What grain crop is semolina obtained from? Semolina: properties, what it is and what it is made from

Everyone knows about the value of porridge for humans from an early age. However, semolina, its beneficial features And possible harm has recently caused a lot of controversy among experts. For example, pediatricians generally do not recommend that parents buy it for their children. To decide for yourself whether you need to include this product in your diet, it is worth considering its characteristics, production features, and composition.

What is semolina

The history of the use of this grain product goes back to ancient times. Some housewives do not know what plant semolina is obtained from and what beneficial properties it has. You can find several types of products on supermarket shelves. Semolina is crushed wheat grain, with a fraction size of 0.25-0.75 mm. By the marking on the packaging “M”, “MT” or “T” you can find out what type of cereal was used in production - soft, hard or a mixture (15/85).

What is it made of?

All porridges are made from grains. Have you ever wondered what semolina is made from? From wheat. The product is actually flour coarse with particles with a diameter of 0.25-1.5 mm. Difference different types determined by the type of grain: hard or soft. The quality of wheat used to produce semolina is regulated by GOST 7022-97, updated in 2015.


To understand how semolina is useful for the body, it is worth considering it chemical composition. 100 grams of the product contains valuable vitamins, trace elements, and minerals. Below is detailed table Substances included in semolina:

Item name



Vitamin B3

Vitamin B5

Folic acid



Calorie content

For those who monitor the health of all family members, it is important to know how many carbohydrates are in semolina and the energy ratio of BJU elements. This indicator is influenced by many factors: what the cereal is made from, what ingredients are added to the dish, etc. Semolina made from durum wheat has less calories. The highest energy value Dry cereals made from soft cereal varieties are different - about 330 calories. Below is a table of calorie content of semolina dishes per 100 grams.

Why semolina is useful

For its ability to be well absorbed and provide the body with rapid saturation with nutrients, semolina is widely used in cooking. You can use it not only to cook porridge. The product is well suited for dough, making creams, cutlets, cottage cheese pancakes. Doctors, knowing what is useful semolina, they recommend that people eat dishes made from this cereal after illness to quickly restore strength. Benefit:

  1. Due to small quantity fiber can be included in the diet of people with stomach diseases.
  2. The product is digested by the lower intestine, so it helps remove excess mucus, fats, and salts from the body.
  3. Due to its antioxidant content, it helps fight stress.
  4. It contains little protein, so it is used for food by people with kidney failure.
  5. Saturates the body with nutrients for a long time.
  6. Due to content dietary fiber has a positive effect on heart function and helps prevent oncological diseases.
  7. Vitamin E in semolina increases mental activity.

For adults

Experts recommend semolina porridge in the postoperative period for quick recovery. Thanks to the ability of this product to quickly increase glucose levels, after consuming it you feel a surge of energy. In this regard, semolina is useful physically active men. For people with a healthy stomach and intestines, eating dishes with semolina is an excellent way to prevent diseases of the digestive system.

For children

Before you include semolina in your child’s diet, you should familiarize yourself with its properties. Product contains a large number of gluten, which is difficult for the body of preschoolers to digest. Experts generally do not recommend semolina porridge for infants and children under 3 years of age. The only advantage of the product is that it helps underweight children gain weight.

Harm of semolina

Beloved by many, semolina porridge and other products containing this cereal have the following contraindications:

  • celiac disease due to high gluten content;
  • childhood up to 7 years due to the ability of cereals to remove calcium from the body;
  • old age due to the development of osteoporosis and obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • overweight– losing weight, alas, is impossible on semolina;
  • gout;
  • joint diseases.



Before starting the story about semolina, in common parlance - semolina, it is worth noting the original product, i.e. What is cereal made from? Semolina is obtained from wheat grains.

There are two types of wheat: soft, also known as ordinary, and hard (Triticum aestivum and Triticum durum). Soft wheat grains contain 10-15% protein, and hard wheat grains contain at least 16%, and sometimes more than 20%. But, unfortunately, durum wheat is more sensitive to unfavorable conditions and is inferior to soft wheat in terms of yield, so soft wheat varieties predominate in world agriculture. During processing wheat grain Durum wheat is used for cereals. Why? The grain of wheat consists of three main parts: the germ, the shell and the endosperm - a mealy kernel in which reserve nutrients are concentrated. Wheat cereals are crushed endosperm, carefully freed from the embryo and, if possible, from the shells. Depending on the size of the pieces, they distinguish between Poltavskaya grits (it comes in different grinds), Artek and the smallest - our semolina. It would seem - where even smaller? But there is another type - semolina - a kind of semolina, similar to quite coarse flour but not as fine as ground flour. If you rub it with your fingers, you can see that semolina is similar to soda.
Semolina It happens different color. Strange, isn't it? The thing is that it is allowed to use not only durum wheat varieties, but also soft ones when making cereals.
In “soft” semolina, the grains are white and opaque, they quickly boil and at the same time greatly increase in volume. Durum wheat produces a yellow, translucent grain. The porridge made from it is coarser and smaller in volume. There is also variegated semolina made from a mixture of hard and soft wheat varieties.

In this regard, cereals are divided into three brands:

M - from soft wheat
MT - from soft wheat with an admixture of durum wheat up to 20%
T - durum wheat

Semolina contains proteins, starch, vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, minerals - potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.
The cereal cooks quickly, so it retains all the beneficial substances during the cooking process. Semolina also has high calorie content And nutritional value and is characterized by high digestibility.

Nutritionists especially respect semolina porridge. Semolina is the only grain that is digested in the lower intestine, so it is often prescribed for stomach diseases. In addition, semolina cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat.
But, unfortunately, semolina porridge is not useful for everyone. Dishes made from semolina are not recommended for people who are overweight or sick. diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.

Semolina porridge contains a lot of gluten protein, also known as gluten, which can cause food allergies. In addition, approximately one in 800 Europeans suffers from the severe hereditary disease celiac disease, a gluten intolerance. Under the influence of gluten in patients with celiac disease, the intestinal mucosa becomes thinner and the absorption of all nutrients, especially fats.
Another danger of semolina porridge is phytin, a mixture of calcium and magnesium salts of various inositol phosphoric acids. Phytin interferes with the absorption of calcium, making it less accessible for absorption in the intestines. Therefore, young children, who are stuffed with semolina porridge two or three times a day, do not receive enough calcium and often develop rickets, while older people suffer from osteoporosis. On the other hand, phytin prevents the leaching of calcium that is already there from the bones, so it can be useful for osteoporosis.

In addition to calcium, phytin “removes from circulation” vitamins D and PP, the deficiency of which causes rickets and pellagra, as well as zinc ions, which is fraught with hair loss and early baldness. So phytin in large quantities is still not useful. True, it is used as a medicine for various diseases, including calcium metabolism disorders, but are taken only as prescribed by a doctor, and not with spoons, like fish oil.

Pediatricians are also against semolina porridge. They advise giving semolina porridge to children over one year old no more than once every 7-10 days.
Semolina is widely used in cooking different nations, especially in the East. These are prepared from semolina National dishes like halwa, basbusa, ravani. In Europe they prepare various mousses, puddings, and casseroles. In Russia, a favorite dish made from semolina is Guryev porridge.

Krupa in different countries prepared differently. Eat interesting dish like boeberts. It is little known in Russia. This is a dish when semolina is not boiled, but is poured with boiling milk and hermetically sealed in a container for half an hour to steam. Its volume usually increases 3-5 times. By adding such a variety of products to the booberts as meat broth, eggs, lemon juice, you can get various foods: delicious dessert, second course for lunch or breakfast.

And in conclusion, you should not forget to tell us how to cook delicious semolina porridge without lumps and thick foam. It is very important to maintain the proportion: for 225 g of semolina (5 full tablespoons) take 700 g full fat milk and 130 g of water, as well as 30 g butter. Salt and sugar are added to taste. So let's get started.
Salt the water. Pour the cereal into slightly boiling water in a thin stream, stirring all the time (preferably with a hard pastry whisk). Then just as quickly pour in the heated milk and stir constantly. Cook the cereal for 15 minutes. At the very end, add sugar, butter, stir the porridge, remove from the stove and immediately cover with a lid, in this case no foam will form. Cooks advise cooking porridge in non-stick dishes, because... cereal tends to stick to the walls and bottom.

Each of us from early childhood is familiar with semolina porridge, prepared from snow-white cereals of mysterious origin to children. Attitude to taste qualities decoys in both children and adults are ambiguous. But one thing is obvious: semolina in cooking - indispensable product, since in addition to porridge, numerous desserts and creams are prepared from it.

What is it and what does it look like?

Semolina, in its raw form, is a cluster of small snow-white grains that are absolutely identical in shape, which, swelling during cooking, form a sticky consistency. The color of the cereal, like the porridge itself, depending on the variety, can range from dark white to snow-white. Semolina, having a wide range of uses, has a fairly low price, which makes it very affordable.

Porridges made from semolina, which has a fairly high amount of starch, and creams based on it, can have a consistency from extremely liquid to extremely thick, depending on the amount of added cereal. It should be noted that too much grain added to a dish makes it lumpy and rubbery.

Thanks to the gluten present in it, it boils quickly enough and is easily absorbed by the body. The above properties have made semolina very popular product, but recently nutritionists have questioned its supposedly undisputed benefits on the human body. To understand the supposed harms and benefits, you need to find out what semolina is made from.

What grain is it made from?

Semolina - cereal product, because it is made from wheat, which grows in every region. Perhaps this is the reason for the low price of the product.

The best grains are selected from the collected cereals and undergo more than one processing to make semolina.

First of all, an analysis is taken to determine the presence of gluten in wheat. The grains are then given density through a process called “tempering.” Processed and washed grains are peeled and coarsely ground.

On last stage processing, semolina is obtained directly by separating it from the shell and grinding it. The final product should be perfectly white, but, as already noted, its color can vary from gray or yellow-white to snow-white. This does not depend on the type of wheat (hard or soft), but on the quality of the grains and their processing. Keep in mind that semolina premium should always be snow-white.


Numerous varieties of wheat are divided into two main types: soft and durum. And it is the type of initial grain that affects the quality of semolina. To prepare dishes with a dense consistency (for example, soufflé), it is advisable to purchase semolina made from durum wheat, which, by absorbing moisture well, gives the dish thickness. And semolina from soft varieties, on the contrary, makes the dish soft and crumbly, so it is ideal for preparing casseroles and the same porridges.

It is easy to determine the origin of semolina by the special marking on the bag: T - made from hard varieties, M - from soft varieties. Without existing markings, it is possible to determine what type of wheat semolina is made from only by looking at the dish being prepared.

To prepare a thick pudding from 1 liter of milk, we need about 3-4 tbsp. spoons of semolina marked “T”, and to prepare the same dish from soft varieties of semolina we may need a little more than 5 tablespoons.

It should be noted that on the packages with the cereal in question you can see the “MT” marking. It’s easy to guess that this cereal is represented by a heterogeneous mixture of soft and hard varieties, where preference is still given to soft ones, which in percentage terms is 80 to 20. To understand the use of a particular variety, you need to consider the composition of each of them.

Composition and nutritional value

Continuing the topic of hard and soft wheat varieties, I would like to note that they differ in their composition and the content of vegetable protein in them. Its amount in hard varieties reaches more than 20%, and in soft varieties it ranges from 10 to 20%. Protein is the predominant substance (second only to carbohydrates) in semolina, but not the only one.

If we talk about the nutritional value of the product, then Semolina made from soft wheat is considered the richest in calories., which in dry form contains 328 kcal per 100 grams, and semolina made from durum wheat is considered less high in calories, so it is recommended for people on a diet. But with thermal exposure, their number decreases to 100, where the BJU will be: 70 g of carbohydrates, 29 g of protein and only 1 g of fat, which must be taken into account by those on a particular diet.

Of course, grains contain fats in sufficient quantities, but during grinding they, like fiber, are lost. Thanks to the reduced fiber content, the product is quickly digested.

Semolina, like potatoes, contains starch, which helps cleanse the stomach. It is precisely because of the moderate fiber content and the stomach-cleansing properties of starch that semolina porridge is always recommended for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Hearty semolina porridge is not deprived of useful substances, although in comparison with other products useful substances here is kept to a minimum. It contains zinc (strengthens immune system, takes part in the formation of bone tissue, improves brain function), potassium necessary for growth, phosphorus that strengthens bones and teeth, iron, which is responsible for hemoglobin, vitamins B, E, PP and others that prevent certain ailments.

Semolina, like many other products, consists not only of beneficial substances; it also contains negative components. The calcium-magnesium salt phytin contained in it, along with gliadin (a form of protein), can interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the body if consumed excessively. Phytin, on the one hand, has a beneficial effect on the liver, on the other, it destroys calcium in the body.

Because of the already mentioned gluten (gluten) and starch, semolina is strictly forbidden to be given to children under one year of age (it is much healthier to start complementary feeding with vegetables or fruit purees) and people with stomach ulcers, since these substances can cause inflammation of the stomach. In addition, in some cases, gluten causes severe allergies. And the carbohydrates contained in large quantities in semolina can contribute to rapid weight gain.

Traditionally, considered a dairy product, semolina porridge was one of the most healthy products, but the composition of this porridge, recently studied by experts, has cast doubt on the unambiguous benefits of the product. It is precisely because of the poor nutritional value and the high amount of carbohydrates and gluten in the composition that semolina porridge is not recommended for pregnant women.

Of course, with a competent approach to nutrition, any product, including semolina, will not harm, but will only be beneficial. Thanks to its satiety, a portion of semolina porridge eaten for breakfast will not cause you to look for an often harmful snack. Porridge with a moderate amount of sugar, cooked in milk, will help quickly restore strength and relieve nervous and physical tension.

Alternating servings of semolina porridge prepared dietaryly (without adding oil, with water or skim milk), with a portion oatmeal, you can diversify your diet without harming yourself. Although it would be useful to remind you that semolina is not limited to preparing banal porridges.

If we consider nutritional value dishes where semolina acts as a kind of thickener (cake creams) or leavening agent (cottage cheese casseroles), then special emphasis should be placed on this cereal only if it plays the role of the main product in the dish.

For example, in cottage cheese casserole semolina is added so that it is loose and, thanks to gluten, holds its shape. Naturally, we cannot talk about the benefits and harms of semolina, since cottage cheese is the main product of the recipe.

But with sweet desserts based on semolina, people who suffer from allergies or are overweight should be at least careful. Since cereals, which are already rich in carbohydrates, due to their combination with sugar, dye and other additives, can cause serious harm to people suffering from diabetes.

What can you cook?

Semolina is widely used both in cooking and in cosmetology. Not only porridges, creams and casseroles are prepared from it, but also various scrubs and masks that significantly improve complexion. Let's consider this aspect, starting with cooking.

Except traditional dishes from semolina, modern chefs prepare creams and dough from it, and also use it as a breading for cutlets, and so on. Guided by your imagination and taste preferences, you can even make semolina porridge, which is unloved by many, a real masterpiece by combining it with berries, nuts and various seasonings.

Dough based on semolina, combined with the same unpretentious pumpkin, will have not only an incredible consistency, but also a magnificent color and aroma. To make the dish tasty, healthy and attractive in appearance, you need to remember that semolina swells greatly, so you need to control its quantity when cooking.

Of course, seeing semolina in the kitchen is a common thing for many, but it has proven itself quite worthy as a cleansing and rejuvenating agent. Thanks to its perfectly smooth and round grains, scrubs are prepared from it, which, in combination with sour cream, have a softening effect. If you are the owner combination skin face and a mask based on sour cream is not suitable for you, then it is quite possible to add a small pinch of semolina to the cream you are using and use it as a scrub.

They either love it very much or categorically reject it. However, not many people know, especially for residents of large cities, how semolina grows and what it is made from. And the answer is actually very simple.

How is semolina grown?

In reality, you will not be able to find manna fields on earth. There is simply no such plant in nature. However, this does not mean that semolina is of artificial origin.

If we talk about what semolina is made from, it is traditional wheat. The same one from which bread appears on our tables. It's simple: if wheat is ground finely, flour is obtained. And if it’s big, then semolina.

When growing wheat, by the middle - by the end of summer, the grains located in the spikelet will ripen. After harvesting, the peeled grains are coarsely ground. Varietal grinding has the average size. This means that the semolina particle size ranges from 0.25 to 0.75 mm in diameter.

It is worth indicating what grain the semolina is made from. The fact is that not any wheat is suitable for making semolina. First of all this hard grade, which farmers call the “T” brand. In addition, semolina is also used to produce soft varieties, but already of the “M” brand or a mixture of them.

Using semolina and its benefits

Unfortunately, it is impossible to call semolina exclusively. The fact is that the fiber content in it does not exceed 2%. At the same time, when it enters the stomach, semolina absorbs calcium from the body. Thus, calcium, which is so necessary for the bones of growing organisms, does not enter the blood, but is withdrawn. In addition, semolina contains a considerable amount of gluten, which can cause allergic reactions in some children, and even in adults. At the same time, semolina is perfectly digestible gastrointestinal tract, cooks quickly and supplies big amount calories. For children who are not gaining weight well and in the postoperative period, semolina porridge is what the doctor ordered.

what is semolina made from?

  1. wheat
  2. Semolina (colloquially ma#769;nka) Wheat groats coarse grinding with an average particle diameter of 0.25 to 0.75 mm. Made from durum wheat (grade T), soft wheat (grade M) or a mixture of them (grade MT). It is used for first courses as a filling or in the form of semolina dumplings; for main courses in the form of porridges, pancakes, casseroles, meatballs, cutlets; for sweet dishes in the form of puddings, mousses, sweet semolina porridge (Guryevskaya), soufflé, etc., as well as for adding to chopped meat. For dairy liquids and viscous porridge, pancakes, cutlets and casseroles, grade M cereals are most suitable. For sweet dishes, filling soups and minced meats, it is better to use grade T cereals.
  3. Semolina is made from wheat. It cooks quickly, is well absorbed, contains minimal amount fiber (0.2%). Liquid semolina porridges are included in diets prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and after operations on the stomach and intestines.

    Semolina is the only grain that is digested in the lower intestine and only there is it absorbed into its walls. It fills the body with strength and is a beautiful remedy for treating all stomach diseases. Semolina is good remedy treatment of all intestinal diseases, cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat.

    Semolina contains little fiber, but is rich in vegetable protein and starch. At the same time, the content of vitamins and minerals in this cereal is significantly lower than in others.

    Semolina contains a lot of gluten. This protein is also called gluten. Many people are gluten intolerant and it causes them to develop celiac disease, a severe hereditary disease that affects approximately one in 800 Europeans. Under the influence of gluten in patients with celiac disease, the intestinal mucosa becomes thinner and the absorption of all nutrients, especially fats, is impaired. Gluten can cause allergies. It also manifests itself as stool disorder.

    Semolina contains phytin, and phytin contains phosphorus, which binds calcium salts and prevents them from entering the blood. The level of calcium salts in a person’s blood should be constant - approximately 10 mg per 100 ml of serum. As soon as there are fewer salts, the parathyroid glands “remove” them from the bones. It turns out that semolina porridge deprives them of calcium. Therefore, children who are heavily fed semolina porridge (2-3 servings per day) often develop rickets and spasmophilia. Other cereals also bind calcium, but to a lesser extent than semolina. This is why doctors now recommend feeding babies vegetable puree first.

  4. What is semolina? This Wheat flour durum wheat coarse grind. Two grades higher than grit. Such flour has always been considered expensive, rare in old Russia. Only under Soviet rule did semolina become a widely available, cheap product.
  5. Semolina (colloquially ma#769;nka) is coarsely ground wheat grits with an average particle diameter of 0.25 to 0.75 mm. Made from durum wheat (grade T), soft wheat (grade M) or a mixture of them (grade MT). It is used for first courses as a filling or in the form of semolina dumplings; for main courses in the form of porridges, pancakes, casseroles, meatballs, cutlets; for sweet dishes in the form of puddings, mousses, sweet semolina porridge (Guryevskaya), soufflé, etc., as well as for adding to minced meat. For milky liquid and viscous porridges, pancakes, cutlets and casseroles, grade M cereals are most suitable. For sweet dishes, filling soups and minced meats, it is better to use grade T cereals.

    Benefit or harm?
    Semolina, like cereals of almost all cereals (except rice, corn, buckwheat), contains a large amount of gluten (gluten).

    Gluten in various cereals is mainly formed by the proteins gliadin (in wheat and rye), avenin (in oats) and hordenin (in barley). In addition, gliadin can also be found in beer.

    Some people (up to 15%) 1 have hypersensitivity to gluten, manifested in ligament pain, gastrointestinal problems, eczema, diarrhea, and anemia. Symptoms Caused excessive consumption gliadin, completely disappear within 2-3 weeks when following the agliadin diet, that is, excluding semolina and other gliadin-containing products from the diet.

    In rare cases, gluten proteins can cause an acute allergic reaction in children (wheat allergy), or even provoke manifestations of celiac disease (0.03%), a disease that has a genetic (hereditary) origin. Wheat allergy usually goes away with age, but celiac disease requires adherence to an agliadine diet throughout life.

    In addition to gluten, semolina and oatmeal contain large amounts of phytin. Previously, it was believed that phytin interferes with the absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, which are extremely important for fast growing child's body. This same property of phytin explains it positive influence on the health of older people: it helps avoid hypermineralization of blood cells, ligaments and other parts of the body, and may also prevent colon cancer by reducing oxidative stress in the intestinal tract.

    Studies 2 show that there is no effect of dephytinization on the absorption of iron by the body of children.

  6. From wheat
  7. It's made from wheat
  8. Wheat grains
  9. from ground wheat
  10. from wheat...