neutral. It is better to take rice vinegar, then this will not affect the taste of the egg. If you put the cooked eggs in cold water, then in this form they can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, warming up before serving in hot water for about a minute.

  High tech

“Su view”

Using sou technology allows you to cook the product as delicately as possible, using a vacuum and an apparatus that maintains the temperature in the tank with water the same for a long time. Today, the presence of such an apparatus in the restaurant kitchen is an urgent need, and some use it at home. I decided to try the low-temperature method of cooking poached eggs, which many chefs liked.

Cooking:  In the water with a temperature of 64 degrees, which is supported by a special circulator, lower the egg. Remove it after 50 minutes and place in cold water.

OUTPUT:Eggs prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, warming in hot water for 30–40 seconds without shell. Using this technology, you can cook a poached egg that is perfect in shape and taste. This method is suitable for industrial production and use in professional kitchens, because it allows you to cook in large volumes and get a consistently high quality product.

Everyone is good, but not very suitable for home use: you have to spend money on expensive equipment. If you have a kitchen thermometer, a large pan and courage, you can try to reproduce this on a regular stove.

  Interesting fact

The Japanese, coming to rest at the hot springs, take baskets of eggs with them and cook them on the spot, dropping them into the springs (whose temperature is just around 60 degrees), getting what we consider ideal poached at the output.


Knowing a few simple nuances will allow you to cook a perfect and tasty poached egg at home, without spending much effort and without using additional devices.

Pledge for real  tasty and well-cooked poached eggs - in fresh eggs. The fact is that ovalbumin (egg protein) is more elastic and keeps its shape better when the egg is fresh. To check the egg for freshness, it is necessary to lower it in a high capacity with water. If the egg is not of the first freshness, it will rise to the bottom, blunt end up. Since there is an air cavity in the egg from the blunt side, which becomes larger with time. If the egg is fresh, it will lie on its side at the bottom.

For poached cooking  it is better to use extra category eggs, as they have a larger and brighter yolk.

To boil eggs  needed in barely boiling water (the best condition is when steam comes from the water and small bubbles appear at the bottom).

For cooking  one or two eggs is enough small amount of water and a couple of drops of vinegar (to soften the water).

If you pre-track  liquid protein, as in method number four, then no additional tricks when cooking eggs will be required.

Photos:  Sergey Patsyuk

Boiled and fried eggs very often save the hostess when you need to quickly and tasty feed the family. But if you like to experiment and surprise your loved ones, then learn how to cook a poached egg. Under a rather strange name, an ordinary boiled egg is hidden soft-boiled, but cooked without shell.

  Homeland poached eggs

A poached egg was invented by French chefs who love simple but sophisticated cuisine. It means that from fairly affordable products they cook quite original dishes. They serve poached egg with fried bacon, with crispy croutons, with boiled vegetables. And all kinds of sauces are well suited to poached eggs. The most famous dish using such an egg is “Benedict Egg”, the recipe of which will be described at the end of this article.

  Needs food and utensils for cooking poached eggs

For the dish, only the freshest eggs are used, in which the protein is very thick. This density does not allow it to exfoliate. So you need to cook:

  • raw eggs - 1 or 2 pieces, depending on the number of prepared servings;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon (contributes to the rapid folding of the protein).

Other than that, take:

  • deep bucket;
  • a large spoon;
  • a tea cup or a small ladle;
  • slotted spoon.

  How to cook poached eggs in the traditional way

To prepare a poached egg, some skill and care will be required. So:

  • Pour water into a bucket and put on a hot stove - wait for boiling.
  • In the tea cup, very carefully release the raw egg so that the yolk in it remains intact.
  • Pour vinegar into boiling water.
  • Stir boiling water with a large spoon so that a funnel forms in it.
  • Bring an egg cup to the bucket and pour it very quickly into a spinning water funnel. With the exact observance of this stage, the protein will wrap around the yolk and begin to curl.
  • Reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the egg until the protein is dense - it will take about 3 to 5 minutes. The yolk must remain completely liquid.
  • Remove the egg from the boiling water with a slotted spoon and lay it on a plate covered with a paper towel.

Cook each new egg separately from the previous.

  How to cook poached egg using kitchen gadgets

Usually not every housewife gets the egg carefully prepared the first time - the protein does not want to wrap around the yolk. This occurs either from a too small funnel, or from the fact that the egg pours into it very slowly. Today in any store you can buy special silicone molds for poached egg. A fresh egg must be released into this mold and placed in boiling water. The molds are equipped with special handles, with the help of which they are taken out of boiling water. This method of cooking poached eggs is longer - about 7-10 minutes. But then you do not need to add vinegar to the water, as in the first case.

  How to cook poached egg with the help of improvised means

Some housewives cook poached eggs in a plastic bag. They take it the smallest size and release a raw egg into it. Before this, the package is lubricated with vegetable oil from the inside. The contents are carefully moved to the corner of the bag, and the bag is tied with string. Then the thread clings to a fork or any suitable object, and the bag is lowered into boiling water. When the protein becomes completely white, the egg is taken out of the bag.

  How to cook “Egg Benedict”

First make white sauce. For it, melt in a microwave 100 g butter. Mix two raw yolks with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Place the yolks in a water bath and when they become hot, dilute them with oil. Salt the sauce and put a little ground white pepper.

Fry a slice of white bread in the toaster. Place a slice of ham or toasted bacon on the toast. Put a poached egg on the meat product and pour it with hot sauce. Cut the egg so that the yolk starts to flow out. If the house has red caviar, then decorate it with a dish.

The video below will tell you how to cook poached eggs correctly.

A poached egg is widely popular among noble layers of the population, and this is not surprising. With proper preparation and original presentation, the dish will conquer even the most sophisticated gourmet. Traditionally, the egg is laid on bread, cut the yolk, sprinkled with cheese and herbs. However, many add poached to salads, first and second courses. Traditionally, the egg is cooked in a special form - arable land. However, there are cooking options in the pan. Consider the popular recipes for poached eggs.

Poached egg in a pan

  1. Prepare a heat-resistant container in which the egg will cook. The pan should not be too deep. The best option - a capacity of 1.5-2 liters. with a height of not more than 10 cm.
  2. Pour potable or filtered water into the pan, fill the container 70%. Set the burner to medium power, bring to the appearance of the first bubbles (slight boiling). Tip: Experienced French chefs advise replacing water with high fat milk. Such a simple trick will improve the quality of the finished dish, making a poached egg creamy, tender.
  3. Vinegar is used to improve protein clotting. In the end, the egg will take a beautiful shape, you do not have to collect it with a slotted spoon in parts. Vinegar is added in an amount of 20 ml. for 1 liter water / milk. Tip: if possible, use white vinegar, it will not stain the egg white in an ugly yellowish tint. But if there is no such option, pour in apple, wine or table.
  4. As the main component, choose only fresh eggs (recently laid). They have a dense protein that coagulates without vinegar. Decide on the number of servings, cook 1-4 eggs at a time. Tip: Try to cook 1 egg at a time. A larger number interweaves, creating a large lump. The instruction below does not cancel the practical recommendation, but it is for boiling 1-4 eggs.
  5. Choose a deep small bowl, soup ladle or flat dish. Break the egg, but do not damage the yolk. In the future, from this capacity the egg will be sent to the water.
    Tip: some housewives prefer to break up the raw materials immediately into boiling water. However, this option is only suitable if you are preparing 1 serving. Try 2 ways to find the right one for yourself.
  6. By the time all the preparatory measures were completed, the water was already boiling decently. Reduce the heat or turn off the stove at all so that the liquid cools slightly. Stir her. Tip: you can not send eggs to boiling water (100 degrees). The optimum temperature is 73-80 degrees. If you place the product in a liquid with the highest rate, the dish will turn out tough and tasteless.
  7. When the water has partially cooled, create a “funnel” by stirring it with a tablespoon or slotted spoon. Carefully move the egg to the center of the pan, continue to stir in a circle for 20-25 seconds (until the protein solidifies). Tip: if you cook 2-4 eggs at a time, do not stir the water before sending the product inside. Dip the eggs into the liquid one at a time, keeping to the interval of 15-20 seconds.
  8. If you follow the rules, a poached egg will be ready in 4-5 minutes. The yolk should be moderately dense and thick, and the protein should be hardened.
  9. Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon or tablespoon. Place in a pan with hot water, pour salt, leave for half a minute. This move must be done in order to exclude vinegar aftertaste.
  10. After all the manipulations, dip the poached egg in cold water so that it coagulates better. Dry on a cloth, serve to the table. If the edges are torn, give them shape with kitchen scissors.

Poached egg in a slow cooker

  1. Modern household appliances are suitable for cooking poached eggs. Pick up special silicone molds in advance. Cupcake slots fit.
  2. Pour 600 ml into the cavity of the multicooker. boiling water. Prepare a double boiler sieve, install silicone molds in it in the amount how many servings you will prepare.
  3. Break an egg into each compartment, do not salt. Close the appliance lid, set the function "Steamer". Do not allow condensation to get into the eggs, so after a minute of cooking cover the mold with foil.
  4. Since each multicooker has its own power, the cooking time varies. On average, a poached egg is cooked for 4 minutes, the report comes from the moment the first bubbles of water appear (the beginning of boiling).
  5. After the set time has passed, turn off the device. Open the lid immediately and carefully remove the tacks from the mold. Turn out the silicone baskets by placing the eggs on a plate. Correct the edges with scissors.

  1. To prepare eggs using a microwave oven, it is recommended to purchase arable land in 2 compartments in advance. However, if this is not possible, use in-depth dishes (glass or ceramic bowls).
  2. Put the water to heat, but do not bring it to a boil. Turn off the kettle 10 seconds before the end of the procedure. Fill the selected containers with hot water, add a little vinegar (1-2 ml.) In each cell.
  3. Break the eggs into the compartments of the mold, set the microwave to maximum power. Send the dishes inside, cook for 45 seconds. After the set time has passed, remove the dish with a slotted spoon.
  4. Prepare new dishes. Pour water into it 85 degrees, salt to taste. Place the poached egg in the liquid, let lie for 15 seconds. During this period, the dish is salted, the taste of vinegar is removed.

Poached egg in cling film

  1. As a bag for boiling eggs, a dense cling film is used. Cut a piece measuring 20 * 20 cm. Lubricate the part to which the raw materials will be sent with vegetable oil.
  2. Place the film in a recessed container (bowl). Break the egg into polyethylene, try not to damage the yolk. If this still happened, replace the raw materials with a new one.
  3. Wrap the edges of the film to get a sealed bag. It must be the same size as the egg (exclude air). Pour water into the dishes, bring to a boil.
  4. Do not twist the funnel, do not pour water into the liquid. Send the egg bags into the cavity, cook for 4-5 minutes. After this period, carefully remove the finished product, unfold, taste.

How to serve a poached egg

  1. Traditionally, a poached egg is laid out on a slice of toasted bread in a toaster, then sprinkled with cheese, herbs and chopped olives.
  2. Some gourmets pre-grease a fresh loaf with tomato sauce, then place the main ingredient and cut the yolk.
  3. In addition, a poached egg is added to salads, vegetable stews. You can boil and fry red beans, then season it with olive oil and send a couple of poached eggs in a bowl.

A poached egg is consumed immediately after cooking. After 1 hour, the dish loses its appeal and taste. Browse popular recipes using cling film or bag, microwave, pan, and ordinary stove. Choose your option by trial and error, bring it to automaticity.

Video: how to cook a poached egg