Wild garlic for the winter: golden recipes with step by step photos. Pickled wild garlic: recipes for the winter

Wild garlic for winter recipes  They are not very popular, because not all housewives grow it in their summer cottage. It’s not often that you meet her at the store shelves. However, we strongly recommend that you prepare it for the winter. For starters, you can try the following cooking variations.

Pickled wild garlic recipe for the winter

    Greens - a couple of kilograms

    One and a half liters of water

    Acetic acid - a tablespoon

Wash the leaves well. It is advisable to divide the leaves into 2 parts, so that it is more convenient to wash. Leaves can be left whole or torn into small pieces. Boil water, add salt, stir, and add greenfinch. Boil the contents for a couple of minutes, distribute in jars. Pour vinegar into the water where the leaves were cooked, stir, distribute in jars, immediately cover and cool to room temperature.

Find out and. You will learn many cooking secrets.

Pickled wild garlic for the winter: a step-by-step recipe

    Garlic clove - 2 pieces

    1 liter of pure water

    Sugar - 70 g

    Laurel leaf

    Acetic acid - 0.25 L

    Ramson leaves and stems

Wash the greenfinch thoroughly (it is better to do this at least 3 times). Dry the leaves after washing. Put the garlic on the bottom of the jar, then add the lavrushka, and then the greenfinch. Make a marinade: boil water, salt, add sugar with acetic acid. Pour the leaves with boiling marinade, sterilize the container for half an hour, and then roll up the lids.

Winter garlic pickling recipe

    Stalks of greenfinch

    Salt, French mustard - per tablespoon

    Litere of water

    A few peas of black pepper

    Wine vinegar - one and a half tablespoons

Wash stems thoroughly, soak in cool water. Sterilize containers where you plan to pickle greens. Set the stems tightly in an upright position. Boil water, fill the stems. Leave boiling water in the jar for five minutes. Pour the liquid into the pan, add salt, mustard and pepper. Bring the water to a boil again, leave the contents to boil for a couple of minutes. Pour in boiling marinade, roll up, wrap with a towel, leave in this condition until cool.

Pickled wild garlic - recipes for the winter

Spice Option

You will need:

    Greens - 0.9 kg

    Litere of water

    Table vinegar - 90 ml

    Cinnamon cloves

    Sugar - 45 g

Wash stems with leaflets well, fill with water and leave for a few minutes. Sterilize containers. Put them in prepared containers. Boil water, add salt, add granulated sugar, cloves with cinnamon. You can also put other spices. Boil the marinade fill for a couple of minutes, remove from the flame. Fill the contents with boiling marinade filling. Sterilize and screw caps on.

Recipe for salting wild garlic for the winter

    Greens - 1 kg

    Litere of water

    Salt - 45 g

Wash stems with leaves thoroughly, transfer to a container. From salt of boiling and boiling water, prepare a brine, filter it, cool. Pour the contents with brine, cover with wooden circles, crush with oppression. Foam may appear on top, which must be removed. After removal, bend, rinse with saline. After a couple of weeks, the container can be covered and transferred to a cool place for subsequent storage.

Harvesting wild garlic for the winter: recipes

Option with Tomato Sauce

    Tomato paste - 0.2 kg

    Water - 0.8 liters

    Greenfinch - 2 kg

    Laurel leaf - 2 pieces

    Sugar - 2 tablespoons

    Salt - 4 large spoons

    Peppercorns - 4 pcs.

Wash greens, scald with boiling water. Boil water, introduce tomato paste, toss a few peppercorns. Add sugar, lavrushka, salt. Stir thoroughly, wait for it to boil. Sterilize the containers for exactly 20 minutes, tighten the processed caps.

Prescription for wild garlic for the winter

Before winter ended, we again began to think about the blanks. In winter, we maintained immunity, reminded ourselves of the tastes of summer, and simply indulged ourselves with all kinds of pickles. With the advent of spring, a new harvesting season began. But what kind of blanks can we talk about when the snow has just melted and the first greens have just begun to appear? Together with the first greens, wild garlic also begins to appear - a plant familiar to many with its light garlic taste and a whole list of vitamins and nutrients. Of course, yearning for greenery over the winter, I want to use everything only in fresh form, but it is useful to prepare wild garlic for the winter, so that in winter I can also replenish the supply of vitamins, maintain strength, good health and good mood.

In order to have time to prepare wild garlic for the winter, you need to know that the leaves and stems of this plant are collected in May - June, you need to have time to do this before the plant begins to bloom. For blanks, you need to use only the freshest, most beautiful leaflets and it is better to process them almost immediately after collection. It is in the young juicy leaves of wild garlic that contains a huge amount of vitamins A and C, which our body so needs during the period of winter colds. In addition to the undoubted health benefits, wild garlic has excellent taste, fresh leaves and stalks, as well as salted, pickled or pickled foods, can be used as food. If you prepare wild garlic for the winter, you can cook delicious soups, salads, cabbage rolls and pies based on it for a whole year. Wild garlic for the winter can be prepared according to a variety of recipes, but most often it is pickled. Try to prepare wild garlic for the winter according to the recipes below, and then, opening a jar filled with bright greens in winter, your home will be filled with freshness and summer aromas.

Pickled ramson

  2 kg wild garlic,
  1.5 liters water,
  40 gr salt
  1 tbsp 6% vinegar.

   Before harvesting the wild garlic for the winter, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse its leaves. It is advisable to do this twice. Then it’s worth deciding in which form you want to see the pickled wild garlic. You can leave the leaves whole or dry them and cut into medium-sized pieces. Bring water to a boil, add salt, mix and add wild leek. Leave to simmer for 2-3 minutes and then transfer the leaves to pre-prepared jars. In the brine in which the leaves were boiled, add vinegar, mix and pour in boiling jars of wild garlic. Close the jars immediately with lids and leave at room temperature until completely cooled.

Garlic marinated with garlic

  700 gr ramson,
  1 liter water,
  60 gr salt
  2 cloves of garlic,
  1 bay leaf
  250 ml 9% vinegar
  70 gr. Sahara.

  Harvesting from wild garlic for the winter can become even more beneficial if garlic is added to it, which, in addition to its beneficial properties, emphasizes the acute taste of wild garlic. Wash greens thoroughly 2-3 times and dry. At the bottom of the jar, put the garlic, bay leaf and then lay the wild garlic. Prepare the marinade, to do this, bring the water to a boil, salt, add sugar and vinegar, mix. Pour the leaves of wild garlic with boiling marinade, sterilize the jar for 30 minutes, then roll up the lid.

Wild garlic marinated with mustard

  ramson stalks,
1.5 tbsp wine vinegar
  1 tbsp salt
  1 liter water,
  1 tbsp French mustard
  a few peas of black pepper.

  Rinse the wild garlic stems and soak them in cold water for 30 minutes. At this time, you can sterilize jars in which wild garlic will be pickled. Firmly install wild garlic stems in a sterile jar. You need to install the stems vertically. Bring the water to a boil and fill it with wild garlic. Leave the boiling water in the jar for 5 minutes, then pour it into the pan, add salt, pepper and mustard to the water. Bring water to a boil again and boil for 2-3 minutes, then add wine vinegar and immediately remove from heat. Fill the stalks of wild garlic with the resulting marinade, roll up the jars and put upside down. Wrap the jars with a towel and leave in this condition until completely cooled. Tasty, healthy wild garlic for the winter is ready.

Marinated wild garlic with spices

  700-900 gr. ramson,
  1 liter water,
  50 gr salt
  50 gr Sahara,
  100 ml table vinegar.

  Rinse the leaves and stalks of wild garlic and leave them flooded with water for several minutes. Sterilize the jars at this time. Put wild garlic in prepared jars. Bring water to a boil, salt, add sugar, cinnamon and cloves to taste, you can add other spices. Boil the marinade for 2-3 minutes, then add the vinegar, mix, remove from heat and fill the wild garlic with boiling marinade. Sterilize the cans and roll up the lids.

No less delicious are other blanks of wild garlic for the winter. Whatever method of preservation of wild garlic you choose, it will surely turn out to be very tasty and will retain all its useful properties for a long time. However, it should be borne in mind that not all wild garlic is suitable for preservation, but only the most juicy stems and young leaves.

Salted wild garlic for the winter

  1 kg wild garlic,
  1 liter water,
  50 gr salt.

  Rinse the ramson well and put it in a jar. Prepare a brine from boiling water and salt. Strain it and let cool. Pour the wild garlic with brine, cover with a wooden circle and set the oppression on top. Foam may appear on the surface, it must be removed and washed off the oppression with a saline solution. After 2 weeks, the jar can be closed and put away in a cold place for storage.

Canned wild leek for the winter with salt

  1 kg of leaves and stalks of wild garlic,
  500-700 gr. coarse salt, you can sea.

Rinse the leaves of wild garlic thoroughly, soak in water for 30 minutes and rinse again, then scald with boiling water. Put a layer of wild garlic in a sterile jar, then a layer of salt, again a layer of wild garlic, and so on until you fill the entire jar. Close its lid and store in a cool place.

Ramson in tomato sauce

  2 kg wild garlic,
  800 ml water,
  200 gr. tomato paste
  2 bay leaves,
  4 tbsp salt
  2 tbsp Sahara,
  4-5 peas of pepper.

  The wild garlic prepared this way for the winter will become a real decoration of your table and will delight loved ones with its unusual taste and aroma. Wash the wild garlic well and scald with boiling water. Bring water to a boil, add 200 gr. tomato paste, several peas of pepper, 2 bay leaves, salt and sugar. Mix well and wait for the brine to boil again. Put the wild garlic in jars and pour boiling brine. Sterilize the jars for 20 minutes, then close the lids.

Canned wild leek for the winter

  1 kg wild garlic,
  200 gr. tomato paste
  250 ml vegetable oil
  1 tbsp Sahara,
  1 tbsp salt.

  Rinse the ramson well, dry it and pass through a meat grinder. To the wild garlic add tomato paste, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Mix everything thoroughly, put the mixture on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute. Then immediately put the mixture into sterile jars. 0.5 l Sterilize the jars for 20 minutes, then roll up the lids. Cool at room temperature and store the workpiece in a cool place.

From all these preparations, you can prepare many delicious dishes, add them to salads, meat dishes, soups or pies. Wild garlic is a truly valuable product that has a very short collection period, so manage to make wild garlic preparations for the winter so that you can open the jar at any time, breathe in a refreshing summer aroma and experience a sharp, incomparable taste.

Alena Karamzina

She was one of the first to emerge from under the snow in order to saturate the human body with vitamins lost during the winter.

It is a pity that it can be used for food not all year round, since there is a certain period in which it is harvested. But there is a very good alternative way by which you can save all the useful properties of a wonderful product - pickled wild garlic. The recipes for such an original snack are very diverse. It is used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, added to salads, and it is also an indispensable ingredient for first courses.

Pickled wild garlic. Recipe with photo

Required Products:

Ramson - 800 g;

Water - 1 L;

Salt, sugar - 50 g each;

Vinegar 9% - 100 g.

Cooking process

Initially, it is necessary to cut only the stems from young wild garlic, then they need to be washed well and cut into pieces of about 10 cm.

The next step will be blanching wild garlic. To do this, boil about 2.5 liters of water. Dip the selected wild leek in boiling water and boil for no more than 2 minutes. But do not forget that you must immediately place it under cold water.

Next, you need to start preparing the marinade. To do this, add salt and sugar to the water, boil for 2-3 minutes, and then remove from heat. Wait for the marinade to cool slightly and add vinegar. Be sure to mix thoroughly. Delicious pickled wild garlic is almost ready. This recipe is quite simple. Therefore, cooking will not be difficult and will not take much time, but there will always be a tasty and fragrant snack in stock.

Jars need to be well sterilized, decompose ramson in them and pour the cooked marinade. Do not pour full cans, you need to leave a little space to the top empty so that the brine does not spill during sterilization.

So marinated wild garlic is ready. The recipe (for the winter you can also prepare the product using it), as you can see, is simple.

Ramson belongs to the onion family, despite the fact that it tastes like garlic in taste. You can save all the vitamins contained in it with the help of canning. So, your attention is invited to the winter. A step-by-step recipe will help you to fulfill this wonderful snack on your own, cranberries are used here to give beauty. In fact, if you do not want to cook with it, you can remove it from the recipe, it does not in any way affect the taste. But remember that cranberries are also rich in vitamins, and it also stabilizes blood pressure. And in winter, the body needs vitamins as never before.

Second recipe

Now consider another option for cooking such a dish. How, according to him, is pickled wild garlic prepared? The recipe for its creation, we now consider.

To prepare, you will need:

Ramson - 300 g;

One liter of water;

Cranberries - 2-3 tbsp. l .;

Vinegar 9% - 100 ml;

2 tbsp. l salt and the same amount of sugar.


This cooking option not only preserves all the beneficial properties, but also gives a beautiful appearance and wonderful taste. To create, you need young wild garlic shoots with small leaves. In order for the bitterness to go away and the taste to be more refined in the future, it is necessary to soak it for several hours in cool water. Next, rinse the wild garlic well, after which it must be cut so that it fits vertically in the jar. We put it in well sterilized containers, add some cranberry berries and begin to prepare the necessary marinade.

To prepare it, you will need a liter of water, it should be brought to a boil, after which you need to add salt and sugar, mix it all thoroughly and wait for them to completely dissolve. When the brine cools down a bit, you need to add vinegar, stir well again and pour the wild garlic with the resulting brine. Cover the jars with sterilized lids. The next step is to roll the cans. Upon completion of these steps, they must be installed upside down to cool completely. And then you need to put it in a cold room: a cellar or a refrigerator. This wonderful dish is ready, and pickled wild garlic will delight you all winter. The recipe is easy to execute, and the whole family will like the dish!

Save useful properties

Wild garlic grows not only in Russia, but also in Turkey, the Caucasus, as well as in most of Europe. Particularly active growth is observed in shady places with good moisture. The plant has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. And pickled wild garlic will also be useful for people with high blood pressure and cholesterol. Using it, you can also cleanse the blood and improve the functioning of the heart muscle. And also strengthen immunity and protect the body from colds and viral diseases. Our ancestors, due to the high content of vitamin C in it, used it in the fight against scurvy. Here's some healthy pickled wild leek. Cooking recipes can be selected for every taste, depending on personal preferences. Someone loves salty, someone - sweeter. Well, for lovers of spicy dishes, you can cook an appetizer in Korean.

Pickled wild garlic. Korean recipe

The method is similar to the previous ones, only the dish is much sharper. So, for cooking you will need the following ingredients: wild garlic, water, sugar, salt and rice vinegar are taken in equal proportions, as well as spices for Korean dishes and red pepper.

First you need to prepare wild leek. To do this, you should choose young stems, rinse well, then they need to be soaked in water for a while, approximately 2-3 hours. Then lay out in sterilized jars. Now you can start preparing the marinade for pouring.

For brine, all the necessary ingredients are mixed, then they need to be set on fire, brought to a boil, and then removed from the stove after 5 minutes. The next step is filled directly with wild garlic itself. It is necessary to sterilize the contents for 5 minutes and close. Cans can be rolled up or plastic lids can be used. Upon completion of the actions performed, they need to be installed upside down if a roll-up occurs, and left in this way until completely cooled. Next, clean in a cool room.


Now you know how to make pickled wild garlic, you will quickly remember the recipe. We hope that, thanks to our advice, you can cook this appetizer yourself. Bon Appetit!

For the winter, it is worth harvesting such plants that contain the maximum amount of substances necessary to maintain immunity at the proper level. Such plants, of course, include wild leek.

It appears in the spring, and before the end of June it needs to be prepared. Moreover, only selected specimens are subject to procurement. On the basis of leaves of wild garlic in winter, you can cook cabbage rolls, salads, it goes to soups and pies. Its taste qualities are excellent, which makes it, in combination with a huge amount of vitamins, an indispensable candidate for harvesting for the winter period. We will be saved from winter colds with the help of delicious pickled wild garlic.

By the way, pickling is the most popular type of harvest of wild garlic, but not the only one. Now we will get acquainted with the main recipes for harvesting wild garlic.

Before starting work, the leaves of wild garlic are thoroughly washed, preferably even twice, and dried.

We sterilize the banks.

Wild garlic in tomato sauce. Delicious

Ramson, 2 kg

Tomato paste, 200 g

Salt, 4 tbsp

Black pepper, 4-5 peas

Sugar, 2 tbsp

Bay leaf, 2 pcs

Water, 800 ml

1. Scalp the washed leaves of wild garlic and leave to drain.

2. Boil the water, throw the tomato and all the spices, give the marinade a little boil. Boiling and will pour.

3. Poured wild garlic in cans, fill with marinade and put on sterilization (20 minutes).

Pickled ramson

Ramson, 2 kg

Salt, 40 g

Vinegar 6%, 1 tbsp. L

Water, 1½ L

1. Boil water with salt, throw leaves of wild garlic into it.

2. After cooking for 2-3 minutes, move into jars, fished out of the water.

3. Add vinegar to the water, boil and pour the brine into jars of wild garlic.

4. Cover with lids and allow the banks to cool at room temperature.

Wild garlic for the winter, canned

Ramson, 1 kg

Sugar, 1 tbsp

Salt, 1 tbsp

Tomato paste, 200 g

Vegetable oil, 250 ml

1. Grind leaves of wild garlic in a meat grinder.

2. We mix the gruel with tomato, oil, put salt and sugar.

3. We warm to a boil, cook for a very short time - 1 minute. Immediately move to ½-liter jars, sterilize for 20 minutes and roll up.

Jams with garlic marinated in jars

Ramson, 700 g

Garlic, 2 cloves

Salt, 60 g

Sugar, 70 g

1 bay leaf

Vinegar 9%, 250 ml

Water, 1 L

Garlic very successfully supplements the pungent taste of wild garlic itself, and its ability to resist colds from its addition only increases.

1. Put 1 bay leaf, garlic in each jar, and wild garlic on top.

2. Cook the marinade and pour into banks.

3. We sterilize ½ hours, roll up.

Stalks of wild garlic with mustard, pickled

Wild garlic, stems

Salt, 1 tbsp

French mustard, 1 tbsp

Black pepper, several peas

Wine vinegar, 1½ tbsp. L

Water, 1 L

1. Stems are washed and soaked for ½ hours. We take it out of the water, let it drain.

2. Set the stems in the jars stand, tightly, and pour boiling water.

3. After 5 minutes, pour the boiling water into the pan, salt it, put the mustard and pepper.

4. Boil for 2-3 minutes, pour vinegar and remove from heat.

5. Fill the cans with marinade stems and roll up. Let them cool down, and we will turn them over and leave them.

Wild garlic salted for the winter

Ramson, 1 kg

Salt, 50 g

Water, 1 L

1. The washed and dried wild garlic is placed in a jar or pan.

2. Prepare the brine by boiling water with salt. We filter it and cool it.

3. Pour wild garlic with brine and adjust oppression on top.

4. We look after the wild garlic for 2 weeks. If foam appears, remove it and rinse with salt water a circle with oppression.

5. When 2 weeks have passed, the wild garlic is transferred to the refrigerator, placing it in a closed jar.

Wild garlic for the winter, canned with salt

Ramson, stalks with leaves, 1 kg

Coarse or sea salt, 500-700 g

1. Soaked washed wild garlic for ½ hours. Rinse again, scald at the end with boiling water.

2. In a jar we spread the wild garlic in layers, pouring with salt - until the jar is full.

3. Cover the jar with a lid and set it in the cold.

Wild garlic pickled

Ramson, 700-900 g

Sugar, 50 g

Salt, 50 g

Table vinegar, 100 ml


Water, 1 L

1. Washed wild garlic, soaked for several minutes in cold water, lay out on prepared jars.

2. Cook the marinade for 3 minutes from the components provided in the recipe. With spices, we decide which ones to exclude, which ones to add. Pour vinegar and stop boiling.

3. Pour wild garlic with marinade, sterilize jars and roll up.

Wild garlic or wild garlic is an amazing herb that has many beneficial properties for the human body. It belongs to bulbous perennials, but propagates mainly by seeds. Small bulbs are formed from a single leaf base. Her leaves are narrow, elliptical up to 25 centimeters long, up to 7 centimeters wide and with a petiole about 20 centimeters long.

When flowering, it forms small star-shaped white flowers with a diameter of about 16-20 mm with stamens shorter than the perianth.

It grows almost everywhere, from the Caucasus to the tundra. Loves wet shaded places. Wild garlic is called bear onions, wild garlic, flask, flask.

It can be eaten raw or cooked, added to soup, salads, stews, sauces and other dishes.

With all its many advantages, wild garlic is not stored for a long time and its harvesting season is limited by a short period. The easiest way to prepare it for the winter is to dry it or freeze it.

In addition to these two methods, there are other methods for harvesting wild garlic for the winter:

Make pesto sauce;

Preserve with oil;

Make alcohol extract;

Pickle or pickle.

How to make ramson tincture

This tincture is more used as a medicine.

You will need:

Ramson leaves

500 ml of vodka

How to make tincture with wild garlic

Thoroughly rinse the collected leaves with cold water and dry.

Finely chop and fill the jar with them, ramming with a wooden spoon.

Pour the leaves with vodka.

Put in a warm bright place for 2-3 weeks.

Strain and squeeze out the raw materials well.

Take tincture of 10-15 drops, diluted with water.

Shelf life is 3 years. But it’s better to do it every year.

Wild garlic pesto

You will need:

Ramson leaves

Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pinecones)

Olive oil


How to make pesto sauce

Rinse the garlic thoroughly with cold water.

Shake off water and let dry for a while.

Fold the leaves in a blender. Add salt, pepper and nuts.

Turn on and puree.

Pour so much oil so that the paste is not very greasy.

Stir and place in clean, sterilized jars. Close the lids.

Keep refrigerated. Serve with pasta, fish, meat and other dishes.

Ramson with oil

Adding butter to the wild garlic will extend its shelf life.

You will need:

500 grams of wild garlic leaves

500 ml olive oil

1 teaspoon of salt

How to salt wild garlic with oil

Rinse leaves well with cold water and pat dry.

Coarse and fold into a food processor, adding oil and salt.

Grind until mashed.

Transfer to clean, dry cans, making sure that a small amount of oil covers the contents.

Close the lids. Store in the refrigerator or basement. Shelf life - up to one year.

Pickled leaves of wild garlic for the winter

For fermentation you need only two ingredients: wild leek and salt. Salts take 2% of the weight of wild garlic, i.e. per 1 kg - 20 grams of salt.

Wash the wild leek and dry the leaves. Slice and place in a large bowl or pan.

Sprinkle with salt and mash with your hands until the juice goes.

Cover with a plate and put the load (a jar of water or another). The main thing is that all the leaves are immersed in the secreted juice. If it is not enough, you can add filtered boiled cold water or mineral water without gas. Leave it like that for the night.

In the morning, shift to a jar and tamp tightly. Press down on top with a load.

Close the jar with a lid or napkin. Put for 2 weeks in a cool place.

Pierce the leaves with a wooden stick daily to let out the gases generated during fermentation.

Arrange in smaller cans and seal with plastic lids.

Store in a cool place. Use an open jar for a maximum of two weeks.

Salted wild garlic stalks (pickled)

You will need:

1 kg of stems

1.5-2 tablespoons of salt

1 tablespoon of sugar

1 liter of water

Prepare wild garlic stems by removing leaves.

Rinse well with cold water and let it drain.

Cook brine. To do this, bring the water to a boil and add salt with sugar. Boil a couple of minutes after dissolving the salt and sugar. Remove from stove and cool to room temperature.

Stele folded into a pan or a large deep bowl. Pour into the prepared brine.

Cover with a plate from above and place the load, so that all steles are completely covered with liquid.

Put in a cool place for 2 weeks. Pierce the ramson daily and remove the resulting foam from the surface.

If necessary, rinse the plate and the load so that the wild garlic does not begin to mold.

When the fermentation process is over, put the stems in clean jars. Pour in brine and close with a plastic lid.

Store in a cool place.

How to pickle wild garlic for the winter

Mostly marinate bulbs or flower arrows. Leaves are best frozen, dried or canned with oil.

For preservation, wild garlic is harvested before the flowering period begins.

Some can preserve young flower arrows (buds), which are in the process of formation. You can pickle flowers. They are also edible and can become a decoration for salads.

Most often it is done without sterilization, preparing a marinade with one vinegar, sugar, salt and spices. Such wild garlic will be a good addition to fried meat.

The preparation process before canning is general:

The parts of the plant prepared for pickling are washed well with cold water;

Be sure to dry with water paper towels or a clean kitchen;

Tightly stacked in jars, shifting with spices and spices;

The water for the preparation of the marinade is filtered;

Bring to a boil and add vinegar, salt, sugar and boil for 2 to 5 minutes after dissolving the salt and sugar;

Cans are sterilized over steam, heated in the oven or microwave. They must be dry;

Before sterilization, they are thoroughly washed with soda solution;

Sterilize and need covers. New metal must be washed well with soda solution;

Prepared glass jars are poured with a hot marinade and immediately sealed with airtight lids;

Banks are turned upside down and left to cool completely, covered with a terry towel, blanket or blanket;

Store in a cool place.

Pickled wild garlic is ready in 1-2 weeks. After opening it must be stored in the refrigerator.

Wild garlic marinade

Wild garlic is pickled most often in small glass jars, with a capacity of 250-500 grams.

For pickling, you can take bulbs, stems, flower buds.

The taste of the marinade depends on the amount of vinegar, sugar and salt.

The aroma is supplemented by spices and spices: dill, chervil, celery, parsley, black peppercorns and allspice, bay leaf.

How to marinate wild garlic marinade recipes

Option 1

For 1 liter of water:

1.5 tablespoons of sugar

1 tablespoon of salt

80 grams of table vinegar

4-5 pieces peppercorns

2-3 pieces of bay leaf

Option 2

For 1 liter of water:

50 grams of salt

50 grams of sugar

100 grams of table vinegar

Option 3

For 700 ml of water:

1 tablespoon of salt

50 grams of table vinegar

Pickled bulbs of wild garlic

A very simple way to pickle wild garlic, which will be stored throughout the winter.

You will need:

5 cups of bulbs (with small stalks)

1.5 cups of table vinegar

2.5 cups of water

3 tablespoons of salt

0.25 cups sugar

3 tablespoons mustard seeds

2 tablespoons black pepper peas (mix with fragrant)

How to cook

Trim leaves, leaving a small stem. If necessary, clean the top coat.

Wash the bulbs. Dry by spreading on kitchen towels or paper towels.

Fold in clean, sterilized jars.

Cook the marinade. To do this, boil water with salt, sugar, vinegar, adding mustard seeds and pepper.

Pour the wild garlic with hot brine and immediately roll the lids. Turn upside down and leave to cool.

Store in the refrigerator or basement.

Pickled wild garlic with ginger and celery

You will need:

150 grams of wild garlic bulbs

100 grams of white wine vinegar

1 tablespoon mustard seeds

0.5 teaspoon dried celery

0.5 cm grated ginger root

2 tablespoons of sugar

1 tablespoon of salt

How to cook

Peel and rinse onion bulbs. Prepare the marinade, combining all the ingredients and boil it for 5 minutes after boiling.

Tightly place the bulbs in a sterilized jar and pour the marinade. Roll up the lids. Store in a cool place.

Pickled wild garlic with apple cider vinegar

You will need:

100 grams of wild garlic stems

5 branches of chervil (or dill umbrellas with seeds)

200 ml of water

100 ml apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon of salt

0.5 teaspoon sugar

How to cook

Prepare the marinade by combining all the ingredients except chervil.

Put the prepared stems in a clean dry jar, shifting them with chervil branches.

Pour with brine, roll up and put in a dark cool place. In a week the wild garlic will be ready.

Pickled wild garlic for the winter

You will need:

1.5 kg wild garlic stems

For marinade:

3 tablespoons of salt

3 tablespoons of sugar

2 liters of filtered water

2 teaspoons table vinegar

2-3 bay leaves

Dill, black and allspice

How to cook

Tear off all the leaves. They can be used for pesto or pickled with butter.

Rinse well with cold water and pat dry.

Prepare the marinade by combining all the ingredients.

Place the stems in a clean, dry, sterilized jar, shifting them with spices and spices.

Pour with hot marinade and immediately roll the lids.

Store in a cool place.

Pickled wild garlic with cinnamon

You will need:

1 kg wild garlic (with leaves)

For marinade:

1 liter of water

100 grams of table vinegar

50 grams of salt

50 grams of sugar

1/3 teaspoon cinnamon (ground)

How to cook

Go through the wild garlic, removing all wilted and damaged parts. Rinse well with cold water and pat dry.

Chop randomly and put into prepared jars.

Boil water and add vinegar, salt and sugar. When salt and sugar dissolve, add cinnamon.

Pour the wild garlic with a hot marinade and immediately tighten the lid.

Cool by turning the cans down with the lids. Store in a cool place.

Pickled wild garlic buds

For this recipe, unopened wild garlic flower buds are used. You need to collect them when they are still solid and dense, light green in color. It turns out sharp buds, but very beautiful and crunchy.

They can be added as a snack to meat, cheese, salads or instead of capers.

You will need:

Wild garlic buds - about 300 grams

White Wine Vinegar - 150 ml

Sugar - 50 grams

Salt - 5 grams

Star anise

Bay leaf - 1 piece

How to cook

Wash flower buds by pruning long stems. Dry and place in a sterilized jar.

Bring vinegar, salt and sugar to a boil. When the marinade boils, add bay leaf and anise.

Pour the buds with a hot marinade and immediately tighten the lid.

Store in a cool place.

Tip: spices can be taken to your liking, replace vinegar with regular or apple. But in this case, adjust the marinade to taste.

Pickled ramson flowers

Pickled ramson flowers are better to eat before the New Year.

You will need:

120 ml of water

80 grams of sugar

40 grams of vinegar

How to cook

Sort the collected flowers and rinse with cold water.

Put on a cloth and dry.

Put in small jars. Add spices to your taste: dill (seeds), peas, peas, cinnamon and others.

Cook the marinade by boiling water, vinegar and sugar.

Pour the flowers with a hot marinade and seal hermetically.

Store in a cool place.

Ramson is a vitamin gift of nature. But, unfortunately, her season is limited. To extend the culinary pleasure, prepare for future use.

Pickled with vinegar, it can be stored for several years. But it is unlikely that it will last for such a long time.

Sauce and pickled wild garlic can be eaten as a separate dish, added to salads, soup, served with meat and poultry.

Marinated with small, it perfectly complements pasta and pasta, roast, sauces, soup.

Do not be too lazy to collect it in the spring or buy in the market to procure for future use.