Halva (sunflower, peanut) - the benefits and harms to the body. Halva for pregnant women


Dear readers, today we will talk about halva - a delicacy that has been familiar to each of us since childhood. Despite the fact that halva is an oriental sweet, many people cannot imagine their life without a piece of the fragrant delicacy melt in the mouth, which was first prepared in the 5th century BC in Iran. Do you yourself love halva? Which halva do you prefer?

Halva is a tasty and at the same time healthy treat. Sunflower halva is the most common in our country, because you can buy it in almost every supermarket and a small store. But not everyone can enjoy its taste, and this point is worth considering. Next, we will have to figure out the benefits and harms of sunflower halva and its most popular types.

Is halva useful

In addition to sunflower halva on sale, you can find sesame, peanut, almond. Food lovers can treat themselves to a treat prepared on the basis of pistachios, dates or flax seeds. I myself love tahini halva and halva with pistachios. When we’re on vacation, I’ll definitely grab a gift box of such halva home to friends and relatives as a gift.

Halva is a confectionery product for the preparation of which pressed seeds of oil crops, fructose, sugar, molasses and other ingredients provided for in the recipe are used.

All kinds of quality halva are undeniable benefits for the body. Contributes to this their composition. What does our body get while we enjoy an oriental treat? It is saturated:

  • Protein;
  • Dietary fiber, contributing to the normalization of the digestive tract;
  • Vitamin E, the effect of which has a positive effect on reproductive function.

The influence of halva on the female and male body

Sweetness from the East, which has useful properties, can benefit the female, male and children's body. Its regular presence in the diet improves reproductive function in men and women.

The influence of halva on the female body boils down to:

  • Mood improvement;
  • Anti-depression;
  • Getting rid of the symptoms of PMS;
  • Sleep improvement;
  • Getting rid of a headache;
  • Prevention of disease of the mammary glands, uterus, ovaries;
  • Hair Improvement.

Halva during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Is halva possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding and how much? During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother needs to take care of the health of her body. Do not forget about the baby, who is growing and developing every day.

It is possible and necessary to introduce oriental sweetness into the diet, because folic acid is present in its composition, which is necessary to prevent fetal malformations. Therefore, in the early stages it is an excellent substitute for chocolate, and the body will benefit more, because its composition is enriched with vitamins PP, B1, F1, E. Refuse this treat in case of intolerance to its ingredients, as well as diabetes, chronic diseases.

Experts recommend nursing mothers who want to maintain breastfeeding, increase milk production and fat content, include healthy sweetness in the diet. But you should not overdo it with its use, so as not to encounter allergies in the baby.

To begin with, it is enough to eat a small piece (no more than 10 grams) and observe the reaction of the child's body for several days. If no reaction has followed, then the portion can be gradually increased, bringing up to 25-30 grams of halva per day.

Halva for children

Can halva be given to children, and at what age? Children under 6 years of age should be discarded from sweets from sunflower seeds, peanuts, sesame seeds. After all, teeth can be harmed (caries, their damage). Familiarity with halva is recommended to start with a small portion not exceeding 10 grams. Moderate use of halva improves children's memory, strengthens the body's immune defenses and positively affects the work of the heart.

Halva for constipation

Sunflower halva in the diet will help get rid of constipation. It contains fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines.

Halva with weight loss

If you are losing weight, halva is not exactly the product that you need to pay attention to. You can use it in a small amount. Despite the fact that it is able to fill the deficit of most micro and macro elements, its high calorie content can harm the body and figure. It is allowed to eat a teaspoon of goodies per day in order to stay slim and healthy.

Types of halva and their useful properties

Now let's look at the types of halva and the benefits of each species for our body.


Depending on the composition of the eastern dessert, its beneficial properties vary. Since most people prefer a delicacy prepared on the basis of sunflower seeds, we will begin by studying the benefits and harms of sunflower halva. It is rich in vitamins B1, F1.

Vitamin B1 helps:

  • Normalize the work of the nervous system;
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease;
  • Improve the secret function of the production of gastric juice;
  • Strengthen immunity;
  • Improve the condition of the scalp and hair.

Vitamin F1, which is present in sufficient amounts in sunflower halva, helps:

  • Normalize blood circulation;
  • Strengthen blood vessels;
  • Normalize the acidity of the digestive tract.


The question of the benefits and dangers of peanut halva should be given special attention. It is she who is a storehouse of vitamins (D, B2, B6, PP), necessary for the coordinated work of the body. The effect of the vitamin composition has a positive effect on:

  • Memory;
  • Nervous system;
  • Neural connections in the brain.

Peanut halva contains folic acid. Therefore, the benefits of halva for women, especially during the period of bearing a child, are great. The inclusion of peanut sweetness in the diet avoids problems with the formation of the fetal nervous system. Folic acid promotes the rejuvenation of cells and the body itself.


Connoisseurs of tahini halva love it for its bitter taste, obtained as a result of a high content of bioactive substances, which are concentrated in the inner kernels of sesame seeds. It is from them that this type of treat is prepared. Due to its composition, daily moderate use of tahini halva can normalize the body and prevent many diseases:

  • Zinc, magnesium, potassium, copper - positively affect the work of the heart, prevent cardiovascular disease;
  • Phosphorus, vitamin F, B, E, antioxidants, ascorbic acid - reduce the likelihood of the formation of cancer, gastrointestinal problems, cope well with headaches, normalize lung function.

Sesame seeds

We will not delve into the useful properties of sesame halva, because they are the same as the tahini halva. The only difference between these two types of goodies is the part of sesame seeds used to make goodies. For sesame halva, whole seeds are used, and for tahini halva, the inner kernels are used. And I told you the benefits of sesame in an article

Harm Halva

After studying the useful properties of halva, it is difficult to imagine that it can harm the body. But its use in large quantities or low quality may adversely affect its condition.

In order to enjoy a delicious halva without harming the body, it is recommended to eat a piece of no more than 30 grams per day. This is a satisfying product, it is quite high-calorie. The calorie content of sunflower halva is more than 500 Kcal per 100 grams of product. Uncontrolled use of it can result in the appearance of:

  • Caries;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Obesity;
  • Diathesis;
  • Digestive problems;
  • An allergic reaction.

Poor, stale halva is also harmful to the body. A delicacy of sunflower seeds that was stored incorrectly or whose expiration date could easily lead to poisoning. Cadmium accumulated in seeds can provoke it.

And in order to exclude possible harm, the choice of halva should be treated responsibly, as well as its storage, which we will talk about further. But before that, I suggest watching a video about how a tasty and healthy oriental sweet is made, and what harm its poor quality can bring.

The harm from consuming sweets from seeds or nuts is completely preventable. To do this, you need to know not only how much it can be eaten daily, but also who should abandon its use altogether.

Halva is contraindicated in:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Obesity;
  • Allergies to products that contain oil;
  • Pancreatitis

Halva with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis

Can halva be eaten with pancreatitis, gastritis or cholecystitis? With such problems, halva is prohibited. The whole thing is its composition, which is too heavy for the body, whose work has already been disrupted. A small piece of this delicacy can cause relapse and a serious exacerbation of the disease.

Buying high-quality halva will help to avoid the harm that I described above, and will help to heal the body, normalize the work of its organs and systems. Do not take the first product you come across. Spend a little time and make sure that it is really high-quality and safe for health. Preference should be given to that halva, which:

  • Has a holistic packaging. Even the slightest damage to it can lead to a reduction in the shelf life of the product, because they expose it to sunlight;
  • It does not have oily traces. Their presence indicates that the product was not stored properly;
  • When cut, it does not crumble much;
  • It does not have hard caramel veins. They are a clear confirmation that at the stage of production of the product the technological process was violated;
  • It has even sections along the edges.

Halva storage

Having bought a fragrant piece of halva, and saturated with its incredible taste, many of us do not pay due attention to its further storage. But after all, how much benefit our body will receive depends on its correctness. And it is in our interests to ensure that useful properties are extracted as much as possible.

In order for sunflower halva and other types mentioned in the article, about the benefits and dangers of which you already know, to keep fresh longer, you need to:

  • Get rid of the packaging in which it was purchased;
  • Transfer to dishes made from glass;
  • Put in the refrigerator.

Halva is a sweet, the useful properties of which we have discussed in the article. I already mentioned about it in the article. But, only being able to choose it correctly, you and your loved ones will be able to get undeniable benefits.

Remember that only moderate use of halva will benefit the body.

Finally a gift for the soul - a beautiful song Valery Obodzinsky "Eastern song" .

see also


    29 Mar 2017   at 8:21

A delicious oriental halva dessert is a sweet whose name is applied immediately to several types of dishes. we wanted to know more about sesame and nut, but it turned out more. All about halva - in detail.

Term and history

The word halva itself means neither more nor less - “sweets”. A collective term for oriental desserts typical of Arabic cuisine. Halva is made not only from nuts and seeds, but also from flour, vegetables and sugar. Now it is often customary to look for the source of things, products and dishes. So, historians have determined that for the first time such a dish began to be prepared, perhaps, in Iran. From there, halva spread throughout the Middle East and further to Asia and northern Africa, and during the Crusades migrated to Europe. In Eastern Europe, halva took root as well as the rest of the nutty desserts - French roasting and Georgian gozinaki.

Types of halva

Traditional halva is a set of recipes of only two types:

  flour halva   medium grinding and sugar, with additives

halva from grated nuts and seeds

First option - flour halva - the base contains sugar and oil, and wheat flour is added, such as semoline or semolina, rice or corn. The oil is mixed with flour and boiled in sugar syrup. This variety is popular in Greece, Iran, Turkey, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Popular here and in neighboring countries halva semolina   bears the same name as Italian medium flour. This variety is made from vegetable oil with wheat flour, sugar syrup, butter. The thick mass is boiled, and before it starts to cool, dates, raisins, almonds or walnuts are added to it.

Cornmeal halva   popular in Greece. The most delicious is called Farsala or Farsalon and is prepared with a generous portion of caramel. Rice flour halva   it’s not easy to try, because its distribution is Tanzania and its neighbors. But if you plan a trip to those parts - try it, there it is cooked on the basis of coconut milk. Halvah with vegetables   cooked in India and Pakistan. The most popular Indian is carrot halva (gajar halva or red velvet halva), which looks more like British pudding, but generously seasoned with spices. The higher to the north, the more root crops begin to appear in the halva - beets, yams, potatoes, and in Pakistan all kinds of beans. At the heart, traditionally, are flour, vegetable oils and ghee.

The second type of halva is from nuts and seedsthat has taken root more in Europe. Such halva is made from nut mass. The most popular varieties are sesame halva and halva from sunflower seeds. But you can also find peanut, halva from almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts and pistachios. And in the Middle East and in the Mediterranean countries more popular was the tahini, or sesame halva.

How to make walnut halva

There are only three components at the heart of nut halva: nuts, sweetener and foaming agent. There are no questions with nuts - raw or fried, they are peeled and the “flesh” is whipped into a protein mass. As a sweetener, sugar or pre-prepared caramel is used. In homemade folk recipes, honey is often found. And the foaming agent is just a term for a natural supplement, which gives fibrous nut halva and holds it together. So use the root of licorice, marshmallow and other herbs plus egg white. Whole nuts, cocoa, vanilla are added to the finished product.

Halva is a famous oriental sweet, which is made from seeds, nuts and with the help of a blowing agent on a mixture of ingredients. Iran is considered the birthplace of halva, where they first tried to cook this sweet. By the way, in Arabic, halva means sweetness.

Unlike Slavic traditional sweets, this product is completely free of flour components, which gives the product much more usefulness compared to buns and cakes. The main differences between halva and other oriental sweet products is the fibrous nature of its texture, formed by the interaction of a foaming agent and a caramel base. Sweetness is prepared by mechanically and heat treating the seeds and nuts, which are initially finely ground and then poured into hot or sugar-based syrup.

It is to give halva stratification that nuts, seeds or legumes are introduced into the mass. The product must be made by hand, this is exactly what the inhabitants of the East came up with at the time, however, on the shelves of stores around the world you can find only an industrial product, devoid of many classical qualities that should be inherent in a real halva.

In the East, manufacturers of this sweet are called the word "kandalatchi." And although today halvah is prepared worldwide on an industrial scale, connoisseurs of sweets believe that only sweets in Iran are really tasty, where it is still produced manually by appropriate masters.

Varieties of sweets

Today, there are many varieties of halva, which is prepared according to both classical and modern recipes, adding various atypical ingredients to the product. However, these types of halva, which were historically prepared in the East, are only 6. The most famous type is sunflower halva, which is characterized by a dry appearance, lack of greasy smudges, oiliness, and a grayish-greenish hue, like real sunflower grains. Such a product cannot contain bitterness, but it should not be cloying in sweetness. Real sunflower halva is famous for its moderate sweetish flavor, light shade, dryness and light crumbling texture.

The next famous type of this sweet is. In her recipe is present, which is able to give the product a bitter taste in taste. The color of the tahini halva is yellowish-gray, without dark transitions or a deep earthy hue.

Many people prefer to use peanut halva, as it is very fragrant, creamy and very healthy. Walnut halva made from different types of nuts, for example, from almond or pistachio, and maybe from all at once, is also popular. Such a product may be different in its taste characteristics, depending on the type of raw material used in the manufacture.

Also, all the above varieties of sweets can be combined during production, as a result of which the producers receive combined halva, for example, pistachio-sesame or sesame-peanut. Often, walnuts are added to sunflower halva, and pieces of fruit are added to walnuts.

The youngest in time of occurrence is considered glazed halva. It is in high demand due to its exquisite taste, despite the fact that such a product is too high in calories and heavy for the stomach.

Storage methods and product selection methods

In order for a healthy and tasty treat to appear in the house, you need to clearly understand how to choose halva in the store, where today it is represented by a huge number of options. It is especially important to take into account the fact that the product is sold both in a weighted version and in packages, where it is not always possible to visually inspect the contents.

When buying packaging, you must ensure the integrity of the purchased products. Next, you should familiarize yourself with the composition, which the manufacturer must indicate on the box to find out if harmful preservatives or flavorings were added to halva. This fact may indicate not only an improvement in the characteristics of the finished product (for example, its taste), but also that the ingredients of which halva was made were of poor quality, which is why it was necessary to add flavoring components to the composition. When buying packaging with halva, you should give preference to transparent boxes or bags, inside which you can consider the hallmarks of good halva:

  • a flat surface without sugar smudges, which indicate savings on the main components of the treat - nuts or seeds;
  • the absence of greasy drops and smudges indicates compliance with all technological aspects in production;
  • the absence of a whitish coating indicates the freshness of the product and proper storage.

With vacuum packaging, the product can be stored without losing its own taste for about 6 months, but in cardboard boxes, sweets cannot be stored for more than 2 months from the date of release. After opening any package, halva should be transferred to glass or ceramic dishes with a lid and stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

Features of the weighted product are in the following details:

  • when buying sunflower or peanut halva, it is important to pay attention to the absence of husks on a slice or scrap, and if it is available, it is better not to buy the product;
  • high-quality and fresh product must be fibrous, with visible fragility of the pieces, light color;
  • whenever possible, the product should be tried - it should not be sticky.

When purchasing a weighted product, you need to check with the seller when the halva was produced, since from the time of production its shelf life is only 1 week.

Useful qualities

The vitamin and mineral composition of halva is very useful for the human body. The product has a lot of anti-aging properties, which carries a large concentration in the composition, and they relate not only to the appearance, but also to the central nervous system, due to its high content, helping to cope with depressive states and fight insomnia. Sweetness is good for the digestive organs and circulatory system. Due to the presence of the product helps to be absorbed, thereby strengthening bone tissue.

Halva based on seeds prevents cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Sesame product is rich in, contributing to the production of collagen and preventing the decline of vision and human immunity. The product also contains components that provoke oxygen metabolism, helping the body recover after heavy physical or mental stress, as well as after stressful situations and conditions. , containing in sesame halva, stabilizes the composition of the blood, and prevents aging of the skin, hair and nails. as part of sweets, it stabilizes the brain and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system as a whole.

A nut product has an increased benefit for people aged because it reduces the likelihood of a heart attack or dementia, due to the presence of nuts, which perfectly stimulate memory and help normalize the activity of internal organs and systems. Pistachio product is recommended for those who suffer from liver diseases, as well as people with reduced sexual function, since pistachios are an effective aphrodisiac. Any halva is able to lower the level and increase the speed of metabolic processes in the human body.

Contraindications of the product and its harmful qualities

Halva is contraindicated for all those who carefully monitor their weight, since this product is a high-calorie one. You can not eat sweets and diabetes, pancreatitis, obesity, problems with the digestive organs or atherosclerosis. Allergy sufferers also need to be careful when using this product, as it is made from ingredients with a high level of allergenicity.

The daily norm of halva for an adult is only 30 grams of the product, but for children under the age of 6, the product is not recommended to be used at all, since halva can damage the delicate mucous membrane of the children's mouth or milk teeth, and it can also cause the child to block the respiratory tract.

Culinary use and home cooking

A confectionery such as halva is perfect for pure tea parties. However, it is often put in all kinds of pastries in the form of a filling, melted to make homemade sauces, used as the basis for cheesecakes or incredible and aromatic.

Homemade halva is not at all difficult to prepare, its taste is very delicate, and you can be completely sure as a product, because for the recipe you can choose only high-quality and fresh products. The main ingredients of halva at home are:

  • 220 grams of sesame;
  • 160 grams of sugar;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 80 milliliters;
  • a handful of cashew nuts and various;
  • 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil.

Sesame seeds are fried in a pan until golden, and then grinded in a coffee grinder. It is also necessary to do with flour - first fry, then mix with ground sesame and grind the whole mixture again. Finely chop nuts and dried fruits with a knife. The milk is mixed with vanilla and sugar and brought to a boil in a separate bowl, after which it is boiled for a minute to form a thick foam. After that, the milk mixture is combined with sesame and nut, thoroughly mixed, laid out in a greased form and well packed. The form is refrigerated. After solidification, the product is ready for slicing and consumption.

Turkish delight, kozinaki, nougat, halva - these oriental sweets are familiar and loved by many of us from childhood. We love them for their pleasant aroma and bright, sweet taste. But did you know that many oriental sweets are not only tasty, but also healthy. In particular, in this material we will talk about halva. What is the benefit and harm of this product?

Iranian halva masters were called kandalatches. Despite the existence of a large number of halva recipes, Iranian is considered one of the most delicious.

Types of halva

Our most famous types of halva are sunflower, tahini, peanut and pistachio.

Types of halva, as mentioned above, are many. But the main species are only a few. The most popular in our country is sunflower halva. If it is a quality product, halva looks dry, without oily coating, droplets of fat or sugar.

Sunflower halva should have a grayish-green hue, the taste should be sweet, but not sugary, without bitterness, the aroma should be pleasant, the texture should be dry, slightly crumbled. If you bought just such a halva, then you have made the right choice.
Another variety of halva is tahini. It is prepared from sesame seeds and has a bitter taste, the color is yellowish-gray.

Flavored peanut halva. It has a delicate taste, a creamy shade and causes associations with the product laid in its foundation.

The base for nut halva is a variety of nuts - pistachios, cashews, almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts. At the same time, walnut halva acquires the taste of that nut, which is its basis.

Another type of halva is combined. The main ingredients of this product are selected in such a way as to make the taste of halva even tastier and more original. So, for example, peanuts are combined with walnuts and sesame seeds, sunflower seeds - with almonds.

Relatively recently, a new product has appeared - halva in glaze, which in a matter of time has won the love of the buyer. Agree, the combination of halva with chocolate makes this product, although very high-calorie, but so tasty!

Halva: the benefits of a favorite treat

Useful properties of halva directly depend on the quality of the product and the main ingredient in its composition.

So, for example, the sunflower halva, beloved by many, helps well against insomnia and depression, thanks to the B vitamins in the composition of sunflower seeds. These vitamins also help against acne, add shine to the hair. Vitamin D and potassium, which are part of sunflower seeds, strengthen bones, normalize blood pressure.

Studies have shown that substances in sunflower seeds inhibit the appearance and growth of tumors of the intestine, ovaries, lungs and mammary gland. So, it turns out, enjoying a sunflower halva, you can still get pleasure and heal!

No less useful is the tahini halva. Japanese scientists have found that the substances contained in sesame seeds slow down the aging of cells, help the body recover faster after exhausting physical exertion or stress. Sesame seeds also have beneficial effects on the heart and blood vessels. And thanks to its rich mineral composition, tahini halva helps to keep nails beautiful, shiny hair and elastic skin.

There is a lot of vitamin A in the tahini halva, so by eating at least a couple of pieces of this oriental sweet, you increase your immunity and improve your eyesight.

The next type of halva is walnut. Insanely tasty and healthy is considered peanut halva. Peanuts are considered to be an effective folk remedy for improving memory and attention, helps strengthen the nervous system, protects cells from free radicals that can lead to the appearance of cancerous tumors.

And finally, pistachio halva. It is not only extremely tasty, but also has a lot of useful properties. It has a prophylactic effect in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, helps with a sick liver.

Pistachio halva is considered an aphrodisiac. So, having tasted this sweet product, you can quite expect an increase in the level of your love of love.

Halva: harm and contraindications

As you know, excessive consumption of a product can overnight turn all of its usefulness into harm. Of course, everyone has different ideas about the norms of halva use: for someone it is 1 piece, and for someone - 100 g. Regardless of the type of halva, experts advise eating no more than 30 grams. product per day.
You should not get involved in halva allergies, patients with diabetes, obesity, pancreatitis, children under 6 years. The latter is explained by the fact that the child can damage the milk teeth or injure the mucous membrane.

When buying halva, pay attention to the release date of the product and its packaging. The minimum shelf life is halva, which is sold by weight. The product “hidden in a vacuum” can be stored for up to 6 months, halva in cardboard packaging - up to 2 months.

If on the surface of halva you notice a greasy film, they want to sell you a stale product.

About a hundred years ago, there was a rumor among Russian and Ukrainian lovers of oriental sweets about the Odessa confectionery, where an enterprising Greek named Kazi was selling an unusual treat made of nuts, seeds, cinnamon and molasses - halva. The assortment was wide: sugar halva, honey, chocolate halva and halva with almonds. The novelty quickly and firmly hooked, and soon the Kazi plant produced up to 800 kg of product per day. Needless to say, such a monopoly did not last long - two years later, halva production was already established in Moscow by the Russian merchant Sviridov. To surprise customers (and reduce the cost of production), Sviridov came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking halva from sunflower seeds, which has since been the most familiar for the Russian buyer.

Despite the fact that the choice of sweets for tea is growing every day, halva for many remains a favorite treat. And whether you will become her loyal fan, largely depends on the right choice.

Varieties of halva

In the historical homeland of halva - East - halva is appreciated, loved and, by the way, is still made by hand. Sometimes the most unexpected products are used: semolina, corn, carrots and even sweet potatoes - sweet potato. On our shelves you are most likely not to encounter such exotic. And you will choose from the following varieties:

. Sunflower . The innovative recipe of the merchant Sviridov was so fond of our people that halva from seeds still holds the palm of popularity. Sunflower contains vitamins B, D and E, its use positively affects visual acuity, memory and hair condition. However, there is a "fly in the ointment" in your favorite seeds - cadmium, which is a toxic metal that affects the kidneys. Of course, the content of cadmium in halva is not critical, just consider this point if, in addition to the eastern dessert, you often lean on seeds. Please note: high-quality halva from sunflower has a greenish-gray hue.

. Tahini (sesame) . This halva is not inferior in the benefits of sunflower: in sesame seeds there are a lot of vitamins and minerals (phosphorus, iron and zinc). In addition, sesame slows down the aging process, being a natural antioxidant. A good tahini halva should have a yellowish-gray hue, it is much lighter than sunflower, and a little bit bitter.

. Walnut . The basis for halva nut most often is peanuts. Despite the fact that this nut contains its portion of trace elements, it is not recommended for people suffering from urolithiasis, as well as allergies. In this case, it is worth trying pistachio sweets or, for example, halva from cashews or almonds. All these nuts are useful for the work of the brain, and pistachios, among other things, are a good aphrodisiac. Peanut halva should have a cream shade, the rest of the species should be light yellowish.

. Combined . Since the production of halva from nuts is an expensive pleasure, mixed species are widely represented on the shelves. For example, sunflower-tahini, tahini-peanut, sunflower with pieces of nuts, raisins, candied fruits, cocoa powder, etc. Such halva has the beneficial properties of all the products contained in it.

. Glazed . Halva, covered with a layer of glaze, looks very appetizing, but recently quality chocolate has been increasingly rare as such a coating. And the confectionery glaze has neither useful properties nor taste advantages. Having opted for glazed halva, be sure to check the surface - it should not have a whitish coating that indicates that the sweetness was stored in the wrong conditions.

Consider packaging

Let's start with the composition. All words about the benefits of halva are relevant only if the product is completely natural. Emulsifiers, colorants, flavors and preservatives of quality halva are not needed. The composition of the product is not intricate, because the basic recipe for Eastern delicacies does not change: the base (seeds, nuts or their mixture) is crushed, and then beat with caramel, honey or molasses until a homogeneous mass is formed. The fibrous structure and splendor is achieved by adding natural blowing agents - soap root, licorice root, marshmallow, and sometimes protein. Such halva will be layered, crispy and, most importantly, healthy.

If the packaging is transparent (and it is better to choose a product in such a way that you can visually assess the quality), check the sweetness by the following parameters:

Halva is covered with sugar droplets - which means manufacturers have saved on the basis of replacing most of the nuts or seeds with caramel;
. refuse to buy, if you notice fat drops. They indicate that the cooking technology of the product has been violated;
. dark plaque indicates improper storage conditions or a long expired shelf life;
. By the way, about the terms: vacuum packaging allows halva to stay fresh for up to 6 months, cardboard keeps the product - up to 2 months. After opening it is worth shifting halva into glass or ceramic dishes with a lid and hide in the refrigerator. Your task is to minimize the contact of the oily product with air and light.

We estimate halva by weight

Weighted halva allows you to consider a future purchase in the context of:

Check sunflower and peanut halva for husks - this is a clear sign of poor quality;
. fresh halva - tiny, light, with a pronounced layered-fibrous structure;
. if possible, try a piece of halva. A high-quality product should not stick on your teeth, and a bitter taste, if halva is not sesame, indicates that the oils contained in nuts and seeds are rancid;
. ask the seller about the shelf life of the product - weight halva is not recommended to be stored for more than a week to avoid oxidation of fats.

Cooking halva at home

If you do not trust store halva and want to learn how to cook this oriental delicacy on your own, we suggest that you read to get acquainted with the recipe for making homemade halva.

To realize your confectionery whim, you will need sesame seeds, dates (dried), raisins, nuts, sunflower seeds. Sesame must be pre-fried, soaked dried dates for 5-8 hours, soaked raisins in water, but only a couple of hours. Grind the sesame seeds with a blender and fry the resulting crushed flour until a grayish color is obtained. Add nuts, chopped dates, seeds. We cook sugar syrup with honey and pour the ready-made mixture into it, then send it to the refrigerator for cooling. The delicacy is ready!

Choosing a quality halva, you are likely to be tempted to immediately eat the whole package: the sweet will crunch and melt in your mouth at the same time. But no matter how you want to cut off an extra piece, try to restrain yourself, because halva is not only useful, but also a very high-calorie product!

We wish you a good choice!