Dietary main courses from chicken fillet. Chicken in the oven with cauliflower

Those who tend to be overweight are forced to constantly monitor their figure and their diet so as not to gain extra calories, and with them, kilograms. In most cases, they choose chicken, which is considered an ideal dietary protein product. Healthy, promotes weight loss, low-calorie, nutritious, allows you to prepare a lot of new dishes every day.

This is where it starts chicken diet, which is ideal for the menu of athletes and anyone who is fighting excess weight.

Mechanism of weight loss

Why did the chicken diet suddenly become used for weight loss? How can meat help you lose weight? It turns out the mechanism is quite simple:

  • the absence of fats and carbohydrates forces the body to spend first excess liquid(it makes up a significant part overweight), then - glucose from muscle protein, and, finally, fat reserves on problem parts of the body;
  • chicken meat contains a lot of protein, which restores muscle mass when losing weight, making the body pumped up;
  • it contains many vitamins and microelements, so you don’t have to wait for exhaustion;
  • its nutritional value eliminates the feeling of hunger and suppresses appetite;
  • In order for the diet to be also low-calorie, you need to properly cook the chicken and know which parts of it are best to eat.

Calorie content of individual parts chicken meat and by-products:

Calorie content of chicken meat prepared in different ways:

According to these tables, it becomes clear that it is ideal for weight loss low calorie diet on chicken breast, boiled or stewed.

Basic principles

You need to know a number of secrets: how to cook, how to eat meat and even how to change your lifestyle.

  1. Optimal duration: a chicken diet for 7 days will not allow the body to feel a lack of certain substances and become depleted, but lose 3-4 kg while maintaining muscle mass within this period it will be possible.
  2. Of all the parts of the bird, it is better to use chicken fillet.
  3. To reduce the fat content in meat, you need to remove the skin and fat layers from the chicken before cooking.
  4. Cook the dishes in the second chicken broth, i.e. the first water is drained after boiling.
  5. The best cooking methods are boiling, baking in foil, stewing.
  6. Chicken served with vegetables and herbs: vegetable fiber accelerates the absorption of fats remaining in the bird.
  7. Maintain at the proper level physical activity so that the calories consumed are expended.
  8. Drink plenty of pure water.
  9. In order not to get frustrated, don’t be lazy to prepare different dishes.
  10. The exit should be gradual: in the first 2 days beef is introduced, then pork, lamb comes last. It is better to start eating fried meat only for 5-6 days.

The chicken diet is one of the few that one cannot dare to call a hunger strike, it is so nutritious and tasty. But for weight loss to be effective, know how to properly cook and eat this dietary meat.


Unfortunately, the chicken diet has a number of contraindications:

  • diseases of the kidneys, urinary system, gastrointestinal tract, heart;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • age under 18 and after 55;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery or protracted illness.

Many may argue that seriously ill patients are even specifically prescribed broth for boiled chicken, as it is very healthy and nutritious. However, we are not talking about proper nutrition, but about weight loss and diet, which are no different balanced diet and therefore are contraindicated in the listed categories.

Advantages and disadvantages

Undoubtedly, the diet has many more advantages than disadvantages. However, both of them must be studied and analyzed at the preparation stage. This will help avoid disappointment.

  • excellent taste qualities dishes;
  • easy to carry;
  • absence of depression;
  • the body is saturated big amount vitamins and minerals;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • preservation of muscle mass;
  • special value for athletes: chicken bouillon promotes the development of greater physical endurance;
  • normalization of pressure.
  • risk of allergies to chicken protein;
  • rapid return of lost kilograms;
  • increased load on the kidneys;
  • too much long term can lead to a lack of fat, which will negatively affect metabolism;
  • digestive problems as side effects: flatulence, constipation, bloating;
  • risk of protein intoxication.

Are you ready to face these shortcomings? Won't they scare you?


There is plenty to choose from.

With rice

There are many variations of the chicken and rice diet. Their combination is explained by an attempt to balance the diet so that it contains not only protein (for muscle mass), but also carbohydrates. Losses can be up to 1 kg per day. Duration may vary.

You need to stock up on brown or wild rice. Soak a glass of cereal in water in the evening, boil or steam it in the morning, but without salt and spices.

  • Option 1. Mixed

Designed for 3 or 5 days, but no more. During the day, you need to eat 1 kg of boiled rice and 500 grams of breast in small portions.

  • Option 2. Alternation

It is very useful to alternate carbohydrate and protein days: for a day (or 2, or 3 - depending on the chosen mode) sit on 1 kg of rice, then - on 1 kg of meat. Duration - from 3 to 6 days. You can drink green and black tea, coffee without sugar and milk. Even a teaspoon of honey is allowed.

  • Option 3. With rice and vegetables

Designed for 9 days: rice, chicken, vegetables are consumed sequentially in a 3-3-3 rotation. During the first three days eat 1 kg of unsalted food daily brown rice. During the second 3 days - 1 kg boiled breast without skin and salt. The last 3 days - 1 kg of vegetables. Focus on whites and greens (cabbage, onions, zucchini, cucumbers, herbs). You can take 200 grams of red ones (tomatoes, carrots, beets). Half of them should be consumed raw, half – heat-treated.

  • Option 4. With rice and apples

The rice-chicken-apples diet is also based on the previous model. She is also 9 days old. But in the last three days you need to eat exclusively green apples and green.

All these diets are quite strict and lengthy. Therefore, you need to have iron willpower to reach the end and see minus 9-10 kg on the scales.

With buckwheat

Another tandem of proteins and carbohydrates is also suitable: chicken breast and buckwheat complement each other perfectly, preventing the body from becoming depleted. There may be two options here.

  • Option 1. Strict

A glass of buckwheat is soaked in water in the evening and cooked in the morning without salt or spices. During the day, 500 grams of basic foods are eaten in portions. Duration - 3 or 5 days. Loss - 1 kg per day.

  • Option 2. Gentle

With vegetables

Plant fiber accelerates the digestion of fats and promotes better protein absorption. Therefore, a diet based on chicken breast and vegetables is considered one of the most effective. It is easily portable, designed for 7 days, but can last a whole month, provided that the menu is varied and does not include a large number of fats (eg vegetable oil).

Vegetables can be anything, but it’s better not to take potatoes and corn. Loss - 3-4 kg per week and about 10 per month. If you choose a long fast, unsweetened fruits, rice and buckwheat are allowed (rarely and in small quantities).

  • With cabbage

A diet based on chicken and cabbage gives good results: you lose 700-800 grams per day, you don’t feel hungry, there are no food options. great amount. Sample menu for the day:

The optimal period for losing weight on chicken and vegetables is a week.

In addition to these options, the chicken broth diet is very popular. For 3 or 5 days, 300 ml of broth is eaten for lunch and dinner. All other dishes are also prepared on it. For taste, you can add a little salt and vegetables (carrots, onions).


A sample menu for the week will help you plan your diet:


You need to know how to cook breast so that it is healthy, low-calorie and dietary (without salt, fat layers and skin). How more recipes you gain, the more varied your diet will be and the easier it will be for you to tolerate the diet.

  • clove of garlic.
  • Preparation:

    1. Remove the skin and fat layers from the breast.
    2. Cut into small slices.
    3. Grind garlic and dill.
    4. Mix meat with seasonings and add salt.
    5. Pour in kefir.
    6. Marinate for 1-1.5 hours.
    7. Place the chicken along with the marinade in a dry frying pan.
    8. Simmer covered over low heat for 30 minutes.
    9. When serving, sprinkle with basil.

    The chicken diet is nutritious and safe for health. That's why she has so many followers. In search of weight loss methods, men choose it, fearing hunger strikes without meat. The variety of the menu and the excellent taste of the dishes - all this makes this protein food system so popular.

    Chicken breast is the most healthy and dietary part of a chicken carcass. Cooking dishes from it is simple and varied. The most economical option is to buy two whole chicken carcasses in the store at once. The wings and thighs will be used for roasting; the ridges will make an excellent rich broth.

    Breasts can be baked whole, boiled, cooked in pieces, or rolled into minced meat for cutlets, meatballs, and casseroles.

    So, we have chicken breast. Now we will show you step by step how to prepare ten interesting, original, and most importantly, dietary, healthy and delicious food. Dietary chicken breast recipes will help us prepare delicious dinner in a frying pan, in the oven, in foil, with vegetables and spices.

    The recipe can be used by all happy owners of a non-stick frying pan.

    We will need:

    • Two chicken fillets
    • Kefir - a third of a glass
    • Salt and pepper, herbs de Provence seasoning - a large pinch
    1. Wash the chicken fillet and cut it into oblong pieces.
    2. Mix with spices, pour in kefir and leave to marinate for two hours.
    3. Drain off the remaining kefir and place the mixture in a well-heated frying pan without oil.
    4. After ten minutes, turn the gas to low and use it to bring the dish to readiness.

    If necessary, you can add a little water during the process.

    Diet dinner with a refreshing sour sauce as a side dish.

    We will need:

    • Chicken fillet - two pieces
    • Tomatoes - one large or two medium
    • Onion - small head
    • Salt and pepper to taste, sugar - a third of a teaspoon.
    • Water - one glass.
    1. Wash the fillet and cut into medium pieces.
    2. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
    3. Tomatoes need to be washed and crushed in a blender along with sugar.
    4. Place all these products in a roasting pan, add a glass of water, add salt and pepper and simmer until cooked.

    ATTENTION: if you bought tomatoes of non-acidic varieties, then you can refuse sugar, it will still turn out delicious.

    Adding a small amount of sour cream will not increase calorie content ready-made dish, because we will cook without oil. At the end you will receive a second dish with sauce that you can pour over the side dish.

    We will need:

    • Fillet - 600 grams
    • Low-fat sour cream - tablespoon
    • Salt, pepper - to taste
    • Water - half a glass
    1. My fillet cold water, dry with a napkin.
    2. Cut the meat into long strips.
    3. Heat a third of a glass of water in a frying pan; when it boils, add the fillet.
    4. Simmer for about twenty minutes with the lid closed, stirring.
    5. In a glass, mix a tablespoon of sour cream, a little water, a pinch of salt and pepper.
    6. Pour the resulting mixture into the roasting pan and simmer until done.

    Chicken breast in sour cream is ready - juicy and appetizing.

    Champignons, depending on the method of preparation and additional sauces, can have different calorie content. In our recipe, we chose the lowest calorie recipe.

    We will need:

    • Fillet - 500 grams
    • Champignons - one package (about 400 grams)
    • Butter - 5 grams
    1. Take a glass or non-stick pan with a lid and grease it with a very thin layer of oil.
    2. Wash the chicken fillet, cut lengthwise as into chops - about a centimeter thick, beat with a hammer.
    3. Wash the mushrooms, cut into longitudinal pieces about 5-7 millimeters thick.
    4. Place chicken chops in the pan, lightly salt, place pieces of mushrooms on top, and add a little salt again.
    5. Bake in the oven for about an hour, covered, and serve for dinner. It turns out to be a very tasty dietary dish made from chicken breast.

    ATTENTION: During the cooking process, the chicken and mushrooms will release a lot of juice, so there is no need to add water. The dish turns out incredibly aromatic, and the juice dripping from the mushrooms will prevent the chicken from becoming dry. If you don't have a pan with a lid, cover it tightly with foil.

    In this way you can prepare dietary fillet in the oven and this one dietary recipe will help you avoid dirty dishes in the kitchen

    We will need:

    • Three chicken fillets
    • Three slices of lemon
    • Salt and pepper at your discretion
    • Spices " italian herbs»
    1. Wash and dry the breast fillet.
    2. Rub it with spices and sprinkle with herbs
    3. Place on pieces of foil and place a slice of lemon on top.
    4. Wrap the foil and make several punctures on top with a toothpick to allow steam to escape.
    5. Place in the oven for about 50-60 minutes.

    ATTENTION: To avoid staining the dish, first cover it with several layers of foil, and then place the chicken pieces in foil on top.

    This way you won't have to watch to make sure the dish doesn't burn. Preparation will take about ten minutes, and you will have an hour and a half of free time.

    We will need:

    • Fillet - one piece per serving
    • small onion
    • Little carrot
    • Half bell pepper(preferably red or orange)
    • A few sprigs of dill or parsley
    • A pinch of salt
    1. Place a liter pan of water on the stove.
    2. While it is boiling, wash all the products with cold water.
    3. Vegetables need to be peeled and cut into two or three parts.
    4. As soon as the water boils, put our products in a saucepan and add salt.
    5. Cover loosely with a lid and cook over low heat for an hour and a half.

    The broth turns out very tasty; you can use it to cook noodle soup for other family members. The chicken will melt in your mouth and enjoy light aroma vegetables If your diet allows it, you can drink a cup of broth and eat cooked vegetables.

    The multicooker prepares simple dietary chicken dishes without hassle and the results are always delicious. Let's prepare a delicious stewed chicken along with a side dish for weight loss - buckwheat

    We will need:

    • white chicken meat - about 700 grams
    • Buckwheat - two glasses
    • Small onion and medium sized carrot.
    • Water - 4-5 glasses.
    1. Wash the fillet and chop finely.
    2. Sort through the grains.
    3. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots.
    4. Place the products in a slow cooker, add salt and water.
    5. Cook in the “porridge” mode for about an hour until the meat is cooked.

    ATTENTION: During cooking, check several times to see if the water has boiled away, add more if necessary. Using the same recipe, you can cook chicken breast in the oven.

    Other options diet dinner see here.

    To diversify your diet, let's cook chicken in pots. It's not a hassle and it's real homemade dish, which will fill the kitchen with warmth and amazing aroma. Onions are not only low in calories, but also very healthy vegetable, quantity useful vitamins and there are very many microelements in it. Chicken in onion juice will turn out juicy, with an amazing smell and a specific, slightly sweet taste.

    We will need:

    • chicken breast - one kilogram
    • Small bay leaves - according to the number of pots used
    • Black peppercorns - according to the number of pots used
    • Medium-sized bulbs - according to the number of pots
    • Salt to taste
    • The water is cold
    1. Cut the onions into four pieces.
    2. Wash the fillet and cut into large pieces.
    3. Place all the ingredients in the pots in the following order: two onion slices, pieces of meat, the remaining two pieces of onion.
    4. Add a little salt.
    5. Throw a small bay leaf and a peppercorn into each pot.
    6. Pour water into the pot so that it covers the meat.
    7. Cover the pots with a lid or foil.

    ATTENTION! Pots are placed only in cold oven so that they do not crack.

    After two hours, the baked chicken breast can be served.

    See other casserole options here.

    An original way to prepare beautiful, golden chicken breast in own juice with minimal expenditure of money and time.

    We will need:

    • Kurogrudka - two pieces
    • Sugar and salt - half a teaspoon each
    • Cold water - half a glass.
    1. Take a small frying pan and heat salt and sugar on its dry surface, stirring constantly. As soon as the spices darken, i.e. the sugar begins to melt, add water and cook a little more until the spices dissolve in the water.
    2. Each fillet must be washed and cut into three parts.
    3. Place the pieces in the mold, pour about half of the prepared filling on top and place in the oven.
    4. If the liquid evaporates during baking, pour the remaining sauce over the chicken.

    Due to the small amount of sugar in the composition, the food will acquire a beautiful golden color , and the calorie content will remain low.

    Wonderful seasonal summer dish, a real storehouse of vitamins

    We will need:

    • Fillet - 400 grams
    • Eggplant - one piece
    • Small onion
    • Small carrot - one thing
    • Bell pepper - one piece
    • Zucchini - approximately 200 grams
    • Half a teaspoon of vegetable oil
    • Any greens to taste
    • Pinch of salt and pepper

    All ingredients on the list must be washed.

    1. We clean the vegetables and cut them into small pieces.
    2. The chicken breast should be cut into a size slightly larger than the vegetables.
    3. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
    4. Place the products in the following sequence with an interval of about 5-7 minutes: onions, eggplants, meat, Bell pepper, carrots, zucchini, herbs, spices.
    5. Simmer until vegetables are soft.

    Here's another interesting recipe:

    Chicken breast is the basis of any modern diet. Unfortunately, monotonous food quickly becomes boring. Now you know how you can diversify your diet every day without harming your figure. The recipes presented in the article are suitable not only for those losing weight, but will also become a great option dinner for the whole family. You can change these recipes at your discretion by adding additional spices or vegetables.

    Women often complain that it is difficult to simultaneously prepare dietary recipes for themselves and food for the whole family. We can advise you to cook in the oven in two different roasting pans, switching them occasionally. You can talk about pots, adding vegetable oil and potatoes or cereals to some of them, so that your household has a complete dinner.

    A few more selections of dishes for losing weight:

    Simple and tasty dietary salads; Low-calorie cutlets; Eggplant dishes.

    Chicken meat is not only very tender, tasty, nutritious, it is also light and non-greasy. In this regard, chicken meat is considered very healthy and dietary. Therefore, there are many recipes for preparing chicken for weight loss.
    Low calorie recipes from chicken you can read in this subcategory. Here are the most original, healthy and delicious dietary chicken recipes. Also in this subcategory there are a large number of recipes on how to cook dietary chicken with photos.
    Recipes dietary dishes chicken with photo - salvation for millions of us. Such recipes are very simple and understandable. Especially if the recipe is supplemented with photographs from step by step preparation. In this case, the process of preparing dishes, even the most complex ones, turns into pleasure.
    There are also recipes here on how to cook diet cutlets from chicken, low calorie dishes chicken, dietary chicken in the oven, dietary chicken breast dishes and many other original and tasty recipes.
    Low-calorie chicken dishes are best consumed with fresh or steamed vegetables. Choose delicious dietary chicken dishes and amaze everyone unforgettable taste dietary dishes and, of course, your culinary abilities. After all, dietary chicken really turns out very tasty. Tender chicken meat pleases with its juiciness, and the stunning, unforgettable aroma simply drives you crazy.
    And remember, useful, healthy food very appetizing and tasty, you just need to learn how to cook it correctly. But now you know what dietary chicken dishes you can prepare. Is not it? In addition, dietary chicken dishes can be prepared not only for daily menu, it will perfectly decorate and festive table.

    Ingredients: chicken fillet, egg, flour, black pepper, paprika, chicken spices, salt, vegetable oil,

    Be sure to make these delicious diet chicken chops. I have described the cooking recipe in detail for you.


    1 chicken fillet;

    1 egg;
    - 3 tbsp. flour;
    - half tsp black pepper or paprika;
    - half tsp spices for chicken;
    - salt;
    - 3 tbsp. vegetable oil.

    Ingredients: chicken, potatoes, carrots, salt, ground allspice

    I am sure you will enjoy this very tasty and satisfying dietary dish. Chicken with vegetables baked in the oven full meal with a side dish.


    Chicken - 1 pc.,

    Potatoes - 200 grams,
    - carrots - 1 pc.,
    - salt - one and a half tsp,
    - ground allspice - 1-1.5 tsp.

    Ingredients: chicken meat, cabbage, kefir, egg, cheese, herbs, salt, spice
    Calories/100g: 85

    I suggest you prepare this very tasty hearty, and most importantly, dietary casserole with broccoli and chicken.


    400 grams chicken fillet,

    500 grams of broccoli,
    - 200 ml. kefir,
    - 1 egg,
    - 100 grams of hard cheese,
    - 3-4 sprigs of greenery,
    - salt,
    - spices.

    Ingredients: mushrooms, chicken fillet, onion, cheese, low-fat sour cream, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper
    Calories/100g: 116

    This julienne with champignons and chicken is very tasty, and most importantly dietary. It will not be very difficult for you to prepare it.


    Champignons - 200 grams,

    Chicken fillet - 200 grams,
    - onion - 1 pc.,
    - cheese - 70 grams,
    - sour cream - 70 grams,
    - garlic - 1-2 cloves,
    - olive oil - 1 tbsp.,
    - salt,
    - black pepper.

    Ingredients: chicken meat, onion, carrots, oil, salt, seasoning
    Calories/100g: 115

    I have prepared a recipe for you very delicious pate from chicken breast with onions and carrots. I have described the cooking recipe in detail for you.


    200 grams chicken fillet,

    1 onion,
    - 1 carrot,
    - 20 grams of butter,
    - salt,
    - seasonings for chicken.

    Ingredients: chicken meat, carrots, onions, peppers, corn, salt, pepper, seasoning
    Calories/100g: 144

    Today we will prepare a very tasty, satisfying and at the same time dietary dish - chicken with vegetables in the oven in a baking bag.


    1 kg. chicken meat,

    1 carrot
    - 1 onion,
    - 20 grams of green onions,
    - 100 grams of salad pepper,
    - 200 grams of corn per canned,
    - salt,
    - ground black pepper,
    - half tsp curry seasonings.

    Ingredients: buckwheat, broth, chicken fillet, onion, salt, pepper, dry vegetables, butter
    Calories/100g: 105

    On a diet, I most often cook buckwheat or oatmeal. Today I will tell you how to cook delicious dietary chicken with buckwheat in the oven.


    1 cup buckwheat,

    2 cups chicken broth,
    - 270 grams of chicken fillet,
    - 1 onion,
    - salt,
    - black pepper,
    - dry garlic,
    - dry vegetables,
    - 1 tsp. vegetable oil.

    Ingredients: chicken breast, egg, cottage cheese, yogurt, parsley, paprika, salt, butter
    Calories/100g: 115

    This one turns out very tasty diet cake with chicken and parsley. The recipe is very simple and quick.


    400 grams of chicken fillet;

    4 eggs;
    - 200 grams of cottage cheese;
    - 50 ml. yogurt;
    - 25 grams of parsley;
    - paprika;
    - sea ​​salt;
    - spices;
    - vegetable oil - 1 tsp.

    Ingredients: chicken fillet, egg, potatoes, sour cream, onion, cheese, cherry tomatoes, salt, ground pepper.
    Calories/100g: 108

    If you are on a diet, this does not mean that you should chew one piece of grass for the holiday. Today I have prepared for you a delicious recipe diet potatoes with chicken fillet in the oven.


    200 grams of chicken fillet;

    1 egg;
    - 250 grams of potatoes;
    - 110 grams of sour cream;
    - 1 onion;
    - 80 grams of cheese;
    - 7-8 cherry tomatoes;
    - salt;
    - ground pepper.

    Ingredients: chicken fillet, cream, carrots, protein, salt, pepper, garlic, cabbage
    Calories/100g: 87

    I want to teach you how to cook one very tasty, my favorite dietary dish - chicken terrine. The recipe is simple.


    250 grams of chicken fillet,

    80 ml. cream,
    - 1 carrot,
    - 1 chicken protein,
    - 1 pinch of salt,
    - 2 pinches of ground pepper,
    - 2-3 pinches of dry granulated garlic,
    - cauliflower.

    Ingredients: pumpkin, onion, carrots, tomatoes, chicken fillet, salt
    Calories/100g: 48

    Today we will prepare a very tasty hearty and diet stew chicken fillet with pumpkin. The recipe is very simple and quick.

    Ingredients:- 100 grams of pumpkin,

    1 onion,
    - 1 carrot,
    - 1 tomato,
    - 100 grams of chicken fillet,
    - half tsp salt.

    Ingredients: chicken breast, salt, pepper, kiwi, tomato, onion, cilantro, lemon juice, chili, butter, sugar
    Calories/100g: 101

    Very often I cook this juicy chicken breast in a frying pan. We will prepare it with great delicious sauce. The recipe is not complicated, so be sure to prepare it.


    300 grams of chicken breast;

    A pinch of salt;
    - pepper;
    - paprika;
    - thyme;
    - dry garlic;
    - 1-2 kiwis or tomatoes;
    - 30 grams bell pepper;
    - 15 grams of green onions;
    - 5 sprigs of cilantro;
    - 2-3 tbsp. lemon juice;
    - chili;
    - 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
    - Brown sugar.

    Ingredients: zucchini, minced chicken, oatmeal, eggs, olive oil, salt, pepper
    Calories/100g: 145

    If you thought that chicken cutlets not a dietary dish, you are mistaken. My simple recipe for cutlets with the addition oatmeal not only very tasty, but also low in calories.


    Zucchini - 300 grams,

    Minced chicken - 500 grams,
    - oat flakes - 150 grams,
    - egg- 1 PC.,
    - olive oil - 1 tsp,
    - salt - to taste,
    - black pepper - to taste.

    Ingredients: chicken, zucchini, carrots, egg, onion
    Calories/100g: 89

    Chicken cutlets with zucchini prepared according to this recipe are not only tasty and juicy, but also extremely healthy, low-calorie and dietary. The dream of any woman losing weight, not a recipe.


    0.8 kg. chicken (breasts);
    - 200 gr. zucchini;
    - 100 gr. carrots;
    - 1 egg;
    - 1 onion.

    Ingredients: chicken fillet, onions, carrots, eggs, White bread, milk, salt, pepper, olive oil
    Calories/100g: 147

    Before you go on a diet, first buy a steamer - a great thing that will become your best assistant. Today I will tell you how to cook the most delicious steamed chicken cutlets.


    Chicken fillet - 400 grams,

    Onion - 1 pc.,
    - carrots - 1 pc.,
    - egg - 1 pc.,
    - white bread - 1 piece,
    - milk - 100 grams,
    - salt - to taste,
    - black pepper - to taste,
    - olive oil - 40 grams.

    Ingredients: chicken fillet, oat flakes, onions, salt, sweet paprika, Provençal herbs, water, potatoes, carrots, spices
    Calories/100g: 99

    Steamed chicken cutlets with oatmeal are easy to prepare. Although this dish is dietary, it is very tasty and satisfying.


    300 grams of chicken fillet;

    3 tbsp. oatmeal;
    - 1 onion;
    - salt to taste;
    - half tsp sweet paprika;
    - 2-3 pinches provencal herbs;
    - 3 tbsp. boiled water;
    - potato;
    - carrot;
    - spices to taste.

    Ingredients: chicken breast, onion, champignon, tomato, cheese, sour cream. flour, curry, coriander, parsley, salt, butter, rosemary
    Calories/100g: 122

    I couldn’t even think before that you could eat such delicious dishes on a diet. There is no shame in serving this meat in French even on a festive table; no one will even understand that it is dietary.

    Ingredients:- 700 grams of chicken breast;

    50 grams of onions;
    - 50 grams of champignons;
    - 4 cherry tomatoes;
    - 30 grams of cheese;
    - 30 grams of sour cream;
    - 30 grams of whole grain flour;
    - 5 grams of curry seasoning;
    - 5 grams of coriander;
    - parsley;
    - rosemary;
    - salt;
    - vegetable oil.

    Ingredients: chicken breast, mozzarella, tomato, onion, cream, paprika, garlic, salt, thyme, pepper, basil
    Calories/100g: 111.9

    Very tasty, juicy, aromatic dish we cook from chicken breasts with tomatoes and mozzarella in the oven. The dish turns out appetizing and very beautiful; it can be served on a festive table.


    360 g chicken breasts,
    - 4 tbsp cream (10%,
    - 50 g tomatoes,
    - 80 g onions,
    - 60 g mozzarella,
    - 2 pinches of ground black pepper,
    - 3 g paprika,
    - a third of a teaspoon of dry garlic,
    - 2 g thyme,
    - 2 g dry basil,
    - sea salt to taste.

    Ingredients: chicken fillets, champignons, hard cheese, onion, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil
    Calories/100g: 164.86

    A healthy chicken breast dish that can be included in your diet. The recipe for rolls will help diversify the menu of the whole family as a whole. They are easy to prepare and steamed, which will only benefit the body.

    Products for the recipe:

    One chicken fillet,

    70 g hard cheese,
    - 200 g fresh mushrooms,
    - a head of onion,
    - 5 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil,
    - spices - to taste.

    Ingredients: chicken fillet, chicken meat, carrots, onions, bell peppers, green beans, coriander, black pepper, white pepper, ground chili pepper, cumin, cumin, ginger root, vegetable oil, unsalted soy sauce, salt, canned coconut milk
    Calories/100g: 104.71

    Delicious and hearty dish We prepare it from poultry meat and a vitamin set of vegetables and spicy spices. Chicken stir-fry with vegetables can be served for lunch on a weekday or prepared for a holiday.


    400 g chicken fillet,
    - 1 bell pepper,
    - 1 carrot,
    - 2 onions,
    - 1 tsp fresh or 0.5 tsp ground ginger,
    - half a tsp corinder seeds,
    - 1 handful of green beans,
    - 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
    - a third of a teaspoon of cumin (cumin),
    - half a tsp. white and black pepper,
    - 1 tsp ground chili pepper,
    - 2 tablespoons soy sauce,
    - 1 glass coconut milk,
    - salt to taste.

    Chicken meat is tender, lean and very tasty. Since the product has a minimal amount of calories, it is often used as the main ingredient for preparing various dietary dishes.

    Low-calorie chicken dishes are best eaten with vegetables, fresh or steamed. Properly prepared dietary food is very appetizing and tasty. Today we will look at some of the most popular dishes from chicken, which are easy to include in your daily diet.

    Simple and delicious recipes dietary dishes - great option for everyone who knows little about cooking. Each recipe is provided with detailed step by step photos, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties during preparation.

    Calorie content per 100 g. - 106.0 Kcal; Proteins - 15.5; Fats - 1.8; Carbohydrates - 6.1


    • Chicken fillet (500 g)
    • Three tablespoons of soy sauce
    • Four tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice
    • Two tablespoons of natural liquid honey
    • Mix of spices and herbs to taste

    Cooking process

    Prepare the marinade. To do this, mix in a small container Orange juice with soy sauce, add honey and spices. There is no need to salt the marinade, since soy sauce contains salt.

    Wash the chicken fillet thoroughly under running water and cut into medium pieces.

    Pour the prepared marinade over the chicken and leave for 20 minutes to soak the meat.

    Place the chicken fillet pieces on a baking sheet or in a baking dish and place in a preheated oven.

    The meat is baked for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, then the temperature is reduced, and the dish is cooked for another 75 minutes.

    You can serve the food with boiled rice or fresh vegetables.

    The easiest way to implement dietary recipes at home is in a slow cooker. The device allows you to cook dishes with the addition of a minimum amount of oil or use the built-in steamer.

    Chicken meat roll with vegetables in a slow cooker turns out very juicy and tasty.

    Calorie content per 100 g. - 93.5 Kcal; Proteins - 10.3; Fats - 5; Carbohydrates - 1.8


    • 2 medium fillets (400 gr.)
    • 100 grams of carrots
    • 100 grams of celery
    • 2 pieces of onions
    • 12 quail eggs
    • 30 ml plain water
    • Tablespoon olive oil
    • Pepper mixture
    • Salt to taste

    Cooking process:

    Step 1. Wash the chicken fillet under running water, rub with your favorite spices, and leave to marinate for several hours in the refrigerator.

    Step 2. In a separate container, prepare the marinade: mix pepper and salt, add puree from 1 onion. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly and immerse the fillet in it. The meat should lie in the marinade for about 20 minutes.

    Step 3. Cut the meat into thin layers, beat it a little.

    Step 4. On cutting board It is necessary to spread cling film and place the prepared fillet on it. Each piece should overlap with the previous one.

    Step 5. Finely chop the remaining onion, add grated celery and carrots to it. Pour oil into the bottom of the frying pan and fry the vegetables until soft. Add spices to the vegetables, a little water, and leave to simmer for a few minutes.

    Step 6. Boil and peel the quail eggs.

    Step 7. Grind the vegetable mass in a blender.

    Step 8. Place the vegetables on the prepared fillet on the film, then quail eggs, wrap the fillet in a roll, and at the end tightly roll the cling film.

    Step 9. Fill the multicooker bowl with water, install the steaming attachment and turn on the same mode. Place the roll and cook for 50 minutes.

    After cooking, cut the film and serve.

    Calorie content per 100 g. - 126.3 Kcal; Proteins - 8.2; Fats - 2.5; Carbohydrates - 17.7


    • 300 grams of any chicken meat
    • 200 grams of buckwheat
    • Carrot
    • Onion
    • Greenery
    • 2 medium potatoes
    • Salt and pepper to taste

    Cooking process

    We wash the meat, put it in a pan, fill it with water, and then set it to cook. As soon as the water begins to boil, a film will appear on the surface. Remove it until the broth becomes clear.

    Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Fry vegetables on small quantity vegetable oil until golden brown.

    Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes.

    Rinse buckwheat under running water. Place it in a dry frying pan without oil and dry over medium heat for about 5 minutes.

    We take the chicken out of the broth, remove the bones from it, and place the meat back into the broth. Add fried vegetables, buckwheat, salt and pepper. Wait for the soup to boil and add potatoes to the pan.

    Leave to cook for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat, cover with a lid and leave for another 20 minutes.

    Recipes for dietary chicken dishes for weight loss help to combine tender and lean meat with vegetables. It will help you forget about unpleasant fat folds.

    Calorie content per 100 g. - 87.5 Kcal; Proteins - 7.8; fats - 4.6; Carbohydrates - 3.7


    • 700 grams of chicken meat
    • 3-4 onions
    • 2 sweet peppers
    • 3 tomatoes
    • Medium carrot
    • Spoon of vegetable oil
    • Salt and spices to taste

    Cooking process

    We wash the chicken meat and cut it into pieces.

    Pour oil into the cauldron for stewing, heat it well, lay out the chicken pieces. Stir everything periodically until the chicken acquires a nice golden color. Reduce the heat, cover the cauldron with a lid and leave the chicken to simmer.

    Peel the carrots and onions, finely chop the vegetables. Wash the pepper, remove the seeds, cut into small squares.

    We make a cross-shaped cut on the bottom of the tomato, then pour boiling water over it, remove the skin and finely chop the vegetable.

    Add onions and carrots to the chicken meat, simmer for 2-3 minutes, then add tomatoes, simmer for another 20-25 minutes.

    Add pepper, add salt and spices, and leave to simmer until done.

    An ideal steamed diet dish is chicken cutlets.

    Calorie content per 100 g. - 116.5 Kcal; Proteins - 16.5; Fats - 5; Carbohydrates - 1.8 g.


    • 2 breasts (500 g)
    • 1 carrot
    • 1 egg
    • Vegetable oil
    • Cold water
    • Salt, spices to taste

    Cooking process

    Wash the breast under running water, cut into small pieces, grind using a blender.

    Peel the carrots, grind them in a blender, fry them in vegetable oil for a few minutes.

    Add to minced chicken fried carrots and chicken egg. Add seasonings to taste. Mix the minced meat thoroughly and beat well.

    Wet your hands in water and form cutlets.

    Place the cutlets in a steamer and cook with the lid closed for no more than 9 minutes.

    Dietary chicken in the oven is a dish that will definitely appeal even to those who do not adhere to proper nutrition! Juicy, aromatic, tender chicken in the oven without a gram of oil... It really is possible! And, most importantly, the ingredients that will be used for the marinade and vegetable pillow Probably found in every housewife's kitchen.

    Dietary chicken in the oven. Recipe with step-by-step photos

    Dietary chicken in the oven is suitable for diets, proper nutrition, children's table and just for have a nice lunch or dinner. Diet chicken in the oven will not require much effort from you, but it will turn out simply incomparable!

    Preparation time 60 minutes


    Preparation time 60 minutes



    It is better to use red onions for this dish, but regular ones will do. Let's cut it into halves of thinner rings.

    We will pre-marinate the chicken, so we will make a sauce: mix mustard, lemon juice and soy sauce. Now a few words about these ingredients. Of course, lemon juice in such a marinade is perfect option. But, if for some reason you cannot or simply do not want to go to the store for one lemon, then it is quite possible to replace it apple cider vinegar 6%. Take 2 teaspoons. You can take 9% (1 teaspoon), but it is not useful, so it is better not to buy it at all.

    Remove the skin from the chicken breast. This is a must if you are preparing a dish for proper nutrition.

    Now place all the onions in a bowl or deep plate, place the chicken on top and pour the marinade over everything. Leave the chicken to marinate in the refrigerator for about an hour.

    Line a baking dish with foil. Place 1 carrot, cut into circles or semi-circles, on the bottom.

    Then dice one tomato and spread it over the carrots.

    Place half of the onion with which we marinated the chicken in the mold.

    Now it's the chicken's turn.

    Cover it again with a layer of carrots (cut the second one). And a layer of tomato (also cut the second tomato).

    The final layer is the onion left over from the marinade. All that remains is to fill all the layers with the sauce in which the breast lay.

    Cover the pan with a layer of foil and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until cooked (25-35 minutes). If you want the chicken to form golden brown crust, then 10 minutes before turning off the oven, remove upper layer foil, move the vegetables to the side and move the pan to the upper level. A small appetizing crust will form.

    This is how we easily baked diet chicken in the oven. Vegetables will be an excellent addition to a side dish or even replace it.

    As you'll notice, we didn't use salt in the recipe because it's already in the soy sauce.

    Be sure to try cooking breasts this way - you won’t regret it!

    Recipe Notes

    A little trick for preparing the marinade: to prevent the mustard from forming lumps, first mix it with literally two tablespoons of soy sauce. It will completely dissolve and you can add the rest of the sauce and lemon juice.

    It's no secret that chicken meat is a dietary product, which makes it possible to include it in many well-known diets. The most valuable white meat is rich useful microelements and vitamins that can replenish the body’s needs during difficult periods during the diet. However, chicken meat is recommended not only for those who want to correct their figure, but also for those who are prescribed healthy and proper nutrition for medical reasons. Dietary nutrition is designed to correct activity internal organs, to improve their performance.

    If we consider dietary nutrition using chicken meat, then at best It is recommended to use chicken fillet and breast. This is where the supply of proteins and fats is concentrated, allowing you to improve the results of your diet. It is important to cook chicken meat correctly so that its dietary properties and beneficial components are preserved and not evaporated during the cooking process.

    Dietary chicken - food preparation

    When preparing a dietary meal based on chicken meat, a number of facts should be taken into account: the dish is prepared with minimum quantity salt, it is preferable to avoid oils, and you should only use low-calorie sauces and marinades. Despite the conventions, preparing tasty and healthy dietary chicken is not at all difficult. This can be easily verified.

    Diet chicken recipes

    Recipe 1: Diet chicken (fillet with almond crust)

    This recipe allows you to prepare a unique dish with indescribable taste. The use of spices adds flavor to the chicken.

    Required ingredients:

    Chicken fillet - 500 g;

    Almonds - 50 g (you can use almond flour);

    Paprika - 1/2 tsp;

    Garlic - 3 teeth;

    Mustard - 1 tsp;

    Black pepper - 1 pinch;

    Egg white - 4 pcs.;

    Olive oil.

    Cooking method:

    We will prepare the dish in the oven. We heat it to 200 degrees, put foil on a baking sheet and start cooking the main ingredients.

    We will also need food processor. We put it here almonds, garlic and other spices. Grind everything well and then add olive oil. Place the resulting mixture in a separate container. In a deep bowl, beat the egg white thoroughly.

    Take chicken fillet. First, dip it in the protein, and then in the nut mass. The pieces of meat should tightly absorb the sauces. Place the meat on foil and bake for 25 - 30 minutes in the oven.

    Tasty and unusual. Can be served with rice or vegetables.

    Recipe 2: Diet chicken (nuggets)

    It’s also an easy recipe to make, but a small crowd will love it. The meat is juicy and crispy.

    Required ingredients:

    Fillet - 500 g;

    Corn flour- 1 tbsp.;

    Olive oil.

    Cooking method:

    It is better to cut the chicken fillet into strips 10 centimeters thick. They can be beaten with a hammer, pepper and salt, only lightly. Corn flour should be coarsely ground.

    Let's start cooking. Our meat is scalded in a frying pan with non-stick coating. First, roll the pieces of meat in flour, and then fry thoroughly on both sides in a frying pan. After this, the fried nuggets are sent to a preheated oven for 15 minutes.

    If the dish is being prepared for children, then the nuggets can be served with berry sauce.

    Recipe 3: Italian Diet Chicken

    Who doesn't love to eat delicious food? Almost everyone wants to come home in the evening after work and eat an amazing plate delicious dish, prepared not only with love, but also with the preservation of all useful components contained in products.

    Required ingredients:

    Chicken fillet - 400 g;

    Olive oil - 3 tbsp;

    Onion - 1 pc.;

    Beans - 150 g;

    Tomatoes - 1 - 2 pcs.;

    Frozen spinach - 150 g;

    Chicken broth - 150 ml;

    Italian herbs and spices.

    Cooking method:

    So, first, let's prepare all the ingredients - finely chop the onions, tomatoes, by the way, they can be replaced with a few spoons tomato paste. Boil the beans, it is recommended to use Turkish beans. It is better to cut the chicken fillet into strips.

    Heat a frying pan with olive oil. First of all, add half the chopped onion and chicken fillet. Mix the ingredients and fry thoroughly.

    We will also need a second frying pan, where we also add a little olive oil. We also put the remaining onions, tomatoes, beans, spinach and chicken broth here. All this is brought to a boil, but do not overdo it with cooking. Spinach must not lose its natural look, vegetables should not be boiled. Add Italian herbs.

    We prepare the dish - place vegetables on a plate, and carefully add chicken fillet on top.

    Recipe 4: Diet chicken (crispy with ginger)

    Go on a diet and only eat dietary products cannot be called a boring and monotonous activity. There are many recipes that allow you to prepare healthy and diet lunch or dinner.

    Required ingredients:

    Fillet - 500 g;

    Honey - 1 tbsp;

    Orange juice - 2 tbsp;

    Ground pepper;


    Dried ginger - ½ tsp.

    Cooking method:

    For this people will be needed cornflakes, but you shouldn’t take the sweet cereals that you’re used to eating for breakfast. Just plain cereal. We grind them. You can use a blender, or you can do it in a mortar.

    In a separate vessel, mix all the remaining ingredients except meat. Take a heat-resistant dish, lightly coat it with oil and place the chicken fillet in it. Lubricate each piece of meat thoroughly with the resulting sauce. It remains to sprinkle chopped flakes and herbs on top. We send the chicken to cook at 180 degrees in a preheated oven. After 30 minutes, you can enjoy the crispy crust of juicy chicken fillet.

    Dietary chicken - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

    Chicken fillet is a healthy product that adherents can use dietary nutrition. However, even such healthy meat can soon become boring, since its characteristic taste is quite bland and monotonous. The given recipes will allow you to give white meat juiciness and taste. You can also experiment in the kitchen yourself. After all, preparing a dietary dish is not so difficult. It is better to avoid fatty ingredients like mayonnaise and use fresh vegetables, mushrooms, spinach, beans, which will allow you to please yourself with a variety of delicious dishes.

    The benefit of meat lies largely in its high protein content, which is necessary and beneficial for the human body. Chicken breast is also a low-calorie product that is successfully used in recipes for preparing dietary dishes. So, 100 g of chicken breast contains at least 22 g of protein. Larger amounts of it are found only in seafood.

    What are the benefits of chicken breast?

    The benefit of chicken breast is its high protein content, as well as vitamins, micro- and macroelements that take part in the most important processes of the body. When losing weight beneficial features of this product are obvious. Dietary meat is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not accumulate as fat deposits.

    The broth in which the chicken breast was cooked is also considered dietary, so you can drink it while losing weight. In addition, its beneficial properties in the treatment are known colds. It increases the body's defenses, makes the immune system stronger and helps it fight illness.

    On a note! Chicken breast broth is often recommended as the first food after surgery.

    Since dietary chicken meat contains virtually no fat, it can be consumed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This product will not only not cause harm, but, on the contrary, will help the body restore functions. digestive system. Chicken breast removes excess acid from the stomach and has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane of the organ.

    Dietary dishes made from chicken breast contain almost all B vitamins, which take part in metabolic processes, enhance metabolism, restore digestion, prevent the accumulation of fat deposits, and increase energy reserves. Also, chicken breast is different high content potassium, necessary for the function of the heart muscle. Dietary meat tends to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, so it is recommended by cardiologists for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

    Thanks to choline, which is part of chicken breast, the functioning of the adrenal glands is restored, and the functions of the liver and kidneys improve.

    In addition, the positive impact dietary meat chicken on the human body is visible externally. With constant use of this product skin aligned and become smooth. The person looks healthy and strong.

    Recipe 1: Chicken Pastrami

    Chicken pastrami - simple dietary meat dish, for the preparation of which it is used minimum set products. The chicken breast turns out soft and tender, it just melts in your mouth. Garlic makes the taste more piquant.


    To make chicken pastrami, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

    • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • parsley and dill - several branches each;
    • sunflower oil, salt.

    To make the dish more dietary, it is advisable to cut off the skin from the chicken breast, if it is present.

    Cooking method

    Chicken pastrami prepared according to this recipe, will not leave anyone indifferent.

    Recipe 2: Chicken breast with tomatoes

    Another low-calorie dietary dish is chicken breast with tomatoes. It is quite easy to prepare if you carefully read the recipe.


    • chicken breast - 250 g;
    • fresh tomatoes - 200 g;
    • lemon juice - 10 ml;
    • curry - a pinch;
    • olive oil to taste.

    Thanks to the use of dietary olive oil with a minimum calorie content, the dish can be included in the weight loss menu. It is better to remove the skin from the tomato.

    Cooking method

    The recipe for chicken breast with tomatoes is quite simple:

    Chicken meat should be cut into pieces and served with the remaining sauce.

    On a note! For exotic lovers, tomatoes can be replaced with pineapple rings. The taste of the dish will become more interesting, but it will still remain dietary.

    Recipe 3: shish kebab and chicken breast

    For cooking dietary kebab from chicken breast according to this recipe, you only need 20 minutes, excluding the time for marinating the meat. 100 g of the dish contains no more than 140 kcal, so it can be safely consumed when losing weight.


    To make chicken kebab, you will need the following products:

    • chicken breast - about 1.5 kg;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • kefir - 1 glass;
    • salt and spices - to taste;
    • lemon - 1 pc.

    Instead of kefir, you can use whey or natural yogurt. It all depends on personal taste.

    Cooking method

    Chicken shish kebab is easy to prepare:

    1. First you need to prepare the main product. You need to cut the fillet from the chicken breast, separating it from the bone. Then cut the meat into medium-sized pieces.

    2. For reference! To prevent the meat from falling apart, it must be cut along the grain.

    3. Then you should marinate the meat. To do this, pieces of chicken fillet need to be rubbed with spices and salt. Italian herbs are ideal, but it all comes down to personal preference. Other spices are also combined with chicken breast: ginger, paprika, oregano and others.

    4. Grate one onion fine grater. You can also put it through a blender. The result should be an onion paste. It is needed to make chicken meat more tender and juicy.

    5. Leave the pieces of chicken breast, grated with spices and onions, to marinate for 60 minutes, after mixing them with the chopped onion.

    6. When the specified time has elapsed, add kefir or another product chosen for the marinade to the meat. It is advisable that it be low-fat. This way the dish will turn out to be less calorie and more tender. To ensure that the chicken breast marinates well, it is recommended to leave it in the marinade overnight.

    7. The next day, cook shish kebab on the coals. A crispy crust should form on the meat, but you need to be careful not to burn it.

    Before serving, it is advisable to sprinkle the kebab with juice squeezed from lemon. This will improve the taste of the diet dish.

    Recipe 4: Chicken breast with rice

    Rice, like chicken breast, is a low-calorie foods. Therefore, in combination, they make up a dietary dish that can be consumed when losing weight.


    The following ingredients are used:

    • chicken breast - 300 g;
    • rice - 200 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • carrots - 200 g;
    • vegetable oil, salt.

    The list of ingredients resembles the composition of pilaf. In addition, the recipes for these dishes are also similar.

    Cooking method

    To cook chicken breast with rice, you need to do the following:

    Remove from heat, stir chicken with vegetables and rice.

    Recipe 5: Steamed chicken cutlets with cauliflower in a slow cooker

    A multicooker is often used today for quick and convenient cooking. various dishes. Dietary steam cutlets can also be done with it. The recipe is presented below.


    • chicken breasts - 500 g;
    • cauliflower - 400 g;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • salt and spices.

    Cauliflower gives chicken meat tenderness and is practically not noticeable in the dish.

    Cooking method

    Just an hour is enough to prepare a dietary chicken breast dish in a slow cooker:

    1. Disassemble cauliflower on the inflorescences and boil in lightly salted water for about two minutes.

    2. Place the cabbage in a colander to drain excess liquid.

    3. Separate the fillet from the chicken breast and discard the bone. Grind the meat in a meat grinder along with the cauliflower.

    4. Beat the egg into the minced meat, add spices and salt, mix thoroughly. Form the minced meat into cutlets.

    5. Then pour water into the multicooker bowl, and place a special container on top intended for steaming dishes. You need to put the cutlets into it.

    6. Close the multicooker lid and set the timer for 30 minutes.

    Steamed chicken cutlets can be served with rice or other dietary side dish.

    Video: how to prepare a dietary chicken breast dish

    The recipe for dietary chicken breast dishes can be found in the video.

    What kind of poultry meat do you prefer other than chicken?

    For those who are attentive to their figure and do not want to struggle with extra pounds, chicken breast is most suitable as a meat component of the diet. Recipes - dietary, but guaranteeing a tasty result - will help them take care of themselves not only firmly and persistently, but also with pleasure.

    Fillet in kefir with herbs

    To save perfect figure It is important not only to give up fatty and high-calorie foods, but also to avoid fried foods. This dietary recipe suggests stewing it. The meat should be skinned, chopped, poured with low-fat kefir mixed with chopped dill (you can add garlic), spices and salt. The fillet is left in kefir for an hour. Then, right along with it, it is laid out in a dry, oil-free and fat-free frying pan and simmered over low heat.

    Envelopes with olives and capers

    Owners of steamers can try this recipe for dietary chicken breasts: four fillets are lightly beaten, wrapped in plastic (so as not to splatter), and laid out on separate sheets of foil or parchment, salted and peppered. They are filled with a filling of red onion half rings, capers and olive rings. All this must first be sprinkled with lemon juice, white wine and olive oil. Then each sheet of foil is folded into an envelope, and they are placed in a double boiler for a third of an hour.

    Ginger sauce

    To ensure you get a juicy, soft and tender chicken breast, recipes (dietary) strongly recommend using a baking oven (both for baking and stewing) and marinating the meat before cooking. For the marinade, mix a tablespoon of oil (it will be more tender if you use olive oil), two each of soy sauce and water, a teaspoon of dry ginger, chopped dill and parsley. Slices of two breasts are soaked in this mixture for half an hour. Then they are moved into the sleeve along with the marinade, tied tightly and placed in boiling water for 35 minutes.

    Filet with tomatoes

    Breasts are generally advised to use a double boiler or stew the meat on the stove. As a last resort, you can use an oven. However, you can fry the fillet if you do it very quickly. For example, take breasts, make almost through cuts in them and stuff them with tomato slices and basil. To prevent the filling from falling out, the edges should be chipped off. The resulting “pockets” are fried over medium-high heat, turning quite often.

    Chicken breast covered with cheese crust

    Let's turn our attention to the oven. People who limit themselves in food are completely allowed to. Dietary recipes do not necessarily require the use of foil or a sleeve; you can do without them. A little less than half a kilo of fillet is a little beaten; Half the amount of cauliflower is divided into inflorescences. The meat is laid out on a greased sheet and seasoned with pepper and salt. Cabbage is placed on top and cheese is grated on it. Due to the vegetable layer, the breast is extremely soft and does not fry, that is, it fully complies with the recommendations of nutritionists. It is placed in the oven for about half an hour.

    Festive dish

    Contrary to popular belief, a healthy chicken breast recipe is not necessarily boring and tasteless. It is quite possible to prepare a dish for any celebration. Take 700 grams of fillet and marinate in wine or lemon juice with spices. If you have your own favorite marinade recipe, you can use it. The prepared breasts are cut into fairly thin strips. 100 grams of soaked prunes and large carrots are crumbled into strips, an onion into half rings, garlic (three cloves) into slices. In a heat-resistant glass container, all components are placed in layers, sprinkled with dried basil and spices. The container is carefully wrapped in foil on top and placed in the oven for about forty minutes. Served directly in the form - both beautiful and convenient to type.

    Chicken with vegetables in nut sauce

    You can take any vegetables - this meat is not capricious and is “friends” with everyone. You can try using bell peppers and zucchini to start with. But, in principle, the vegetable part is not the most important thing. This healthy chicken breast recipe is notable for its sauce. For it, cream is boiled (two-thirds of a glass; since the dish is dietary, take the low-fat ones), a tablespoon of flour is kneaded into it. When all the lumps have dissolved, add two heaped spoons of crushed walnuts. The sauce is cooked for about three minutes with continuous stirring so as not to burn. Then it is poured into a saucepan, where pieces of fillet, zucchini cubes and bell pepper strips are folded. The entire dish is stewed for 20-25 minutes.


    An Italian dietary chicken breast recipe will require some effort on your part, but it will delight you after. taste sensations. For him, three thick tomatoes and three colorful peppers. Vegetables should be sprinkled with oil before going into the oven. When the skin turns brown, they are transferred to a bag to cool and tied. The fillet is rubbed with pepper and salt, greased with oil and baked for about six minutes on each side. The tomatoes are peeled and cut into four parts. The skins are removed from the peppers, the seeds are removed, and they are chopped into strips. The fillets are cut similarly to peppers. The red onion is cut into thin half rings. All components are combined and topped with a dressing of four tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of coriander. Basil and lemon half-circles are laid out on top - and we begin the diet.

    Roll from Angelina Jolie

    A delicious recipe for chicken breasts: dietary, and even recommended by the famous actress! By the way, this is not a story: Jolie really loves this roll, and she also prepares it herself. It is not at all difficult to make: the fillet is not completely cut, unfolded like a book and gently beaten. Then the meat is peppered and salted, and the filling is laid out in the middle. You can build it at your own discretion: the roll is made with mushrooms, and with any vegetables, and with dried fruits, and just with herbs. The chicken is rolled up accordingly, wrapped cling film and goes into the steamer for an hour.