What can be cooked from a bear. Medvezhatina: cooking recipes

Bear meat is a useful product, the use of which in food helps to strengthen the immune system, recover from a serious illness, and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. How to cook such meat at home? What spices improve the taste of bears? Detailed information on the features of the preparation of bear meat is given below.

Knowing the recipe for cooking bear meat, you can really surprise guests with an unusual dish

  • Servings Per Container:8
  • Time for preparing:12 minutes

Beef Stews

The meat has a specific smell, and therefore not everyone likes it. Bears need to be able to properly pickle and cook, otherwise the dish will get an unpleasant aftertaste, and the pieces of meat will become stiff. Before cooking, the game is soaked in sour sauce or saline, aged in a dark, cool place for at least 12 hours (depending on the weight of the bear’s marinating time varies).

Bear meat is cooked, stewed, baked and fried. The best option is stewed bear cub, with the addition of kvass and spices. To prepare the dish you will need:

· Medvezhatina - 1 kg .;

Kvass - 1 liter.;

Onions - 2 pcs.;

Carrots - 2 pcs.;

· Parsley (root) - 1 pc.;

· Fresh mint - 2 bunches;

· One head of garlic;

Cumin - a pinch;

· Salt, a mixture of hot peppers, ground ginger, curry - to taste;

· lemon juice;

A tablespoon of sugar;

Flour - 100 gr.;

Sliced \u200b\u200bfresh vegetables and chips for a side dish.

Pre-marinate the bear meat in a vinegar mixture (500 ml of water and 250 ml of acetic acid 9%), with the addition of herbs, celery and parsley roots, hot spices. Let the meat brew, large pieces - up to 12 hours, small pieces - up to 3-4 hours.

Rinse the bear meat under running water, cut into cubes, grate with a mixture of mint, salt and peppers, lightly fry. Transfer meat to a cauldron or deep pan, add grated carrots, chopped onions and garlic. Pour kvass with vegetables and meat and leave to simmer for 2-3 hours. Drain the broth from the meat, combine with flour, sugar, lemon juice, spices, cook, stirring constantly. Pour the bear mixture with the finished mixture, boil. The dish is served with vegetable slices and fried potatoes.

How to cook bear cutlets

Bear cutlets are cooked in the same way as similar dishes from other meat. The only peculiarity is that meat is pre-marinated in wine vinegar for 5-6 hours.

List of ingredients:

· Medvezhatina - 800 gr.;

· White stale bread - 5 slices;

Onions - 3 pcs.;

· Lard - 100 gr.;

· Salt, a mixture of hot peppers - to taste;

· greenery;

Three cloves of garlic;

· cream.

Remove the film from the meat, wash and dry. Soak slices of bread in cream (fatty milk can be used). Finely chop the onion and garlic, fry until golden brown. Cut fat and meat into cubes, combine with onion, garlic, bread, chop in a meat grinder. Add garlic, passed through the press, salt, spices and herbs to the prepared meat.

Use your hands to form small oval or round meatballs from the minced meat, brew them in flour and lightly fry them. In order for the cutlets to be baked completely, they must be placed in the oven, and baked at 180º until cooked. The dish is served with baked potatoes, salted tomatoes, cucumbers. Spicy or sweet and sour sauce is suitable for cutlets.

People have been hunting bears since prehistoric times for the sake of meat and wool. Bears are common in the Northern Hemisphere and partially in the Southern. Due to the acute sense of smell, large size, cruel temper and secrecy, the bear has always been considered a favorite target of hunters. And even having figured out the beast, it is difficult to kill him in a fair hunt, but it is easier to lure him into a trap by luring him with something sweet. Bears are usually nocturnal and quite difficult to meet in the forest.

Cooking methods

The best parts of a bear are the hips and paws. In terms of taste, the meat of a bear is very specific: it has a sweet taste and a greasy, rough texture. The food usually consumed is the meat of brown bears. White is the main source of food for the Eskimos. The meat of polar bears is served baked, cooked in stew or in soup. This meat is never eaten raw, and the liver is almost never used as food, since it has a high content of vitamin A and is highly toxic.

The taste of the bear depends on the diet of the bear, on its gender and age.. It is best to marinate adult bear meat in orange juice, vinegar, or red wine. So it turns out softer. The taste of bears resembles chicken and pork. However, as a rule, there is more fat in it than in pork.

The meat of bears can be stewed for 2-3 hours with onions, carrots and bay leaves, previously cut into small pieces. Serve the dish better with a potato side dish. You can also simply boil bearfish and serve with different sauces. Mustard, chilli peppers or grated horseradish will add spiciness to meat. From the bear, you get an excellent jelly. It should be cooked as usual, however, so that it “grabs” you can add pig legs.

It is better not to serve bear meat separately: the specific taste is masked by spices or a side dish. Pickled cucumbers, onions, garlic, piquancy will give a special aroma - lingonberries, cheese, mushrooms, quince. The hams of the bear can be smoked or salted. Salting of meat lasts about a month, and it can be stored for a long time before cooking in brine.

Useful properties of bear

The bear is in hibernation for five months, so it must accumulate a large amount of nutrients. In summer, the bear eats meat, fish, wild honey, berries, herbs and bark. His body is enriched with a set of biologically active substances, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Bear cub has a low sodium content. It is a rich source of protein, B vitamins, zinc and iron. However, bear meat has a lot of cholesterol, which reduces its usefulness.

Bear Recipes

In a slow cooker

Bear meat is a real delicacy that you will not find in the store. Therefore, few people know the nuances that should be paid attention to. It is believed that the best meat in individuals who have not reached three years, and the smell depends on the nutrition of the animal. The aroma of fat is quite often so specific that it spoils the whole dish. Then you need to cut it off without a trace. We will tell you how to cook bear cub at home using a slow cooker:

  1. Cut one and a half kg of meat without fat into portions, put them in water, and then soak the meat all day, periodically changing the liquid.
  2. For the marinade to your taste, mix olive oil, adjika, French mustard, Italian herbs, suneli hops, thyme, garlic and a little mayonnaise.
  3. Mix the meat with the resulting sauce, then put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  4. Prepare onions, carrots, leeks and petiole celery for frying. Peel the vegetables, cut into pieces.
  5. Put the meat with the marinade in the multicooker bowl, add the prepared vegetables, close them with a lid.
  6. Turn on the appliance for three hours in the "Extinguishing" mode.
  7. Peel and chop the potatoes into large slices. As soon as the specified time comes out, add to the meat in the slow cooker and simmer together for another hour.

The finished dish is very hearty and tasty. Serve it with a salad of stewed or fresh vegetables.

Braised Bear

You can not eat meat of wild animals with a number of diseases. In addition, the bear is often a carrier of trichinosis, so it is better to check its meat before eating with a veterinarian. If everything is in order, you will become the owner of a rare delicacy.

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then leave it for a while alone.
  2. Take a pan, garlic its inside. Put the meat in it, add water. Cook until the beef is soft. It will take you about three hours, perhaps more.
  3. Preheat the pan, pour a small amount of vegetable oil, put the meat. Sprinkle it with plenty of onions and add water.
  4. When the liquid evaporates, fry the meat until crusty.

Serve with a side dish of vegetables.

BBQ from the bear

For barbecue you need to take fresh meat, not frozen. In addition, it is necessary to completely remove fat and make sure that the meat is well-fried. Cook the bear in charcoal or in a dry frying pan.

  1. Salt the meat, leave to marinate for a couple of days.
  2. Make a sauce of 150 gr. water, ketchup, tomato juice, vinegar, sugar, salt and any spices. Put on fire and cook for fifteen minutes.
  3. Put the meat in the sauce, cook in the oven until tender (about two hours).

Bear cutlets

The meat of wild animals, as a rule, needs to be pickled for a long time to remove an unpleasant odor. After proper processing, the meat should not be hard and red.

  1. Separate the meat from the tendons, remove the fat, then cut into pieces, scroll through the meat grinder.
  2. Peel the potatoes and a few onions, cut into cubes, then scroll the meat a second time through a meat grinder. Do the same with white bread soaked in milk and garlic.
  3. Add the eggs, ground pepper, salt, thick sour cream and milk left after bread to the minced meat.
  4. Form cutlets, roll in flour and fry on both sides to a crust. Then transfer them to a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake until cooked.

Bear soup

Medvezhatina contains trace elements, vitamins of the PP and B groups, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and other useful substances. You can learn how to cook a bear dish in the form of soup from the following instructions:

  1. Peel the meat from the fat and veins, cut into small pieces, put in a pan filled with cold water.
  2. Put the dishes on the fire. When the liquid boils, put the onion in the husk (removing only the top layer), as well as the chopped roots of parsley, parsnip and celery.
  3. Put a little sugar in the broth, cook it for about an hour.
  4. Then get the meat, strain the broth; stew vegetables with sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes.
  5. Separate from other products boil pearl barley, put in a pan with broth.
  6. Cut pickles, pour boiling water from the pan, and then put in soup.
  7. Combine all the prepared ingredients, cook them together for another fifteen minutes.

Pour the prepared soup into plates, then add cucumber pickle or a little kvass to it. Note that the meat needs to be boiled well, in addition, it should not have a red tint.

Recipe for cooking have common features with recipes for familiar meat. Before cooking goulash, do not forget to soak the bear’s meat in water for the night. You can add the juice of one lemon to it first.

  1. Dry half a kilogram of meat, and then cut it into cubes.
  2. Sauté it over medium heat with onions, stirring occasionally.
  3. After that add flour, salt to the bear’s meat, mix the products. Fry them together for a few more minutes.
  4. Mix the meat broth with a few tablespoons of tomato paste, pour it into the pan.

It is necessary to simmer the bear’s meat under a closed lid for an hour and a half, adding water if necessary. Add bay leaf and ground pepper at the end. Before serving, sprinkle the resulting goulash with chopped greens.

Braised Bear Paw

How to cook this delicacy can be found in the following instructions.

  1. Dissolve soda in water and put a bear paw in a pan. Stew for ten minutes.
  2. Then put it in plain water, cook for another four hours.
  3. Remove the claws, hair and skin from the foot from the paw. Then take out all the bones.
  4. Wrap meat in a thin cloth, continue stewing with duck, chicken breast and ham. Do not forget to change the water to remove a specific aroma.
  5. Cut the prepared meat into thin slices, season with garlic, onions, ginger and pour wine. Simmer a few more minutes.


Properly following the instructions from the bear makes very tasty and nutritious dishes. You can choose a culinary recipe to your taste and cook with it an exotic dinner.

Forest animal meat, cook in two stages.

First pickling; bear meat - 1.1 kg, kefir - 1 tbsp., grass - 10 g.

For marinating, cut the meat, pour a glass of kefir or cream, add a little herbs with a fragrant odor (for an amateur). Today I use white clover. I leave the meat for a day in a cold place.

Second phase.


pickled meat - 1.1 kg

cabbage - 0.5 small heads of cabbage,

onion - 5 pcs.

garlic - 5 cloves,

salt, spices - to taste.

For garnish potatoes - 10 pcs.

I put coarsely chopped cabbage on the bottom of the cauldron. I wash the meat from the marinade and lay with onions and garlic.

From above, I cover everything with a layer of chopped cabbage, salt, pepper, pour a glass of water, close it and put it in the oven.

After boiling, put the switch on 3 (three) and leave it to stew. After 2.5 hours, cook the potatoes on the side dish.

3 hours after the cauldron was delivered, the meat is ready.

I take the cauldron from the oven and decorate the dish. The dish is very aromatic and tasty.

Bon Appetit!

PS. At the third hour of languishing meat, they called the apartment. It turned out that cockroaches from the next entrance are already taking their turn. The dish is really very appetizing.

It has been conducted since prehistoric times. Before talking about how to cook a bear’s meat, we’ll consider how useful this meat is, why it is so appreciated.

Useful properties of bear meat

Since the bears hibernate for five months, they need to grow fat and stock up on useful nutrients. That is why they eat organic food all summer. It includes the meat of some animals, fish, herbs, tree bark, berries, as well as honey. Thanks to this diet, bear meat is enriched with various nutrients, amino acids, vitamins and various trace elements.

Meat dishes do not contain such a harmful substance as sodium. Also, it contains a large amount of protein, zinc and iron. But we must not forget that this is a very high-calorie meat, which reduces its nutritional value. One hundred grams of the product accounts for about 130 kcal.

Bear Meat Recipes: Basic Principles

Before making dishes from bear meat, it must be properly prepared.

Especially if you don’t know how to cook bear meat at home, you need to read as much information as possible about this meat. Otherwise, you risk getting a tasteless dish or poisoning.

Bear meat is very tough. Therefore, before you cook it, you need to soak it in wine vinegar. You can use ordinary, but then the taste of meat will not have a fragrant wine aftertaste. In the sauce that you are going to serve with bear meat, you need to add more various herbs and spices.

Marinate meat must be put in a cool place for at least 12 hours. But this is provided that you have selected small pieces for cooking. If you pickle large pieces, then you need to do this for at least 3-4 days.

It is very important to consider the age of the bear. Young meat does not need pickling, but if you do not like its smell, you can marinate it for several hours.

The meat of an old bear necessarily needs primary processing. First of all, it will need to be separated from the large tendons.

How to cook bear meat?

When wondering how to cook bear meat at home, remember that it should not be fried, it is better to cook and stew. But if you are still going to fry the meat of a bear, then choose a chicken leg for this. For stewing and boiling, a piece of pulp from the back and lower back is best suited. A bear’s legs are considered a delicacy. They are well baked with seasonings in the oven.

So, to make the dish tasty, there must be a well-prepared bear meat. The recipe for making paws is quite simple. The main thing is to do everything right. To begin with, they are steeped in mineral water for 15 minutes. Then they need to boil for about 4 hours.

After the meat is boiled, it is necessary to remove the skin, claws, wool and small bones from the foot. Then the paws are wrapped in cloth and stewed with duck or chicken for at least 2 hours. During the process, it is necessary to drain the water a couple of times in order to get rid of the unpleasant odor. When the meat is ready, it is cut into large pieces and served on the table with sauce. It is best to cook the sauce, seasoning it with bright spices such as ginger, garlic, water chestnuts. It is advisable to cook this sauce on white wine.

Bear Meat: A Simple Recipe for Making Bear Meat Soup

We cut the meat to the required size, put it in a pan and set it on the fire to cook. We bring the broth to a boil and add the parsley root, parsnip, a couple of small onions, sugar (to taste), celery. Cook the broth for at least 45 minutes. After that, we pull out the onions and all other ingredients, except for meat. Then add the barley. It is best to cook it separately. Before we cut into the soup, we pour pickled cucumbers with hot broth. Together with them we add chopped onions, potatoes and parsley root. Cook the soup until tender. Add salt as needed, as the dish will already contain pickles. If the soup does not seem salty enough, then served with cucumber pickle. Greens and seasonings are added as desired.

Delicious bear cub with mint

For this dish we need the flesh of a bear’s meat. The recipe is very simple, although it requires many ingredients. We cut the meat into pieces of medium size. We pickle it in vinegar, mayonnaise. Add parsley, dill, thyme, black pepper, salt. We use mint in larger quantities to cover all the meat. We put all this in the refrigerator for at least a day. Then we send our meat to a preheated oven up to 220 degrees. But before that, it must be removed from the marinade and transferred to another container. Add chopped potatoes and onions to the meat only after it is half ready. And leave in the oven for another hour. When serving, add fresh mint leaves to the dish.

Step-by-step recipe for classic bear meat

We take 2 kg of bear meat, mint, caraway seeds, a couple of garlic cloves, grated juniper berries, a couple of carrots, as many onions, one turnip, parsley root. We will also need 0.5 kg of fresh white mushrooms, 1 liter of bread kvass (better than home-made), 100 grams of lingonberry, a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour, vegetable oil in order to fry the meat. We take salt, sugar, pepper to taste. You can add dill and parsley.

Step number 1. We take the prepared bear meat, rub it with caraway seeds, garlic and juniper berries. Then you need to fill the meat with a large amount of dry mint. Then we send it to the refrigerator for a day.

Step number 2. The next day, wash the meat from the rest of the grass, grate with pepper, garlic and salt and send to fry in a pan, adding vegetable oil.

Step number 3. Cut the carrots and root into strips, cut the onion into slices, cut the turnips into cubes. Ceps - in circles, and hats - in small pieces. Rinse mushrooms first.

Step number 4. After the meat is fried until golden brown, it is laid out in a saucepan and poured with kvass. Vegetables and mushrooms are added to the meat. The capacity is placed on a small fire. Salt is added as needed.

Step number 5. After the meat is ready, it is laid out on a plate, and the broth is left to cook, adding cranberries, flour and sugar to it. Cook no more than 30 minutes.

Step number 6. We return the bear meat to the broth and bring to a boil. Serve with chopped herbs.

Mishkina cutlet

Bear cutlets are prepared according to the same recipe as from any other meat. At the same time, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes can be added to the minced meat. The meat should be tried to get rid of a specific taste beforehand. Grind all components in a meat grinder. We form small balls from the mixture, envelop them in flour and send them to the pan. Fry them until golden brown and send to the oven, where they reach full readiness. You can add mayonnaise or sour cream. Serve cutlets with any side dish.

How to cook a bear stew?

Beef stew is not an easy dish. Before you start cooking the dish itself, the meat must be given processing. Marinate it in vinegar with bay leaf. The longer you marinate it, the more likely it is that the stew will turn out soft and tasty. For this dish we take meat from the soft parts of the animal. It is advisable that it be with pieces of fat. After the meat is marinated, it is necessary to put it in a deep container, add water. Salt and pepper to taste.

Stew meat until cooked. The longer you put it out, the softer it will be. The jars in which we will roll the meat must be sterilized along with the lids. You can use nylon covers, but then the stew will need to be eaten in the near future. If you want the meat to stand for as long as possible, it is best to roll it under tin lids. In order for the covers not to become rusty, they must be lubricated with any grease. Store the stew in a cool place. If you twist, observing all cooking technologies, it can stand for about five years.

Bear Sausage Recipe

In the process of making sausage from a bear’s meat, fresh and well-cleaned intestines play the main role. The sooner you get the gut from the killed bear, the better. They must be washed well and scraped from the inside with a knife. After that, it is washed well again under running water. At the last stage of preparation of the intestines, they are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. After that, we dry and inflate through a straw.

Now we are preparing the filling. We scrap the meat from the bone and separate it from the tendons. If you do not like the smell of bear fat, then it can be replaced with pork fat. We take it in a ratio of 10% of the total amount of meat, which is finely chopped. Add about 300 g of salt. We take garlic depending on who loves how much. If desired, you can add two heads. Do not forget about spices. This is usually ground pepper, but those who love variety add spices to their taste. All this is prepared based on 10 kg of meat. Then mix it well and leave it in the cold for about 3 days. This makes it possible for the meat to pour juice, after which it will be soft and juicy.

Next, fill the intestine with minced meat and hang sausages for a couple of days in a cool place. After that, remove and place them over a warm place. It can be a gas stove or oven. But it’s best to do it over a bonfire. The main thing is that the temperature should not be higher than 90 degrees. The whole procedure should take about 40 minutes. After blowing, cook sausages in hot but not boiling water. After that, bear sausages can be served. If you want them to lie down, smoke them for a while.

How to smoke bear meat?

Before you smoke bear meat, you need to hold it for a while in the marinade. Pieces marinated in a decoction of juniper, parsley, caraway seeds per day. You can smoke meat using hot or cold smoking. In general, the smoking process of a bear’s meat takes several days.

From time immemorial, bear fat has been used not only for cooking dishes from bear’s meat, but as a fuel. 50 g of fat is enough for the burner to burn for at least one hour.

Many Indian tribes, as well as the inhabitants of Chukotka, use this fat in order to escape from the cold. They grease their body with fat and do not wash for a long time. This helps them not freeze in harsh climates.

It is widely used in Chinese medicine to this day. Acids that are extracted from the bear’s bladder are good for rheumatism, gallstone disease, and low vision.

Now you know what properties bear cub possesses. Recipes for the meat of this beast were presented in the article.

Section: Hunting Kitchen
   7th page

If you don’t have game right now, use pet meat with success.
  And the result will exceed all expectations!

Small and large game dishes

How to cook, fry, bake - types of heat treatment of food

CLASSIC SAUCES - cooking school

FRENCH ROYAL SAUCES - cooking school

MAYONES classic, provencal. Russian table horseradish. BECHAMEL sauce

Of particular value is the gall bladder with bile. The gallbladder should be carefully separated from the liver completely with the bile duct: the latter should be tightly tied with a strong thread and the bladder should be kept in suspension for subsequent delivery as a therapeutic agent (endocrine raw material).

Liver (internal organs) and all meat should be subjected on the spot or on the basis of a veterinary sanitary examination with a microscopic examination of the legs of the diaphragm for trichinosis.

When cutting carcasses, the subcutaneous fat is first separated by layers, laying it in a clean wooden box, the bottom of which is lined with white paper and sprinkled with clean table salt. Subcutaneous fat is cut into identical pieces, which are rubbed with salt on all sides and firmly placed in a box, sprinkling salt with each row. During the first two days, the fat is kept indoors at room temperature 18-20 ° C, and then in a cool, dry, shaded room, where the streaking ends in 9-10 days. In winter, fat is kept in the cold.

Then the carcass of the bear is cut into two rear hams, a lumbar, two shoulder blades, a rib cage (“bell”) and a neck. The paws (brushes) that can be used to prepare the jelly are separated from the lower parts of the ham.

If, in addition to ham and shoulder blades, you need to pickle and soak the lumbar, neck and chest, they are cut into equal parts. Ambassador and smoking are produced in the same way as elk meat.



The meat of brown bears, shot before hibernation, especially in the dipper, is well-fed and has high palatability due to the abundance of mainly plant food.

On the contrary, the meat of brown bears, shot at the end of hibernation or after leaving it, or from male connecting rods that did not go to sleep, is not well-fed and therefore has poor taste.

When sporting hunting, bear meat is stored either frozen or salted. The most delicious are the salted smoked-boiled hams prepared by the mixed salting of the following recipe.

A curing mixture is prepared per 100 kg of meat: 3 kg of medium-ground salt, 2 kg of granulated sugar, 200 g of food saltpeter and 100 g of crushed black pepper.

Mix the mixture well, rub it with ham on all sides, lay them tightly in a clean steamed tub. Hold the meat at room temperature for up to 5 days, then transfer to another clean tub, cover with gauze and transfer to a cool place.
  If the resulting brine does not cover the meat after a few days, then it must be poured with a brine of the same composition (i.e., a salt mixture diluted with water). Salting of meat ends within 30 days, and it can be stored in brine until cooked.


To prepare smoked and boiled ham, the meat must be removed from the brine, allowed to drain for 1 hour or dried by rubbing with dry bran.
  Then equip a special hut with a small hole at the top and a smoking fire at the bottom. Place dishes with water near the bonfire and spray the bonfire with water to obtain a temperature of no higher than 40 ° C.
  All kinds of firewood can be taken, except for conifers and birch in the bark.
  Smoking ham weighing 6-7 kg lasts about 48 hours.
  If the ham is only salty, then it must be soaked before cooking in water for about 1.5 hours and then cook until tender. A ham weighing about 5 kg is boiled for 3.5-4 hours, and a large one (10 kg) - up to 8 hours.

  First way


For 5 servings: 700 g of bear’s meat, 400 ml of marinade, 50 g of carrots, 40 g of celery and parsley (roots), 75 g of onion, 25 g of flour, egg, 40 g of crackers, 90 g of melted lard, salt.


Leave the meat in the marinade for 4 days. Cook the broth from the bones, taking equal amounts of water and the marinade in which the meat was soaked. Strain it in this broth, adding sautéed roots and onions (stewing time - 5-6 hours). Cool the finished meat in a decoction.

Before serving, cut into slices, breaded in flour, moisten in beaten eggs, secondly breaded in breadcrumbs and fry. Separately serve pickled vegetables, fruits or coleslaw and beetroot salad.

It’s good to pickle bear meat with grape leaves and white grape wine.
  Second way


700 g of bear’s meat, 500 ml of kvass, 1 carrot, 1 head of onion, 1 turnip, 1 parsley root, 40 g of mint, a pinch of caraway seeds, 30 juniper berries, pepper and salt to taste.
  Sauce: 2 cups of broth, 2-3 tablespoons of flour, 1/2 cup of lingonberry, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, salt to taste.


Pour the prepared pieces of meat with mint, crushed juniper berries, caraway seeds and let stand for about a day. Then wash the meat, cut into portions, beat, grate with salt and pepper and fry.
  Transfer the fried meat to a saucepan, put carrots, onions, parsley, turnips, pour kvass and stew until cooked.
  Drain the broth, add the flour, lingonberry, sugar, salt to it, cook and strain. Pour bear’s meat with vegetables with this sauce and bring to a boil.

Serve on a platter or plate with vegetables. Put fried potatoes on the side. Pour the meat with sauce.

Now there are few recipes from bears throughout the Network - there are very few bears in nature due to a sharp reduction in their habitats!
  Moreover, poaching of the numerous starving part of the Russian population.

Instead of recipes, here are some posts from the Web:

  “Once, in my childhood, I had to live for about 7 years in the Kirov region, the Yuryansk district.
  Once a bear with a pair of cubs got on a high-voltage guard of military unit 44200.
  Dipper - to death, one teddy bear too.
  Ursa Major went to the soldiers ’dining room, a teddy bear with tender meat - to the commanders.
  I still remember my childhood shock at the sight of the bearskin’s skinned paws - a truly, purely child’s hand. And the skull is like a human. It’s already scary ...
  ... The second teddy bear lived with us until the first snow in November, was trusting to people, lived in a kennel of shepherd dogs guarding a part, was friends with children and soldiers, he did not like officers ...
  And on the first snow he squeezed his shoulders into the upper grate in the aviary and safely went to live back to the Kirov forests ... "

  “I caught a teddy bear and keeps it alive until it finds it, otherwise, if it scores, the meat will go bad!”

  “For me - there’s no tastier meat than bears. Especially if it's a little year-old teddy bear, not an old one. ”

  “We just scored this teddy bear just before the picnic. Butchered and pickled. We found the cooking method the simplest and most effective - baked by pouring marinade. Only the meat in the oven was kept not for 2 hours, but 2.5 and was not dried. It turned out to be a merger.
  The people gathered for the holiday - a cloud, but here is such a treat! For a long time people were not so happy. ”

Best of all is to leave the bears alone. They are now not sweet life.
Not the most worthy desire for a person is the desire to devour all living things around him, including all animal babies.
  And to complete the culinary education on teddy bears, we recommend that you watch the cartoon “Gray Bear”.