How to quickly peel potatoes using improvised tools. How to peel young potatoes very quickly

Do you know that young potatoes help lower cholesterol and contain a large amount of minerals and healthy vitamins? But today we’re not going to talk about this, but about the thing that many people don’t like, that’s peeling potatoes. Of course there are a large number of ways to peel young potatoes, but I will tell you, popular, and effective.

Before you talk about the fastest way to peel new potatoes, a short video excursion into peeling potatoes. Perhaps the current method will suit you, look at the video.

How else can you peel new potatoes:

1. In the army. Quickly. On this, the pros end. The best option, for those who have weekly potato rain and the question of stocks, in principle, does not arise.

2. In a Soviet way. The usual way to peel potatoes with a knife. For a long, tedious, a significant part of the potatoes goes into the bin. If the cleaning was entrusted to the growing offspring, then perhaps from method 1 it is not much different. Now more humane devices than a potato peeler knife have come to the rescue.

3. Nano way. This method allows you to peel the young potatoes in seconds.
  - Cook potatoes in a peel;
  - Put already cooked potatoes in ice water for 5-10 seconds;
  - With two hands, with one movement to the sides, remove the skin;

4. The second nano way. Just pour boiled water over the young potatoes or dip them in boiled water only, and then peel off your hands.

5. Take a metal sponge or dish brush and gently peel all the potatoes. The disadvantage of this method is that metal rolling pins can remain on the potato, you need to be extremely careful.

6. A stiff bristle brush can be used.

Tip:  If you clean young potatoes without mittens, soak your hands with mowing or citric acid, let them dry without wiping, and then after cleaning you will not have any dark spots on your hands.

It would seem that something new can be said about how to peel potatoes? For most Russians, this is not the most fun procedure for a lifetime associated with the concept of debt. For men - a military duty with many centners of potatoes, peeled as they get. For women, it is the duty of matrimonial with daily standard dinners with the obligatory presence on the menu of this country's main vegetable, “second bread” and “third meat”.

Let's try to systematize all the main ways how to peel potatoes.

Popular varieties of potatoes

The science of botany knows at least two thousand varieties of this vegetable. Some of them are ideal stews, friable varieties are well suited for cooking "in their uniforms", varieties with a low starch content - for frying.

In any case, all these varieties must be peeled, including young potatoes. Do not neglect them, preferring other side dishes, whether cereals or pasta.

Peeling potatoes means removing the peel of the fruit. The thickness of the removed top layer may be different, depending on experience and skills. You can peel potatoes with a knife, as well as other devices. Industrial cleaning at catering establishments, in army canteens and other similar places is carried out using special units.

Using a housekeeper

With the help of miniature peelers (housekeepers), the process of peeling potatoes can be greatly simplified. The peel is cut off with thin layers of approximately the same thickness.

At the same time, tubers should be washed in advance so as not to deposit dirt on already cleaned parts.

This is the most common way. The peel from the tuber is cut off in a circular motion or in the direction of "on itself." This method is more suitable for experienced people. The probability of cutting yourself with a knife is very significant.

The purchase of an electric vegetable peeling unit will help get rid of one problem and immediately create another.

We have to decide which is more unpleasant: to peel potatoes  by hand or wash the contaminated potato peeler each time.

What to do with young potatoes: is it peeled?

Most recipes using new potatoes do not imply peeling. If it is nevertheless necessary, it is enough to rinse the tubers and gently rub them with a sponge or metal grater.

The second way is to immerse the tubers in boiling water for a minute, and then transfer them to a pot of cold water. It remains only to remove the skin in an elementary way.

Need boiled potatoes for Olivier salad? In order not to suffer and not to waste nerves on this unpleasant task, it is better to cut raw tubers into cubes and boil them right away.

Otherwise, you will have to make incisions on the potatoes and pull on the peel, clogging the space under the nails with the flesh.

Now you understand how you can easily and quickly peel potatoes in many ways. Follow them, and potato dishes will cease to be your stumbling block.

The cooking process today has been greatly simplified thanks to the active development of technology. But for most people, the question of how to quickly peel potatoes remained unresolved. Of course, now peelers have appeared, but they only make the manipulation safer, and not faster. Few people know that for many years there have been several methods, the use of which allows you to spend only a few minutes on working with root crops. It is not necessary to purchase additional tools and create complex designs. The main thing is to choose the right approach to the vegetable, depending on its type and condition.

Features of working with potatoes

Even today, despite the appearance of peelers, many cooks continue to peel potatoes with a knife. In this case, the work is conducted towards yourself, in a spiral or circle. Even many years of experience and a very sharp knife are not able to protect with this approach from injury. And the processing speed of the components is poor.
There is only one way to speed up and simplify the approach:

  • We take a tuber, cut off the peel from both sides to give stability.
  • We put the vegetable on the board and begin to remove the peel with longitudinal movements. At first, the flesh will be cut a little more than usual, but over time, the skill will come.

Tip: Even when buying potatoes, you need to pay attention to its quality. If the tubers are covered with dots and dimples, peeling in any case will turn into torture, which will stretch for a long time. And inside of such a product, wormholes are often found.

By the way, this is the best way to work when using a peeler. In this case, the fingers and nails will be protected from scratches and cuts, and the flesh from the vegetable will be removed in a minimum amount. This method can even be used in teaching children.

What is the easiest way to peel young potatoes?

It is better not to peel a completely young potato, especially if it was grown on its own personal plot. Her skin is so thin that it does not spoil the product at all. It is enough to rub the component with a hard sponge and cut out the eyes.

In addition, there are several more effective methods that can minimize the time of work:

  • We wash the young tubers, prepare two containers - with boiling water and cold water (you can even add a little ice to it). We drop the vegetables individually by half a minute in boiling water, after which we transfer them to ice water and hold the same amount. After this treatment, the skin will literally peel off the surface of the pulp.
  • They also use a metal egg net to clean young potatoes. The main thing is to quickly turn the tool, holding it under the strong pressure of cold water.
  • To properly peel potatoes bought at the market or in the store, it is better to use a more aggressive and thorough method. We take a metal washcloth or plastic brush and carefully rub each tuber to obtain the desired result.
  • Very small elements require a special approach. We take a plastic bag, pour several tablespoons of coarse salt and potatoes there. Do not try to immediately process a lot of vegetables, they can be poorly cleaned. Three blanks between the palms, carefully rolling each element. All that remains is to extract the contents and rinse thoroughly under cold water.

Fans of technical designs can build a tool for cleaning young potatoes. To do this, take a new toilet brush, cut off its handle, leaving only a couple of centimeters. The workpiece is attached to the construction mixer - everything is ready. In a bucket of water we lower no more than 1 kg of potatoes, a brush and turn on the device. Processing should take at least 3-5 minutes, then the whole skin is completely cleaned off the surface of the product.

If the tubers are even and beautiful, just boil them according to the usual pattern. Only immediately after processing do not cool the components to send for cleaning, but lower them into very cold water. From the temperature difference, the skin should burst, after which it can be quickly and easily removed with a small knife.

In addition, there is another way to process the ingredient. It is more troublesome, but it gives an excellent result:

  • Each root crop is cut in a circle. We touch only the skin, try not to damage the flesh. The line should be closed.
  • Put the billets in water and cook as usual. A minute before turning off the stove, we prepare a container of ice water.
  • Remove the pan with potatoes from the stove, do not drain the water. We use a slotted spoon or a spoon to get one tuber, lower it into cold water, wait 10 seconds and get it. Now the peel literally slips from the surface of the pulp and it can be removed in two parts.
  • This method is also good because it allows you to protect your fingers from burns, but the potato itself remains hot inside.

Today automatic peelers are becoming more popular, which remove the peel from both root crops, fruits, and other vegetables. To do this, just fix the product on the device and run it. The smart device will beep when the component is cleaned. The only inconvenience of the approach is that each tuber will have to be installed and removed manually, and such a device does not remove the eyes. But the peel is removed very thinly, but only on the condition that the surface of the potato is flat, without sharp transitions.

Peeling potatoes is one of the most unpleasant kitchen work: it was not for nothing that in the old days it was assigned to guilty soldiers. However, there are ways to facilitate this activity and even interest children in it.

Preliminary preparation

Before peeling potatoes, they must be washed in running water or in a bowl. Some housewives prefer to peel dirty tubers, and wash them after removing the peel. But it must be remembered that in the soil adhering to the peel of the potato, there are many particles of semi-decomposed organic matter, which the beds fertilize.

When cleaning, dirt is mixed with juice, absorbed into the pulp and poorly washed off. However, after this, the tubers are subjected to heat treatment, so that the probability of developing dysentery is negligible, but you should not discount the danger. Wash potatoes before peeling is much more hygienic.

If a teenager peels potatoes or an adult mistress has an uncomfortable knife, the blade can slip off a wet peel and injure his hand. Therefore, it is better to dry the tubers with a paper towel after washing.

Peeled potatoes immediately dipped in cold water, otherwise it will darken. Slicing is started only when all the tubers are peeled.

Peeling potatoes

The speed of peeling potatoes largely depends on the quality of the knife. The most convenient knife for this purpose is a small one with a short blade (Fig. 1). Thrifty housewives try to cut the peel as thin as possible.

  Fig. 1. Conventional potato peeling knife

As a rule, tubers are peeled in a spiral, starting from the middle: first one half, then the other (Fig. 2). Then the tip of the knife removes the eyes and damage.

  Fig. 2. Peeling potatoes with an ordinary knife

The use of peelers

It is much easier and safer to work with a peeler than with a regular knife.

The most popular peelers:

  • with a horizontal blade (Y-shaped, Fig. 3);
  • with a blade located on the side (Fig. 4);
  • straight line (Fig. 5).

  Fig. 3. Peelers with a horizontal blade
  Fig. 4. Peeler with a vertical blade   Fig. 5. Direct peeler

The peel of the peeler with a floating blade is most economically removed, which, when working, repeats the tuber's relief. When choosing a device, you need to pay attention not only to the blade, but also to the handle: it should be made of non-slip material.

A direct peeler is especially convenient, it can be used to cut the peel in both directions: to and from oneself (a strict tuber, like a pencil), and it is easy to cut eyes with a point. It is safer than other peelers: the blade is protected on both sides, which is why even children are allowed to use it.

How to peel young potatoes

Despite the fact that the peel of young potatoes is very thin, scrubbing it with a knife is a painstaking work: the tubers are sometimes very small, and the fingers from the potato juice quickly darken. However, there are several ways to peel new potatoes without a knife.

Salt cleaning

It is convenient to salt to peel very small tubers. About 1 kg of washed young potatoes is put in a pot or a dense plastic bag. If there is a lot of potato, it is peeled in several passes. Tubers are covered with 3-4 tablespoons of rock salt. Salt leaves scratches on the inner surface of the vessel, so it’s better to take an old pan, even with broken enamel.

A bag of potatoes and salt is wrinkled vigorously, shaken for 5-10 minutes. If a pan is used, it is covered with a lid without holes and shaken. Then salt is washed off from peeled potatoes.

Freshly dug potatoes are peeled very quickly, lying a little in the room - a little slower. It is easiest to peel young potatoes with white or cream peel in this way. The red peel is denser, so even after intense friction with salt on the tubers, small, uncleaned areas remain.

Cleaning with a metal washcloth

This method is preferable for medium and large tubers:

  1. Young potatoes are poured into a basin and poured with water.
  2. Each tuber is scraped with a metal washcloth.
  3. Peeled potatoes are transferred to a bowl of cold water.

A metal washcloth scrapes well even a dense peel from red tubers.

Potato peeling gloves

On sale there are special rubber gloves that quickly peel young potatoes. From the side of the palm, an abrasive is applied to them. When choosing rubber gloves, you must definitely smell them: cheap models sometimes have an unpleasant odor.

More expensive thread gloves are made of thick yarn (nylon with spandex), impregnated with a special compound that prevents wetting. There is no abrasive on them, the peel is scraped off due to the fact that the threads are very stiff. Thanks to spandex, the gloves are dimensionless and fit snugly on the arm.

  Special gloves

Jacket potato peeling fast

The best way to peel potatoes on a salad:

  1. Boil potatoes until cooked.
  2. Fill a bowl with very cold water, if ice cubes float in it, all the better.
  3. Using a slotted spoon, get one potato and put it in a bowl of cold water.
  4. Wait 10 seconds.
  5. Remove the potato and peel.
  6. Repeat for all potatoes.

In ice water, only the top layer cools, so that the cooked tuber is easy to hold, although its middle remains hot. Due to the temperature contrast, the peel lags behind the pulp, and peeling potatoes takes a matter of minutes. Therefore, there is no need to worry that the potatoes will lie in the water for too long and become watery.

Even faster, you can peel the potatoes in their uniforms, if on each raw tuber a circular cut is made with a depth of not more than 1 mm. Boiled potatoes, as in the previous case, are dipped in cold water. The peel is removed with a “stocking” - two continuous hemispheres (Fig. 6).

  Fig. 6. Peeling potato jacket

If you do not want to use a container with cold water, then in order not to get burned, a plug is inserted into the potato. Then, using a knife, peel the skin from the bottom to the top (Fig. 7).

  Fig. 7. Peeling potatoes in uniform with a knife and fork

Peeling potatoes with a drill

The method invented in Denmark is good for summer outings, when you need to quickly peel potatoes for a large number of guests. You will need a plastic bucket, a cordless drill and a new, unused brush (of those that clean the toilet). In order not to splatter the floor and kitchen furniture with dirty water, it is better to clean the potatoes in the yard.

  Fig. 8. Using a drill to peel potatoes


  1. At the brush, the handle is cut off and inserted into the drill hole (Fig. 8). The longer the brush stalk - the less danger that splashes of water get into the drill.
  2. Raw potatoes are poured into the bucket (young or old - it doesn’t matter) and poured with water. Tubers with water should not occupy more than 1/3 of the volume of the bucket, otherwise the dirty liquid will splash out during cleaning.
  3. The brush of the brush is lowered into the bucket and the drill is turned on.
  4. The contents of the bucket are mixed in circular motions for 4-5 minutes, as with a mixer.
  5. The peeled potatoes are washed, the eyes are removed.

In this way, it is easier to peel potatoes with a white or creamy peel. It is more difficult to peel a red peel. Even after 5 minutes of contact with the stiff bristles, a little skin remains on the tubers. But it is so thinned that potatoes can be baked in a rustic way with it.


Potatoes on the table of Europeans appeared several centuries ago. It has been known in Russia and the CIS countries since the 18th century thanks to the emperor Peter the Great. Today, many people love potatoes and are often used as the basis for dishes.

Peeling potatoes can take a lot of time, especially if the root crops are small, or you need to prepare a dish for a large company. There are several ways to peel potatoes that save time and nerves.

Before you begin the process of peeling potatoes, you need to wash it to remove soil, sand and other contaminants

If you plan to cook potatoes in their skins, it is better to soak the tubers for 10-15 minutes in cool water, and then gently rub with a soft sponge so as not to damage the peel.

It is more convenient to peel even potatoes, if the tuber is uneven, the process may be delayed, the amount of waste will increase. If a rotten area is found on the vegetable, it is better to throw out the whole tuber, since its taste can ruin the finished dish.

For cleaning potatoes use different tools:

  • metal sponge;
  • hard foam sponge;
  • electric drill;
  • peeler;
  • water;
  • special car.

Whatever method you choose, do not forget about basic safety rules:

  • knives should be sharp, with a short blade and a non-slip handle;
  • sponges new or at least clean;
  • electrical appliances must be operational.

How to peel raw potatoes

Most dishes use raw potatoes. Potatoes grown independently without fertilizers can not be peeled at all, just wash well enough.

The peel of the vegetable contains most of the iron, phosphorus, B vitamins, ascorbic acid and potassium. In addition, unpeeled potatoes give the finished dish a piquant taste and an unusual look.

Young potatoes

Many are looking forward to the beginning or mid-summer to please themselves with young potatoes. Boiled root vegetables with butter and greens are especially tasty.


The peel on a young potato is very thin and can be removed almost effortlessly. For this, even a not very sharp knife is suitable, for example, for butter.

The washed potato is clamped in the hand (it can easily slip out) and begin to be carried out with the knife blade towards itself. After cleaning, the remaining eyes are picked out with the tip of a knife, and the root crop is washed in water.

It is worth noting that this traditional method takes more time than the rest.


To speed up the process, you can take a metal brush or use a sponge to wash dishes (use the hard part).

Each tuber is wiped with a sponge, the skin is removed very quickly and without residue, but the eyes will have to be picked out with a knife. Peeling potatoes in this way is best under tap from a tap, or periodically lower the tuber into a container of cool water.

Water of different temperatures

After peeling a young potato, the skin of the hands in contact with the vegetable turns brown, and it is not easy to wash the dirt.

You can, of course, use gloves, but keeping slippery root vegetables in them is not very convenient.

There is one proven method, after which the peel from a young potato will come off on its own. To do this, you need 2 capacious containers. In one you need to pour boiling water, in the second cold water. We recommend stocking up with ice, this will greatly speed up the process.

Algorithm of actions:

  • we drop one washed tuber in boiling water;
  • we sustain 20-30 seconds;
  • transfer the slotted spoon to cold water.

After a few seconds, you just have to wash the tuber, it will become completely clean.


Very often small potatoes are used for side dishes, but peeling them is a real problem and takes a lot of time. There is a very simple and effective way, for this you need coarse salt and a dense plastic bag.

Algorithm of actions:

  • pour a couple of tablespoons of salt into the bag;
  • add 200-300 grams of potato;
  • tightly tie a bag;
  • shake several times and roll the potatoes between the palms.

In just a few minutes, in this way you can peel a lot of small root crops, before cooking you only need to rinse them well.


The following method is suitable in cases where you need to peel a very large number of young potatoes, for example, in nature. You can use it at home, but in this case you need to be prepared for the subsequent cleaning of the room.

To do this, you must:

  • potatoes (size is unimportant);
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • toilet brush (always new);
  • a bucket or a large pan.

Place washed potatoes (not more than a kilogram) in a container, pour water. Attach a brush to the base of the drill, lower it into a bucket and turn it on at maximum power. After a few seconds, all root crops will be cleaned and a new batch can be filled in if necessary.

During operation, make sure that the drill does not come in contact with water in order to avoid electric shock.

Useful note: it is better to manipulate the drill on the street and in dirty clothes, because the spray scatters far.

Old potato

Unlike young, the peel on the old potato is tough, to remove it you need to cut off part of the pulp. Traditionally, a knife is used for this. The tuber is held in hand and, slightly piercing the blade, the peel is removed, moving in a spiral or a circle (to whom it is convenient). After that, the eyes are removed and the potatoes are washed.

It is more convenient and safer to use a vegetable knife with a short blade, it is more maneuverable and allows you to remove a thin layer of the peel even from an uneven root crop.

The handle on the instrument should be comfortable in the hand, preferably rubberized, to prevent unexpected slipping and injury. The blade of the knife should be sharp, this will facilitate and speed up the process. In addition, as practice shows, cutting with a blunt knife is more likely than sharp.

There is another way to use the knife, which will save a little time and less traumatic:

  • put the washed root crop on a cutting board, cut off the lower part by 5-8 cm;
  • set the potato to the cut;
  • hold the upper part with your free hand;
  • make a longitudinal cut from top to bottom with a sharp knife, removing a thin layer;
  • repeat movements until the potato is completely peeled;
  • remove the skin at the top, cut in the eyes;
  • rinse.

At first, this may not seem very convenient and economical, but over time, skill will appear.


Many housewives clean vegetables and fruits with a special tool. It is an object with an ergonomic handle in which the blade is fixed. There are several varieties:

  • in the form of a slingshot;
  • direct;
  • with metal and ceramic blade;
  • with static and floating blade.

The advantage of a peeler over a knife is to reduce the risk of injury.

Experienced housewives are advised to choose a tool with a ceramic floating blade, it is more durable, the blade in such peelers is usually self-sharpening.

Method of use:

  • hold the potato by hand;
  • press the peeler blade slightly on top;
  • conduct towards yourself in a smooth motion;
  • remove the eyes with the pointed part.

When using a peeler, a very thin layer of the peel is removed, so a greater amount of vitamins is stored in the product than when using a knife.

Potato peeler

For lovers of high technology, an electric potato peeler is suitable. This is a device with a rapidly rotating bowl, the walls and bottom of which are rough, which makes it possible to quickly remove the peel.

Method of using the device:

  • pour potatoes into the bowl (up to a kilogram);
  • add 500-750 ml of water;
  • turn on the device for 2-3 minutes;
  • disconnect from the network;
  • extract tubers;
  • rinse;
  • remove eyes and peel in some places.

The advantage of potato peelers is the speed of the process. Disadvantage: this appliance can only peel flat potatoes of the same size.

Jacket boiled potatoes

To prepare salads you need jacket potatoes. Such potatoes can be used as an independent dish, to taste it differs from ordinary boiled potatoes, also this cooking method preserves vitamins.

Jacketed potatoes can be peeled manually or with a knife, or you can use other methods.


So you can even clean a burning vegetable just before eating:

  • chop the root crop with a fork;
  • bring to the cutting board;
  • pry the peel from the bottom with a knife and move the blade up.

The manipulations continue until the vegetable is completely freed from the peel. This method will protect your hands from burns and the need to wash off the sticky layer of starch.


Before you start boiling vegetables, you need to make a shallow incision on each circumference. When the potatoes are boiled, drain the hot water and quickly pour into a container with a very cold one.

Literally after 10-20 seconds, you can start cleaning:

  • get one root crop;
  • squeeze the peel on opposite ends of the potato.

The skin is removed completely literally in a second, the fingers are not burned, and the potato itself remains hot.

Cold water

Another way - immediately after cooking, pour the potatoes in ice water, wait a few minutes. The peel will be removed very easily and will not stick to your hands.

How to peel potatoes in 30 seconds, see the video.

How to store peeled potatoes

Many housewives are faced with an acute lack of time, so sometimes it becomes necessary to cook vegetables in advance, for example, if guests are expected after work, and there will be mashed potatoes as one of the treats.

Potatoes contain a lot of starch, which darkens very quickly in the open air.


This method is suitable if you need to fry potatoes or cook soup or stew. After freezing, the pieces become dense and do not crumble.

Root crops must be cut, dried, folded into a plastic bag, removing air from it, and placed in the freezer. Potatoes can be stored in this way for no more than a day, otherwise it will lose palatability.

Before cooking, the vegetable does not need to be thawed.


When stored in this way, the potatoes become friable during cooking, therefore it is better to use it for mashed potatoes.

Peeled potatoes are poured completely with cold water and put in the refrigerator. Vegetables in this way can be stored for no more than one and a half days, then it begins to decompose in the liquid.

As you can see, there are many ways to save time and nerves when cooking potato dishes, even with the unexpected visit of a large number of guests.