Cooking from fern. You do not know how to cook fern? Recipes are here.

We went into the forest, gathered a fern, it's time to eat! Oh no! The first difficulty to deal with is to remove bitterness.

Here, people's councils are endless.

The classic and most used is to take a bunch of ferns and cut off the hard part at the base. When the young fern is about a centimeter, when the fern has grown larger and the stems are very long, then you can cut safely 3-5 cm. We cut the stems about 4-5 cm long. Rinse well and fill with cold water, add salt. At least 1 liter of fern should be used. water (or even more) and 1. tsp salt with a slide.

Another option: pour salted fern with plenty of cold water for 10 hours. Water must be changed after 2-3 hours. If the bitterness of the fern is not gone, then it must be lowered into boiling water and cook for 1-3 minutes. In this case, there may be a risk of getting too soft fern, which will affect the taste of the final dish. Therefore, water should not boil, boil. After 3 minutes, drain and rinse in running water. Then put the pan on the fire a second time, again pour the same amount of cold water and add an incomplete teaspoon of salt. After boiling, cook again for 5 minutes. Drain, rinse the fern in running cool water in a colander. Then dry it on a towel, 10 minutes and you can cook!


A refined dish of the Far Eastern cuisine is not only Far Easterners, but famous culinary specialists. They say about the incredible usefulness of ferns, that this dish is simple and tasty, and if you collect fern yourself, it’s also cheap. By the way: it’s the bracken that is needed for refinement; it is harvested in May-June exclusively at the stage of milk maturity, when it crawled out of the ground in the form of a snail, the leaves have not yet turned.


Soak the salty fern bracken in water in advance (fresh must also be soaked for several hours to remove bitterness). Try it out - it should be completely bland. Cut the fern into pieces of 4-5 cm. Cut the beef pulp into thin small slices and lightly marinate (ground black pepper, a tablespoon of any vegetable oil), soy sauce. Do not salt the meat. Slice the onion and fry it until golden in a heated skillet with vegetable oil. Put the onions in a separate bowl. Heat the skillet overnight and quickly fry the meat (5-10 min.) Add fern to the meat and fry for 5-7 min., The finished fern should still crunch slightly inside. Add the fried onions. Season with soy sauce. Shuffle. If necessary, salt to taste. Turn off the heat, cover and let stand for 5 minutes. This fern is served to the table both hot and cold.



100 g of salted fern, 100 g of krill meat (or small shrimp), 200 g of potatoes, 100 g of onion, 80 g of butter, 100 g of tomato sauce, herbs, spices. Fry krill meat (shrimp) in butter or margarine, combine with sautéed onions. Separately, fry the potatoes sliced \u200b\u200bin medium cubes until half cooked and add shrimp or krill to the meat with onions. Salt fern must first be soaked, changing water, for 2 hours, then boil for 12-15 minutes, cool, cut into small pieces. Combine everything, add tomato sauce and simmer until tender for 15-20 minutes.


For 400 g of fern - 120 g of onions, 100 g of carrots, 3 cloves of garlic, 5 g of salt, 15 g of sugar, 15 g of vinegar. Soak the fern in cold water, cut into small pieces, add salt, sugar, vinegar, garlic, fry the onions and carrots in oil and butter, mix with the fern. Let it brew for 1-2 hours.


50 g of fern, 50 g of boiled squid, 50 g of pickles, 40 g of boiled rice, green onions, parsley and mayonnaise to taste. Cut into strips and mix, lay in a plate, slide, garnish with egg, squid and herbs.

Fern with eggs and rice

3 tbsp. l boiled rice, 3 tbsp. l fried fern, 2 salted peeled cucumbers, 1 steep egg, green onion, mayonnaise and parsley to taste. Cut rice, pickles, fried bracken and green onions, season with a portion of mayonnaise, lay a slide in a salad bowl, pour the rest with mayonnaise, garnish with an egg and parsley.

Bracken with sesame seeds and carrots

400 g of fern, 1 small carrot, 1 small onion, 2 g of red pepper, 2 bay leaves, a little vegetable oil sesame and soy sauce to taste. Soak the bracken for 24 hours, boil for 5 minutes, cut, fry in a raster. oil with carrots, onions, red pepper, sesame seeds and bay leaves. Then put everything in a salad bowl, season with soy sauce and mix.

Fern in Chinese.

400 g of fern, 110 g of onions, 200 g of pork, soy sauce. Cut the meat into small cubes and fry. Dip the fern in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Fry the onion until golden brown, transfer it to the meat. Cut the bracken into pieces about 5 cm, add it to the meat and pour everything with soy sauce. The dish is ready when the bracken becomes hot.

Korean fern.

For 200 g of fern - 60 g of onion, soy sauce, sesame seeds, salt. Boil the fern soaked in water for 5 minutes. Cut the onion rings, lightly fry in the rast. oil, then add the fern and fry over low heat. At the end of frying, add soy sauce, sesame and salt to taste. Cool, put in a salad bowl and can serve.

Fern with sausage

200 g bracken, 100 g half-smoked sausage, 1 fresh cucumber, onion, a little dill and parsley, 2 tbsp. l mayonnaise, salt. Cut the soaked braid and fry on the rast. oil, add julienne cucumber and sausage, put in a salad bowl, adding sautéed onions, salt, mayonnaise, garnish with greens.

Just with an egg

200 g of fern, 2 eggs, 1 onion, mayonnaise. Boil the bracken in salted water, cut into small pieces, onion in half rings, chop the steep eggs finely, Mix everything, season with mayonnaise.


Rice with fern

180 g of salty fern, 60 g of rice, 1 onion, a little cooking oil, garlic and herbs, 1 l of broth. Bring the broth to a boil, put the washed rice and cook until tender. Add fried fern, sauteed onions and spices 5 minutes before cooking. Put mashed garlic in the soup and sprinkle with herbs.

With potatoes and fern

For 280 g of fern - 40 g of carrots, 150 g of potatoes, 800 g of broth or water, 50 g of sour cream, a little onion, leek, rast. butter, tomato paste, table margarine. Cut the potatoes into small pieces, vegetables into strips. Onions and carrots spasseriruyte on fat, adding tomato. pasta. Fry the fern, put potatoes, onions and vegetables in a boiling broth, and add the fried fern, spices and salt 10 minutes before cooking.

With fat and fern

400 g of fern, 1 onion, 100 g of bacon, a little flour of the highest grade, 100 g of sour cream or cream. Fry slices of bacon with chopped onion, adding slices of fern. Simmer for about half an hour, pour in meat or vegetable broth, cook for another 20 minutes. Season the soup with flour, sour cream, bring to a boil. Serve it hot.

Fern noodle soup

Per serving: 40 g of fern, 1/4 egg, 40 g of homemade noodles, 35 g of wheat flour, 20 g of onions, a little salt and fat. Pour flour, salt, a raw egg into cold water and mix well. Leave the dough for 10 minutes, then roll and chop finely, dry the noodles a little. Put the noodles into the boiling meat broth, after a couple of minutes add the fern fried with onions.



They salt it with a large amount of salt under oppression, after which it is stored in brine even at room temperature, for example, in an ordinary enameled bucket.



I soak the fern for several hours in the water, rinse it, then lay it wet in sachets. Without salt! I keep it in the freezer. It is preserved perfectly all winter.

I took out a bag - fern in a pan, added chopped carrots, a little oil, salt - and that’s it! It turns out very delicious even with such a simple recipe. But everyone can add to the fern that he loves - and onions, and peppers, potatoes, tomatoes ...

The fern season has come for a very useful edible plant. No wonder fern dishes are included in the diet of the Chinese and Japanese. In Soviet times, Japan purchased bracken from us (this species is edible) in large quantities. And all because this plant removes radionuclides from the body. Bracken fern normalizes blood sugar, boosts immunity, slows down the aging process and improves metabolism. The range of dishes from fern is wide: salads are prepared from it, used as a filling for pies and a side dish for meat. Boil, fry, salt, pickle and even dry. Today I will give you an example of a dish of fresh fern, that is, non-salted or pickled for the winter.

Now let's talk about how to prepare a fern so that it becomes edible. The purpose of such preparation is to remove the bitterness that is in the plant. There are several ways. I will tell you about my time-tested, which allows you to remove completely undesirable bitterness and at the same time preserve the mushroom flavor of fern and the consistency of the product, which is also similar to the texture of mushrooms.

Rinse fresh fern and soak for a day in salted water. Put in a cool place so as not to become soured. You can change the water once. After a day, drain, rinse the fern, fill with fresh water, add a little salt and bring to a boil, but do not boil for a minute! When the first signs of boiling appear, drain, rinse the fern again with cold water and pour fresh, with the addition of a small amount of salt. Bring to a boil, drain the liquid. Rinse, spread the fern so that the glass water. Now you can cook salads, toppings, etc. from it.

Korean salad

There are several options for this salad. We will cook from products that are in our stores. Take one large onion, peel, rinse, cut into cubes and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil. Add 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander, a little black ground and red pepper to the onion. Stir, hold for another 20 seconds on the stove and add the prepared fern, cut into small pieces of 1.5-2 cm. I measure the fern in sliced \u200b\u200bform with a large soup plate. All of it and put in the onion, mix. Now add to the salad 1 teaspoon of sugar (without a hill), 1 dessert of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce. Mix everything, salt to taste. Stew for no more than one minute, stirring occasionally. The fern is prepared very quickly, especially since we subjected it to preliminary heat treatment. Our task is to preserve the crunchy properties of the plant. At the end of cooking, squeeze 2 cloves of garlic or more into the salad, as you like. Shuffle, try and determine what you are missing. Customize acid, sweetness, etc. to your taste. Cool and refrigerate for two or three hours to brew. Salad ready!

You can also add the fern prepared in the manner described above to fried potatoes (three minutes before the end of cooking). Very reminiscent of mushrooms. Or you can stew it with fried onions for one minute, add salt and pepper. And you have a wonderful pie filling on your table! Bon Appetit!

Before using bracken fern for cooking, it is necessary to pretreat it, the purpose of which is to get rid of the bitter taste inherent in fresh fern, and remove excess salt from salty. There are two main ways to prepare ferns: soaking and boiling.

Fresh fern   brack for a day is placed in a container with cold slightly salted water. Water is periodically changed. After soaking, the fern should be lowered into a pot with boiling water, boil (from the moment of boiling) for 2-3 minutes. after which it can be stewed or fried.

If you do not have time for soaking, then the fern can be boiled in two or three stages. To do this, it is cut into pieces of the required length, filled with cold salted water, brought to a boil and thrown into a colander. The procedure is repeated two or three times until the bitter taste disappears. At the same time, it is very important not to let the fern boil, as fresh rachis quickly boil, become soft and, upon subsequent preparation, turn into unhealthy pulp, and also lose their inherent mushroom flavor.

Salted fern   it is necessary to soak it well in fresh water to remove excess salt (bitterness in properly salted fern should not be anymore). It is usually soaked for 12-15 hours, changing the water as often as possible. In any case, the salinity is determined by taste (the fern should become almost fresh), given that when using seasonings containing salt, the dish may turn out to be salted. To speed up the process of desalination, you can fill the salted fern with hot (80-90 ° C) water. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times in 20-30 minutes. Salt fern tolerates heat treatment more firmly than fresh, so after soaking the fern can also be boiled for 3-5 minutes. and use for cooking various salads, fry or stew.

Dried fern

For cooking, dried fern must first be soaked several times changing the water, and then boil. Here you can draw an analogy with the preparation of dried mushrooms, with the only difference that the fern was soaked in water for further cooking is not used.


In the second stage, fern is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. It can be fried, stewed, used for salads, casseroles or as a filling for dumplings and pies. In general, fern opens up a vast field for culinary fantasies. Here are some of the most traditional recipes, then experiment yourself:

Fried fern.

On a well-heated skillet with vegetable oil or fat, put the fern, cut into pieces of the required length (usually 3-5 cm). Fry with a slightly open lid (or without), stirring occasionally to evaporate excess moisture. When the fern ceases to be stewed and begins to fry, add pre-blanched onions and increase the mixing frequency to bring to readiness. The degree of readiness is determined by individual tastes - you can only lightly fry the fern, you can bring it to a crispy state. Try different options. At the end of cooking, you can add finely chopped garlic, and along with onions use carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables. You can also fill in the fern egg or sprinkle with grated cheese. You can use any seasonings to your taste, but I would not recommend compositions that include bitter ingredients. You must be careful with bay leaf. If you use soaked salted fern for cooking, be careful with salt and seasonings containing salt. It is better to salt in the end, after tasting it first.

Braised fern with meat.

To prepare this dish, we need the following ingredients in equal quantitative proportions:

    salty or fresh fern

    vegetables (onions, carrots, sweet peppers).

You can use any meat, but best of all, in my opinion, is not too greasy pork.

Cut the meat into small pieces, quickly fry in a very hot pan with vegetable oil until golden brown, add a little water, close the lid and simmer over low heat until cooked. Cut the prepared fern into pieces of 4-5 cm, add to the meat, mix thoroughly and simmer for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add pre-separately fried onions with carrots and sweet pepper, spices, a little bay leaf, allspice (peas) to the dish, mix and simmer for another three minutes. Add finely chopped garlic, mix again, remove from heat, close the lid and let it brew a little.

Soy sauce gives a special taste to the dish, which is best added in two stages: during the process of stewing the meat and at the time of mixing the fern with vegetables. Given that soy sauce is a salty product, you should not use ordinary salt and seasonings containing salt.

You can use any garnish for the dish, it all depends on personal preferences. I think rice is best for this dish.

An important point: when using fresh fern, do not digest it at the preliminary preparation stage. It is best to soak it thoroughly and just boil it in boiling water. Otherwise, you will get a little attractive looking smear.

Fern is considered one of the oldest plants. In a way, it has about 20,000 varieties. But not all of them are considered edible. For example, such a species as bracken is the most popular variety. Which is mainly used in food. It is about him that we will speak today.

Harvesting such a plant is preferable in autumn or early spring. The main thing is not to miss the moment of collecting fern. The flowering of bird cherry, lilac and lily of the valley perfectly signals this to us. You should choose young bracken plants, which are still not quite unfolded vaya. The height of this shoot should not exceed 25-30 cm. Pay attention to the diameter and it must be above 5 mm.

You know, if you prepare a fern following all the recommendations, the taste will be typical of mushrooms. For example, in Japan, this herb was considered a delicacy. From which “varabi-mochi” was made, this is a bakery consisting of pies with filling.

See how much you can cook from ordinary-looking plants. Recently, we sorted out amazing recipes from you, and today we have studied fern in detail. You can get so many healthy vitamins simply by eating these foods.

  Cooking Roasted Fern from Fresh

Let's start with the easiest cooking recipe. It is prepared quite easily. This is a great option for beginners. As a result, you get a delicious appetizer to the table, which is perfect for any side dish.

We will need:

  • fern orlyak - 400 gr.
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - for frying
  • salt to taste


1. Prepare fern very quickly. The main thing is to take care of its processing in advance.

The bracken fern has a specific bitter taste, so it is necessary to get rid of this defect in advance. It is very easy to do this, fill this grass with water and fill it with salt. Leave to soak for a day.

We soaked the plant under rinsed water. We put in a pan or pan and pour water to the very top. We put on a pita and bring to a boil. Then we reduce the gas to medium and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Then we discard the boiled mass in a colander. Leave on the table until completely cooled. We are not going to carry out any manipulations with the fern yet.

2. Onions are one of the equally important ingredients in this dish. We clean it from the husk, rinse and finely chop. You can use a half-ring shape as a cut, this is not so important.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a pan deep enough. Which by the way can be replaced with olive, it will be much better. And fry our chopped onion until golden brown. Do not forget to stir and reduce the gas to the minimum so that the vegetable has time to cook.

At this time, you can cut fern. Do not grind too much, otherwise as a result we get porridge. We cut about one stalk into three parts.

Then we lay it to the fried onion. Mix everything and continue the frying process. But already two ingredients.

3. Since the composition of such a dish of bracken fern includes tomato paste. That and with it we will carry out small manipulations. In another smaller pan, literally pour a drop of vegetable oil. Add tomato paste and fry it for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly, this product has the property of burning.

Then add the cooked frying of tomato paste to the fern. Carefully salt, season with salt if necessary.

For greater piquancy, you can add garlic. To do this, peel it from the husks and cut into thin slices. You can skip through the press.

Ready meals can be served hot. Nevertheless, it is preferable to use fried fern slightly cooled. This appetizer option is a great addition to fresh side dishes, especially potatoes. By the way, and do not forget to sprinkle bracken fern with fresh herbs before serving.

  Salting bracken for the winter

Salting fern is quite an interesting activity. This process takes place in several stages. Today we will analyze each of them in detail. And already in the spring you can do everything yourself. I assure you that it will take quite a bit of time.

We will need:

  • fern - 10 kg.
  • salt - about 7 kg.


1. The first thing we must do is collect the fern. In this case, we need it not less than about ten kilograms. But if for some reason you still couldn’t or didn’t want to salt this amount, just reduce the amount of salt to the desired value.

We wash the prepared bracken fern and divide it into thick bunches. And each of them we wrap with a regular elastic band. In this form, salting is much easier. We put it in a prepared deep container in one layer. Sprinkle on top with plenty of salt. Do not worry that over-salt at this stage this can not happen.

2. On top of the prepared first layer, lay out the second and again sprinkle with salt.

Now with a little manipulation we put all the resulting mass under the press. To do this, put on it, something very heavy. In our case, this is an ordinary cutting board and a can of water.

We leave the bracken fern in this position for a day.

3. After a while, we remove the entire prepared press. Now our task is to turn the whole grass the other way around, i.e. the bottom should be on top. In a word, we mix everything thoroughly.

Cover again with the press and leave the resulting mass for another day.

So we almost come to the end of salting. We take out the press again, merge the resulting brine. And now we add salt with the expectation of 10 kg. fern 2 kg. salt. Lightly gutted hands so that each of the bundles salted.

In addition to salt for salting, it is advisable to use various seasonings, which will give the fern an amazing taste and aroma.

We put the whole mass under the press again. In this case, you can use two cans of water, both put on opposite sides. Thus, salting will occur synchronously. Leave the fern for another 2 days.

At the end of time, remove the press. We spread the plants in the prepared containers, carefully tamping them. You need to spread it to the very top, then fill the entire surface with the resulting brine. Cover with lids and store in a cool place.

The availability of such salting occurs in 21 days. But eating it right away is not recommended. It is necessary to soak it in water for 10-15 hours, while constantly changing the water itself.

Salted fern can be used in salads and as a snack to the table.

  Korean bracken fern salad

We salted the fern in the previous article. Now I propose to prepare a wonderful salad from this workpiece. Which will include a large number of vegetables and even pork meat. Which you can replace for example with chicken breast, it will turn out almost no worse.

We will need:

  • salted fern - 100 gr.
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • onions - 1 head
  • carrot - 100 gr.
  • meat -300 gr.
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • mayonnaise to taste


1. We get the salty fern bracken from winter blanks. We rinse it and soak in cold water for 10 hours. Only after that it can be used in food.

Then we cut the salty plant into small pieces of 1-1.5 cm in size. To cut it was more convenient, fold the stems in one bunch, so that it is more convenient to hold in your hand.

Now peel the onion from the husk and cut it into half rings. To prevent the vegetable from getting bitter, soak the onion in cold water for 20 minutes before slicing.

Let's start frying. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan, heat it. Next, put the chopped fern, fry it for 5 minutes. Then add the onions and continue the frying process until the onions are ready.

2. Bulgarian pepper we clear from seeds, we remove a core. Rinse again, cut into slices in length. Then we crumble each of them into smaller pieces.

Now fry the pepper in a pan. Pour a little vegetable oil, heat, pour the product. We carry out heat treatment for 5 minutes. Then cool on a table at room temperature.

3. We wash the cucumbers, remove the stalks. Slicing will be the most common - straws. Since most of the ingredients correspond to this particular shredder. Thus, the salad will look much more appetizing and beautiful.

4. There is one more product that we have not yet had time to touch on, that is meat. In this case, we will use pork. Wash the pulp, dry with a paper towel. We cut not by straws, but thinly enough. Thus, the meat is fried much faster.

All ingredients are prepared, it's time to do the serving. We mix all products in one bowl, add Korean carrots, salt and pepper to taste.

So our fragrant salad with ferns is ready. Here you have to decide on the gas station yourself. This dish can be served with mayonnaise as well as with vegetable or olive oil.

  Amazing option for cooking fern with meat

I really liked this recipe for its simplicity. It is very easy to prepare and served too. The main thing is to take care of the freshness of the products in advance. The meat in this embodiment we will use beef. You can replace it with any other. For example, laying chicken, your dish will become more dietary and healthy. Therefore, fantasize and everything will work out.

We will need:

  • fern orlyak - 300 gr.
  • beef meat - 300 gr.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 0.5 heads
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • soy sauce to taste
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • sesame seeds
  • ajinomoto seasoning - 1 tsp


1. The first thing we need to do is decide which fern you will use. Perhaps it will be salty or fresh. And after we will understand what method we will process the plant. If you still settled on fresh, then pre-soak it in water with salt for 10 hours. Then rinse thoroughly.

Then we cut it into pieces 3-4 cm long. We fill it with water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After cooking for 10-15 minutes.

Make sure that the fern does not boil. Otherwise, in a salad, it will look like porridge.

Then we recline the colander. Here it can be left until the whole broth drains.

2. Meat we will use beef. It is advisable to take flesh without bone. Rinse a piece and cut into thin slices.

We will bring the meat to readiness in a pan. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil, put the chopped pulp. Next fall asleep carrots and onions pre-chopped with straws. Fry the whole mass until cooked.

Then add the boiled fern, which was previously thrown into a colander. Mix everything thoroughly. Add soy sauce, pepper and salt to taste here. Leave everything to simmer for 5 minutes.

Pay attention to the taste of soy sauce. If it is too salty, therefore, the amount of salt itself should be reduced.

Our dish is already approaching readiness. There are only a couple of points left. Dress salad with garlic and sesame seeds. Mix again, it is preferable to serve such an appetizer in a deep plate. Sprinkle a handful of sesame seeds on top.

It can be served both cold and warm. Bon Appetit!

  Making a delicious salad with salted fern egg

I propose to consider another salad, which includes bracken fern. You know that this plant is considered quite useful and low-calorie. 100 grams of this herb contains only 34 calories. And how useful it is you can find out by watching the video below.

Now we will consider a dietary recipe for cooking. We will cook it with the addition of the same useful ingredients as an egg and pickled cucumbers. True, we will have mayonnaise. You can replace it with olive oil.

We will need:

  • fern orlyak - 400 gr.
  • table egg - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 100 gr.
  • pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 cloves


1. Bracken fern, we decided to use salty. Therefore, before slicing it is necessary to soak it in cold water for 10 hours. And it is advisable to change the fluid as often as possible.

The soaked fern is cut into small enough, in comparison with the previous recipes.

2. Peel the onion. Rinse and chop, as finely as a fern.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan. Pour onion into it and fry for 3-5 minutes. Then add chopped fern here and mix.

Stew for 5 minutes. Then take out and let cool on a table at room temperature.

3. Pickle pickles from the brine, let it drain a little. Cut into thin plates, then into small cubes.

Boil a chicken egg, peel it. We cut arbitrarily, but not large.

It's time to mix all the prepared ingredients in one bowl.

We will season with mayonnaise, adding garlic passed through the press in advance. Salt our salad to taste and mix well.

We will spread it on a plate, but not in a pot, but in a special round shape. This is done very easily, put the form in the middle of the plate. Then we spread the finished dish, carefully tamp and release the salad from the ring. On top you can decorate with branches of greenery.

  Useful properties and contraindications of bracken fern

In a previous article, I promised to talk about the useful qualities and contraindications of fern. That's what we’ll talk about now. A phytotherapist with an experience of Efimenko will tell us more about this. Where it will consider not only useful properties, but also talk about the use of this plant. Indeed, you probably know that fern has a wide range of positive factors.

Today we made out a large number of recipes. They all taste amazing. Your task is to choose one of the options and try it out in practice. I assure you it will turn out very tasty, the main task is to make every effort.

This concludes my article. I want to wish that all the dishes prepared by you are excellent. If the article turned out to be useful, just click on the social networks button and share it with your family. See you soon!