Pea soup with pork - the best recipes for making a hot dish with meat. Pea soup with ribs and golden crackers

The masterpieces of world culinary are ear, bean and pea soups. I am sure that these first courses are familiar to everyone. In any dish, the main thing is the general harmony of all products, which happen to be quite a lot in the same pan. A soup requires a more careful selection of ingredients than other dishes. Since many substances pass into the broth and broth from all products, and spoiling the soup with poor-quality components is very easy.
  Today you will be told how to cook pea soup with ribs - a recipe for an appetizing first course, which is spread almost throughout the world. The meat is used fresh, but you can, following this recipe, use smoked ribs, as in the recipe. The main thing here is to rely on the body's own sensations and taste buds.
  To prepare this soup, it is important to choose good ribs, which should be meat and not too fat, and this applies to both fresh product and smoked. Another important detail to prepare a delicious pea soup is well-cooked peas. There are some tricks for this:

  • First, be sure to soak the peas in water so that it swells, while doing so, do not bother or move it.
  • Secondly, do not leave it for too long (from 12 or more hours), otherwise it may start to sour and during cooking it will not break apart, but will become hard.
  • And, thirdly, when soaking and during cooking, do not salt the peas. Do this only at the end of cooking.

How to cook a delicious pea soup with ribs, a cooking recipe with a photo, step by step


Pork ribs - 500-600 gr
  Peas - 200 gr
  Carrots - 1 piece
  Onions - 1 piece
  Garlic - 1 clove
  Bay leaf - 3 pieces
  Allspice peas - 4-5 things
  Salt to taste
  Ground black pepper to taste

We will take up the process of preparing a delicious, rich, pea soup with ribs:

1. Thoroughly rinse the peas, transfer to any container, pour cold water 2.5 times the volume of the peas and leave it at room temperature for at least 3 hours, a maximum of 6-8. If you send it to the refrigerator, double the soaking time.

During this time, peas will double and will practically absorb all the liquid. This process will soften the beans and speed up the cooking process, and after eating soup in the body there will be no flatulence.

2. Then pour out the rest of the water, put the soaked peas in a sieve and once again rinse well with water.

3. An hour before the end of soaking peas, we begin to prepare the broth. To do this, wash the meat and cut it so that each piece has a rib bone. Dip it in the pan, add peeled and washed onion, peppercorns and bay leaf.

4. Pour the products with drinking water and boil the broth over low heat for about 10 minutes. When the water boils, do not forget to remove all the foam from the surface, otherwise it will spoil the taste of the finished dish.

5. Then add the washed peas to the pan.

6. Peel the carrots, wash them, cut into small cubes or grate them and add to the soup. Send it to the stove, bring to a boil and cook until peas are ready. The total cooking time is approximately 30-40 minutes.

7. When the soup is completely ready, season it with salt, pepper and squeeze the garlic through a press. Let it boil for another 3-5 minutes and you can remove the pan from the stove.

First courses are very important for the human body. They should take first place in the diet. These include cabbage soup, soups, mashed soups, borscht.

To create a delicious soup with a variety of ingredients, you need to make a broth. They are different: vegetable, meat, fish and even fruit.

Soups should not be cooked in large quantities to stretch for three days. After all, liquid dishes are tastier and more pleasant to use fresh and hot. If you heat it several times, then the original taste is lost. Now let's talk about how to cook pea soup with ribs. This is done simply. It is only necessary to follow the instructions.

Pea soup. Ribs Recipe

To cook it, you need to take:

One glass of dried peas;
. three hundred grams of pork ribs;
. one onion head;
. four potato tubers;
. three liters of water;
. three to four bay leaves;
. black pepper;
. salt.


1. Now we will tell you how to make pea soup with pork ribs. First you need to soak the peas for several hours in cold water.
2. The ribs must be thoroughly washed with running water and cut or chop into separate parts.
3. Then you need to put water on the fire. Wait until it boils, and put the meat in boiling water. This is necessary to preserve the beneficial substances in the pork ribs. The cold protein in the meat remains less.
4. Pea soup with ribs is not cooked for long. But the preparation of the ingredients takes a lot of time. It will probably take about an hour before the ribs are cooked and the peas infuse in the water. Then you need to go to the second part of the preparation. Potatoes need to be washed, and if it is already washed, then peel and cut into squares.
5. Remove the dirty layer from carrots, chop or chop finely in strips. Free onion from peel and cut into squares.
6. After the ribs are ready, they are laid out on a separate plate, and the broth is filtered through a sieve with a fine mesh. It is necessary to add the infused peas and cook for at least twenty minutes.
7. At the same time, it is worth starting to prepare a dressing for the soup. In a preheated pan with any fat or vegetable oil, add chopped or chopped carrots and onions. Fry all ingredients for no more than five minutes until golden brown.
8. In a pot with soup, add pepper, lavrushka, fried vegetables.
9. You need to boil everything. Then it is worth pouring finely chopped dill and onion. The soup should stand for five minutes, after which it can be served.

Delicious pea soup. Beef Ribs Recipe

For a hot meal you will need:

Seven hundred grams of beef ribs;
. half a glass of peas;
. five medium-sized potatoes;
. two carrots;
. onion head;
. fifty grams of vegetable oil;
. parsley and dill;
. spices, black pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking process

1. Peas are soaked for five hours. Although it is better to leave in the water overnight.
2. Chopped beef ribs are dipped in boiling water and boiled for at least an hour. Then they are removed from the meat broth and cut into small pieces.
3. Potatoes are cut into large pieces, peeled carrots - into strips, and onions - into small squares. Potatoes are thrown into a pot with broth, and other vegetables are sent to be overcooked in a pan (add oil to it).
4. The infused peas are lowered into the broth and cooked for at least fifteen minutes, then potatoes are added for ten minutes, after which slices of chopped meat, bay leaf, pepper, salt are added.
5. Overcooked vegetables are lowered into the broth when the peas and potatoes are cooked. Then the soup is brought to a boil. Then chopped greens are added. And that’s it, pea soup with beef ribs is ready to eat.

Pea Puree Soup

We will need:

Two hundred grams of peas;
. one carrot;
. middle head of onion;
. ready-made meat broth from pork ribs (2 liters);
. two large potatoes.

Cooking process

1. We put water on the fire, when boiling into it, lower the potatoes and peas that are peeled and cut into strips beforehand. It boils for about an hour.
2. Then excess liquid is drained from peas and potatoes and rubbed with a blender.
3. Separately fry vegetables and also grind into a homogeneous mixture.
4. We heat the meat broth and slowly introduce the pea-vegetable mixture into it. We boil for two minutes and pea soup puree with ribs is ready. This dish is just so simple.

Now consider another option for the preparation of this dish. We suggest you cook pea soup with smoked ribs. Then it will turn out to be surprisingly mouth-watering and fragrant.

Smoked Ribs Soup

For cooking you will need:

One hundred grams of peas;
. three hundred grams of smoked ribs;
. one carrot;
. one onion;
. vegetable oil;
. salt and pepper to taste;
. three pieces of potatoes.

Cooking process

  1. One liter of water is poured into the pan, peas are dropped there. Cook for thirty minutes.
  2. After adding potatoes and smoked meat to it, it boils for another ten minutes. Then you need to take the washed carrots, peel and chop on a fine grater.
  3. Onions must be peeled and cut into squares.
  4. Send vegetables to the pan with vegetable oil.
  5. Then add the fried mass to the broth and throw the bay leaf there. Here you have the smoked dish.


Now you understand how such a soup is made. If you liked some recipe, be sure to prepare pea soup with ribs for your family.

Arrange an unrivaled dinner for your family by cooking   pea soup classic recipe with photos step by step.Following the simple guidelines from this article , you will get the perfect clear broth in combination with soft peas and fresh herbs with aromatic crackers. Now you do not need to soak peas at night (because in this way all the nutrients and vitamins are lost). It is enough to use the advice of experts and after 2 hours on your table attractive in appearance and smell - pea soup with pork ribs.

To our pea soup recipewas boiled and peas did not grit on their teeth, choose halves for soup peas. In order for the peas to fully soften, it needs a lot of moisture, so the ideal proportion: 400 ml of water per 100 g of peas. To soften our peas, respectively, you need 800 ml of boiling water. A spoonful of soda added to soaked peas will help speed up the process. To soften the taste of bay leaves will allow laying it not during the cooking process, but in the process of soaking.

Pea soup ingredients

Fresh pork ribs 200 g
Smoked pork ribs 200 g
Dried peas 200 g
Onion 2 pcs.
Carrot 1 PC.
Potatoes 3 pcs.
Parsley root 1 PC.
Fresh parsley 50 g
Bay leaf 1-2 pcs.
Baking soda 3 g
Salt 10 g
Ground black pepper 5 g
Sunflower oil
Sugar 5 g

Pea soup cooking method

  1. Peas pour hot water.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and bay leaf.
  3. Leave to soak for 1 hour.
  4. Pour cold water into the pan and put fresh pork ribs in it.
  5. Bring to a boil and remove the foam.
  6. Simmer the broth with the lid open for 1 hour.
  7. Remove the cooked ribs from the pan and set aside in a separate bowl.
  8. Add soaked peas and sugar to the cooked broth.
  9. Cook for 1 hour.
  10. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and parsley root.
  11. Fry in vegetable oil until half cooked.
  12. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.
  13. Peel meat from pork ribs.
  14. Add spices and chopped potatoes to boiled peas.
  15. Cook until potatoes are cooked.
  16. In the future soup, put the meat from the ribs, chopped smoked ribs, chopped parsley and cook for 5 minutes.

Serve the prepared pea soup with fresh herbs and hand-made crackers. To prepare them, you need to remove the crust from 200 g of loaf. Dice the crumb. Put the loaf cubes in the bag and squeeze out 1 clove of garlic, pour 5 g of paprika, 5 g of dried rosemary, 5 g of thyme, 5 g of salt and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Shake the diced loaf cubes while closing the bag. Then put bread cubes evenly on a baking sheet and bake crackers in the oven at a temperature of 120 ° C. I hope that pea soup recipe with photoit will be useful to you.

  • - 1 PC. ordinary onion;
  • - 1 carrot;
  • - 3 potatoes;
  • - salt and spices (optional);
  • - 4 things. pork ribs;
  • - 2 tbsp. tablespoons dried peas.

How to make pork ribs soup

Wash the pork ribs thoroughly. We put them to boil in water in a pan for 2 hours. If the ribs are small, they are allowed to cook and less, it is important that then the meat can be separated from the bone.

We clean and thoroughly wash the potatoes. Potatoes should not be much in the soup, so that it is not very thick. 2-3 things are enough for an average pan.

We clean, wash, and then grate fresh carrots on a fine grater. If you do not have fresh carrots, then you can add ice cream.

We clean and chop finely onion.

Put the onions and carrots in a dry pan.

Pour a little boiled water and simmer, without adding oil, as the oil will make it greasy.

As soon as the water begins to evaporate, we will interfere a little and turn off the fire. Onion to become a little golden.

We take out the boiled ribs from the water, while the pan is not removed from the fire, but rather, we pour boiled water into it (without 3 cm to the edge).

As the water boils, put in a pan no more than 3 tablespoons of dried peas.

Reduce the heat and cook for 21-25 minutes. Then pour salt and spices.

We also put potatoes and fried onions and carrots in a pan. We stir everything properly and cook another 25-20 minutes .. Next, turn off the flame. We add herbs and let the soup cool slightly.

After 15 minutes, the soup can be eaten.

Bon appetit to all.

Pea soup with pork ribs is a favorite dish of many Odessa families. We have this delicious first course most often cooked on smoked pork ribs, less often - on raw, so we will not break the tradition. It is better to buy ribs in the market, home-smoked, with them pea soup is tastier than with store-bought ones. If you like pea soup as much as we do, cook it according to this recipe, especially since it is so simple.

To prepare pea soup with pork ribs, prepare the list of products. Peel vegetables, wash with greens.

Rinse the peas several times, fill with clean water and leave to swell for a couple of hours, preferably at night. The next day, rinse a couple more times, transfer to a saucepan, pour water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes. Constantly collect foam from the surface of the water, there will be a lot of it.

While peas are boiling, heat a little vegetable oil in a pan. Onions, cut into small cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, put the vegetables in a pan and fry them for 3-4 minutes. Cut the meat from the ribs, cut into a small cube, chop the ribs into pieces. Put them also in a pan, fry them for several minutes along with vegetables, so that the taste of smoked meat is revealed even more.

When the degree of readiness of peas suits you, add chopped potatoes to it, cook for 15 minutes.

Now add the fried onions with carrots and smoked pork ribs to the soup, cook over low heat for another 20 minutes. If desired, add bay leaf. After a while, add water to the pan to the 2 liter mark. When it boils, collect all the foam, salt and pepper the soup to taste. At the end, you can add chopped dill. Cover the pan, turn off the stove and let the soup cook before brewing for 10-15 minutes, the tastes should mix.

Pour the soup in portions and serve for lunch. Very tasty with sour cream.

Pea soup with pork ribs is ready, enjoyable.