If you drink a lot of water, what will happen? Is it harmful or beneficial to drink plenty of water? Is it helpful to eat first courses.

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In autumn, I really want soups - soup, borsch, hot chicken stock. But everywhere they write that this is a harmful dish.
  There are many myths about broths and soups. We collected all of them and turned to the doctors with a request to explain whether this is true or not.

To dispel all doubts, we have collected all the possible facts about this dish and are now sharing this article with you!

Myth 1

Gastroenterologists and pediatricians say that the first dishes dilute the gastric juice and reduce the concentration of digestive enzymes, that is, impair the absorption of food.


The work of the stomach is arranged so that the liquid leaves it immediately, and solid food sometimes remains for several hours, "grinding" into a liquid slurry (chyme) with particles 1-1.2 mm in size - larger ones do not pass further into the duodenum. And all this time, gastric juice with acid and with only one type of enzyme is released - proteases that break down only proteins, and only partially. Neither fats nor carbohydrates in the stomach are digested.

The main digestion occurs after the stomach - in the duodenum 12, where pancreatic enzymes enter, and then - in the small intestine. And the concentration of enzymes due to the soup is not reduced here. Digestion occurs only in a liquid medium, and if there is not enough water, the small intestine “absorbs” it, and if it is a lot, it pumps it out. So the liquid first course only facilitates digestion.

Myth 2

The meat broth is quickly absorbed by the intestines, and the liver does not manage to overpower such an amount of “liquid” - as a result, meat extracts in the form of unsplit poisons bypass the liver and begin a “journey” throughout the body, causing damage to internal organs.


In a full portion of the first, approximately 300 ml of water - this is not a burden on the liver. Extracts too. Firstly, they are naturally present in meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms and other products on the basis of which you make the first. And that means, if you make a second dish out of them, you will use them the same way.

Secondly, extracts are natural biological compounds that do not represent a big burden for the liver. Among them are many useful substances, some are even available in the form of dietary supplements. There are not very useful substances that are formed in the body and excreted by the kidneys. And, if the kidneys are seriously affected, toxins can accumulate.

Myth 3

Heat treatment, the numerous boils to which soup ingredients are exposed reduce the amount of nutrients.


The cooking process is one of the most useful and gentle cooking methods. The temperature with it is much lower than when baking, and even more so when cooking on the grill or charcoal.

When cooking, many minerals come into the broth. And in the case of the first dishes are not lost, but consumed. But when cooking potatoes, pasta or vegetables, a lot of useful spills with water. For example, in relation to boiled potatoes, we can talk about the loss of a large amount of healthy potassium.

Slimming soup

Are soups and diet compatible? It is often claimed that no. In fact, soups are great for dieting. And that's why:

1. You can put lean meat in them.

2. There is a secret how to make the soup fat-free: put the dish in the refrigerator and then just remove the frozen fat from the surface.

3. You can make vegetable cabbage soup or soup without meat or poultry, without adding cereals, flour, noodles or noodles. It will turn out a low-calorie nourishing dish. On a similar soup based on the famous diet of Madame Zhestan.

Madame Zhestan's Soup

Take 6 medium onions, a few tomatoes, a head of cabbage, 2 bell peppers, a bunch of celery and a cube of vegetable broth (you can use any low-fat broth made by yourself). Cut everything into small and medium pieces, fill with water, season a little with salt and pepper (you can curry), boil for 10 minutes over high heat and then cook over small until vegetables are soft. You can eat such a soup whenever you want and how much you want: if you feel hungry - eat soup and lose weight. In autumn, you really want soups - soup, borscht, hot chicken stock.

Most of us are used to eating the first every day. Since childhood, we are confident in its benefits. Do I need to eat soup regularly? What happens if you exclude this dish from your diet? And is it possible to harm health by eating soup?

According to our compatriots, soup is obligatory for use during lunch. They are confident that the rejection of liquid first courses is fraught with digestive disorders and other health problems.

We know that liquid:

- good for the stomach;
- easily absorbed even by a weakened body;
- saturated with vitamins and nutrients;
- is the prevention of constipation.
Is it so? Do you really need to eat soup regularly?

Strife soup

Cabbage soup, borsch, hodgepodge and pickle, okroshka and beetroot soup - every housewife must master the preparation of this necessary minimum of first courses. They warm or refresh, quickly saturate and maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. Drinking soup is a great solution that helps.

Soups in Eastern Europe have been loved and eaten constantly for several hundred years. Liquid must be fed in kindergartens and schools, it is included in absolutely any complex lunch.

First courses are:

- cold (okroshka, botvinya) and hot (all that are accepted to be warm);
- on broth (cooked on meat, poultry and game) and lean (vegetable,mushroom);
- meat, fish and smoked;
- broths, noodles and mashed potatoes;
- cooked using "roasting" and without.
It is easy to understand that the benefits and harms of the first dish depend on how it is cooked.

The benefits of soup for a diet

Prepared correctly from fresh and high-quality products, a liquid dish is clearly good for your health. It’s enough to give a few reasons for why you need to eat soup:
- warm soups cooked on a light broth or vegetable broth stimulate digestion: warm the walls of the stomach, catalyze the production of gastric juice;
- first courses are quickly and easily digested;
- liquid helps maintain the water-salt balance in the body;
- in the cold season, the first allows you to warm up and accumulate thermal energy in the body;
- boiling is one of those types of heat treatment of products in which they retain the maximum amount of useful and nutrients.
Due to easy digestibility and high nutritional value, soups are always present in the children's menu, they are recommended to eat during illness, during recovery and rehabilitation after surgery.

To whom liquid dishes are harmful - contraindications

Grandmothers like to intimidate gastritis in children who refuse liquid. According to gastroenterologists, soup is not at all a means of preventing this disease, but rather can lead to its appearance.

It is not recommended to get carried away with first courses for those who suffer from high acidity: a warm broth or broth will further strengthenacid formation . Now it’s clear why you need to eat soup for lunch: after the first, a second dish will follow, for digestion of which all the developed gastric juice will go.

Why you can’t eat soups all the time

Those who see in meat, chicken and fish broths an ideal dish in terms of benefits and nutrition are also wrong. The fact is that during the cooking of the meat, the proteins contained in it break down, and chemical compounds get into the broth, which are difficult to digest, making work difficultGastrointestinal tract and liver.

E if the meat boils on the bone, heavy metal salts, mercury compounds, and even carcinogens can be released from it into the broth. Also, antibiotics that “fed” animals will get into the broth. Therefore, buying meat for soup should be in proven places.

Since soup is a multi-component dish, you need to be careful about the choice of each of its ingredients. So, with potatoes, beets and carrots, nitrates can enter the body. With mushrooms - toxins. With tomato paste - starch.

To add a dish of "richness", to give it a golden color, the housewives love to cook it on the "roast" - they are generouspassivated   onions, carrots and other vegetables in vegetable or animal fat. Such an additive eliminates all the benefits of the soup, because it is a cocktail of cholesterol and carcinogens.

Is it possible to exclude soup at all?

It turns out that without soup it is quite possible to live. This proves the experience of Americans who extremely rarely eat soups. Rather, they rarely eat what we mean by this dish. For them, liquid is puree masses of meat, vegetables and herbs. Why don't they die from indigestion?

For a healthy life, you need a person to eat regularly and dailyin balance , ate a certain ratio of meat, cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits, dairy and sour-milk products, received a sufficient amount of calories and nutrients. And the way in which he uses all these “utilities” plays a secondary role. Therefore, it is quite possible not to eat soup and not to harm one's health!

Soup diets

Great news for those who want to find a slim figure! If you have soups you can lose weight! Especially if you cook it with the addition faster. Moreover, the process of losing weight will be gentle. There are a lot of diets on vegetable soups. Their advantage is that they do not imply starvation or a limited diet. The composition of the liquid may include certain useful components, which will be enough to nourish the body, and they will also help to get rid of excess weight.

For example, the so-called “onion” soup includes not only onions, but also cabbage,pepper , greens, sometimes - tomatoes. You can eat it three to five times a day. Diet does not preclude eating fresh fruits.

And the first dish includes white cabbage and cauliflower, celery, carrots, herbs, tomatoes, garlic, onions and other ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the body.

There is definitely more benefit from homemade soup than harm. Surely, the hostess will cook it from selected meat and the best products, observe the correct technology for its preparation. Then this first dish will not only satisfy your hunger and heat you physically, but will also contain warmth and love in every spoon.

How do you feel about soups? Share your feedback in the comments on this article.

From childhood, mothers and grandmothers taught us that liquid foods for lunch should be eaten, otherwise there will be digestive problems. Is this really so?

Tradition eat soup

Soup is a liquid dish with at least 50% liquid. Soups are common in many countries. It is believed that soups began to be prepared no more than 400-500 years ago, with the advent of refractory, chemically neutral dishes.

In Ukraine, liquid dishes have been known for a very long time. Hot stews warmed and satisfied hunger, served as an excellent remedy for a hangover. As you know, the most favorite Ukrainian first courses are borsch and cabbage. Also, from ancient times, we prepared cereal stews, meat and fish soup. The word "soup" in Russia and Ukraine appeared in everyday life under Peter I, who brought it from France along with dishes of French cuisine.

In Soviet times, the first dish was the basis of a full meal. There is still a tradition of serving dinner, first a snack, then soup, then a second and dessert. Not a single lunch in school and kindergarten canteens is complete without a first course.

At present, nations are known in the traditions of which there are no first courses. Some of our compatriots do not eat soups for years simply because they do not like. So still: do you need soup for lunch?

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Benefit or harm

There are a lot of debates about the beneficial properties of the first courses. Some argue that soup is a dietary product, broths are especially useful. Not for nothing grandmothers soldered chicken broths of grandchildren suffering from colds. The broth is also useful in recovering from operations. But there are also opponents of the first courses. Firstly, they argue, when cooking broth from meat, substances harmful to the body are released. Secondly, the liquid that is present in soups leaches gastric juice, as a result, food is poorly digested. We asked gastroenterologist at the Boris clinic Oksana Romanenko whether soup is required in the diet.

“Often, the lack of main dishes in the diet is associated with gastritis. Unfortunately, at present, this disease is present in almost everyone, regardless of whether he eats liquid dishes for lunch. All products that the population now eats leave much to be desired. As for the soup, that is, it is not necessary at all, like any other dish. Moreover, first courses enhance acid formation. Therefore, they are useful only to people with low acidity. If a person has a peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer or stomach inflammation with high acidity, soups, on the contrary, are contraindicated.

It is important that a person’s daily diet must include meat, milk, dairy products, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits. And whether these products will be in the composition of the soup or any other dishes - it does not matter. ”

If you cannot live without soup, listen to the advice of a gastroenterologist:

the soup should not be very hot and not very cold;

spicy first course is also undesirable;

do not cook soup in fatty broth. Better for this to take chicken, and not pork meat or bones;

when cooking soups, avoid seasonings containing chemical food additives, instant soups from sachets and bouillon cubes. Such products have a toxic effect on the body;

Tatyana Koryakina

In this article, I will tell you if you need to eat soups, borscht, etc.)). Is there any use for them, if so, what; as a whole soups, borscht, etc. affect the human body and much more ...

In the post-Soviet space, all of us (well, or the vast majority) have been taught to eat from childhood (traditionally for lunch), first, first, and then second)). That is why, for us (I mean our people, maybe not all, but the vast majority) - soups, borscht, etc. it’s a familiar and tasty thing)), passing from generation to generation, and which will not surprise anyone ...

Honestly speaking, I’m afraid to talk negatively about this matter, I’ll throw more stones, hehe)). But to keep silent the truth, as always I’m not going to.

In soups, borscht, etc.  - for the most part contained LIQUID  (water, about 50% if memory serves) and VEGETABLES  (well, for example, in beetroot soup (beetroot), carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, beans, tomatoes (tomatoes)), some also have COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES (for example, or).

Who does not know, fruits and vegetables- vital (needed), because are necessary components of a balanced diet and in their importance are not inferior to other necessary substances (,), because they contain vitamins and minerals and fiber.

  • I think it’s not worth talking about vitamins and minerals, because and so you all understand that they are extremely important (vital) to every organ, every gland, every muscle and cell of our body for the balanced and not only the work of the whole organism.
  • But few people know about fiber ... and it, in turn, is extremely important, because absorbs the accumulated toxins and toxins and removes them from the body, contributes to the absence of constipation, etc .; promotes better digestion of food; binds cholesterol and tactfully removes it from the body, and thereby, cholesterol level decreases, and with it the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases; and also has many other extremely useful features.

But be that as it may,   soups and borscht  - not the best product (in my opinion) possible. In short, soups, borscht, etc. are the worst quality alternative (analog) of fresh VEGETABLES and FRUIT! Why? Yes, because in the soup, borscht, etc. I emphasize that it will contain much, MUCH MUCH less vitamins and minerals and fiber than in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Who does not know, heat treatment (in soups, borscht, etc. it is present) kills vitamins and minerals, which can not be said about fresh fruits and vegetables (therefore better).

This is, in short. In many foreign countries, people don’t eat any soups, borscht, etc. and now that they all have ulcers, colitis, gastritis, gastrointestinal problems, digestion, etc.?))

Of course not ... And all because people just simply)) have the opportunity to eat year-round (well, if not a whole year, then in any case, much more often than ours) CELL (fresh vegetables and fruits), respectively, to them no alternative is needed (replacement, as we have). That's all (the whole secret).

We (in our countries) do not have such an opportunity in the cold season (in winter). Accordingly, to compensate for this (lack of fiber, vitamins and minerals), the worst quality alternative (analogue) is used, i.e. those soups, borscht, etc.

  • In general, if you have the opportunity to eat fresh Fruits and VEGETABLES all year round, then you can easily not use SOUPS, WRITCHES, etc. Generally not afraid that you will have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, etc. invented garbage (proof of this is a huge number of countries that do not use soups, borscht, etc. AT ALL, for example, England, Italy and etc.).
  • If you do not have the opportunity to eat vegetables and fruits all year round (for example, in the cold season, i.e. in winter), then SOUPS, WRITCHES, etc. in my opinion they are even necessary, because it is still BETTER than nothing at all. Those. so you get at least some vitamins and minerals, at least some of them, and, accordingly, at least some kind of, but fiber. Do you understand?

Those. in other words, fresh VEGETABLES and FRUIT are 100 times better than soups, borscht, etc., but if you don’t have them, then at least something is better (soups, borscht, etc.) than nothing at all ...

Talk about the fact that soups, borscht, etc. are something unrealistically useful, and everyone should consume them daily, otherwise there will be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestion, etc. - I will by no means (not allowed). This is not so close. But do not get it wrong, I also do not say that soups, borscht, etc. - this is absolutely BAD, and they can not be eaten. This is also not so close. Although, there are exceptions.

Many experts argue that meat or chicken soup / broth, etc., can be potentially dangerous to health. The fact is that soups (liquid food) are very quickly absorbed by the intestines, as opposed to solid ones. And this, in turn, does not allow the liver to have time to process the meat extracts contained in them (after all, those who don’t know, meat is not only useful for the body, it also contains harmful substances), as a result, toxins not split by the liver get into the blood and can harm many internal organs 🙁 so draw conclusions.

P.s. my advice to you regarding meat / chicken soups / broths, etc. which is also promoted by doctors. The meat may also be in the soup, but it is better to boil it separately and only then add it to the dish; the soup itself should be on vegetable broth ... (useful to those who cannot live without soups).

By the way, I am accustomed (like most of our people) to soups, borsch, etc. and eat when I’m eating and not going to change anything. I’m thirsty, besides, all this can serve as an excellent variety or push agent)) when there is buckwheat or rice is already fed up ... But! I also separately eat fresh fruits and vegetables DAILY, in the quantities I need, but in any case, everyone decides for himself.

Regards, Administrator.

Soup can be called the head of our dining table, since childhood we are accustomed to the fact that in the daytime, food intake should begin with it - a rich aromatic liquid dish. Today, many of us also cannot imagine a day without a hot soup, because from a very early age we were convinced that the “first” should be eaten, otherwise we would not see either strength or health. However, the soup has opponents who believe that this is a harmful dish that can ruin our stomach. Is it good to eat soup every day, or is such a habit capable of harming our health? Let's figure it out together.

Soup - rightfully the "first" dish

Soups are called a whole group of liquid dishes, the main feature of which is that it is more than half composed of liquid. There are probably millions of recipes for various soups. Many countries have their own soup, which has become a symbol of national cuisine. In our country, this is cabbage soup and borsch, among the French - onion soup, among the Japanese, miso soup is especially popular today, the list goes on.

Each type of liquid hot dish has many variations, one borscht can count several hundred recipes. Moreover, for example, Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian borsch can be very different from each other, fueling disputes in ethnic families. After all, each spouse has his own, national, understanding of how this first course should be. For example, in the Russian version of borsch, there should not be fat, while in Belarusian and Ukrainian this component does not take the last place in the recipe. And a Belarusian can ask a Russian why you put cabbage in borsch.

Another fact is interesting - the soup does not have to be a hot dish, there are many recipes for preparing a cold dish. Each of these soups has its own health benefits and harms, more vitamins will remain in a cold dish, but the hot option is considered to be more useful for the stomach. However, it already depends on the specific recipe.

First course benefits

Soup is a great opportunity to enrich our diet with vegetables. It is necessary to approximately calculate the number of variegated vegetables indicated in the recipe, as we are convinced - this is truly a magic elixir.

It is believed that in order to fulfill the daily norm for eating vegetables, you can “screw” just a couple of plates of fragrant soup. Therefore, it is considered especially useful light vegetable soups.

By soup we are able to quickly satisfy hunger, because in order to eat a liquid dish, you do not need to chew it well. Moreover, the nutrient liquid of the soup, especially hot, fills the stomach, dulling the feeling of hunger. If you want to eat something tasty, but not very healthy, first eat a bowl of soup. So in the stomach there will be less “space” for the same “tasty, but not the most healthy” dish.

The benefit of the soup for weight loss also follows from here - we eat up in smaller portions, given the low calorie content of the liquid dish with great nutritional value. Of course, if we are not talking about the notorious borscht in bacon with donuts. There are even many diets based on various light, mainly vegetable, soups. Such dishes not only saturate us, but also rid the body of toxins and toxins. Also, along with soups, fiber is needed in our body, which is necessary for weight loss and overall health.

The benefit of the soup lies in its easy digestibility by the body. The soup contains many useful substances, is well absorbed and does not need to make much effort to eat it. Therefore, it is actively used during colds, it helps the body exhausted by viruses to recover and get the necessary vitamins. However, the soup should be non-greasy and light so that the body does not have to spend a lot of energy and energy to digest it, which is necessary to resist infections. The dish warms the body well, which is especially valuable in the cold months.

Many soups have a good effect on metabolism and help to lose weight. Especially in this sense pea soups are useful, despite the relatively high calorie content.

Is there any benefit in soups for children

The benefits of soups for children are sometimes called into question. This is partly surprising, because we are taught from childhood that the first must be included in the diet. However, some modern scientists question the usefulness of the dish, citing the fact that, along with useful substances, dangerous components can also enter the children's body. In order to get as little harmful substances into the dish as possible, the first water of the meat broth should be drained. After the meat has been cooked for several minutes, the water needs to be drained and a new one filled. And only then cook the soup itself.

But the kids still need soups, the majority agrees in this opinion. You just need to carefully monitor the quality of the added products, cook mainly vegetable first courses. If you use meat, then chicken or veal. Do not add broth cubes to soups for children, a lot of seasonings, garlic.

Soup has the same effect on a child’s body as it does on an adult: it improves digestion, is easily digested, and helps to gain strength. And puree soups are recommended to be given to young children as a first feeding. By the way, the first dish with mashed vegetables, and an older child will eat with great pleasure than a regular soup, in which, at times, unappetizing pieces of vegetables float.

Is the soup good for the stomach?

A person with a number of diseases of the stomach can not eat raw vegetables, they can harm the body. But you also need to get the necessary vitamins and minerals. Soups help out, boiled and stewed vegetables are not harmful to the stomach.

The benefits of soup for the stomach are not underestimated - it stimulates our digestion. The first dishes contribute to the production of gastric juice, thereby they prepare the gastrointestinal tract for digestion. However, in order for the soup to benefit a sick stomach, it must be cooked correctly. How exactly, we will tell below.

Especially useful for digestion are soups prepared on the basis of lean meat broth. Soups puree are useful for diseases of the stomach, but it is necessary to select a cooking recipe in accordance with your disease. Due to their consistency, they envelop the gastric mucosa, thereby preventing the contact of hydrochloric acid with its walls. But you need to use only those vegetables that can be consumed by a person with a sick stomach.

For example, those who have inflammation of the gastric mucosa should not eat beetroot soups. Pumpkin is a good component, it is rich in useful substances and does not harm the stomach.

Which soup is the best for your stomach? There is no clear answer to this question, since much depends on the condition of the stomach itself, the existing gastrointestinal tract disease and other diseases. For example, a soup that is useful for a healthy stomach can adversely affect a diseased organ, up to an exacerbation of diseases.

Useful soups for the stomach:

  • Mashed soups
  • Mucous soup prepared with cereals with a viscous consistency - hercules, rice, etc. Soups are prepared based on vegetables and lean meat broth
  • Dairy with cereals, with the exception of barley and millet. It is necessary to dilute milk with water in a ratio of 1 to 1

Harmful properties of soups

Yes, there are allegations that soups can be harmful to our health, or, they are not useful as we think. Some argue that 70% of vitamins and minerals are destroyed during cooking, and do not go into the broth. But harmful substances get there.

The statement is partially true, but not all vitamins are destroyed during the cooking process. Vitamin C is destroyed almost completely under the influence of high temperatures. But many B vitamins, vitamins A, E, D, PP are resistant to high temperatures. They are destroyed, but partially, and approximately 70% of the initial amount remains in their soup. Fiber during cooking also breaks down slightly.

Another statement about the dangers of soup is more true: various antibiotics, hormonal preparations that the animal was “fed” with, almost completely turn up in the broth. But this can also be avoided: the first water must be brought to a boil and drained by adding a new one.

The first hot dishes are harmful to our body because of the high fat content, of course, when it comes to meat soup. In order not to harm your health and figure, cook non-rich dishes.

How to cook healthy soups

To include soup in your diet, without fear of harming your health, you need to follow a number of rules when cooking:

  • Cook meat soups from young animals
  • Choose fresh, undamaged foods
  • Use lean meats and fish
  • Wash vegetables well before cooking, but do not soak in water
  • Do not forget to drain the first broth, as we have already talked about
  • It is better to first cook the broth on vegetables, and then add meat there, and not do the opposite
  • When cooking, it is important to consider what foods people with certain diseases can eat.

Do I need to eat soup every day?

No matter how many battles are raised around the harm and benefits of the soup, it is recommended to eat it regularly. Naturally, it will bring benefits if you cook the first dish correctly, observing the above recommendations. But substituting solid foods with soup, especially for a long time, is impossible. This can lead to a number of diseases and problems, including lazy bowel syndrome and or dental problems. If the diet is replete with soft food, which is almost not necessary to chew, the gums weaken, not receiving the necessary daily chewing "exercise." In the long run, this can even lead to tooth loss. However, this applies not only to soups.

Is it not harmful to eat soup at all? It is believed that soup, at least not daily, but must be present in our diet. For example, soups for gastritis are very useful. While the "gastratics" generally have a relatively meager diet, properly cooked soup is a real helper.