Where to cook jam. How and how much to cook jam

Jam is not just a traditional treat, but also a great opportunity to nourish yourself with vitamins all year round. However, only properly cooked jam will preserve all the beneficial properties of berries and fruits. Here are the main points of making a healthy dessert.

  Choose dishes to properly cook jam

For our purposes, a large and deep container made of copper, stainless steel or aluminum is suitable. A traditional dish for cooking jam is a large copper basin. Pay attention to the inner surface of such kitchen utensils: there should not be plaque on it - a metal oxidation product, which in no case should get into food. Enameled dishes should not be taken: in it, the culinary masterpiece is very likely to burn. Do not choose too large containers - large cookware will require longer cooking times, which will not affect the result in the best way. The best option is a volume of two to six liters.

  How to cook jam - choose fruits and berries

The main component of the jam should be absolutely fresh and not have any flaws, whether stains or bruises. Ideally, these are fruits directly from the garden, while the store goods should, if possible, be of local origin. If the berries and fruits are unripe or overripe, they will not be suitable for jam. Also pay attention to the smell of the fruit: it is he who will determine the aroma of the finished product.

  How to cook jam - we prepare fruits and berries

We sort the berries, removing the unsuitable ones, with mine, and clean them. After cleaning, currants, raspberries and strawberries again. To wash berries, we use cold water, keeping the product under the tap for about 2 minutes. or washing it in a colander. Leave the berries to dry in a sieve for 15 or 20 minutes.

  We prepare packaging containers for cooking jam

We take cans from 0.5 to two liters, wash them thoroughly. Desirable - with a good detergent, such as soda ash. We rinse the jars with boiling water and turn them upside down, so that water comes out of them. Put the container in the oven for final drying. By the time of packaging, the cans should not only be dried, but also warmed up.

  Cooking jam for cooking jam

Pour sugar into the cooking utensil and pour it with water in the ratio of 1 kilogram of sugar - half a glass of liquid. Cook over medium heat, stirring sugar until it dissolves. When the mixture boils, boil it for one to two minutes. The jam base is ready if it is thick enough. Only with such a consistency of syrup, the berries do not deform while they are boiling.

  Combine syrup and berries

Gently pour the berries into a liquid set on a medium-power fire. Water should completely cover the berries. Stir them in syrup, shaking dishes circularly. Keep mixed for three to four hours, so that the berries absorb the syrup, otherwise they can wrinkle and boil.

  Cook all the ingredients

We periodically remove foam from the surface - the reason for the souring of the future product. Watch the fire - it should be uniform. So that the jam does not burn, carefully rotate the dishes and mix the berries. Before the end of cooking, boiling becomes slower, the foam gathers to the center, and the berries do not tend to float to the surface. A drop of ready-made jam has a thick consistency and does not spread. As soon as we find these signs, immediately turn off the fire to avoid digestion.

Jam is cooked in two or three stages for 10-15 minutes, cooling for two to three hours. The total cooking time should not be more than half an hour. If syrup is well absorbed in fruits or berries, cooking can be reduced to one step lasting 40 minutes.

There are many recipes for cooking jam, based on the characteristics of various fruits and berries. However, there are general techniques and requirements for cooking jam from any raw material.

The ideal utensils for cooking jam are basins with a capacity of 2 to 6 liters, made of stainless steel or brass. Basins of larger capacity are not recommended, since delicate berries, such as raspberries, strawberries, can be crushed in them, and the jam will turn out to be boiled. In addition, when using a large volume of berries, the time of their cooking is sufficiently prolonged, which also negatively affects the quality of the jam. Therefore, for cooking jam, it is recommended to use pots with low sides.

  Jam packaging

The best containers for packaging and storage of jam are glass jars with a capacity of 0.5; one; 2 l Pre-wash the cans in hot water, preferably with soda ash or other detergent, until completely clean, then rinse with clean boiling water and tilt upside down to drain the water. After that, the banks are dried in the oven until the moisture is completely removed. Immediately before filling the jam, the jars should be completely dry and hot.

Regardless of the heat source used, the jam should be cooked no more than 30-40 minutes, excluding the time of its maturation. In the first 5-10 minutes from the moment of boiling, the jam should be cooked over low heat, since during this period the greatest foaming is observed, and the contents of the pelvis can boil. With a decrease in the intensity of foam formation and as the syrup thickens, the fire must be strengthened, making sure that the jam boils evenly and does not overflow over the edge of the pelvis.

Syrup for jam, in which there are fruits or berries, should be transparent and colored in such a color that is characteristic of these fruits or berries. It should not have any brownish or brown tint. The latter indicates that the jam was over-cooked or cooked on too high a fire.

It should be thick enough so that it does not drain quickly from the surface of the spoon. There should be an equal amount of berries and syrup in the jam. Too much or not enough syrup indicates a breach of jam cooking rules.

Fruits and berries, which are intended for jam, are harvested on the day of cooking in sunny and dry weather, after they dry out from dew. It is not recommended to pick berries in rainy weather. It is important that the berries and fruits are of the same degree of maturity.   Unripe and overripe fruits and berries for cooking jam are unsuitable. Raspberries and strawberries need to be collected in sieves or wicker baskets with a capacity of no more than 2-3 kg.

If the berries collected from the garden do not have any contamination, you can not wash them. In all other cases, the fruits and berries are washed. Washing should be done after sorting, and some berries and after cleaning (for example, after removing sepals from strawberries, stalks from raspberries and calyxes from currants) in cold, clean running water.

Tender berries should be washed for 1-2 minutes under running water or by repeatedly immersing in water in a dish with a trellised bottom (basket, colander). After washing, the berries and fruits must be left to stand for 15-20 minutes in a sieve, so that water is taken from them and they are slightly dried. After this, you can start cooking jam.

The most common is cooking fruits and berries in sugar syrup. To prepare the latter, pour a pre-measured amount of granulated sugar and pour cold or hot water into a clean brass or other basin or enamel pan, then put the dishes on medium heat and stir with a spoon or slotted spoon until sugar is completely dissolved. Then the syrup must be brought to a boil. After a 1-2 minute boil, the dishes are removed from the heat, and the syrup is considered ready for use.

The quality of jam, as well as its ability to long-term storage, depends on the correctly selected ratio of parts of sugar and berries or fruits. In the absence of weights, you can determine the weight of sugar by volume: in one glass contains 200 g of sugar, in a liter jar - 800 g, in a half-liter - 400 g.

Jam cooking   involves some operations for which it is necessary to prepare. Before the start jam cooking   necessary dishes should be prepared: a deep plate for foam, a tablespoon or slotted spoon. After everything is prepared, put the bowl with syrup on a moderate fire, carefully pour out a measured number of berries into it and mix them well with syrup. To do this, the pelvis can be taken with both hands and shaken in a circular motion. The syrup must cover the fruits or berries. The berries, poured in hot syrup, leave for 3-4 hours. If you start cooking jam immediately, and even over high heat, the syrup does not time to soak in the berries, and the latter wrinkle and boil very much.

Berries and fruits with hard peels (gooseberries, ranets, plums) are pierced with a sharp wooden stick to better absorb the syrup. Blackcurrant must first be blanched, that is, dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then cooled. If this is not done, the berries in the cold jam will turn out to be too dry.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the cooking process and to ensure that the jam does not boil. The fire needs to be maintained all the time uniform, not very strong, but not very weak, adjusting it depending on foaming. At the beginning of cooking, after 3-5 minutes from the moment of jam boiling, the pelvis should be removed from the heat, slightly shaken with both hands, remove the foam from the surface and put on fire again. Cooking continues until a new foam appears, which is again removed.

This is done until the abundant pricing stops. After this happens and the mass begins to boil more slowly with the same power of fire, this means that the cooking of jam is drawing to an end. This moment needs to be carefully monitored, as otherwise the jam will be digested. To avoid burning, the pelvis should be turned often and very carefully mixed the berries or fruits with a slotted spoon or spoon.

  Berry jam

Delicate berries - raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, small plums, sweet cherries with pits, currants - are cooked in several stages, with breaks of 8-10 hours. For the first time, the syrup with berries is only brought to a boil, and then put on aging. The second time the jam is boiled for 10-15 minutes and again aged. Only the third time it can be brought to readiness over high heat. Strawberries, cherries, cherries and seedless plums can be cooked in one go - first on low, then on high heat.

With easily digestible berries, you can do the following. After lightly boiling in the syrup, the berries are carefully removed with a slotted spoon or strainer, and the syrup continues to boil. Shortly before the end of cooking, the berries are again dipped in syrup, brought again to a boil and then the prepared jam is corked.

  When the jam is ready

It is important to be able to determine the degree of readiness of jam. The following methods are quite common:

1. Take a little syrup from a basin from the basin, and if it drains from the spoon with a thick mass, rather than a thin and thin thread, this means that the jam is not yet ready.

2. The chilled sample is carefully poured from a teaspoon onto a plate. If the syrup is not cracked, the jam can be considered ready.

If during cooking the jam remains liquid for a long time, which often happens, for example, with cherry jam, a little lemon juice or apple jelly can be added to it. After this, the jam will quickly thicken.

After cooking, the jam is immediately poured into clean, pre-cooked dishes - aluminum and enameled bowls or pans without cracks. In no case should cast iron or iron utensils be used for setting jam, since the color of the jam deteriorates in it.

Before packing jam is usually cooled for 8-10 hours. Some types of jam, in which the fruits are quickly saturated with sugar (blackcurrant, strawberries, cranberries, etc.), can also be packaged hot without prior curing.

For long-term storage, it is best to pack jam in glass or checked clay containers of small capacity - 0.5, 1 and 2 liters. After the jam has completely cooled, the container is tightly corked.

  The kernels of the seeds of apricots, cherries, plums and peaches contain a substance that, through decomposition, turns into a strong poison - hydrocyanic acid. With prolonged storage of jam from fruits with seeds, its amount increases, so it is not recommended to store such jam for more than a year. If the jam was stored longer than this period, the syrup is drained, seeds are removed from the fruits, the pulp is mixed with syrup and boiled for 30-40 minutes, after which the risk of poisoning is removed.

It is necessary to store jam at a temperature of 10-15 ° C.

If water gets into the prepared jam or is undercooked, if there is not enough sugar in it, the jam may ferment. In this case, it must be digested by adding a little sugar.

If the jam is moldy, then it is either poorly packaged or stored in a too damp room. You need to remove the mold, boil the jam and put it in another, drier place.

  Jam Recipes

There are many recipes for making jam from fruits and berries. Let us dwell on some of them.

  Plum jam

Remove the stalks from the plums, chop the fruits and lower them for 10 minutes in hot water at a temperature of 85 ° C, then cool. Pour the prepared plums with hot syrup and leave for 3-4 hours, and then cook until cooked. The whole plum fruit is recommended to cook in four doses. The jam is aged between boiling for 8 hours. Cool ready plum jam, transfer to prepared container and close tightly.

Recipe. To make jam from plums, you need to take 1 kg of plum - 2 kg of sugar and 400 ml of water.

  Sea buckthorn jam

Pasteurized sea buckthorn jam is more stable during storage, it does not observe sugaring, mold, fermentation. Sea buckthorn jam should be boiled at a temperature of 105 ° C, then packaged in hot sterilized glass jars and pasteurized in boiling water: half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes. After pasteurization, the jars should immediately be corked.

Recipe. To prepare sea buckthorn jam per 1 kg of peeled sea buckthorn fruits, you need 1.5 kg of sugar, 1.2 l of water.

  Rowanberry Jam

Remove the mountain ash after the first frosts, when it no longer has a bitter aftertaste, soak in the oven at low temperature for 1-2 hours, then blanch it in very hot water for 5 minutes. Cook the syrup, dip the berries into it and leave for 6-8 hours. Then put on fire. As soon as the jam begins to boil, remove it from the heat for 10-15 minutes, repeating the procedure 4-5 times. Since mountain ash absorbs sugar very slowly, hold the jam after the last cooking for another 12 hours, then drain the syrup and boil until the desired density without berries. Lay the berries in jars and pour hot syrup.

Recipe. To make jam from red-fruited mountain ash, take 1 kg of berries - 1.5 kg of sugar, 3 cups of water.

  Cherry jam

Rinse the sweet cherry jam, dry, chop or immerse in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then pour hot syrup prepared using half the required amount of sugar. After pouring the syrup, leave the fruits for 4-6 hours, then separate the syrup from the fruits, add half of the remaining sugar to it and boil for 10 minutes. Transfer the sweet cherries into boiling syrup and leave for 5-6 hours again. After exposure, drain the syrup again. Add the remaining sugar to it and boil for 10-12 minutes. At the end of cooking, the cherry fruit is transferred to the syrup, left for 4-5 hours, after which the jam is cooked until cooked. To prevent sugaring, add citric acid at the end of cooking. To improve the flavor, it is recommended to add a little vanillin.

Recipe. To make cherry jam for 1 kg of sweet cherry, 1-1.2 kg of sugar, 1 cup of water or a decoction of seeds, 1-2 g of citric acid are needed.

  Raspberry jam

Raspberry varena is brewed from ripe fresh raspberries picked in dry weather. Sort the raspberries, rinse with water, remove the stalks, sepals and the rhizome. If raspberries are clean, you can not wash them. To remove the larvae of the raspberry bug bug, immerse the berries for several minutes in a solution of sodium chloride, remove the emerged larvae with a spoon. Rinse the berries, treated with salt solution, water, pour hot syrup and leave for 4-5 hours, then separate them from the syrup. Boil the syrup to a boiling point of 107.5 ° C, then cool slightly, put raspberry berries in it and boil over low heat. Put the cooled raspberry jam in jars.

The recipe for raspberry jam: I kg of raspberries - 1.2-1.5 kg of sugar, 1 cup of water.

  Redcurrant jam

Separate the berries of red currant from the hands, rinse in cold water, transfer to a bowl, pour sugar syrup and leave for 6-8 hours, after which the fruits are separated from the syrup. Boil the syrup, then cool slightly, put the red currants in it and boil over low heat.

Red currant jam recipe. For 1 kg of berries, 1.5-1.8 kg of sugar, 1 liter of water is necessary.

  Cherry plum jam

Thoroughly washed the fruits of cherry plum in several places with a thin wooden pin and chop into a basin. Cook the syrup, pour the prepared cherry plum with hot syrup and leave it in this form for a day. On the second day, drain the syrup, boil and pour the cherry plum a second time. On the third day, cook the jam until tender. It is very important to correctly determine the moment of readiness of cherry plum jam and not digest it. Cherry plum should be transparent and evenly distributed in syrup. Allow ready jam to cool, transfer to clean dry jars.

Cherry plum jam recipe. For 1 kg, cherry plum take 1.4 kg of sugar, 1.5 cups of water.

  Gooseberry jam

Gooseberry jam   It is cooked from unripe fruits collected a few days before the onset of consumer maturity. The sugar intended for jam is divided into two halves. One of them is used to make syrup, the second is divided into three equal parts, which will be added to the jam during cooking. At the gooseberry, remove the stalks, rinse and chop the berries. If the berries are large gooseberries, you can clean them from seeds with a hairpin, carefully cutting the top of each berry. Pour the berries with hot syrup, in which they should be 4-6 hours.
After aging in the syrup, separate the berries in a colander, add "/ 3 remaining sugar to the syrup, bring the syrup to a boil and boil for 7-8 minutes on low heat, then pour the berries again for 5-6 hours. Repeat this operation two more times , adding sugar to the syrup each time. Finally, cook the gooseberry jam during the fourth cooking, at the end of which it is recommended to add a little vanillin. To preserve the natural color of the fruit, you need to quickly cool the jam, putting the bowl in cold water or in a cold place of. Here's a recipe for gooseberry jam.

Fragrant jam, smelling of sun and warmth, is especially pleasant to taste in the winter cold, remembering the summer. It is difficult to imagine a family tea party without fragrant jam, which is loved by both children and adults. Tea with a seductive dessert unites people, makes it possible to chat and enjoy a delicious dessert. Jam, preserving the taste of natural berries, not only raises the mood and gives a piece of summer heat, but also fills with energy, because it contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Each mistress has her own secrets on how to cook delicious jam from strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, cherries, apricots, and especially delicate connoisseurs know how to cook jam from rose petals or walnuts. But we’ll talk about making classic homemade jam, which will turn out to be tasty and fragrant if you approach the matter with the soul.

The secrets of cooking homemade jam

An ideal jam looks like this: a thick and transparent syrup in which berries or pieces of fruit are evenly distributed. Real jam is not only tasty, but also looks attractive if cooked correctly. Will we try?

How to cook raspberry, apple and strawberry jam

Jam is cooked from any berries and fruits - both traditional for our area and exotic, for example, from mango and papaya. Some lovers of unusual desserts make jam from carrots, green tomatoes, cucumbers, pineapples, bananas, oranges and chestnuts. Jam can be liquid and thick, very sweet or with a hint of sweetness, cooked with sugar or honey. There are many ways to process fruits, make syrup and make jam, among which everyone can choose the right one. However, there are general cooking rules and some subtleties that every housewife should know, no matter what recipe she uses.

Fruits and berries - beautiful, fragrant and slightly unripe

Choose for only high-quality fruits, preferably grown in your area, as they retain their natural taste and aroma. If you come across bad berries, it’s unlikely that you will get a delicious dessert, even if you know how to cook jam from strawberries, cherries or guavas. Most often, slightly unripe fruits are taken for jam, since they have a dense pulp and do not deform during cooking, with the exception of cherries and plums, which should be juicy enough. When choosing berries and fruits in the market or in the supermarket, be picky and make sure that the fruit and berry raw materials do not have external defects - dented sides, dark spots, dots and mechanical damage. Berries must be whole and not mashed. If you have a garden, pick fruits for jam in sunny weather, as berries collected in the rain absorb a lot of moisture and boil.

Copper basin - for cooking jam just right!

Jam is best brewed in copper, aluminum, steel basins or pans, perfectly clean and without rust. Copper is the most suitable material for jam, as it helps to preserve the natural taste and color of berries. It is important to ensure that the green layer of copper oxides, which are hazardous to health, does not form on the surface of copper utensils. Do not use enameled pots - jam often burns in them, and this spoils its taste. And one more important tip: cook jam in small portions so that tender slices of berries and fruits are not digested.

Fruit preparation: from sorting to blanching

Before making jam, the fruits are carefully sorted, ugly, rumpled and overripe fruits are removed, they are cleaned of stalks and leaves, and then washed in cold water. Delicate berries are kept in the shower in a sieve for several minutes, and then let the water drain. Raspberries and strawberries, if they look clean, do not need to be washed so that they do not lose their shape. After washing from cherries, you can finally remove the seeds, and from apples - the core, using special tools not only to save time, but also to save the fruits from damage.

Some housewives blanch the fruits before cooking the jam - scald them with boiling water or dip them in hot water, and large fruits are often pricked with a needle or cut. This is done so that they are better saturated with sweet syrup and tastier.

Sugar Syrup for Royal Fruits

If the berries are juicy enough, then they can not cook sugar syrup, because when they come in contact with sugar, they give juice. However, it’s still worth cooking the syrup if you want the berries to remain intact and look very beautiful in a transparent amber syrup.

For 1 kg of fruits and berries take the same amount of granulated sugar, the amount of which can be increased or decreased, depending on the recipe. So, pour sugar into a pot or bowl and add water of any temperature, usually about 200 ml of liquid is taken for each kilogram of sugar. Bring liquid to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, stirring constantly. Sugar syrup is ready when it drains from a spoon in a thick stream. Some housewives filter the syrup and fill them with berries and fruits, letting it jam and warming the syrup several times - depending on the recipe.

Cook delicious jam

Berries and fruits are poured into syrup and put on fire. In this case, an abundant foam is formed, which must be completely removed if you want the jam to stand until spring. The best way to get rid of the foam and save the nerve cells is to cook the jam to the end, let it cool, and when the berries sink to the bottom, quickly remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

In the process of cooking, mix the fruits with a wooden spatula so that they do not turn into porridge, and determine the readiness by the viscosity of the syrup. The jam is ready if the sugar drop on the saucer does not spread and stays firmly in shape or the syrup stretches between two fingers and forms a thread. Berries and fruits in the cooked jam sink to the bottom, the syrup becomes more transparent. It is important to remove jam from the fire in time, as undercooked fruits will soon ferment and turn sour, and overcooked candied fruits will lose their pleasant aroma and taste. If the fruits are well soaked in syrup, they can not be cooked at all or cooked for no more than 40 minutes.

Five-minute - a luxurious jam with a unique aroma

Let's talk about how to cook strawberry and strawberry jam for five minutes, the recipe of which does not involve cooking syrup, which means it will save valuable time and ... vitamins. To do this, the berries are covered with sugar, insisted for several hours and boiled in their own juice. There are different proportions of sugar and berries and different cooking methods, but on average, five minutes is kept on fire for no more than 5 minutes and immediately rolls into jars.

Some housewives are interested in how to properly cook cherry with pits and whether it is possible to cook five minutes from them. The seeds give the jam an almond flavor and a pleasant taste, besides it is easier to cook, since the stage of preparing the berries for cooking is significantly reduced. For better syrup impregnation, pierce the berries or scald them with boiling water.

The “five-minute” jam is cooked from any fruit and berries, even apples, and the recipe with apples is simple - the peeled fruits are cut into slices and filled with sugar, then infused, or they are crushed in mashed potatoes and boiled without sugar.

All vitamins are stored in a five-minute period, and berries and fruits do not lose their natural taste and aroma. By the way, jam from rose petals can also be considered five minutes, since pink petals are boiled in syrup for a very short time - no more than 15 minutes.

After cooking, the jam is left to stand for 12 hours, and then it is bottled in jars. However, this jam can be done right away - it is already ready and will be stored exactly as long as the patience of your loved ones is enough to admire this beauty. You can eat jam with a spoon, spread it on toasts, pieces of biscuit or cookies. Pamper your children with a jar of fragrant goodies, not waiting for winter - let them receive vitamins and enjoy life!

“What to do?” Asked an impatient St. Petersburg youth. - “How to do it: if it’s summer, peel berries and make jam; if it’s winter, drink tea with this jam. ” Vasily Rozanov, the cycle "Embryos" (1918).

And really, how cool it is to open a jar of thick, bright in winter homemade jamsmelling of summer sun and warmth! A delicacy that has preserved the taste, color and aroma of fresh berries is able to cheer up, warm the soul and even bring people together during a tea party ...

There are a number of methods by which the jam will be perfect not only in terms of taste, but also preserve all the vitamins and minerals that are needed in the autumn-winter period.

The best preparations are obtained only from ripe, fresh and whole berries and fruits. Jam does not endure rot: it is better not to succumb to the temptation and not to buy rumpled discounted fruits.

To wash the fruits without damaging them, plug the sink with a stopper, draw water and lower them to swim, gently mixing with your hands. Then let the water drain.

After washing, the stalks and stalks can be removed. This does not need to be done before.

One of the most important nuances is sugar. Remember that the berry is different, and the amount of sugar will depend on the sweetness of the raw materials. You can vary the ratio as you like, but note that excess sugar crystallizes during storage!

To tone up the taste of jam, to make it more saturated, you can use various additives, for example, vanilla will perfectly complement raspberries, pears are perfectly combined with cardamom and pink peppercorns, and cocoa is ideal for plum ... Try it!


Our grandmothers made jam in copper basins. Such dishes ensure uniform heating of the mass without burning, but does not contribute to the preservation of vitamins. Stainless steel tanks are considered universal: they are durable and not oxidized. Use a divider to avoid burning. It is also good to use enameled utensils, but subject to the absolute integrity of the enamel.


When heated, the berry-sugar mixture begins to bubble actively. Reduce the heat, mix the mass not too intense. Carefully remove the resulting foam in a separate bowl: it is so delicious!

A simple way to check the readiness of the jam: scoop up the syrup with a teaspoon previously chilled in the freezer, cool and place again for 5 minutes in the freezer. Having taken out a spoon again, you should see a thickened mass that holds its shape well.

Do not pour jam into jars at the very neck, leave 1-1.5 cm.

To avoid mold and product spoilage, first cover the neck of the jar with wax paper, and then only cover.

Properly cooked and sealed jam can be stored up to 3 years. But what sweet tooth does it linger for so long ?!

Jam is a product that almost everyone loves. Therefore, any housewife wants to know the secrets of cooking jam, so that it turns out to be tasty and stored for a long time.

The classic recipe for jam from any berries.

For one kilogram - it can be raspberries, Victoria, any berry, take one kilogram, that is, one to one. Then they sort the berry, wash it (except raspberries, it is not necessary to wash it), put it in some container, fill it with sugar and leave it overnight so that the berry gives juice. By morning, sugar is completely dissolved in syrup. A container with a berry in syrup is put on fire and brought to a boil.

Many housewives are interested in how to cook jam without foam. The answer is simple: as soon as the jam begins to boil, add one teaspoon of butter and one tablespoon of lemon juice. add so that foam does not form in the jam, but in order to make the jam a beautiful natural color and not darken. After everything you need is added, the jam is boiled further, it should boil for about another five minutes. Then remove it from the stove. He needs to cool completely, that is, be cold and you can continue cooking on the same day, or you can continue the next day, until fully cooked.

How much to cook jam until cooked

It should cook after boiling for about another twenty to thirty minutes. In hot form, lay it in sterile, dry cans. Cans are sterilized either in the microwave or in the oven without pouring water into them. The lids are boiled for ten minutes. The jam is extremely tasty.

How to cook jam for five minutes

First, the berries are prepared, as described above, and covered with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.5, that is, 1.5 kilograms of sugar per 1 kilogram of berries and left for a day, even for two days. After the formation of syrup, put the container on the fire and stirring constantly, bring to a boil. As soon as bubbles appear in the middle on the surface of the jam with a diameter of about 3-4 mm, time is spotted. From this moment begins the direct cooking of jam. Cook it for 5 to 7 minutes. It depends on whether the heating on the stove is gas or electric. The jam should boil for 5 minutes, the bubbles should completely cover the container in which the jam is cooked. Turn off the stove, remove the container from the fire and remove the foam.

It is very practical to remove the foam by slightly shaking the container with jam, everything is collected in the middle and removed carefully with a spoon.

So you need to do it 2-3 times. This will be enough. The color of the jam remains the same as it was at the beginning. In this way, all vitamins, beneficial substances that are contained in the berry are stored. And the berry itself does not lose its shape. The readiness of this jam cannot be verified by traditional methods, because there is more sugar in it than in jam cooked in the usual way. And the syrup, which turned out in it even at the beginning, at least in the end, will show that the jam is ready - it will not spread. And if you try the berry, then it will acidify. And this means that the jam is not ready. What are they doing? Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars, closed with sterilized lids, turned upside down, allowed to cool completely. After that, the jam will be ready, that is, the next day or in a couple of days. The berry is soaked in syrup, it will become sweet. A five-minute jam is stored, due to the large amount of preservative - sugar is excellent and is widely used due to the fact that it turns out to be sweeter in the manufacture of baked goods.

How to make jam so that it is thick

Master the cooking of thick jam can be an example of apricot.

The jam from this recipe turns out to be very thick, saturated, bright yellow-orange in color, moderately sweet, not sugary, with a very good structure, with whole pieces that do not fall apart.

So, take 2 kilograms of apricots.

They are washed, the bones are removed and cut into small cubes.

Finished peeled apricots are weighed.

From two kilograms of unpeeled apricots, approximately 1 kilogram of 600 grams of peeled apricots is obtained.

Sugar is taken in a ratio of 1: 1, which means 1 kilogram of 600 grams.

Sugar is poured into the container with apricots, mixed and left overnight.

Apricots stood sprinkled with sugar one night, put in good juice.

. The container is placed on the stove, the apricots are brought to a boil and immediately after boiling they are removed from the heat. And once again left to stand jam for the night.

How much to cook jam before thickening

After two days, it is again brought to a boil and removed from the heat. But in order to make the syrup thicker, and the apricot slices remained intact, again put the container on the stove and bring to a boil. After the jam boiled a second time, remove it from the fire. And while it cools down a bit, cans and lids are sterilized. Next, the container with jam is brought to a boil for the third time, boiled for exactly five minutes, I constantly remove the foam. Five minutes later, the jam is removed from the heat and poured into jars. The result is a thick, absolutely non-liquid, with preserved pieces of apricots, jam.

How to cook jelly jam without boiling

There are unusual types of jam that do not need to be boiled, or rather, it is necessary to conduct gentle heat treatment by bringing to a boil. This, for example, blackcurrant, mashed with sugar. Currants are cleaned of twigs and leaves. Spread part of the currant in a small bowl, cover it with sugar one to one, crush it a little with a spoon and grind it in a blender. Some people prefer to grind currants without sugar, but it is known that when this is done with it, the berry retains its unique taste. Next, from the blender, the resulting mass is poured into a pan and put on fire. How to cook jam in one go? Jam take as much as should fit in a prepared jar. Around the eye. And then constantly stirring, bring to a boil. They do this not in order to cook, but in order to preserve the jam in its best form for a long period. And as soon as the jam began to boil, pour it into prepared jars and roll up the lids. Then leave the cans to cool completely. The result is a jam that is close in consistency to jelly. The loss of vitamins in such a jam is minimal, besides it looks very beautiful.

Another jam recipe that does not need to be boiled, but from red currant.

They take a sieve, preferably with a fine mesh, pour red currants there, wash it with running water and pour boiling water over it to make it softer. Put the sieve in an empty container and rub the berries. The remaining ponytails can be used when cooking compote. The mashed mass is obtained in the form of jelly. One to one sugar is added to it and mixed well for five minutes. This jelly is not boiled, it is laid out in hot jars, corked with lids and wrapped in a blanket so that the sugar dissolves and a full-fledged jelly is obtained that will not fall from the spoon. This jelly is stored very well at ordinary room temperature. From one kilogram of berries, approximately two liters of delicious jelly are obtained.

Fancy jam

Unusually delicious jam can be boiled out. It turns out real jam. Of the three buckets - about 10 liters.

To begin with, the pears are sorted out, sorted out rotten, washed thoroughly, cut out the core.

Prepared pears are cut into four parts, spread in one layer on baking sheets and put them in the oven, preheated to 150-180 degrees.

In the oven, pears stew for about 30 minutes.

After this heat treatment, the pears become soft and can be broken in a blender.

It turns out the mass in consistency, reminiscent of a thin dough.

While the blank for the jam settles a little, they are prepared for the next step, namely, you need to wipe the resulting mass through a sieve. It is better to take a sieve plastic, but not iron. Because the jam, rubbed through a metal sieve, may taste like iron. After the mass has been rubbed, sugar is added to it in a ratio of 1: 0.5, that is, per kilogram of mass, half a kilogram of sugar. All this is well mixed and put on a slow fire. It is necessary, constantly stirring, to allow the mass to boil. After boiling, they remove the jam from the fire, give it a little wilted and lay it on sterilized jars. It turns out real jam with a characteristic pear color and a thick consistency. It is ideal for baking with toppings. Such a filling does not follow, but abundantly impregnates the product from the inside, giving it a unique taste.

Jam is a small island of sweet life, but unlike sweets and similar goodies, it not only satisfies our taste buds, but is also very useful.

The above recipes eloquently confirm this. Methods for making jam preserve the whole spectrum of vitamins and nutrients in it as much as possible. Jam is one of the few products that refutes the postulate "Useful - means tasteless." Jam is both tasty and healthy, and when made with your own hands it is also spiritual.