Raisins: what happens, how to choose, how to cook. Why blue and brown raisins are healthier than yellow

Raisins  - dried grape fruit. Not all varieties are suitable for its manufacture. A quality product has a matte finish and no damage. Interestingly, raisins can be either shriveled or smooth (see photo).

In general, there are 4 types of raisins:

Grapes can be dried in two ways:

  1. Oftobi. Means drying in the sun. To speed up, you can use blanching.
  2. Soyagi. Means drying in shaded areas. This method takes longer and is considered more sparing.

How to choose and store?

When choosing raisins, pay attention to appearance. If the berries are oily and soft, most likely the product is spoiled and it is not recommended to buy it.

Raisins should be put in a clean, dry container with a tight lid, which can be left at room temperature. In this condition, it will remain fresh for 4 months. In the refrigerator, the time increases to a year.

Beneficial features

The benefits of raisins have been known for a huge amount of time. It is recommended to use it to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, since the sedative effect of dried fruit has been proven experimentally. Doctors recommend adding this product to your diet if you have problems with the digestive tract, heart, kidneys, or anemia. Given this, it is recommended to use raisins for pregnant women, for whom the risk of developing anemia is quite high.

Dry grapes retain 75% of vitamins and 100% of trace elements.  The composition of raisins includes a large number of various substances. For example, potassium normalizes the cardiovascular system and stabilizes blood pressure. There is phosphorus in dried fruit, which is necessary for bone tissue. These are not all substances that are part of raisins and have a positive effect on the activity of the whole organism.

The benefits of raisins and treatment

Raisins are used in numerous recipes of traditional medicine, which are aimed at treating many diseases. Decoctions prepared on the basis of raisins are recommended for pneumonia, bronchitis and hypertension.  Dry grapes can also rub places affected by lichen, in which case the disease will quickly disappear. It is recommended to use raisins in the period of jaundice.

Cooking use

Raisins are very popular in the cuisines of the Middle East. Since dried grapes are no different from fresh grapes, it can be used in identical recipes. Raisins are used in the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products. Cupcakes with raisins are especially popular.

Dry grapes are used for cooking meat and main dishes, for example, pilaf. Different raisins are also prepared on the basis of raisins, for example, kvass, fruit drinks, compote, etc.

If in the process of preparing this dried fruit it is necessary to improve its appearance, then you can take advantage of such tricks:

To separate the stuck together raisins you need to use the following advice: put raisins in a colander and hold it over boiling water. After this, the fruits need to be dried. A microwave is also available. To do this, hold them for 50 seconds at medium power. Check the raisins from time to time so as not to spoil it.

How to cook at home?

You can get raisins at home in several ways. For example, using an electric dryer. This is the highest quality and fastest way to get raisins.

So, select a sweet grape variety and remove the spoiled berries. It is recommended to leave the grapes on small tassels. After that, lower it for 4 sec. in boiling water with soda, per gallon of water 5 g of soda, and then immediately into cold water. This is necessary to remove wax deposits and speed up the drying process. Then the berries need to be dried on a towel and evenly placed on the sieve of an electric dryer. We are sent to the dryer and every hour changes capacities in places. The process will take you about 7 hours. After the grapes need to cool and again send for 7 hours to the dryer, the temperature is 60 degrees.

Grapes can be dried by a simpler method that our ancestors used. Take a baking sheet, cover it with paper and lay out the grapes. Then place it in a sunny place. Every 2 days the berries need to be turned over.

Harm raisins and contraindications

Raisins can cause harm if there is an individual intolerance to the product. In addition, it is worth considering that the composition of the product includes a large amount of sugar, which leads to high calorie content. Given this, eating raisins in large quantities is not recommended for obesity, as well as for people who are watching their figure. Limit the amount of use is in the presence of stomach ulcers.

It is forbidden to eat raisins with diabetes, as well as with an active form of tuberculosis.

In stores you can find two types of raisins - dark and light. They differ among themselves not only in color, but also in composition, useful properties and calorie content, so everyone is interested in which raisins are more useful, because in some cases it is also recommended in the treatment of diseases.

What raisins are ^

Raisins - a product obtained by drying grapes of different varieties. It is used not only in cooking, but also in the treatment of certain diseases, because has a number of useful properties.

Not all grape varieties are suitable for drying, only their fleshy species with a thin skin are chosen. Favorable conditions for growing and drying were created by nature in the countries of Central Asia, where they invented this method of long-term storage of fruits, in which berries lose up to 80% of water. To obtain 1 kilogram of dry grapes, up to 4 kilograms of fresh grapes are required.

The ancient Persians came up with the idea to dry grapes; at that time it was a great discovery. After all, drying turned grapes into a product of long-term storage, and the saturation with useful substances was not lost. It is believed that there are much more nutrients in dark types of raisins: they contain many antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and acids, the amount of which increases several times precisely after drying the grapes.

Now there are several subspecies of raisins, which are prepared from light and dark grape varieties:

  • Light brown with a golden hue: prepared from raisins;
  • Black: made from seedless red grapes. May also be blue or burgundy;
  • Large brown with stones;
  • Yellow: medium in size, made from white grapes with a single bone.

How raisins are made

Traditionally, three methods of making raisins are used:

  • The grapes are laid out in the shade and dried there for a long time. Such raisins are more expensive, but considered the most useful of all;
  • The berries are placed in the open sun for 2 weeks, after which their skin becomes stiffer. Sometimes they are treated with alkali before drying: it helps soften and accelerates the drying process;
  • The grapes are dried using sulfur dioxide or in a tunnel oven. As a result, it acquires a glossy surface. This method is considered less preferable, but raisins made with its help are most often sold in stores.

An important fact - during drying, the chemical composition of the berry does not change, moreover:

  • The concentration of the substances contained in them increases. This is due to the evaporation of water from the fruit. And the result of this action is amazing: the amount of fructose and glucose is increased eight times and the content of these substances reaches 80%;
  • There is an increase in the content of vitamins present in the berry, especially B vitamins;
  • The concentration of mineral substances (iron and boron, chlorine, phosphorus and potassium) increases;
  • In the process of water evaporation, a balanced content is established between the elements of magnesium and calcium, the proportions of which are ideal for the human body;
  • According to experts, drying contributes to the formation of additional antioxidants in the form of tartaric and oleanolic acid.

How to make raisins from grapes yourself

If the store product is not credible, then you can cook raisins yourself. The easiest way to do this is with a fruit dryer:

  • In boiling water (about 5 l) you need to dissolve 7-10 tablespoons of soda and lower the bunch of grapes there for a few minutes.
  • After which the berries are rinsed with cold water, cooled, separated from the branches and laid out on the dryer.
  • Every day it is necessary to sort out the berries, taking ready-made and throwing out substandard ones.
  • The procedure takes from 15 to 30 days.

The easiest way to get raisins is to put ripened and even overripe grapes on a clay-lubricated drying platform and dry in the sun for 20-30 days.

  • You can speed up the drying process. To do this, the grapes are first immersed for several seconds in a boiling 1-2% alkali solution, and then washed with cold, clean water.
  • In this case, the wax coating on the skin of the berry is destroyed and cracks are formed, through which moisture evaporates faster. With this method, raisins are ready in 7-10 days.
  • There is also a shadow method of drying, when grapes are suspended in sheds with thick walls and narrow windows through which hot air passes from the street, but direct sunlight does not penetrate.

How many calories in 100 g of raisins

On average, the caloric content of different types of raisins, regardless of whether with seeds or without, varies from 240 to 300 Kcal per 100 g:

  • Light green raisins with a golden hue - 240-260 Kcal;
  • Black or blue - 250-260 kcal per 100 g.

This calorie content is considered average, but for people with obesity, raisins should be limited in their diet. If there is a little excess weight and a person is simply dieting, raisins can be consumed as a snack in between meals, but in small quantities.

Weight and Volume Measures

150 grams of raisins is how many tablespoons?

  • To understand this issue, you need to know how many raisins are in a tablespoon.
  • So, in 1 tbsp. l contains 25 g of raisins, respectively, 150 g of the product is 6 tbsp. l

How many grams of raisins are in a glass?

It all depends on the type of dishes:

  • In the tea room - 190 g;
  • In faceted - 155 g.

100 g of raisins - how much?

  • To collect 100 g of dried grapes, four tablespoons are enough. tablespoons or a little more than half a faceted glass.

What is the most useful raisin ^

Useful properties and contraindications for the use of raisins

Any types of raisins have a number of important properties for the human body:

  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Prevent the development of anemia and vitamin deficiency;
  • They relieve insomnia and have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system;
  • Stabilize the activity of the digestive tract;
  • Help with VSD;
  • Prevent the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Also, decoctions of raisins are used for bronchitis or severe cough, because they improve the activity of the respiratory system. In addition, raisins are often used to ferment wine, and it will be considered more useful than prepared from ordinary grapes.

In the absence of contraindications, the inclusion of raisins in the daily diet provides the human body with great benefit:

  • The risk of developing various diseases is reduced by strengthening immunity and supplying the body with useful substances;
  • General health improves;
  • Dieting is easier because raisins can be consumed between meals instead of sweets and chocolate.

How much raisin can be eaten per day

  • The recommended portion of raisins is 100-200 g per day.
  • For the heart, you can increase the rate from 150 to 200 g.

Despite the great benefits of dried grapes, there are still contraindications to them:

  • Severe obesity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Exacerbation of a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

Which raisins are more useful: black or white

What you need to know about the features of each of the types of this product:

  • Black: possesses antioxidant properties, normalizes sleep and the nervous system, prevents vitamin deficiency, strengthens the immune system, increases brain activity, improves calcium absorption;
  • White: increases the protective properties of the immune system, reduces the likelihood of developing anemia, contains many vitamins.

Dark raisins are considered the most useful because its chemical composition is richer than that of light:

  • Its dark skin contains the active substance resveratrol, which is one of the powerful antioxidants. Therefore, red grape wines are considered more useful than white.
  • This substance is able to activate brain activity, improves the cognitive abilities of the brain, normalizes blood sugar and rejuvenates the body at the cellular level and helps restore lost body strength.
  • For the prevention of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's disease, heart attack and stroke, anemia and atherosclerosis, hypertension and diabetes, experts recommend eating black raisins.

Raisins weakens or strengthens?

Raisins are traditionally famous for their laxative effect, but not all of its varieties have a laxative effect.

  • Scientists have proven that only raisins obtained from light grape varieties are weak. But it can cause increased gas formation and flatulence, so it is not recommended for young children and nursing mothers.
  • Dark grapes, as you know, strengthens, and, therefore, the dried fruit obtained from it also strengthens and can be used as a mild remedy for diarrhea.

Raisin laxative decoction

To get rid of constipation without any problems, you can prepare a stimulating decoction of raisins. It weakens well and tastes good.

  • For cooking, you need a tablespoon of raisins and 300 ml of pure water.
  • Rinse dried fruits well under running water and sort out.
  • Boil water, pour berries and insist, it is possible in a thermos.
  • To eliminate constipation and to improve bowel function, take 100 ml daily.

A decoction for frequent chronic constipation

  • Take equal parts (60 grams) of raisins and prunes and pour them with water.
  • Put on a fire and wait for boiling, then reduce the heat and cook until half the liquid evaporates.
  • Take every 2 hours for 1 tablespoon.

How to choose and properly store raisins ^

To appreciate the benefits of raisins and enjoy its taste, you need to be able to choose a quality product. First of all, pay attention to the appearance of raisins. Today, often the presentation of food for the seller is more important than natural characteristics.

When choosing, don’t give preference to berries that are too beautiful in appearance, most likely, such raisins were dried at an accelerated pace with the addition of preservatives, which increases the shelf life and improves the appearance of the product, but there will be no taste or benefit from such raisins.

  • Preservatives and sulfur give raisins artificial beauty and a long shelf life. Raisins should be whole, not over-dried, resilient.
  • Too golden shade of berries indicates the use of sulfites - for presentation and shelf life.
  • Too much brilliance of raisins can give petroleum jelly. It is better not to buy such a product.
  • And taste is very important - it should be sweet, without obvious bitterness or acid.

It is better to choose raisins in packaging. It must be airtight.

  • Real raisins can be of two types: if it was black grapes, then the raisins will be black with a blue coating, if the grapes are white - then red-brown raisins. And raisins should never be white and yellow.
  • You need to choose raisins with a whole peel so that there is no debris on it. The most useful - with petioles - they preserve the integrity of the fruit, which means a maximum of vitamins! It is believed that a good highlight should have its own tail. This means a minimum of interventions and treatments.
  • If the product sticks together and smells acidic, it means its shelf life has passed. When you squeeze berries in handfuls, they should not stick together, but remain dry and stiff enough.
  • Do not buy giant raisins - it was most likely processed on the bush with a special tool - gibberellin. It is a growth stimulant that increases the size of berries by 1.5-2 times.
  • In some fruits, insects can come across! If this is not more than 10% of the volume of dried fruits you bought, then this is the norm, because it is a sign of naturalness.

How and how much time to store raisins? Raisins are stored from about 4 months to six months. It all depends on the type and variety.

  • For storage, glass jars are best with glass (or paper, but not plastic) lids, or in special canvas bags, tied up and put away in a cool place.
  • In the refrigerator, raisins can also be stored in a plastic container, periodically conducting a visual inspection of the product.
  • You can use containers made of food-grade plastic, which must be tightly closed.

Do I need to soak raisins before eating?

Soaked berries must be soaked before eating and allowed to stand for a while:

  • After draining, rinse thoroughly with running water.
  • If you intend to eat the product in its raw form, pouring boiling water over is not recommended, as part of the vitamins is still destroyed.
  • But cooking has its own advantage, since sulfuric acid evaporates under the influence of temperature.

Increasingly, the natural method of drying raisins is being replaced by chemical or heat treatment. Such a product looks advantageous against a background of naturally dried fruits. It is stored longer, insects do not eat it. Everyone saw these products on store shelves - they shine, and white raisins look amber and seductive.

Doctors advise trying to avoid beautiful dried fruits and choose foods that are naturally dried, which can be easily distinguished from processed chemicals:

  • They look ugly;
  • They have a light coating and a heterogeneous color;
  • Solid to the touch and when falling form the sound of a falling pebble.

With regard to processed products, the opinions of experts are mixed. Some say that this process makes the product harmful to health, that sulfur dioxide acts on the gastric mucosa as an irritant. Others claim that the amount is so small that it does no harm. Therefore, decide for yourself what is best to buy.

Lyudmila, 29 years old, pediatrician:

“In addition to the main drug treatment, I recommend giving parents of their small patients with colds, in addition to giving children a warm decoction of dark raisins. "They strengthen the immune system well and prevent dehydration, and are also useful at high temperatures."

Anastasia, 35 years old, therapist:

“Human health directly depends on what he is, so raisins must be consumed at least once a week. It’s better to eat it instead of sweets: it contains fewer calories, but it is rich in useful elements ”

Galina, 43 years old, endocrinologist:

“With raisins, you need to be careful about people who are likely to get diabetes. They should not be abused, but in small quantities it will bring only benefit. To diabetics, such a product is highly not recommended, because the main source of carbohydrates in it is sugar. "

If you learn to choose the right raisins, you will always have tasty and healthy sweets at hand.

Unfortunately, raisins cannot be called an ideal remedy for spring vitamin deficiency, since vitamin C is destroyed during drying. But natural sugars - glucose and fructose, which are 4-5 times more in dried fruit than in fresh grapes, turn it into an energy reactor. Tiny berries also have a high content of organic acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B4 and trace elements. Modern science claims that raisins strengthen the cardiovascular system, the iron found in berries is easily absorbed by the body, and antioxidants from dried grapes inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. Attribute raisins and the property to calm the nerves, therefore, if you have an excitable child, teach him not to feast on caramel and cookies, but on dried grapes. But every medicine is good in moderation. Grapes are a very high-calorie berry, and its raisins even surpass it: up to 310-320 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, ladies concerned about overweight should not forget that abuse of this dried fruit will affect the figure. For health, just a handful of raisins per day is enough.


Dried fruit good and bad

It turns out that not every grape can produce raisins. Only varieties with fleshy berries and a thin skin are suitable for him. They are collected, dried, and the naturalness and usefulness of raisins will depend on how the moisture is extracted from fresh grapes.

From grapes to raisins

There are several ways to dry grapes. Natural, in the sun, is called oftobi - the ripened clusters are hung for two weeks among the vines or laid out on special rugs right on the ground. Often, in order to speed up the process, the berries are dipped in a hot soda solution for a couple of seconds: blanching removes the glossy protective coating and wounds the skin, so moisture has time to evaporate from the fruit in just 4-5 days. True, dried fruits “cooked” in the sun turn out to be a bit harsh, so shadow drying (soyag) is considered more natural and gentle. It is carried out in a place protected from the sun. This is a very long and laborious process, such dried grapes can be found not often, and it will cost more.

In private farms, after sunny or shadow drying, raisins are considered ready and sent to the market. But for the fruit, which is destined to appear on store shelves in bright bags, everything is just beginning. After preliminary (shorter) drying, the shriveled grapes go to the factory where they are washed, cleaned of debris and stalks, sorted, dried in ovens and packaged. Not only that - to extend the life of raisins and make it more beautiful, berries can be treated with sorbic acid, sulfur dioxide or sulfites.

Better Black Than Gold

Preservatives (sorbic acid, sulfur dioxide, sulfites) are allowed for use, however, if you still do not want to saturate your body with them, pay attention to the color of raisins. The fact is that any grapes (black or green) darken slightly after drying, and sulfites make it pale and transparent - they stabilize the color and work as preservatives. Therefore, for those who want to eat only natural raisins, it is better to buy black, brown or light brown, rather than a spectacular golden product. If the product is sold in packaging, you can read the information about the additives in the list of ingredients and only then decide whether to purchase such raisins or not.

Throw, knead, bite

Outwardly, good highlights should be wrinkled, dull, fleshy and without damage. It is not worth buying both very hard berries and too soft, half-dried and slightly moist - these shortcomings indicate improper handling and storage and can lead to quick spoilage. Connoisseurs of dried fruits check the quality as follows - they throw a few raisins into the air and listen: the berries should hit the counter with a slight knock. After that, it is still advisable to try them by touch: if the market seller allows it, rub one dried fruit with your fingers - so you will notice whether the larvae have settled inside it or not. If everything suits you, try the raisins to taste - it can be more or less sweet, but not sour, and a burned flavor is considered an obvious drawback.

Some housewives are embarrassed by the fruit with ponytails. Of course, their presence is not very convenient when cooking, but from the point of view of quality, the presence of the stem is considered an advantage of the product. This means that the grapes did not undergo mechanical processing and their integrity was not violated. After all, often in the very place where the stalk was, the berry begins to rot.


Raisin Cooking

Dried grapes are added to salads, bread and pies, to cakes and puddings, they are stuffed with meat, and compotes and kvass are cooked with it. Raisins in Central Asia are especially favored. Brown berries are sure to be added to pilaf, lobio, meat salad turli etter. Or simply mix them with other dried fruits and eat instead of sweets.

Urine him!

Before adding raisins to any dish, rinse it well: dirty berries will be cleaned, and processed sulfur and preservatives will get rid of at least a small amount of chemicals. Inventive marketers sometimes flavored dried fruits with vegetable oil for the sake of brilliance. If you forget to rinse the berries, fat can get into the dish and ruin its taste. After washing and sorting, soak the raisins for 20-40 minutes in warm water, discard in a colander and dry on a paper towel. Nutrients will not suffer from this, but the berries will straighten out, become soft and tasty. If you are going to add them later to baking or dessert, you can leave for an hour and a half in rum or cognac, but let the raisins for meat lie in tart red wine. Dried fruits for ice cream or cream can be soaked in rum overnight: they should be thoroughly soaked and swollen.

Supplement rules

In such dishes as pilaf, raisins are usually added 10 minutes before being cooked. But in the dough for easter cakes or muffins they put it when kneading. Previously, the berries can be rolled in flour - then they will not be all in one place, dropping to the bottom. If you want to make a raisin pie, rub 150 g butter with 3/4 cup sugar and add 3 egg yolks. Mixing gradually, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch, a glass of raisins soaked in cognac and a glass of walnuts. Then pour a glass of flour, introduce 3 whipped protein. Bake for 35 minutes at + 200º C.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Lavrukhina, Chief Technologist, Group of companies “GUD-FOOD”

To make the buns, muffins and strudel delicious, it is important to choose quality ingredients, including raisins. Typically, homemade pastries use a raisin: it is juicy, tender and does not contain seeds. Also, small and medium grades of raisins are ideally suited for these purposes - they are better distributed according to the volume of the dough. If you use assorted light and dark dried grapes in baked goods, this will give the product a special flavor and mouth-watering appearance.

What is raisins?

Very often, sellers of dried fruits call dried seedless grape berries rape, and pitted raisins. But sometimes other names are used.

Normal.So in a simple way they call the most common light raisin of medium size with one bone. He is put in pilaf, drinks, compotes. He gives his taste to the dishes, so after cooking, the berries become tasteless.
Kishmish, or sabza.Small light raisins made from white seedless grapes. It is usually added to various pastries.
Large stone fruit.  This is a very large raisin up to 2.5 cm long. It is sweet and has two or three large bones in each berry. Compotes are cooked with it, it is added to kvass, crushed and pitted, put in puddings. The main advantage of this raisin is that after cooking, the berries retain their taste.
Currant.A little dry, very dark pitted raisins, can be of varying degrees of sweetness. It is perfectly suited for muffins and cakes.
Raisins are grapes dried in the sun or in the shade.

The name “raisins” comes from the Turkic word “grapes”.

This is one of the most healthy and best-selling dried fruits. Almost all the useful properties of fresh grapes will remain in raisins - 70-80% of vitamins and 100% of macro- and microelements.

The composition of raisins:

  • 79.5-87.5% sugars;
  • 2.1-2.9% of nitrogenous substances;
  • 0.7-2.3% acids, including tartaric and oleanolic acids;
  • 1.3% fiber;
  • 2-2.9% ash;
  • 16-22% moisture;
  • vitamins B1, B2 and B5;
  • trace elements - iron, boron, magnesium and others.

Benefits of Raisins:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • maintaining the necessary level of immunity;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • anemia, a source of iron.
  There are many varieties of raisins, differing in taste, size, color, destination in cooking.

Varieties of raisins

Kishmish or Sabza  - small raisins of light shades, pitted. It is made from sweet green or white grape varieties. Used in and confectionery.

Bdana, shigani, or cinnamon  - dark seedless raisins, includes several species that differ in varying degrees of sweetness. It is used to improve the taste of pastries, especially muffins and, as well as in other bakery and confectionery products.

Plain raisins  - with one bone, light olive color, medium size. It is used for preparing various drinks, pilaf and meat dishes.

Large stone raisins - the length of each berry is up to 2.5 cm, very sweet, with two to three large seeds. It is made from grape varieties "ladies' fingers". Used for the preparation of stewed fruit and other drinks, puddings, confectionery. Keeps taste after cooking.

People began to grow grapes from time immemorial; archaeologists discovered imprints of grape leaves, seeds and antennae on the excavations of the Upper Cretaceous period.

Also, signs of its cultivation were found in the copper and bronze ages. And even the biblical scripture says that this is the first planted plant after the Flood.

Raisins: His Story

Its distribution in Russia, grapes owed to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich,who was the father of Peter I. He grew the first vine near the capital, and after it Peter began to grow grapes throughout Russia. Near the capitals, the richest people in Russia erected huge greenhouses in which grapes were grown.

Grapes in dried form, otherwise raisins, are most common in the Middle and Middle East,  as well as in the Mediterranean countries.

Raisins are made from different grapes, so it comes in different sizes and colors. According to the names of varieties, raisins are sometimes called - raisins, cinnamon, shigani, sabza, etc.

Useful properties of raisins

From time immemorial, raisins have been considered a useful and valuable product.

  • Attributed to him properties to strengthen the human nervous and cardiovascular system,  increase the hemoglobin content in the blood, eliminate disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and also positively affect the functioning of the kidneys.
  • The fact is that raisins contain a huge number of different nutrients:mineral salts, vitamins, proteins, glucose and fructose, thiamine and niacin, fats, and also indispensable in the prevention of ostioporosis, boron. The darkest raisins are considered the richest in nutrients, as, indeed, are the grapes themselves.
  • With a very sweet taste, dried grapes are absolutely harmless to the teeth, and even perfect. a prophylactic to combat oral diseases.  This is due to the high content of antioxidants such as oleanolic acid, which stops the growth of bacteria causing tooth problems. In addition, raisins contain a large number of phyto substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity.

But with all the usefulness of raisins, one should not forget that too good is also not good, so do not abuse raisins and absorb it in unlimited quantities.

In addition, there is a problem with the purity of this product.Raisins are often very contaminated and must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before use. To do this, after washing, you need to hold in kefir or yogurt. It is especially necessary to purify light varieties of raisins, as it is treated with chemicals for safety. It must be soaked in warm water and rinsed several times, while changing the water.

There are a lot of raisins and you need to choose according to your taste,raisin-producing countries are so numerous that it is very difficult to choose who is better and who is worse. Therefore, try to focus on the appearance and taste of dried grapes.

The best varieties of raisins

Systematic Eating Raisinsnot only helps you maintain the overall health of the body, but also diversifies your daily meals. Since raisins are considered a very sweet product, it can be used as a substitute for sweets during the fight against excess weight.