From ranetki for winter recipes. A selection of delicious recipes from ranetka jam for the winter

Ranetki apple trees give a rich harvest.  These small fruits are fragrant and beautiful. From them incredibly tasty and mouth-watering jam is cooked. There are several cooking options. You can make not only jam from the ranetki, but also compote.

For starters, a simple recipe. We take one kilogram of apples and cut them into slices, removing the seeds and the stalk. The peel can be peeled or left to your discretion. Then fill the apples with water, to which we add a little salt. If the fruits are very dense, then blanch them first. To do this, put them in boiling water and cook for 3-5 minutes. We make syrup from one kilogram of sugar and a glass of water. After that, put apple slices in boiling syrup and mix them lightly. Next, turn off the fire and remove the jam from the ranetki to the side for 5 hours. We perform this operation three times. The last time we cook the jam until cooked. If you want to get not very sweet jam, a little sour, then add some citric acid. Arrange the finished product in the jars that have been prepared beforehand and close the lids.

You can make jam so that the fruit remains intact. To do this, we prepare 7 kilograms of runet. In fruit, remove the stalk, leaving the third part, and prick them with a toothpick. Then put them in a container and pour boiling water for 5 minutes. We drain the liquid. In the meantime, make syrup. For 200-250 ml of water we take 800 grams of sugar. Dip the ranetki in boiling syrup and cook for 10 minutes, not allowing the jam to boil too much. Then we carefully take out the apples and put them in jars. The glass container must first be sterilized. The syrup remaining from the preparation is boiled again and pour jars of apples with it. Ranetka jam prepared in this way can be closed with polyethylene covers and stored in a cooler place. In this case, an amber-colored product is obtained with beautiful whole fruits.

Ranetka jam can be prepared in a slightly different way. To do this, take one kilogram of apples of this variety and rinse them thoroughly. Then we cut them into slices and fill with sugar in the amount of one kilogram. We give future jam to infuse for 7.5 - 8 hours. During this time, it should let the juice go. After this period, pour a glass of water into the container with the prepared product and put it on fire. We give jam to boil and cook it for about 5 minutes. Then set it aside for 10 hours. Next, cook until tender. Jam is considered ready when it becomes transparent, and the fruits sink to the bottom. Pre-prepare glass jars. Pour jam from the ranetki into cans and close with metal lids.

Ranetki are used not only to make jam or jam. They make tasty and fragrant compote.

We put apples in the prepared jars, filling them by a third. For color and taste, you can add a small amount of chokeberry. Fill cans with boiling water. Leave them for a while until the water cools down. Then we pour the water back into the used container and add sugar there at the rate of 250 grams per one three-liter jar. In order to make the compote not very sweet, you can pour a little bit of citric acid on each jar. We close the containers with metal lids and allow them to cool. Then we send them to a cooler place for storage. Compote from the ranetki has a beautiful color and aroma.

Using one of these recipes, you can make preparations for the winter from the harvested crop. In the winter, they will remind you of the summer and delight the whole family. This apple variety, like no other, is ideal for making jam and stewed fruit due to its taste characteristics.


Ranetki (apples)

Sugar  - 1 glass per 3 liter jar.


How to cook a delicious compote from the ranetki

1.   Pour water into a large pot and place on the stove. Water should boil.

. While the water is boiling, prepare the ranets. Rinse, remove damaged areas. Ponytails can be left.

  Wash and sterilize cans and lids thoroughly. I sterilize cans in the microwave. To do this, pour a little water (1-1.5 cm) on the bottom of the can. I put a cotton napkin in the microwave, and a can of water on it. Small jars standing, large lying. I set the power of 70 and the time: 0.5-1 liter cans \u003d 3 minutes; 2-3 liter cans \u003d 4 minutes.

4. Put the ranetki in sterilized jars. 1/3 of the jar should be filled with ranetki, then the compote will have a rich taste.

  Jars with ribbons fill with boiling water to the neck, cover with lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. Be careful, carefully check the banks for cracks, so that the glass does not burst from boiling water. Banks should not be cold, from this they can also burst.

Then pour the syrup back into the pan. Add sugar at the rate of 1 cup per 3 liter jar. And bring the syrup to a boil again.

6 . Pour the ranetki with sweet syrup and twist the jars. Please note that depending on the variety of ranetki, when interacting with boiling water, the skin may burst in the fruit. If you do not want such an effect, cook the compote from the ranetki hard juicy varieties, and not loose and crumbly. Although it does not really affect the taste of kompotik.

Here is such a simple recipe for tasty compote for the winter

Bon Appetit!

Stewed fruit from loose runetki (peel when cooking stewed fruit from runetki peels off)

Compote from juicy ranetki (compote turns transparent, the peel of the ranetki remains in place)

Stewed cutlets compote

Compote of ranetki for the winter

Little tasty apples ranetki offer housewives to close a great compote for the winter. These sweet fruits are great for such a drink. Moreover, they themselves turn out practically soaked, very tasty and healthy. And on winter days, when it’s cold outside, it’s the most to eat tender apples and drink a glass or two of compote from the ranetki. Apple compote is especially good for children. It is sweet, so they will definitely like it, and there are a lot of usefulnesses in the runet and there are no harmful additives - an excellent alternative to carbonated sweet water.

Cook stewed fruit for wintervery simple. You need to pick only beautiful fruits, because the drink is transparent, and all the flaws of the fruit will be visible through a jar. Ranetki are best suited juicy, not loose. There are many recipes. But they are all based on one thing, with the use of sugar, pure water and the perpetrators of this article themselves - apples of the ranet.

The basic recipe is a compote of ranetki for the winter

  • Raneti apples - 400 grams.
  • Purified drinking water - as much as you plan compote.
  • Sugar - 300 grams. For those who like sour, you can even put half a glass.

We sterilize the jars and put apples in them. If you have small ribbons, take cans with a volume of 1 liter, if larger - 2 or 3. Now we will prepare the fruits - examine them, select not beautiful ones (by the way, from wormy and spoiled sprats you can make a compote of cut ribbons) and rinse well. We put them in jars (1/3).

Now put the water on the fire and boil when it is ready, let it cool for 5 minutes and pour apples in the jars. After 7 minutes, it is recommended to drain this water. We boil again and prepare the syrup - we put 200-300 grams of sugar per 1 liter, depending on which compote you like: sweet or not. When the syrup boils, pour the ranetki and immediately roll up the cans.

That's all, but if you want to use additives to diversify the drink, put black rowan with apples, not much, three jars of three liters no more than a handful. It is also possible to add oranges, cut into two parts, only you need to put them after you pour out the first water, and immediately before adding the syrup.

Recipe: Cut Stewed Compote for the Winter

Now we will cook compote from cut ranetki for the winter.It is very simple, the principle is the same. The main thing is to remove all damaged and wormy places.

  • Ranetki - 500 grams.
  • Sugar - 300 grams.
  • Water - for the number of cans.
  • Currant and cherry leaves.
  • Lemon zest - 1 lemon will be enough.

We wash the apples and the regimen is divided into several parts: into four, with thin slices and even plates. It is best to divide the ranetki into four parts, because they are already so small. We remove all seeds and the kernel. The leaves are also washed and the regime strips, thin, lemon zest.

Sterilize the jars, put in them the leaves of currant and cherry on the bottom, then ranetki, no more than 1/3, so that the liquid comes out enough in the final result. Boil water, put sugar and boil syrup. Allow it to cool for a few minutes, and then fill it with ranetki in jars, and add the lemon zest on top. Now you can roll up, hide under the table. And when the compote cools down, lower the cans into the basement, in winter you can open a wonderful and light drink.

Prepare a sweet preparation of small apples - ranetki in syrup. Ranetki come in different tastes, this slightly affects the final product. In addition, there are various degrees of looseness of the ranetki, which also affects the result: the apples crack or not during the heat treatment. Therefore, soft ranets are sometimes pierced with a wooden stick at the base, this slightly prevents the fruits from cracking during cooking.

Ranetki prepared for the winter in syrup are the same compote, but there is more sugar in it, and the jars are completely filled with fruits, because in this case, the main component is not the liquid, but the ranets themselves. They turn out soft, sweet and sour, very pleasant to the taste.

Serving ranetki in syrup is accepted as a dessert, filling the glasses completely with ranetki and filling them with syrup. And the fill can be diluted and served separately as a compote, which is also very beneficial - you can save on cans when harvesting compotes.

Prepare the products on the list.

Rinetki well rinse, let drain water. Trim the stalks.

Flannel the ranetki in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

Fill sterile jars with hot ribbons. Cover with sterile lids while you are preparing to fill.

In the water in which the ranets were blanched, add sugar and citric acid to taste. Boil it.

Pour the boiling syrups into boiling syrup and immediately roll them up. Wrap with a blanket and leave to cool.

You can store apples in syrup at room temperature, but preferably in a cool place.

Ranetki in syrup for the winter are ready! In 2-3 weeks they will be completely ready for use, soaked in syrup, and will have a pleasant, soft, sweet and sour taste. Pouring will acquire a very rich apple flavor with a hint of astringency and a beautiful color. Bon Appetit!

In Krasnoyarsk, the ranet season is in full swing. Since apples in Siberia, as a rule, do not survive, all of our summer residents grow ranetki. Varieties are the most diverse: amber, purple, red and even “Laletino” - a truly Krasnoyarsk variety, developed by the scientist Krutovsky. But what to cook from this variety of ranet? Jam? This is clear. What else? We decided to choose for you the most unexpected recipes from the ranetki.

Dessert "Autumn"

What is needed:

Pumpkin - 1 kg of pulp,

Ranetki - 6-8 pcs.,

Dried apricots - 200 g,

Sugar - 100 g.


1. Lemon with peel cut into thin circles and remove all the bones.

2. Cut pumpkin and apples into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and leave for a while so that the juice stands out.

3. Then add lemon, washed dried apricots to them, mix and bring to a boil.

4. Cook for 5 minutes, pour into sterilized half-liter jars, cover and sterilize for 30 minutes. Roll up. Store better in the refrigerator.

Cranberry Jam

What is needed:

Cranberries - 1 kg,

Ranetki - 3 kg,

Honey - 0.5 kg

Sugar - 0.5 kg

Walnut kernels - 1 tbsp.,

Water - 0.5 tbsp.,


1. Add cranberries to the cranberry. water and boil until the berries are soft.

2. Remove from heat and rub through a sieve.

3. Boil honey over low heat, add mashed cranberries, sugar, apple slices, chopped nuts to it and cook for 40 minutes over low heat.

4. Pour into jars and roll up, or you can put in the refrigerator and immediately eat.

Dessert "Paradise apples"

What is needed:

Paradise apples - 1 kg,

Water - 2 tbsp.,

Sugar - 1.3 tbsp.,

Thick needle / wooden toothpick,

Enamel pan


1. Sort apples, rinse in cold water, keeping the stalks, prick with a thick needle or a pointed wooden toothpick.

2. In an enameled pan, bring to a boil water and sugar, put apples. Leave for a day.

3. The next day, drain the syrup, boil and pour the apples again.

4. After another day, bring the fruits in syrup to readiness over low heat. Roll up.

Chinese dessert "Silk apples"

What is needed:

Ranetki sour variety of medium size - 6-8 pcs.,

Sugar - 150 g.,

Flour - 2 + 2 tbsp. l.,

Egg - 1 pc.,

Water - 2-3 tbsp. l.,

Sesame or vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.,

Sesame - 1 tbsp. l.,

Vegetable oil for frying.


1. Peel the skin from the skin and core and cut into two parts.

2. We take 2 tbsp. l flour with a mountain, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l cold water and prepare a batter of sour cream consistency. If you see that it is too thick, add another 1 tbsp. l water.

3. Bread apples in 2 tbsp. l flour, shake off excess flour and batter. It should completely cover the slices.

4. Deep-fry (we make sure that they do not stick together) for several minutes over medium heat. We spread it with a slotted spoon on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat.

5. Pour oil into a pan and pour sugar. Stir over low heat until sugar dissolves. As soon as the mass begins to turn yellow (caramelized), pour in sesame seeds, mix and throw the ranetki. Reduce the fire to a minimum, mix all the pieces so that the caramel is evenly distributed.

Ranetki are popularly called "paradise apples." This variety of apples looks fabulously beautiful in fresh form, but no less gentle, attractive and appetizing - in compote. It is difficult to find a housewife who would miss the opportunity to make compote from the ranetki for the winter, if she got a few kilograms of these apples in her hands.

Cooking features

Ranetki are not only beautiful and tasty - they are also useful. They retain the maximum benefit if during preparation they are not sterilized. But in order for such a stewed fruit to stand all winter without deteriorating, several points must be taken into account.

  • Ranetki, intended for conservation, must be sorted out, carefully examining each apple. Any defect (a sign of rot, disease) should be the basis in order to throw it away - only flawless fruits should get into the compote.
  • With sprigs, ranetki look more beautiful, but their presence jeopardizes the preservation of canned food. If there is a desire to make not too sweet compote, they will have to be removed. In the event that you are ready to put a lot of sugar in the compote, which is a preservative, you can leave the twigs.
  • Apples must be washed thoroughly, and after washing, let the water drain completely.
  • Another necessary, albeit troublesome procedure, is to pierce the skin of apples with a toothpick. It is necessary to pierce at the base. This will preserve the integrity of the fruit when they come in contact with boiling water and will give them the opportunity to soak in sugar syrup more quickly and better, which will improve their preservation and taste.
  • Compote jars must be sterilized. They can be closed only with metal caps, or by rolling them with a special key, or by preferring screw caps.

Ranetki go well with almost all fruits and berries, so it’s a good idea to cook compote assorted winter and other fruits for the winter.

The classic recipe for compote

  • ranetki - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 g;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • water - 3 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the ranetki. Especially carefully clean near the stalks if you want to leave them. Prick with a toothpick.
  • When the apples dry, lay them in sterilized jars.
  • Boil water. Put sugar, vanilla and citric acid in it, stir, boil for 2-3 minutes.
  • Pour the apples.
  • Close the cans tightly and turn over.
  • Thoroughly wrap the jars with something that does not allow heat to pass through. Wrapped, they must stand for at least 24 hours.
  • After cooling, the cans can be stored in any convenient place - they will stand all winter and at room temperature.

According to the classic recipe, a compote with a warm, vanilla aroma is obtained with a sweet, slightly sour taste. He will not leave anyone indifferent, especially children.

Fragrant compote in a multicooker

  • apples (ranetki) - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • anise - half asterisk;
  • cinnamon - a piece of stick (its tenth);
  • allspice peas - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Properly sort and wash the apples, remove the tails, make a couple of punctures in this place with a toothpick.
  • Put all the spices in a cloth bag. If this is not the case, just wrap in gauze, but good enough so that nothing falls out of it during the cooking process.
  • Put the apples in the bowl of the multicooker, pour in the same sugar. Pour boiling water. Dip a bag of spices into it.
  • Close the multicooker lid and set the quenching program to a quarter hour.
  • Meanwhile, wash and sterilize the jars in any way.
  • When the extinguishing program finishes its work, detect 20-25 minutes - only after the specified time the cover can be lifted. The fact is that compote needs to be infused.
  • Opening the lid after the indicated time, take out the bag of spices, put the fruits in jars, fill them with compote.
  • Roll up the cans. They should also be turned over and wrapped for a period of 24 to 36 hours. After can be removed for the winter.

Compote from the slow cooker turns out to be very fragrant, it will appeal to lovers of spicy drinks. From it you can make mulled wine, non-alcoholic or with wine.

Unusual stewed apple

  • ranetki - 0.4 kg;
  • zucchini - 100 g;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn - 0.3 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 g;
  • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • water - 1.5 liters.

Cooking method:

  • Sort, wash sea buckthorn and ranetki. Remove the twigs from the ranetki. Poke the apples at the base with a toothpick.
  • Clean the zucchini. Remove the seeds. Cut a piece weighing about 100 g and cut it into small cubes.
  • Sterilize the jar. Put apples, berries, squash cubes in it.
  • Boil water, dissolve sugar in it, add citric acid and boil with it for literally a minute.
  • Pour the syrup into the jars. Roll them up.
  • In order to preserve the fruits better, put them upside down and cover them with a warm blanket for 24 hours.

After a couple of months, when the compote is infused, all its components will acquire an unusual taste, becoming nothing like, but very tasty.

Vitamin compote from the ranetki and aronia

  • ranetki - 1 kg;
  • chokeberry - 0.2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp .;
  • water - 2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the ranetki, let them drain from the water, prick them at the base.
  • Wash the mountain ash, dip it in boiling water and blanch for 3 minutes.
  • Pour mountain ash on the bottom of the sterilized cans, put apples on top.
  • Cook the syrup and fill it with the fruit and berry mixture.
  • Close the lids, turn over. In this case, it is possible to leave the compote to cool at room temperature, but to guarantee it can still be wrapped.

According to this recipe, compote is obtained, which has a rich sweet and sour taste, a little tart, and a pleasant color. The composition of this compote makes it doubly useful.

Compote of ranetki is a tasty and healthy dessert, which is very easy to prepare for the winter. At the same time, the taste and aroma of the finished drink will vary greatly depending on the recipe chosen.