Quick preparation of raspberries for the winter: easy and without cooking. Raspberry jam for the winter without cooking, with whole berries and grated

Raspberry jam is one of my favorite jams. I have already published an article about and mentioned various jams that I have prepared before. Look, it's all delicious.

Of course, you know that raspberry jam is not only sweet, but also a medicine. The best medicine is raspberries cooked fresh, without boiling. Or with minimal heat treatment. We mainly make raw raspberry preparations. Well, of course we cook 1-2 jars. With tea sometimes you want so much and it's so delicious.

How to cook raspberry jam. Step by step raspberry jam recipes

Here we will mainly consider jam, which is cooked a little and turns out to be very fragrant, tasty and healthy.


  1. Recipe for raspberry jam with sugar

We will need:

For 1 kg of raspberries - 1.5 kg of sugar.

If you take 1.7 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries, then you can store it at room temperature. But we always store raspberry jam in a cool place.


Today we will cook raspberries without boiling or grated raspberries with sugar. This method makes it possible to preserve all the vitamins. It is also a very simple and fast way to cook. This jam is stored in the refrigerator.

1. Berries must be ripe and undamaged. Raspberries are red and purple. Wash the berries and let them dry. To do this, the berries can be carefully scattered in one layer on paper towels.

2. Pour sugar into the berries.

3. Mix everything well.

4. We crush raspberries with a plastic pusher, just like we crush potatoes. Mix sugar and raspberries well. We cover the dishes with raspberries with a lid and leave the mixture of sugar and raspberries to stand for 4-5 hours until the sugar dissolves. Periodically you need to mix the raspberries.

5. Everything, the jam is ready. Pour raspberry jam into sterilized jars.

6. Close with sterilized lids. We store it in the refrigerator.

We got the most fragrant raspberry jam, although we did not cook it, but prepared it in a different way. But everyone calls it jam.

I can’t believe that you resisted and didn’t immediately put it in a vase to try it.


Happy tea!

  1. Instant raspberry jam for the winter


  • Raspberries - 5 kg.
  • Sugar - 5 kg.


1. We sort out raspberries to clear leaves and other debris.

2. In a large basin, with such an amount, it is the basin that is needed, pour 1-1.5 kg of sugar to cover the bottom. Spread raspberries over sugar. Sugar for raspberries, etc.

3. Thus, pour the whole berry.

4. We leave the berry covered with sugar to settle until the berry releases juice.

5. When the berry has given juice, put the basin on a strong fire.

6. When the raspberries boil, you need to remove the foam. Remove the foam carefully and of course immediately give it to the baby. I remember that my grandmother always gave it to me, and I always waited, well, when they would call for foam.

7. Bring the berry to a boil and cook the jam for 15-20 minutes.

8. After 20 minutes, pour a couple of spoons of jam onto a plate, draw a spoon in the middle, if the two sides of the jam do not connect, the jam is ready.

9. Quick-cooking raspberry jam is ready. We showed how you can make a large amount of jam. But in the same way, you can prepare 1-2 liter jars.

Pour it into jars and store in the refrigerator.

Happy tea!

  1. Frozen raspberry jelly

In this recipe, we will prepare a very interesting jelly. It prepares quickly. Nothing needs to be sterilized. It is very convenient to use.

The jam is alive. You need a lot less sugar. This jam has one drawback, if you cook a lot of it, then you need to have a lot of space in the freezer. Yes, we will have ice cream jam.

So, let's begin.

We will need:

  • Raspberries - 1.2 kg.
  • Sugar - 600 g.


1. Pour the sorted and washed raspberries into a saucepan, in which we will cook jam and break it with a blender. As you already know, you can crush with a crush. But of course a blender is better.

2. Put the raspberries, broken to an even mass, on the stove, on a slow fire, without sugar. Bring the raspberries to a boil, stirring all the time and cook for another 10-12 minutes. We need the liquid to evaporate a little. As they say, to boil the jam.

If you don’t have a place where you can freeze and then store jam, then you can cook this jam in the same way, just take 1 kg of sugar. raspberries - 1-1.2 kg. And pour the hot jam into sterilized jars. But you need to store such jam in a cool place.

Well, or cook, as in the recipes above.

3. While we were talking, our jam is boiling and getting thicker.

4. Boiled for 12 minutes and only now add sugar. You can add even less sugar if you want to make a less sweet jam and if you only freeze the jam.

5. Bring the raspberries with sugar to a boil and let it boil for another 2-3 minutes. Make sure the sugar dissolves.

6. As usual, we check the jam by pouring the jam on a saucer and holding a spoon in the middle. Two separated strips of jam should not join themselves.

7. The jam is cooked. Look, it turned out beautiful, homogeneous, very fragrant.

8. Let the jam cool completely and pour it into plastic jars, such as ice cream cups.

9. Well, if there is very little space, you can pour the jam into a plastic bag, or better in a double bag. Freezer bags are available.

10. Such jam in jars is not frozen to a glassy state. It becomes very dense, but freely taken with a spoon.

We store this jam in the freezer. It goes very well with pancakes or just with tea. It has the taste and aroma of fresh berries.

I think it's raspberry jam - you'll love the jam. Try it. Very practical.

Happy tea!

We offer a recipe for raspberry jam without cooking. In the summer, a huge number of berries, fruits and vegetables appear on the shelves. And after you eat plenty of berries, you need to think about what you need to stock up on them for the winter. For example, in order to better preserve all the properties of raspberries, you need to make jam from it. Moreover, there is a recipe that does not require long-term cooking, while the jam will be stored for a long time and will cure anyone of a cold in winter, since raspberries are rich in vitamin C. All ingredients are designed for one 0.5 liter jar. In total, it will take 35 minutes to cook raspberries without boiling, but it will take 3-6 hours to infuse it.


  • Raspberries - 300 g
  • Sugar - 300 g


Portions - 0.5 l
Cooking time - 35 min

Raspberry jam without cooking: how to cook

Hurry up to buy raspberries on the market while they are at the peak of popularity and demand. If you have your own garden, then this is wonderful, since you can be sure that there are no chemicals in the berries. Raspberries should be sweet, red and ripe. Sort the berries, remove the spoiled ones and, if necessary, remove the stalks. Take a bowl of water and add the raspberries to it. Do not rinse it under running water, as you can damage the berries. After that, take out the berries and put them on a paper towel. Top with a second towel and blot the berries to remove excess moisture. Repeat this several times. Pour them into a bowl in which the jam will be prepared.

Sprinkle sugar over the berries. Observe the proportions: how many raspberries, how much sugar is needed for it. If desired, you can use powdered sugar - the sugar will dissolve faster, and the time to prepare raspberry jam will be reduced. First, cover the berries with 1/3 of the sugar and leave for 2 hours. This is necessary to extract the juice.

Once time is up, add the rest of the sugar. It is necessary that the sugar covers all the raspberries. Gently mix the berries with sugar. Use a wooden spoon for this. But if it is not there, then it's okay, in this case, use a plastic spatula.

Take a mortar or meat grinder and bring all the ingredients to a homogeneous mass. If desired, you can use a combine to make it faster. Leave the jam for 3-6 hours in a warm place. This is necessary so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Most often, this jam is made in the evening and left overnight.

The next morning you will get jam that is ready to eat. Now you can safely bake pancakes, pancakes and delight your loved ones with a delicious and simple recipe for raspberry jam. Those who want to keep it all winter need to take a jar and sterilize it. After that, pour the jam, cover with a plastic lid and refrigerate. In such a place, it can stand all winter and at the same time not lose all its useful properties. In winter, you can add it to tea. Children will be delighted with such yummy. And in the meantime, you will support their immunity, and in the cold period of time they will not be afraid of infection. Take care of the health of your loved ones for the winter and make raspberry jam that does not require cooking. Bon appetit!


Sort the collected berries, remove the stalks and leaves. It is undesirable to wash them, otherwise you will get liquid jam.

Take a voluminous basin and place raspberries with sugar in layers: first berries, then sand, and so on.

Due to such a pouring, the raspberries will sugar evenly, without stirring.

Do not cook jam in enamelware, otherwise it will burn.

Cover the basin with gauze and leave overnight for the raspberries to release their juice. In the morning, see if there is enough liquid to start cooking.

This recipe has 2 options:

1 - boil a thick syrup: pour the raspberries, bring it to a boil, which should last 5-7 minutes, distribute it among the containers.

2 - use quick cooking in several stages.

Regardless of which method you choose, a viscous jam with whole raspberries will come out, which will be perfectly preserved for the winter.

Place bowl with strawberries over moderate heat. When the berries boil, all the sugar will dissolve.

Boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat and let the jam cool completely. Stir gently from the edges so as not to touch the raspberries. You can just gently rotate the pelvis.

Put the cooled mass back on the stove, boil for 5 minutes, then cool again. During cooking, foam appears, which must be removed.

Repeat this scheme three times: boil and let cool completely.

Boil the jam for the last time until done. It will become a beautiful dark burgundy color, the syrup will thicken, and the berries will remain intact.
Checking for doneness is easy: pour a teaspoon of syrup onto a plate and swirl with a spoon. If a hardening mark remains, the treat is cooked. For greater density, you can add previously soaked gelatin.
When cooling, the delicacy thickens. Now you can distribute it among banks.

Easy no-boil recipe


  • 1 kg. raspberries;
  • 1 kg. granulated sugar.


With this method of preparation, all vitamins are preserved in the berries, and the cooking process requires a minimum of time. Jam is stored in the freezer, so you can safely take the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio.

So, the preparation steps:

Don't have time to cook? Follow the ideas of quick recipes on Instagram:

Take ripe and healthy berries, sort through. Tear off the leaves and stems.

Sprinkle raspberries with sugar. There are several options here: berries can be mashed using a mortar or blender, but some housewives leave whole berries. Keep raspberries sprinkled with sugar for 6 hours. Stir the berries to dissolve all the sugar, being careful not to disturb them.

Take processed plastic containers and place dessert in them. Close the containers with lids and place in the refrigerator or freezer. Even there, the product will not freeze much. The syrup will thicken, become viscous, acquire a burgundy color and a pleasant aroma of raspberries.

This treat is a great option for the prevention of colds.

Raspberries mashed with sugar for the winter without cooking


  • 1 kg. berries;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1.5 kg. Sahara.


Place the berries for 15 minutes in cold salted water (1 g per 1 liter). Get rid of floating larvae and grass residues. Wash the raspberries by repeatedly placing them in clean water in a colander. Sort the berries, wash them again and drain the liquid.

Pour sugar and crush the ingredients with a wooden mortar. Instead, you can take a clean blender. Keep the raspberries for 2 hours until the sugar dissolves in the juice. Sterilize storage containers by steaming, oven or boiling.

Arrange the jam in jars and leave a reserve for the "cork" of sugar. Sprinkle the berries with powdered sugar. Close the container with processed lids, cool, place in the refrigerator.

As can be seen from the recipes, raspberries with sugar are harvested for the winter for taste and benefit in many ways. Jam helps bring down the heat and strengthen the immune system. We hope that our selection will be useful to you for the preparation of an indispensable product.

Bon appetit!

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The benefits of raspberries are well known and due to its unique composition. There are vitamins in this berry (especially valuable are A, groups B, C), and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium and others), and valuable acids (folic, tartaric, formic, salicylic). Coumarin, which is part of raspberries, improves blood clotting, iodine helps with bronchitis, and glucose and fructose are essential components for nourishing the brain and heart. Well, raspberries for colds are the first remedy for lowering the temperature and general relief of the condition.

All good berries! But what to cook from raspberries so that all its useful properties are preserved as much as possible? Vitamin C - the most effective for colds - is destroyed during heat treatment. Partially or completely during cooking, other useful substances that make up raspberries are also destroyed. This means that most of the useful components will be preserved in raw jam. And besides, raspberry jam without cooking is also the easiest way to save raspberries for the winter.

This simple dish is a must have in your cellar. This preparation will be especially useful for children.

To prepare raspberry jam without cooking for the winter, we sort out the berries, sort out low-quality ones, and rinse with cold water.

We make raw raspberry jam in the following proportions: we take 2 parts of sugar for one part of the berry. Sugar will act as a preservative, and our jam will keep well.

Let's grind the sugar with a raspberry wooden crush.

We sterilize jars and lids in advance.

Immediately put our jam in jars, not reaching 1.5-2 centimeters to the edge.

Fill the space left to the edge of the jar with sugar.

We just need to close the jars with sterile lids. Our raspberry jam without cooking for the winter is ready.

Many housewives in the summer are preparing blanks for the winter. Preservation can really come in handy in the cold season. It helps to make the diet more varied, it can be used to prepare a variety of dishes, and just eat for fun. However, it is worth recognizing that most of the blanks are made by heat treatment, as a result of which the fruits, berries and vegetables used significantly lose vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. However, there are products that can be quite canned without heat treatment. So let's try to figure out how to make raspberry jam without cooking for the winter.

First option

To prepare such a jam, you will need one kilogram of fresh raspberries. In addition, prepare two kilograms of granulated sugar.

First of all, prepare the berries, sort them out, remove the leaves and stalks, rinse and dry if necessary on a paper towel.

Next, pass the raspberries through a meat grinder or grind it in any other way. This work can be done with an ordinary mortar and pan. As a result, you should get a berry mass of a homogeneous consistency.

Measure out one kilogram of sugar, as an alternative, you can also use powdered sugar, it will dissolve much faster, so you can have ready-made jam in just a couple of hours. Mix the crushed raspberries and sugar until smooth and send to a place warm enough to completely dissolve the sugar. After three to six hours, spread the berry mass in sterilized jars, pour a thin layer of sugar on top, cover tightly with a lid and refrigerate. The prepared composition can be consumed immediately, so you can cook just amazing pancakes with it.

Such jam may well be stored in the refrigerator or cold basement throughout the winter.

Second option. Raspberry jam for the winter with lemon

To prepare this version of raw jam (without cooking), you will need a liter jar of raspberries, a kilogram of six hundred grams, two kilograms of sugar, one medium-sized lemon. For such a volume of jam, prepare four half-liter jars with four plastic lids.

First of all, clean the raspberries, rinse and dry if necessary. Grind the berries using a meat grinder. Also, this manipulation can be carried out using a blender or mortar. Next, grind one lemon to a puree state, along with the seeds, as well as with the skin. Do not forget to wash the fruit thoroughly, and also pour boiling water over it.

Such a composition may well be stored on the shelf of the refrigerator for a long time.

Third option

This version of jam has a special intoxicating taste. And all because, in addition to raspberries, it contains ordinary vodka. Do not be alarmed, there is quite a bit of it in this jam, it plays more of the role of a preservative.

So, you will need one kilogram of raspberries, one kilogram of sugar, and three tablespoons of vodka.

Combine clean and sorted berries with sugar, and set the container aside. After the raspberries release the juice, start stirring it until (not constantly, but only from time to time) until the sugar is completely dissolved. As practice shows, this will take you about six hours, and maybe even more. The prepared berry mass should have a uniform consistency. Pour vodka into it, mix thoroughly and arrange in sterile jars. Close the containers with tight sterile lids and send them to the refrigerator.
The resulting jam not only has a particularly interesting taste, but is also perfectly stored without delamination.

Fourth option

To prepare this version of raw jam, you need to stock up on a kilogram of raspberries, a kilogram of sugar and three hundred grams of blackcurrant. Do not forget to thoroughly clean all the fruits from leaves and stalks. First, freeze the currant berries, and then gently thaw them so that they remain whole. So they can absorb the right amount of sugar and will be in harmony with sweet raspberries. Grind the raspberries with a meat grinder, then combine it with sugar. Next, add whole currant berries to this mixture. Put the resulting jam in sterile jars, cork them and put them in the refrigerator. Such an interesting sweet will appeal to both adults and children.

Additional Information

In order for raspberry jam to turn out really tasty, you need to pick berries only in dry weather. Otherwise, the fruits will be watery and will not be able to give the finished product the desired density. When harvesting raspberries, remove stems, leaves and twigs immediately. So you bring berries already prepared for processing to the kitchen.

Raspberry jam, cooked without cooking, is an excellent source of a wide variety of vitamins. Such a dish will not only brighten up your cold winter evenings, but will also help you cope with many diseases, especially colds, and prevent their development.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.