Lingonberry for the winter, recipes at home. Soaked apples with lingonberries

Lingonberry is used to decorate dishes, prepare snacks, salads, desserts. Culinary experts appreciate her for her unique, slightly bitter taste. However, for the future many people harvest this berry not for culinary, but for medicinal purposes. After all, lingonberries contain a lot of vitamins that help in the treatment of various diseases, and also help the body resist infection. Lingonberries in syrup for the winter can be prepared for any purpose: it is useful because the berries are exposed to minimal heat (they are poured with hot syrup), and it is tasty, because it contains a lot of sugar.

Cooking features

In order for lingonberries in syrup to be tasty and well stored all winter, several recommendations should be taken into account.

  • Well sort out the berry intended for harvesting for the winter. Indeed, one rotten berry can spoil the entire workpiece.
  • Rinse the berry carefully, taking care not to damage it. For washing, you can use this method: put the berry in a colander, dip it several times in clean water, trying to prevent the berries from “floating out”.
  • Dry the berry to minimize the risk of souring future jam.
  • Banks in which lingonberries will be stored must be sterilized, even if they are planned to be refrigerated. Close them after filling with cranberries and syrup will need to be tight. Like banks, lids will have to be sterilized (for example, boiling for 5 minutes).
  • Do not save sugar: you can add a little more than indicated in the recipe, but no less. Sugar makes the workpiece tastier and increases its shelf life.

When following these tips, problems with the preparation for the winter of lingonberries in syrup should not arise even for an inexperienced housewife.

Classic lingonberry recipe in syrup

  • lingonberry - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • lemon zest - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the lemons and grate their zest on a special grater.
  • Sort the lingonberries, rinse the berries, put them on a napkin so that it absorbs excess liquid.
  • Having sterilized a 3-liter jar, pour the prepared berries into it.
  • Boil the water, throw sugar and grated zest into it, stir and cook for 4–5 minutes.
  • Cool the syrup to about 60 degrees, strain. Strained syrup pour the lingonberries in a jar.
  • Close the jar tightly and put in a cold place.

In this winter, cranberries prepared in this way in syrup should be stored in a cool place where the temperature does not rise above 16 degrees. But it is almost as useful as fresh, since almost all vitamins are stored in it, while it has a pleasant taste and a delicate aroma with citrus notes. If desired, instead of a three-liter can, you can use three liter or even six half-liter. This option is preferred by economical housewives, because if the contents of an open jar are not eaten for a couple of weeks, then the remaining berry will have to be thrown away.

A simple recipe for lingonberries in syrup

  • lingonberry - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.25 kg.

Cooking method:

  • After sorting and washing the lingonberries, divide it into two equal parts.
  • Put one part in a saucepan, cover with sugar and let stand for several hours to make juice stand out.
  • Put the pot on a quiet fire and heat until the syrup boils.
  • Pour the remaining berries into the boiled syrup, stir, then immediately remove the pan from the heat.
  • Sterilize a small volume of jars, even from baby food.
  • Lay the prepared lingonberries on prepared jars.
  • Boil the lids from the cans, cover them with berries in syrup.
  • Put the cans in the refrigerator and store.

Do not try to save lingonberries in syrup, prepared according to a simple recipe, in a warm room: despite the fact that lingonberries contain substances that prolong its preservation, at a high temperature, preparations from it can deteriorate, especially if they do not contain too much sugar. Despite the fact that the recipe is simple, the cooked dessert has a pronounced taste and color. You can even say that this is lingonberry in its own juice, and not just in syrup.

Lingonberry in spicy syrup

  • lingonberry - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • apples or pears - 0.25 kg;
  • lemon or orange peels - from one fruit.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the lingonberries, dry.
  • Remove apples from cores (or pears). Cut into thin slices.
  • Boil water. Pour sugar in it a little and stir, cook a thick syrup.
  • Add apple slices, citrus zest, mix and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Fold the lingonberries in an enameled pan, pour boiling syrup.
  • Cook for 5 minutes, adding cloves a minute before cooking.
  • Arrange the jam in sterilized jars, close them tightly.
  • After the contents of the cans have cooled, remove them for the winter in a dark, not too warm place, for example, in an unheated pantry.

According to this recipe, an original dessert with a rich taste and spicy aroma is obtained. It can also be stored at room temperature, although it will last longer in a cool room.

Even the most difficult recipe for making lingonberries in syrup for the winter is quite simple. If you managed to collect a lot of lingonberries, it makes sense to procure it for the future according to one of the above recipes.

This is an evergreen shrub of the lingonberry family up to 25 cm tall. On a thin stem-bush, 10-20 leathery dense shiny leaflets of 0.5-3 cm long and up to 1.5 cm wide are strung. Lingonberry inflorescences are two- and eight-flowered brushes. The berries are spherical, bright red, sweet and sour, up to 8-12 mm across.

It blooms in May - June. Berries ripen in August - September. Good honey plant.

In Belarus, lingonberries are widespread throughout the territory.  It is a companion of pine and grows on fresh, moist and moist soils. Photophilous, more common in deforestation, forest glades and forest edges.

Lingonberry berries are a repository of useful and healing substances. They contain: sugar (5.3-11.8%) - sucrose, fructose and glucose; vitamins - ascorbic acid (8-20 mg%), vitamin PP, carotene; catechins (up to 330 mg%), anthocyanins (135-365 mg%); mineral salts; pectin and tannins. Seeds are rich in fatty oils.

Berries can be stored for a long time without losing their taste and dignity. Preserves the berries from rotting, which is part of benzoic acid. Lingonberries also contain malic, citric, acetic, formic and oxalic acids.

Lingonberry berries have healing properties. Ripe, fresh fruits, due to the presence of benzoic acid, have an antiseptic effect. Lingonberry juice is useful for hypertension, helps increase appetite, and helps with vitamin deficiencies.

In addition to berries, lingonberries have medicinal leaves, which contain up to 9% glycoside-arbutin, flavonoids, tannins, organic acids (quinic, ursolic, gallic and others), vitamins, sugars, hydroquinone, vitamin C (270 mg%).

In scientific medicine, infusion and decoction of lingonberry leaves are used as a diuretic and disinfectant for urolithiasis, jade, pyelonephritis, cystitis.

In folk medicine, an infusion, tea from the leaves or a decoction of the whole plant is used as a diuretic, for kidney stones, for liver disease, rheumatism, gout, tuberculosis, for gastritis with low acidity, as an astringent for diseases of the stomach and intestines, and for urinary incontinence in children .

Take 10 g of leaves in 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, take 1 glass 2 times a day. Lingonberry leaves can replace bearberry leaves and are part of diuretic collections. They are collected as soon as they appear from under the snow and before new snow; collection during the flowering period is prohibited. Tear leaves from the stems should be from the bottom up. Drying is better in dark, well-ventilated areas to maintain a green color.

It is most useful to eat fresh cranberries. Many delicious dishes can be prepared from them: juices, jam , jelly   , fruit drink, syrups, kvass, compotes , jam , mousse, marmalade, candy, filling for caramel, mashed potatoes, jellies, jams, etc.

Ripe healthy berries can be kept fresh throughout the winter in a cool, dry place. Fruit soaked pickle. A dried coffee is made from dried berries. It has long been used by the people as a soft drink, quenching thirst, especially valuable for febrile patients.

Lingonberry with sugar . (200 g of lingonberry berries, 50 g of powdered sugar) Wash ripe lingonberries with cold water, fold into a colander or sieve. When the water drains, pour the berries with icing sugar or sand. Serve as a dessert.

Lingonberry in its own juice . Berries of equal ripeness divided into 10 parts. Squeeze the juice out of three parts, pour the remaining 7 parts on it, heat to 95 ° C, quickly put into sterilized jars, cover and sterilize: half-liter cans 7, 10 liter, three-liter 25 minutes. Cans tightly cork.

Lingonberry in its own juice . Pour berries washed in cold water into a wooden barrel, enamel pan or glass bowl with a 10 cm layer, ram them with a wooden pestle until juice appears. Sprinkle and ram the berries until the containers are full. Cover with a clean rag, put a wooden circle, a cleanly washed stone on it. Store in a dark, cool place. Use for making drinks, jelly, side dishes, etc.

Lingonberry juice . 1. Ripe berries ( 1 kg of lingonberry, 400 g of sugar, 600 ml of water) Knead and squeeze the juice. You can sweeten it with 40% sugar syrup or honey, pour into bottles, cans and pasteurize at a temperature of 85 ° C: 15 liter cans, 15 liter, three-liter 30 minutes. Banks cork. Store in a cool place.

2. Lingonberry berries ( 1 kg of lingonberry berries, 2 l of water) insist in chilled boiled water for 10-12 days. Then knead the berries, squeeze the juice, mix with the infusion. Store in a glass bowl in a dark, cool place. From berries you can cook jelly, stewed fruit, side dishes.

Lingonberry juice with sugar and spices . (1  kg of lingonberry berries, 250 g of sugar, 2 l of water, 1/2 teaspoon of clovesand) Pour ripe, well-washed lingonberry berries with chilled boiled water, add 50% sugar syrup, cloves and leave for 10 days. Then strain the juice, pour into bottles or jars. Store in a dark, cool place.

Lingonberry in sugar syrup . (1 kg of lingonberry berries, 750 g of sugar, 250 ml of water) Ripe lingonberry berries, rinse with cold water and lay in a colander. When the water drains, put them in glass bottles or jars, pour cold 75% sugar syrup, cover with plastic covers or parchment paper. Store in a dark, cool place.

Lingonberry fruit drink . (200 g of lingonberry berries, 150 g of sugar, 1 l of water) Mash lingonberries, squeeze juice, cover and let stand in a dark, cool place for 2-3 hours. Squeeze the squeezes with hot water, boil for 5 minutes, strain. Add sugar or honey, squeezed juice to the broth, bring to kyenia and leave for 2-3 days.

Lingonberry Beetroot Drink . (1 kg of lingonberry, 1 kg of beetroot, 3 l of water, 250 g of sugar (or honey to taste)) Prepare lingonberry juice. Grate beets on a fine grater, squeeze the juice, mix with lingonberries, add sugar, bring to a boil, cool. Pour the drink into bottles, seal with a rubber teat or cork stopper. Store in a cool place.

Lingonberry drink refreshing . (300 g of lingonberry berries, 1 l of water, 100 g of sugar, 1 g of citric acid) Cover cranberries with sugar for 2-3 hours. Then drain the syrup, put in a cool place. Boil the squeeze in water for 5-7 minutes, strain, add citric acid, combine with chilled syrup.

Lingonberry cocktail . (200 ml of cowberry juice, 100 g of cream ice cream, 300 ml of milk, 100 ml of whipped cream).  Lingonberry juice, cream ice cream, cold milk thoroughly beat, pour into wine glasses, put 1 tablespoon of whipped cream in each.

Lingonberry tea . (10 g of cowberry leaves, 5 g of tea, 200 ml of water, sugar or honey to taste) Dried cranberry leaves and tea pour boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes. Then pour into cups, add sugar or honey.

Lingonberry with carrots and sugar . Rinse lingonberry berries, rinse with cold water, blanch for 1 minute, cover with sugar and cook for 8-10 minutes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and blanch for 10 minutes, then introduce into the berries and cook for 15 minutes. Place the hot mass in sterilized jars and sterilize: 15 liter jars, 20 liter jars. Cans tightly cork.

Lingonberry with apples . (1 kg of lingonberry berries, 500 g of apples, 800 ml of lingonberry juice, 300 g of sugar) Mix lingonberry berries with slices of blanched sweet or sour-sweet apples, pour hot lingonberry juice, heat to 95 ° C, quickly put into sterilized jars, cover and sterilize: 15 liter jars 15, 20, three-liter 30 minutes. Cans tightly cork.

Lingonberry and apple seasoning . (1 kg of lingonberry berries, 1 kg of apple puree, 500 g of sugar) Lingonberry berries blanch for 2-3 minutes, mix with applesauce and sugar and cook on low heat for 25 minutes. Arrange the hot mass in sterilized jars, cover and sterilize: 15 liter jars, 20 liter, three-liter 40 minutes. Cans tightly cork.

Lingonberry filling for cheesecakes . (200 g lingonberries, 50 g sugar, 50 g sour cream) Boil ripe lingonberries washed with cold water with sugar until softened, add sour cream and cook on low heat until thickened. Put the mass on a plate, cool.

Lingonberry soaked . (1 kg of lingonberries, 1 l of water, 25 g of sugar, 5 g of salt, 0.6 g of cloves, 1 g of cinnamon) Put sugar, salt, cinnamon, cloves in boiling water, stir, remove from heat and cool. Lingonberry berries to blanch and pour the prepared syrup. Keep them at room temperature for several days, and then put them in a cold place. Use as a dessert and seasoning for meat, vegetable, cereal dishes.

Lingonberry soup with sago . (1 kg of lingonberry, 10 g of lemon zest, 1 piece of cinnamon, 1 cup of sago, sugar to taste, juice of 1 lemon, water to taste). Pour washed cowberries with water, add cinnamon, lemon zest, cook for 10-15 minutes, then rub through a sieve. Separately, boil the sago until transparent, pour in lingonberries, sugar, add water, lemon juice and cook for 30 minutes. Serve with croutons.

Lingonberry sauce . (500 g lingonberries, 500 ml water, 30 g starch, sugar, cinnamon to taste) Cook washed lingonberries for 10-15 minutes, toss into a colander. When the broth drains, rub the lingonberries through a sieve, add the broth, sugar, ground cinnamon, boil for 5 minutes, pour the starch diluted with cold water and bring to a boil.

Lingonberry pickled . (1 kg of lingonberries, 600 ml of water, 200 g of sugar, 150 ml of table vinegar, cloves, allspice, salt to taste). Arrange the washed ripe lingonberries in sterilized jars, fill with chilled marinade, cover and pasteurize at a temperature of 75 ° C: half-liter jars 10, liter 15 minutes. Banks cork.

For the marinade, water, table vinegar, cloves, allspice, salt, bring to a boil and cool.

Lingonberry pickled with apples . (1 kg of lingonberries, 1 kg of apples, 600 ml of water, 100 ml of table vinegar, 200 g of sugar, allspice, cloves, cinnamon, salt to taste) Cut the apples into 4 parts, cut the core, blanch for 2-3 minutes, mix with lingonberries, put in sterilized jars, pour the marinade, cover and pasteurize at a temperature of 75 ° C: 15-liter jars 15, liter 20-25 minutes. Banks cork. For the marinade, water, table vinegar, sugar, salt, allspice, cloves, cinnamon, bring to a boil and cool.

Lingonberry with horseradish . (350 g pickled lingonberries, 125 g grated horseradish) Mix pickled lingonberries (see recipe) with grated horseradish. Use as a side dish for meat dishes.

In folk medicine, the fruits and leaves of lingonberry are used. They have a diuretic, astringent, bactericidal, mild expectorant, analgesic effect, improve appetite, digestion, metabolism, kidney, liver function, lower blood sugar and cholesterol, have anti-atherosclerotic effect, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Lingonberry leaf infusion . Infuse 10 g of leaves in 100 ml of boiling water for 2 hours, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals for diseases of the kidneys, liver, diarrhea, bedwetting, gout, rheumatism.

Lingonberry fruit infusion . Pour 200 g of fruit in a colander with boiling water, and then infuse in 400 ml of chilled boiled water for 6 hours. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day before meals for constipation, liver, kidney, colitis, gastritis.

Lingonberry decoction . 25 g of lingonberry fruit, 50 g of St. John's wort boil in 600 ml of water on low heat for 10 minutes, and then insist 1 hour. Drink 200 ml 3 times a day ^ with bedwetting, starting in the afternoon, drink the last portion before bedtime.

Lingonberry leaf decoction . Boil 20-30 g of leaves in 600 ml of water for 10 minutes, then insist 1 hour and strain. Drink 200 ml 3 times a day before meals with hypertension, cystitis, kidney, liver, gastritis, colitis, colds, coughs.

Decoction of the whole plant . 50 g of lingonberry collected during flowering, boil in 400 ml of water for 20 minutes, then insist 4-6 hours and strain. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day after meals with kidney disease, hypertension, acute respiratory infections, gastritis, rheumatism, gout.

Lingonberry drink . Dilute 50 g of lingonberry juice with 150 ml of chilled boiled water, add sugar or honey to taste. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day after meals with general weakness, colds, constipation, headache, flu, hypertension, general weakness.

CONTRAINDICATIONS are not established.

Collection, drying and storage of raw materials

Lingonberry leaves are harvested in spring (April - early May) and in autumn, after ripening of berries (September - October). Summer leaves brown when drying, lose their beneficial qualities.

Leaves are carefully torn off, cut off or broken off, but so as not to pull out, not to damage the root system.

Re-harvest lingonberry leaves on the same site is possible only after 5-10 years. Drying is better in dark, well-ventilated areas to maintain a green color.

Store raw materials in fabric or paper bags.

The dried leaves are leathery, elliptical, with curled edges, dark green above, lighter below, odorless, bitter astringent taste. Shelf life up to 2 years.

The yield of lingonberries reaches 200 kg per 1 ha. If harvested incorrectly, with a large number of green fruits, as well as mechanical devices that injure the plant, two-thirds of the berries are lost.

Lingonberries can be grown in personal plots, in gardens. Shrubs are planted for landscaping borders, paths, garden and flower beds, etc.

In late summer and early autumn, the time is right for picking lingonberries. It grows in coniferous forests, loves marshy soil and especially a lot of it in the tundra region. Crops can be harvested literally in buckets. Lingonberries are especially appreciated for their small bitterness in their taste and undoubted therapeutic benefits.

A common and proven way to preserve the useful properties of a valuable berry is to cook lingonberries in syrup for the winter. In the cold autumn and in bad weather they will serve as a good prevention of colds.

From ripe berries you can make jam for the whole winter, process the berries in jelly, roll compotes in jars. The berries are frozen, dried and pickled. To save all its useful properties and unique taste can only berry harvested without heat treatment. The fructose syrup is used in dietary nutrition; berries in it can be eaten in small quantities by diabetics.

Rules for the collection and processing of berries

  • Lingonberries begin to be harvested only at a time of full ripeness. Ripened berries become at this time bright red, filled with juices.
  • Ripe berries contain a natural preservative - benzoic acid. They are perfectly preserved all winter (even if they are simply filled with clean water).
  • Green lingonberry fruits are not used in the blanks - they are tasteless and quickly deteriorate.
  • Lingonberry should be washed carefully, avoiding damage. It is advisable to do this carefully, simply by dipping a colander or sieve in water.
  • Each jar in which the fruits of lingonberry will be laid and the syrup is poured must be sterile and well dried. This is a prerequisite for the preservation of workpieces.
  • It is not allowed to reduce the amount of sugar in the workpieces. Better put it a little more. For lingonberries, it serves as a preservative.
  • The harvest of lingonberries must be sorted by berry. Remove immature and rumpled fruits, peel leaves and twigs. Do not forget - one spoiled berry can ruin the whole jar of the workpiece.
  • Do not pour berries over with boiling water, as part of the vitamins is lost. Rinse the lingonberries well enough.
  • The washed berries after washing in water must be dried - this will eliminate the possible acidification of the berries during storage.
  • You can prepare syrup for pouring lingonberries on fructose, simply replacing it, in whole or in part, with sugar in any of the recipes. Such conservation will be more dietary.

It is important - if in the preparation of lingonberries for winter storage the heat treatment of berries was practically excluded, then all the workpieces must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 16 degrees.

Lingonberry in syrup with lemon zest

Adding lemon zest will give a new pleasant taste to lingonberry berries and enhance its vitamin beneficial properties. Cooking does not take much time. Most of the time will be needed to parse and clean the brought crop. The whole family can be involved in this process. All berries are important to clean and remove unripe and spoiled fruits. It is better to pour them on the processing table in small portions, this will help not to crumple the berries when cleaning from leaves and small twigs.

The number of berries for pouring syrup does not matter. How much has been collected, so much can be prepared. It is important to keep the proportions, not to reduce the proportion of sugar in the syrup - as a natural preservative, it will keep lingonberries for the whole winter.

Per liter of water will be required  400 gr. sugar and about 20 gr. lemon zest.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the berries prepared for pouring with syrup and put them on a napkin to remove excess moisture.
  2. While the lingonberry dries, cook the sugar syrup. Five minutes after boiling, you can add lemon peel grated on a fine grater into the syrup.
  3. Cool the finished syrup a little and strain through several layers of gauze.
  4. It remains only to distribute the berries in jars for storage and pour lemon syrup.
  5. You can close jars with blanks with any lids that you are more familiar with.

Soaked lingonberries in syrup (no cooking)

To prepare this delicacy, you will need the berry itself, boiled water, sugar (at the rate of 0.5 kg per 1 liter of water) and salt (literally on the tip of a knife).

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the berries in small portions onto the table and remove all forest debris, bursting berries and green fruits.
  2. Rinse lingonberries in small portions so as not to crush the berries, rinse and place on a napkin.
  3. Sprinkle the dried berries in clean jars.
  4. Dissolve the right amount of granulated sugar in hot water and bring the syrup to a boil.
  5. Lingonberries should be poured with hot syrup. So it will maintain elasticity and juiciness.

Such a berry will stand for at least a year if stored in a cool place. And you can close the cans with lingonberries with kapron lids or just parchment paper and tie a rope around the neck of the can.

Lingonberry in sugar syrup with honey

Adding honey when pouring lingonberry syrup makes berries a real storehouse of vitamins. This will be a do-it-yourself support of the body in the season of colds. It perfectly strengthens the immune system and cheers you up.

For cooking you will need pure lingonberry prepared for pouring, any liquid honey (at the rate of 500 g. honey per liter of water), 1⁄4 tsp cinnamon, 2-3 cloves and a pinch of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Distribute dry lingonberry berries in jars (dry and sterile).
  2. Add cinnamon, salt and cloves to each jar.
  3. Pour boiling water over the berries and immediately pour it into a container for making syrup.
  4. Make honey syrup and pour in the berries.

The workpiece is well stored in a cool room, closed with a simple plastic lid. Ready to eat cranberries in a month.

Spiced lingonberries with apples in sugar syrup

It will take about 300 grams per kilogram of peeled berries. apples, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, a cinnamon stick and some orange peels.

Order of preparation:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare sugar syrup:
  2. first add sand to the pan with water;
  3. when the water boils and the sugar dissolves, you can add slices of apples and orange peels.
  4. After 20 minutes, put a couple of clove buds, a cinnamon stick in the syrup and carefully pour the prepared berries.
  5. As soon as the syrup re-boils, you need to remove the spiced lingonberries from the heat and immediately put the ladle in the prepared container for storage.

The lingonberry delicacy prepared according to this recipe must be sealed hermetically. So it will stand for a whole year.

Cowberry syrup always turns a beautiful dark red color. Sweet, with a slight taste of bitterness, it is perfect for decorating a birthday cake, you can pour ice cream on it or just enjoy a delicious berry while drinking tea.

Lingonberry is one of the most precious gifts of the Russian north. Subtle, hiding in coniferous forests and peat bogs, by September it is covered with waves of red berries that store many valuable substances. Keeping them fresh or with sugar for the winter means providing yourself with natural medicines for the whole time of snowstorms and colds. Get to know the best recipes for making berries without cooking, learn how to make delicious jam, fine wine, sweet jam, millions of favorite sauce from them, remember the highlight of the national cuisine - soaked lingonberries.

Why is lingonberry better harvested without heat treatment

The taiga berry is intended for feeding wintering birds: black grouse, capercaillie, hazel grouse - therefore, it is simply obliged to accumulate a decent amount of various vitamins to maintain metabolism in the harsh time of the year. And vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, do not like contact with metal and exposure to high temperatures.

Nature took care of the safety of lingonberries for the whole long winter. In the pulp of red berries, among others, there are two important acids: benzoic and salicylic. Both of them are excellent antibacterial agents, thanks to which lingonberries never deteriorate, even if it can not be preserved. This was already known to the ancient Slavs, who either dried the berry, or simply threw it into the icy water poured into large wooden buckets.

Lingonberry without sugar - cold harvesting method

If lingonberry is needed for medicinal purposes: to stir up immunity, to overcome a cold, to cope with an infection - it is best to freeze it or cook it with sugar using the following technology.

Ripe lingonberry

  1. The berries are picked and well washed, because twigs, leaves, small dead insects could remain on their surface. They are thrown back into a colander and, slightly shaking, allowed to drain water, dried on a towel.
  2. In sterilized jars lay layers of cranberries and sugar. For 1 kg of berries you will need the same or a little more sugar (to taste). The very first layer should be the berries, the last - sugar.
  3. Banks are closed with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator for up to a year. From them you can make compotes, fruit drinks, fillings for pies, decorations for sweet pastries.

Tip. If you grind the berries with sugar using a blender or at least a potato crusher, you will get a sour vitamin puree, which you can just eat a spoonful daily.

Lingonberry jam - a ruby \u200b\u200bmedicine for everything in the world

We do not know for certain what kind of jam Carlson, who lived on the roof, loved, but no one doubts that if he were offered lingonberry, he would immediately ask for a second portion. Sweet and sour, without sugaryness, with barely noticeable noble bitterness - and what kind of medicine without it - lingonberry jam is considered to be the pearl of the northern cuisine, which helps to survive the severe cold of the Arctic Circle without loss.

Classical jam is prepared on the basis of syrup, for which sugar is taken as much by weight as berries. If, for example, it is decided to take 1 kg of sugar, then 400 ml of water will be needed.

Lingonberry jam

It is better to use the dishes wide and shallow: the process of evaporation of excess moisture will go faster. The best utensil material is stainless steel. Aluminum and copper pans and basins are not suitable for making lingonberry jam, since berry acids can enter into chemical reactions with these metals, which will lead to the appearance of harmful substances.

The choice of dishes is the longest stage in the preparation of lingonberry jam. After the sugar is diluted in water and boils, pour lingonberries into the liquid and cook, stirring, for about 20 minutes. The foam is removed with a steel slotted spoon and distributed to those who wish to feast on it.

Ready jam can be rolled up in sterile jars or, waiting for it to cool completely, stored under a plastic lid in the refrigerator.

Tip. If there are a lot of lingonberries, you can diversify the jam by boiling part of it with pears, and part with apples and walnuts.

Lingonberry jam - a folk treat of the Scandinavian countries

Unlike jam, jam is simply obliged to have a dense uniform consistency, thanks to which it is so convenient to spread it on toasts or cookies. The homeland of cowberry jam - silta - is Sweden and its neighboring countries, where it is customary to cook it with sprigs of thyme or juniper.

Sugar for jam is taken in half as much as berries, and water - just a little bit, 2-3 tablespoons. All ingredients are placed in a pan simultaneously and heated over low heat. After waiting for the berries to soften, they are rubbed with a pestle, fork or crush, without removing from the stove.

The jam will be ready as soon as all the sugar crystals have dissolved. By this time, it will acquire a saturated color and the necessary density. You can store it, like jam, under any covers.

If you are going to make wine from lingonberries, you don’t need to wash the berries

Home-made lingonberry wine - to the envy of Bacchus

To make this romantic wine, it is recommended not to wash the berries, because on their skin there are natural microorganisms that promote fermentation, but rotten and spoiled berries should still be separated. The selected raw materials are ground in a meat grinder, transferred to a deep container and water is added at the rate of 2 liters of liquid per 1 kg of berries. Cover with dust with a piece of gauze and put in heat.

After a week, the juice is drained from the mixture - it has already fermented and is ready to begin to turn into divine nectar. Take another 2 liters of water, dissolve 1 kg of sugar in it and combine with juice. The main fermentation takes place for at least a month, and all this time carbon dioxide will be actively released, for the removal of which the juice container is closed with a rubber glove, and the tip of one of its fingers is cut off to allow gas to escape.

The completion of violent gas generation will tell you when the young wine is ready. It is carefully poured, without affecting the sediment, into another container and cleaned for a couple of months in the cellar. A bottle tightened with a fresh cobweb no worse than any Burgundy bottle will decorate the feast as a refined aperitif.

Lingonberry Sauce - Kebab's Best Friend

Preparation of this amazing seasoning for meat dishes will require only 100 grams of berries, a glass of semisweet red wine, cinnamon sticks or a little grated ginger and honey to taste from the cook. The magic of making the sauce is this:

  • lingonberry beads, 2-3 tablespoons of sugary honey and cinnamon are put in wine;

Soaked lingonberry

  • on a very slow fire, boil the sauce to the desired degree of density;
  • to achieve uniformity, grind the sauce on a sieve or beat in a blender, add a little more honey if necessary.

Tip. For those who like thicker sauce, you can dilute a couple of teaspoons of starch in cold water and gradually, stirring occasionally, pour into the prepared sauce.

Soaked lingonberries - simple and healthy

To prepare soaked lingonberries and the accompanying “lingonberry water” is even simpler than the notorious steamed turnip. A large glass jar (and ideally a clay lid or a wooden tub) is covered with berries by a third, added to the top with water, covered with paper or cloth and placed in a cold place.

Or, as our ancestors called it, the berry of immortality, fell in love with many for its wonderful delicate aroma, sour-tart taste and the most valuable healing properties. Various fruit drinks, sauces, lingonberry jams occupy an honorable place in the diet of people who monitor their health and wish to remain young and energetic for many years.

A small but incredibly fragrant and attractive berry, lingonberry is famous for its unique beneficial properties and taste. Thanks to the latter, she deserved a special place in the kitchen.

Berry, with its tart, sour and slightly bitter taste, is used to prepare various preparations for the winter, for example, compotes, berries in syrup, jams, preserves, etc. Lingonberries in syrup without cooking are in special demand.

What you need in the kitchen: appliances and utensils

In the process of preparing blanks for the winter, you should prepare the following kitchen equipment:

  • capacity (enameled pan or stewpan) for cooking syrup and berries;
  • towel for drying fruits or a sieve;
  • glass jars for storing blanks.

For lingonberry syrup, you will need the following ingredients (for one jar):

  • fresh-frozen lingonberries - 180 g;
  • sugar - 90 g;
  • pure water - 60 ml.

The key to high-quality, tasty and healthy harvesting is a correctly selected, ripe berry.

Lingonberry fruits are harvested during its full ripening, when the berries acquire a bright rich red color. It is at this time that the maximum volume of benzoic acid, which is responsible for the preservation of the berry, accumulates in the fetus.

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to its color and texture. If the berries are too soft and dark red - they are ripened and will not stand for a long time. It is better to give preference to slightly unripe fruits, but not green.
  An unripe greenish berry should also not be acquired, because it differs, firstly, by far from an ideal taste, and, secondly, it is absolutely not amenable to storage, and after a few days it will deteriorate.

Important! Berries do not ripen on their own. Therefore, when buying green fruits, you should not hope that they become scarlet and ripe.

Preparing lingonberries in syrup at home is not difficult, for this you need to adhere to the following instructions:

  • Rinse the berries well with water, remove all rotten fruits, stalks, branches, leaves, dry on a towel or use a sieve.
  • Put the berries in the stewpan, cover them with sugar, pour water and put the container on the fire.

  • On a small fire, warm the mass for 10-15 minutes, do not let it boil.
  • Raise the temperature, bring the berries to a boil, but do not boil.
  • Turn off the mass, fill it with previously sterilized glass jars, tighten the lids.
  • Transfer the cans with the workpiece to a preheated oven to 150 degrees, warm them up in the “convection” mode for 15 minutes.
  • Pull the container with berries, put on a towel upside down. Allow to cool.

Lingonberry in syrup: what can I add

To make the taste of cowberry billet more intense, unconventional and pleasant, various ingredients are added to it.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice will give cranberries an incredibly fresh aroma and complement the taste with notes of citrus. To prepare lingonberries with lemon juice, you need to take:

  • lingonberry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • water - 400 ml.

Did you know? Lingonberry bush is a long-lived, he, like an oak, can live up to three hundred years.

Cooking Technology:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly, dry them on a towel.
  2. Fold the fruits in a dry glass jar.
  3. In a separate pan, boil sugar syrup: add sugar to the water, add the juice from the lemon, boil, let it cool slightly, strain.
  4. Pour the fruit with the prepared syrup, close the lid, put in the refrigerator or a cool dark place.

The apples

As an addition to lingonberry delicacy apples are perfect. To prepare a delicious soaked lingonberry in syrup with apples, it is recommended to prepare the following ingredients:

  • lingonberry - 5 kg;
  •   - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • cinnamon - 7 g;
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.

Cooking sequence:

  • Rinse lingonberries, sort out, dry on a towel.
  • Cook sugar syrup: pour sugar in water, put cloves and cinnamon. Boil for 5 minutes, cool, strain.
  • Rinse apples, cut the core, cut into four parts.
  • Pour a layer of lingonberry 5-7 cm into a large enameled container, then a layer of apples. So make several layers, with the last to be cranberries.
  • Lingonberry-apple billet pour with syrup. Press down on any load so that it does not rise.
  Store a container of soaked lingonberries in a cool place for about two weeks. After 14 days, you can try the treat.

Features and storage rules of the workpiece

Lingonberry blanks should be stored in the refrigerator, cellar, basement or other dark, cool place. Fruits in syrup or their own juice are not subject to long-term storage, they should be consumed in 2-3 months.

Dried fruits are excellently preserved. They are dried in a warm oven, transferred to a wooden container, covered with paper sheets from above.

To enjoy fresh cranberries in the winter, you need to thoroughly rinse them, sort them out, remove the rot, and dry them on a towel.

Transfer completely dry fruits to a basket or a wooden container, put in a dark, cool place. With this method, the product can last up to 60 days.

Lingonberry is a small perennial evergreen shrub of the heather family. The shrub has a branched stem, on which there are shiny elongated leathery leaves. The height of the shoots varies from 15 to 40 cm.
  The plant blooms with white small flowers. The first berries ripen in mid-summer, around July, the second crop is harvested in September. The berries are small in size, bright red in color and have a tart, sour-bitter taste.

Did you know? Translated from Latin, the word "lingonberry" means "vine from the Phrygian mountain Ida." It was believed that the goddess of fertility Cybele lived in these places, whose head was decorated with an amazing wreath of lingonberry berries.

It is not for nothing that cowberries were called a doctor for all diseases, its unique chemical composition determined a wide range of its most valuable healing properties. It is the source of many vital vitamins, micro and macro elements.

It is proved that the fruits exhibit an inhibitory effect against several types of malignant tumors, in particular, leukemia, colon cancer, cervix uteri.

The benefit of the berry is the content of carbohydrates, organic and inorganic acids, carotene, tannins, biologically active substances that help eliminate many problems associated with the work of the digestive tract, urinary tract, cardiovascular and nervous system.

It perfectly strengthens and enhances immunity, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial properties.
  The nutritional value of the fruits is presented:

  • proteins - 0.7 g;
  • fats - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.6 g.

At the same time, the calorie content of the product is extremely small, only 43 kcal per 100 g of berries.

The vitamin-mineral complex of lingonberry includes:

  • vitamin A. Improves skin regeneration, normalizes metabolic processes, prevents skin aging;
  • vitamin C. Strengthens the body, increases its resistance to various negative external factors, takes part in oxidative processes;
  • vitamin e. It enhances the flow of oxygen into cells, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes cholesterol, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • vitamin B Group  (riboflavin, niacin, thiamine). They take an active part in protein synthesis, normalize the work of the nervous, cardiovascular system, are responsible for energy production;
  • iron. Prevents the development of anemia, strengthens the immune system, allows you to quickly restore strength, gives energy;
  • phosphorus. It activates brain activity, takes part in metabolic processes, helps the assimilation of many minerals;
  • calcium. Strengthens bone tissues and blood vessels, contributes to the correct formation of the skeleton, normalizes the work of the muscular system;
  • magnesium. It normalizes intestinal motility and the functioning of the nervous system, relieves fatigue and stress, fights depression and insomnia, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • manganese. It ensures the proper development of body cells, helps to absorb copper, iron and thiamine, activates important enzymatic reactions.

In addition, the composition of the berry includes organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric, lactic, salicylic, succinic, as well as sugar, instant oils and tannins.

Due to the natural composition, berries favorably affect many body systems. One of the main features of the fruit is its ability to protect against recurrent urinary tract infections.

The infusion of berries has a diuretic, antiseptic and astringent effect, helps fight bacterial pathogens, prevent the development of cystitis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis.

Lingonberries are considered effective for eliminating pain and inflammation in rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, gout. It is an effective way to increase immunity, reduce the risk of colds.

Regular use of berries improves the condition of the oral cavity, prevents gum bleeding, strengthens the hair and nail plate. Lingonberry juice is indicated for problems with the intestines, various diseases of the digestive organs.

The fruits of the plant are used to improve vision. They accelerate the metabolism, have a rejuvenating effect, prevent premature aging.

Is it possible to use lingonberry blanks for everyone?

“Berries of immortality” often act as natural medicines to combat various ailments. However, there are categories of people - pregnant and lactating women, children - for whom the use of the product should be dosed.

In the absence of individual intolerance or allergies, women are allowed to consume lingonberries in a position. In some cases, the doctor prescribes it purposefully.

Important! It is necessary to eat the product in the first trimester of pregnancy with great care, since it can cause tone, uterine contraction. Fruits are recommended to be added to dishes by the piece.

To prevent a shortage of vital vitamins and minerals, it’s enough for pregnant women to eat a few berries a day. They have a weak diuretic effect, so they perfectly remove swelling and prevent their appearance.

Lingonberry juice eliminates digestive problems, reduces the risk of negative effects of external factors, and can replace drugs during colds.
  During lactation, it is especially important for a woman to maintain the immune system and the necessary balance of vitamins, so for these purposes it is allowed to add fresh lingonberry berries or preparations from it to the diet.

Lingonberry foods help maintain the strength and energy of the mother, normalize sleep, fight postpartum depression and insomnia, and support the normal functioning of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they positively affect the condition of the skin, nails, hair.

Lingonberry fruit should be discarded with:

  • allergies
  • individual intolerance;
  • irregular blood pressure.

Include fruits in the menu of children should not be raw, but in the form of fruit drinks, juices, jams, etc.

Important! In the form of funds for the treatment of various diseases, for example, infusions, decoctions, lingonberries can be consumed by children over 12 years old.

It is better to postpone acquaintance with cowberry blanks until the baby is one year old. The first dose should start with very small doses. In the absence of a negative reaction of the body to a new product, its portion can be increased.

Fruits are recommended to be served with other berries, fruits or as part of various dishes: salads, fruit drinks, puddings, cottage cheese casseroles, etc.

In some cases, the use of lingonberries is contraindicated. Fruits and juice from them should be excluded from the diet for stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity, hypotension, urolithiasis, cholecystitis, children under one year of age. With caution, berries should be consumed by people prone to allergic reactions.

It must be remembered that the berry, growing in contaminated regions, is able to accumulate harmful substances, toxins, heavy metals. That is why you should only use a product that was collected in ecologically safe areas, and of which you are sure.

Doctors do not recommend the use of drugs containing lingonberry or its derivatives immediately after a meal, they are taken on an empty stomach or before meals. Since the fruits have the ability to thin the blood, they can not be eaten by people after surgery or with internal bleeding.
  Lingonberry is a fragrant berry that can please not only with pleasant taste, but also with a whole range of useful components. Regular consumption of raw berries, juices, jams or compotes will strengthen immunity and significantly improve well-being, which will make it possible to improve the quality of human life. But enjoying a useful treat, do not forget about possible contraindications.

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