What to do if an enameled pan burns and how to clean it? How to remove the smell of burnt food from home.

How to wash a burnt pot  not every housewife knows. What to do if burnt milk or, worse, rice or buckwheat porridge is firmly stuck to the bottom. Many pots can simply be spoiled by improper cleaning or spend a lot of time, and the effect will be minimal. In fact, it’s very easy to wash any burnt pan, you just need to do it right. First of all, we will determine the type of pan, then it will be possible to find out how to clean what and in what ways.

How to wash an enameled, ceramic, aluminum and stainless steel pan

To wash a burnt enameled pan is not difficult at all. The coating is well cleaned with an ordinary washcloth. But if rice, buckwheat, semolina stick tightly to the bottom, you need to do this. Cool the enameled pan, then boil in it a solution of water and salt at the rate of 1 liter: 1 tablespoon without a slide. A burnt spot should move away easily. If not, add a little soda or vinegar to the solution, let stand for 2 hours and that's it, you can wipe the burnout with a washcloth. If you rub a burnt stain with a hard washcloth and using abrasive detergents, the enamel will begin to wear off, microcracks may appear. Food will come into contact with copper, and this is very harmful to human health. In addition, an enamel pan is perfect for cooking jam. In it, it does not burn and turns out without an extraneous taste.

Enameled pan is afraid of abrasive detergents and hard washcloths, as they lead to the destruction of enamel!

Karmic pan from burnt porridge, rice, milk and other things is very simple to wash. Soak the burnt stain in water for half an hour, then wipe the bottom with a sponge. With a more difficult burning of the pan, boil it, but not with plain water, but with a solution consisting of any dishwashing detergent and water (preferably filtered). Calculation of approximately 1 liter: 1 teaspoon of the product.

Ceramic pot is the easiest to wash. Most likely, normal soaking will help.

Burned aluminum pans are the most difficult to “save”. Have to work a little. Indeed, many housewives try to wash it with abrasive products and a hard sponge. This will make the pan worse. A burned-out aluminum pan may become deformed, the bottom will become uneven, and in some places the burnout will remain. The next time you cook in this saucepan, it’s in very worn places and bumps that the food will burn again. If something is burnt, do not waste time on empty chores. Substitute the burnt bottom immediately under cold water. Carefully remove what is washed with a regular sponge. Pour water into the pan and add salt. Calculation of approximately 1 liter of water: 1 tablespoon of salt. Boil and let cool. Wipe the bottom with a washcloth. If jam, rice, porridge, milk burns, the above tips may well work. When handled properly, an aluminum pan can last long and well in your kitchen.

It is impossible to influence the aluminum pan by force, otherwise it will be deformed, which will subsequently lead to a systematic burning of food in it.

To wash a burnt out pan from a stainless steel seems to be simple, but this also needs to be done wisely. The stainless steel is not afraid of hard washcloths and abrasive detergents. You do not need to rub such pans when burning. Scorched rice, milk or any other food can be wiped simply by soaking the pan for a couple of hours with detergent and water. With strong sticking, boil a pot of water and soda. Calculation of approximately 1 liter of water: 1 teaspoon of soda with a slide.

A stainless steel pan cannot be rubbed; it is afraid of abrasives.

All of the above methods of cleaning a burnt pot will help you easily and effortlessly clean any burnt food and soot. But there are many other interesting ways that many women use.

How to wash burnt food?

In order to wash burnt food there are a number of simple, affordable and well-proven ways hostesses.

Salt. This tool should be used as soon as the pan burned. For example, pour a burnt pan of stainless steel or aluminum with cold water, and then let it stand for 20 minutes. After that, pour water and pour salt on the burnt spot so that it completely covers the entire burn. Leave for 3 hours. Do not pour salt into the water, dark spots will appear on the stainless steel. On the contrary, an enameled pan cannot be filled with cold water immediately after the detection of a nuisance. Let it cool and then pour salt into the bottom. Leave for 3 hours, rinse with warm, and preferably hot water. If the burnout still does not move, repeat the procedure again.

Activated carbon.  As it sounds strange, activated carbon saves not only a sick stomach, but also any burnt pan. So, take a few pills of coal, grind heavily and fill the bottom. Leave on for 40 minutes. Pour cold water into a saucepan, then let it stand for another 30 minutes. Rinse with a sponge and any dishwashing detergent you have. It is especially good to remove burnt milk.

Vinegar.  Pour enough vinegar onto the burnt bottom of any pan. Let stand for 2 hours. Rinse off with water and detergent. From the vinegar, the aluminum pans will simply shine, because together with the burner, the vinegar will also clean the blackness that has appeared from time to time.

Milk serum.  This product contains a lot of lactic acids, which easily break down a burn of any complexity. Pour 2 cm of whey onto the bottom of a burnt aluminum, ceramic, enameled or stainless steel pan. Leave on for 24 hours. Rinse with detergent.

You can also see the most suitable method for cleaning a burnt pan in a table, which is given below.

Type of pollution

How to wash?

Enamel pan


Salt, boiling

Activated carbon salt




Boiling, salt

Boiling vinegar

Stainless steel pan


Activated carbon

Activated carbon


Soaking, boiling


Salt, boiling


Aluminum pan

Vinegar, Soda






Salt, boiling

Ceramic pot







Boiling vinegar

How to clean the pan outside?

In order for the pan to shine not only inside, you need to take care of it and outside, having cleaned the old soot. It can be formed from burnt fat, sour soup, runaway milk and other things. There are some easy ways.  By trying to apply them to your pan, you will see that these are really simple, effective, and inexpensive methods.

Take a tube of silicate glue, dilute it in several liters of water and boil a pan in it for 1-2 hours. All the cinder will disappear, your pan will look as if it had just been bought and brought from the store.

Or take some fine sand and wipe the bottom thoroughly. This method is just a find for tourists and lovers to spend a weekend in nature. You can also take soda, it also cleans dirt well.

And in the end ...

Using any method of cleaning, burning a pan or its bottom outside, you will significantly save time and effort. Your hands and nails will not suffer at all. After all, they are especially affected, while the hostess tries to tear off burnt rice or sugar from her favorite saucepan. No need for such victims, always stay with delicate hands and a beautiful manicure.

  So, the sooner you notice that your dish is burning, the more chances you have to save it. The easiest is burnt thick soups. Their salvation almost always succeeds, and no one usually guesses that little trouble happened during cooking with the soup.
  Immediately remove the pan from the heat using oven mitts or a kitchen towel. Pour the soup into another saucepan..

  Most often, milk burns in housewives. Moreover, such a nuisance can happen even with a fairly experienced woman. At the same time, there are a lot of ways to eliminate this trouble.
  So, for example, you can several times strain milk through cheesecloth, each time taking a new one or rinsing it thoroughly after each transfusion under running water.

Another way involves a fairly quick action. If milk is burnt, immediately transfer it to another container  - better pan.
  Put it in a basin filled with cold water. Salt the milk itself and mix well.
  To make the effect more noticeable, you can cover the container with a napkin dipped in a weak solution of vinegar.

If the milk you set on fire was oily, just try to get started dilute it with water. To do this: cool boiled water to room temperature, pour it into spoiled milk in the ratio for each 1 liter of milk 2 liters of water.
  See how the taste of rancid from this procedure decreases.

In still hot, freshly burnt milk put a crust of bread. Bread must be stale. It absorbs the smell of burning and you can consume milk.
  Cover and let cool.

On a note! And so that milk does not stick at all - put to the bottom of the container in which you boil milk, a saucer. At the same time, turn it over and you can safely go about your business, but not for long :).

Do not forget to pour a solution of baking soda into the ladle with burnt milk - this way it will be easier to wash off.

  Following the milk in the ranking is porridge. In case this breakfast dish is stuck to the bottom of the pan, put it in cold water and begin to transfer the porridge (not spoiled part of it) to another pan. Then add a little water, salt and put it on the cook again, only on a slow fire.

Gently burned milk porridge, without affecting the burned one, transfer to another pan, add some milk and boil it, stirring and keeping your eyes on it.

  If rice is burnt, it should also be put in a clean pan  (of course, only the one that did not suffer, and did not change its color to radically black).
  We take 2 slices of white bread and put them on burnt or “smoked” rice, at that moment when the rice is still hot. Leave the rice closed for 10 minutes. Bread absorbs all the bad smell and taste. Take them away and do what you planned with rice.

Onion  also a good way to get rid of the bad smell of burnt rice. Cut the onion into 2 parts and put on such rice for several minutes.

Onion peel  also helps to get rid of the annoying and unpleasant odor of rancidity. Spread the washed husk on rice and close the pan cover for a few minutes. The smell and taste of rancidity will disappear.

Can clean one   potato  and cut into thin slices, laying them on burnt rice. Close the saucepan and leave it closed for 5 or 10 minutes to remove an unpleasant odor.

In many cases, it is very easy to get rid of the smell of burnt rice by wetting a clean cloth or paper towel with cold water and covering the pan with burnt rice. Wet towel  absorbs all the escaping burnt steam.

  You need to transfer the surviving pasta to a colander and rinse with cold water. After that, water is added, and the pasta is boiled for another 5 minutes.
  You can introduce some milk and butter.

  Often when frying, a product such as meat suffers. A roast or stew of meat that has started to burn is more difficult to save. Such dishes are very quickly saturated with the smell of burnt. But you can try.
  Turn off the gas immediately, put everything from the pan that has not burned. With affected pieces of meat cut burnt crusts.
Put all the saved meat in a clean pan, fill with broth, put a piece of butter and seasoning, and darken over low heat.
  It is also good to add tomato sauce and fried onions.

Of course, if the meat is too burned out, it is better to throw it out. The salvation and eating of such a product is impossible and fraught with health problems

You can also try to save burnt meat. with sauce. To do this, cut off the burnt crust, put the meat on a clean frying pan, add water or, if any, the broth. Pour fragrant seasonings to your taste here. Boil everything over high for about 3 minutes. Add a piece of butter at the end. Mix the broth thoroughly to make its consistency as homogeneous as possible. Serve it with meat as a sauce.

Sometimes you can fix a burnt taste using caraway and other spices. This works especially well if you start to burn the roast, or you forgot about the meat, which was quietly stewed on the stove. Add a teaspoon of caraway seeds, a little cayenne pepper, cinnamon on the tip of the knife and curry to the meat.

A couple of pieces of bacon can also fix the situation: bacon absorbs a smoky aroma, and the dish is not only edible, but quite tasty. So you can save meat dishes or sauces. But for lemon pie this method, of course, will not work.

Some suitable recipes ...

Option number 1
  So, first of all, of course, it is necessary to cut off heavily burnt parts. This is necessary to rid the dish of bitterness.
  Now return the meat to juiciness. To do this, put out the meat under the lid: cut the dry pulp into sufficiently thin slices. Next, put them in a bowl with a lid, pour in beef or chicken broth.
  You can also use your favorite sauce. This will be the main source of moisture.

Now add some finely chopped onions and canned beans.
  You can also diversify the dish with a handful of canned corn. Let the dish stand for several minutes and simmer on the stove.

When the meat is well stewed, sprinkle it with a thick layer of grated cheese. Now put the pan in the oven without covering it with a lid and wait until the cheese melts.
  Serve the meat with pita bread or fresh buns.

Option number 2
  Cut off the top burnt layer of meat, crumble the dry pulp with your fingers or a fork. In this state, it should crumble quite easily.
Next, mix the meat with 200 g of barbecue sauce. Instead of sauce, you can also use gravy, which is easy to make from flour and meat broth.

After - heat the dish on the stove for five minutes. Pour pasta or potatoes into the thick meat sauce.

Option number 3
  You can also save meat with spices and vinegar. Trim the burnt pieces, finely chop the meat into strips.
  Add a little vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, a couple of tablespoons of water and your favorite spices.
  Stew meat for about 5-10 minutes. It will turn out meat in Chinese with sweet and sour sauce.

And no one will guess that your meat is burnt.

Bakery products
  Burnt pies and biscuits - this is not a sentence. This is easily fixed. If burnt from the bottom - cool, and then rub the burnt place with a fine grated. If burnt on top - rub with a grater  and decorate the product on this side with cream and other sprinkles.
  You can add powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon. Alternatively, chocolate icing helps to get rid of the smell of burning.

It’s even easier to cope with the trouble of burning a cheese crust. The easiest way is to carefully remove it and replace with fresh portion  grated cheese, and then heat cook again.

  Burnt custard often spoils the mood of the hostesses. But you can fix the situation by pouring the cream into another bowl and adding to it lemon zest or chocolate.
  The taste of the cream will acquire interesting shades and noble depth.

  Felt, immediately remove the jam pan from the heat. Do not mix! Carefully transfer the jam into a clean dish, separating the burnt pieces. At the same time, one must act extremely carefully, in no case touching the bottom of the dishes with a spoon, otherwise burnt pieces and black flakes will appear in the jam. Burnt jam from the bottom of the dishes, of course, will have to be thrown away.
  Next, squeeze the jam lemon juice  (1 liter is enough for 3 liters). He will remove the smell.
  For flavoring, you can add cognac (only for adults!), Thyme, lavender, orange zest, vanilla, cinnamon to the jam.
  And make jam jam, no longer distracted, stirring and not digesting.

Many housewives are also interested in whether it is worth putting the burnt jam into jars or if it is not suitable for long-term storage and it is better to eat it immediately. The rule in this case is one: if the product is slightly burnt, and dark flakes do not get into it, it is quite suitable for conservation.

Things are much worse if the jam is burnt badly. Firstly, it will negatively affect the taste of the product, which is likely to bring you only disappointment. Secondly, eating such jam can cause problems with the digestive system. Therefore, no matter how sorry it is, but the jam will have to be thrown away.

  If you cooked vegetables, then remove the burnt pieces. If burning a little, pour a little into the dish cream and pour olive herbs. Stew on fire for 3 minutes.

Trying to get rid of the taste of burnt, you need to consider that:

  • You need to act quickly until the unpleasant taste and smell have not spread throughout the dish completely. Then eliminating them will be much more difficult.
  • It’s important not to overdo it. You can accidentally spoil the dish repeatedly, making it too thick or under salted.
  • It is advisable to worry in advance that the products necessary for such a situation are at hand, otherwise it will be practically impossible to correct the situation.
  • To prevent anything from burning, use pots and pans with a thick bottom, and warm the pan thoroughly before putting food on it.
  • And get a crock-pot on the farm. Cooking with her is very convenient: I laid down the products and forgot. The slow cooker itself will signal when everything is ready.

How to remove the smell of burnt food in the apartment?

It’s not always enough in such a situation to simply ventilate the room, because if the food is burnt and boiled a little more like that, then the smell can be absorbed into household things. Therefore, one cannot do without certain efforts.

Once the burnt food has cooled, discard it immediately. Collect all the burnt food, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the trash outside your home.
  Do not throw burnt food into the bin in the kitchen. Throw it in the trash can, which is located outside your home. Otherwise, you will not be able to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

To remove the smell of burnt food from the apartment, the following remedies are suitable for you:

  • any fragrant grass or combinations thereof: mint, chamomile, calendula, sage, etc .;
  • powder for washing things;
  • rags for mopping and other surfaces;
  • vinegar solution and potassium permanganate;
  • aroma lamp and oil;
  • soda and activated carbon;
  • coffee beans and orange peels.

To get rid of the smell of burnt food in the apartment, perform the following manipulations:

  1. Open all windows.
  2. Brew fragrant herbs. If not, boil water with cloves, lemon or cinnamon peels.
  3. Close the windows and carry a pot of brewed herbs throughout the apartment.
  4. At the end of the procedure, put it on the fire again and boil in the kitchen. After all, in this place there was a “leak” of an unpleasant odor.
  5. After 1 hour, ventilate the apartment again, but for a longer time.

If airing does not help and the unpleasant aroma still hovers up not only in the kitchen, but also in other rooms, use one of the instructions below.

Method 1
  To circulate air around the house faster, turn on all the fans that are in the house, next to open windows and doors. Turn them on at maximum power to create air movement. If you have a cooker hood in your kitchen, turn it on as well.
  If you have air conditioning, then it will be very useful to you in this case. Turn it on and off until the bad smell disappears altogether.

Method 2
  There is another way that involves the active use of water. The action diagram looks like this:

  1. Open the windows.
  2. Spend wet cleaning in all rooms in the apartment.
  3. Hang sheets soaked in vinegar in all doors of your home. All wet tissues are capable of absorbing odors.
  4. Along the perimeter of your house, place containers with water and a small amount of potassium permanganate.
  5. If necessary, wash all items that have absorbed the smell of burning. Pay attention to the fabric things that are in the room where the food burned out. It can be tablecloths, towels, curtains, covers, etc.

Only after any method you have chosen from the above, you can fix the result with absorbent and aromatic substances:

  1. If you have an aroma lamp, light it and freshen the air with aromatic oils.
  2. Spread a handful of soda and activated carbon throughout the apartment. They absorb well.
  3. Place coffee beans or orange peels in rooms.
  4. You can, of course, spray all the rooms. But this method cannot be called completely harmless and it only masks the smell for a while. Very soon, he again reminds himself. So it’s better to try a little and remove the smell once and for all.

  Our life is fast-paced - everything needs to be managed, not to forget anything, not to be late ... Even at home we often do not allow ourselves to relax, or in attempts to find a few minutes to rest, we try to do several things at once. Therefore, it is not surprising that no, no - and even a salted soup or burnt chops will appear on the table. But I really want this to not happen and our dishes have always been delicious ...

No need to be upset! Even experienced housewives sometimes fail in the process of culinary exploits. They just have little secrets that can fix the situation.
  As you can see, if a dish is burnt, there is no reason to panic, since you can still try to save it by following the recommendations.
based on materials

The problem of burnt marks on dishes is familiar to many. A rare mistress never had such troubles. As a result, the question arises of how to clean a burnt pan quickly and efficiently.

The problem of burnt marks on dishes is familiar to many

It is important not only to remove unwanted spots, but also to avoid surface damage.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning the pan

The cleaning process depends on the material from which the burned container is made. Today, manufacturers offer an extensive range of stainless steel and aluminum products, as well as individual types of pots with enamelled or Teflon-coated.

We wash enameled dishes

Step-by-step method for cleaning an enameled pan with soda

Do not hesitate to remove burnt spots from an enamel pan. If you start cleaning after some time after contamination, yellow stains will remain on the dishes even after the procedure.

Also note that you cannot fill a hot pot with cold water. As a result of such exposure, cracks will appear from the inside, and the enamel may crack. Start cleaning when the dishes have cooled a little.

The following methods will help to achieve the desired result and return the pan to its previous form:

  1. The simplest and most effective is the use of activated carbon. Grind 10 tablets and pour the prepared powder into the dishes. Cover it and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then pour the water so that it covers all the problem areas and wait another 15–20 minutes. After this time, apply dishwashing liquid to the sponge and wipe the burnt areas.
  2. Fill the damaged area with vinegar or citric acid diluted in water for 2 hours. Then clean the surface of the pan with a sponge.
  3. Dilute 1 tablespoon of soda in 200 ml of water. Pour the dishes with the resulting composition for 1 hour. Then put it on fire and wait until the soda solution boils. After half an hour, remove the container from the stove. Pour a little salt or soda onto a damp sponge and, after cooling the pan, clean the burnt areas.
  4. Pour some water into the dishes and add 1 tablespoon of liquid detergent. Stir the resulting solution and leave for 2 hours. Then you need to remove dirt with a sponge. At the end of the procedure, rinse the container thoroughly with clean water.

Important! The enameled surface must not be cleaned with metal brushes.

Video: we wash the enameled surface

Stainless steel pots

Stainless steel must be cleaned very delicately

Means that should not be used should be indicated, since irreparable harm can be caused to dishes. These include:

  • detergents with abrasives;
  • metal sponges;
  • cleaning powders.

Citric acid and soda will help get rid of a burn on a stainless steel pan.  When using them, you should focus on the above methods.

Wash dishes and with salt:

  • Put salt on the spots moistened with water and wait 2-3 hours.
  • Then use a sponge with detergent, and there will be no trace of dirt.

Important! In hardware stores you can find formulations specifically designed for cleaning metal products, the use of which also gives a good result.

Video: stainless surface treatment technique

Cleaning the aluminum pan

You can get rid of recently appeared pollution with the help of soda and a sponge:

  1. Moisten the surface of the dishes with water and wipe the burnt areas with soda.
  2. Then rinse the pan.
  3. In the case of fresh spots this will be enough.

Important! If the aluminum pan has a polished coating, you cannot use baking soda to clean it.

Soda can handle fresh stains easily.

Removing carbon deposits after several uses of the dishes will require more effort, but this task is also quite solvable. To do this, do the following manipulations:

  1. Pour water into the tank so that its level covers the impurities.
  2. Then add 1 tablespoon of soda and a little shredded laundry soap.
  3. Put the dishes on the stove and boil the solution for 20 minutes.
  4. When the container has cooled, wipe it with a sponge.

Eliminate stains will allow a solution of grated soap, soda ash and silicate glue. The procedure is as follows:

  1. All components must be added 1 tablespoon in 2-3 liters of water.
  2. Then boil the composition in a bowl for 30 minutes, and after cooling, rinse the container with cool water.

Stains can also be treated with a soapy solution with the addition of a few drops of ammonia.

A particular nuisance is carbon deposits at the bottom of dishes. To get rid of it, use citric acid, apple peel, soap solution or soda.  The last two tools are used according to the previously mentioned methods.

Citric acid is used as follows:

  1. Pour 10 g of the product into the container, fill with water.
  2. Boil for 20 minutes.
  3. To increase the concentration of the solution and prevent the spread of odor around the house, cover the dishes with a lid. After cooling, wipe the pan with a rag.

Citric acid gives excellent boiling effect.

An equally effective option is to use apple peelings.  But to remove stains, only the peel from fruits of acidic varieties is suitable. Actions are performed as follows:

  1. Boil 3–4 apples in a dirty bowl.
  2. Then rinse it and wipe it.

Important! The potato peel has similar properties, but it will help get rid of only minor spots.

How to remove burnt spots on a teflon surface

Teflon cleans easily and quickly

Teflon-coated pans advantageously differ from cookware made of other materials by resistance to sticking. They are rarely contaminated, but sometimes there is a need for washing such containers. It will not take much effort. It is enough to pour in a pan a solution of any detergent for dishes for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse the container with clean water.

If the pan is hot, you need to wait for it to cool before starting work. Do not use abrasive products and hard brushes that can damage the coating.

Important! If soot often appears on a Teflon pan, this indicates that the dishes have deteriorated and must be replaced.

Features of the removal of various types of pollution

Some contaminants are especially difficult to remove. These include burnt milk, jam, traces of buckwheat and rice porridge. Detergents can be powerless against them. Then you need to act on the spots comprehensively:

  1. Pour water into a container, add citric acid and soda, boil the composition for 30 minutes.
  2. When the dishes have cooled, wash them with a sponge.
  3. Then apply cleaning powder to the surface of the pan and wipe again.

Particularly strong contaminants may not disappear after the first cleansing. In this situation, leave the solution in the dish overnight, and the next day perform the procedure again.

You can get rid of soot in a pan with the help of improvised tools that can be found in any home. But in order to get the desired result and return the dishes to their original appearance, stains must be removed immediately. Do not use a soiled pan for cooking, as soot will become more stable and more difficult to remove.

Ways to get rid of the taste and smell of burning.

When cooking, any housewife can gape, which will lead to burning. This often happens with lovers of sitting on social networks or talking on the phone in the process of cooking. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to save the food and how to get rid of the aftertaste of burning.

There are many ways to get rid of a burnt taste. First of all, it depends on what exactly burned. Below are universal options that are suitable for all dishes:

  • Pour the food into a clean pan and taste
  • If there are no pieces of burnt food left in the food, but the taste is present, try to muffle it with spices
  • Great for garlic, pepper, Provence herbs, coriander and cilantro
  • If the dish is sweet, it is best to mask the smell with vanilla, lemon zest or cinnamon. It also copes with the taste of burning dark chocolate
  • It is recommended to introduce it into a burnt cream or cover a slightly burnt cake

There are many options for getting rid of the smell and taste of burning in food. It all depends on the properties of the products and the degree of burning.

Get rid of the smell of burning:

  • Milk.  Pour into another bowl and place in a basin with cold water. If milk is fatty and homemade, then try diluting it. Add a pinch of salt and try filtering through wet gauze.
  • Pie.  If the bottom is burnt, then it must be cut. Next, the whole cake is smeared with custard and put in the oven for 5 minutes. This contributes to the appearance of a new crust.
  • Porridge.  If porridge has burned, then it is necessary to transfer it to a new vessel, and leave the residue that has burned out in a saucepan. Cool in a bowl of cold water. Can also be corrected with milk. To do this, pour the unburned part of the porridge into a clean container and introduce a little milk. Stew on the fire for 3 minutes and add the butter.
  • Meat.  If the meat is burnt, then cut off the crust, and transfer the pieces to a new bowl. Enter some butter and meat broth. Pot 3 minutes with herbs.
  • Cheese crust. If the cheese is burnt on the pizza, then gently with a spoon, remove the cheese crust and chop the cheese on top. After that, put the pizza for another 3 minutes in the oven.
  • Vegetables.  If you cooked vegetables, then remove the burnt pieces. If burning a little, pour a little cream into the dish and pour in the herbs of Provence. Stew on fire for 3 minutes.
  • Pasta.  You need to transfer the surviving pasta to a colander and rinse with cold water. After that, water is introduced, and the pasta is boiled for another 5 minutes. You can introduce some milk and butter.
  • Fig.  In this case, transfer the surviving grains to another container and place a piece of stale bread on top. It absorbs an unpleasant odor. In milk, enter milk and butter.
  • Soup.  In this case, it is best to mask the smell with aromatic herbs. It can be coriander, cilantro and Provence herbs. You can also add grated cream cheese and a lot of dill to rice soup. Get a rich creamy taste. It muffles the smell of burning and its taste.
  • Biscuit.  You need to remove the burnt crust. To mask the place of cut, sprinkle the dish with different powders, powdered sugar. You can cover the cake with chocolate and decorate with fruit.
  • Goulash or meatballs.  You need to shift the pieces of meat and meatballs without crust into a new bowl and introduce a little red or white wine. Drain on fire for 3 minutes. Add some sugar and nibs. The result is a very delicious sauce.

As you can see, a burnt-out dish does not have to be thrown away. It’s enough to know how to deal with the problem. The main thing is not to spoil the food again.

Many housewives are familiar with such a nuisance as food burned to the bottom of the pan. As soon as this happens, the kitchen is filled with a terrible smell, and the dishes are covered with extremely difficult to remove brown coating. In this article, you will learn how to wash a burnt pot in a simple and effective way.

What you should not do

As soon as the pan burns out, it immediately comes to mind that it needs to be scraped with a metal washcloth, but this is not recommended. The fact is that such a washcloth is very hard, which spoils the surface of the dishes.

If enameled utensils are burnt, then you should not heed the erroneous advice and immediately put it under cold water. This will not save from the adhering soot, but a change in temperature will cause the enamel to crack and crack.

If your pan is aluminum, then remember that this coating is rather delicate, so abrasives should not be used as cleaning agents.

If it is more convenient for you to clean the dishes with powder, then it is best to take a toothbrush, which differs in very small and soft particles.

Salt solves the problem

The universal cleaning agent at all times was salt. If there is one in the house, then the problem of how to clean a burnt pot is quickly solved.

There are two ways to clean dishes from burnt food using salt - “dry” and “wet”. When using the first one, it is necessary to pour salt with a thick layer on the burnt bottom of the pan and wait a couple of hours. Then it is easy to clean the deposits using a stiff sponge.

The second method: in 1 liter of water you need to dilute 5-6 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, then pour the dishes with this solution. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. After a few hours, burnt food will begin to lag behind. It will be very easy to remove by adding any liquid detergent to the saline solution.

Universal soda

If you are still wondering how to wash a burnt pot, then pay attention to ordinary baking soda. This tool, available at hand for any housewife, copes with a burnt layer. Soda not only cleans the burn, but also better than any expensive powder, whitens dishes, removes grease, and also disinfects surfaces.

Many housewives have already thrown out newfangled cleaning powders and are only happy with the result that soda shows. How to clean a burnt enamel pan? Everything is very simple - use a natural remedy! Soda particles are very small, so they will not leave cracks or scratches on the surface of the dishes.

If you make slurry from soda and salt, you get a great tool to eliminate almost any household pollution.

If you have pots that have a very old soot, and you are already desperate to clean them, cover the contamination with a soda-salt mixture and leave for 24 hours. After this time, add water to the pan and let it boil for a while. Then you can proceed to the final cleaning of the dishes using a sponge. Believe me, you will stop wondering how to wash a burnt pan, because it will be perfectly clean.

And again about soda ...

There is an alternative way to clean dishes. It is necessary to take a pack of soda and dilute it in six liters of water. Pour the solution into a large container and lower the pan there. Next, you need to boil the liquid along with the dishes and leave for 3-4 hours. You will be amazed at how easily the burner moves away from the walls.

Acid scrubbing

Do not think that we suggest you use industrial acid. To quickly remove carbon deposits, the products available in each kitchen are quite suitable.

The most famous "kitchen" acid is vinegar. If your problem is how to clean a burnt pot, consider that you have found a great way to remove dirt, as well as rust and scale.

For cleaning, you need to combine a couple of tablespoons of vinegar essence and a glass of water directly in the pan with a burnt bottom. After you boil the solution several times, the burner will easily go away.

Vinegar can easily be replaced with lemon juice or crystallized citric acid. It is safer, and there will be no such unpleasant smell as from vinegar. A few tablespoons of lemon juice or one sachet of acid should be dissolved in a small volume of water.

You should pour the solution into the contaminated dishes, boil and leave for a couple of hours, after which you will stop worrying about how to wash the burnt pan, because the bottom of the dishes will shine.

Our grandmothers always knew how to clean a burnt enameled pan. To do this, they used whey or yogurt. These products are a delicate and mild detergent for cleaning easily deformable surfaces.

Fancy ways

If you don’t know how to clean a burnt aluminum pan, and there are no cleaners at hand, then potato peelings that can do a great deal with carbon can come in handy. Pour water into a pan, lower the cleanings there and boil them until cooked. Allow the water to cool and wash the dishes with soap and water.

Probably, all housewives, without exception, are afraid of milk burn, since it is very poorly cleaned. In this case, activated carbon will act as a real assistant. It is necessary to crush 10 tablets of this substance and fill them with the bottom of burnt dishes. After 40 minutes, add a little water to the product, and after a couple of hours with a hard sponge, you can easily remove the dirt. This method also helps to clean the burnt pan from jam.