How is cherry filling done. How to make delicious cherry at home? Several recipes available

Of all the low-alcohol drinks, a place of honor goes to the cherry liquor. After all, not a single alcoholic drink bought in a store can compare with homemade natural liquor. Is not it?

Our homemade liqueur made by ourselves from the best berries collected in our garden is a great treat for guests, a pleasant aroma and excellent taste. But for everything to work out perfectly, you need to know some secrets of the preparation and subtleties of such a process.

To make the drink perfect you need to strictly follow the prescription and use only the best ingredients.

How to choose berries

It is already established that the liqueur is made from selected, juicy and fragrant berries. What berries to use:

  • Take only ripe and fresh berries.
  • Large varietal cherries are suitable for filling (it is easier to get seeds out of them).
  • Small cherry gives the cordier a more saturated color and aroma, but you will have to work hard to get the bones.

In addition, you can cook such alcohol with frozen cherries. You can also add berries of currant, parechka, cranberries, etc.

Cherry Spanque

Shapanka, or in other words, maladaptation is suitable if there is no ordinary cherry. Of course, the taste of the liquor will deteriorate a little, and the aroma is unlikely to be so saturated, but if you try it will work out quite well.

What is useful cherry

These berries can be consumed in any form, it contains a lot of vitamin and minerals, but that's not all, in the berries of the cherry there are special components that make it truly unique. This important substance is coumarin, which helps to normalize the functioning of the heart, prevents the occurrence of a heart attack due to the fact that this component dilutes the blood.

More recently, research has shown that ellagic acid, which is also found in cherries, inhibits the development of cancer cells. Therefore:

  • Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood (it is recommended to use cherries for anemia);
  • Improves the state of blood vessels and normalizes the work of the heart;
  • Prevents the development of cancer cells;
  • There are many popular recipes from cherries that are recommended for arthrosis, kidney disease and the genitourinary system;
  • Cherry should be used for epilepsy, convulsions;
  • Increases potency in men.

Given the above information, cherry filling will also be useful, it helps to normalize blood pressure and improve heart function. It's not just that cherry is considered a heart berry, but all because it contains a lot of potassium.


Cherry Cherry Recipes

You can prepare winding at home with vodka, alcohol, moonshine, cognac, as well as the method of natural fermentation.

On alcohol

This liquor has an excellent taste, and for this it can be safely put on a shelf with elite alcohol. The presented liquor has a pronounced taste of spices and a beautiful color. To prepare, you will need:

  • Cherry - 2 kg;
  • Alcohol - 1 liter (should completely cover all berries in a three-liter jar);
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • Cardamom and cinnamon - 10 gr. everyone;
  • Clove - 5-7 buds;
  • Vanillin - 0.5 sachets.

Fresh berries should be washed well, if you want the seeds can be removed. Pour the berries into a jar and fill with sugar (this is necessary in order to make all the juice stand out), place in a dark and cool place for 7 days. At the end of time, we get the cherry-sugar mixture, add spices and fill everything with alcohol. In this form, we will send the future filling to the basement for at least 2 weeks (you can insist up to 6 months). The more the liquor is infused, the better its taste will be. You need to thoroughly strain when you are planning to drink your creation.

If you want to make the drink less strong, you can use diluted alcohol.

On vodka

This recipe is quite simple, because you do not need to get the bones from the cherries. To prepare, you will need:

  • Cherries - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 700 gr;
  • Vodka - 1.5 liters.

Wash the selected cherries well, place them in a glass container and fill them with alcohol. We ship to a dark, cool place for 10 days.

Try to stir the mixture lightly every day to speed up the extraction process.

When time passes, separate the berries from the alcohol, pour the alcohol juice into another jar. Add sugar to the berries. Then put everything in its original place (dark and cool) and leave it for two weeks. Mix the berry-sugar mixture periodically to speed up the process of juice extraction.

When 14 days have passed, all the juice should stand out from the cherries, and the sugar will completely dissolve. Now you need to mix vodka and ready-made syrup. But it's too early to consume. All this should be infused for several days. Then you will see a precipitate. Carefully separate the liquor from the sediment, and pour into beautiful bottles. In order to enjoy the full taste of such a liquor, it is necessary to insist this drink for at least three months.

On self-fermentation

For this you will need:

  • Ripe cherry - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Water - 200 gr.

It is not necessary to add water, without it, the liquor has a rich taste and will be more dense. Of course, in this case there will be less filling. But the fortress and aroma are worth it. The choice is yours. If you have a lot of cherries, then adding water is definitely not worth it.

Take fresh berries and wash well, remove the seeds. If you do not remove the seeds, the almond flavor will be present in the filling, but those who do not tolerate this smell and hydrocyanic acid, which is present in the seeds, will have to remove the seeds.

Move the berries to a jar, add sugar if necessary, add water. Close the capron lid and leave for three days, until the first signs of fermentation.

Periodically, you can stir the contents for better extraction. After the specified time, separate the liquor from the berries, by the way, such berries can be used in cooking. Let the cord stand for a few more days and strain again, then there will be no precipitate. In this form, the beverage can be stored for several years, over time, the drink will gain strength.

Recipe for cherry filling from Beata Tyszkiewicz

Would need:

  • Cherry - 2 kg;
  • Vodka or alcohol - 0.5 l;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Wash the cherries, separate from the seeds. Put part of the seeds on the bottom of a three-liter jar, then lay the cherries and sugar in layers. Close the jar with gauze and leave for three days, during which time the juice will stand out from the berries. When the time is right, drain the juice completely. Add to it 1 cup of alcohol and refrigerate.

From the berries from which juice was previously isolated, remove the seeds. Pour the remaining vodka or alcohol and leave for 14 days. After this, strain the mixture and mix it with alcohol juice from the refrigerator. Let the liquor settle for several days, then strain. Pour into glass bottles and leave for 2-3 months.

On red wine

This cordial has a beautiful ruby \u200b\u200bcolor and a touch of almond. For this you will need:

  • Cherries (seedless) - 1 kg;
  • Red wine - 1 liter;
  • Clove - 5 pcs;
  • Cherry leaves - 10 pcs;
  • Chipped cherry bones - 50 g;
  • Sugar - 200 - 300 gr;
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • Oak bark (available at the pharmacy) - a pinch.

Take all of the above ingredients (except sugar), mix and place in a three-liter jar, fill everything with wine (you can use any red wine: sweet, semi-sweet). Put in a dark, cool place for a month. When the time comes, strain and squeeze the berries well. Add sugar and stir until it dissolves. Put in the refrigerator for 7 days, then filter again.


Such a liquor got its name due to the fact that it contains rum and cognac. You will need:

  • Cherry - 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Rum - 0.5 l;
  • Cognac (you can use homemade) - 1.5 l;

Somewhere in half the cherries, remove the seeds, place the berries in a jar and cover with sugar. Leave on for several days to completely dissolve the sugar and juice. After that add cognac and rum. Leave to infuse for a month. After this time, separate the berries, and pour the future liquor into glass bottles and leave for 6 months. During this time, the tincture will gain an indescribable taste.

With brandy

Take 1 kg of ripe cherries, 0.5 kg of sugar and 1 liter of brandy. The cooking method is exactly the same as in the previous recipe. If you do not want to remove seeds from cherries, you can not do this.

Currant Cherry

For cooking you will need:

  • Cherry, currant - 0.5 kg each;
  • Water - 1 L;
  • Vodka - 0.5 L;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

Boil water, add berries and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Leave it under the lid for 10 to 12 hours. Separate the berries and strain. Pour in sugar and boil for 3-4 minutes. Squeeze the lemon and add to the cooled berry mixture with vodka. Let it brew for a few weeks. Everything, tincture is ready.

On moonshine

Do you have good moonshine? So why not make a delicious berry drink? Take any recipe described as the basis, only replace alcohol with your moonshine.

On the cherry leaves

This year you were left without cherries or all the berries went for jam and compotes. No problem! Take the cherry leaves and go ahead to prepare the original liquor.

You will need:

  • Shredded cherry leaves - 2 tbsp;
  • Zest of orange or lemon - 2 tbsp;
  • Sugar - 300 gr;
  • Alcohol (alcohol, vodka, moonshine) - 0.5 l.

Combine all ingredients and place in a three-liter jar. Leave for a month in a cool and dark place. Shake the container periodically. When the time comes, strain the filling and bottle, put everything in the refrigerator.

On cognac

You will need:

  • Cherries (seedless) - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • Cognac - 0.5 L;
  • Clove - 5 pcs;
  • Cherry leaves - 5-7 pcs.

Take all of the above ingredients, place in a three-liter jar and mix. Close the lid. Put in any place in the room for 30 days. After strain, pour into glass bottles and leave to infuse for another 2-3 weeks. We all enjoy the result!

What is the difference between liquor and tincture?

Pouring is a delicious alcoholic drink in which alcohol and sweetness are present. If you make the liquor on natural fermentation, then the fortress will not be higher than 20 °, and the consistency will be a little malleable. Tincture is done without sugar. The result is a strong alcoholic drink, where the taste and aroma of the ingredients used are pronounced.

We understand that each person has his own preferences and tastes, so you can strictly not adhere to the above recipes. But you definitely already have the foundation. Do not be afraid to experiment and add something of your own. Do not stop at one thing, procure the liquor according to different recipes, and then taste with friends and have fun!

Cherry is certainly a very tasty and healthy berry, someone makes jam, juice, dumplings and so on, but if you prefer alcoholic drinks, then here you can try a drink from this berry. When preparing cherry liquors, it should be borne in mind that the taste of the future liquor depends on the quality of the product, so the cherry should be carefully sorted, while separating rotten and damaged cherries. It is also worth considering that the cherry seeds contain poison, which is released in tiny amounts when the berries are insisted, so you need to remove all the bones from the cherry before cooking, but if you want, you can leave a dozen because they give the drink a special aftertaste that many people like.

Cherry Starosvetskaya on oak chips

1. First, you need to crush the cherry. To do this, you can use a rolling pin, crush or other improvised items.

2. We close the container with suppressed cherries with gauze or a rag and let it brew for 2 to 3 days.

3. Wandered cherries should be mixed with vodka, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, instead of vodka, you can use moonshine, but well-purified. To begin with, we add sugar and spices into a container with cherries, and then pour vodka.

4. Close the container with a lid and let it brew for 7 -20 days. After this time, we filter the liquor and pour into banks.

5. If desired, you can put oak wood chips in cans. We put the banks in a dark, cold place for a month for precipitation. Remove cherry juice from the sediment and enjoy!

1. First you need to take a jar and fill in all the ingredients.

2. Fill the contents of the jar with vodka and close the jar with a lid.

3. Then we send the bank to a dark place for two weeks.

4. Filter the cherry infusion and add 300 grams of sugar there.

5. Close the jar, shake it and put in a dark place for two weeks until the sugar is completely dissolved.

When the sugar has dissolved, you can pour the cherry liquor in bottles.

1. We fill all the ingredients in a jar and fill with red strong wine. We close the container with a lid and set it to insist for 3-4 weeks in a dark place.

2. After this time, we filter the liquor and pour it back into the jar or some other container. If desired, you can add a little sugar (100-150 grams). To do this, add sugar to the liquor, stir it, close the jar with a lid and let stand for 3-4 days until the sugar is completely dissolved.

3. Filter the cherry liquor through the cotton and bottle.

1. First, clean the pitted cherries, after washing it.

2. Pour the cherry into a jar and push it with a rolling pin or something else. It is necessary to press the cherry until the moment when the mass turns into a more or less homogeneous and liquid.

3. Fill the crushed cherry with moonshine, depending on what kind of fortress you want to get. Close the jar with a lid and set to insist 7 days.

4. Filter the standing caramel over cheesecloth and add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Stir the cherry filling until the sugar is completely dissolved, close the jar with a lid and set to insist for another 7 days.

5. Remove the resulting cherry filling from the sediment and bottle it.

Among all homemade tinctures, cherry filling is perhaps the most delicious. Berries of cherry well level the vodka taste, the liquor is aromatic and is very easy to drink. The traditional recipe for making cherry liquor takes a lot of time - you need to simmer the berry with sugar in the sun, strain it several times - not everyone decides to cook it. Therefore, for those who have long wanted to cook homemade liquor, but did not dare because of the complexity, my recipe is very useful. You will see how simple it is and will be glad that according to this recipe you can prepare a sweet tincture from any fresh or frozen berries. I will also talk about two versions of cherry tincture on vodka: for women and for men.

You will need:

  • cherry with stone 300-500 gr
  • vodka 0.5 liters
  • sugar 4-5 tablespoons or to taste

You will also need   glass jar with tight-fitting lid  the size   Oh, 7 litersif you are preparing a stronger male version, or liter can  for a softer female tincture.

Pouring can be prepared from frozen berries, which must first be thawed.

Do not skimp and buy good vodka - this is the key to tasty liquor.

Other recipes with cherries:

Step-by-step photo recipe for making cherry liquor:

Wash the cherries. Pour the vodka into the jar and add the cherry so that the vodka rises to the edges of the jar.  If you use a 0.7 liter jar, you will need less cherries and get a stronger drink. A liter jar of cherries will fit more and you will have a softer, more feminine version, full of cherries, not vodka.

In addition to a bright berry taste, cherry liqueur attracts its   bitter and aromatic finishthat the bones give her. To enhance this aftertaste, remove the seeds (5-10 pieces) from the cherry, put them in a plastic bag and crush them with a hammer. Put crushed bones in a jar with vodka and cherry. Close the jar tightly and remove   in a dark place for 3 months at room temperature.

Across   3 months  strain the tincture in another jar, add sugar and mix well. Sugar, add gradually, try, focusing on your taste (usually 400 ml of liquid, 0.5 cups of sugar). Traditionally, cherry liquor is sweet dessert drink. Strain "drunk" cherries can be used for baking. Ready-made liquor is stored in a tightly closed container in a cool place (if you have enough patience to store).

Tip for frequent visitors:  prepare the cherry in a three-liter jar. In this case, you will need 2.5 liters of vodka, about 1-1.5 kg of cherries and 3.5 cups (200 ml) of sugar.

According to this recipe, you can make a drink from almost any berry: from raspberries, cherries, currants, cranberries, etc. Just keep in mind that if a berry is sweet, for example, strawberries or cherries, then sugar will be needed. From my own experience I know that from a sour berry, the liquor turns out to be more refined, well, and the cherry liquor, after all, is the most delicious - this is a classic of the genre.

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Before making cherry at home according to this recipe, we fill the berries in a bottle.

Pour sugar. We tie a bottle of gauze and set it in the sun for 6 weeks so that the cherry ferments.

Then pour the cherry juice, pour into bottles, cork and put in a cold place.

Pour the cherries remaining in the bottle with vodka, close tightly and let stand at room temperature for 2 months.

We merge the second liqueur, filter, pour into bottles, cork.

After 5-6 months, you can drink the liquor.

How to make a classic cherry liqueur at home

To prepare a classic cherry filling you will need the following ingredients: cherry, vodka to taste, vanilla alcohol at the rate of 50 ml per 1 liter of filling.

Before making cherry filling according to the classic recipe, ripe the sweet and sour berries of my varieties, sprinkle on a baking sheet and dry in the sun or in the oven at a temperature of 50-80 ° C for 4-6 hours. Then pour the cherries into the bottle, fill it in 2/3 of the volume and fill it with purified vodka so that they are 1-2 cm covered, we cork the bottle and put it in a warm place.

Infusion lasts 4-5 weeks (at this time, the bottle should be shaken periodically and make three expressions). Such a liquor is usually prepared without adding sugar, but you can sweeten it a little if you wish. When the filling is ready, drain it, add vanilla alcohol at the rate of 50 ml per 1 liter of filling and once again keep it in a warm place for 3-5 days.

Before you make cherry liquor according to this recipe, you need to make vanilla alcohol.

To do this, take 5-6 tsp. vanillin, pour 200 ml of 70% alcohol and insist for several days. Then we filter and use for the preparation of liquors and other drinks.

The recipe for cherry filling on home-made vodka

According to the recipe for this cherry homemade liquor you need to take: 1 kg of cherries, 300 g of sugar, 400 ml of vodka.

To prepare the cherry liquor according to the “home-made” recipe, wash my ripe berries, dry them (we do not remove the seeds), prick them with a toothpick and put them in a bottle or jar, pouring sugar to taste. Filling the bottle with cherries on the shoulders, pour vodka to the top, close and put in a dark place at room temperature.

For 2 weeks, every 2-3 days, shake the bottle to dissolve the sugar. Then we leave the bottle in the same place for another 1.5 months. After this, we pour out the pouring, filter, bottle and cork.

Old recipes for cherry filling

Below are two options for how to cook cherry liqueur at home according to old recipes.

Option 1.

Ingredients:  1 kg of cherries, 1.5 g of cinnamon, 1 g of nutmeg, 250 g of sugar, 400 ml of vodka.

We crush the prepared cherries together with the seeds, put in a bottle and set to ferment for 3 days. After that, add vodka, cinnamon, nutmeg and put in a warm place for 8 days. When the filling becomes transparent, drain it, filter, add thick syrup, mix well and pour into bottles.

Option 2

Ingredients:  cherries, sugar at a rate of 300 g per 1 liter of liquid, vodka to taste.

My cherries, we clear half of the norm from the stones, we do not clear the second half. Pour all the cherries into the bottle for one quarter of its volume, fill it with strong vodka and put it in a warm oven or other warm place.

After 3-4 weeks, pour the liquid into another bottle, add sugar at the rate of 300 g per 1 liter of liquid, seal, place in a warm place and shake it from time to time to dissolve the sugar.

If desired, you can make cherry more sweet. For this sugar, we take twice as much, cook thick syrup from it and, while it is hot, gradually dilute the cherry liquor with it. When the cherry cools down, filter it, pour it into bottles, seal and store for up to 6 months. The older the cherry, the tastier it is.

It is undesirable to use lump refined sugar for fermentation. It contains the blue dye ultramarine, which inhibits the activity of yeast fungi.

How to make Cossack Cherry Cherry

Ingredients:  Cherries, vodka to taste.

Cherry liqueur "in Cossack" is prepared, as they say, "by eye" - there are no clear recommendations on the proportions of the ingredients. My cherries, we clear half of the norm from the stones, we do not clear the second half. We fill three quarters of the bottle with ripe cherries, add strong vodka and put in a cold place for 6-8 weeks. After this, we drain the vodka, squeeze the juice out of the cherry, pressing the linen bag with the load, where it was placed.

A day later, when the cherry juice becomes transparent, mix it with vodka, pour into bottles, cork. This cherry should ripen the whole year.

Homemade liquors are one of the oldest and very popular ways of making alcoholic beverages at home. They are tasty, easy to drink, decorate the festive table, will become an indispensable attribute of girl gatherings. Especially delicious and aromatic is the cherry filling. There are quite a few ways to cook it at home. All of them are made simply and no expensive products are used. Therefore, you should definitely use recipes for making liquors, especially if well-bearing cherry trees grow in your own garden. Then the production of this alcoholic beverage will cost a penny.

The traditional version of cherry fruit

The best, according to experts, is obtained using vodka. It will require:

  • sweet overripe cherry - one kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 500 grams;
  • half a liter of vodka.


In order for the cherry fruit liqueur to have a beautiful color of ripe pomegranate and tasty, it is necessary to choose ripe cherry berries. They are washed in cool water, trying not to stretch. Rotten specimens are taken, garbage is removed. In principle, many home winemakers do not wash berries, so they retain beneficial microorganisms. However, if the berry is heavily contaminated, then it must be washed. Especially if the cherry was purchased by hand.

The glass container is thoroughly washed, a layer of cherry is laid on the bottom. The berries are covered with six tablespoons of granulated sugar (possible with a slide). Then again comes a layer of cherries and again everyone is covered with sugar. So the layers alternate until the jar is filled to the very shoulders. To juice well began to stand out from the berries, they must be pierced with a toothpick. Sugar is put on the basis of what kind of wine you want to get. If sweet liquors are preferred, more sugar should be added. When sugar and cherry are placed in glass containers, they are poured with vodka until the beginning of the neck of the container. Do not fill the jar to the top, otherwise, as a result of fermentation, the contents simply overflow. The neck of a glass container is covered with gauze folded in several layers. Do not put on the cap. Cherry cordial cleaned in a dark place at room temperature. Three days later, the container is removed and its contents thoroughly mixed. This is necessary so that the sugar is completely dissolved in vodka. Then again removed for fermentation.

Cherry liquor produced according to this recipe at home should ferment for at least two months and this process should be constantly monitored. After a few weeks, the sugar will completely dissolve, and the filling should change its color. Initially, it will be pinkish and transparent, then it will become a rich cherry hue. When two months have passed, the cord is removed, filtered through a sieve and bottled. You can already immediately taste it. If the drink seems too strong, then it should be diluted with natural cherry juice. Before serving, the cherry filling should be very well cooled.

Strong liquor

To get a stronger drink at home, you can use alcohol diluted with water to a comfortable degree.

Would need:

  • a kilogram of ripe cherries;
  • 400 grams of sugar;
  • diluted alcohol - 600 ml.


The pouring will turn out to be very aromatic, if you use cherries with stones for cooking. Therefore, the cherry should simply be washed, remove the rotten berries, put on paper towels and dry. It would be nice to pre-sunk it in the sun. If sunny days are not enough, then you can use the electric dryer for vegetables, berries, fruits. As soon as the cherry fruits lose some of their juice, they are poured into a jar and shook it so that the berries are densely packed. Then pour the cherry with diluted alcohol or vodka so that the alcohol covers the berries by 2 centimeters. Insist berries with alcohol for two weeks in a dark and warm place.

After this time, all the liquid is poured into a separate container, and the remaining cherry fruits are again poured with vodka or alcohol, removed in a warm dark place again for two weeks. Next, the resulting liquid is again poured into a separate container, the cherry is again poured with alcohol. Now you need to insist for two months. Then the contents are filtered, combined with the previous two fractions. Everything is thoroughly mixed and sugar is added. Its amount varies depending on how sweet you want to get the liquor. After all the actions, the cherry liquor is bottled, corked and removed to cool.

Without vodka and alcohol

Necessary components:

  • ripe cherries - 2 kg;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 250 ml of pure water.

If you use a simple recipe for cherry without vodka, you get a tasty alcoholic drink that looks more like homemade wine. Cherry is sorted, washed, pitted with a pin or a special device called a bone separator. The fruit is poured into a jar and add 200 grams of granulated sugar, then again cherry and sand again. The steps are repeated until the ingredients are finished. 250 ml of room temperature water are poured into the jar. The jar is filled to the shoulders, covered with gauze, left for three days. Shake the container every day so that the juice that stands out completely covers the cherry. As soon as fermentation starts, you need to put on a glove with a punctured finger on a jar or install a water seal. An ideal temperature for fermentation is considered to be 25-29 degrees.

When air bubbles cease to stand out from the seal, it is time to pour the product through a sieve or through a nylon cover with holes made. At this stage, only the cherry pieces should be cleaned from the liquor; a small amount of sediment will not hurt. The drink is again put in a warm place for two days. Now it is again filtered, but already more efficiently, through a strainer and several layers of gauze. It’s time to bottle the cherry. A home-made drink is ready to drink. If you do not plan to use it in the near future, then it is better to remove it in a cool dark place. Cherry liqueur without vodka can be stored for up to three years.

One-day quick liqueur

You can try to make cherry liqueur per day. It is perfect for women's gatherings, on its basis you can cook various desserts, cocktails. For cooking you will need:

  • frozen cherry berries (kilogram);
  • good moonshine (alcohol);
  • cherry twigs and leaves;
  • sugar - 700 grams;
  • liter of purified water.

Washed cherries, cherry leaves with sprigs, sugar, water are poured into a stainless steel pan. The drink will have a strength of about 25 degrees, if you want less strong, then you should add more water. Cook the mixture for about 10 minutes, then everything needs to be cooled. Then, syrup is filtered through several layers of gauze and moonshine or diluted alcohol is added to it. The drink is mixed, bottled and can already be consumed. However, if the cherry liquor stays a couple of weeks in a cool place, then it will become tastier.

The subtleties of manufacturing

How to choose berries?

Cherry is the main component for filling, so special requirements are placed on the berries. They should not be spoiled, as the taste of the drink from this will significantly deteriorate. Therefore, all berries are inspected for putrefactive areas. Cherry is better to take a ripe, dark burgundy color. There is still controversy over cherry pits. Many strongly suggest that you remove the seeds from the berries before you make cherry filling so that hydrocyanic acid does not harm your health. But other drink connoisseurs say that the bones give him an amazing aftertaste and a very pleasant astringency. Here everyone decides for himself, since the question is still open. Although from ancient times all the liquors, jam and stewed cherries were prepared using seeds.

Alcohol base

It is selected depending on the desired strength of the future drink. So you can use vodka, alcohol, moonshine, cognac, rum, brandy. But more often than not, they make vodka. Each alcoholic drink gives its own peculiar aftertaste and special aroma. First you need to prepare a liquor according to the classic recipe, and then experiment with taste gradually adding various ingredients, such as cinnamon, cloves, lemon or orange zest.


Sometimes cherries do not wander for a long time. If this process does not start, then a little unwashed raisins should be added to the cherry liquor, on the surface of which there are yeast bacteria that can start the fermentation process. You should not add yeast for fermentation, otherwise it will turn out just cherry mash.

Making cherry liquor at home becomes an excellent hobby, especially if you have your own garden with cherry trees, and there are connoisseurs of natural and delicious alcohol in the house. It is impossible to compare the purchased liquor and your own, prepared according to the home recipe, with your own hands. At present, it is not difficult to make liquor at home, especially if you learn how to choose the right components and develop your own technology for making an alcoholic beverage. There are many recipes for liquors, and therefore novice winemakers can constantly practice in the production of this delicious alcoholic beverage. Fragrant liqueur will be a wonderful decoration for the festive table. This is a high-quality home-made alcoholic drink without any aromatic and other synthetic additives.