Ramson: recipes for preparing dishes and preparations. Pickled wild garlic for the winter

Summer is a time when a huge number of people are actively preparing for the winter. Among the many greens for pickling, you can use wild leek, which has a piquant taste like garlic. In addition, this plant is very useful for the body, since it contains vitamins, minerals and other substances. Even after heat treatment, a lot of useful components remain in the leaves and petioles.

It is important to know not only how to wild garlic salt, but also when to assemble it correctly. The ideal time to gather is from May to June. It is important that no flowers appear on the plant. Only fresh and beautiful leaves are suitable for blanks without any damage. It is worthwhile to process them immediately after they have been ripped off. From the greens stored for the winter, you can prepare first and second courses, as well as use it for salads, snacks and pastries.

How to pickle wild leek with pickle for the winter?

Many people do not even suspect that you can harvest the stems of the plant. There are many different ways of salting, we suggest staying at the most popular option.

For this recipe you must take:

  • leaves and stems of the plant, spices, herbs, water;
  • 1 liter of liquid a glass of salt.


  1. The leaves need to be washed thoroughly, and then, lay them out on a paper towel to dry;
  2. Take clean cans. Put wild garlic in them, and add the selected spices and different greens;
  3. For salting, brine is important, for which it is necessary to combine water and salt. Pour it into jars and leave for a couple of days under loosely closed lids;
  4. During this time, foam will form on the surface, which should be removed. After that, add fresh brine to the jars and close the lids.

How to pickle wild leek with currant and cherry leaves at home?

Thanks to the use of currant leaves, the appetizer as a result is more aromatic and piquant. It is important to take freshly picked leaves, without stains and damage.

  • wild garlic stems, cherry leaves, currants, various spices, black peppercorns, twigs and dill seeds, water and a certain amount of salt.


  1. As in the previous recipe, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the leaves of wild garlic in running water, and then dry it;
  2. In clean jars lay the leaves of the plant, currants, cherries in layers, and also pieces of horseradish and other ingredients to taste;
  3. Prepare a brine, for which take 1 g of water 50 g of salt. Put a plate of oppression on the banks;
  4. On the surface of the cans, which should be left at room temperature, foam will form and must be removed. This process can last up to 2 weeks. It is also important to rinse the plate with a solution of salt;
  5. After the fermentation process is completed, it is necessary to add the missing brine to the banks and roll up.

How to pickle wild garlic with vinegar at home?

Thanks to the use of vinegar, the salting process is greatly simplified and accelerated. The taste of the final snack is spicy.

For brine, you need to take such products:

  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 210 g vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.

If desired, you can use different spices, for example, pepper or cinnamon.


  1. Leaves and shoots of wild garlic must first be soaked in cold water for an hour;
  2. Arrange them in jars and fill with brine, for which combine vinegar, water, salt and sugar. Roll up the jars and leave them upside down for 2 hours at room temperature.

How to salt a product without brine?

There are several options for instant cooking such snacks. Similarly salted leaves can be used to make salads, first and second courses.

Consider the 2 most simple recipes:

  1. The first option is similar to cooking many sauerkraut familiar to many. To begin with, rinse the leaves and stems well, and then cut them into pieces no more than 1 cm. Salt the plant pieces at the rate of 450 g of salt per 10 kg of wild garlic. This is best done in a wide basin. Put oppression on it and leave it for 5 days. It is important to periodically remove the foam. After time, you need to put the pieces in banks and close. Store in the basement or in the refrigerator.
  2. For salting young stems and leaves, you need to thoroughly wash and mix everything with salt. For 1 kg of plants, you need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of rock salt. Immediately after that, put everything in banks and carefully tamp them so that there are no voids. Banks are not rolled up, but simply closed with a plastic lid. Store in the refrigerator. After 10 days, you can eat a snack.

How to cook for the winter wild garlic salad with lard?

Cooked appetizer can be consumed separately, for example, spreading it on bread, or used in salads, first courses and as a filling for baking. Getting ready is quick and easy.

For this recipe, you need to take such products.:

  • 400 g of fat;
  • 200 g wild garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and spices.

It is important to use fresh lard without meat and skin.

It is best to cook according to a step-by-step recipe for wild garlic salting for the winter:

  1. The first thing to do is rub the lard using the entire amount of salt. Then, it should be put in enameled dishes, cover and leave everything for a day;
  2. After time, excess salt from the fat should be removed and cut into pieces. Then, it is combined with chopped herbs and scrolled in a meat grinder;
  3. The resulting mass should be mixed well and add spices if desired. It must be divided into banks and closed with lids. Store in the refrigerator, but not more than a year.

Horseradish salting recipe

Another option is a savory snack, which in the winter will not only help to warm up, but also saturate the body with useful substances. You can eat such a dish immediately after cooking, but it becomes tastier after a few months.

For cooking, you need to take such products:

  • 3 parts wild garlic, part horseradish and dill root, bay leaf, peppercorns;
  • For 1 liter of water you need to take 2.5 teaspoons of salt.


  1. To make a salad, first you need to prepare the leaves of the plant. They should be washed and then dried;
  2. Put the leaves in jars, alternating with laurel, horseradish and dill. Pour into the cooked brine. Put a wooden circle in the neck and put oppression;
  3. After some time, the fermentation process will start, so you need to periodically remove the foam and rinse in the salt;
  4. After 2 weeks, oppression can be removed. Add the missing brine and close the jars. Store in a cool, dark place.

How to salt in tomato sauce?

Another unusual recipe that allows you to get a very tasty salad that you can enjoy at any time of the year. It’s easy to cook, and you need completely affordable ingredients.

The onset of spring is marked by the awakening of the first plants, which give people the nutritional and medicinal possibilities of natural origin. Cherymsha is a forest queen, able to maintain her royal position for a very long time. The young shoots of this perennial wild plant contain a huge potential of vitamins and many other elements, so necessary for a weakened human body.

In raw, salted or pickled form, it is an indispensable tool for diseases such as atherosclerosis and scurvy. It is successfully used as an anthelmintic and bactericidal agent, has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. Preserving wild garlic is not very difficult - it can be salted, pickled in a jar with virtually no loss of useful properties.

How to pickle wild garlic in a jar for the winter at home


  • the required number of stalks of wild garlic;
  • regular table vinegar (9%) - up to 200 grams per two liters of filtered water;
  • regular sugar - 100 grams per indicated amount of purified water;
  • coarse salt - 100 grams for the same amount of liquid.


The stalks of wild garlic that has not yet blossomed should be sorted out, separating foreign matter, then washed and dried well.

Boil filtered water with the required amount of regular sugar, vinegar and coarse salt. Dip the plants in boiling water, blanch for up to two minutes. In no case do not digest the tender sprouts, while maintaining their solid qualities, providing a piquant taste of the product!

Extract plants from boiling water, put in a colander and cool under running water. Put the garlic tightly in pre-prepared and warmed jars, after which pour the containers with boiling marinade, without adding up to one and a half centimeters to the top edge of the can.

Cover the jars with lids, sterilize for about five minutes, and then tightly roll up. Store in a cool, dry place.

How to salt wild garlic in a jar for the winter, a simple recipe


  • salt at the rate of 100 grams per two liters of purified water;
  • stalks with leaves of wild garlic;
  • to taste selected amount of horseradish roots, fresh dill, bay leaves, allspice.


This is a very simple cooking method. You need to collect or buy long stalks of wild garlic along with leaves. Plants also need to be carefully sorted, washed, always dried and coarsely chopped.

Lay the wild garlic in cylinders, overlaid with prepared spices, and then pour the prepared saline solution. Top crush not very heavy oppression.

Within 15 days, the process of fermentation will take place in the cylinders. When foam appears on the surface, it should be removed, and it is imperative to rinse it. At the end of the pickling, add the required amount of brine to the container, roll it up tightly and set it in a cold room.

Fresh wild garlic has the most useful properties. It is used as a filling for excellent pies, added to fragrant soups and all kinds of salads. It will provide the best taste for meat dishes. The wild leek season doesn’t last very long, so hurry up!

Plants can be folded into bags and frozen. In winter, such a valuable blank will remind you of the imminent spring, help cope with vitamin deficiency, and cheer up.

Salmon of wild garlic   - This is one of the most popular and easiest ways to prepare this unique wild plant for the winter. To taste, this preparation resembles the taste of garlic, so it can be safely served with a dish of meat, fish, etc.

Wild salmon recipe.

   - salt
   - leaves of fresh cut wild garlic with long petioles

   1. Thoroughly wash the leaves of wild garlic, dry using a paper towel, carefully lay them in a glass bowl, which has a wide neck.
   2. Each layer of wild garlic must be added.
   3. Lay a wooden circle or plate on top of the wild garlic, and then bend it.

Ready garlic is perfectly stored in the refrigerator.

Salting wild garlic for the winter   recipe number 2.

   - wild garlic leaves
   - water - one liter
   - salt - 55 g

   1. Rinse the plants thoroughly, dry them, put them in glass jars or barrels, layering them with spices - allspice, bay leaves, horseradish roots, dill, etc.
   2. Pour jars or barrels with saline, put a wooden circle on top and a little oppression.
   3. In the first days, foam appears on the surface - it must be removed. At the same time, it bends and the circle must be washed with fresh saline.
   4. After two weeks, fermentation will end. Add brine to the container, close, put in a cool place.

  . Wild garlic canned.

   - young wild garlic feathers
   - water - one liter
   - salt, vinegar - 20 g each

   1. Peel wild garlic feathers from the first leaves, rinse, blanch for a minute in boiling water, cool under running water, let the water drain.
   2. Prepare a 2% saline solution (dissolve 20 g of salt in a liter of water), boil it, filter through a thick cloth, add 20 g of table vinegar.
   3. Put the prepared wild garlic in jars, pour brine two centimeters below the edge of the can, cover with lids, sterilize.

If you don't like pickling, try pickling.

Pickled wild garlic is no less tasty than salted.

Wild garlic pickled.

   - sugar, salt - 50 g each
   - vinegar - 120 g
   - water - one liter
   - Fresh wild garlic leaves

1. Rinse the leaves of wild garlic, cut into slices, blanch for two minutes, then cool under the pressure of cold water.
   2. Lay the leaves of wild garlic tightly in pre-warmed jars, fill with boiling fill.
   3. Pouring is prepared as follows: dissolve salt, sugar in water, boil for a couple of minutes. As soon as the pouring cools down a little, add table vinegar, stir, fill in jars with leaves of wild garlic, not reaching the edge of the jar 1.5 cm.
   4. Cover the jars with lids, sterilize for 5 minutes, clog.

Fresh wild garlic can also be cooked.

Before winter ended, we again began to think about the blanks. In winter, we maintained immunity, reminded ourselves of the tastes of summer, and simply indulged ourselves with all kinds of pickles. With the advent of spring, a new harvesting season began. But what kind of blanks can we talk about when the snow has just melted and the first greens have just begun to appear? Together with the first greens, wild garlic also begins to appear - a plant familiar to many with its light garlic taste and a whole list of vitamins and nutrients. Of course, yearning for greenery over the winter, I want to use everything only in fresh form, but it is useful to prepare wild garlic for the winter, so that in winter I can also replenish the supply of vitamins, maintain strength, good health and good mood.

In order to have time to prepare wild garlic for the winter, you need to know that the leaves and stems of this plant are collected in May - June, you need to have time to do this before the plant begins to bloom. For blanks, you need to use only the freshest, most beautiful leaflets and it is better to process them almost immediately after collection. It is in the young juicy leaves of wild garlic that contains a huge amount of vitamins A and C, which our body so needs during the period of winter colds. In addition to the undoubted health benefits, wild garlic has excellent taste, fresh leaves and stalks, as well as salted, pickled or pickled foods, can be used as food. If you prepare wild garlic for the winter, you can cook delicious soups, salads, cabbage rolls and pies based on it for a whole year. Wild garlic for the winter can be prepared according to a variety of recipes, but most often it is pickled. Try to prepare wild garlic for the winter according to the recipes below, and then, opening a jar filled with bright greens in winter, your home will be filled with freshness and summer aromas.

Pickled ramson

  2 kg wild garlic,
  1.5 liters water,
  40 gr salt
  1 tbsp 6% vinegar.

Before harvesting the wild garlic for the winter, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse its leaves. It is advisable to do this twice. Then it’s worth deciding in which form you want to see the pickled wild garlic. You can leave the leaves whole or dry them and cut into medium-sized pieces. Bring water to a boil, add salt, mix and add wild leek. Leave to simmer for 2-3 minutes and then transfer the leaves to pre-prepared jars. In the brine in which the leaves were boiled, add vinegar, mix and pour in boiling jars of wild garlic. Close the jars immediately with lids and leave at room temperature until completely cooled.

Garlic marinated with garlic

  700 gr ramson,
  1 liter water,
  60 gr salt
  2 cloves of garlic,
  1 bay leaf
  250 ml 9% vinegar
  70 gr. Sahara.

  Harvesting from wild garlic for the winter can become even more beneficial if garlic is added to it, which, in addition to its beneficial properties, emphasizes the acute taste of wild garlic. Wash greens thoroughly 2-3 times and dry. At the bottom of the jar, put the garlic, bay leaf and then lay the wild garlic. Prepare the marinade, to do this, bring the water to a boil, salt, add sugar and vinegar, mix. Pour the leaves of wild garlic with boiling marinade, sterilize the jar for 30 minutes, then roll up the lid.

Wild garlic marinated with mustard

  ramson stalks,
  1.5 tbsp wine vinegar
  1 tbsp salt
  1 liter water,
  1 tbsp French mustard
  a few peas of black pepper.

  Rinse the wild garlic stems and soak them in cold water for 30 minutes. At this time, you can sterilize jars in which wild garlic will be pickled. Firmly install wild garlic stems in a sterile jar. You need to install the stems vertically. Bring the water to a boil and fill it with wild garlic. Leave the boiling water in the jar for 5 minutes, then pour it into the pan, add salt, pepper and mustard to the water. Bring water to a boil again and boil for 2-3 minutes, then add wine vinegar and immediately remove from heat. Fill the stalks of wild garlic with the resulting marinade, roll up the jars and put upside down. Wrap the jars with a towel and leave in this condition until completely cooled. Tasty, healthy wild garlic for the winter is ready.

Marinated wild garlic with spices

  700-900 gr. ramson,
  1 liter water,
  50 gr salt
  50 gr Sahara,
  100 ml table vinegar.

Rinse the leaves and stalks of wild garlic and leave them flooded with water for several minutes. Sterilize the jars at this time. Put wild garlic in prepared jars. Bring water to a boil, salt, add sugar, cinnamon and cloves to taste, you can add other spices. Boil the marinade for 2-3 minutes, then add the vinegar, mix, remove from heat and fill the wild garlic with boiling marinade. Sterilize the cans and roll up the lids.

No less delicious are other blanks of wild garlic for the winter. Whatever method of preservation of wild garlic you choose, it will surely turn out to be very tasty and will retain all its useful properties for a long time. However, it should be borne in mind that not all wild garlic is suitable for preservation, but only the most juicy stems and young leaves.

Salted wild garlic for the winter

  1 kg wild garlic,
  1 liter water,
  50 gr salt.

  Rinse the ramson well and put it in a jar. Prepare a brine from boiling water and salt. Strain it and let cool. Pour the wild garlic with brine, cover with a wooden circle and set the oppression on top. Foam may appear on the surface, it must be removed and washed off the oppression with a saline solution. After 2 weeks, the jar can be closed and put away in a cold place for storage.

Canned wild leek for the winter with salt

  1 kg of leaves and stalks of wild garlic,
  500-700 gr. coarse salt, you can sea.

  Rinse the leaves of wild garlic thoroughly, soak in water for 30 minutes and rinse again, then scald with boiling water. Put a layer of wild garlic in a sterile jar, then a layer of salt, again a layer of wild garlic, and so on until you fill the entire jar. Close its lid and store in a cool place.

Ramson in tomato sauce

  2 kg wild garlic,
  800 ml water,
  200 gr. tomato paste
  2 bay leaves,
  4 tbsp salt
  2 tbsp Sahara,
  4-5 peas of pepper.

  The wild garlic prepared this way for the winter will become a real decoration of your table and will delight loved ones with its unusual taste and aroma. Wash the wild garlic well and scald with boiling water. Bring water to a boil, add 200 gr. tomato paste, several peas of pepper, 2 bay leaves, salt and sugar. Mix well and wait for the brine to boil again. Put the wild garlic in jars and pour boiling brine. Sterilize the jars for 20 minutes, then close the lids.

Canned wild leek for the winter

  1 kg wild garlic,
  200 gr. tomato paste
  250 ml vegetable oil
  1 tbsp Sahara,
  1 tbsp salt.

Rinse the ramson well, dry it and pass through a meat grinder. To the wild garlic add tomato paste, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Mix everything thoroughly, put the mixture on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute. Then immediately put the mixture into sterile jars. 0.5 l Sterilize the jars for 20 minutes, then roll up the lids. Cool at room temperature and store the workpiece in a cool place.

From all these preparations, you can prepare many delicious dishes, add them to salads, meat dishes, soups or pies. Wild garlic is a truly valuable product that has a very short collection period, so manage to make wild garlic preparations for the winter so that you can open the jar at any time, breathe in a refreshing summer aroma and experience a sharp, incomparable taste.

Alena Karamzina

    The most ancient and traditional recipe for salting wild garlic is salting using washed pebbles. Now it’s hard for me to explain why stones are needed there, but not a few teeth were broken about them. Now, in the presence of freezers, it is possible to keep the wild leek almost fresh, avoiding lactic acid fermentation. I remember from childhood, when they took such wild garlic from a warm cellar and opened the lid, some young ladies were simply knocked down. Later, methods were opened for salting wild garlic stalks whole, vertically in 3 liter jars with strong brine, which was then thrown away. The best way to harvest, in my opinion, is a salad method of salting followed by freezing. We need 1.5 kg wild garlic.

    In late wild garlic, it is necessary to cut off the leaves, finely crush them and dry on paper at room temperature in a dark place. In a week, an excellent dry seasoning for any dishes will be ready. It can be removed in a glass jar, closed with a lid and used in winter.

    The stalks of wild garlic must be cut into small pieces and placed in a deep volumetric bowl.

    For 1 kilogram of product, you need 1 full tablespoon of salt. After adding salt, wild garlic should be mixed by hand, trying to mash it a little. This will cause the release of juice.

    Then wild garlic must be carefully packed. For this, plastic dishes with lids are ideal - various buckets and cans. Salt wild garlic is laid out in the washed bucket or jar and rammed a little in it.

    Close the bucket with a lid. But this is not enough. Wild garlic fluids like gamma rays penetrate everything, spreading a powerful garlic aroma. Therefore, a bucket of wild garlic must be packed in a new plastic bag. Better yet, pack it in two bags. Now you can put the wild leek in the freezer. In this form, it is easily stored for a year without losing its properties and taste.

    Wild garlic salting for the winter produced. In winter evenings or closer to spring, when there is a lack of vitamins, we can get a jar of wild garlic and let it melt. She did not experience fermentation, so it has a very pleasant smell of a fresh garlic plant. Put salty wild garlic in a plate. She is especially good with village sour cream. Pictured is the modest table of the reserve captain on February 23, 2010, "Waiting for a hot meal." Salted wild garlic with fragrant vegetable oil is located behind the salad.