What can be prepared from the crumb of the loaf. What can be made from stale bread - baking recipes

After 12 hours from the moment of baking, the process of starch retrograde is activated in bakery products - a complex carbohydrate, releasing moisture, returns to a crystalline state. The crumb loses its elasticity and begins to crumble, but the change in physical properties is not accompanied by a decrease in the amount of trace elements and vitamins contained in it. A stale loaf is an indispensable culinary ingredient; This is confirmed by the following recipes for dishes that can be made from stale bread.

The fillings are different, the taste is equally peerless

Original pies from dried slices of bakery products - hearty pastries that can replace a full dinner (lunch). A minimum of time is spent on cooking, and all family members will be satisfied with the result.

To bake a sweet cake of stale bread with hazelnuts (you can bake with walnuts), you will need:

  • 6 slices of rye rolls up to 6 mm thick;
  • 2 cups of nuts (walnuts and hazelnuts in equal proportions);
  • 7 eggs (proteins should be separated from the yolks in advance);
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 5 g of salt (half a teaspoon).

Before starting work, you must turn on the oven (it must be heated to 160-170 degrees). The proteins cooled in the refrigerator are whipped with salt, the yolks are whisked with sugar. A mixture of chopped nuts is lightly roasted in a hot pan without adding oil. Bread is crushed using a meat grinder or food processor.

All prepared products are gently mixed (proteins are introduced into the mass last), the resulting dough is poured into a baking dish. Cooking time - 60-70 minutes.

For a summer baked pie from dried bread and cottage cheese you will need:

  • Cream - 1 cup.
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Fresh berries (raspberries, currants), mashed with sugar, in the amount of one and a half glasses.
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • 400 g of grated bread and cottage cheese.
  • Cinnamon (not more than ½ tsp) will give a special flavor to the dessert.

The cream is whipped with powder, the bread is mixed with sugar and cinnamon. Cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve until an airy homogeneous mass is obtained.

Prepared ingredients are laid out in a glass bowl in the following order: first bread, then berries, on top - cottage cheese and whipped cream. Layers are repeated one more time. To soak the cake should be kept in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.

Recipes from stale bread will help housewives not only pamper their sweet tooth, but also please lovers of pastries with meat filling. A vivid confirmation of this is a layer cake with minced meat. This dish is prepared from long loaf, milk (0.8-1 l) and 4 eggs (2 of them need to be boiled hard-boiled). For the filling, you need half a kilogram of minced meat, 1 large onion.

Bread - the basis of baking - must be cut into slices 1-1.5 cm wide; pour the pieces with a mixture of raw eggs and milk. The resulting mass is pepper and salt to taste.

Boiled eggs and onions should be chopped into small cubes, combined with minced meat in a pan until half-cooked.

The baking dish should be greased liberally with butter. A stale loaf well-soaked with milk is transferred to the container (it is recommended to put the sides of the dishes in part of the pieces), which is covered with a layer of warm minced meat. The surface of the pie is formed from the remaining slices of bread, watered with the remnants of the egg-milk mixture.

The dish must be baked until golden brown.

In fasting and on holiday: shortly about cakes

Delicious desserts that can be made from stale bread are classified into 2 groups: traditional and lean, containing products of only plant origin.

The classic recipe for cake allowed for use on days of temporary abstinence from certain types of food is presented below.

Ingredients: dried fruits, water, jam, bread. Some housewives supplement the listed ingredients with ground nuts.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse and soak dried fruits.
  • A loaf of stale bread - always black - should be crushed, the resulting slices completely dried. Twist in a meat grinder.
  • Dilute the jam with water. Soak the crumbs well with the resulting liquid.
  • Spread in layers, alternating bread and dried fruits.
  • Put the mass of nuts sprinkled in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

There are many recipes for ordinary cakes that can be made from stale, dried loaf. The desserts “Minute” and “Sukharny” became the most popular among economical housewives.

The first is prepared from 0.6 l of sour cream, 300 g of chopped rye bread, 6 tbsp. sugar, 1 lemon (zest and fruit juice are required), 6 eggs. The components are mixed. The resulting dough is laid out in a greased with a piece of butter and plentifully sprinkled with breadcrumbs form, put in the oven. Serve warm.

For cake shortcakes "Cracker" you will need:

  • 5 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of crackers crushed in a meat grinder.

Egg whites need to be beaten into a strong foam; mix bread crumbs with yolks. Bake the mass for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200ºC (the form should be carefully lubricated, sprinkled with breadcrumbs). Cut the cooled cake into 2 parts, coat with cream - condensed milk, whipped with butter in a ratio of 2: 1.

Simple options for an original breakfast

Stale bread dishes are not very common in everyday practice. Meanwhile, some breakfast options from pre-dried and chopped slices of rolls in combination with an egg-milk mixture, meat, berries or vegetables can compete with traditional omelettes and cereals.

The scheme for their preparation is very simple: bread crumbs or pieces of stale bread no more than 1.5 cm thick are laid out in a dense layer in a baking container, oiled. The filling and the rest of the roll are placed on top. The mass is filled with eggs, whipped with milk, baked in the oven (at a temperature of not more than 200 ° C). In some recipes, all ingredients are mixed and laid out in a mold.

Cooking time varies depending on the type of forcemeat. The main sign of the finished dish is a beautiful golden crust.

To please loved ones with a savory stratum (that's what casserole in foreign cuisine is called) for breakfast, you will need:

  • 0.3 kg of brisket;
  • a pound of stale white bread cut into cubes;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 0.3 l of milk;
  • 200 g of grated cheese;
  • a small pinch of salt, parsley and black pepper to taste.

Grind the breast, lightly fry, mix with bread and 150 g of cheese. Pour the mass with eggs, whipped with milk, salt and pepper, keep in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Put the impregnated components into a mold, smooth, sprinkle with the remaining cheese. The dishes covered with foil should be sent to the oven for half an hour (cooking temperature - 180 ° C); after the specified time, remove the sheet and bake for another 10 minutes.

For the original stratum with wine and canned fruit, you will need 2 cups of ground crackers and a similar amount of pears (peaches, apricots), 3 tbsp each. tablespoons margarine and sugar, 2 eggs, a tablespoon of flour. Among the additional ingredients - 2 tbsp. l dry wine, a pinch of soda, cinnamon.

Beat eggs with most sugar until foam. Add margarine, flour, quenched with 2 drops of vinegar, soda and chopped stale bread, mix. Pour in the wine. Place half of the thoroughly mixed mass in a greased dish sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Cut fruit, spread on top. Cover with the rest of the bread with eggs and flour, sprinkle with sugar, combined with cinnamon. Bake strata in the oven at the above temperature for 30 minutes.

You can prepare a hearty breakfast of ½ stale white rolls and carrots (2 pcs are required). The bread, previously soaked in a glass of milk, must be combined with 2 mashed with sugar (amount of sand - 2 tbsp) yolks and 2 whipped whites, a pinch of salt. Stir the mass, put in the form, bake. Such a dish is recommended to serve with sour cream.

Strata filling can also be prepared from the following components:

  • Minced meat (fish, meat), fried in a pan until half ready with onions, pepper, salt.
  • Finely chopped vegetables.
  • A mixture of mushrooms with onions.

Another variant of brown bread casserole is a favorite of many charlotte. The fastest dish is prepared according to the following recipe:

One stale loaf (preferably white) cut into pieces no thicker than 1 cm, chopped apples peeled from the core (peel). Sprinkle slices of fruit with sugar, add a little cinnamon if desired.

First, put half of the crushed bread in the prepared form, pour it ½ of the milk-egg mixture, cover with apples. Form the surface of the dish from the remaining pieces of the loaf. Pour into the container the second part of the eggs whipped with milk, bake.

The required amount of ingredients for charlotte: 2 eggs, half a glass of sugar, 200 ml of milk, 4 medium apples. To prepare the dishes for baking for work, you need 1 tbsp. l crackers (ground), 50 g of butter.

Correctly prepare all the described dishes will help recipes with photos posted on our website.

Cakes, pancakes or pancakes?

An amazing fact: stale bread can become the basis for desserts related to traditional Russian cuisine.

So, for the preparation of fritters should take:

  • 200 g of stale rolls;
  • 1 tbsp. warmed milk;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l flour (preferably pancake).

Bread soaked in milk should be squeezed slightly, mixed with the rest of the indicated ingredients and add baking powder (0.5 tsp) for splendor. The latter can be replaced with a mixture of soda with citric acid in a ratio of 1: 1. Stir the dough until smooth. Fry in vegetable oil, like regular pancakes.

Throwing bread is a sin! But what if the old one remains, but you have already bought a new one? Make something tasty and original out of it and surprise the whole family with a new dish! Our recipes to help you!

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Loaf of meat pie



We will need:
  loaf - 1 pc
  minced meat - 300-400 gr.
  onions 3-4 pcs.
  spices, garlic
  tomato - 1-2 pcs.
  cheese - 100 gr.

For omelet:
  3 eggs
  100 ml milk

  Dice the loaf into cubes. Lubricate the form, put slices of loaf and put in the oven (until golden brown).
  Fry meat (minced meat) with onions. Add spices, a little garlic.
  Slice tomatoes, grate cheese.
  Then pour the slices of the loaf with an omelet, top with minced meat, tomatoes, a little mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  Bake in a preheated oven until cooked.



Microwave Croutons with Egg


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Microwave Croutons with Egg and Mushrooms


200 g long loaf cut into slices
  Beat 1 egg with 100ml of milk, salt
  Dip the slices in the egg-milk mixture, remove them from it, and put in the microwave to bake at full capacity, 2-3 minutes
  Any mushrooms are suitable: fresh, dry or canned. Fresh fry immediately, dry - soak first, and then fry, canned - rinse and fry
  A few fresh mushrooms (champignons, butter, white), washed and cut, fry for 1 st. a spoonful of butter, add a finely chopped small onion, and when it is slightly fried, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of flour, season with 2 teaspoons of sour cream and simmer for several minutes
  We put mushroom stuffing on croutons, sprinkle with grated hard cheese (it will need about 100 g), and put in the microwave at full capacity, for 5-6 minutes



The easiest lazy pizza


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We will need:
  1 loaf
  500 g of ham (although any other sausage will do),
  1 small onion (it is better if it is the Yalta onion - it is more piquant),
  more cheese (200 grams), moreover hard.
  2-3 pcs of large tomatoes.
  Spice sauce to taste. Spices may include Provencal herbs or Suneli hops, for example. And as a sauce, ketchup is often used, in some cases mixing it with mayonnaise.

White sauce is also a good alternative. In principle, that’s all.

You can add something else to taste or replace some ingredients with others.

What to do with a loaf?
  So, there are several options. Loaf pizza can look different. Some people “take off” ¼ of the top of the bread, and then cut out almost the entire crumb. Others cut it into large pieces. Honestly, the latter option is more convenient. Because when then, after cooking, you have to cut it into even pieces, the filling falls apart. That is why pizza from a loaf is much more “convenient” if you cut the bread into pieces and cut the flesh out of them.

So, after the loaf is prepared, you can do the simplest part of cooking. That is, the filling. To make the pizza tasty, you need to consider several nuances.
  First - if you want to add mushrooms to the dish, then they must be prepared in advance. Fry in a skillet. The fact is that in the process of heat treatment (i.e., when stewing or roasting), the mushrooms secrete copious juice. It is necessary to drain the formed liquid and put ready-made and sliced \u200b\u200binto the loaf. “Dry,” so to speak. Because if mushrooms begin to secrete juice in pizza, it will turn out wet and not baked. By the way, the same goes for meat. If instead of sausage you want to put slices of beef, chicken or pork - they must definitely be fried, because in bread they will remain raw. It is also desirable to prepare the sauce. Mix all the ingredients and preferably add spices. You can even boil it so that the taste opens. And then, when all the filling is laid in a loaf, and sprinkle with spices on top will not be superfluous. This will add flavor and piquancy.



Pizza from a loaf in a pan, recipe minute


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There is another way to cook this dish. Pizza from a loaf in a pan - that's what it is all about. Also simple, fast and tasty.

We will need:
  5 slices of loaf,
  2 eggs,
  hard cheese
  sausage (preferably smoked),
  ketchup - that’s enough.

The frying pan will need to be greased with vegetable oil, and the bread should be put in such a way that it covers the entire bottom completely. Then - fry the pieces on each side. After - beat two eggs and pour them on top. Cut the sausage into slices and put into pieces. After - pour all the ketchup on top. And finally, grate the cheese and sprinkle with plenty of almost finished dish. Then cover the pan with a lid and wait. It is necessary that the cheese is melted, and completely. Ideally, if an even ruddy “film” of cheese is formed on top. It will turn out very tasty. Here it is necessary to ensure that the loaf from below does not burn. In this regard, the oven is more convenient - there the heat is distributed evenly. In general, the mass of recipes. But each of them is original and tasty in its own way. So it’s better to try each one and decide which is better.

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Draniki "from a stale loaf



Easy, fast and tasty! And most importantly, the ingredients will be found in any housewife - it’s just a pity to throw out -)

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We will need:


half stale loaf
  Milk or water
  2 eggs
  2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour
  100-150 g of cheese (grate)
  Sausage (cut),
  Garlic, salt, spices to taste,
  Oil for frying.

  Break the bread into pieces, pour milk (water). When it gets wet, slightly squeeze and add all the other ingredients. Mix and fry. Potato pancakes are extremely tasty.



Recipe loaf with filling


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We will need:
  Long loaf - 1 pc.
  Hard cheese - 100 g.
  Ham - 150 g.
  Egg - 1 pc.
  Tomato - 1 pc.
  Mayonnaise - 50 g.
  Butter - 50 g.
  Sweet red pepper - 1 pc.
  Salt, pepper - to taste

  We cut the loaf into two halves, remove the flesh. Boil the egg until tender and cut into small cubes. Sweet pepper julienne, grate the cheese, cut the ham into slices. Finely chop the greens. We spread all the ingredients on slices of loaf, in any order, salt and pepper to taste, grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle the last layer with cheese. Before you put together two halves, put pieces of butter inside. Close the halves, sprinkle with cheese on top.
  Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees 15 minutes.



Sausage loaf cupcakes


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We will need:
  crumb of loaf or white bread - 150 g
  ham or sausage - 100 g
  egg - 5 pcs.
  A young zucchini, small, with a palm.
  Greens (parsley, dill) salt to taste.

  Loaf crumb, ham, zucchini and washed greens to put in the bowl of the harvester and chop not very much. It is good when the sausage comes in small pieces. Sausage can be cut.
Beat eggs, a pinch of salt thoroughly until smooth, mix with bread.
  Lubricate the cake pan with butter, pour the egg mixture.
  Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 °


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  1. Bread casserole. Use various spices in the recipe - cinnamon, turmeric, ginger. Add honey instead of sugar in the casserole, the aroma will be extraordinary.
  2. Italian version of a sandwich. Tomatoes, olives, cheese and olive oil, fresh green herbs - basil and arugula ... The taste is simply divine.
  3. Toast  for salad and soup with garlic, black pepper, ground walnuts. Add a little ingenuity to your recipes!
  4. Make onion soup only to enjoy its taste in combination with an unusual sandwich. Spread the bread with cream cheese and dip in a bowl of soup. Above all praise!
  5. Breadcrumbs  - A very necessary ingredient for many dishes. Rusks are very easy to make at home on their own, using already.

  6. Breadcrumbs improve taste and appearance meatballs.

  7. Fry chicken in batter  with the addition of breadcrumbs. The meat will be very tender and soft!

  8. Meat or fish roll will be much tastier if you add breadcrumbs to the dish.
  9. Make the most delicious fish breading! Mix bread crumbs with grated cheese, parsley, dill. Fish in such a shell will be amazingly tasty.

  10. Pasta made with three different types of cheese is a delicious treat. But if you add crackers to it, the impossible will happen and the dish will become even better! Be sure to try it.
  11. A casserole of fried cauliflower, slices of bread and cheese will drive you crazy. Lay out the ingredients in several layers, pour in the egg, whipped with milk, do not forget about the spices.

  12. Bread, apples, onions, fennel ... This is not a random selection of products. Make a casserole with such ingredients, the taste will exceed all your expectations.
  13. Fry. Do, the composition of which may seem strange. But the taste is worth it!

    Place mashed potatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bboiled chicken, cranberry sauce and poached eggs between pieces of bread. A very interesting recipe!

  14. Pour the eggs with beaten milk and sugar, add cinnamon, lemon zest, dried fruits and nuts. This pudding must be made from stale or dried bread. Check if there are supplies in the kitchen.
  15. Another variant of pudding is unsweetened. Add the fried mushrooms, onions, herbs and cheese.
  16. If the soup is too thin, it doesn’t matter. A little crumbled bread will make the soup thicker.

  17. Hot sandwiches are leaders among fast breakfasts. There are many cooking options ...

  18. Bread will improve the taste of summer salad and make it hearty.
  19. Fry pieces of bread with spices. Gently dip bread into the melted cheese, feeling like a true gourmet.

  20. Fried eggs in bread  with avocado, salt and pepper. Bright taste and a very simple recipe!

Often, buying more bread than necessary, few housewives know how to use the remaining pieces. Few people know the variety of dishes that can be prepared from them.

Folk wisdom says: “Bread in the house is master, in work is a friend, on the road is a comrade”

And if I note the piece in negligence -

In the dirt of the roadside, in the dust

The very first movement of the heart -

Raise and save this miracle of the earth.

And again about daily bread

Since ancient times in the Urals and Siberia freshly baked bread was frozen,   and as needed warmed loaves in the Russian stove. The bread again became soft, ruddy, with a delicious crispy crust.
It turns out that bread stalls the fastest at a temperature of +2 degrees. It is this temperature on the top shelf of the refrigerator where most of us store bread.
For long-term storage of bread is best suited at a temperature of –25 degrees.   And if necessary, put frozen bread for ten minutes in the oven, but in a tightly closed pan, and you will get fragrant hot bread. And if you don’t want to bother with warming up, simply, without removing the plastic bag, put the bread on the table, and after two hours it will be ready for use. You can freeze bread by slicing it into pieces. Then, when defrosting, you will take as many slices of bread as you need.

From stale bread you can always dry crackers, which can then be consumed with broth, soup, etc. Keep crackers  in clean linen bags, and   You can always use them for breading, cooking jelly, casseroles and kvass.


It is not difficult to make various croutons from bread that has lost freshness: with spices, pepper, cheese, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, etc. In a word, from those products that are at hand. These croutons can be served in a transparent broth: wheat bread (diced), moisten in a mixture of beaten milk and eggs, sprinkle with grated cheese and fry in the pan until browned.

In many countries of the world, delicious nutritious bread products are known, called casseroles by the method of their preparation. In addition to bread, casseroles include eggs, mushrooms, cheese, various meat and fish products, cereals, sweets, fruits, raisins, nuts, etc.

Charlotte for Charlotte?

Specially prepared fruit casseroles are called charlotte. This dish was brought to Russia in the 19th century. Initially, it was made from bread, crackers and apples, later they began to make it with cherries, apricots, pears and even pineapples.
It is believed that the court culinary in Paris in the 18th century invented the charlotte and named it after his beloved Charlotte. Now this dish is loved not only in France, but also in many other countries.

Charlotte made from wheat bread with apples

For 200 g of wheat bread - 2 eggs, 1 glass of milk, 4 medium apples, half a glass of granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. l butter, 1 tbsp. l breadcrumbs, cinnamon, vanilla sugar, lemon zest to taste

Classic Charlotte

60 g softened butter or margarine
12 slices of stale white bread
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
675 ml of milk
70 g sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1/4 tsp salt
4 eggs

Preheat oven to 170 degrees. Grease a square glass dish. Butter slices of bread. Put 4 slices of bread in a mold in one layer so that they slightly overlap one another. Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. Repeat the same, making another 2 layers. Combine the rest of the ingredients in a small bowl with a whisk or fork. Pour slices of bread with this mixture and let stand for 10 minutes. Bake for 55-60 minutes until the knife comes out of the charlotte dry. Cool on a wire rack for 30 minutes. Serve warm or refrigerate to serve cold later. Istonic

Charlotte made from apples with brown bread.

Apples (better than sour varieties, for example, Antonov ones) - 3 pieces, granulated sugar - 100 g, cinnamon, cloves and vanilla to taste, almonds (I took hazelnuts, since there were no almonds) -20 g, dry white wine - 20 g, black mashed bread - 1 cup (I took 2 cups, it seemed to me that the cup was not enough), vegetable oil - 20 g, zest 0.5 lemon, orange peel - 20 g.   Continued see

Cake "Minute"

350 g of wheat crackers, 300 g of milk, 4 tbsp. l instant (or ground) coffee (or cocoa), 2 eggs, 200 g of sugar, 150 g of butter, 50 g of walnut kernels.

Pour coffee into boiled milk, strain. Half ground crackers pour 1 tbsp. hot milk with coffee. Grind the eggs with sugar, dilute with the remaining milk and boil over low heat until thickened. Beat the butter, gradually adding the egg and milk mixture. Divide the cream in half, mix one part with the prepared crackers and put on a dish.
Garnish the cake with the remaining cream, sprinkle with chopped nuts and refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours.

Rye bread puff

Option 1: 75 g of stale rye bread, 5 0 g of blackberry jam, 20 g of sugar, 60 g of cream, cinnamon, vanilla essence.
Grate dry rye bread on a fine grater, mix cinnamon with half sugar. Whip cream with a gradual addition of sugar and vanilla essence until a firm, lush mass is formed. On a flat dish, lay the bread, jam and whipped cream in layers, decorate the last layer of bread with whipped cream. Serve with milk.
Option 2:

Pie "Night"

300 g of stale rye bread, 100 g of sugar, 80 g of butter, 2 eggs, 20 g of cocoa, 200 g of sour cream, vanilla.

Grated bread mix with mashed butter. Add the yolks, sugar, cocoa, sour cream, vanilla. Knead and add beaten egg whites. Put in a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form and bake. See details

Simple but tasty bread salad

Products: 250 g of any kind of black bread, 1 bunch of green onions, 5 eggs, mayonnaise, 1-2 cloves of garlic optional, vegetable oil for frying

Instructions: Cut the bread into cubes and fry in vegetable oil from all sides to the state of croutons. Put in a bowl. Cool. Chop hard-boiled eggs, chop green onion into rings. Mix bread cubes, eggs and onions. You can add grated garlic. Season with mayonnaise. Serve immediately until crackers are softened. Instead of bread, you can take 4-5 packs of crackers (3 crusts, etc.)

Tartinki with fish, cheese and tomatoes.

Tartinki is a type of hot bread appetizer that is served hot. Usually, when cooking tartines, fish, vegetables, meat and other products are hot laid on toasted bread and heated for 5 ... 10 minutes in the oven.

Bread 50, butter 10, boiled fish or salted mackerel fillet 50, or fish roll 50, fresh tomatoes 35, cheese 20.

Thin slices of bread toasted only on one side lay slices of boiled or better salted fish, decorate the top with tomatoes and sprinkle with cheese.
Bake in the oven until the cheese is melted.

Tartinki "in Italian

For 4 servings you will need: Stale wheat or rye bread - 300g, tomatoes - 250g, cheese - 100g, butter or margarine - 50g, olives - 70g, greens.

Cooking this dish: Cut the bread into slices 1 cm thick and fry. Lay on top the tomatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bin circles, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven for 5-10 minutes over low heat.

Garnish with slices of olives or olives and herbs.

Serve as a hot appetizer.

Rotterdam slices

What do you need:
wheat bread - 4 slices
ham - 4 slices
gouda or Kostroma cheese - 4 slices
butter - 40 g
ready mustard - 1 teaspoon
tomatoes - 2 pcs.
chopped parsley and dill - 2 tbsp. spoons
ground red pepper to taste

What to do:
1. Fry the slices of bread into pieces of butter, grease them with mustard, then the remaining butter, put on each a slice of ham, cheese and tomato, pepper.
2. Bake for 8–10 minutes at 200 ° C. As soon as the cheese starts to melt, the sandwiches are ready.
3. When serving, sprinkle the sandwiches with herbs.

Spicy croutons with suluguni cheese, eggs and parsley

200 g rolls, 3 eggs, 1/2 cup milk, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour, 1/2 cup grated suluguni cheese, salt and parsley to taste.


Mix eggs with flour and milk, add grated suluguni cheese, a little finely chopped parsley, salt. Mix everything thoroughly.
Moisten the sliced \u200b\u200bbun in batter and bake in a very preheated oven until golden.
Serve these croutons well with meat.

Mushroom appetizer on bread


wheat bread - 5 slices, mushrooms - 1 kg, butter - 3 tbsp. spoons, white wine - 3 tbsp. spoons

sour cream - 2 cups, grated hard cheese - 1 cup, salt - 1 1/2 tsp, ground black pepper to taste, herbs

Cooking method:

Finely chop the mushrooms and fry in oil. Then pour the wine, add sour cream, cheese, salt, pepper and stew the mushrooms until the sauce thickens. Fry the slices of bread, lay the mushroom mass on them, shape with greens.

Egg and stale bread appetizer

Ingredients used in the recipe:
- wheat bread (slice, stale) - 2 pcs.
- egg - 2 pcs.
- milk - 1 glass
- carrots - 1 pc.
- onions - 1 pc.
- salt.

Cooking Instructions:
Cut stale wheat bread into small cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion. Beat the egg with milk, pour into the prepared mixture, salt and bring to a boil. Serving a snack to the table can be both hot and cold.

English omelet with bread, cheese and apples

It is necessary: \u200b\u200b200 g of crumb of stale wheat bread, 200 ml of milk, 6 eggs, 240 g of cheese, 600 g of apples.

Soak the bread crumb in milk, add beaten eggs, chopped apples and grated cheese. Put the mass in a form so that the apple slices are inside the omelet. Bake. This dish can be cooked without apples, adding 80 g of butter and salt.

"Bread Soup in Russian"

300 g of stale rye bread, 50 g of butter or margarine, 1 cool egg, parsley, salt.

Dry bread crusts are fried in oil along with finely chopped herbs and finely chopped onions. We transfer the mixture to the pan, fill with water, bring to a boil and, stirring, add the pounded egg. After 2-3 minutes, the soup is ready.

Pea soup with crackers

* 1 cup (250 ml) dry peeled peas
* 1 large onion
* 2 small carrots
* 1 slice (about 10 cm) of a green stem of leek
* 2 seasoning crumbs “Paprika crumb”
* 1/2 tsp ground dry paprika
* 4 tbsp. l sunflower oil
* 6 peas of black pepper
* 4 peas of allspice
* 1/2 tsp dry thyme
* at the tip of a tsp ground black pepper
* black or white bread without crust
* fresh greens
* salt

Bread Soup Recipes

Wheat bread - 200 g, broth - 1 l, parsley and parsnip - 10 g, garlic, salt to taste.

Put the bread sliced \u200b\u200bin small pieces into the pan, add the chopped parsley and parsnip, pour hot meat broth and cook until the bread has cooked. Season the soup with garlic mashed with salt. More recipes

How to cook fondue

Fondue first appeared in the Swiss Alps.
Leaving with herds in the mountains, on pastures, the shepherds took with them only bread, cheese and wine. One of them once thought of heating the wine in a pot, melting a dried piece of cheese in it and dipping stale bread into this mixture - this was the birth of the classic cheese fondue. The principle of preparation of this dish not much changed - bread, cheese and wine plus a pot and a spirit lamp.   Continued see

Classic cheese fondue "Neuchatel"

Servings: 4
150 g of Gruyere cheese
150g Emmental Cheese
150 ml Neuchatel wine (can be replaced with another white dry wine)
20 ml cherry vodka
1 tsp potato or corn starch
2 cloves of garlic
1 baguette or stale cereal bread

Hot fish sandwiches

What do you need:
loaf - 4 slices
canned mackerel in oil - 230 g
boiled egg - 2 pcs.
hard cheese - 40 g
onions - 1/2 head
mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
garlic - 2 cloves
ground black pepper, salt to taste

What to do:

1. Grind canned fish, add finely chopped eggs, half the norm of grated cheese, finely chopped garlic, onions and herbs. Season with mayonnaise and mix.
2. Put the mass on slices of the loaf, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bake in the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 2-3 minutes.
3. Decorate with greens.

Chicken meat canapes

Required Products:
wheat bread - 300 g
chicken (boiled fillet) - 220 g
butter - 100 g
meat jelly - 1 cup
dill greens
salt to taste

Recipe preparation method:
Cut the bread into thin plastics. Cut the slices into a round notch and fry them in 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter.

Paste the remaining butter with mustard and spread on each slice of bread.

Chop the chicken fillet finely, salt, season with mayonnaise and lay in the middle of each toast.

Finely chopped boiled tongue and lay along the edge of the toast with a border.

Ready canapes glaze jelly and cool.

Serve with greenery.

Salted crackers

We cut brown bread into slices of arbitrary size ~ 1 cm thick. Thoroughly salt on both sides (but to the best :). Strongly heat olive or vegetable oil in a pan and carefully spread the prepared pieces of bread. The oil layer in the pan should be ~ 2-3 mm high.
As soon as the bread is browned on one side, turn it over to the other. Toasted bread on both sides is ready for immediate consumption.

Potato hedgehogs

4 hedgehogs
2 boiled eggs, 4 slices of bread, 4 slices of cheese, 4 ~ 6 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, 0.5 ~ 1 h spoon of starch

From the bread cut the base for the hedgehogs in the form of a drop - the sharp end will be the nose of the hedgehog.
Put a slice of cheese and half an egg on the bread.
In the cooled mashed potato (it is better to use yesterday), mix the starch. If desired, you can also add dried or finely chopped fresh herbs.
Form cakes from mashed potatoes and cover them with eggs, giving the appearance of hedgehogs with elongated noses. Insert 3 peppercorns into the place of the eyes and nose.
Dry the bread slices in the oven and crush them (pass through a meat grinder).
Roll the hedgehogs in breadcrumbs, leaving their faces free.
Put on a baking sheet and put in a hot oven for 5 ~ 7 minutes. See details

Cheese Casserole


7 ~ 8 slices of white bread (at least 3 cm thick), 200 ~ 250 g of cheese, ~ 3/4 cup of milk, 6 eggs, 1/4 tsp of salt, butter

Tomato sauce

500 g of ripe tomatoes, 1 ~ 2 onions, 0.5 ~ 1 h spoon of salt, 1/4 ~ 1/2 h spoon of black pepper, if desired - 1 clove of garlic, green onion, basil.

For tomato sauce, chop the onion finely, pour the tomatoes with boiling water, peel and chop coarsely.
Fry the onion in vegetable oil until soft (do not allow burning).
Put the tomatoes and simmer over low heat until the tomatoes turn into a thick mass (from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the variety and ripeness of the tomatoes).
Beat the finished sauce in a blender or rub through a sieve.
Continued see

Casserole "Fisherman's Friend."

Capelin or herring 130, wheat bread 100, onion 20, egg 2/3, water 20, cheese 10, fat, salt.

The chopped fish is passed through a meat grinder, then mixed with grated bread, egg yolks, onions, salt, fat, whipped proteins, a little water or milk is added.
The mixture is placed in a greased form, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked.

Meatballs with Tomatoes

Cooking speed:
1,5 hour

What do you need:
2 onions
4 cloves of garlic
1 kg boneless beef
200 g white stale bread
1 cup milk
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp thyme
1 bunch of dill
2 bay leaves
400 g canned tomatoes in their own juice
20 cherry tomatoes
salt to taste
6 tbsp. l vegetable oil


Do not rush to get rid of dried bread. In many countries, bread is a vital product, and throwing it away is a bad omen. Especially in our post- and pre-crisis times, many European nations owl and turn for help to the experience of our great-grandmothers.

Of course, in order to realize it, a loaf of bread should initially be very good, with a perfectly browned crust, not crumble, and if you cut off a thick piece from it and place it, it will not fall.

One is that he is aging incorrectly. The crumbling crust and cotton pulp remain unchanged until all the bread is covered with mold.

Try making bread crumbs from white bread, and you just get dust that disappears in your mouth, as if it were blown away by the wind.

Stale bread dishes in different countries

Good bread, however, rarely disappoints. And this uses a huge number of recipes available in reserve in every culinary culture. Stale bread is everywhere in the yard.

For example - . Not a single summer is complete without panzanellas(salad of Tuscan bread and tomatoes) and soup (rustic soup with the same ingredients). And in the winter season, the remaining halves of stale bread often turn into soaked custard.

French toast is another favorite treat: toasted bread spread with fresh strawberries, grated with sugar, or orange jam, or croutons in an egg - great for weekly outings inside the house during the cold months of the year.

Leftover Yummy

Bread is the centerpiece for cooking leftover foods. This spontaneous part of the culinary art, which does not require long preparation, often presents the world with delicious food and unexpectedly successful combinations, forming the basis of many whip soups, pastries, salads or casseroles: it is satisfying enough to satisfy the appetite and quite democratic, which allows it to be mixed with a thousand other things.

Therefore, even if it is One movement of a food processor and it turns a plain crust into crumbs, which can then be frozen and used for breading fishcakes or for making a surprisingly spicy bread sauce.

In short, bread is the head of everything, even if it is not as fresh as yesterday.

Toast a la France

Cut a crust from one or two slices of bread, soak them in a beaten egg (ideally, soak for 20 minutes), fry in butter until golden brown, then sprinkle with sugar. A breakfast worthy of royal blood is ready - and you don’t need any croissants.

However, if the classic does not suit you, you can turn an ordinary loaf into something completely new.

Banana bread

I love bread and butter casserole and never get tired of coming up with something new every time on this subject. This recipe is very suitable for the gloomy days of this time of year, when there are so few fresh, fruits grown in your garden.

  150 g of unsalted butter, softened, about 450 g of two- or three-day white bread, 3 eggs, plus 1 egg yolk, 100 g of powdered sugar (or vanilla sugar), 300 ml of whole milk, 200 ml of cream, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract , a little ground nutmeg, 2 large or 3 small bananas, peeled and chopped, 200 g of milk chocolate, chopped, 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Cooking: Lightly oil a large, heat-resistant dish. Cut the bread into slices about 1 cm thick, cut and discard the crusts, lightly oil on both sides and cut into squares or triangles.

In a bowl, beat eggs, egg yolk, and powdered sugar until a light and foamy consistency is obtained, then add milk, cream, vanilla extract, and a little ground nutmeg. Put a third of the slices of bread on the bottom of the dish and put 1/2 bananas and chocolate on top. Repeat, then cover with a second layer of bananas and chocolate with the remaining pieces of bread.

Pour in custard mixture and sprinkle with ground nutmeg. Cover and refrigerate for at least one hour to allow it to soak. Preheat oven to 180C. Remove the lid and sprinkle the casserole with powdered sugar.

Place the dish on a baking sheet and then in the oven. Pour boiling water from the kettle into the pan so that the water level reaches the middle of the sides of the dish. Bake for 40-45 minutes, then remove the dish from the pan and serve after 10 minutes.

Migas (Crumbs)

This delicious Spanish dish is often served as part of tapas (a variety of snacks). You can also serve it with eggs, or with greens as a warm salad.

Need on four servings as a snack (tapas) : 250 g of good bread with a large texture, such as rye, one or two days ago. 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 4 cloves of garlic, peeled, but left whole, about 75 g of chorizo \u200b\u200bsausage, sliced \u200b\u200bin crescent, about 3 mm thick, 2 slices of bacon, chopped into large pieces, juice of one lemon, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, 1 bunch of fresh parsley.

Cooking: Cut the crusts from the bread and discard them, then cut the loaf into cubes of about 2 cm. (If the bread is very stale, sprinkle with water to moisten it, cover and leave for an hour). Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add the cloves of garlic and fry, often turning over, for several minutes, until they have a golden hue. Add the chorizo \u200b\u200band bacon and sauté for a few minutes until crispy. Remove the chorizo, bacon and garlic from the pan, leaving most of the fat in it.

Add the bread cubes. Mix well so that the fat completely covers them, and then fry for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until golden brown. Put the chorizo, bacon and garlic back in the pan and mix everything. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper, if necessary (chorizo \u200b\u200band bacon themselves give the dish a salty taste).

Serve right away, garnish with parsley.

Meat bread

Perhaps the name will seem too common, and the associations too routine and clumsy ... But there is a reason why this economical dish has stood the test of time - it is incredibly tasty.

You will need eight servings: 30 g butter, 2 onions, peeled and finely chopped, 1 bay leaf, 2 teaspoons chopped thyme, 1 carrot, chopped, 1 celery, chopped, 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped, 1 kg of ground beef (not too lean), 300 g chopped pork, 3 eggs, lightly beaten, 70 g whole breadcrumbs, 200 ml tomato ketchup, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, 4 tablespoons finely chopped parsley, ½ teaspoon ground cumin, ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper, slightly ground muscat Go nuts, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking: Preheat oven to 180C. Put the parchment on a baking sheet or baking dish and lightly grease it with vegetable oil.

Heat butter in a pan over medium heat. Sauté the onion with bay leaf and thyme for about 15 minutes until the onion is soft and clear. Add carrots and celery, cook for five minutes, then add garlic and cook for a few more minutes. Remove from heat and let the vegetable mixture cool completely.

Remove the bay leaf. In a large bowl, combine ground beef and pork, eggs, breadcrumbs, half ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, parsley, caraway seeds, peppers, nutmeg and chilled vegetables. Season everything well and mix thoroughly with your hands. Break off a piece, fry until tender, then try and add seasonings, if necessary.

Put the mixture in the center of the baking dish and with wet hands, form into an oval about 5 cm high. Pour the remaining ketchup on top. Bake for 1-1.5 hours (the time will depend on the shape of your bread) until the dish hardens and bakes. Leave it to cool for about 10 minutes before slicing. The next day, you can chop it and make delicious sandwiches, adding another ketchup!

Based on materials guardian.co.uk