Brazil nut beneficial properties and contraindications. Brazilian nut

Brazil nut has a unique taste, useful properties, unusual appearance. Exotic fruit grows in Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela. He appeared on our shelves. Many do not know how to use an unusual nut. But in fact it is incredibly useful.

Bertholletia excelsa contains a record amount of vitamins, macro and micronutrients, the most important amino acids, betaine. Tropical fruit is incredibly healthy for adults and children, and has long been used in folk medicine. What is the use of a Brazil nut, and can it cause harm? How to use and use it in cooking? Let's look in detail.

The homeland of the nut is Brazil. Later, trees began to be grown in other countries with a suitable climate. Came to Europe with the Spaniards in the sixteenth century. Mariners appreciated not only the pleasant taste of the fruit, but also its ability to satisfy hunger, fill the body with energy, strength.

The marvelous product has become increasingly popular for its high nutritional qualities.

Walnut trees are tall - up to 50 meters, and trunk volumes reach two meters. Trees live 600-1000 years, begin to bear fruit from 12 years. Productivity from one tree is more than 200 kg.

What does a Brazil nut look like: photo

Walnut in appearance resembles pine nuts or coconuts. It weighs about 2 kg, length - up to 15 cm. In the middle there are about 10-25 small nuts with a strong, albeit thin shell. The taste is a lot like pine nuts. Harvest fruits from wild trees.

What is included

The product has a unique mineral and vitamin composition. It contains:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • valuable amino acids;
  • iron;
  • vitamin B (whole group);
  • sodium;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • cellulose;
  • manganese;
  • vitamins C, E;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

Calorie content

By consuming 100 grams of product per day, you are guaranteed to protect the body from a lack of serenium in the body. The amount of substance is a record - 280%.

The calorie content of Brazil nut is high - 656 kcal.

Healing properties of Brazil nut

In countries where this amazing fruit grows, it has long been used for its beneficial properties in the treatment of many diseases. The only thing, because of the high calorie content of the product, nutritionists recommend limiting its use in obesity.

What is the benefit of a Brazil nut:

  • neutralizes heavy metals;
  • due to the high content of micro and macro elements, the support for diseases increases;
  • interferes with cellular mutations;
  • normalizes intestinal motility, digestive, metabolic processes;
  • possesses antibacterial, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory properties;
  • increases hemoglobin level, recommended for anemia, anemia;
  • the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases is prevented;
  • it has long been used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach, upper respiratory tract;
  • a record vitamin content activates the brain (especially useful for people in old age);
  • prevents premature aging;
  • eliminates hormonal dysfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • has diuretic properties, helps with diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys;
  • selenium is indicated for infertility, increases the chances of becoming pregnant, and also successfully bear the fetus;
  • useful for bone tissue, contains a large percentage of calcium, recommended during the period of active growth of children;
  • improves men's health, improves the qualitative and quantitative composition of sperm;
  • high vitamin content helps strengthen nails, makes hair lush, shiny;
  • it is a powerful antioxidant that protects against stress;
  • normalizes cholesterol due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, pH and blood sugar.

The most delicious fruit collected from Bertolecia high. Scientists began to study the carefully beneficial properties of walnuts in the last century. And if it was previously considered poisonous, now it is recommended that everyone enter the daily diet. The main thing is to use it moderately, since an excess of selenium can cause unpleasant complications and serious consequences.

Possible harm, contraindications

Brazil nuts in limited quantities do no harm.

In rare cases, allergic reactions occur due to hypersensitivity to the components that make up the product. But this also applies to other varieties of nuts, such as peanuts.

The peel of the fetus contains a toxic substance - aflatoxin. When ingested, it can cause cancer, cirrhosis of the liver. Mostly on the shelves of stores sold peeled fruits.

If you eat more than three nuts a day, unpleasant symptoms appear due to excess selenium. This can be an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, vomiting, skin rashes, liver damage, shortness of breath, confusion, the development of pneumonia.

Brazil nut oil in cosmetology

In cosmetology, fetal oil is widely used. It can often be seen in the compositions of body care products, face skin, in shampoos, shower gels, masks, balms.

The oil has moisturizing and nourishing properties and has excellent cosmetic qualities.

Brazil Nut - Cooking Use

Many appreciated the exotic product because of its unusual, unique taste. Nuts are used in cooking by all the leading restaurants in the world. The fruit produces unique, unique culinary masterpieces.

It can be eaten raw, salted, fried. Sweet and savory dishes are prepared with nuts. But the desserts are especially delicious - sweet pastries, cakes, ice cream, creams.

Dishes that have this amazing ingredient become spicy and stunningly fragrant.

How to choose a quality product, proper storage of fruits

When buying a Brazil nut, you need to shake it. It should not rattle, otherwise the product is stale, dry. A high-quality fruit is elastic, heavy and has a pronounced aroma.

In a dry, dark place, the fruits are stored for 2 years. When a bitter taste appears, the product should not be consumed, it has deteriorated.


Brazil nut will become a source of a large number of minerals, vitamins. If you introduce it into your daily diet, you can strengthen all the organs and systems of the body, and cure chronic diseases. Not to mention the fact that the exotic product will be a great addition to culinary dishes that improve their taste. The main thing is to know the measure.

As often happens, the hero of our conversation today is called a nut not because it is in the biological sense, but because in appearance, taste, texture and smell, it is most similar to a nut. In fact, this is a grain, or a seed from the fruits of the Berthollett tree. A Brazil nut is not halved like its true counterparts. And if you saw the fruit of Bertolletia live, then most likely you would decide that you have a coconut. But it is worth chopping it, and instead of white pulp, you will see large oblong grains covered with a peel. What Mother Nature Will Not Think Up!

By name, it is easy to guess that the Brazil nut comes from the same country. Although it grows throughout the Amazon River Valley: in Guiana, Venezuela, Bolivia and parts of Peru. This product has been known since the days of the Indians; it has always been appreciated for its great taste and high nutritional value. Traditional medicine of the Aztecs actively used the fruits of Bertholletia. They still play an important role in local cooking and healing.

Once on the European continent, the Brazil nut caused great interest and universal love. This is an incredibly tasty treat, and modern scientists have been able to establish that it is also a healthy food product. Everyone who cares about their health, wants to have a toned figure and beautiful skin, will be interested in our today's detailed story about a Brazil nut.

Brazil nut description

The Bertolletian tree (in some sources - Bertollezia) is named after the great French chemist Claude Bertollet. This tree looks truly monumental: 50-60 meters tall, absolutely straight and smooth, up to three meters in circumference, and leaves with fruits are located almost at the very top. Bertolletia grows for about five hundred years, and begins to produce crops only in the twelfth year of life. Collect nuts from such a giant, you know, it is extremely difficult, and this is not necessary: \u200b\u200bthe ripened fruits themselves fall to the ground. That is why the Spanish colonists, who first tasted sweet, nutritious Brazil nuts, called them “a gift from God from heaven”.

The shell of the Berthollet fetus, although thin, is very strong. If during the fall it does not split, you have to try to extract the treat. In this very successful monkeys - one of the main lovers of the Brazil nut. They chop fruit on sharp stones. By the way, it is the rich fauna of amazonia that contributes to the natural spread of bertholletia. For example, charming agouti animals (something like guinea pigs) store Brazil nuts “for a rainy day” by burying them in the ground. And then they forget where the treasure was hidden. Seeds germinate safely, giving life to new trees. How does this look like the story with our proteins and acorns, isn't it?

Raising a Brazil nut artificially is an equally difficult task, so it makes no sense. In the jungle, with one bertolletion per year, you can remove up to two hundred kilograms of nutty nuts! And in captivity, these trees do not want to bear fruit well, either twelve or fifteen years after planting. Another mystery of nature! Today, Bolivia is the main supplier of Brazil nuts to the world market, but they retained their name unchanged.

What is so remarkable about this large (5-6 cm long) oily nut that tastes like cedar?

Its amazing vitamin and mineral composition. It contains:

    Vitamins E, C and almost the entire group B;

    10 most important trace elements;


    18 valuable amino acids;

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids;


Let us consider in detail how, with the help of Brazil nuts, it is possible to cover the daily needs of the human body in minerals and vitamins.

Let's start with vitamins (calculations are per 100 grams of nuts):

    B1 - 51% of the daily rate;

Now we present the data on trace elements, also based on 100 grams of Brazil nuts:

    Selenium - 2739% of the daily rate;

    Phosphorus - 104%;

    Magnesium - 94%;

    Copper - 58%;

    Potassium - 33%;

    Zinc - 27%;

    Iron - 24%;

    Manganese - 24%;

    Calcium - 16%;

    Sodium - 1%.

Just an incredible figure - 2739% of the daily rate of selenium is contained in just one handful of Brazil nuts! That is, with a pair of nuts you can be guaranteed to protect yourself from a deficiency of this important trace element.

Why does a person need selenium, and what is the danger of its lack? Let's get it right.

Selenium in a Brazil nut

Iodithirinin-5’deiodinase  It is produced in the kidneys and liver. This amino acid plays an important role in maintaining a healthy hormonal background in a person throughout his life.

Selenium, along with iodine, magnesium and cobalt, is responsible for the proper maturation of eggs. It also interferes with cell mutations, which means it helps to endure a healthy baby, without malformations and congenital abnormalities. The role of selenium in strengthening and preventing development is very large. It is this trace element that is needed for the synthesis of enzymes that destroy foreign cells.

To avoid a deficiency of selenium, it is not necessary to buy vitamin and mineral complexes in a pharmacy, which many people start with. Enough to eat right: regularly eat fish, seafood and nuts. Just about one of them - the Brazilian - we are talking today. This is the most generous source of selenium that nature can offer us.

The benefits of Brazil nuts for women

As we have already said, selenium contained in a Brazil nut plays an important role in maintaining female reproductive function, ensures the correct course of pregnancy, protects the future baby from developmental pathologies, and protects. But every girl is not only a future mother. This is, above all, a woman who wants to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. How can a Brazil nut help her?

The antioxidants that make up its composition fight against, and therefore extend our life. Severe diseases develop in an acidified body, including cancer. Any woman is afraid of this terrible word. But if you eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle, you can at least be sure that you have done everything possible to protect yourself from oncology.

Vitamin E, which is so much in Brazil nuts, is very necessary for women - it is often called the vitamin of beauty and youth. Shiny hair, elastic skin and strong nails are impossible without a sufficient amount of vitamin E, and since it is fat-soluble, it is very convenient to get it from a Brazil nut - there are up to 60% fat!

By the way, the high fat content of these nuts cannot serve as a reason for refusing to use them by those who want to lose weight. Brazil nut fats are almost entirely polyunsaturated fatty acids. Once in the female body, they reduce the level of “bad” and increase the level of “good”. Of course, you should not spoil yourself with Brazil nuts too much: two or three pieces a day will be enough for a beneficial effect, and just not enough to break the weight loss schedule.

Other beneficial properties of Brazil nuts

Not only women who want to prolong their youth, but also representatives of the stronger sex, taking care of their male health, can turn to the Brazil nut for help. Eating these nuts regularly increases potency and improves sperm quality. This is one of the reasons why Native Hispanics are so loving and prolific: in Brazil and Bolivia you can often meet families where a young wife gives birth to babies to her sixty-year-old spouse.

Like macadamia, Brazil nut is very popular in cosmetology. Its healing and fragrant oil is often added to face and body creams, shower gels, shampoos, balms and regenerating hair masks. The effect is wonderful: Brazil nut oil makes the skin and hair soft, healthy and beautiful. It perfectly saturates with vitamins and moisturizes, and also prevents moisture loss.

But back to nutrition. A Brazil nut is worth introducing into your diet, because this unique product has a number of useful functions:

    Boosts immunity, due to the participation of selenium in the synthesis of macrophages, immunoglobulins and leukocytes;

    Improves digestion  and cleanses the intestines with fiber;

    Neutralizes heavy metalsin particular arsenic;

    Protects cell integrityinterfering with gene mutations;

    Fights free radicalsinterfering with premature aging and the development of chronic diseases;

    Lowers cholesterol  and protecting against and;

    Extends the reproductive periodboth in women and in men;

    Prevents cancer  and helps him overcome those who are already sick.

Harm of a Brazil nut

Even such a useful product has a number of disadvantages and contraindications for use. More precisely - to abuse. But first things first. Here is a list of reasons why a Brazil nut can be harmful:

    Allergy is the most common problem. Not only Brazil nuts, but all nuts, in principle, many people have a severe allergy. Therefore, if you noted a negative reaction in yourself, for example, on, try the Brazil nut with great care;

    Aflatoxin - the peel of Brazil nuts contains natural poison, which in large quantities can destroy the liver, cause cirrhosis or cancer. Sanitary and epidemiological legislation in some countries prohibits the import of unpeeled Brazil nuts. However, such a tough measure seems unnecessary: \u200b\u200bfirstly, it is unlikely that someone would gnaw on this tough, absolutely tasteless peel, and secondly, it would have to be gnawed daily for six months to have pronounced consequences;

    Radium - several years ago an international scandal erupted around a Brazil nut. American scientists found this dangerous element in it and called on the whole world to refuse purchases. The incident is more likely to be political than medical. In fact, the root system of any plant absorbs substances from the soil - both beneficial and harmful. Imagine a fifty-meter-long tree of Bertholethia: its powerful root system over the years will suck anything from the earth. The concentration of radium in the Brazil nut is so meager that it is unnecessary to talk about the harm;

    Excess selenium - it can develop in a person from overeating Brazil nuts. The main symptoms: nausea, confusion, redness of the skin, strange, like garlic, shortness of breath, in severe cases - and liver failure. Such a dangerous condition occurs only if you consume 5 or more mg of selenium per day for a long time, that is, eat a whole packet of Brazil nuts.

Calorie Brazil nut

Brazil nut contains a lot of oil - up to 60% of the total mass. Therefore, its calorie content is very high:

682 kcal per 100 grams

But at the same time, it does not contain cholesterol, and polyunsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the condition of our blood vessels, skin, hair and nails. The essential fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, and K cannot be absorbed in the absence of fats. A Brazil nut is an excellent source of valuable natural oils.

How to store a Brazil nut?

When buying unpeeled Brazil nuts in a store, be sure to shock them: if they rattle inside the shell, then the nuts are dried up, old and stale. Finding out the quality of peeled Brazil nuts is a lot easier. They should be heavy, fleshy and resilient, and also have a bright, characteristic aroma. If the nuts are almost weightless and smell nothing, this is a poor-quality product.

At home, Brazil nuts are best stored in a lockable glass bowl or porcelain vase. A small supply of nuts can be wrapped in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator, but remember - they instantly absorb the smells of other products. Therefore, if you put Brazil nuts next to the sausage, then do not be surprised at their strange aroma.

In a dark, cool and dry place, Brazil nut is stored for a very long time - up to two years.

Education: Diploma of Russian State Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov, specialty "General Medicine" (2004). Residency at Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in "Endocrinology" (2006).

A Brazilian or American nut is not really a nut, just its fruit is similar to a nut in structure, appearance, taste, method of growth and nutritional value (I wonder why, after all this, it is considered a nut? :)). Only in cooking it is considered a nut, in botany is this fruit considered a grain: its core grows to the shell and is not divided into halves. It is also called “Brazilian” by no means rightfully, since Bolivia is its largest exporter. Here is such a Brazil nut - and not a nut, and not a Brazilian ...

An interesting fact is that Brazil nut (or Bertoleia) is not specially grown, since it gives a real crop only in the wild - in the jungle.

In appearance, the Brazilian nut is similar to coconut: it weighs from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, its size is about 15 cm. Inside it are hidden seeds that resemble in shape, but are larger in size - about 5 cm. These seeds are actually the nuts eaten. Most often, inside a large walnut, there are from 8 to 24 pieces. To taste, this product resembles.

Brazil Nut: Product Composition

Before considering the properties of Brazil nuts, the benefits and harms of this product, it is worth examining its chemical composition.

As part of the Brazil nut, 18% of proteins, 13% of carbohydrates, 69% of fats, and 41% of fats are unsaturated, which. The Brazil nut also contains as many as 18 amino acids and the body needs.

Also in its composition there are almost all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a person. The nuts contain B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, E. Of the minerals they contain iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, sodium, manganese, and selenium. Also, as part of the Brazil nut, they have high antioxidant activity.

Separately, it should be said how high-calorie a Brazil nut is. The calorie content of this product is 656 kcal. Therefore, do not abuse such nuts for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. The daily norm for eating a Brazil nut is 2 pieces per day, which will be beneficial for the body.

Brazil nut: benefits and harms

All properties of the product are determined by the chemical composition of the Brazil nut. Its beneficial properties are huge due to the large number of nutrients in the composition.

Beneficial features

Flavonoids are natural substances that have antioxidant activity and ensure the normal course of redox reactions in the body. These substances are often found in synthetic preparations, but for better assimilation they should be taken as part of natural foods, such as Brazil nuts.

For those seeking to lose weight, eating nutlets carefully will be beneficial, as they contain amino acids that can reduce the body’s fat mass and increase muscle mass. necessary for full blood coagulation: dilates blood vessels and enhances their blood supply.

The presence of unsaturated fats in the composition of Brazil nut allows you to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, protect body cells, prevent the development of cataracts, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and nervous diseases.

Fiber as part of the product is the best way to cleanse the intestines.

Brazil nuts are good for the human reproductive system: they can help men in the treatment of infertility, and women can extend the reproductive age.

Due to the presence of selenium, which has an anticancerogenic and antitumor effect, the nut is necessary for protection against cancer and premature aging. By the way, in small doses, selenium is necessary for the body, but in large quantities can have a detrimental effect.

Brazil nut is necessary for children and adolescents, as it stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone, thereby activating growth in children.

A Brazil nut acts as a natural energetic: just one nut can restore strength. The substances contained in this product improve metabolism, normalize blood sugar, restore from fatigue and stress, and help the formation and growth of new cells.

The benefits of Brazil nut oil

Walnut oil is currently widely used in cosmetology, as it can have a positive effect on the skin. In particular, it creates a protective layer on the skin surface that protects it from negative environmental influences, prevents the necessary moisture from evaporating, and penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, nourishes it, restores cells and prevents its aging. Because of these qualities, walnut oil is used in the manufacture of skin and hair products. It can also be added to shampoo or cream on your own with each use.

In addition to the cosmetic effect, Brazil nut oil has healing properties: it heals wounds, ulcers and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The oil contains fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, tocopherols and alcohols, which have decongestant, antiseptic and antiviral effects.

Harmful properties and contraindications

Speaking about the harmful properties of the product, they always warn that everything is good in moderation. So it is with a Brazil nut: it is not worth exceeding a measure of 2-3 nuts, otherwise its beneficial effect will turn into unpleasant consequences. In addition, the nut contains a very small amount of radium - a harmful radioactive substance. It is worth noting that Brazil nuts are very nutritious, so you are unlikely to want to eat a lot of nuts at once.

The nutshell contains aflatoxin, which can cause liver cancer. When importing nuts into the EU, there are certain import rules: the shell of each batch of nuts must first be removed. If the nuts are not purchased on European territory, you need to ensure that the nuts are peeled.

With hypertension, eating nuts should be used with caution, as they can worsen the condition.

Contraindications to eating nuts is an individual intolerance to the product and allergic reactions that occur during its use. Most often, allergies are noticed in people who have allergic reactions when eating other nuts and some exotic fruits.

Brazil nut application

They use nuts in various forms: raw, fried, salted. They make nut butter. There are many culinary masterpieces using Brazil nuts: pastries, ice cream, sweets, chocolate, salads, snacks, sauces, soups, etc.

Such nuts do not spoil for a long time without shells, so they are often taken on travel as snacks.

Store peeled nuts in a cool place or in the refrigerator, preferably in a sealed bag so that they do not absorb other edible odors.

Walnut and its oil are used not only in cooking and cosmetology. Oil is used to lubricate watches, so they work for many years, and on its basis, artists create paints that do not lose their brightness and color for centuries.

Botanical name:  Brazilian nut

Homeland of Brazil nut:  Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru

Lighting:  photophilous

The soil:  nutrient rich in minerals

Watering:  hygrophilous

Maximum tree height:  45 m

Tree life expectancy:  500 years

Landing:  grains contained in the fruit

Where it grows and what the Brazil nut looks like in the photo

The Brazil nut, in science called Bertolia high (Latin Bertholletia excelsa), is the only species of the monotypic genus of the South American plants of the Lecithis family. The genus of these plants was named after the French chemist Claude Louis Bertollet (1748-1822), and received the common name because of the area of \u200b\u200bits distribution.

In nature, the Brazil nut, as seen in the photo, grows in numerous groups in the wild forests of Brazil, is widespread in Venezuela, in the east of Peru, Bolivia and Colombia, cultural plantings are found in Sri Lanka, as well as Trinidad and Tobago. Single trees grow on the shallows of Orinoco, Rio Negro and the Amazon. Bertoletium is not cultivated to produce fruits; these plants produce crops only in the wild. Despite the name, Bolivia is the main supplier of Brazil nuts. The annual fruit yield is about 20,000 tons, with 50% of the total harvested in Bolivia, 40% in Brazil, and 10% in Peru. Felling these trees is strictly prohibited by the laws of these three countries.

Bertoletia (another name for Brazil nut) is one of the largest long-lived trees in the Amazon rainforest, reaching a height of 30-45 m with a trunk diameter of 1-2 m. Brazilians say that the Brazil nut grows and bears fruit up to 1000 years, but officially, the life expectancy of Bertholletia excelsa is 500 years.

Three quarters of a slender, straight trunk, covered with smooth, grayish bark, usually bare. Lateral branches begin to grow only closer to the crown, forming a large, spherical crown of regular shape. Because of this feature, bertoletium is a "dome" for surrounding plants, protecting them from the scorching sun and heavy rains. The wood is dense and strong, pale brown on top, crimson-chocolate closer to the core, amenable to mechanical processing and polishing.

The leaves of the plants are serrated or whole, elongated (20-35 cm), reach 15 cm in width. In dry seasons, leaves fall.

Petals of small flowers collected in a panicle inflorescence are painted in cream color. Each flower has 6 petals and several stamens that are tightly adjacent to each other. The flower nectar is very sweet, but only insects with a sufficiently strong, long proboscis can collect it, since it is very difficult to get to the stamens through the complex bends of the petals.

The fruits ripen after 14 months, and only on trees that have reached 12 years of age. You can get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow a Brazil nut looks by looking at a photo in our photo gallery after this article. This is a large box (up to 10-15 cm in diameter, weighing up to 2 kg), which looks very much like a coconut fruit.

The fetal shell is tree-like, hard, reaching a thickness of 8-12 mm. Each box contains from 8 to 24 triangular grains, each 4–5 cm long. Brazil nuts, as seen in the photo, fill a tree-like container like orange slices.

Despite the fact that the inhabitants of Bertholletia excelsa classify the contents of the nut as a nut, botanists attribute them to grains.

There is a small hole on one side of the box. It is through him that large rodents (for example, agouti) get to the insides of the fetus and eat nuts from the inside. Rodents are thrifty animals, so when they are full, they dig some of the nuts into the ground, and some of them germinate. Thus, the reproduction of Bertholletia excelsa in the wild occurs.

Bertolemia is a photophilous plant, so that nuts buried by rodents in shaded places can be hibernated for years, young shoots from them sprout only after a few years.

Other animals feed on Brazil nuts, for example, capuchin monkeys. Moreover, the monkeys do not get to the core of the fetus through the hole, but crack the shell with stones. Unlike rodents, capuchins do not make stocks, so these plants practically do not breed in places of large concentrations of monkeys.

The benefits and harms of the Brazil nut

Due to its rich composition, Brazil nut has a lot of useful properties. Fruit grains contain almost all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body - both minerals and vitamins. Brazil nuts include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, as well as vitamins C, A, E, PP and B vitamins. Fruits are saturated with fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, amino acids and flavonoids (substances that differ in antioxidant activity).

The properties of the Brazil nut make it possible to ensure the normal course of all redox reactions in the body. The substances contained in these fruits give a higher effect than synthetic vitamins, so it is recommended to use Bertolite grains daily, at least 1-2 pieces a day. The benefits of the Brazil nut for those who are engaged in active physical activity, wishing to gain muscle mass, have long been noted. The amino acids that make up the grains reduce the mass of adipose tissue, while the mass of muscle tissue, on the contrary, increases. In addition, these fruits contain 18% protein and 13% carbohydrates. Alpha-linolinic acid, which in the human body turns into omega-3 acid, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, is also part of Brazil nuts.

Useful properties of Brazil nuts allow you to use it to improve the general condition of the body. These fruits contain a lot of selenium, which protects against premature aging and prevents the development of cancer cells. Of course, bertolemia is not a panacea for all diseases, but it is necessary to include its fruits in your diet (3 nuts per day are enough to make up the daily intake of selenium). A number of studies indicate that selenium reduces the risk of breast cancer, therefore, these fruits are recommended to be used as a preventive measure against the occurrence of cancerous tumors.

Along with the benefits, Brazil nuts can also be harmful, especially if they are consumed in excessive quantities. Bertolemia fruits contain a small amount of the radioactive substance radium. Although the level of radium is small (approximately 40-260 Bq / kg), it is 1000 times higher than in other food products. However, it is worth considering the fact that the main part of the radioactive substances is contained not in the core of the nut, but in other parts of the plant, so the risk of a side effect is very small. Scientists from the Oak Ridge University Association believe that the accumulation of radium in the fruits of Bertolite is not due to the fact that the soil in the Amazon contains an increased concentration of radium. The reason is a too branched root system of trees that can penetrate into too deep layers and extract from the soil those elements that are in it in negligible concentrations.

Speaking about the dangers of the Brazil nut, we can recall that the shell of the grains contains aflatoxins that are involved in the development of liver cancer. Of course, their concentration is too small, but, despite this, there are strict import rules for bertolite introduced by the European Union. It is forbidden to import fruits into the EU member states together with the box - the shell must first be removed. Each batch of nuts is strictly checked for compliance with import standards.

The composition of a Brazil nut and how many calories are in it

The fact that the Brazil nut is useful is also indicated by the high fat content in its fruits (almost 70%), with 25% being saturated fats. Many, especially those who want to lose weight, consider this a drawback. The calorie content of Brazil nut also speaks for itself - 682 kilocalories are contained in 100 grams of product (for comparison, the calorie content of peanuts is 551 kcal per 100 g, pine nuts - 629 kcal per 100 g, and cashew - 633 kcal per 100 g).

Of course, for those who adhere to a strict diet and count calories, a Brazil nut is not the best delicacy, but it’s much more useful to eat 1-2 grains of Bertholletia excelsa than a cake, 100 g chips or a portion of fried potatoes, because there are much more useful substances in these fruits , and they are all well absorbed by the body.

When comparing how many calories are in a Brazil nut, and how many calories are in a favorite but harmful dish, you should always opt for a natural product.

Use and contraindication for the use of Brazil nut

It is widely known about the benefits of Brazil nuts and in cosmetology. The oil of these fruits is part of many face and body skin care products, Bertholletia excelsa grains are also used in the manufacture of shampoos, balms and hair lotions. Oils are rich in fatty acids, tocopherols, fat-soluble vitamins, have powerful antioxidant, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiseptic effects.

The fruits of Bertoltia are tasty both raw and fried. You can eat them without any additives, or you can add salt or a little pepper. In cooking, Bertholletia excelsa grains are added to pastries, chocolate, sweets, ice cream, and are used in the preparation of snacks, salads, sauces, soups, and main dishes. In addition, several nuts can completely satisfy the hunger, so they are often part of various nutritious mixtures for a snack. Fruits do not require special storage conditions, do not deteriorate for a long time and retain their beneficial properties.

Contraindications to the use of Brazil nut exist for those who are allergic to other nuts or mangoes. In the event that a person has an individual intolerance to the substances contained in peanut butter, an allergic reaction to the fruits of bertoletia will most likely follow.

Eating even one Brazil nut per day can significantly improve not only a woman’s health, but also change her appearance for the better. Being a treasury of valuable minerals and healthy vitamins, the fruit truly strengthens the body. Nevertheless, there is a barely noticeable line between the negative and positive effects of the nut on the work of internal organs. With the use of more than 9 cores per day, the benefits of the product are leveled, and irreparable harm to the body can be caused. Experts recommend maintaining moderation and eating no more than 2-3 pieces per day.

The composition and useful properties of the fruit of the Brazil nut

Brazil nut kernels have a great energy value and taste like pine nuts

What is the benefit of a Brazil nut? Bertolecia fruit is a high-calorie product consisting of 13% carbohydrates, 18% protein and 69% fat. The variety of fatty acids present in the composition of walnut and oil makes it a unique product:

  • Polyunsaturated acids (24%). They are represented by linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, tissue regeneration and renewal.
  • Monounsaturated acids (41%). Oleic and palmitic acids in the female body reduce cholesterol, the accumulation of fats and the formation of atherosclerotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Saturated Acids (25%). Thanks to myristic and stearic acids, energy reserves are created in the body. They are also an indispensable building material of cells.

100 g of bertolecia fetus contains a daily dose of minerals in the following percentage:

  • Manganese - 81% or 80 mg. The element is necessary for the production of hormones by the thyroid gland, maintains the bone structure in a normal state and promotes the assimilation of food.
  • Copper - 116% or 2.5 mg. It normalizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels, increases the digestibility of iron in tissues, improves blood composition.
  • Phosphorus - 96% or 945 mg. Improves the condition of bone mass, the work of the genitourinary system and accelerates cell growth.
  • Magnesium - 125% or 500 mg. An active participant in metabolic processes, protein absorption and elimination of toxins.
  • Calcium - 21% or 213 mg. Prevents diseases of the digestive tract, nervous system and heart.
  • Thiamine - 55% or 0.75 mg. It improves the metabolic processes of the body, helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and central nervous system.
  • Selenium - 2740%. It increases the fertility of women, a powerful oxidant, prevents the development of cancer.
  • Vitamin E 38% or 7.5 mg of the product supports the functioning of the nervous system and muscle mass. Daily use of the nut improves the condition of the skin, nail plate and hair. It is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants.

Use for the beauty and health of women

The product is useful not only as a remedy for many diseases. The use of Brazil nut for women is especially effective: it has a positive effect on the body as a whole, and oil from it is highly regarded in cosmetology.

Recent studies have shown that daily consumption of several fruits reduces the risk of a tumor in the genital organs and mammary glands. Also, consumption maintains fertility and prolongs the reproductive period in women. Thanks to the selenium that is part of the Brazil nut, the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus are ensured.

Expert advice: The product will be useful to women who are actively involved in sports. The amino acids contained in the fetal nuclei and a large amount of protein help build muscle mass quickly enough, while reducing body fat. To get the desired result, you need to eat 1-2 kernels per day.

Brazil nut oil is a constant component of shampoos, balms and face creams

The use of oil from the fruit of bertolecia in cosmetology is not new today. It is used in balms, masks and hair creams. It gained immense popularity for its ability to penetrate deeply into the skin and saturate it with useful substances. As the skin absorbs the hood, a thin protective film forms on the surface, which protects the epithelium from drying out.

Also, oil heals various inflammations, wounds, microcracks and burns well. An extract from a nut, possessing a strong wound healing property, effectively resolves scars on the skin surface even after serious operations. It is recommended to use oil as a remedy against acne.

Expert advice: Add 2-3 drops of oil to a single serving of hair balm or to any body care product. After some time, the hair will become silky and special shine, and the skin will become toned and velvety.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

But as for the use of the fetus when feeding breast milk, then in this case, caution must be exercised. Despite the presence of a large number of beneficial elements, like any nut, it belongs to the group of allergens. Therefore, experts advise gradually introducing it into the diet of a woman, while observing the condition of the baby.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the unique composition of the product, experts advise observing the measure when using it. Do not exceed the declared daily allowance, otherwise the nut will not bring benefits, but harm. Therefore, it is worth paying the reader's attention to the side effects of the Brazil nut in case of an overdose:

  • Radium. The minimum amount of substance in the composition of the fetus (40–260 Bq / g). Despite this, its concentration is 1000 times greater than in any other product, which can cause serious disorders in the body.
  • Aflatoxin belongs to the group of strong biological poisons. The substance is formed in the shell of the fetus during improper storage and is a process of vital activity of microscopic mold fungi. When a large amount of aflatoxin enters the body, liver tissue begins to break down. Therefore, when imported into European countries, unpeeled nuts undergo strict sanitary control.
  • Fitin. The substance prevents the full absorption of iron elements.
  • Selenium. Its overdose causes severe hair loss, increased fragility of the nail plate and disrupts the central nervous system. Also, selenium in large quantities in the body can cause a cancerous tumor. Symptoms of excess substance are manifested by nausea and vomiting.

The cause of hair loss may be an excess of selenium, which is rich in Brazil nuts

The structure of the fruit has its own characteristics, so when buying an unpeeled nut, you should prepare for its phased cutting. A whole Brazil nut consists of a dense layer of shell, in which there are separate shells with nucleoli.

Expert advice: it is better to buy already peeled nuts. Firstly, this will reduce the time of cutting the fetus (the shell will have to be cut), and secondly, with prolonged storage in the shell molds are formed that are harmful to the body.

When buying, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Ripe fresh nut must be heavy.
  • With light shaking, the nut should not make any sounds.
  • The shell must be even, smooth and without damage.
  • The nucleus of the fetus must be hard, crunchy, smooth and non-wrinkled.
  • It is better to give preference to already cleaned nucleoli in a sealed package.

As for storage, it is best to keep peeled nuts in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. This will protect the fruits from absorbing odors. You can store the product for up to 2 years.

In addition to the healing properties, the fruit of bertolecia is famous for its ability to give dishes an exquisite taste. Just a few nucleoli added to the salad not only bring great benefits to the body, but also allow you to diversify your usual breakfasts. Be healthy!