Homemade cognac on oak bark from moonshine, vodka and alcohol - step-by-step preparation. How to make cognac at home: recipes and methods

Still from the film “Gangster Hunters”

Cognac is far from the cheapest drink, so its level of availability is not the highest (meaning real, high-quality cognac). Buying one that costs a penny means not respecting yourself and your health, wanting to ruin it.

So, resourceful people have long come up with a way to drink good cognac and don’t spend a lot of money on it: we created recipes homemade cognac from vodka.

Yes, we understand that this looks quite doubtful, but only at first glance. Preparing alcoholic drinks at home is not at all as difficult as it might seem: we told you about, and now we’ll tell you about cognac.

First, a couple of interesting facts: what is cognac?

Let’s immediately burn all bridges and say that cognac is only that which is produced in six specific crus, that is, regions, of one French province, produced with strict adherence to technology. The same story, by the way, with champagne - only that can be called that a sparkling wine, which is produced only in the Champagne region of France, and only this.

Six crus (or seven appellations):

- Cognac. This is a name that can be used by any official cognac producer in that region

- Grand Champagne or Grand Fin Champagne;

- Petite Champagne or Fin Petite Champagne;

- Borderie;

- Feng Bua;

- Bon Bois;

- Bois Ordinaire.

@stevepb, pixabay.com

Moreover, strict requirements for compliance with cognac preparation technology are not an exaggeration or a myth. In those six regions of the Charente province where real cognac is produced, there are even special bodies, the police, who check whether this technology is fully complied with.

One can go to prison not only for non-compliance with technology, but even for experimenting with a drink that is practically sacred to them. And there were such precedents: manufacturers ended up in prison for several years and lost their license for the rest of their lives. This is how to insult the honor of French cognac!


Although it would be necessary, of course, to clarify that cognac was invented not by the French at all, but by the Dutch. But that is another story.

So, remember once and for all: cognac (Cognac)- this is only what is produced within the province that we have already mentioned above. Everything else is brandy. That is, if you walked 20 minutes from Charente to another province, all in France, and cognac is also produced there, it is still not cognac, but exclusively brandy.

Another question arises: why then on drinks? Russian production still boldly flaunts the name “cognac”? But because the French were already tired of suing and explaining to everyone, including Armenia and Georgia, that cognac can only be produced in one place in the world - here, they gave up on this matter.

Next riddle: what is the difference between cognac and brandy?

@TeroVesalainen, pixabay.com

Nothing. This is essentially the same thing, only with different names. Unless the preparation of cognac requires strict adherence to the rules.

The story will look even more confusing if we say that among connoisseurs and professionals, cognac is generally considered only a type of brandy. But we won’t tell the French about this - after all, they fought so hard to ensure that only what is made in the province of Charente is called cognac.

More to the point: how is cognac made from vodka?

@fotorech, pixabay.com

As you have already understood, you won’t be able to do it at home anyway - there are too many nuances and features in this process that must be observed. But by adhering to a different class of recipe, you can yourself produce a wonderful, tasty alcoholic drink reminiscent of cognac. But it would be more correct to call it a tincture.

He will have pleasant smell and high-quality taste, despite the fact that the recipe will be extremely far from the original.

Recipe for cognac based on vodka with oak bark

This is one of the most delicious recipes homemade cognac, which is prepared with oak bark, herbs and spices. Most likely, those who have never tried cognac will also like it.

№ 1

What do you need:

Moonshine 50%

Oak bark

1 tbsp. (can be bought at the pharmacy)

St. John's wort

1 tbsp. l. (can be bought at the pharmacy)






How to cook:

    Main secret This recipe is based on a quality base: good vodka or moonshine.

    Pour vodka or moonshine into a saucepan or jar;

    Heat a spoonful of sugar over the fire, and when the sugar turns yellow and begins to melt, add it to the container with the base (vodka or moonshine). In addition to oak bark, burnt sugar serves as an excellent dye;

    Add all other ingredients;

    Mix everything, close the container and place in a cool, dark place. The drink must be infused for at least a month. As soon as you see that the liquid has turned caramel or darker in color, it is ready;

    Pour the finished drink through a strainer into containers in which it is convenient for you to store it (bottles, jars).


This recipe involves making homemade cognac from alcohol. Don't be scared, it's even interesting.

What do you need:

Alcohol (3 liters, don't forget to dilute it to 400)

Oak bark (3 tablespoons)

Sugar (take 3 tablespoons and cook thick syrup, “fry” the sugar until brown)

Rose hips (you can take dried ones - 10-15 pieces)

Black pepper (4-5 peas)

Loose leaf tea(black, teaspoon)

St. John's wort (twig)

Raisins (tablespoon)

How to cook:

    Soak rose hips with oak bark;

    Mix all the ingredients and leave the jar of liquid in a dark place for a week;

    After 7 days, remove the raisins (and prunes, if added) from the jar and leave for another two weeks;

    Strain through a strainer, or better yet, cheesecloth, and put it in the refrigerator again for a week;

    Strain one last time and you can try.

Properties of oak bark

This is very useful component, and oak fodder extract is used even in official pharmacology. This is a remedy that perfectly fights skin diseases, burns, inflammation of the mucous membranes and larynx.

IN oak bark contains flavonoids (natural antioxidants) and tannins, which, interacting with proteins, form a protective barrier for tissues. Also pentosans, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, pectins, starch and sugar.

@didgeman, pixabay.com

Oak bark is used:

For diseases of the mucous membrane oral cavity: stomatitis, sore throat, fragility of the gums (in the form of rinses);

For wounds and inflammations skin(in the form of ointments, tinctures);

To combat seborrhea;

At excessive sweating feet (baths with oak bark decoction).


If you are predisposed to allergies, then be careful - oak bark can cause allergies.

Recipe for homemade cognac with prunes

@elementus, pixabay.com

Dried fruits are also very beneficial for your body, so homemade cognac with notes of prunes is a blessing. One of the most popular and beloved by Russian people is prunes.

Do you know what prunes are? It is a hybrid of sloe and plum. That's exactly what unusual combination gives unique taste and strong aroma.

It is used in the preparation of strong alcoholic drinks, for example, cognac and whiskey.

№ 1

What do you need:

20 grams dried prunes

Half a liter of vodka

1 teaspoon granulated sugar

1 packet of strong black tea

A little cinnamon and vanilla

You can add cloves

How to cook:

    Pour vodka into a jar and add all other ingredients;

    Place a tea bag in the jar;

    Close the jar and shake well;

    Keep the drink in a cool, dark room for three days. If you can’t wait that long, then you can try in a day. Just be sure to strain it several times through several layers of gauze.

№ 2


What do you need?

0.5 liters of vodka or diluted alcohol

5 prunes

3 peas allspice

1 clove inflorescence


How to cook

    Place all ingredients in a 2-liter jar;

    We fill it all with alcohol;

    Again, the mixture should be left in a cool, dark room for two weeks;

    Strain through a strainer or cheesecloth and drink.

The taste will be gentle without adding sugar. In order for the drink to become aromatic and absorb all the notes of the added ingredients, it takes at least a week and a half. In addition, added spices soften the strength of alcohol.

№ 3

This is the most short recipe, which you can imagine - as if they had made a light cocktail. But you can still try it only the next day.

What do you need:

One litre quality vodka;

40 gr. prunes; - 2 tsp. Sahara;

A small amount of vanillin, cinnamon and cloves;

2 single-serve black tea bags.

How to cook:

    Place everything in a container and mix well;

    Place two tea bags;

    Close the container and shake well;

    Ideally, you should let it brew for at least three days, but if you can’t wait, you can drink it for four days. Just don't forget to strain it through cheesecloth.

№ 4

@imarksm, pixabay.com

What do you need:

Oak bark

2 tbsp. spoons



Lemon juice

4 tbsp. spoons

2 tbsp. spoons prunes

How to cook:

    Soak oak bark in boiling water;

    Add sugar, spices, berries to the tincture and pour vodka over it all;

    Leave for 2 weeks;

    Strain through a strainer or cheesecloth.

Recipe for homemade cognac from vodka with almonds

What do you need:

Vodka (but grape moonshine 45-50% is better)


10 grams

10 grams

Oak chips

5 grams

How to cook:

    Soak oak chips in boiling water for a day;

    Pour vodka into a container and add the resulting oak infusion to it;

    Add almonds and raisins;

    Cover the mixture and leave for a month;

    After 30-40 days, strain and taste.

Recipe with chocolate

@PublicDomainPictures, pixabay.com

Unexpected, right? It is used for cognac liqueurs for variety taste range, and only dark and bitter chocolate. It makes the aroma even more incredible.

What do you need:

Vodka 0.5 l.

Store-bought cognac 0.2 ml

Dark chocolate 60-85% cocoa bean content

Sugar 100 gr.

Water 50 ml


How to cook:

    Grind one chocolate bar;

    Add water, sugar and vanilla;

    Place the mixture on water bath and melt;

    Add vodka, wood chips and prepared cognac to the resulting cream, shake well;

    Leave for two weeks, shaking every 2, or even every day; Strain before tasting.

Recipe for homemade cognac with pine nuts

@joshua_willson, pixabay.com

Or, in Russian speaking, nutcracker .

In general, nutcracker was previously used in medicinal purposes. Now, of course, this is no longer a medicine, but the drink is known for not causing a hangover.

№ 1

What do you need:

Unshelled pine nuts

Orange zest

2-3 grams



Fresh blackcurrant leaf

1 tablespoon moonshine (vodka, alcohol diluted to 40-45%)

How to cook:

    Pour boiling water over the nuts into containers and wait 5 minutes;

    Merge and repeat the first and second steps three times;

    Transfer the nuts to a jar and mix them with orange zest, sugar, blackcurrant leaf and vanilla;

    Pour vodka over it all and mix well;

    Cover with a jar and place in a warm, dark place for two weeks, shaking once every couple of days;

    Strain the resulting nutcracker and leave the drink in a cool place for a few more days. After this you can drink.


There will be a sharper taste and aroma here. If you're ready for this, let's go.

What do you need:

Pine nuts with shell


110 grams


Moonshine (vodka, alcohol)

How to cook:

    Break the nuts into two parts and put them in a jar (liter);

    Add sugar with cloves and mix well with moonshine or vodka;

    Close the lid and place in a dark, warm place, shake once every 3 days;

    After filtration, you will get a very strong concentrate. It will need to be diluted with pure vodka to make the taste softer;

    Pour into bottles and serve.

P.S. There is also a medicinal option for preparing nutcracker. It helps improve immunity, anemia, nervous disorders, and much more. Also use as a base expensive vodka or high-quality moonshine.

Alcoholic drinks are very popular; few holidays are complete without them. But in stores, low-quality products are often increasingly found, including these. And only at home can you really cook worthwhile product, which is prepared exclusively from high-quality products.

One of the favorite alcoholic drinks, which also belongs to the elite, is cognac, known for its strength and unique taste and smell. But there are also many fakes of this drink, not to mention the simply low quality. But not everyone knows how to make cognac at home - but in fact it is not difficult, and besides, you will be sure that your drink is genuine, made from quality products, which will not harm your health and will delight you with taste and aroma.

There are many recipes for homemade cognac to suit every taste and ability. To be fair, it should be noted that real elite cognac is a drink that takes a long time to create; its production requires compliance with many conditions. What is prepared at home is more of a tincture than a real cognac, however taste qualities practically not inferior to elite French.

A drink prepared at home has pleasant aroma, saturated color scheme and unforgettable taste.

Drink ingredients

The main ingredient for making the drink is vodka. Many people prefer to use pure medical alcohol. But recipes for cognac made from alcohol at home are more labor-intensive - the difficulty lies in the fact that the alcohol must first be diluted with water, and this requires certain skills to maintain the required proportions. Therefore vodka good quality from a trusted manufacturer - the best option. You need to take classic vodka, without additives or flavorings.

To improve the bouquet and color of the future drink, you can take oak bark - it can be bought in pharmacies, but if you have the opportunity, it is better to collect bark or branches from a growing oak tree.

You can also add a small amount of vanillin. This will help enrich the drink with a special original taste and aroma. The final step is adding sugar.

Next, you can experiment with additives: depending on your preferences, you can complement the bouquet with fruit notes, caramel, nuts, citrus, chocolate - using natural supplements or special flavors.

Drink recipes

One of the oldest and at the same time very simple recipes is next.

The base of the drink is vodka. Young oak branches or bark are added to it. Thanks to the tannins contained in them, the tincture will acquire the necessary strength, harmonious taste and a pleasant cognac color. In total you need 50 g of crushed raw materials. It is poured with a liter of vodka or diluted alcohol and left for at least two weeks. Then the resulting infusion is filtered and, if necessary, diluted with water. Homemade cognac is ready!

There are other recipes for cognac made from vodka. At home, you can prepare many infusions - with tea, berries, nuts, etc.

Tincture with cumin and black tea

There are more complex recipe, but it differs from the first one in being more original and exquisite taste. For the drink you will need:

  • cumin - 1 tsp;
  • black tea - 1 tsp;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • cloves - 7 pcs.;
  • lemon acid- 1 pinch.

All ingredients are mixed. Citric acid is added last. The tincture is kept for three days at room temperature.

Oak cognac with nuts

Nutty flavor adds to cognac special sophistication. For this drink you need the following ingredients:

Mix all ingredients in a glass jar, adding sugar and citric acid last. Close the container tightly and leave for at least a week in a dark place, out of direct sunlight.

The finished tincture must be strained through gauze and poured into bottles. For those who love nutty notes, the taste can be enhanced by further storing the vodka on the baffles for several days.

Rosehip tincture

Rose hips have pleasant taste with sourness. With their help you can overcome the bitter and tart taste of the tincture. At the same time, rosehip is also very useful, as it contains many vitamins. If fresh berries sour, fried ones will have a vanilla smell. Cognac with the addition of rose hips is very tasty and very easy to prepare.


The ingredients are mixed and infused in a glass container for at least 40 days. The finished tincture must be filtered several times through a thick layer of gauze.

Fragrant cognac with glucose

For this drink you will need:

  • vodka - 1.5 l;
  • cinnamon and vanilla sugar- a pinch;
  • glucose - 3 tablets;
  • allspice - 2 peas;
  • black tea (dry), rose hips, crushed oak bark - 1 tbsp. l.

The products (except glucose) are mixed and left for three days in a glass container. After three days, glucose tablets are added. The drink must be strained before drinking. The recipe is simple and prepares very quickly.

coffee drink

The recipe includes:

  • vodka or diluted alcohol - 3 l;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • sugar and ground coffee - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cloves - 15 pcs.

The ingredients are mixed and poured with half a glass of vodka. Then the mixture is placed in a container with a tight lid and shaken thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. After this, the remaining vodka is poured in, and the drink is kept in a tightly sealed container in a dark room for two weeks. After this, homemade cognac is filtered and bottled.

Tincture with prunes

This cognac has an unusual and very pleasant taste.

For preparation you need:

The ingredients are mixed in a glass container, and the tea bag is added last. The container is tightly sealed and shaken. This is probably the most quick recipe homemade cognac from vodka: it is infused for three days, but in general it can be consumed after just a day.

Thus, you can prepare an expensive, elite drink with your own hands - and this applies not only to cognac, for example, brandy or liqueur can be made in the same way. At the same time, the recipe of drinks allows you to show your imagination and change them depending on your preferences and capabilities.

Attention, TODAY only!

At the same time, homemade cognac from vodka/alcohol and even moonshine is almost as good as the original in taste. It turns out no less aromatic and very pleasant to the taste, although it is made from simple and affordable ingredients.

Homemade cognac made from vodka is much cheaper than store-bought counterparts. At the same time, you can always be sure of the quality of a product made by yourself.

« Cognac (French cognac) is a strong alcoholic drink produced from certain grape varieties using a special technology.”. And that says almost everything.

The main thing has been said - cognac is not a simple moonshine, such as whiskey or rum, cognac is a moonshine made from grape wine! Accordingly, producing real cognac at home is a very, very difficult matter.

And there is no particular point in producing cognac at home - there are quite decent tasting varieties on sale, at a price not much higher than the cost of good vodka.

It should be noted that in Russia and the Soviet Union almost all brandy is called “cognac”, although it is well known that the cognac drink got its name from the city of Cognac (French Cognac), which is in France, and that the geographical boundaries of the area in which The production of cognac is allowed, the production technology and the name “Cognac” itself are strictly defined, regulated and enshrined in numerous legislative acts.
Moreover, it is international - “Cognac” is a native French product.
“Drinks from other countries, as well as drinks produced in France outside the Charente region, even if obtained by distillation grape wines, produced in the Poitou-Charente region, do not have the right to be called cognac on the international market; such drinks are usually called brandy"

But their decrees are not a decree for us, and in our country cognac is any brandy produced using a technology close to the production technology of real cognac.
According to GOST R 51618-2009 “Russian cognac. Are common technical specifications", called cognac a wine product with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol of at least 40.0%, made from cognac distillates obtained by fractionated distillation of table wine material made from grapes of the Vitis vinifera species, and aged in contact with oak wood for at least three years.
Clearly, definitely.
But if the drink is not produced in accordance with GOST, without aging and not from cognac spirits, etc., then such a substance is now called brandy!
It's clear?! This brandy stuck with me - it's in industrial scale are being driven.

I had to learn a little about this issue - in the production of skate in general and in its taste in particular.
It quickly became clear that cognac, as such, does not have a “cognac” taste, but always tastes like something else.
Like “Isabella” wine, for example, it has a pure strawberry flavor (real wine, in fact), and if it doesn’t exist or the taste is very weak, then you have either a blend (mixture) or a fake.
So are cognacs (read: brandy), depending on the area, country, etc. They have completely different tastes and smell of anything - from bedbugs to flowers. The same “Napoleon”, perhaps the most famous “French” cognac among wide layers of the Russian public, smells disgusting. (By the way, Napoleon, like Extra or Grand Reserve, is not a name (brand) of cognac at all, but simply a brand in the cognac classification).

This state of affairs is due to the fact that in addition to the differences in cognac spirits caused by natural differences in the raw materials and during the distillation process, the taste and aroma of the drink also changes during the first years of aging - tannins, lignin, reducing sugars, and, to a lesser extent, amino acids, lipids, volatile acids and oils, resins, and enzymes are extracted from wood. Cognac alcohol acquires a golden color and is filled woody vanilla aromas(!).
And then, over time, the cognac becomes darker in color, softer and more rounded. Its aroma and taste appear in many shades, including notes of flowers, fruits and spices
. (!!!)

Well, that's all... - you can make cognac from vodka. Moreover, even if it is less than 40%, it is fully in accordance with French laws - the strength of cognac when sold in France and abroad should not exceed 40%.

It's decided - let's do it homemade cognac.
If it doesn't work, we'll call it brandy.

Naturally, I did not become the “inventor” of homemade cognac. I remember that back in the days of socialism, even in expensive restaurants, the waiters “earned extra money” by slipping sweetened vodka (or moonshine) tinted to tipsy visitors regular tea. So the recipe for fake cognac is decades old, maybe more.
A priori, it is completely clear what should include:
- Oak bark - for 3 years of aging, at least :).
- Tea or coffee - for color, lignin, tannin and lipids.
- Buttercup flowers - for “fruity-floral” notes,
- and of course vanillin - for a woody vanilla aroma.
All that remains is to find a suitable recipe and you will be able to drive “Napoleon” in buckets :o)

Rummaging through old magazines and cookbooks Having looked at what “moonshiners” recommend on the Internet (the main producers of home-made cognac are moonshiners. This is understandable - for them, “refining” moonshine is a production necessity), I selected a couple of acceptable recipes.
However, almost all of their recommendations boil down to one technology - put all the ingredients in an alcohol-containing liquid and put it in a dark place for 3-5 weeks. An indicator that a homemade alcoholic drink can be considered ready is its color.
It won't work. How long to wait to get spoiled vodka? Oh, what's the point?

But, in one place I found a recipe for quickly “cooking” cognac. In my opinion, suitable recipe- without “exotic plants” and “overseas spices” (there are no such “notes” and aromas in ordinary cognac), and throwing out purely “moonshine” ingredients intended for incidental cleaning and softening of the product (such as potassium permanganate - we have all this already included in our vodka), after praying, let’s get started.

Before making cognac from vodka, be sure to make sure that everything necessary ingredients good quality. Vodka should only be purchased in specialty store, oak bark can be purchased at a pharmacy or a special section at the market.

Homemade cognac recipe:
- vodka - 3 liters;
- 1 teaspoon of oak bark;
- 1 teaspoon of dry tea leaves;
- 1 teaspoon instant coffee;
- 1 teaspoon of sugar;
- 1/2 teaspoon of soda;
- vanillin - on the tip of a knife! The main thing here is not to overdo it - literally a few crystals!
- 3 pcs. black peppercorns;
- 2 pcs. bay leaves;
- 2 pcs. carnations;
- 5 pieces. raisins;
- 1 PC. prunes;
- 0.5 g nutmeg;
- 4 coriander seeds (crush with a knife)

It's not all that simple in composition. Although, you can throw out nutmeg and coriander with a clear conscience - their presence in the drink is absolutely not felt, and in fact - unnecessary. The main composition ends somewhere in black pepper.
Soda, if anyone doesn’t know, is used to “extract” the color from the tea leaves - also, by the way, a recipe from long-distance trains during the times of socialism - with the help of soda, the conductors from one portion of tea leaves received 3-4 full-fledged “brews” of tea for the entire carriage - black and okay!

Making cognac at home

Here approximate composition ingredients for making cognac at home. In the background is the main starting product - a 3-liter jar of homemade vodka :o).

Sequentially pour all ingredients into large saucepan made of stainless steel. I recommend using some for this purpose. glass pan, so as not to miss the moment of boiling of the liquid, but I don’t have one, unfortunately, we’ll make do glass lid.

Pour vodka into a saucepan and place on low heat. Cover with a glass lid and wait until it boils.

Subtle moment! It is very difficult to measure, indicate and measure the amount of vanillin at home. We take approximately this amount onto the tip of a knife. It’s better not to report, in my opinion, so that there is no clearly defined aftertaste...

To avoid losing the “degrees”, fill the hole in the lid (if there is one) with bread crumb.

When the liquid approaches the boiling point, turn off the stove and leave the cognac to cool.
YOU CAN ' T BOIL this “divine” drink!!!
Actually, this is the most difficult and crucial moment in the entire recipe for making homemade cognac.
That’s why you simply don’t have time to immortalize this moment without a photo!

It’s not scary - if you “cook” it, you will immediately understand when it “starts”. It’s okay, even if you turn off the heating a little earlier - 90 degrees C, apparently, the drink is already enough to “get enough.”

We filter the cooled composition through a “hygienic” towel and pour it into containers and bottles.

Homemade brandy is ready! It’s homemade cognac, although it’s not from France, and we can’t export it either :o).

The taste turned out to be quite tolerable - not Armenian cognac, of course, but not Dagestan, to be honest. In terms of color, in general - an absolutely accurate hit.
It smells nice, a soft aromatic drink with notes of grapes and vanilla. If you compare it with real expensive French cognacs and brandies, then, to be honest, I liked my cognac more - well, I’m not an expert, actually.

Popular recipes for making homemade cognac

Manufacturing process homemade alcohol no less fascinating than kitchen witchcraft. There is something of ancient alchemical magic in it. When should you use chemicals, if not before the holidays? It's time to invent your own recipe for the “elixir of life.”

Homemade cognac from available ingredients (vodka or alcohol)
As already mentioned, cognac is one of the most difficult alcoholic drinks to prepare. It is very difficult to adhere to classical technology. This requires certain varieties of grapes and special stills (alambics).
But there is a way out, next I will tell you how to make cognac at home from available ingredients. This drink tastes like the original one.


  • vodka (45% alcohol) - 1 liter;
  • oak bark - 4 teaspoons;
  • ground nutmeg - 0.3 teaspoons;
  • cloves - 5 buds;
  • vanilla sugar - 0.3 teaspoons;
  • regular sugar- 2 tablespoons;
  • black leaf tea - 3 teaspoons.

I advise you to take it good vodka or breed a quality one ethanol up to 40-45 degrees. In many ways, the taste of a cognac drink depends on the alcoholic base.
You can buy oak bark at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. In the second case, it is enough to cut off the young bark from oak branches in June and dry it. Its bark is much more aromatic than pharmacy analogues.

Technology for making cognac at home

1. Preparing burnt sugar. This stage is necessary for the caramel shade to be felt in the drink.
In addition, it is thanks to burnt sugar that the color of our drink will resemble real cognac.

Pour sugar into a thick-walled aluminum bowl and place over low heat. During the melting process, the sugar must be constantly stirred, otherwise it will burn. When caramel forms, remove the pan from the stove.

2. Mixing ingredients. A clean wooden barrel is best suited for infusion, but most of us don’t have one, so we’ll make do with an ordinary three-liter glass jar.
Add all ingredients to a bottle or jar, the order does not matter. Personally, I first pour in the vodka, then add burnt sugar, tea, oak bark, cloves, nutmeg and vanillin.
If you don't like the smell of any of these ingredients, feel free to omit them from the recipe.

3. Infusion. Mix the resulting cognac mixture well with a spatula or wooden spoon, close the lid and place in a cool, dark place for 3-4 weeks (many recipes indicate at least 30 days). Long-term infusion improves the taste.

4. Filtration. This is the final stage of making cognac at home. All we have to do is open the container and strain the drink through a double layer of gauze and cotton wool to remove sediment.

The advantage of this alcohol cognac recipe is that the preparation uses cheap and affordable ingredients that are available in every store. The process itself takes a little time, which is also very important. The only drawback is long time endurance, but you can’t do without it.

It is clear that cognac made from alcohol only vaguely resembles the original one, since we did not adhere to traditional technology, but used improvised means.

Ginger cognac
Cognac according to this recipe turns out to have a very original taste. Ginger cognac is found in Brazil, and apples are also used to make it there, among other things.

For our drink you will need:

  • 50 grams of ginger root
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • vanillin - one sachet (five grams)
  • walnuts- five - six pieces
  • diluted alcohol or vodka - 0.5 liter bottle

Grate the ginger root on a grater (preferably the largest one), chop the walnuts. Place both in a jar and add sugar and vanillin, fill with alcohol.
Close the container tightly and shake well to mix all the contents. Leave to infuse in a dark place for two to three weeks, but shake daily.
Before drinking, ginger cognac must be filtered.

Cognac from moonshine at home

Real cognac It is made from grape alcohol, but this has never stopped craftsmen-moonshiners. They know how to make cognac from moonshine at minimal cost. We'll look at four best recipes which have received popular recognition.

1. Classic


  • moonshine - 3 liters;
  • potassium permanganate - several crystals;
  • partitions walnuts- 1 handful;
  • black tea - 1 tablespoon;
  • cloves - 6-7 buds;
  • cumin - 1 tablespoon;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • citric acid - 2-3 grams.


1. B three liter jar moonshine add potassium permanganate. This is done so that fusel oils precipitate. If instead of moonshine you took vodka, then potassium permanganate is not needed.

Moonshine for cognac can be purified using other methods or double distillation. The main thing is to get a high-quality alcohol base.

2. Add a handful of well-dried inner walnuts, black tea and clove buds to the jar.

3. Add cumin and vanilla sugar.

4. Citric acid is added last to the jar at the tip of the knife.

5. Close the jar tightly nylon cover and infuse the cognac drink for 3-4 days at room temperature.

There is no point in aging homemade cognac for longer than 7 days, as this does not improve its taste.

6. On last stage the resulting cognac must be filtered through a clean cotton cloth or cotton-gauze filter.

2. With bay leaf

Exists alternative recipe homemade cognac from moonshine (on video), the technology for its preparation is no different from the first method, but other ingredients are used. Imitation of color and taste is achieved by adding oak bark to the distillate, bay leaf and cloves.

There are more quick way making cognac from moonshine.

3. Express - recipe for cognac from moonshine

  • Pour a liter bottle of a drink with at least 50% ABV into an enamel-coated or stainless steel pan.
  • Place the saucepan on the fire and add following components: 1 black allspice pea, 1 bay leaf small size, 0.5 teaspoon black loose leaf tea, soda on the tip of a knife, about two tablespoons of granulated sugar, a pinch of vanillin
  • Cover the saucepan and bring the contents to a temperature of 75-77 ºС, then remove the saucepan from the heat and leave for five minutes covered with a lid.
  • Pour the drink into a jar, close it and wait for it to cool completely. We filter the resulting “cognac”, bring its strength to 40 degrees and bottle it

After about five days, express - the resulting drink is quite ready to drink. To make this cognac even better, you can add 1/3 teaspoon to the ingredients added to it. good coffee and 1-2 crystals of potassium permanganate (eliminates the presence fusel oils). Moonshine prepared on grape juice, in which oak bark was infused for at least a month. But you can speed up the process and complete it in just three days.

4. Recipe for cognac with oak bark

To make this “cognac”, you should take three liters of moonshine per glass

  • 3 tablespoons sugar,
  • 2 tables each. spoons of oak bark, loose leaf black tea without flavorings and St. John's wort herb, as well as chopped rose hips.
  • Add black peppercorns (5-6 pieces) here.
  • 1/3 teaspoon each of cinnamon and vanilla.

The jar must be closed and placed in a place away from sun and light. After three days, filter the drink well and bottle it.

In addition to the above, it is worth trying other recipes for making homemade cognac from moonshine.

Cognac with milk

Take three liters of moonshine, pour it into a larger glass container and add 200 grams of milk to the alcohol, which will instantly curdle. There is no need to be scared, we just don’t pay attention to it for now.
At the same time, dilute 50 grams of instant coffee with lukewarm water. Pour the coffee drink into the general mixture.

It's time for spices:

  • 1 piece of ground nutmeg (nut),
  • 4-6 cloves
  • and the same number of peppercorns (you can use black or allspice),
  • vanillin on the tip of a coffee spoon
  • 100 grams of sugar.

Stir the resulting suspension thoroughly and leave for about 20 days, shaking the future cognac periodically in the first days.
After three weeks, we filter the “cognac” and bottle it.

Cognac "Sibirsky"

For a three-liter jar of moonshine, take 200 grams of milk, pour it in, and filter to remove any sediment that has fallen.
Then an infusion of oak bark is poured into it (pour boiling water over 2 teaspoons of bark, cool, strain).
Moonshine is added as “additives” pine nuts or their shells (need 0.5 cups).
We keep the “cognac” for a month, filter it and pour it into containers for storage.

Unlike collection cognacs from famous manufacturers homemade drink will have a slightly different taste and aroma. However, there is also an advantage in home version. You can independently compose an aromatic bouquet from your favorite herbs and spices, which will make your homemade cognac truly exclusive.

Advice. Before making cognac from vodka, prepare several glasses, vodka and your favorite spices. You can create a unique bouquet of this drink yourself. Pour pure vodka into small glasses and add various mixtures to it - cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, rose hips. Let the drinks sit for 1-2 days and try. Use the aroma that suits your taste best to prepare homemade brandy and it will be no worse than real French cognac.

Homemade cognac is a wonderful alcoholic drink that is ideal for family gatherings and for treating guests for festive table.
Based on materials

Recipes for oak bark cognac are very diverse and are designed for... different quantity starting raw materials.


The technology for making cognac from oak bark at home is quite simple. Vodka must be poured into a three-liter jar, add sugar previously melted in a tablespoon and mix thoroughly. After this, you need to place oak bark and vanillin in a jar, seal it with a lid and send it to infuse in a dark, cool place for 30 days.

An indicator of the readiness of this homemade alcoholic drink can be considered its color. Homemade cognac infused with oak bark with the addition of burnt sugar will have a pleasant caramel color, which will become even more saturated with each additional day of infusion.

At the end of the infusion, you need to strain the drink 2-3 times through several layers of gauze, pour into bottles and cool. After this, you can start tasting cognac at the festive table.

Recipe for homemade cognac from moonshine on oak bark

You can also make homemade cognac from moonshine on oak bark. This recipe is deservedly popular among large quantity lovers of homemade drinks. Preparing Latgalian-style tincture is one of the most common ways to refine moonshine “like cognac.” This recipe was invented in Latvia, namely in the historical region of the country called Latgale. There are many variations in the preparation of this drink, but there is a so-called classic recipe for cognac made from moonshine on oak bark, which has been tested for many generations and always gives good results.


  • 3 liters of purified double distillation moonshine, diluted to a reading of 50 degrees;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oak bark (dry);
  • 3 cloves;
  • 1/5 whole nutmeg or nut powder on the tip of a knife;
  • 1 crushed coriander seed or 1 g ground coriander;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.


Before preparing cognac, oak bark must first be soaked for 15-20 minutes in hot water. boiled water, then dry and only then use to prepare a drink. Sugar needs to be dissolved in 50 ml of water and made caramel syrup.

Next, you need to place soaked oak bark, sugar and all the spices in a 3-liter jar, pour in moonshine, mix thoroughly and place in a dark place with room temperature for infusion for a period of 2 to 4 weeks. If you infuse the drink in a warm place, for example, near a radiator, the infusion period will be reduced to 10-12 days.

After the infusion process is completed and the drink acquires a rich brown color and a pronounced aroma, the tincture must be filtered. First, you need to clean the tincture from large particles of bark, and then again from smaller ones, through several layers of gauze and finally through filter paper. The purified drink should be placed in a dark place for a month for further infusion, after which you can begin tasting.

Recipe for homemade cognac made from oak bark alcohol

Another drink that has been tested over the years is homemade cognac made from alcohol on oak bark “country style”. The method of preparing the drink according to this recipe is similar to the previous one, but there are many more ingredients.

Ingredients (main):

  • 3 liters of alcohol, diluted to 45-50 degrees;
  • 4 tbsp. l. oak bark or oak chips 6 pieces 10 cm long 4x4 cm thick;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 15 dried berries rosehip;
  • 4 things. black peppercorns;
  • 1 tsp. high-quality large-leaf black tea;
  • 1 sprig of St. John's wort.

In addition to the main ingredients, you can also use the following if desired: additional components How:

  • 1 tbsp. l. raisins;
  • 1 PC. prunes;
  • 1 PC. vanilla in a pod (about 3 cm);
  • 15 g oregano;
  • 20 g thyme.


First you need to prepare caramel syrup from sugar dissolved in small quantity water. After this, all the ingredients must be placed in a three-liter jar, filled with diluted alcohol and sent to infuse in a dark place for a week. It is recommended to pre-soak oak bark and rosehip in hot boiled water for 15 minutes, dry it and only then use it to prepare a drink.

After 7 days, you need to remove the vanilla and prunes from the jar and infuse the drink for another two weeks, while shaking the jar every two days. After 3 weeks, the drink should be strained through several layers of gauze, bottled and sent “to rest” for another week in the cellar or refrigerator. If sediment appears again after resting, the drink should be filtered again.

As can be seen from the information above, recipes for cognac made from alcohol or vodka on oak bark are simple to implement and very varied. Drinks obtained by any of these methods are very aromatic and pleasant to the taste. However, remember that the longer they are stored after straining, the better their taste will be.

Making cognac at home simply opens up the widest possibilities for producing a variety of alcoholic beverages. These include: medicinal tinctures drinks that can seriously improve your health, or just drinks for friendly get-togethers. In addition, using the product own production, you can be 100% sure that it contains only natural products.

So, today we will look at cognac at home from vodka and its recipes. Moreover, in this case it is absolutely not necessary to take store-bought vodka. It will be much better if you use your own vodka. But, if there is none, then store-bought goods will do just fine. So, let's go. Below we will tell you how to make cognac.

This has been the case since ancient times...

Cognac is a drink that we rarely do without at feasts. But buy a good Armenian or french cognac sometimes quite difficult. And their prices are very steep: from 5 thousand rubles per bottle. Therefore, folk craftsmen learned to make homemade cognac from vodka. Moreover, if you follow some recipes, you can get very decent results, which in terms of taste are no different from expensive vintage cognacs.

Classic recipe for cognac with vodka

In order to make cognac from vodka, you need to prepare a base. It is always necessary to use 40-proof vodka. You should not take a drink of higher strength - it will not lead to anything good. But a lower strength of the original base is also useless. It is 40 degrees that is the “golden mean” for cognac made from vodka. Another point is various additives. There is no need to use vodka with eggs, birch buds or pepper. The result will be very disappointing. Of course, there are recipes when they are used, but there are very few of them.

So, the recipe itself:

  • Pour 3 liters of vodka into a larger container (for example, a 5-liter bottle);
  • Melt 2 teaspoons of sugar in a frying pan and pour into a bottle;
  • 3 tablespoons of oak bark are also sent to the bottle (if the pieces are large, break them);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of nutmeg there;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 3 cloves of cloves.

Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly - that’s why we needed a larger bottle, so that the components could be mixed intensively and well. Now we hide the bottle away and be patient. In order to protect yourself from stupidity and quick tasting, read below. Oak bark should give vodka its color, taste and smell. Moreover, as everyone knows, the longer the cognac is aged, the higher the quality of the final product. You can use the method that is often used by owners of their own plots or village residents: the bottle is simply buried deeper. You will be too lazy to dig it up, and when you remember the drink in a few years, there will be more excitement. And the cognac, when you drink it, will turn out to be very tasty and rich!

Fragrant cognac recipe

This homemade cognac recipe has a mind-blowing aroma of the final product. Let's not languish for long:

  1. The same 3 liters of vodka are poured into the bottle.
  2. Walnut partitions are also added there. In total you need to crack 15 nuts. After 3 days, you need to drain the workpiece and filter out the nut partitions.

This cognac recipe also involves adding the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of oak bark;
  • 0.5 spoons of lemon balm;
  • 0.5 spoons of tarragon;
  • 0.5 spoons of high-quality loose-leaf tea;
  • 3 peppercorns;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 1 tablespoon orange zest.

Now you need to wait at least 2 weeks. But even here the rule applies that the older the cognac, the tastier it is to drink.

For the fair sex

Surprisingly, even women can like homemade cognac (we are not talking about those who drink vodka without snacking, but about the truly better half of humanity). Recipe of this drink simple as hell, but the end result is something really tasty, despite its strength.

  • as usual, take 3 liters of vodka;
  • Grind the lemon (pulp with zest) in a medium-sized meat grinder, after removing the seeds. Pour the pulp into vodka and leave for 3 days;
  • after the specified period, strain the lemon vodka;
  • now add 0.3 tablespoons of caramel (burnt sugar) to the bottle;
  • 0.3 spoons of instant coffee (take according to your taste, the main thing is a pleasant aroma);
  • Well, where would we be without oak bark? We need 1 tablespoon of it.

Cooking and infusion time is at least 2 weeks. Believe me, when the ladies drink it, they will unanimously say that this is the best good drink, made with your own hands. When you drink it, you get the impression that the glass contains a very expensive branded drink.

Vodka coffee recipe

The pronounced coffee flavor is what sets this recipe apart from all others. Here you can evaluate which is better – this recipe or cognac in its pure form.

  • 3 liters of vodka;
  • 6 pcs. prunes (crush);
  • 10 cloves of carnations;
  • 2 teaspoons of quality tea;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • a tablespoon of sugar.

All this is mixed and infused for 3 days. After the specified period, the resulting cognac can be consumed. It is important to vigorously shake the container in which it is stored every day. The drink will leave very pleasant memories. By the way, women will appreciate this recipe just like the previous one.

French cognac recipe

To begin with, let’s immediately make a reservation that vodka will not work here. You will need alcohol. After it is prepared, take the grapes and squeeze the juice out of it. It should be exactly a liter. Under no circumstances should you use store-bought juice for this recipe - the chemicals it contains can negatively affect the quality of the drink. Also a few words about the grapes themselves: give preference to black varieties. White grapes will not show itself in such beauty as black.

  • The squeezed juice is poured into the bottle;
  • 250 ml medical alcohol;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 100 grams of yeast;
  • 0.5 cups of granulated coffee;
  • oak bark, which will make this drink cognac.

Ready time – 3 weeks. After this time, you will receive an excellent French cognac that you can drink with pleasure. In order to understand that it is time to filter and bottle, watch the moment when bubbles stop appearing. This is a sure sign that it's time to taste. But try to protect yourself from quickly taking the sample, otherwise you risk being very disappointed!

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