What halva is made of. Health and weight loss benefits of halva

In ancient times, halva was a necessary product for any traveler, because it is very high-calorie and does not deteriorate for a long time. What halva is made of today, it is interesting to know all the sweet tooth.

This is a dessert of Arab origin, which appeared around the beginning of the 5th century in Iran. There are many varieties of halva, but their calorie content is approximately the same - 100 grams of the product contains about 490-550 kcal.

The composition includes vitamins and minerals, and indicators BZHU look like this:

  • proteins - 12-17 g;
  • fats - 30 g;
  • carbohydrates - 50 g;

There are a lot of dietary fiber in nut halva (5-7 g per 100 g). The composition of Turkish white halva writing is slightly different, its calorie content is 450 kcal per 100 g, it contains few proteins (3 g) and fat (12 g), and consists mainly of carbohydrates (83 g).

Types of Eastern delicacies

There are several types of halva. The traditions of making this delicacy differ among different peoples. So, in Turkey, writing is similar to cotton candy, and in India they prepare vegetable halva from mung bean or calabash.

In the territory of the former Soviet Union, halva based on oilseeds and nuts is common.

Types of Oil Halva:

  • sunflower;
  • peanut
  • nutty;
  • halva tahini from ground sesame seeds.

They also make tahini-peanut halva and walnut of various kinds: from pistachios, cashews, almonds, walnuts.

Benefits and harm to the body

You can talk about the benefits of halva for a long time, this product contains dietary fiber, which are necessary for normal digestion, vitamins and minerals. Oil halva contains all B vitamins that are important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, a lot of vitamin E, which helps to maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

  It contains many mineral elements:

  • potassium - takes part in the regulation of intracellular metabolism and the processes of nerve impulses;
  • magnesium - prevents the development of hypertension and heart disease;
  • phosphorus - necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth;
  • iron - is part of many proteins and enzymes of the body;
  • manganese - is involved in the formation of connective and bone tissue;
  • copper - prevents the development of connective tissue dysplasia;
  • selenium - has an immunomodulatory effect;
  • zinc - is part of hundreds of enzymes involved in the metabolism.

The harm of halva is high calorie content. For a person leading a sedentary lifestyle, it is enough to eat 25-30 grams of this sweet per day. Dessert is contraindicated for people with obesity and diabetes. Uzbek halva contains milk, it can not be consumed by persons with lactose intolerance.

It is best to buy halva in vacuum packaging, and store in the refrigerator. After the expiration date it is impossible to eat it.

How to cook halva in production

Initially, the peeled seeds are dried and fried in a special drum with constant stirring with a mechanical blade. Then the seeds are sent to the extruder to thoroughly grind the kernels to a pasty state. Grinding is carried out several times until the mass (halvin) becomes liquid, vanilla is added at the end.

To turn liquid paste into solid halva, confectioners make caramel from syrup on water, sugar and molasses. Then a soap root is added to the thick mass of the finished syrup. After shaking, a thick, elastic, snow-white foam is obtained.

This caramel foam is combined with halvin, carefully kneaded by hand with special oars, caramel threads are pulled so that the halva is airy and fibrous-layered. The finished product is immediately packaged. Sweets are made from part of the dessert, divided into cubes and covered with chocolate.

Best Home Recipes

In real oil halva there is no flour, in order to make it correctly, you need to know not only the products that make up the composition, but also the manufacturing technology.

Homemade Sunflower Halva Recipe


  • sunflower seeds - 500 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • vanillin - 1 pack;
  • egg - 1 protein;
  • water - 70 ml.


  1. Fry the seeds in a cast-iron skillet. The fire is done medium, fried for 10-15 minutes until golden brown and a pleasant smell.
  2. Transfer the sunflower seeds into a cup, grind to a puree condition using a hand blender. Grains should not be felt in the finished mass.
  3. Syrup is boiled from sugar and water to a temperature of 120 ° C. To check readiness, a drop of mass is immersed in cold water, it should harden and become viscous.
  4. The protein is whipped until a white, stable foam. Then, without turning off the mixer, the finished syrup is poured into the protein mass.
  5. Combine the ground mass of seeds, vanillin and protein caramel in one bowl. Mix with a spoon, raising it as high as possible so that halva turns out to be fibrous.
  6. When the mass becomes homogeneous, transfer it to a mold and put in the refrigerator for solidification for 10 minutes.

To taste, home halva is very fragrant, not too sweet. Sweet tooth should add more sugar. In such halva, before putting it into shape and putting it in the refrigerator, you can put raisins, cocoa or pieces of dried apricots.

Sunflower halva with sesame seeds


  • sunflower seeds peeled and fried - 350 g;
  • sesame seeds - 50 g;
  • liquid honey - how many seeds will they take?


  1. Sesame and seeds are ground in a coffee grinder.
  2. Transfer to a bowl.
  3. So much liquid honey is added so that the mass can be kneaded like a tough, uniform dough.
  4. The resulting halva is wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Turkish delight, kozinaki, nougat, halva - these oriental sweets are familiar and loved by many of us from childhood. We love them for their pleasant aroma and bright, sweet taste. But did you know that many oriental sweets are not only tasty, but also healthy. In particular, in this material we will talk about halva. What is the benefit and harm of this product?

Iranian halva masters were called kandalatches. Despite the existence of a large number of halva recipes, Iranian is considered one of the most delicious.

Types of halva

Our most famous types of halva are sunflower, tahini, peanut and pistachio.

Types of halva, as mentioned above, are many. But the main species are only a few. The most popular in our country is sunflower halva. If it is a quality product, halva looks dry, without oily coating, droplets of fat or sugar.

Sunflower halva should have a grayish-green hue, the taste should be sweet, but not sugary, without bitterness, the aroma should be pleasant, the consistency should be dry, slightly crumbled. If you bought just such a halva, then you have made the right choice.
Another variety of halva is tahini. It is prepared from sesame seeds and has a bitter taste, the color is yellowish-gray.

Flavored peanut halva. It has a delicate taste, a creamy shade and causes associations with the product laid in its foundation.

The base for nut halva is a variety of nuts - pistachios, cashews, almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts. At the same time, walnut halva acquires the taste of that nut, which is its basis.

Another type of halva is combined. The main ingredients of this product are selected in such a way as to make the taste of halva even tastier and more original. So, for example, peanuts are combined with walnuts and sesame seeds, sunflower seeds - with almonds.

Relatively recently, a new product has appeared - halva in glaze, which in a matter of time has won the love of the buyer. Agree, the combination of halva with chocolate makes this product, although very high-calorie, but so tasty!

Halva: the benefits of a favorite treat

Useful properties of halva directly depend on the quality of the product and the main ingredient in its composition.

So, for example, the sunflower halva, beloved by many, helps well against insomnia and depression, thanks to the B vitamins in the composition of sunflower seeds. These vitamins also help against acne, add shine to the hair. Vitamin D and potassium, which are part of sunflower seeds, strengthen bones, normalize blood pressure.

Studies have shown that substances in sunflower seeds inhibit the appearance and growth of tumors of the intestine, ovaries, lungs and mammary gland. So, it turns out, enjoying a sunflower halva, you can still get pleasure and heal!

No less useful is the tahini halva. Japanese scientists have found that the substances contained in sesame seeds slow down the aging of cells, help the body recover faster after exhausting physical exertion or stress. Sesame seeds also have beneficial effects on the heart and blood vessels. And thanks to its rich mineral composition, tahini halva helps to keep nails beautiful, shiny hair and elastic skin.

There is a lot of vitamin A in the tahini halva, so by eating at least a couple of pieces of this oriental sweet, you increase your immunity and improve your eyesight.

The next type of halva is walnut. Insanely tasty and healthy is considered peanut halva. Peanuts are considered to be an effective folk remedy for improving memory and attention, helps strengthen the nervous system, protects cells from free radicals that can lead to the appearance of cancerous tumors.

And finally, pistachio halva. It is not only extremely tasty, but also has a lot of useful properties. It has a prophylactic effect in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, helps with a sick liver.

Pistachio halva is considered an aphrodisiac. So, having tasted this sweet product, you can quite expect an increase in the level of your love of love.

Halva: harm and contraindications

As you know, excessive consumption of a product can overnight turn all of its usefulness into harm. Of course, everyone has different ideas about the norms of halva use: for someone it is 1 piece, and for someone - 100 g. Regardless of the type of halva, experts advise eating no more than 30 grams. product per day.
You should not get involved in halva allergies, patients with diabetes, obesity, pancreatitis, children under 6 years. The latter is explained by the fact that the child can damage the milk teeth or injure the mucous membrane.

When buying halva, pay attention to the release date of the product and its packaging. The minimum shelf life is halva, which is sold by weight. The product “hidden in a vacuum” can be stored for up to 6 months, halva in cardboard packaging - up to 2 months.

If on the surface of halva you notice a greasy film, they want to sell you a stale product.

One of the most affordable sweets is halva. This delicacy has gained wide popularity among the peoples of the East since time immemorial. In Russia, halva began to be made only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Currently, this sweet can be found in every grocery store.

Have you ever wondered how halva is good for your health? What is the calorie content of halva? Can everyone enjoy this delicacy? What should be a real halva? To answer these questions, you should study the composition of halva and calculate the calorie content of this product.

In this article:

The biochemical composition of halva

As you know, the main components of nutrition that determine the energy value of food are protein substances, carbohydrates and fats. Various mineral compounds and vitamins contained in the products do not have any significant effect on the caloric value.

The biochemical composition of halva is as follows:

  • approximately 12% of proteins;
  • 30% fat;
  • about 40% carbohydrates.

Who can and cannot eat halva

The presence of protein substances, which are indispensable components of nutrition, can be considered as a positive characteristic of this delicacy. But a high content of fats and carbohydrates is more likely to harm your health, because in such an amount these substances cause a fairly high calorie content of halva. It is estimated that about 500 kilocalories are released during the breakdown of one hundred grams of this product in the human body. That is why halva is not recommended to be included in your diet for those who suffer from diabetes and obesity.

For all other people, it is quite acceptable to use halva in reasonable quantities. Several types of this sweet product are produced.

Halva can be made from:

  • sesame seeds
  • almonds

Mandatory components of this delicacy are caramel mass and a foaming substance, which gives the finished product a special fibrous structure.

If you can’t, but really want to

You are very confused by the high-calorie halva, but at the same time you strongly disagree to refuse this sweetness? Well, try to at least use your favorite treat only in the morning. In this case, in the evening you will have time to use up those kilocalories that will be released in the body during the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates.

When buying sweets, carefully study the halva composition indicated on the package, give preference to varieties with the lowest content of carbohydrates and fats.

Real sunflower halva becomes scarce

The fact that they sell under this name in stores now is significantly inferior to the delicacy we are used to from childhood, but it costs much more.

The real "right" halva - what is it

Real halva should be gray and crumbly, and in grocery stores they sell some kind of toffee with a bitter taste, a yellowish tint. Hue and taste - they say that soy or wheat flour was added to the product, flavored with palm oil. And sugar replaced it with a cheap analogue. At the same time, the shelf life of such halva is increased up to six months.

Meanwhile, the “right” halva is not just a treat, but a very necessary product for health, containing vitamins A, B and C, various food acids and vegetable protein. True, this product should not be abused, because in 100 g of goodies - more than 500 Kcal.

In not so distant times, plants produced completely natural sunflower halva seasonally, from October to May. After the harvest of sunflower, production volumes were usually calculated in wagons.

The recipe for real sunflower halva

The recipe for making halva was simple: the sunflower was peeled, then fried, licorice root and vegetable syrup were added, then pressed and packaged.

Sunflower is still grown in hundreds of thousands of tons, and nothing prevents making not only sunflower oil from it. After all, seeds are worth a penny, and the price of sweets made from it is already in the tens or hundreds of rubles. But not so simple. For its production in quite serious volumes, bulky equipment, presses and frying furnaces are needed, and this is expensive.

Halva belongs to the delicacies of oriental cuisine, although it has become so ours for so long that they do not remember its origin. For its special usefulness and delicate special taste, any kind of halva is very appreciated as a delicacy, especially in the East among gourmets.

Halva, a favorite dessert, is not at all a simple treat, as many people think. This is a healthy dish with several advantages.

Halva calories and nutritional value

Halva is rich in high-quality vegetable fats, so the calorie content of this product is quite high.

Calorie content: 100 g of sunflower halva contains 523 kcal.

The nutritional value:

Protein: 11.6 g

Fats: 29.7 g

Carbohydrates: 54.0

The benefits of halva

The benefits of halva are its composition and nutritional value. So, for example, it contains more than 30 percent of high-quality vegetable fats, which are free of cholesterol. Such a property can hardly “boast” some other confectionery product. In addition, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (linolenic and linoleic), which help to resist atherosclerosis.

The benefits of halva are also indicated by the fact that it is an indisputable source of complete protein. It also contains a large number of dietary fiber, which contribute to the activation of the intestine. But perhaps the most important advantage of halva is the increased content of vitamin E, which acts as a stimulant of reproductive function, which is important for women of childbearing age.

Varieties of halva

Most often for the manufacture of halva use seeds (grains):



Sesame seeds;


Less commonly used are flax seeds, nuts, dates and pistachios.

Sunflower halva. It is made from sunflower seeds, it is rich in vitamins B1 and F, it is very useful for the cardiovascular system, it purifies blood from cholesterol plaques and stabilizes the acidity in the digestive tract. Studies have shown that active substances found in sunflower seeds help inhibit the onset and growth of tumors of the intestines, lungs, ovaries and mammary gland. A special benefit of halva for nursing mothers was noted, after using this product, the quality of milk is significantly improved and its volume increases.

Peanut Halva.  Made from peanuts, the health benefits of peanuts are extremely huge. This nut, like halva, is a source of folic acid (vitamin B9), which is very useful for the human body, and especially necessary for pregnant women. Folic acid promotes cell renewal, prolongs youth. Other vitamins that make up halva from peanuts also have a beneficial effect on the body, remove free radicals, stimulate the heart, and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Sesame halva (tahini).  The basis for its manufacture is sesame. The use of halva from sesame is very extensive, rich in various vitamins, micro and macro elements, this halva has a beneficial effect on the organs of the respiratory system, on the musculoskeletal system, and has high anticarcinogenic properties.

Pistachio Halva. In our country this is a rather rare type of halva. But if you wish, you can find in some supermarkets. This type of halva contains a huge amount of trace elements (magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, copper) and B vitamins, especially vitamin B6 (many times the content of this vitamin in halva exceeds the content of the same vitamin in beef liver). The presence of antioxidants in pistachio halva normalizes the aging process in the body.

Harm Halva

Despite all the useful qualities of halva, this sweet product does not benefit everyone. It should be borne in mind that this is primarily a confectionery product, and not a drug in any way, so you should be judicious. Calorie halva, which is quite high, does not allow you to regularly pamper yourself with those people who are concerned about the problem of excess weight, obesity and diabetes. In addition, the components of this oriental sweet can provoke various allergic reactions.

Halva should not be combined with chocolate, cheese, dairy products, meat. Ideally, halva should be eaten in a separate meal.

How to choose halva

As part of a quality product, there should be no chemistry; emulsifiers, dyes and other nastiness only indicate that you are fake.

Halvah must be absolutely dry, if you see fat or sugar droplets on the surface - the production technology has been violated or there is too much caramel in the product.

Fresh halva crumbles slightly, cuts well, and has a layered fiber structure and a light color (especially sesame).

The color of halva depends on the variety of ingredients: the nut halva color is light yellow, the tahini (sesame) yellow, the peanut dark yellow, and the sunflower greenish gray.

If you find a dark coating on the surface - the product has expired or storage conditions have been violated many times.

White “icicles” on a halva slice indicate a violation of the technological process and an underestimated amount of seeds and nuts in the composition - this product is far from high-quality.

If halva "floats" in a puddle of oil, then it was stored incorrectly. Halva does not tolerate heat. She needs a temperature of no higher than 18 degrees.

Check sunflower and peanut halva for the presence of husks - this is a clear sign of poor quality, there is no place for all these extraneous impurities in halva!

As for packaged halva in the package, everything is more complicated here. Its quality will not be well considered. But on the other hand, it’s good when the product is packaged. It is not polluted, reliably protected from the sun, moisture and dust. In any case, the product must have a label. Here it must be carefully studied. It must necessarily indicate:


Composition of the product;

Implementation period;

Shelf life.

The maximum shelf life of halva in vacuum packaging is up to six months, in cardboard - up to two months, and by weight - about a week, such halva very quickly darkens and acquires a bitter taste.

High-quality halva - light in taste, airy, quickly melting in the mouth (slightly crunchy if it contains nuts). If, when consumed, it sticks together in the mouth, solidifies with lumps or sticks to the gums, this is a poor indicator of quality (the product was badly whipped or it lacked seeds and nuts). Such halva should be abandoned.

How to store purchased halva

After purchase, halva is best stored in a glass bowl in the refrigerator. Halva purchased in the package is also recommended to unfold and shift in a glass dish.

How much to eat halva in order to maintain health

Do not forget that halva is primarily a delicacy, and not a staple food, therefore it is recommended to use it periodically (not every day) and in small quantities (20-30 g is a sufficient daily dose for health). This will allow you not to gain extra calories, saturate the body with useful substances, feel the delicate taste and aroma.

How to check the quality of halva

In a glass of boiled water, add a small amount of halva and mix.

If the water turns the water yellow, vegetable oil is used. If painted in green - the manufacturer added palm oil.

Of course, halva is a very useful product, but when using it, do not forget about moderation, and then you will get all the benefits that are contained in it, and do not harm your body.

Be healthy!


Halva has been known to the world since the 5th century BC.

It was first manufactured in Iran.

How she got to Russia is unknown to anyone.

But its popularity was rapidly gaining momentum and received the widest distribution.

Pleasant aroma, peculiar taste, friable consistency - this sweet won our hearts since childhood.

Halva is a product of oriental cuisine. As you know, people of the East know a lot about taste. They put all their love and soul into the product. It is interesting to note that in the countries of the East halva is still made manually.

What is its composition?

The main components are as follows:

Soap root

Walnuts, almonds, peanuts or sunflower seeds

Halva is different. There are about a hundred of its varieties. Here are some of the most popular types that candy stores currently offer:

Nut - based nuts: almonds, pistachios, cashews

Sunflower - based on sunflower seeds

Sesame - differs in bitter taste and gray color

Combined - for example, sesame with peanuts or sunflower seeds with candied fruits are combined

Chocolate - halva in glaze, high-calorie, but very tasty

How is it made?  Crush nuts, beat until smooth, adding caramel. And, of course, be sure to add soap root. It is he who is responsible for the correct structure of halva.

Calorie Halva

Halva is rich in carbohydrates, their content reaches 54 g per 100 g of product. They are mainly represented by sugars that give halva a sweet but pleasant taste. People who care about weight and slimness, halva consumption should definitely be limited and dosed.

Exotic treats cannot boast of low calorie content. Up to 500 kcal per 100 g of product!  The calorie content of sunflower halva reaches even 512 kcal. The smallest energy value is possessed by sesame and almond halva.

Halva: what are the benefits for the body?

This is not just a gourmet dessert. Halva is a healthy product. At the biological level, it performs an extremely important building function. What useful properties does she have?

Halva is easily absorbed and digested by the body. With a rich content of vegetable fats (up to 30%), it surpasses all confectionery products. Also in its composition are amino acids, proteins and minerals.

Sunflower halva contains vitamins B. They help the body deal with stress, depression and insomnia. They also help to maintain the strength of the teeth, shine and purity of the skin. Thanks to him, blood pressure is stabilized.

In addition, sunflower halva, as proven by medical research, inhibits the occurrence of cancer: tumors of the intestines, ovaries and mammary glands.

The benefits of sesame halva are confirmed by research by the Japanese. They proved that sesame contains special ingredients that help cells renew and even slow down the aging process! Sesame halva will be especially useful for athletes after prolonged physical exertion - it will restore strength, relax the body.

Halva has tremendous health benefits: the best prevention of heart disease! Abundant in halva useful elements that make up a complete set of "heart" minerals:



Surprisingly, a small piece of halva - and the content is half the periodic table!

Peanut halva improves memory and attention!  It is useful for the work of the heart and internal organs. Protecting cells from the damaging effects of radicals, it seems to protect the body from the occurrence of malignant processes. Interesting fact: peanuts are a storehouse of folic acid! It is especially useful for pregnant women. Such halva will also benefit athletes - it has the same protein as meat. Actively acting proteins will help build muscle.

Useful property of pistachio halva: helps to recover after a serious illness. By splitting cholesterol plaques, the pistachios that form the basis of this halva keep the walls of the vessels elastic and soft. A high content in fiber pistachios stimulates the intestines and cleanses the body of toxins. Pistachio halva activates brain activity and helps to cope with heavy intellectual stress.

Halva activates reproductive function. After all, halva is a source of high-grade protein, the benefit of which is especially observed during the early stages of pregnancy and the period of feeding the baby.

Halva contains a high content of linoleic and linolenic fatty acids. And they remarkably resist atherosclerosis - an ailment of the 21st century.

Are you tired? Are you tired? It seems that there are no forces at all? The best medicine is halva. And replenish energy reserves, and fatigue will remove better than any pill. Going on long trips, travelers packed their backpacks with it, because it does not require special storage conditions. In addition, by consuming halva, we activate the protective functions of the body, and resistance to infections increases.

Halva: what is the harm to health?

Halva has almost no harmful properties. It is capable of harming only in cases of its excessive use, poor-quality manufacturing, and, of course, if there are contraindications.

Doctors advise not to abuse halva. There are consumption norms for an adult healthy person. It is enough to eat 25-30 g per day of this beautiful sweet to experience all its benefits without harming your health.

Contraindications to consumption:

Allergic diseases

Caries, periodontal disease




Kidney or bladder stones

Having a chronic disease, a person can inadvertently harm his health. Often halva with sugar syrup is found in stores. People with diabetes should strictly refrain from consuming this type of halva. But don’t be upset, a special halva for diabetics has long been released in stores.

Halva is difficult to digest in those who have impaired digestive function. Halva is extremely harmful in acute pancreatitis and kidney disease.

In no case do not combine eating halva with chocolate, dairy products, cheese and meat. Their heavy combination can strike the stomach.

Never buy halva with greasy spots on the surface - it is clearly stale! Be sure to pay attention to the packaging of halva. If the product is sold by weight, its shelf life is extremely short. Halva, hidden under a layer of cardboard, can be stored for up to two months.

Manufacturers often add various additives to improve the taste of the product. Halva is no exception: various sweeteners, preservatives, dyes and GMOs. Often add substances that increase the shelf life of the product. Be careful when buying! And carefully study the composition of the package.

Halva for children: useful or harmful

Halva is a product made from natural ingredients. Therefore, it will not cause any harm to the children's body. Nuts in halva are rich in vitamins of groups A, B and E. And they, in turn, are necessary to strengthen immunity, preserve vision and maintain the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Children under 5-6 years old should refrain from eating sweets. Pieces of sweets can injure your mouth, get stuck in your teeth and lead to tooth decay. In addition, it is easy to choke.

Children over 6 years old can make halva in the diet, but be sure to monitor the dosage - 10-15 g per day. The composition of halva should contain exclusively natural ingredients without vegetable fats and preservatives. Check if your baby is allergic to nuts or seeds. It is important that it is better not to give sunflower halva to children, since the heavy metal contained in sunflower seeds affects the central nervous system.

When collecting a child for school, instead of confectionery sweets, you can put a piece of halva in his bag. The child will be fed, will be active and will not get hungry for a long time! Halva will definitely become a mandatory part of a baby’s snack together with a glass of milk or a cup of tea. However, giving a child halva daily is not worth it. Today - wafer sweets, tomorrow - marmalade, the day after tomorrow - halva. It is best not to exceed the norm once a week.

How not to make a mistake in choosing halva?

There are some simple tips, guided by which you will get a fresh healthy product that provides health benefits:

1) The packaging is not damaged and tight

2) There are no oil or dark spots on the surface of halva

3) Halva does not crumble when sliced \u200b\u200band retains its shape

4) In halva there are no veins of caramel, husk and unground kernels

5) Halva shape is even, edges are the same

6) Halva looks dry and does not taste bitter

7) The expiration date corresponds to the declared expiration date on the label

Halva is easy to make at home. To do this, you need thick caramel syrup, peanut seeds, raisins, nuts. Cook the caramel syrup, beat with a mixer in the foam, chop the nuts well and add them to the resulting mass. Leave for a while, later enjoy the taste!

Halva - a sweetness that reduces appetite and improves mood! Halva is not only a dessert, but also a wonderful snack between lunch and dinner.

Eat, enjoy and be healthy!