Fruit jelly cooking. According to the recipes, we cook healthy jelly with fruits so

Step-by-step recipes for making jelly with fruits from sour cream, cottage cheese or syrup

2018-06-24 Ekaterina Lyfar





In 100 grams of the finished dish

1 g

0 gr


   16 gr.

68 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Fruit Jelly Recipe

Jelly with pieces of fruit is such a simple, familiar to everyone, but no less tasty dessert from this. Most often it is prepared on the basis of berry juice. Cranberries appear in the classic recipe, but you can replace it with currants, raspberries or cherries as you wish.


  • Cranberries - 300 g;
  • Raspberries - 200 g;
  • 2 apples
  • 1 orange
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Water - 50 ml;
  • Sugar - 100 g.

Step-by-step recipe for fruit jelly

Pour gelatin with water. Heat the mixture over low heat until the grains dissolve. Instead, you can send it in the microwave for 2 minutes, mix, put it back into the oven.

Rinse cranberries, sort it out. Sprinkle the berries with sugar, then beat them with a blender. When the mass becomes uniform, it will need to be squeezed through cheesecloth. All the cake can be thrown away, for the preparation of jelly you will need only berry juice.

If the cranberry juice is too thick, more like a puree, you can simply dilute it with warm water. Combine the berry liquid with gelatin, mix well.

Wash and peel apples and oranges. Cut them into small slices. Just rinse the raspberries.

Put in each bowl a few slices of apples and oranges. Sprinkle them with raspberries, then pour cranberry jelly. Put the blanks in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

You can use any products to decorate the dessert, it all depends on your imagination. Thinly chopped citrus zest or grated chocolate on jelly. It will also be interesting to look at a dish decorated with coconut, whipped cream or mastic confectionery.

Option 2: Quick Fruit Jelly Recipe

From canned fruits and syrup, you can make very fast jelly. Most of the time will be spent on its solidification.


  • Water - 240 ml;
  • Canned Peaches - 200 g;
  • Pineapples in syrup - 500 g;
  • Orange;
  • Kiwi;
  • Gelatin - 20 g;
  • Sugar - 50 g.

How to quickly make fruit jelly

Soak gelatin in cool water for 10 minutes. While it freezes, peel the orange, remove the films from it. Dice the fruit.

Warm up the swollen gelatin for no more than a minute over medium heat. Stir it constantly, do not allow the mass to boil. All grains should dissolve.

Pour the pineapple and peach syrup into a pot of gelatin. Instead, you can use fruit juice, but only freshly squeezed will do. Add sugar to taste to taste.

Cut canned fruit, if necessary. Put them in a glass form, place the slices of orange in the same place. Pour fruit jelly when it cools slightly.

Send dessert for an hour in the refrigerator. Before serving, garnish with a sprig of mint and slices of kiwi.

You can take any fruits and juices for making jelly. But remember that fresh pineapples and kiwi can freeze for too long. It is better to use them only to decorate the dessert.

Option 3: Curd Jelly with Fruits

This recipe takes quite a bit of time, like the previous one. We will prepare jelly based on cottage cheese and yogurt. Thanks to this, the dessert will become even tastier and healthier.


  • Cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • Banana;
  • 2 kiwi;
  • Orange;
  • Sugar - 10 g;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Yogurt - 150 g.

Step by step recipe

Pour cottage cheese and yogurt into the blender bowl. It is better to take natural dairy products without additives and sweeteners.

Free the banana from the peel, cut it into small slices. Add them to the cottage cheese and yogurt, beat the ingredients with a blender until smooth.

Bring the water to a boil. When it cools slightly, dilute the gelatin. Stir until it is completely dissolved.

Pour the swollen gelatin into the curd mixture. Mix the ingredients well.

Peel kiwi and oranges. Cut them into small pieces.

Put slices of fruit in a glass bowl, pour them with cottage cheese jelly. Repeat layers until food runs out. Refrigerate the dessert in the refrigerator for an hour.

One of the benefits of jelly is that it can be used to make children eat healthy foods. Even the most ardent haters of cottage cheese and fresh fruit will not be able to refuse a delicious dessert.

Option 4: Lemon Jelly with Fruits

Lemon juice is often part of various desserts and drinks. With it you can cook a very simple, but exquisite taste of jelly.


  • Lemon - 100 g;
  • Gelatin - 25 g;
  • Water - 600 ml;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Fruit - 150 g.

How to cook

Wash the lemon with a brush. Rub the zest with half the citrus. Pour boiling water over it for half an hour, then squeeze.

Pour water into a deep pan. Dissolve sugar in it, bring the mixture to a boil.

Pour the lemon zest and gelatin into the hot syrup. While it boils a second time, squeeze the juice from the citrus.

Add lemon juice to the gelatin mass. Strain it, leave at room temperature for a while.

Wash, peel and chop your favorite fruit. Cut them all into small cubes, arrange them in a bowl. Pour in the cooled lemon jelly. You can make several layers of dessert.

If you are making jelly for adults, try adding some sparkling wine or citrus liquor to it. These drinks go well with sour lemon juice and fruits.

Option 5: Jelly with sour cream fruit

From sour cream, very tender jelly is obtained. It is better to take a dairy product with a low fat content, it will be tastier.


  • Water - 50 ml;
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Large apple;
  • Banana;
  • Sugar - 30 g.

Step by step recipe

Pour sour cream and granulated sugar into the mixer bowl. Beat the ingredients well so that all the grains dissolve.

Dissolve gelatin in room temperature water. Let the mixture stand for about 7 minutes, during which time the grains will swell.

Warm gelatin in a water bath, stirring occasionally. When all the grains have dissolved, remove the mixture from the stove and cool it.

Add 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream to chilled gelatin. Stir the workpiece.

Peel the banana. Rinse the apples thoroughly, remove the core. Cut the fruit into small pieces.

Put apples and bananas in a bowl with whipped sour cream, then add the sour cream-gelatin mixture to them. Mix the ingredients very quickly, but thoroughly.

Arrange the dessert in glasses, leave for an hour in the refrigerator.

Apples and bananas can easily be bought at any time of the year, so desserts are often prepared with them. But the set of fruits can be changed, depending on the season and mood.

Option 6: Festive Fruit Jelly

This dessert will fit perfectly into the menu of the New Year's table. But you can cook it for other holidays or just like that. Mandarins are the main ingredient in jelly, although you can replace them with other citrus fruits as well. If you use oranges or grapefruits, you will have to add a little more sugar.


  • 10 tangerines;
  • Water - 250 ml;
  • Chocolate - 50 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Gelatin - 10 g.

How to cook

Rinse tangerines under cold water. You can use a brush and soap to remove all harmful substances from the peel.

Grate the zest of three citruses. Peel all the tangerines, squeeze the juice out of them. Pour it into a heat-resistant saucepan.

Heat the juice over the lowest heat. In another vessel, heat the water, dilute the gelatin in it.

Strain the swollen gelatin, pour it into a container with tangerine juice. Once the mixture boils, remove it from the heat. Add the zest to the pan, mix.

Grate the chocolate. Pour the shavings into the jelly dish as soon as it cools to room temperature. If you do this earlier, chocolate will simply melt.

Distribute the dessert in glass molds, send in the refrigerator for several hours.

The taste of this jelly can be emphasized with spices. Add cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and a little bit of ground pepper to it. These spices are traditionally placed in mulled wine and sweet pastries. For many of us, they are inextricably associated with holidays, the most pleasant and happy memories.

Jelly with fruits is a simple and sophisticated dessert that can be easily prepared at home. The basis of the recipe is fresh or frozen fruits and berries, juice or syrup and gelatin. It is the latter, when solidified, gives the jelly a thick consistency. Properly prepared jelly has a saturated color, but it remains transparent - pieces are visible through it.

Variety of ingredients

There are thousands of ways to make jelly, from the simplest to sophisticated multi-layer dessert recipes. Both exotic and locally available fruits are suitable here. Often in jelly include flavoring additives, such as alcohol (wine, liquor and others). Often jellies are decorated with cream, mousse or yogurt sauce. Nevertheless, whatever the jelly, it is always served chilled on the table.

Gelatin contains the substance glycine - an amino acid that is beneficial for the body. Glycine is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, it helps relieve nervous tension. Glycine is also one of the sources of energy for the body.

Pineapple Jelly

To make this jelly you will need:

Bank of canned pineapple (1 pc.); - pineapple juice (1 l); - gelatin (30 g).

Before you start cooking, you need to pour gelatin over apple juice. Do not add all the juice at once, use approximately 0.5 liters. After about an hour, the jelly will swell and you can start cooking.

Next, you need to warm up the jelly, for this, pour the juice with gelatin from a small saucepan and heat over medium heat. It is very important not to bring the jelly to a boil. Remove the jelly from the heat and add the remaining juice, then pour the jelly into the molds. Dice canned pineapples into cubes and add to jelly forms. Once the jelly has cooled, put the tins in the refrigerator. In a couple of hours, your dessert will be ready.

To make jelly, you need to keep the proportion. If you add too much water, the jelly may not freeze. With a ratio of 20 g of gelatin per 1 liter of water, the jelly will turn out to be trembling, and with the addition of 50 g the jelly can be cut with a knife

Jelly with fruit puree

To make this airy dessert you will need:

Ready fruit puree (250 g); - instant gelatin (15 g).

This jelly will be especially tasty if you make it with apple, pear or strawberry puree. Combine gelatin and mashed potatoes and leave for 5 minutes. Add sugar if necessary. Heat the mashed potatoes in a saucepan until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Remove the mixture from the heat and let cool to room temperature. Next, beat the jelly with a mixer, the mixture should increase in volume and become lighter. Sort it into molds and cool in the refrigerator.

It’s hard to imagine a simpler delicacy than jelly. For its preparation, you can use completely different ingredients and additives, which allows you to improve and diversify the taste. In addition, it is worth noting that the calorie content of jelly is quite low, so it can be eaten without fear for the figure. Recipes of a delicious dish will help out when there is no way to cook some more complicated dessert, for example, cakes.

Features of making fruit jelly at home

In order for the dessert to turn out delicious, it is important not only to know the recipe, but also some cooking rules:

  • do not use aluminum containers, since the liquid can become dark, and the taste will significantly deteriorate;
  • it is recommended to preheat the bottom of the dishes used, since gelatin can take lumps;
      the best solution is to put the container in hot water;
  • if there is a desire to make the taste more saturated, then it is worth adding wine or lemon juice.

So that the consistency as a result turns out to be homogeneous, it is recommended to pre-pour gelatin for an hour with cold water: 1 part of the powder into 8-10 parts of the liquid. Then everything is put in a water bath and heated until completely dissolved. After that, it’s worth everything to strain to remove the remaining grains.

If gelatin is used for cooking at home, not powder, but sheet, then it should first be washed with cold howl, and then pour in half an hour based on 1 part gelatin 11 parts liquid. After this, the remaining water should be drained, and the gelatin itself should be squeezed out properly from excess moisture. It is added to boiling syrup, stirring constantly.

You can also use an analog, agar-agar, which is prepared like gelatin in the plates, but you only need to soak it for 2 hours. The amount of agar-agar needed is 2 times less than the gelatin used.

Strawberry and Gooseberry Jelly Recipe

The dessert prepared according to this recipe turns out to be truly festive, since we will decorate it with a delicious cream. It’s easy to cook, the main thing is to follow the recipe.

To prepare this dish, you must take:

  • 300 g of gooseberries, strawberries and sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. warm water;
  • 2 teaspoons of gelatin;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of dessert wine;
  • to prepare the cream you will need: 350 g of sugar and 1 tbsp. sour cream.


  1. First you need to wash the berries. pour gooseberries with water and send to a small fire to cook. Strain the liquid. In the same container, add sugar and gelatin, which must be previously dissolved in dessert wine;
  2. Stirring the mixture constantly, wait until it begins to thicken. After that, turn off the fire and let it cool;
  3. At this time, wash the strawberries, remove the tails and put on the bottom of the selected containers. Then fill the berries with the prepared liquid;
  4. We give the jelly to harden, and at this time prepare the cream. Combine the sugar with sour cream and grind it so that there are no lumps left.

Before serving the jelly, garnish with a cream using a pastry bag.

How to make fruit jelly with milk?

Thanks to the use of milk, the dessert acquires a creamy taste, which gives even more tenderness. It is important to use the freshest products, otherwise nothing will work. As for the calorie content of fruit jelly with milk, it is slightly larger than the usual options.

  • 2 l of water;
  • 30 g agar agar;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. milk;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of almond extract, fruits and berries.


  1. The first thing to do is bring the water to a boil and dissolve agar-agar in it. Add there
      sugar and continue to stir until it is completely dissolved;
  2. It's time to add milk and almond extract. Mix everything well and fill the mixture into a mold;
  3. Add the selected berries and fruits that need to be chopped beforehand. Refrigerate until the mold solidifies.

Gelatin & Champagne Fruit Jelly Recipe

This dessert is more suitable for adults, for example, for some holiday. The combination of champagne and berries gives an incredible and unusual taste.

For this dish you need to take:

  • 2 handfuls of blueberries and raspberries;
  • 60 g of sugar;
  • 600 ml of champagne;
  • 4 sheets of gelatin and mint.


  1. Half fill the selected containers with berries and put them in the refrigerator;
  2. Soak the gelatin leaves as described above. After that, fill them with 150 ml of hot water, add sugar and stir until completely dissolved;
  3. When the liquid has cooled to room temperature, champagne can be added;
  4. Pour the resulting solution into molds and send them back to the refrigerator.

When the jelly hardens completely, it is necessary to dip the molds in hot water for a few seconds and gently turn it on a flat dish. Decorate the dessert is with mint leaves.

Jelly Fruit Cake Recipe

This dish is a great substitute for familiar cakes. In addition, the dessert is lighter and more refreshing. It is perfect for a children's holiday, and for a regular feast.

For cooking, you need to take:

  • 0.5 l of berry compote or juice;
  • 25 g of gelatin;
  • 1 tbsp. raspberries, blueberries and blackberries;
  • 200 g of strawberries and a couple of peaches;
  • to decorate the cake, we offer to prepare a cream, for which you need to take 200 g of sour cream 30% and 0.5 tbsp. Sahara.


  1. To begin with, gelatin pour 50 g of compote and leave to swell for a while. On average, 30 minutes is enough;
  2. After time, put the container on the fire and constantly, stirring, cook until the gelatin is completely dissolved. The main thing is not to bring the liquid to a boil, since the dessert will not freeze in the end;
  3. Add the remaining compote there and mix well. Take a deep form in which dessert will be prepared;
  4. At the bottom, lay pre-washed and dried berries, as well as strawberries cut into halves. Put peaches there, which should be cut into large cubes beforehand. Pour the prepared solution with berries and fruits;
  5. Cover everything with foil and leave it in the refrigerator until everything hardens. After that, dip the container for a few seconds into the boiled water, and then, tilt it onto a flat dish to get a dessert.

Make a cream for which beat the sugar with sour cream well so that the consistency becomes thick. Put it in a pastry bag and decorate the dessert.

Curd Fruit Jelly Recipe

Curd desserts are very popular, and all thanks to its delicate and airy consistency. This is ideal for both daily use and for the holiday.

To prepare this dish you need to take:

  • 2 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 420 g of cottage cheese of low fat content;
  • 210 g of sugar, an incomplete glass of warm water, a package of gelatin;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa and peaches.

Jelly cakes, sweets with jellied filling, just gingerbread cookies with a mysteriously transparent dessert - no matter how jelly is decorated, young sweet tooths will not end.

Today we are preparing the most colorful and alluring jelly dessert - from fruits. One look is enough to freeze in anticipation, but after the first serving no one will refuse the supplement!

Jelly with fruits - general principles of preparation

The easiest option for making jelly with slices of fruit is to take the factory, packaged in packs, jelly and dilute it according to the instructions. But it is too simple and not at home. It is better to cook jelly yourself and its basis may be juice, sour cream, milk, yogurt or fruit puree.

Gelatin is used as a binder for jelly at home. It is best to take instant gelatin in granules. Before mixing the gelling agent with the base, it is pre-soaked and heated in a water bath. Do this with caution, not boiling. If you miss the moment, gelatin will lose its properties.

Before mixing the dissolved gelling substance with the base, it is well cooled. Stir for a long time and without rushing, so that the solution disperses evenly.

Fresh and canned fruits can be added to the jelly. They are cut into small slices, slices or cubes. When using canned fruits, it is important to dry them well so that excess moisture does not prevent the jelly from hardening.

Jelly with fruit in a glass: a simple recipe for a low-calorie dessert with kiwi and yogurt

The dessert consists of two colors of jelly: white and green, with pieces of kiwi. The basis for jelly is light grape juice. The dessert looks spectacular, it is prepared simply and not for long. It will take two glass wine glasses and ice.


Yogurt without flavoring - 200 gr.;

Half a liter of grape juice;

50 gr granular gelatin.

Cooking method:

1. In a small bowl, fill the gelatin with a glass of grape juice. Without stirring, set aside, stand a quarter of an hour.

2. The remaining juice is poured into a saucepan, heated, but not boiled!

3. Pour warm juice to the swollen gelatin and stir for a long time. We make sure that all the granules are completely dissolved.

4. With a thin layer cut off the fleecy peel from kiwi, cut the flesh into small, arbitrary shape pieces.

5. Pour ice into a bowl. We lay two glass glasses on it at an angle of 45 degrees and fill them with kiwi. Pour the slices with half the juice mixed with gelatin, put in the refrigerator.

6. When the jelly sets well, we take out the glasses and place them vertically on the table.

7. Mix the remaining juice with yogurt, pour into glasses and again place in the refrigerator. We are waiting for the jelly to solidify completely. As a result, you will get jelly, divided into layers on the diagonal, in addition to the tasty taste, it also looks very impressive.

Peach jelly with fruit

Delicate yogurt-based dessert with slices of peaches and banana. The basis for jelly is fresh orange juice, which creates a more saturated color and taste. If you do not want to squeeze citruses yourself, you can take the finished juice.


Three large peaches;

One banana, medium ripeness;

Three oranges

450 ml fat-free yogurt;

Instant gelatin - 30 gr.;

A glass of sugar;

Half a liter of clean water.

Cooking method:

1. Using a special citrus juicer, prepare orange juice. Filter it through a sieve or cheesecloth.

2. Pour gelatin into a small cup, pour a small amount of orange juice. After ten minutes to stand, place the cup in a water bath and heat, stirring, until the gelatin granules dissolve.

3. Pour the gelatin mixture to the bulk of the freshly squeezed juice, stir well.

4. Pour sugar into a separate enameled bowl, pour water, put on a slow fire. Warm up, stirring, until we get a clear syrup.

5. We wash the peaches and cut, breaking, remove the seeds. Dip the halves in syrup, boil for five minutes. Then we take out and carefully remove the peel.

6. Cut the peaches and bananas into slices. Set aside some fruit, and collect most of it in a bowl.

7. Pour yogurt on top and kill with a submersible blender. Pour orange juice with gelatin and whisk again.

8. We spread the previously set aside slices of peaches and banana on the bowls, pour them with the cooked fruit mass.

9. Before hardening, place the jelly in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.

Milk jelly with fruit

Jelly is prepared not only on the basis of yogurt or juice. No less tasty it is obtained in milk. We offer a simple recipe for two-layer milk jelly, with an orange and apple layer.


Two oranges;

Two tablespoons of sugar;

Large sweet apple;

30 grams of “fast” gelatin;

Vanilla sugar - 10 gr.;

Fatty, best homemade, milk - 700 ml;

50 gr dark milk chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Peel an orange, disassemble it into slices and remove a thin film. Squeezing the flesh in the palm of your hand, squeeze the juice. Add a little orange pulp and mix.

2. Pour half the gelatin with water, according to the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging. After giving a good swelling, dissolve the gelatin granules in a water bath and mix with warmed milk (350 ml). Cool down.

3. Pour the cooled milk into a bowl with orange pulp, and mix with half the sugar. After pouring the mixture into small glasses, put it in the refrigerator for about an hour.

4. While the milk-orange jelly hardens, prepare the apple.

5. Peel the apples from the peel, and rub the flesh through a fine grater. Pour with the remaining milk, in which the gelatin is previously dissolved. Pour the remaining sugar, mix well.

6. After cooling the apple mixture, pour it into the glasses with orange jelly in a second layer and send it back to the refrigerator.

7. Sprinkle the frozen jelly with chocolate crushed on a fine grater and serve.

Jelly with fruits: a recipe for an original dessert with grapes, apples and cream

Another apple dessert made from jelly based on grape juice and grape berries proper.


Light grapes - 200 gr.;

75 gr. Sahara;

A glass of clarified grape juice (light);

150 ml high fat cream;

Sweet apple

Large grapes;

Chopped nuts - 1 tbsp. l .;

10 gr. gelatin in granules.

Cooking method:

1. Pour gelatin with half a glass of grape juice, place in a water bath. Stirring, warming up, waiting until the granules dissolve without residue.

2. After pouring the gelatinous mass to the remaining juice, mix thoroughly.

3. Part of the prepared mixture is poured into a rectangular shape and placed in the refrigerator for an hour.

4. After washing the grapes, remove large grapes from the crests and select approximately the same size. Carefully remove the peel, cut and remove the seeds.

5. We take out a form with well-frozen jelly from the refrigerator and put halves of grapes on it.

6. Pour the remaining juice mixed with gelatin on top and put the jelly in the refrigerator again.

7. Having cut the peel from apples, we rub the pulp itself into a medium grater.

8. Pour the chilled cream into a dry bowl. Beating with a mixer, gradually introduce sugar. Mix a thick creamy mass with apples.

9. We take out the frozen jelly from the refrigerator and cut it into squares so that there is a grape in each.

10. We lay out the pieces on the bowls or wide glasses, put the cream on top and sprinkle with nuts.

Sour cream cake with jelly and fruit "Mosaic"

A light cake of sour cream, fruit and jelly looks bright and appropriate to any table. Easy-to-use dessert, no baking required. The cake can be supplemented not only with fruits, but with pieces of biscuit or cookies.


Sour cream, fat content above 15% - 400 ml;

Four sachets of jelly with different flavors;

2 gr. vanilla powder;

Two small bags of gelatin;

One banana and one kiwi;

Two canned peaches;

A small bar of dark chocolate;

A tablespoon of chopped walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. Using the instructions on the package, separate the jelly separately. Pour into wide plates and set in the cold for solidification.

2. Pour gelatin into a small bowl, pour a quarter cup of hot water, but not boiling water. Add vanilla and mix thoroughly until both components are completely dissolved. Cooling down.

3. Spread sour cream in a high bowl. Beating with a mixer, gradually introduce the gelatin mixture and sugar.

4. Peel the fruit, cut into arbitrary pieces. We cut frozen jelly into cubes.

5. Put the pieces of fruit and jelly in a bowl. Pour into them sour cream and mix gently.

6. We cover the form or any suitable bowl with a thin cling film and pour the prepared mixture into it. We place in the refrigerator and stand in it for at least 4 hours.

7. We take out the frozen cake, turn the form on a flat dish, raise the capacity. We remove the film from the cake and rub the chocolate on top with fine chips, sprinkle with nuts and serve.

Jelly with fruit in a watermelon


Watermelon, weighing three kilograms;

A kilogram of different fruits, and berries can be;

Two glasses of sugar;

A small lemon;

250 ml of wine "Rkatsiteli" or similar dry, white;

Five spoons of gelatin granules;

A quarter of a spoon of crushed cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. After rinsing the watermelon, cut it along. Gently select the pulp with a spoon and rub it through a sieve.

2. Level the inner surface of the halves of the watermelon, cut off all the excess white pulp - the surface should be flat and smooth. Blot the watermelon from the inside with paper towels.

3. Peel the peel from the fruit, remove the seeds and cut into half-centimeter cubes. Put in a bowl, sprinkle with fresh lemon juice and mix well.

4. Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan, pour a glass of sugar. We place it on a small fire and, continuously stirring, prepare a clear syrup. In parts we dip assorted fruits into it, blanch for at least 2 minutes.

5. Pour gelatin with 100 ml of cool water.

6. Pour wine into the syrup in which the fruit was blanched, pour the remaining sugar and cinnamon. Bring to a boil, boil over medium heat for three minutes, remove from heat, filter. Cool slightly, add the swollen gelatin and mix well.

7. In a large saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Turn the halves of the watermelon with the white pulp down and stand each over the steam for five minutes.

8. Put some fruit in the watermelon “bowls”, fill them with a small amount of syrup and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

9. As soon as the jelly sets well, add the fruit and add the syrup again, cool. Repeat until filled to the top.

10. Tighten the halves of the watermelon with cling film and place them in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

11. When serving, cut into slices, like a regular watermelon.

Jelly with fruits - cooking tricks and useful tips

Sweet fruit jellies can be too sugary, so it is recommended to sprinkle with lemon juice before mixing with the base of their slices.

So that jelly prepared on the basis of fresh juice is not cloudy, it is advisable to let it stand for a bit, and then strain it through cheesecloth.

Citrus fruits, apples, fragrant pears, vanilla or cinnamon can give brighter taste to any jelly.

Different desserts are especially popular in every family. Both adults and children are happy to eat them, but the beneficial qualities of such dishes often leave much to be desired. After all, purchased sweets have a lot of chemicals in their composition: dyes, preservatives, flavorings, etc., which can adversely affect the activity of organs and systems. But delicious and healthy desserts can be prepared at home. Let's talk on about how fruit jelly is prepared, a recipe for gelatin and fruit is given. How to make it at home?

Fruit jelly made from gelatin and fruits (fresh apples and cherries)

To prepare such a delicious and healthy dessert, you need to prepare one medium apple, fifteen cherries, six leaves of mint, a couple of tablespoons of gelatin. You will also need one hundred milligrams of sugar, half a liter of water, a tablespoon of white sweet wine and half a lemon.

First peel the apple and chop it into small pieces. Boil water in an enameled saucepan, dissolve sugar in it. Squeeze out three to four tablespoons of juice from the lemon and add to the syrup. Pour a tablespoon of wine there and add apples. Simmer on low heat for five minutes. Of course, if jelly is intended for children, wine should be excluded.

Remove the apples from the syrup, put them in prepared tins. Remove the seeds from the cherries and place the cherries in a second layer after the apples.

Soak the gelatin with cold boiled water, observing a ratio of 1: 6. After swelling, combine this mixture with chilled syrup, mix. Pour fruit in molds with such a liquid, add mint leaves to them and send to the refrigerator. The jelly should set in a half to two hours.

In order to remove the jelly from the molds, just dip them in boiling water for a couple of seconds and turn them on a plate. The finished dish can be poured with berry syrup (cold) or ice cream.

How to make fruit jelly at home from oranges

To prepare such a delicious dessert, you need to prepare a couple of oranges, one glass of sugar, a couple of glasses of water and a tablespoon of gelatin. You will also need a little citric acid.

Remove the zest and peel from the oranges, and chop the flesh into thin slices, remembering to remove the grains. Sprinkle the prepared fruits with half a glass of sugar and leave for half an hour in order to get orange juice. Boil the water with the remaining sugar and orange zest. Next, cool the syrup a little, inject the swollen gelatin into it (it must first be soaked) and stir until completely dissolved. Then mix orange juice and citric acid into the syrup. Strain the resulting liquid and fill it with half of the molds. Place the slices of orange on top and fill them with the remaining jelly. Refrigerate until frozen. In the same way, mandarin oranges can be made.

Cherry jelly

To prepare such a delicious dessert, you need to prepare a couple glasses of cherries, half a glass of granulated sugar and a half glass of water. You will also need half a tablespoon of gelatin.

Ripe cherries should be rinsed with cold water. Next, throw it in a colander and remember it well with a spoon. Collect the resulting juice. Pour the cherry mass with water, bring to a boil and strain. Dissolve sugar, swollen gelatin and collected cherry juice in the finished broth. Get the gelatin completely dissolved, then pour the syrup into molds and refrigerate in the refrigerator.

Melon Jelly

To prepare a surprisingly fragrant and delicious jelly, you will need half a kilogram of melon, half a liter of water and half a glass of granulated sugar. Also prepare a couple tablespoons of gelatin and a couple tablespoons of lemon juice.

Rinse the melon, peel and grains, and then squeeze the juice from it. Put water on the fire, boil it and dissolve sugar in it. Next, add melon juice, freshly squeezed lemon juice and swollen gelatin to the resulting syrup. Stir constantly until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour the mixture into molds and refrigerate until completely frozen.

Strawberry Jelly with Champagne

This recipe for fruit jelly at home can be prepared and tasted only by adults. To make such a delicious dessert, you should prepare three hundred grams of strawberries, three hundred milliliters of champagne, one hundred and fifty grams of sugar, ten to twelve grams of gelatin and juice squeezed from half a lemon.

First, soak the gelatin in lukewarm water for forty minutes. Heat champagne with sugar, as well as with lemon juice, to eighty degrees (no more). Add squeezed gelatin to this mixture and dissolve it with constant stirring. Cool the prepared solution.
Arrange the strawberries in baking tins, pour the prepared jelly and place in the refrigerator for at least four hours until completely frozen. In the same way, you can make jelly with pineapple.

Fruit jelly with fruits (mashed raspberries, apples, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries)

To prepare such a dish, prepare one hundred grams of fruit. You can use raspberries, apples, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. You will also need forty grams of sugar, five grams of gelatin and fifty grams of cream. Sort the fruits and wipe them through a sieve or grind with a blender, combine them with some water, add sugar to the container and bring to a boil. Next, add the swollen gelatin to the hot mixture. Next, cool the jelly and pour it into molds. Leave in the refrigerator until completely cooled.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.