How to cook bear cub at home. Selling bear in yekaterinburg


TASTE OF BEAST  specific, sweet, with a smell of wild meat and not everyone likes it. Cooked and raw meat smells identical due to bear fat. Brown bear meat is very fatty. The most delicious meat in young animals is up to three years old and in females before hibernation in the fall. Different fragrant sauces, spices and herbs, as well as side dishes serve as a fragrance for the peculiar smell and aftertaste of bears. Very good for this lingonberry, cranberry sauce, mushrooms, quince or pickles.
MEAT BEAR PREPARED  longer than usual: three to five hours. In order for the bear’s meat to be soft, it is soaked in wine, orange juice or in ordinary vinegar in the refrigerator for 2-6 days. Also, depending on the size of the pieces, it is soaked in a marinade of wine, spices and herbs from 15 hours to four days. Marinating bear meat softens the meat and eliminates its specific odor. With meat you need to remove all fat and tendons. Brown bear meat, when cooked properly, is somewhat reminiscent of pork. It is usually fried, boiled, stewed, baked. Amazing jelly comes out of the bear. The meat of the bear is roasted until it becomes soft and all the redness disappears. It is recommended to fry the bear’s meat only if there are veterinary documents - with us, the company “MeatDitch”, they are always in perfect order. We sell bear meat in bulk from one carcass (100-250 kg). Raw brown bear meat is not eaten. In no case you can’t eat bear’s meat in the semi-preparedness stage “with blood”!
BEAR FEET  is a delicacy. They are best baked in the oven with garlic, pepper and lard.
LIVER OF THE BEAR  do not eat. Due to the strongest concentration of vitamin A, it is very toxic.
BEAR CONTAINS B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) and PP, as well as minerals necessary for the human body: potassium, phosphorus, selenium, manganese, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. Bear cub is famous for its low sodium content. Throughout the summer, the bear eats organic meat, wild honey, berries, bark, fish and herbs. This animal is then hibernated for five months, so it needs to accumulate a very large amount of nutrients. Medvezhatina contains a lot of cholesterol and you should not call it dietary. Over the summer, tapeworm meat is enriched with a unique set of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Bear cub is a good source of protein.
CALORIES AND FOOD VALUE:  the bear contains 130-155 kcal, proteins - 20.1-25.6 g, fats - 3.1-8.1 g, no carbohydrates.



MEAT OF THE BEAR  strengthens an organism, it is shown to "cores". It also strengthens blood vessels and is very useful for people with low immunity. It stimulates appetite and helps people with digestive disorders. Medvezhatina is recommended for people with diseases of the skin, lungs, and joints. bear meat to patients with cancer and people with high cholesterol in the blood. Bear’s liver is very toxic, they don’t eat it!
GALL OF BEARS  also has a healing effect. In alternative Chinese medicine, it is believed that acids taken from the bear’s gallbladder help with rheumatism, poor eyesight and gallstones. Bear bile is used in folk medicine to treat malignant ulcers and abscesses, stop internal bleeding, and treat tumors and metastases in the liver and pancreas. Bear bile has an antiviral effect and is successfully used for hepatitis A, B and C. It also has a strong anthelmintic effect against giardia, opisthorchis, and echinococci. It also improves the composition of bile, dissolves cholesterol and bilirubin stones, restores liver cells, removes toxic substances from the liver, removes stagnant phenomena in the liver, and serves as an immunostimulating, sedative and analgesic.
BEAR FAT (Lard) in Russia in folk medicine were widespread. They were treated for pulmonary diseases: early stages of lung cancer, frequent (recurring) colds, tuberculosis, bronchitis with asthmatic components, severe and protracted forms of pneumonia, silicosis and catarrhal diseases. More fat is used during diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: stomach and duodenal ulcers and gastritis, for liver diseases and for the prevention of drug-induced liver damage. Bear lard has also been used since ancient times, not only in cooking and medicine, but also as a fuel for a lamp. Fifty grams of bear fat is enough for a small lamp to burn for 1 hour. Native American tribes used bear fat as protection against hypothermia. Covering themselves with bear fat, they could cross rivers in the cold season or spend the night in the desert. Contraindications:   allergies to wild boar fat, pregnancy, gallstone disease in the acute stage or biliary tract disease. Children - only with the permission of the pediatrician.


SOUP FROM BEAR:  Peeled pieces of bear meat from fat and tendons should be lowered into a pot with cold water and put on fire. After boiling water, add the onion in the husk and the finely chopped roots of parsnip, celery and parsley. Add sugar and then cook for 45 minutes. Then remove the roots and onions from the pan, strain the broth, and passivate the onions, roots and potatoes. Then extinguish the barley separately, then lower it into the broth. Pour pre-chopped pickles into the resulting hot broth and then add them to the boiling broth. At the end of the passivation, add a spoonful of hot broth to the vegetables and pour into the main broth with beef. Try the broth and, if necessary, add pickle pickle pickle. Cook another 5 minutes. Pour kvass and / or cucumber pickle into a bowl with ready-made soup, add greens to taste. Bear meat should boil well and not be red.
STEWED BEEF: grate bear meat with plenty of salt and black pepper. With a clove of garlic, grate the inside of the pan, in which the meat will be stewed. Pour the bear’s meat with plenty of cold water, then bring it to a boil and cook for several hours until the meat is soft. After that, remove the meat from the water and transfer to a pan with oil for frying or stewing. Salt the meat again and pepper and cover with a thick layer of chopped onions. Fry until brown. You can pour some water into the pan so that the meat is stewed and not fried.
BBQ (Kebab) FROM BEAR MEAT:  meat must be checked by a veterinarian before frying! We cook beef like pork without leaving blood. Maximum fresh meat should be cleaned from fat and tendons (leave fat) and salt for several days. The meat must be fried in a pan, charcoal or on an open fire in accordance with your company’s men's recipe. For example, put the meat in a small roaster, season with salt and black pepper, rub with garlic and bake for about an hour at 180 ° C until fully cooked. Cut into thin slices, mix in a metal scoop one teaspoon of salt, brown sugar, spices, vinegar, tomato juice, ketchup and half a glass of water. Simmer the resulting mixture for 15 minutes, then put the meat there and cook for another hour until it becomes soft enough.
BEAT CUTLETS:  My bear’s meat, cut into pieces, rotate in a meat grinder. Cut the potatoes in the same small cubes. Finely chop the onion. Again, we roll the minced meat in a meat grinder, but this time along with potatoes, onions, garlic and bread soaked in water or a half liter of milk. Pour the remaining milk from the bread soak into the minced meat. Then salt, pepper, add eggs, spices, thicker sour cream. We cook the patties and fry in a skillet in sunflower oil until tender.
STEWED BEAR PAW:  the bear’s paw is stewed in soda water for ten minutes, then it is stewed for four hours in ordinary water, after which the wool, skin on the foot, claws and bones are removed. Then the bear’s meat is wrapped in a cloth and stewed again with chicken breast, ham and duck, while changing the water more than once in order to remove a specific unpleasant odor. Cooked meat is cut into thin slices, seasoned with onions, ginger, garlic, ground water chestnuts, watered with Chinese rice wine and stewed for another three minutes.

Section: Hunting Kitchen
   7th page

If you don’t have game right now, use pet meat with success.
  And the result will exceed all expectations!

Small and large game dishes

How to cook, fry, bake - types of heat treatment of food

CLASSIC SAUCES - cooking school

FRENCH ROYAL SAUCES - cooking school

MAYONES classic, provencal. Russian table horseradish. BECHAMEL sauce

Of particular value is the gall bladder with bile. The gallbladder should be carefully separated from the liver completely with the bile duct: the latter should be tightly tied with a strong thread and the bladder should be kept in suspension for subsequent delivery as a therapeutic agent (endocrine raw material).

Liver (internal organs) and all meat should be subjected on the spot or on the basis of a veterinary sanitary examination with a microscopic examination of the legs of the diaphragm for trichinosis.

When cutting the carcasses, the subcutaneous fat is first separated by layers, laying it in a clean wooden box, the bottom of which is lined with white paper and sprinkled with clean table salt. Subcutaneous fat is cut into identical pieces, which are rubbed with salt from all sides and tightly packed in a box, sprinkling salt with each row. For the first two days, the fat is kept indoors at room temperature 18-20 ° C, and then in a cool, dry, shaded room, where the streaking ends in 9-10 days. In winter, fat is kept in the cold.

Then the carcass of the bear is cut into two hams, a lumbar, two shoulder blades, a rib cage (“bell”) and a neck. The paws (brushes) that can be used to prepare the jelly are separated from the lower parts of the ham.

If, in addition to hams and shoulder blades, you need to pickle and soak the lumbar, neck and chest, they are cut into equal parts. Ambassador and smoking are produced in the same way as elk meat.



The meat of brown bears, shot before hibernation, especially in the dipper, is well-fed and has high palatability due to the abundance of predominantly plant food.

On the contrary, the meat of brown bears, shot at the end of hibernation or after leaving it, or from male connecting rods that did not go to sleep, is not well-fed and therefore has poor taste.

When sporting hunting, bear meat is stored either frozen or salted. The most delicious are the salted smoked-boiled hams prepared by the mixed salting of the following recipe.

A curing mixture is prepared per 100 kg of meat: 3 kg of medium-ground salt, 2 kg of granulated sugar, 200 g of food saltpeter and 100 g of crushed black pepper.

Mix the mixture well, rub it with ham on all sides, lay them tightly in a clean steamed tub. Hold the meat at room temperature for up to 5 days, then transfer to another clean tub, cover with gauze and transfer to a cool place.
  If the resulting brine does not cover the meat after a few days, then it must be poured with a brine of the same composition (i.e., a salt mixture diluted with water). Salting of meat ends within 30 days, and it can be stored in brine until cooked.


To prepare smoked and boiled ham, the meat must be removed from the brine, allowed to drain for 1 hour or dried by rubbing with dry bran.
  Then equip a special hut with a small hole at the top and a smoking fire at the bottom. Place dishes with water near the bonfire and spray the bonfire with water to obtain a temperature of no higher than 40 ° C.
  All kinds of firewood can be taken, except for conifers and birch in the bark.
  Smoking ham weighing 6-7 kg lasts about 48 hours.
  If the ham is only salty, then it must be soaked before cooking in water for about 1.5 hours and then cook until tender. A ham weighing about 5 kg is boiled for 3.5-4 hours, and a large one (10 kg) - up to 8 hours.

  First way


For 5 servings: 700 g of bear’s meat, 400 ml of marinade, 50 g of carrots, 40 g of celery and parsley (roots), 75 g of onion, 25 g of flour, egg, 40 g of crackers, 90 g of melted lard, salt.


Leave the meat in the marinade for 4 days. Cook the broth from the bones, taking equal amounts of water and the marinade in which the meat was soaked. Strain it in this broth, adding sautéed roots and onions (stewing time - 5-6 hours). Cool the finished meat in a decoction.

Before serving, cut into slices, breaded in flour, moisten in beaten eggs, secondly breaded in breadcrumbs and fry. Separately serve pickled vegetables, fruits or coleslaw and beetroot salad.

It’s good to pickle bear meat with grape leaves and white grape wine.
  Second way


700 g of bear’s meat, 500 ml of kvass, 1 carrot, 1 head of onion, 1 turnip, 1 parsley root, 40 g of mint, a pinch of caraway seeds, 30 juniper berries, pepper and salt to taste.
  Sauce: 2 cups of broth, 2-3 tablespoons of flour, 1/2 cup of lingonberry, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, salt to taste.


Pour the prepared pieces of meat with mint, crushed juniper berries, caraway seeds and let stand for about a day. Then wash the meat, cut into portions, beat, grate with salt and pepper and fry.
  Transfer the fried meat to a saucepan, put carrots, onions, parsley, turnips, pour kvass and stew until cooked.
  Drain the broth, add the flour, lingonberry, sugar, salt to it, cook and strain. Pour bear’s meat with vegetables with this sauce and bring to a boil.

Serve on a platter or plate with vegetables. Put fried potatoes on the side. Pour the meat with sauce.

Now there are few recipes from bears throughout the Network - there are very few bears in nature due to a sharp reduction in their habitats!
  Moreover, poaching of the numerous starving part of the Russian population.

Instead of recipes, here are some posts from the Web:

  “Once, in my childhood, I had to live for about 7 years in the Kirov region, the Yuryansk district.
  Once a bear with a pair of cubs got on a high-voltage guard of military unit 44200.
  Dipper - to death, one teddy bear too.
  Ursa Major went to the soldiers ’dining room, a teddy bear with tender meat - to the commanders.
  I still remember my childhood shock at the sight of the bearskin’s skinned paws - a truly, purely child’s hand. And the skull is like a human. It’s already scary ...
  ... The second teddy bear lived with us until the first snow in November, was trusting to people, lived in a kennel of shepherd dogs guarding a part, was friends with children and soldiers, he did not like officers ...
  And on the first snow he squeezed his shoulders into the upper grate in the aviary and safely went to live back to the Kirov forests ... "

  “I caught a teddy bear and keeps it alive until it finds it, otherwise, if it scores, the meat will go bad!”

  “For me - there’s no tastier meat than bears. Especially if it's a little year-old teddy bear, not an old one. ”

  “We just scored this teddy bear just before the picnic. Butchered and pickled. We found the cooking method the simplest and most effective - baked by pouring marinade. Only the meat in the oven was kept not for 2 hours, but 2.5 and was not dried. It turned out to be a merger.
  The people gathered for the holiday - a cloud, but here is such a treat! For a long time people were not so happy. ”

Best of all is to leave the bears alone. They are now not sweet life.
  Not the most worthy desire for a person is the desire to devour all living things around him, including all animal babies.
  And to complete the culinary education on teddy bears, we recommend that you watch the cartoon “Gray Bear”.


Medvezhatina is a rare guest on our table. However, when it appears, it is possible to cook a delicious roast with lingonberries and mushrooms from it.

It is worth saying that bear meat, like any game, is tougher than usual and requires preliminary preparation, and the preparation is very long - 48 - 72 hours.

In our conditions, bear meat, as a rule, comes in frozen form. This is just what you need. While the meat is thawing, prepare the marinade.

For him, take a glass of lingonberry and squeeze the juice, add to a glass of water and bring to a boil. Pour 0.5 teaspoon of salt into the broth, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, a pinch of dry dill grains, pieces 5-6 peas of black pepper, 2 small bay leaves. Boil for 10 minutes and add 100 g of vinegar. Let the solution cool.

Cut the thawed meat of a bear (1 kg) across the fibers into small pieces (to make it better marinated), like kebabs. Finely chop two large onions and sprinkle them with meat. We also add finely chopped greens (parsley, dill, celery for an amateur). Now fill it with the cooled marinade and mix well.

Then we will cover the container with the pickled bear’s lid and put in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days. During this time, several times it will be necessary to mix the meat.

We will cook pots of bear meat in pots. First prepare the dressing. In a small amount of butter we spassem 2 onions and a small clove of garlic. Fry mushrooms there (about 8 pieces). When the mushrooms are ready, add the same 4 tablespoons of slightly crushed lingonberries, a pinch of coriander.

In each pot on the bottom we put a small piece of butter, bear meat, taken out of the marinade, and put the dressing. You can add 1-2 tablespoons of marinade. Cover and simmer in the oven at 200 - 220 degrees for about 2 hours. After 0.5 - 1 hour after starting to pour meat over the resulting juice.

Serve in a very hot form with a side dish of stewed sauerkraut or mashed potatoes, soaked apples, pickles.

To the roast of bear meat with lingonberries and mushrooms, horseradish is good - horseradish tincture.

Bon Appetit!

Not many people, especially those in the middle and southern latitudes, can boast that they have tried bear cub. Today, this product is rather considered a delicacy. But if you still have the opportunity to try it, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bits taste and properties.

Is it possible to eat bear meat

When asked whether they eat bear cub, there is a definite answer - yes. Since ancient times, they hunted bears, so their meat belongs to game and, of course, you can eat it. It, as a rule, is part of the diet of the inhabitants of the northern regions. Due to the large quantity it is harvested and eaten as needed. They replace the meat of domestic animals, if there is no way to grow them.
  In structure, it is rough. The taste resembles pork, but with a sweetish flavor. It should also be noted that the bear has a specific smell. This is due to its high fat content.

Important! It is forbidden to eat a bear liver. It has a lot of vitamin A, and besides, it is toxic.

What is dangerous for humans

Before eating, bear cubs must be subjected to heat treatment. Specialists are categorical in this regard and explain why it is impossible to eat it in other forms. The bottom line is that it can contain bacteria that are dangerous to humans. Depending on how the product can be infected, there is a big risk of getting brucellosis and trichinosis.

The last disease caused by nematode worms is the most common and dangerous. Worms penetrate all the systems of the human body and settle in muscle tissue. The latter increase in size, hurt a lot. The disease also causes complications in the heart, nervous and respiratory systems.
  In addition, the bear contains a lot of cholesterol, which is also to some extent dangerous for the human body. It is not recommended to use it for people with cancer.

Important!According to scientists, up to 90% of bears are infected with trichinosis. That is why bear cubs should definitely be checked for diseases before eating.

Is there any benefit

The bear’s meat is healthy and environmentally friendly, because these animals simply cannot be found in contaminated regions and eat only natural food. This product is rich in essential protein. In addition, the composition of meat contains almost the entire range of vitamins and nutrients needed by the body. Many of them are not in our usual beef or pork. They especially recommend eating bear meat for people with problems of the immune system, circulatory system and digestive diseases. This product improves the general condition of the body.

Did you know?Bear fat copes with lung diseases better than many medicines. It can be used in liquid form or used as part of compresses.

How to check for trichinosis

If you still decide to enjoy the bear, then it must be checked for diseases. This is especially true for trichinosis. In the field, this can be done using a special device called a trichinelloscope. It will identify the causative agents of this disease.
  But it is better, of course, to use the services of veterinary and sanitary control specialists. They will certainly give a complete answer whether the meat is infected and what exactly.

Did you know? Bears are the only predatory animals that can eat both meat and plants. They have different teeth, some of which are intended for animal food, and some for vegetable.

What can be cooked from bear meat

Since bear cub is a game with a rough structure, you can’t prepare as many dishes from it as from ordinary meat. Due to its rigidity, it is absolutely unsuitable for any frying.
  Bear meat is being prepared for a very long time. It can be baked in the oven as a whole at medium temperature. It will turn out excellent boiled pork or rolls. Soups, fries, stews are very tasty from bear meat. But jelly is especially tasty. Connoisseurs consider this dish a delicacy if it is made from paws.


As mentioned above, a very tasty stew is obtained from a bear. We bring to your attention a recipe for its preparation. We will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of bear meat;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1.5–2 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 liter of orange juice;
  • 1 tsp rosemary;
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 0.5 tsp salts;
  • 3-5 st. l soy sauce.

It should be prepared for the fact that the process of making stew from the bear’s meat will be quite lengthy. This is due to the fact that the meat is very hard and has a specific smell, which can be removed during long cooking.

The process of making bear stew is as follows:

Bear cub is justly considered a delicacy compared to other similar products. Connoisseurs celebrate its incomparable taste. However, you need to understand what danger this product may be fraught with, and seriously approach the process of its preparation.

Video: How to cook a bear

The flesh of the ham, separated by layers into larger pieces, withstand in the marinade for 4 days. Then put in the dishes, add chopped spassed carrots, parsley, celery and onions. Cook the broth from the meat bones, replacing half the water with the marinade in which the meat was aged. Pour the meat with this broth and simmer for 5-6 hours.

Cool the finished meat in the same broth. Before serving, cut the meat into slices of 2-3 per serving, breaded in flour, and then, moistened with a raw egg, in crushed wheat breadcrumbs. Fry on both sides in a pan with fat.

Garnish (pickled vegetables, fruits, pickles or coleslaw, beetroot) served separately in a salad bowl, Satsivi sauce in a sauce boat.


Meat 150, marinade 75, flour 5, eggs 10, pork fat 15, crackers 15, sauce 75, pickled vegetables 80, carrots, celery, parsley and onions 10 each.

TASTE OF BEAST  specific, sweetish, with the smell of wild meat and not everyone likes it. Cooked and raw meat smells identical due to bear fat. Brown bear meat is very fatty. The most delicious meat in young animals is up to three years old and in females before hibernation in the fall. Different fragrant sauces, spices and herbs, as well as side dishes serve as a fragrance for the peculiar smell and aftertaste of bears. Very good for this lingonberry, cranberry sauce, mushrooms, quince or pickles.

MEAT BEAR PREPARED  longer than usual: three to five hours. In order for the bear’s meat to be soft, it is soaked in wine, orange juice or in ordinary vinegar in the refrigerator for 2-6 days. Also, depending on the size of the pieces, it is soaked in a marinade of wine, spices and herbs from 15 hours to four days. Marinating bear meat softens the meat and eliminates its specific odor. With meat you need to remove all fat and tendons. Brown bear meat, when cooked properly, is somewhat reminiscent of pork. It is usually fried, boiled, stewed, baked. Amazing jelly comes out of the bear. The meat of the bear is roasted until it becomes soft and all the redness disappears. It is recommended to fry the bear’s meat only if there are veterinary documents - with us, the company “MeatDitch”, they are always in perfect order. We sell bear meat in bulk from one carcass (100-250 kg). Raw brown bear meat is not eaten. In no case you can’t eat bear’s meat in the semi-preparedness stage “with blood”!

BEAR FEET  is a delicacy. They are best baked in the oven with garlic, pepper and lard.

LIVER OF THE BEAR  do not eat. Due to the strongest concentration of vitamin A, it is very toxic.

BEAR CONTAINS B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) and PP, as well as minerals necessary for the human body: potassium, phosphorus, selenium, manganese, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. Bear cub is famous for its low sodium content. Throughout the summer, the bear eats organic meat, wild honey, berries, bark, fish and herbs. This animal is then hibernated for five months, so it needs to accumulate a very large amount of nutrients. Medvezhatina contains a lot of cholesterol and you should not call it dietary. Over the summer, tapeworm meat is enriched with a unique set of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Bear cub is a good source of protein.

CALORIES AND FOOD VALUE:  the bear contains 130-155 kcal, proteins - 20.1-25.6 g, fats - 3.1-8.1 g, no carbohydrates.


MEAT OF THE BEAR  strengthens an organism, it is shown to "cores". It also strengthens blood vessels and is very useful for people with low immunity. It stimulates appetite and helps people with digestive disorders. Medvezhatina is recommended for people with diseases of the skin, lungs, and joints. bear meat to patients with cancer and people with high cholesterol in the blood. Bear’s liver is very toxic, they don’t eat it!

GALL OF BEARS  also has a healing effect. In alternative Chinese medicine, it is believed that acids taken from the bear’s gallbladder help with rheumatism, poor eyesight and gallstones. Bear bile is used in folk medicine to treat malignant ulcers and abscesses, stop internal bleeding, and treat tumors and metastases in the liver and pancreas. Bear bile has an antiviral effect and is successfully used for hepatitis A, B and C. It also has a strong anthelmintic effect against giardia, opisthorchis, and echinococci. It also improves the composition of bile, dissolves cholesterol and bilirubin stones, restores liver cells, removes toxic substances from the liver, removes stagnant phenomena in the liver, and serves as an immunostimulating, sedative and analgesic.

BEAR FAT (Lard) in Russia in folk medicine were widespread. They were treated for pulmonary diseases: early stages of lung cancer, frequent (recurring) colds, tuberculosis, bronchitis with asthmatic components, severe and protracted forms of pneumonia, silicosis and catarrhal diseases. More fat is used during diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: stomach and duodenal ulcers and gastritis, for liver diseases and for the prevention of drug-induced liver damage. Bear lard has also been used since ancient times, not only in cooking and medicine, but also as a fuel for a lamp. Fifty grams of bear fat is enough for a small lamp to burn for 1 hour. Native American tribes used bear fat as protection against hypothermia. Covering themselves with bear fat, they could cross rivers in the cold season or spend the night in the desert. Contraindications:   allergies to wild boar fat, pregnancy, gallstone disease in the acute stage or biliary tract disease. Children - only with the permission of the pediatrician.


SOUP FROM BEAR:  Peeled pieces of bear meat from fat and tendons should be lowered into a pot with cold water and put on fire. After boiling water, add the onion in the husk and the finely chopped roots of parsnip, celery and parsley. Add sugar and then cook for 45 minutes. Then remove the roots and onions from the pan, strain the broth, and passivate the onions, roots and potatoes. Then extinguish the barley separately, then lower it into the broth. Pour pre-chopped pickles into the resulting hot broth and then add them to the boiling broth. At the end of the passivation, add a spoonful of hot broth to the vegetables and pour into the main broth with beef. Try the broth and, if necessary, add pickle pickle pickle. Cook another 5 minutes. Pour kvass and / or cucumber pickle into a bowl with ready-made soup, add greens to taste. Bear meat should boil well and not be red.

STEWED BEEF: grate bear meat with plenty of salt and black pepper. With a clove of garlic, grate the inside of the pan, in which the meat will be stewed. Pour the bear’s meat with plenty of cold water, then bring it to a boil and cook for several hours until the meat is soft. After that, remove the meat from the water and transfer to a pan with oil for frying or stewing. Salt the meat again and pepper and cover with a thick layer of chopped onions. Fry until brown. You can pour some water into the pan so that the meat is stewed and not fried.

BBQ (Kebab) FROM BEAR MEAT:  meat must be checked by a veterinarian before frying! We cook beef like pork without leaving blood. As much as possible fresh meat needs to be cleaned of fat and tendons (leave fat) and salt for several days. The meat must be fried in a frying pan, charcoal or on an open fire in accordance with your corporate men's recipe. For example, put the meat in a small roaster, season with salt and black pepper, rub with garlic and bake for about an hour at 180 ° C until fully cooked. Cut into thin slices, mix in a metal scoop one teaspoon of salt, brown sugar, spices, vinegar, tomato juice, ketchup and half a glass of water. Cook the resulting mixture over low heat for 15 minutes, then put the meat there and cook for another hour until it becomes soft enough.

BEAT CUTLETS:  My bear’s meat, cut into pieces, rotate in a meat grinder. Cut the potatoes in the same small cubes. Finely chop the onion. Again, we roll the minced meat in a meat grinder, but this time along with potatoes, onions, garlic and bread soaked in water or a half liter of milk. Pour the remaining milk from the bread soak into the minced meat. Then salt, pepper, add eggs, spices, thicker sour cream. We cook the patties and fry in a skillet in sunflower oil until tender.

STEWED BEAR PAW:  the bear’s paw is stewed in soda water for ten minutes, then it is stewed for four hours in plain water, after which wool, skin on the foot, claws and bones are removed. Then the bear’s meat is wrapped in a cloth and stewed again with chicken breast, ham and duck, while changing the water more than once in order to remove a specific unpleasant odor. Cooked meat is cut into thin slices, seasoned with onions, ginger, garlic, ground water chestnuts, watered with Chinese rice wine and stewed for another three minutes.