Why is drinking red boiled wine beneficial? Rich taste and color

One glass of red wine per day is not only a pleasant, but also a healthy habit. But, attention, only one, no more!

The fact is that red wine contains active substances. They relieve inflammation, prevent hardening of artery walls and reduce blood clotting, thereby improving blood supply to the brain.

3. Helps fight gum infections

If your gums are bleeding, a glass of red wine with your meal is a must! The fact is that grapes contain substances that, as a result of fermentation during wine making, acquire antibacterial properties.

Thus, wine successfully fights streptococci and bacteria that cause caries. It also helps with gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and sore throat.

4. Helps with fatigue

Interesting, isn't it? The FASEB Journal reports a study that found that resveratrol contained in grapes has a tonic effect. In other words, it helps to cheer up when tired or apathetic. This is worth keeping in mind!

5. Increases endorphin levels

Another study conducted at the University of California (USA) demonstrated that red wine (in moderation) increases the body's production of endorphins(“happiness hormones”). In turn, this improves well-being and relieves stress.

6. Improves the taste of food

Wine harmoniously complements the taste of other products, making their taste more pronounced and rich. This property is well known to professional sommeliers and connoisseurs. For example, it makes the taste of fatty foods less intense. and leaves a pleasant feeling of freshness in the mouth. This is worth keeping in mind when choosing wine for lunch or dinner.

7. Reduces cholesterol levels

As you already know, red wine is rich in polyphenols. The most famous of them is resveratrol. This antioxidant, according to researchers from the Mayo Clinic (USA), helps maintain blood vessels in good condition. In other words, he prevents the formation of blood clots and reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

8. Very good for the cardiovascular system

Red wine is rich not only in polyphenols, but also in vitamin E. This is an important substance that helps cleanse the blood, prevents thrombosis and protects fabrics blood vessels . Therefore, one glass of red wine significantly improves the condition of the cardiovascular system.

9. Reduces the risk of cancer

As we already said, red wine is rich in antioxidants. Due to this, it inhibits the growth of cancer cells. At least in the case of breast cancer or lung cancer. In addition, resveratrol helps control estrogen levels in women.

10. Helps fight urinary tract infections

Thanks to your astringent properties and high content, red wine also prevents bacteria from entering the bladder and kidneys. Resulting in, it helps cleansing these organs.

It is enough, as already mentioned, to drink one glass of red wine a day to reap all these beneficial properties. Well, have we convinced you?

True connoisseurs of red wine appreciate not only its velvety and noble taste. The benefits of the drink for human health have been scientifically proven for a relatively long time, which makes red wine simply priceless. Of course, in this case we're talking about about real red wines that have a generally accepted aging period.

Thus, semi-sweet and dry vintage table red wines must be aged for three years, and dessert and strong fortified wines are usually aged for up to five years.

Required and special conditions storage: special dry and cool basements. In addition, the wine bottles themselves should be stored horizontally.

This prevents the cork from drying out and allowing air to enter, causing the wine to turn into vinegar.

Only real red wines are different high content and concentration of tannins. They give wine a unique characteristic astringency, and for the human body they are a source of essential amino acids and vitamins. It is these wines that contain resveratol, a substance that reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and reduces the risk of repeated myocardial infarctions.

Red wine as a national drink

Many countries and their populations consider red wine their national drink, but the residents of France are especially successful in this, drinking red wine almost like water. Maybe that’s why French wines are considered the healthiest and highest quality.

Red wines from French grape varieties have strong antioxidant properties due to the presence of saponins and catechins, and the population of provinces where, along with fried and fatty foods rich in “bad” cholesterol, a sufficient amount of red wine is consumed, practically does not suffer from cardiovascular diseases. This is despite the fact that fatty foods of animal origin are considered hazardous to health due to their effect on increasing cholesterol levels.

The last statement appeared in 1953 after the publication of the results by the American Ancel Keys scientific research about the dependence of the rate of heart disease among representatives of a certain nation on the level of fat content of food. All subsequent studies in this area only confirmed the initial findings.

The French, one might say, have proven for themselves that by washing down fatty foods with real, high-quality red wine, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases.

Everything is good in moderation

Nowadays, hardly anyone would argue that a small amount of red wine can bring certain benefits. Drinking one glass in the morning will charge you good mood and cheerfulness for the whole day. Contained in wine essential oils And esters will increase tone nervous system and will reduce blood pressure. If you drink a glass of wine before bed, you can forever forget about insomnia and the use of special medical supplies.

Red wine is also used to prevent diseases of the stomach and intestines, asthenic conditions and anemia. It can stimulate the removal of toxins and waste from the body. Dry natural red wine increases the elasticity of blood vessels and reduces the formation of blood clots, as well as its likelihood. It is also recommended for diabetes mellitus, because it contains a small amount of sugar and generally improves the well-being of diabetics.

Red wines are very suitable for older people. The substances contained in wine slow down the aging process of cells and reduce the likelihood of malignant tumors.

In the modern scientific field there is already a special direction for studying therapeutic effects wine and its use in medicine - enotherapy. Research has determined that not all wines in equally useful. The fact is that chemical composition wine, the presence of a certain set and concentration useful substances and microelements depends, first of all, on the quality of the soil on which the vineyard grows. Annual wines are considered ordinary, they are cheap, and it’s hardly worth even talking about fakes. It's good if they don't cause any harm. Original and aged vintage wine is not a cheap product, and, of course, only a small amount of it can bring significant benefits. Uncontrolled consumption of wine will not only not improve your health, but will also cause harm, possibly irreparable.

Many studies year after year prove and confirm the ability of antioxidants contained in red wines to prevent oncological diseases or counteract the development of existing ones. The antioxidant resveratrol can prevent DNA mutation and almost completely eliminate the effects of free radicals. Its ability to resist the development of metastases has also been noted.

In recent years, another property of wine has been discovered that is no less useful than all the others. According to research by American scientists, red wine can protect the brain from irreversible damage after a stroke. Experts recommend drinking small amounts of wine even if you have had a heart attack. Another substance contained in wine, namely resveratol, reduces blood clotting and reduces the risk of blood clots. But this is exactly what doctors are trying to achieve with medications after a stroke and heart attack. Research results more than eloquently show that red wine, when consumed in moderation, reduces brain damage after a stroke by 40 percent. Resveratol actively protects nerve cells from destruction, and in addition prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood and promotes a speedy recovery after various types of infectious diseases.

Good quality red wine made from grapes collected in many southern countries, has an extremely positive effect on the body, and yet, without denying the benefits, it should be noted that everything is good in moderation. The daily dose of the drink you take should be limited, for example, as if you were taking medicine. It is also undeniable that wines of dubious origin are considered potentially dangerous product for our health. And if we add excessive consumption to wine of unknown origin, the picture we paint is generally disappointing. Only quality wine It really is a blood thinner. Thick blood is a faithful companion and a sign of blood clots.

So far, as an assumption, based, however, on serious research evidence, there is an opinion among ordinary people and some doctors that the same resveratrol is an excellent and powerful phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogen is similar in its positive effect to the hormone estrogen.

Safe limits for drinking red wine have long been established. Normal, correct and beneficial to the human body maximum benefit A dose of 50 to 100 grams of wine consumed daily is considered. If you consider yourself an irreconcilable opponent of alcohol, then the resveratrol content can be replenished from other sources, for example, by eating peanuts, cranberries or blueberries. These products also contain this antioxidant substance.

Finally, I would like to dwell on one more point. Obviously, you should not exceed the dose recommended by experts for people who are prone to obesity or are overweight. Red wine is a fairly high-calorie product. Even 80 calories per 100 grams of wine will become a very significant factor for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.


No matter how the proponents of the benefits of red wine prove that they are right, most likely, the ongoing debate about the harm and benefits, as well as their relationship, will never subside. Even the well-studied antioxidant resveratrol and numerous studies on its absolute benefits will not convince opponents of wine of the exclusively positive effects of small doses of the drink on the human body.

Most likely, the question of what is more in red wine: harm or benefit, will never find a clear answer. The situation is aggravated and only fuels the debate by the abundance of various conjectures and incredible rumors that give rise to completely opposite opinions. Another factor plays an important role in discussions - the abundance of counterfeits and the state of affairs on the market. alcoholic products. In addition, there are a number of diseases for which, in the absence of the opportunity to purchase high-quality red wine, it is better not to take risks at all and not to buy just anything. There are also many diseases for which drinking wine, even high-quality wine, is strictly prohibited. The first category includes liver cirrhosis, osteoporosis, high pressure and stomach cancer. The second includes hypertension, coronary heart disease, severe liver damage, increased levels of cholesterol components - triglycerides, as well as depressive states.

When determining the limits of red wine consumption, it was found that people who drink more than three hundred grams of the drink per day increase the risk of hypertension, the likelihood of strokes, cardiovascular diseases, pancreatitis, some types of cancer, liver cirrhosis. Among such people, cases of suicide and the birth of children with congenital anomalies are more common. Of course, you cannot combine drinking any alcohol with taking medicines.

When choosing red wine, do not forget that all of it positive properties from an unscrupulous manufacturer or when stored improperly, they turn into opposite qualities. Wine is a delicate product, so it must be treated accordingly.

Today it is generally accepted that alcohol is unfashionable and ugly. People strive to play sports and look beautiful and well-groomed. But still, there are very few people who would not drink alcohol at all. And many are interested in the question of whether alcohol is really harmful. Of course, it harms your health, but not all of it. For example, red dry wine in small quantities, on the contrary, it can be beneficial for the body.

Grapes are the main raw material for the drink. Of course there is much more healthy fruits, but grapes also contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. It contains a lot of vitamins B and C. And also a lot of potassium, phosphorus, and iron. It must be said that in the preparation of wine, whole berries are used along with the peel and seeds, which also contain many useful substances.

Forever Young

Many people know that wine is one of the reasons eternal youth. In many cultures around the world it is consumed every day and even in considerable quantities. They also start drinking from childhood. Many centenarians drank at least a glass of good red wine every day.

Thanks to the antioxidants necessary for the body of men and women and nutrients, good dry removes waste and toxins, thereby cleansing the body. Renders beneficial effect on the inner walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Rejuvenates skin structure, hair and visual function.

Many who regularly drink the drink look cheerful and rested. Leaves sluggish and tired appearance, bags under the eyes disappear.

Oddly enough, many professional athletes drink on a regular basis. Red dry good quality helps the body fight overweight, thanks to the rapid breakdown of fat deposits. Many nutritionists include wine in their diet when losing weight, but such diets are not suitable for everyone, so you should always consult your doctor.

Beneficial features

The main property of red wine is the prevention and prevention of diseases of the heart muscle, blood vessels, and atherosclerosis. For diseases of these systems, doctors recommend drinking 50 grams. at night every day for a certain period of time.

The following properties can be distinguished:

  • general rejuvenation of the body;
  • improvement of well-being and immunity;
  • cleansing of waste and toxins;
  • blood thinning;
  • preventive effects in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases;
  • fight excess weight by improving appetite and speeding up general exchange substances;
  • prevention of dental diseases (caries, stone).

Especially red wine is recommended for those who eat fatty foods in large quantities. It neutralizes the harmful effects of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and thereby reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It can also help with autumn or spring colds. Due to the high content of vitamins, you will not face vitamin deficiency if you drink red wine every day in bad weather.

Wine also helps with intestinal disorders by increasing stomach acidity. Drinking a glass with dinner will help your food digest faster before bed and your stool will return to normal.

Wine can help cope with stress and mental disorders. The same 50 ml before going to bed will help you fall asleep faster and free yourself from thoughts in your head.

Despite all the benefits of wine for humans, it is worth remembering the dangers overuse alcohol. When you drink good alcohol a glass every day, over time you want more and it’s difficult for some to restrain themselves from drinking the whole bottle at once, once they’ve already opened it.

Remember that drinking a bottle of wine once a year on your birthday or on a special evening is one thing. But it's completely different to drink a bottle every day. Here the consequences can already be disastrous.

Dry red wine

Dry red wine can be of great benefit to men. True, it is worth saying that you should always choose high-quality, natural, aged wines from well-known producers that do not contain dyes or preservatives. Only from drinking such a drink can there be any benefit.

First of all, for male body This wine is useful in suppressing the female sex hormone estrogen by blocking the production of certain enzymes. Thus, the production of male sex hormone increases and this has a positive effect on the male body as a whole.

The female sex hormone estrogen occurs in considerable quantities in men. Excess weight is usually the main symptom high content estrogen in men.

A glass of dry drink at night will help reduce the content of female hormones in favor of male ones. It is worth noting that a similar effect is expected only from dry wines. For example, semi-sweet, on the contrary, will not play on the side of testosterone. Largely due to the high sugar content in semi-sweet wines, if you drink them in large quantities, stimulation of estrogen in a man is inevitable.

Some scientists advise all men to drink a glass of the drink before bed. This will increase life expectancy from 5 to 15 years, as well as increase libido and reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Semi-sweet wine

With dry it has long been clear that it is beneficial in moderate doses. But what about semi-sweet? Is it really that useful or should you limit yourself to sugar-free options?

Talking about this kind grape drink, it is worth remembering the ethyl alcohol content. In the semi-sweet version it is quite large (about 11-13%), which has a Negative influence on both the female and male body.

But let’s not forget that it is also made from grapes, which are full of useful substances. This drink is also quite healthy, but you should not drink it every day. Moreover, its quality directly depends on the reliability of the manufacturer, so you should carefully consider the choice.

Among the useful substances it is worth noting:

  • vitamins B and C in large quantities;
  • antioxidants;
  • various minerals (magnesium, calcium, iron, etc.);
  • acids and biologically active substances.

In ancient times, semi-sweet wine was used to disinfect water by adding approximately 50% of the amount of water. And it is important to prevent diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels, and teeth.

Drinking semi-sweet wine for men will have a beneficial effect on sexual function. This has been proven by researchers from Australia that by strengthening the nerve cells of the male body, sexual function increases. It should be consumed 2-3 times a week.

In addition to its beneficial properties, this wine also has disadvantages:

  1. People suffering from diabetes should limit their consumption. Due to the increased sugar content, you can only make things worse for yourself.
  2. For those who have high blood pressure.
  3. Some of these drinks contain polyphenyl. If you are prone to frequent headaches, then this wine can trigger prolonged migraines.
  4. Allergy sufferers should also abstain, as the semi-sweet contains allergenic components.

For men's health

It is generally accepted that any alcohol has a detrimental effect on man's health, primarily on its sexual function. Many scientists agree that excessive or regular, but small amounts of alcohol consumption can worsen sexual function in most men, attraction to women in general. It will also have a bad effect on erection and sperm quality. With prolonged alcoholism, many experience the development of infertility.

To prevent this from happening, you should not often drink alcohol in large quantities. Of course, no one has ever died from a glass of wine with the woman they loved. On the contrary, it will help both you and her relax, blood circulation throughout the body will improve and blood flow to the desired organ will also improve. But if you overdo it, the quality and duration of the erection will decrease and your companion is unlikely to be satisfied.

Most often, the harm to the male body is not in the quality of alcohol, but in its quantity. Always remember this. Long-term heavy drinking can cause problems with potency by the age of 30, and prostatitis can also develop.

Benefits and harms for women

Many women are passionate lovers of good wine. And you need to know about the benefits and harms of excessive consumption.

To begin with, it must be said that high-quality grape drinks help prolong life and rejuvenate not only men, but also the fair sex. It improves blood flow in organs, rejuvenates the walls of blood vessels, increases skin elasticity, improves complexion and removes dark circles from under the eyes. It also helps many girls cope with stress by strengthening the nerve endings in the body.

The calorie content is low - only 50-80 kcal per 100 ml. But it is worth remembering that if you snack on chocolate or fruit, then the number of calories will increase significantly.

Thanks to accelerating metabolism, wine helps many women get rid of excess weight. By helping to remove waste and toxins from the body, cellulite will also go away.

Pregnant and lactating women are strictly prohibited from drinking such drinks!


To summarize, we can say that red wine is a very noble, most natural and useful look alcohol, known on this moment. But you should be very careful with its use.

The duality of the situation is that many therapeutic and useful quality appear only after prolonged and regular use. And with this regime, many may have deviations and health problems.

Wine may be the best option in this case. homemade. If you prepared it yourself, then you know the entire production process and are one hundred percent sure. This wine is worth drinking every evening. This will do more good than harm.

If you choose alcohol in a store, you should carefully study it by country and type so as not to buy a low-quality bottle with a bunch of impurities and flavorings. In the following articles we will examine in more detail different wines and how to select them for and. Good health to you and take care of yourself!

We often hear that red wine is healthy for the heart, blood vessels, maintaining stable pressure and wellness. It is believed that this drink has an antioxidant effect, in moderate quantities it stabilizes the level of “good” cholesterol and protects the arteries from damage, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. No matter how encouraging the stories about the beneficial properties of red wine in comparison with other alcohol, doctors do not encourage drinking alcohol: slightly exceeding permissible norm, all the benefits can easily be turned into harm. However, a glass of wine with dinner is considered acceptable. We decided to figure out what it can give, except good taste and high spirits, and whether red has any advantages over other wines.

Let's say right away: it is difficult to give a definite answer about the benefits of wine. Science does not yet have enough convincing data to prove a cause-and-effect relationship between moderate consumption of this drink and improved health. Opinion about the advantages of wine over other alcohol, as well as greater benefit red versus white is based on the following. Wine contains polyphenols, which may have an antioxidant effect and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart vessels. Special attention given to resveratrol contained in grape skins. Because red wine requires longer fermentation to produce, it (especially pinot noir, shiraz and burgundy) actually contains more resveratrol than white wine.

According to some studies, resveratrol may prevent vascular damage, reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein), reduce blood clots and have anti-inflammatory effects, maintain a healthy heart rate and even have a beneficial effect on bone strength. About ten years ago, information spread that this substance even helps to slightly reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, but these data have already been questioned. Most studies of the effect of wine and its antioxidant content have been conducted on animals, and large-scale clinical trials No studies have been carried out to confirm the results in humans. Studies in mice have shown that resveratrol may reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes (two major risk factors for heart disease), and studies in pigs suggest that resveratrol may improve the body's ability to metabolize insulin.

It is unknown whether the same effects are achieved in humans, but in any case, to obtain the appropriate dose of resveratrol in wine equivalent, a person would need to drink more than 1,000 liters of red powder daily. In the form of dietary supplements, this substance is not always well absorbed human body- however, doctors do not see any harm in their use in for preventive purposes. But a recent study by Danish scientists found that resveratrol may reduce the heart benefits of physical exercise in older men.

Lovers of white wine claim that it has no less beneficial properties. They supposedly lie in another polyphenol - caffeic acid, contained in both white and red wine in approximately equal quantities (in fairness, we note that caffeic acid is found in all plants). According to studies by Italian biologists and physicians on mice and human blood vessel cells grown in the laboratory, caffeic acid in very low doses actually stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which lowers blood pressure, protects the myocardium from ischemia, and reduces the risk of diabetes and chronic kidney disease. So perhaps a glass of wine is quite enough real benefit- in this case it doesn’t matter what color it is.

Most doctors agree that a healthy amount of wine is no more than one glass of wine per day for women.

It is important to know that the effect of antioxidants in wine lasts a short time after consumption, and regular libations can develop into addiction: if instead of one glass at dinner, three are emptied, there is reason to think about it. Most doctors agree that the healthy norm is no more than one glass (150 grams) per day for women of any age and men over 65, and for other men the norm reaches two glasses. This difference is due to the fact that the average man weighs more and has more big amount an enzyme that breaks down alcohol. In order not to harm yourself, it is important to know not only your norm, but also the technique for producing the wine you choose: avoid drinks made from “dry wine material” and wines of questionable production (you can read about how to choose wine).

Many people get headaches from red wine. In individual cases, this may be due to pressure in the vessels, but a number of researchers believe that headache causes sulfur dioxide. It may get into your drink different ways: When winemakers apply it to vineyards and winery equipment to control fungi, as well as naturally through vine roots from the soil or during fermentation from yeast. In the latter case, the natural concentration of sulfur oxide is not enough to stabilize the wine, so manufacturers add a preservative. In some countries, such as the USA, the content of sulfur dioxide must be indicated on the packaging, but if there is no information, it does not mean that the substance is not in the drink.

South African wine companies recently proposed a unique way out of the situation. According to them new technology When making red wine (particularly Merlot), traditional preservatives like sulfur dioxide, which are associated not only with common headaches, but also with allergies and migraines, are replaced with extracts of rooibos and honeybush: they retain the aroma of wine well and are themselves rich in antioxidants . True, it is still difficult to say how much of this is useful and how much is marketing.

When choosing the lesser evil, you should also pay attention to nutritional value fault: we don’t recommend scrupulously, but it wouldn’t hurt for those who monitor their physical fitness to be aware of their approximate fitness. According to the British resource DrinkAware, a glass of red wine can contain as many calories as a serving of ice cream, but their number is largely determined by the strength (there are seven calories per gram of alcohol). The nutritional value A glass of dry rosé can reach 200 calories, but lighter champagne (a glass of white brut usually has about 90 calories). Dessert wines At 250-275 calories, it's best to avoid: chocolate brownie may be less harmful than sweet alcohol. Alcohol is not a medicine, therefore, when deciding to drink, you should not look for excuses for its health benefits.

Wine has long been very popular and was considered the “drink of the gods.” However, it was perceived primarily as a means of helping to give the body health, strength and beauty. And only then was it used to relax and have fun. True wine lovers know that its value is not only amazing, but also slightly tart taste. Much more expensive beneficial features. After all, all the ingredients, one way or another, turn into wine. It’s as if nature itself conceived this amazing solar drink. Dry red wine, the benefits of which have long been studied, must be the real thing. This is the drink that will bring maximum benefits to the body. It's not that difficult to recognize. It is enough to pay attention to the exposure period.

Beneficial properties of dry red wine

Red wine was revered by our ancestors for a reason. It rich in all kinds of vitamins and beneficial microelements. The composition of the red dry drink is an effective and natural remedy against many diseases. People like Hippocrates or Antonio Docampo Garcia equated wine with honey in its miraculous properties. The second, by the way, drank the drink throughout his life own production, completely giving up water. Antonio Garcia lived to be 107 years old.

The beneficial properties of dry red wine include:

  1. Increased elasticity of blood vessels and capillary walls, normalization of the circulatory system (due to which heart attacks and heart diseases occur less frequently);
  2. Decline blood pressure, vasodilation;
  3. Getting rid of insomnia;
  4. Strengthening the immune system, increasing the body's defense reactions;
  5. Increased hemoglobin in the blood;
  6. Lower cholesterol (less likely to have strokes);
  7. Has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility;
  8. Removes waste and toxins from the body;
  9. Protects against cancer;
  10. It is an excellent antiseptic, has antibacterial and antiviral effects;
  11. Protects oral cavity from all kinds of diseases.

To achieve such results, experts recommend drinking wine with meals.

What harm can wine do?

Unfortunately, dry red wine is the same can cause harm. In most cases the culprit harmful consequences is ethanol. Let's look at why such a drink is not always useful for people.

Contraindications for use

There are some restrictions when drinking wine. This drink is prohibited for people:

  1. Those with pathologies such as pancreatitis, liver failure, problems with the cardiac system are too high blood pressure and triglyceride levels, as well as individuals who are in a depressed state;
  2. If you drink more wine than normal, there is a risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver, stroke or cancer. There is a high probability of suicide and negative consequences, the birth of unhealthy children;
  3. For diabetes mellitus, wine is allowed in small quantity. The drink should be drunk only during meals. After all, it contains a certain amount of sugar, which negatively affects the condition of the blood.

As you can see, wine is harmful only for certain diseases and a tendency to alcoholism. Hence, moderate consumption will only benefit your body. Don't forget about this and feel free to enjoy this wonderful drink.

We use wine correctly

It is very important to drink wine correctly. Only then will there be no harm from it. So:

  • The daily norm is 100-120 ml. Men are allowed a double portion;
  • You should not consume the drink together with other additives;
  • In order to reveal the taste of dry red wine, it is recommended to add cheese and fruit.

Undoubtedly a sunny grape drink can add strength and health to the body. However, if there are contraindications, it should be abandoned. As the French say, wine cures all diseases except alcoholism.

Selection and storage of dry red wine

Dry red wine, the benefits of which we already know, must be real. But how to choose it?

  1. Any natural and good wine there will be no sediment at the bottom. Look at the bottle in good lighting and see its quality. Usually sediment occurs in a drink that has been aged for a long time;
  2. Don't forget to pay attention to the traffic jam. Real wines are characterized by a natural base. Any other material suggests that the quality of the red wine is very questionable;
  3. The bottle itself can help you choose a good grape drink. Bottom natural wine usually has a slight depression. If, after running your hand, you feel a flat surface, then it is better to look for another option.

To prevent the beneficial properties of wine from disappearing, it is necessary to store it under certain conditions. So:

Video about the effects of alcohol on the body

In this video, Elena Malysheva will talk about the benefits of red wine: