What is fried in a deep fryer. Deep-Fried Secrets

Deep fat - animal or vegetable fat, or a mixture of various fats, heated to high temperature. Deep-fried foods are one of the most common ways of cooking, especially in the field of catering.


The method of preparation by frying in hot oil or fat has been known for several thousand years. Even in ancient Rome, some dough dishes were fried in oil. From ancient times, China has been preparing meat and vegetable dishes in a manner very similar to modern deep-frying. The Japanese were taught to deep-fried their trading partners - the Portuguese, so in Japanese cuisine this method of cooking is called tempura - after a name borrowed from the Portuguese language.

In Russia, frying food in large quantities of oil is known as “frying”, but the classic frying is not quite analogous to deep fat - it involves frying in a layer of oil 1-2 cm thick when the product rests on the bottom of the dishes. Regular deep-frying, uses a much larger amount of oil, it is borrowed from European cuisine and is known in Russia, at least from the XVIII-XIX centuries.


Deep fat can be prepared from many types of fat. More often, for him apply:

  • Vegetable oil (preferably olive, although others are also used: peanut, corn, cotton, soy, palm, sunflower).
  • Animal fat (pork, beef or mutton).
  • Fat poultry.
  • Ghee - it is used very limitedly, since it can not be heated very much, and slightly heated oil actively penetrates into fried foods.

Butter and creamy margarines are not suitable for deep-frying, because at the temperature necessary for deep-frying, they already begin to burn.

The composition of the deep-frying depends on the culinary tradition and the nature of the products that are supposed to cook. Almost any product can be fried in pure vegetable oil, vegetables and unsweetened pastries are fried in a mixture of vegetable oil with beef fat, sweet pastries in a mixture of vegetable oil with pork fat. Lamb fat is widely used in Asian cuisine. Poultry fat can be used to fry it. In some recipes, it is recommended that you do not add a lot of vodka or brandy to the deep fat so that the deep-fried product does not retain the smell and taste of fat. The deep-frying aroma is possible with roots, apples, quince. Such a deep fryer is filtered after heating.


Deep-frying is usually done in a deep bowl with thick walls, such as a cauldron, stewpan, deep cast-iron skillet. The amount of deep fat should be sufficient to completely immerse pieces of fried foods. Partial frying is possible with slightly less fat (the fried pieces should be immersed in deep fat at least 2/3), but in this case the cooking process becomes somewhat more complicated - it is necessary to turn the products on time so that the frying is uniform on all sides.

For convenient frying of a large number of small pieces (for example, french fries), a metal mesh can be used, placed inside a deep-fried dish, it is filled with fried foods and completely lowered into deep fat. In addition to convenience, this gives a single residence time for all slices of the product in deep fat and, accordingly, uniform frying.

There are numerous models of household deep fat fryer-electric appliances for the preparation of deep-fried products.

Cooking order

For cooking, the deep fat fryer is taken at least 4 times in mass than the prepared product. The deep fat is heated until a barely noticeable white haze appears and is calcined at this temperature for 10-20 minutes. Calcination is necessary in order to cleanse fat from protein residues. Refined vegetable oil is optional. The calcined deep-frying is transparent. The deep-frying temperature is usually from 130 to 190 ° C. Deep-frying medium temperature (up to 140-150 ° C) is used for frying vegetables, raw or in batter, in hot deep-frying (150-170 ° C) pre-cooked fish or meat is fried, an even higher temperature is intended for frying dough products. The deep-frying temperature is very important for obtaining the desired result: if the deep-frying is not heated enough, the fat deeply soaks the product, which is undesirable, and too hot the deep-fat fryer leads to the rapid formation of a golden crust, under which the product remains raw or semi-finished, and upon further frying, the crust burns. In some cases, the rapid formation of a crust without heating the product itself may be desirable (when ready-made or non-frying products are fried), which leads to a paradoxical, at first glance, principle - the less heat is needed to fry the fried product, the hotter the deep fat should be.

The deep-frying temperature can be determined visually by placing a small piece of dough in it: if there is no “boiling” around it, then the deep-frying is still too cold, the appearance of rare bubbles indicates an average temperature, active boiling takes place when the deep-frying is hot, at a maximum temperature it begins to appear characteristic smell of burning dough.

Before frying, the products are cut or molded in such a way that the thickness of the piece does not exceed 1-2 cm (otherwise, while the piece is frying outside, the inside will not have enough time to warm up). The exception is semi-prepared (for example, pre-cooked) products that require only frying, or products that are supposed to be further cooked after frying, for example, in the oven. Fish, meat, vegetables intended for frying, most often pre-immersed in batter. Dough products and potatoes are fried as is. In many recipes, a small amount of brandy, vodka or just alcohol is added to the batter or dough to eliminate the taste of fat.

The pieces of the product are placed in full deep fat, freely enough so that the fat boils evenly from all sides, and fry there for a short time, depending on the recipe, from 1-2 to 10-12 minutes, until a uniform crust is formed. After extracting from deep fat, the products are left for some time on a metal wire rack to drain off the fat, or laid out on cloth or paper napkins so that they absorb the excess fat remaining on the surface. After that, the products are served at the table.


Deep-fried products are aesthetically pleasing and tasty, which is why they are quite popular. But modern medicine believes that their excessive consumption (like any fried food) can be harmful to health, mainly because of the high fat content. The main factor is the observance of cooking technology, deep-frying temperature and processing time of products. At the wrong temperature of deep-fat, the fat from it is actively absorbed into the products, increasing their fat content.

In addition, with repeated use of the same deep fat, carcinogenic substances accumulate in it. The reason for this is the oxidation of the fats themselves, as well as the accumulation of small pieces of overcooked food, which are separated during cooking. Previously, cooking allowed the use of the same deep-frying agent many times, provided that each time after frying it was filtered. Reusing deep fat is not recommended at this time. The exception is a deep olive oil deep fat fryer for which multiple use is possible, as well as animal fat deep fat which can be used twice.

It is considered safe to reuse deep fat in special deep-frying machines, deep fryers and industrial baking plants. The advantage of such units is that in them the deep fat is heated only to the frying temperature, as a result of which the oil does not boil and the oxidation process is slower. Deep fat filtration after use may also be used. As a result of all of the above, deep fryers can be used repeatedly. For each type of apparatus, there are manufacturer-defined standards for the frequency of the replacement of deep fat, and if they are followed for the food suitability of the cooked products, you can not worry.

There is no other cooking technique that would have built such a mountain of slander. And that happens from deep fat, and this. But it is present in any prominent kitchen. This is a detail of the cultural landscape. Lyrical, perhaps not a folkloric hero - like Santa Claus. For some, even a national symbol


If we talk about European cuisine, it is believed that deep fat France  (although, for example, french fries, known worldwide as French friesinvented in Belgium; however, it is not far). However, if we consider the situation on a planetary scale, the French have nothing to rely on. Because at a time when barbarians still scoured Europe, culinary technologists were already working in China. There are two main ways to cook in Chinese cuisine today. deep-fried  : “Pean” (the product is first deep-fried, and then in a pan with a small amount of oil, spices and broth) and “cha” (the actual deep-fried cooking), as well as two more types of stewing, including deep-frying as an integral part.

French  and chinese  schools have a different attitude to oil choices. The French traditionally used animal fat for deep fat. As for beef, it is a gastronomic and dietary nightmare, and today it is rarely fried. Another thing is pork fat, or rather, melted lard, which does not have its own smell and taste and is therefore ideal for deep fat. The only obstacle to its use is that it is not for sale on this side of the state border. However, a compromise is possible: a mixture of vegetable oil and melted lard. The Chinese prefer vegetable oil for deep fat. Which one? Most often soy. But sesame for this purpose is not used at all.

Deep-frying is also common in Indian cuisine. Hindus fried puri bread in hot oil every day. At the same time, oil is taken both vegetable and ghee, "gi".

The Seven Commandments

Technically, deep fryers are elementary: oil, the fire  and, roughly speaking, pan. This makes it easy to control quality - just remember a few important rules.
1 For deep-frying, always choose high-quality products. What do we expect, say, from french fries? First, so that it is covered with a golden crust. Secondly, to crust crust. Thirdly, so that the pieces inside remain somewhat tender. This is usually not about taste - only about texture, color and consistency. Because the lightning effect of hot oil does not affect the taste of the product in any way. So, we buy the best, in the case of potatoes - wax varieties that are well suited for frying.
2   Cut the food in identical slices, otherwise they will cook in different ways.
3   Do not forget about the quality of the oil. If you take a bad one (for example, that smells unpleasant even without heating), if you use it twenty times, if you do not consider it necessary to strain and overcooked crumbs will float in it, the “flavor” of the dish will turn out, to put it mildly, specific.
4   Thoroughly dry the foods intended for frying, they should not have drops of water or marinade: once in hot oil, the water starts to “jump” and “shoot”. Of course, there is also batter, that is, batter, and breading, double and even triple. But batter and breading - this is not water, they do not tend to turn into steam. Although caution here does not hurt. Advice is optional, but good: before pouring oil into the pan, pour it into a pan and heat until a white haze appears (this evaporates the water contained in any oil), let it cool and then pour it into the frying pan.
5   Heat the oil to the correct temperature. It is usually indicated in the recipe, for the preparation of most dishes it is approximately 175-185 ° C. To make sure that the butter has warmed up enough, you can do this: throw a deep-fat cube of white bread with a side of 1 cm - it should be fried until golden brown in exactly 1 minute. If faster, just remove the pan from the heat and let it cool, and then start all over again. Insufficiently heated oil is absorbed into the fried product, like a sponge, and when overheated, it will fry too quickly outside, remaining moist inside.
6 Now for a moment let's digress from deep-frying. Imagine what happens if you try to boil a kilogram of pasta in a liter of water. Pour them into boiling water - the boil stops, pasta stick together, and you understand that you poured too little water. The same goes for oil. Therefore, take at least a liter (deeply better) of oil for deep fat, and lower the products for frying in small portions (approximately as much as fits in a standard slotted spoon) and carefully stir so that the oil temperature is relatively uniform. (If you use a deep fryer, you don’t need to stir anything, and it won’t work out - the lid will not work.) Take small pauses between portions, allowing the oil to gain heat again.
7   Do not mix two, and even more so three kinds or varieties of vegetable oil. Regarding the choice of oil, only general recommendations can be made. For chinese, thai  and vietnamese  Use sunflower, soy or rapeseed dishes. If the recipe is European, add a little melted pork fat to the vegetable oil. Olive oil is generally considered the best of vegetable oils, but it is quite expensive (though it’s not necessary to buy extra virgin for deep fat) and, most importantly, it has a very pronounced taste, which is not good for any dish.

You can’t imagine England  without stalls on every corner fish & chipswhere cod and potatoes are fried in the same oil and then served on yesterday's newspaper The Times. British fast food historians claim that the idea of \u200b\u200bthis dish fell into Britain  of Of indiafrom the province Gujarat, only instead of inaccessible dried mango for acid, the British began to use vinegar, which sprinkles the potatoes before serving. We just tried gujarati recipe, and you know, the truth is.

Italians  they always perceive any achievements of foreign cooking as native. And rice balls Arancinirolled up from yesterday's risotto and stuffed with cheese panzotti, similar to tiny pasties, and dozens of types of pasta stuffed with epithet Frit, that is, "fried" - all this is sold in Italy  everywhere, and it doesn’t occur to anyone that they do not belong to Italian cuisine. Although all this beauty came mainly with Sicily and Sardinia, where at one time was borrowed from the Arabs.

Hungarian donuts are amazing Langosresembling a mutated whitewash. They are prepared from unsweetened yeast dough with a tangible addition of boiled crushed potatoes, after frying, they are rubbed with fresh garlic and sprinkled with ground paprika, and served with young cheese. In general, I want to talk about donuts in more detail.

For sweet

If you throw a lump of raw dough into the hot oil, the dough will instantly swell and then crust. People looked, looked at it and came up with donuts - either donuts, or donuts, call it what you want. Donuts will not become less ingenious.

He deservedly claims to be the top of donut art german berliner. It is deep-fried so that a lighter strip is sure to remain in the middle, and after frying it starts with jam and sprinkled with powdered sugar. And if the Berliner is filled with custard and coated with chocolate, it should be called Bismarck. However, there are also bismarcks stuffed with jam - apparently, the filling in this case is not as fundamental as the glaze.

AT Israel  on Hanukkah  without fail fried Sufganiotsimilar to a Berliner, like twins. Traditionally, they were first filled with jam, and then fried, and jam from such rudeness very often turned out to be outside. But ten years ago, a certain Jewish genius did the opposite - at first he fried a donut, and then filled it with filling; since then everyone has been doing it, even the orthodox.

AT Poland  on Shrovetide  cook "Punk"  - again with jam. By the way, the “right” Russian donuts supposedly also have to be stuffed, and if without stuffing, then these are not donuts, but donuts. But who understands such subtleties.

Loocades - greek  donuts, which add a lot of honey and a little cinnamon to the dough; sometimes they are first deep-fried, and then watered with honey. Very similar to them turkish Lokma  (or vice versa - the Turks with the Greeks can’t figure out who looks like someone) and lebanese "Maakarun"resembling fir cones; and those and others immediately after frying, pour sugar or honey syrup - tasty, no words.

Bruno Marino, chef at Vesna, Biscuit and Novikov Catering restaurants

Everyone loves to crunch with a fried crust. Traditionally deep-fried in Italy, dishes with zucchini flowers are prepared. One of the recipes is this: the flowers need to be carefully washed, shake off excess moisture, remove the pistils, cut off the long stems. Then prepare the batter from the egg, flour and milk. Dipping slightly salted flowers into it, fry them in a frying pan or deep-fried for literally 1 minute, no more, in olive oil until golden brown. Then the flowers should be laid out on a paper towel, let the oil drain and immediately serve hot to the table

Hello, our dear readers. Deep-frying has become fashionable today. Thus, many delicious and beautiful dishes are prepared. You can also prepare interesting dishes for the festive table, such as or, french fries, cheese balls and much more.

Faced with the fact that I also have to deep-fry, I never bother, pour oil and fry. But sometimes not everything worked out with a prescription. I don’t have deep fryers, I did everything in a saucepan. And it turned out that not everything was doing right. But now everything works out for me, now I’ll share some important aspects of deep-fat frying with you at home.

I also want to note that during cooking in this way, at home, you get more healthy and tasty food. After all, you yourself choose the grade of oil, its purity, choose high-quality products and so on. Most importantly, you control the cooking process, you yourself know what you are cooking.

Many will still say that they say the food is very fatty, they say it’s harmful. All this is not so. The body needs fats like other elements: carbohydrates, proteins, oxygen, and so on. And we always clean excess oil. Do not confuse “fast food” food with homemade food. Proper deep fat frying will never be harmful if not abused. For example, every day and several times.

Okay, now let's talk about how to do it all the same, let's start with the preparation for the process.


   deep-frying dishes

Action 1.

First you need to choose the dishes. You can take a wok, a high-walled pan, or a deep fryer.

In this article, deep-frying will be done without using a deep fat fryer. If you use this device, then just read the instructions, everything is easier there.

Many say it is better to use a wok. Its walls are inclined, then the spray from the oil becomes smaller and the oil thus reveals its properties better. Maybe this is so, but more often we cook in an ordinary pot with high walls.

deep fat thermometer

Action 2.

You need to prepare a wooden spoon, tongs, a spoon or a grid for deep fat. It is advisable to have a thermometer for deep fat. But all this is not necessary, that's what these tools are for:

Action 3.

Oil must be chosen “neutral” with a high smoking threshold. So that it does not burn in the pan. Best suited: sunflower, peanut, soybean, pecan, grape seed oil. Choose to your taste, you can try all of them and choose the right one.

You can use olive oil, but the temperature should be below 150 ºС, otherwise it will burn.

Vegetable and rapeseed oil can also be used, cheap options, but you can fry.

Frying process.


Well, we have prepared everything you need. Now it’s hot in deep fat, and here we go into more detail.

Action 1.

I think it would be logical to pour oil into the dishes. Best of all, if what you fry will be completely immersed in oil, it should even float. But if the dishes are small, then a minimum of half what you fry should be in oil.

In general, if the dishes are small, we fill them half, the above is not necessary, because there will be splashes, you need to be protected from them.

  monitor the temperature of the oil in deep fat

Action 2.

Now the oil needs to be heated to the desired temperature, before you should not fry. Usually fried at temperatures from 150 to 190 ° C. But if the temperature itself is not indicated in the recipe, it is better to heat to 160-175 ° C. This is about average or very-medium heat. Just if the temperature is lower, then you will not get a crisp. And if higher, then the food will start to burn, even before it has time to cook.

What to do if there is no thermometer:

  1. Wooden spoon - they said above, having immersed the tip, the oil around should boil.
  2. You can use a pinch of flour. She should hiss beautifully and not burn.
  3. You can try on the first piece of food. Immerse it in oil. It should sink a little and float. If it sinks to the bottom, then the temperature is small. If a little plunged, but does not pop up at all, then the temperature is high.

These are some of the ways, but not entirely accurate. If you are going to fry often in deep fat, it is better to purchase a thermometer.

  drain foods before frying

Action 3.

What is the frying process - in other words, it is the rapid removal of moisture from the product. The boiling point of water is 100 ° C, and the oil in the pan is heated at about 160 ° C. And if a lot of water gets into the hot oil, then a strong boil, seething, spray in all directions will begin, and even oil may burn.

So it’s better to remove moisture from the product before lowering the product into hot oil.

  do not drop food from a height into hot oil
Action 4.

Let's get down to the most important thing - deep-frying. Now you need to take your time in parts to put the products in oil. Do it better with tongs or a deep fat net. So it will be less likely to get burned. Not all that is prepared for frying should immediately be lowered into a pan with oil.

The fact is that the oil temperature will then drop significantly and the result will be completely different. Plus, the food will most likely stick to each other and to the bottom of the pan.

It is not necessary to throw food from a height, so there will be a lot of splashes, they can get on the skin, it will hurt. It is necessary to bring as close as possible to the oil and carefully put there. Piece by piece.

If you use a deep fat net, place large pieces down, crayons at the top.

  need space for food while frying

Action 5.

Make sure that food does not accumulate in one place and does not touch each other for a long time. It is necessary to stir a little all the time so that the prepared food moves in oil.

All this is necessary so that the oil is uniformly heated all the time, because food at room temperature and when immersed, the oil cools down a little in the place where the food is. It is also necessary that there is space around the food and that piece is maximally surrounded by oil.

Therefore, do not immediately put a lot to fry everything, it is better in small portions. So the food is better fried and it turns out that same crispy, tender crust. After all, for the same fry in deep fat.

Action 6.

Deep-frying is not a complicated matter. But when the process has begun, do not move away from the stove. Some products will be ready in 30 seconds, some will be grilled for several minutes. Moreover, it is necessary to stir the oil itself.

Foods such as chicken, french fries or donuts are cooked quickly. Distract for a couple of seconds and you can overcook.

Usually, when the crust becomes golden brown, the food is ready. But be sure to look inside, especially if the pieces are large. Of course, you need to follow the instructions for the recipe, but you should always look at the eye and taste.

Before trying, cool the product, remove excess oil, you may burn yourself.

  take out carefully when ready

Action 7.

When ready, take out the food carefully, place on a wide dish, covered with paper towels. You can still dip on top with a paper towel in order to remove excess oil.

Do not forget to turn off the stove after cooking. It is not uncommon to catch fire. God forbid, if it caught fire, but still, if it happened - do not panic! You can take flour or soda and fall asleep. You can cover with a wet towel. But it is better, of course, if the kitchen has a fire extinguisher.

By the way, I advise everyone to always have it in the house. Our Russian people are not used to it, but can save lives. A fire extinguisher is not expensive, but you yourself will be calm and you will never panic.

Final actions after deep-frying.

  dipped in a paper towel

Action 1.

That very frying in our country was successful. As mentioned above, it is better to remove the excess with a paper towel from all sides, periodically changing the napkins themselves. This option is better than laying on a wire rack and draining the oil. So the food will be less greasy.

If you are afraid that cooked food cools down while everything else is cooking, put the food on a baking sheet and in the oven at a low temperature.

  Use spices by sprinkling directly on hot items

Action 2.

If you want to use spices: dill, caraway seeds, parsley, peppers and so on. Then you need to do this while the food is hot. Here you get it, dry it from excess oil and immediately sprinkle with the necessary seasonings.

While the food is hot, it better absorbs the taste of spices.

  do not throw out oil after frying

Action 3.

After cooking, in no case do not spill oil, do not discard it! That's why:

  1. The oil will stick to the walls of the sewer pipes, over time they begin to clog.
  2. Environmental damage. After all, oil will eventually end up in the environment and if it enters a body of water, fish and other inhabitants of the aquatic flora may die.

It is better to filter the oil by removing large and small debris. Put it in the refrigerator and next time it can also be used. At the same time, such oil does not affect the taste. You can always determine when it will deteriorate, become dark brown in color and smell. Then the oil can be thrown out.

Before filtering, be sure to wait until the oil cools down so as not to burn yourself.

Now let's summarize the results and highlight the main recommendations. Deep-fried frying is not difficult, but it is worth taking some advice from experienced housewives.

  • Sometimes, during frying, it is worth checking the temperature of the oil, it can both decrease or increase. It is best to buy and use a thermometer, it is not expensive.
  • The more oil you use, the more stable its temperature will be during frying. Moreover, the more oil, the more time it takes for heating and cooling.
  • You should always leave a distance from the edge of the pan to the oil, about 8 cm. This is to prevent the pan from overflowing after adding food.
  • Do not use a lot of oil if the pieces of food are not large. If there is a lot of oil and the slices are not big, then they will be poorly fried.
  • The pieces of food for frying should be approximately the same size so that the pieces are fried evenly.
  • Add seasonings immediately after you remove the food from the deep fat and dry in paper towels.
  • You can use a slag separator to clean the oil. Stir the oil well in one direction (make a funnel), and place the slag separator in the other direction.


  • When filling the pan with oil, consider the amount of food that you will fry. So that there is no oil transfusion, as if oil enters the heat source, oil may ignite.
  • If you do not use a deep fryer, then look at the quality of the pan, it should not be very thin or even as suspicious. After all, oil and food will be of very high temperature; the pan itself may not be able to withstand and burst.
  • Never add cold water or ice to hot oil, there will be strong seething and large splashes. It may cause a fire if oil splashes on the heat source.
  • Do not use plastic or rubber products in oil (when lowering or adding or stirring).
  • Watch out for spray of oil, it burns very much. Do not throw food high, put it carefully.
  • In this case, metal objects will be very hot, do not burn yourself.
  • Never put or wrap food in a newspaper. Paint is very toxic.
  • When deep-fried, try to avoid flammable objects, such as candles.

What can I cook?

  French fries

For example, french fries.

One of the most popular dishes in the whole world. Deep-fried potatoes are not difficult unless it is a French recipe. But you yourself can experiment and succeed. By the way, you can fry chips and even potato pancakes. Try everything you can.

  deep-fried chicken

Deep Fried Chicken.

We have already described deep-fried chicken recipes. It turns out very tasty. Instead of chicken, you can use any other types of birds, meat. You can cook pork, beef, and even fish.

Fried cheese.

  Deep-Fried Cheese Sticks

Just awesome snack. Take your cheese favorite, chop with chopsticks and try to fry it. It’s just super. You can eat such cheese with sauce or jam, very tasty.

Deep-fried sweets.

  deep-fried Mars bar

Deep-fried frying is not complicated, but when I heard that you can try to fry sweets in such a way, I did not believe it. I tried it - just super. Be sure to make out a post on this topic soon, wait.

You can fry any sweets, even in chocolate icing, plain chocolate .... Yes, just about experimenting. It's just super.

That's all for me, share your impressions in the comments, share a post on social networks, bye for now.

Cook in a deep fryer.

Chicken wings with potatoes

Roll the chicken wings in breadcrumbs, spices, chop the potatoes and lower them all together in a saucepan for 12 minutes.

Friture - the word French, means a deep layer of vegetable or animal fat in which culinary products are fried. Deep-fried dishes have long belonged to Russian cuisine. The famous culinary book of Elena Molokhovets of the late 19th century contains many appetizing deep-fried recipes. There are dozens of types of pies, and even Kiev-style cutlets, veal and lamb legs, rice and egg croquettes, apples in batter, cherries in batter, sweet brushwood ...

Handling boiling deep-frying required dexterity, patience and skill. New hasty generations seemed to forever lose these delicious recipes. But an electric deep fryer was invented for cooking golden french fries, delicious donuts and pies, whites, apple fritters, peanuts and mussels, fried mushrooms in batter, as well as delicious fish, chicken legs, wings, crispy meat fillet, schnitzels and meatballs.

The ancient art of deep-fried is now not so much an art as a pleasant hobby. Cooking in an electric deep fat fryer is very easy. Bosch deep fryers heat the oil exactly to the temperature set by the temperature controller. Now anyone can even perform virtuoso dishes, even taking the first steps in cooking.

With the advent of deep fryers in the house, men become avid culinary specialists. Children begin to eat without persuasion, and the preparation of treats for the festive table turns into a festive foreplay.


In the recipes of Elena Molokhovets for deep fat, it was proposed to use animal fats with a high boiling point, which contain saturated fatty acids. These fatty acids contribute to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. And these were not very healthy dishes, but their taste was so wonderful that they tried not to think about the harmfulness of deep fat.

The modern kitchen uses only vegetable oils for fryers, which contain useful substances: unsaturated fatty acids (they lower blood cholesterol, and polyunsaturated fats (they are necessary to maintain the cellular structures of tissues) .In addition, all vegetable oils contain vitamin E, which protects cell membranes from the destructive effect of the so-called free radicals and reduces the risk of cancer.

But doctors have long advised against eating boiling oil over and over again. Boiling fat during frying leads to the formation of new chemicals, in particular, acrolein, which sharply irritates the bile ducts. The decomposition of fat is accompanied by the formation of substances with an unpleasant taste and smell. But this happens at temperatures above 200 degrees. And the temperature to which the oil is brought in modern deep fryers is no higher than 190 degrees.

Therefore, rumors about the harmfulness of deep-fried foods are outdated. On the contrary, from a culinary point of view, modern deep-fried cooking has considerable advantages. Products quickly dipped in deep-fried foods acquire a crispy fried outer crust. Hot oil immediately “grabs” the surface of the products, and the oil does not penetrate inside, the dishes inside are tender, dietary. This is especially liked by children.

Experts have calculated and found that deep-fried foods are much less caloric than is commonly thought. It is also attractive that the modern method of deep-fried cooking preserves vitamins and minerals, because the heat treatment of products does not last long.


On Bosch deep fryers, the oil bowl is made of high-quality stainless steel, which makes it easy to clean and maintain the appliance. The products are placed in a stainless steel wire basket and immersed in oil heated to a predetermined temperature. Permanent grease filter protects the air from cooking odors, even mouth-watering. It allows water vapor to pass through, but it keeps droplets of fat from getting into the air. Filters must be washed periodically in the dishwasher or manually.

The thermostat accurately maintains the set temperature. The timer counts down the necessary minutes. Please note that at the end of the frying, you must immediately remove the finished dish out. After all, oil has great thermal inertia, and the cooked dish can burn.

It is better to remove the basket with ready-made products from hot oil with the fryer lid closed, for this there is a special handle. This is not only convenience, but also safety: hot oil drains from the basket under the lid, the heat treatment of products instantly stops, and all this without risk of being burned with oil or hot steam. To observe the rise of the basket, and the cooking progress, there is an inspection window in the lid that never fogs up.

Such a technical characteristic as the power of the deep fryer is related to the volume of the bowl into which the oil is poured. These two values \u200b\u200bare selected by designers so that the oil heats up quickly enough to the temperature necessary for cooking.

Fryers with “cold walls”, unlike models with metal walls, have a plastic case and reliable thermal insulation. Even when the oil inside is heated to a temperature of 180 degrees C, you can grab the case with your hands without risk of burns.


Almost any transparent refined vegetable oil is suitable for deep fat, which does not foam when heated and has no smell. Sometimes on sale you can find oil with a special mark on the label: suitable for deep-fried dishes. It's not obligatory. But never mix different grades of oil! Do not add fresh oil to the already used, completely replace the contents of the bowl.

It seems to you that the deep fryer requires a bit of oil? Then figure out how much it takes for 20 frying in a pan. And it’s unlikely to be so delicious in a pan! In addition, the fat in the deep fryer, unlike the usual frying pan, does not splash the stove and the dishes next to it.

Nevertheless, some buyers are embarrassed that it is necessary to pour 2, or even 3 liters of oil into the fryer bowl. But with careful handling of the oil you should have enough for a long time. Between cooking, the oil can be stored in a deep fryer with the lid closed. But no longer than 6 months, is warned in the instructions. But do you really have the patience to stretch 20 cookings for 6 months, what's the point of putting off such delicious dishes for later?

ADVICE FROM ELENA MOLOVOHOVETS  (from the book of the 1901 edition)

To refresh the deep fat, boil it three times with finely chopped Antonov apples, which cleanse the fat, taking away the foul odor and taste, strain through a napkin in an etched pot and put in a cold place.

For greater rudiment and palatability, pour a spoonful of alcohol or good vodka on every pound of deep fat.

After cooking the fish, to prevent a specific fishy smell, it is enough to heat the butter to 160 degrees and dip two slices of white bread into it. When the bubbles disappear when the butter is boiling around the bread, and the bread becomes evenly brown, it can be removed; the oil will free itself from unpleasant odors.

Try to add salt and pepper after the finished products are removed from the deep fat, so as not to spoil the quality of the oil.

Old fries are better for french fries and potato chips, young potatoes are too watery. When cutting into strips, make sure that the thickness of the pieces is the same.

If you are preparing frozen foods in a deep fryer, they should be smaller than usual (no more than 3/4 of the basket capacity), since they cool the heated oil. Before lowering the deep-frozen basket, shake it well above the sink to separate small ice crystals. To prepare frozen products, the temperature controller is first set to a special position marked with a snowflake image.

FRENCH RECIPES FROM Yelena Molokhovets  (from the same old book)


Mix 250 g of lamb mince, chopped onion, egg, a little salt and pepper. For the test you need 150 g of flour, 70 ml of water and a pinch of salt. Roll it out, cut out the dough with a large cup of circles. After wetting each circle of dough with water, put the minced meat in the center and fold the circle in half. Pinch the edges tightly. Deep-fry at 170 degrees C for 8-10 minutes. Let the oil drain and serve hot.


Mix half a glass of milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cream, 3 egg yolks, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vodka, salt. Add 250 g flour. Knead the dough. Roll out the dough in a thin layer. Cut it into strips of 10x12 cm in size, make longitudinal cuts and transfer. Deep-fry at 170 degrees for 3-5 minutes. Let the oil drain. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

Deep Fried Green Parsley

Add a fair amount of fresh, cleanly washed, dried in a napkin and finely chopped green parsley into the deep fat. See that the leaves do not burn out, but only dry out (about 2 minutes). Remove the parsley on a sieve, salt; when dry, sprinkle with it deep-fried pies.
Source http://www.bosch-bt.ru
  Chicken legs

Add salt, pepper, bread to bread (add ready-made spices for chicken, if desired).

Cook for 12 minutes.

Crispy top crust, very juicy. And not a gram of oil inside. The oil does not pass into the inside of the chicken. deep-fried.
Cheese cutlets

Minced meat (beef + pork) - about 300 gr
Onions - 2 pcs medium
Egg - 1 pc.
Garlic - 3 cloves
Pepper, salt

Grind onions and garlic, mix with minced meat. Add the egg, salt and pepper. Mix again. I didn’t add bread, because there is pork in the minced meat and the minced meat is quite juicy.

Forcemeat form into balls. I got 7 balls. We make cakes of minced meat, put grated cheese on them and pinch them like pies. Bread in breadcrumbs.

Pour 1 liter of oil into the deep fat fryer. Close the lid. Turn on the FRI mode. As soon as the light goes out, lower the basket into the oil. We cook cutlets 4 minutes on one side, turn over and 3 minutes on the other side. Then we filter the oil, pour it into a jar and put it in the refrigerator until the next time).

Cutlets are very juicy, but not oily, as it seems at first glance.

No way to cook food gives such a uniform, golden crust, as deep-frying. Of course, provided that it is done correctly. What subtleties are there in this process?

The main difference between deep-frying is that the product is completely immersed in well-heated oil. Slices of products for such frying are almost always breaded in breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs, in flour or dipped in batter. A shell of batter or breadcrumbs in this case performs two functions at once - it protects the product from the formation of a hard crust and gives a contrast of taste in the finished dish. Oil is consumed much more than with conventional frying, but it can be used repeatedly.

One of the main conditions is the proper preparation of products.  You need to cut them into small pieces of the same size. Season with salt, spices only until breading and give some time so that pieces of meat, fish or poultry have time to soak in seasonings. It is advisable to brew before frying, but you can do this in advance, then the products must be stored in the refrigerator.

For deep-frying it is better to use a deep fat fryer., but if it is not, then a wide pan with a thick bottom and high walls will do. It should be wide so that it is convenient to lay and take out products, and high walls will not allow foam or oil to splash out. The ideal temperature for deep-fried cooking is from 160 to 190 degrees.

Deep-fried in two ways.  One of them is called "free swimming"second - "Basket". At the first, the slices are immersed in hot oil and float to the surface as they cook. This method is suitable for any product, especially if not breading is used, but batter. In order for the pieces to be evenly fried, they need to be turned over from time to time. The second method is used only for breaded products or if there is no breading. Pieces of food are placed in a special basket, it is immersed in oil. It is taken out when the products are ready.

Spread deep-fried foods on a paper towel to absorb excess fat. Serve immediately, in the heat of the heat, until everything is hot. Cooled or warmed food will have a not very pleasant buttery flavor, so you need to deep-fry as many foods as you eat at one time.