What does molasses consist of? Syrup

Probably, passing by the confectionery, more than once noticed a sweet smell. It comes from molasses, which is used mainly in various flour baking and in the manufacture of caramel sweets.

Molasses has been known for a very long time. In ductility, it looks like fresh honey. The molasses differs in light and dark. It is mainly obtained as a by-product. Molasses can be starchy, fruity, maltose. Under industrial conditions, molasses is obtained by hydrolysis of starch with weak acids, followed by filtration and subsequent boiling of the syrup. The result is a concentrated liquid with a characteristic taste and smell. Mostly used molasses potato, corn and beet. In some cases, it is produced on special automated lines with triple evaporation.

From childhood I remember molasses. We lived then in Ukraine - Lugansk region. Neighboring children often treated me to molasses, which they called home-made honey (that is, artificial). “Honey” was a yellowish liquid, but with a “sweet” smell. He was poured onto a slice of bread with a spoon and ate. Taste? Sweet-tart, slightly brackish.

Later, having matured, he learned that molasses is used for so many purposes. I will try to list. Since this concentrated syrup does not crystallize, it is used to sweeten a number of varieties of wines, liquor, rum. The addition of molasses gives jams and jams a stronger aroma, does not allow them to be sugared. In the confectionery and bread industry with the addition of molasses, a lot is done. Say gingerbread cookies and cookies. Without the use of molasses, they will become callous in a matter of days and lose their taste. Some molasses are baked using molasses - Borodinsky, Oryol, Minsk, Karelian, Tselinniy, Domashny.

Professional chefs are successfully replacing molasses that are harmful to our health with “chemical” sweeteners. They add it not only to dessert dishes where a sweet taste is required, but also to oatmeal, for example, porridge. Surprisingly, the fact is: even fried fish is tastier if you first pour it with molasses diluted with water and only then put it on a hot pan!

Medicine has long been proven that molasses is rich in valuable minerals and vitamins. It has a lot of iron and calcium. And they are very important for a person. These elements are especially important to growing children. Do not forget that molasses is a good alternative to sugar.

By the way, a tip: do not buy artificial honey. Some believe that it is entirely made on the basis of light or dark molasses. But this is far from the case. As part of any artificial honey, there is very little molasses, and everything else is the cheapest (and, therefore, the worst) fruit syrups with thickeners and flavorings. Of course, with chemical preservatives. There is practically no benefit from such "honey", but there may be harm due to preservatives. Yes, and for the family budget, it’s unprofitable to buy a jar of artificial honey when it is sold (without stickers on the container) at the price of real fresh - directly, they say, from an apiary. Distinguishing artificial honey from real honey is quite simple. Artificial honey always has the taste and smell of caramel.

One tragic incident in the American city of Boston is also associated with molasses. There, in October 1919, a large container with molasses exploded at a local factory. Since this substance is not explosive in any volume, the police suggested that the tank was blown up by anarchists or competitors. A huge wave of molasses up to four and a half meters high (!) Flowed through the city streets, covering and breaking houses. The speed of the wave was - sixty kilometers per hour! 8700 cubic meters of molasses poured into the city! According to police, 21 people died, drowned in molasses, 150 were injured and hospitalized. The number of drowned and shaken pets was not counted.

In order to restore at least a relative order in the city, naval units were brought into Boston. However, even now (after almost a century) in the Boston area of \u200b\u200bNord-est there is a sweetish smell of caramel. Molasses is impregnated not only with the waves of the building preserved under the onslaught, but with it the soil has been deeply and strongly saturated. The injured court decision was paid 600 thousand dollars (at the rate of that time).

Refined sugar is a fairly popular food product that is actively used by a significant number of people in their daily lives. However, it is not able to benefit our body, differing in some toxicity and harmfulness. At the same time, that sugarcane product that remains after its manufacture has many vitamins and minerals in its composition. This substance is called molasses, it has recently become increasingly known and is often sold for use in cooking and as a substitute for sugar. Black molasses is of particular value, which is the most nutritious and best variety of this product.

What is good for molasses health? Benefit

In cooking, molasses is actively used in the manufacture of all kinds of gingerbread, as well as some types of bread. A small fraction of such a sweet additive gives the finished product an interesting color, and with an increase in its quantity, the taste of the cooked muffin changes. Molasses is able to slightly reduce the level of freezing of products, which allows it to be used in the manufacture of chilled desserts, as well as ice cream. In addition, this product is characterized by hygroscopicity, as well as anti-crystallization, and this is especially true in the production of various confectionery products - halva and sweets, jams and liquors, etc.

Molasses is a very sweet product, but despite this, it is used in brewing. It is this product that stimulates the fermentation process in the beer must, which helps to increase its taste characteristics and significantly extends the shelf life of cooked products. In addition, molasses is also used in other industries where it replaces sugar.

But how can molasses come in handy for each of us?

Molasses is especially useful for our hair, because a couple of teaspoons of this substance can contain up to fourteen percent of the daily amount of copper and many other important trace elements. Peptides in its composition perfectly restore the structure of the epidermis, and maintain the health of our hair. Accordingly, prolonged consumption of molasses effectively improves the quality of the hair, resumes their growth processes in men, and also restores the former color of the hair.

Black molasses is a good laxative, which effectively improves stool regularity and positively affects the quality of bowel movements.

What does molasses contain? Structure

A stick is obtained by saccharification of starch with enzymes or weak acids, followed by filtering and evaporation of water using boiling. So this is an aqueous mixture of oligosaccharides, dextrins, glucose (dextrins - from 0 to 70%, glucose - from 0 to 50%, maltose - from 19 to 85%). Moreover, the solids content is up to 80%.

This product contains a significant amount of iron, so a couple of teaspoons contains about thirteen percent of the daily intake of this substance. So with anemia, you can eat a certain amount of molasses every day, this inclusion will benefit pregnant women.

Also, this substance is a wonderful source of calcium, as well as magnesium. Both of these minerals stimulate bone growth and their development. Due to such a content of molasses, it well prevents the development of osteoporosis and other bone diseases. In addition, this product contains a lot of manganese, vitamin B6, selenium and potassium.

In order for molasses to benefit our body, dissolve a couple of teaspoons of this substance in a glass of boiling water, then let the water cool. The resulting composition is recommended to drink through a straw, this will protect your teeth from the pathological effects of molasses. The best time to consume such a composition is morning, because at this stage the body especially needs energy.

If you are going to buy molasses, then choose the product that does not contain sulfur.

Molasses: calorie content and glycemic index

Unlike refined molasses, it has a fairly moderate glycemic index - it is fifty-five indicators. Thus, molasses is able to replace sugar for diabetics and those people who seek to prevent an increase in blood sugar. In addition, one serving of molasses does not contain fat, a pair of teaspoons holds only thirty-five calories. Accordingly, it can be consumed while on a diet. One hundred grams of the product contains about three hundred and fifteen calories.

Who can be dangerous molasses? Harm

This product is not capable of causing particular harm to the body, with the exception of the individual intolerance of some of its components. Do not consume a significant amount of molasses if you suffer from high blood sugar. Many experts advise consuming it as an alternative to honey if you are allergic to bee products.

Molasses at home

Yes, at home you can cook it yourself. Pour 50 ml of water into a glass of granulated sugar, drip a bit of lemon juice (you can throw citric acid). Next, cook over low heat in a saucepan with thick walls for about 30 minutes, while stirring all the time until the sugar is completely dissolved. As a result, get 200 grams of molasses.

The consumption of molasses in moderation can benefit our body, but it should not be abused.

Molasses is a liquid sweet syrup that is often used in the preparation of confectionery. The beauty and the main difference between molasses and sugar is that the syrup does not crystallize and therefore products with it remain fresh and soft longer. In addition, pastries prepared using molasses acquire a special taste.

You can not buy this ingredient in every store, so it’s easier to make molasses at home.

How to make molasses?


  • sugar - 350 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • baking soda - 1.5 g.


Boil water in a saucepan, as it must be hot for the recipe. Dissolve sugar in it, and constantly stirring, bring to a boil. Then add citric acid to the syrup, cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for 45 minutes. Cool the finished syrup a little. Add a little water to baking soda, mix, then transfer the mixture to the cooled liquid and mix everything again.

The mass will start to foam very much, leave it to infuse for 10-15 minutes. After the foaming stops, your molasses is ready to use. If a little foam remains on the surface, simply remove it with a spoon. Ready syrup can be stored in a glass bowl in the refrigerator.

Sweet molasses

Most often, molasses is made from brown or black sugar (molasses), so it is also called dark molasses. According to our recipe, it will take you no more than 10 minutes to cook it.


  • brown sugar or molasses - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.


Pour brown sugar into the pan, add water to it and boil the syrup over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar has completely melted. After this, bring the liquid to a boil, let it boil for 3-5 minutes and remove from heat. Leave the molasses to cool at room temperature and then use to make baked goods.

In some recipes, an ingredient such as light molasses, which can also be prepared at home as well as dark molasses, is found. We will tell you how to make light molasses, for which instead of brown sugar you will need ordinary white.


  • ordinary sugar - 7 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 3 tbsp. spoons.


Pour sugar into a saucepan or bowl, add water and heat until sugar is completely dissolved. Put the syrup on the stove and let it boil over low heat for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, let the syrup cool and then use as directed.

Honey syrup

Cooking honey syrup at home is not a big problem, and the syrup is quite thick and viscous.


  • brown sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, and simmer until the sugar melts. Then bring the syrup to a boil and let it boil for about 5-7 minutes. Remove honey syrup from the fire, let it cool.

Fruit molasses

In our recipe for syrup, grapes are used, but if desired, it can be replaced with other berries, which contain a lot of sugar, the result from this will not get worse.

Take the most ripe clusters of grapes you can find, wash them in cold water and squeeze the juice. Strain the mass that you have, strain through cheesecloth, pour the juice into a saucepan and simmer over low heat until it becomes thick. In this case, be sure to periodically stir the juice with a wooden spatula. Ready molasses should turn dark yellow.

  (maize) starch. It is used in confectionery and canning industries, as well as for the production of dressings. Maltodextrin (molasses, dextrinmaltose) Appearance Maltodextrin (molasses, dextrinmaltose) is a fast carbohydrate that consists of glucose molecules, maltose (2 glucose molecules), maltotriose (3 glucose molecules) and dextrin (several glucose molecules).

Properties: A powder of white or creamy white color, with a sweet taste, it is soluble in hot and cold water.

Maltodextrin (molasses, dextrinmaltose) is made by enzymatic cleavage of plant starch (rice, potato or more often corn). Starch is a long chain of glucose. Enzymes divide this long chain into fragments - dextrins, consisting of different numbers of glucose molecules (from 2 to 20).

The glycemic index of maltodextrin is very high, depending on the production method, it ranges from 105 to 136. Since it is technically not sugar, manufacturers include it in many sports products, while being able to put the label “does not contain sugar”. This carbohydrate causes a sharp rise in blood glucose, comparable to taking regular sugar, and is not inferior to it in harmfulness and the ability to be stored in fat.

Pureprotein Packaging The popularity of the product in bodybuilding has led manufacturers and private sellers to distribute it for muscle gain, mistakenly presenting it as an optimal source of carbohydrates.

After the name they sometimes put the abbreviation DE - from the English. dextrose equivalent - percentage of reducing sugar. The higher the DE, the smaller the fragments of the carbohydrate chains, and the higher the glycemic index.

Maltodextrin in sports nutrition. Changes the viscosity of the product. Has the effect of thickening, emulsification. Slows down the process of natural color change. It can act as a shaper or as a baking powder. Increasing the energy value of the product; Improving the solubility of mixtures; The formation of the structure and uniformity of the product; Simplification of the addition of ingredients with minimal dosages, for example, colorants, flavors, vitamins, etc .; Reduced water absorption capacity of hygroscopic components of the mixture. Thus, maltodextrin is commonly used as an inert excipient in the manufacture of sports supplements. In gainers it can be used in large quantities as a source of energy.

Replacement. Literature data indicate the lack of advantages of maltodextrin over other carbohydrates. In fact, it has the same biological properties (assimilation, calorie content, increased insulin secretion, etc.) as sweet confectionery and flour products. As an adequate replacement, you can use any products with a high glycemic index.

Harmful According to the FDA, it is a safe food component that is approved for use in the food industry. However, like any sugar, it can be dangerous for people with diabetes. Maltodextrin is the main harm to the bodybuilder, since it creates a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, the excess of which is quickly deposited in adipose tissue. Information about the harm and contribution to obesity is not widespread, since the food industry uses it in a limited way.

The total consumption of molasses in Russia, according to various estimates for 2005, is about 400 thousand tons.

In everyday life, molasses can be called various sugar-containing syrups, including molasses.

Footnotes and Sources

see also

  • Light molasses ( english)


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Corel
  • Ronaldo

See what "Molasses" is in other dictionaries:

    SYRUP   - wives semi-fluid, swelling with what; honey tear or gravity, honey unheated, clean, flowing from honeycombs; | stock for cooking sugar, liquid sugar. Sugar, potato syrup. Boiled and molasses watermelon and grape. Molasses with iniber, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    syrup   - Semi-finished product in the production of sugar and starch in sugar and starch processing plants, semi-liquid mass, similar in texture to young liquid honey. There are white molasses (starch) and black molasses (beet sugar). Molasses ... ... Culinary dictionary

Molasses is a name known to any cook, because it is used in the preparation of many culinary dishes. So called sweet and thick syrup, which is obtained by saccharification of corn or potato starch or by boiling juice of vegetables and berries. Molasses can be different - starch, fruit, maltose, black, the latter is made from sugar beets. In the Caucasus, there is a separate type of molasses - musales.

The most common molasses in the production of gingerbread, some types of bread, for example, Borodino, Minsk, Karelian. T. K. it increases the solubility of sucrose, it is often used for the manufacture of jam, jam, jam. Some types of this product are used to make ice cream and frozen desserts.

Molasses: composition

Molasses is a mixture of glucose, dextrins and oligosugars dissolved in water, its solids content reaches almost 80 percent. Pure molasses is almost colorless and transparent. She has the peculiarity of increasing the solubility of sucrose by delaying its crystallization, which is the main reason for its widespread use in cooking.

Beet molasses or molasses is a waste of sugar beet production and contains sucrose - about 50 percent, as well as some impurities that make it unsuitable for food use. It is used as a raw material in yeast and distilleries to produce yeast and alcohol.

Sugar in molasses consists of equal parts of fructose and glucose.

What are the benefits and harms of molasses?

From the point of view of medicine, the use of molasses is to contain some important trace elements in it, for example, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and iron. All of them are necessary in order to replenish the energy reserves of the body. The molasses also contain B vitamins.

Its main harm, proven by experts is the individual intolerance of the product and its components. It is not recommended to abuse it for people with high blood sugar. By the way, those who are allergic to natural honey can be replaced with molasses, because their appearance and taste are almost identical.

Cooking molasses at home

Molasses is a sweet liquid syrup that is often used in the manufacture of confectionery. Its main difference from sugar is that it does not crystallize, so the treats with it remain longer soft and fresh. In addition, baked goods, which included molasses, have a special taste.

You can buy a product far from everywhere, because it will be easier to cook it at home.


  1. Water - 150 ml
  2. Sugar - 350 g
  3. Citric acid - 2 g
  4. Baking soda - 1.5 g


  • Boil water in a saucepan.
  • Then it is necessary to dissolve sugar in it and, constantly stirring, bring to a boil.
  • Now add citric acid, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 45 minutes.
  • Ready syrup needs to be cooled a little.
  • Mix baking soda with a small amount of water, put the mixture in syrup and mix well again.
  • The mass will then foam very much, it must be left to infuse for 15 minutes.
  • After the mixture ceases to foam, the molasses is ready for use.
  • If foam remains on the surface, then you just need to remove it with a spoon.
  • Store the molasses in the refrigerator in a glass bowl.

This product has such a name because of its color, because it is prepared from brown or black sugar. Cooking time is approximately 10 minutes.


  1. Brown or black sugar - 5 tbsp.
  2. Water - 1-2 tbsp.


  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water and cook everything over low heat, stirring regularly until sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Then the liquid must be brought to a boil, boiled for 3-5 minutes and removed from heat.
  • Then the molasses must be left to cool at room temperature.