Dishes from quinoa. Cabbage soup

I want to tell you how our villagers worked in the rear during the war years. Anna Vasilyevna Shirikalova from the village of Shipitsina is one of them. She is a mother of many children, raised five worthy daughters and a son. Her whole life is connected with her native village, the peasant way. I studied four classes at a local school, in the fifth I had to study in the city, and at the age of 13 I already started working on a farm as a milkmaid. They milked it by hand, carried water in buckets to water the cows, and each milkmaid had 12 goals.

“When the war started,” says Anna Vasilievna, “we, eight girls from the village, were sent to study in the Ilyinsky MTS. These are two Anna and Ekaterina Kondratiev, Elena Shulgina, Zinaida Kazantseva, Valentina and Antonina Shirikalov and I. We went to school on foot, for 20 kilometers. Once a week was given a day off.
  On August 25, after completing the courses, the girls were already planted on tractors. They lived in a trailer, right in the field, immediately cooked lunches and dinners. Bread was given at 300 grams per day. If you do not comply with the norm, then 200 grams. They worked in two shifts, so the tractors did not stand idle.
  “There was such a case,” Anna Vasilievna recalls further. - In the spring they sowed peas. The girls and I decided to take some peas and cook the peas at night. But the collective farm chairman Pavel Nikolayevich Potorochin took the peas and robbed us of bread for two days. Parents of Katya Kondratieva found out about this and sent us cakes of quinoa, nettle and frozen potatoes. They shared them at all, the taste of these cakes was remembered for a lifetime.
  Tractors of the HTZ, SMZ brand had to be started with a handle. The girls puffed and sweated, as they lacked strength. Helped each other. So they worked.
  She remembered another case.
  “They let me go to the bath, but I didn’t get to the bath.” I sat down on the lawn to rest, and when I woke up, I saw it was already evening, and I hurried to shift back, without washing myself in the bathhouse.
After the war ended, men returned from the front and replaced women tractor drivers in the fields. Anna Shirakalova again went to the farm and worked there until retirement. Agniya Bykova, a home front worker, recalls how Anna Vasilievna, already a mother of many children, came running to the farm, always neatly dressed, in a white scarf. She managed to do everything: both her work was flawlessly completed and the children were used - to feed, drink, and wash. I taught my daughters to cleanliness and order. After the war, Agniya Andreyevna herself worked in a kindergarten with her daughter, Valya. According to her, such parenting can only be envied: hardworking, friendly, honest. Daughter Zhenya graduated from teacher training college, worked at school, the city party committee, and the district executive committee. Valya - in the registry of the court, Alexandra worked at one of the Perm plants until retirement. Nadezhda is a cook, Tatyana is a laboratory assistant at a construction institute also in Perm. Son Yuri is a master owner, a small hut where his family lives, like a toy, everything is done with skillful hands.
  The husband of Anna Vasilyevna, Mikhail Dmitrievich Shirikalov, returned from the war in 1944, all wounded, and died that same year. There was a widow with six children, and she never married again. In the post-war years, life was also difficult, but Anna Vasilievna, like many women of her generation, did not break down, adequately raised her children, and now in old age they take care of her. She is a rich grandmother, has
  9 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren.
  Honor and praise to the women workers of the rear, with whose hands the land was cultivated and bread was cultivated. A deep bow to everyone who worked under the motto “Everything for the front, everything for the Victory!”

According to the recollections of many people, at critical moments in history when there was not enough food, quinoa was saved - weed, which we send in compost at best. Meanwhile, this plant is widely represented in cooking. One of its names is nut groats, and the balanda was named after borrowing the name Mari White (its second name) from the Lithuanian language.

Note: Quinoa contains: fiber, vitamins of groups B and C, minerals of calcium and iron, it contains protein. It is especially good to use quinoa for supporters of vegetarian food.

Quinoa recipes

And today quinoa can make our food more diverse. However, starting to prepare dishes with its use, remember that it is most often not the main component, but that spicy addition, the task of which is to make the dish exclusive and very useful.

Quinoa soup

Rinse thoroughly and finely chop the quinoa (can be passed through a meat grinder), put in salted water to taste and cook for 15-25 minutes. Before serving, add cucumber, sorrel and greens, 1 tbsp. l sour cream.

Required: 100 g of young quinoa leaves, 50 g of sorrel leaves, 50 g of cucumbers, herbs (onion, dill, parsley), salt, spices, sour cream - to taste.

Quinoa salad

Grind and mix all ingredients thoroughly, adding spices to taste. You can squeeze a couple of lemon slices into the salad to add flavor to the salad.

Required: 50 g of quinoa leaves, 100 g of cabbage, 30 g of onion feather (can be replaced with chopped onion), herbs, salt, spices, sunflower or rapeseed oil, mayonnaise or sour cream - to taste. You can add a couple of boiled eggs.


This dish will appeal to vegetarians and fasting people.

Finely chop the washed leaves of young quinoa, add salted water, add oatmeal and cook until porridge. Allow to cool. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs. Then they can either be fried or steamed.

Required: 150 g of quinoa leaves, 30 g of oatmeal, 10 g of breadcrumbs, salt, spices - to taste.

Quinoa: healthy recipes

In addition to kitchen recipes, quinoa is still widely used in folk medicine. The simplest recipe for using a quinoa is to apply chewed leaves to fresh wounds and scratches.

With constipation, fresh juice or salad from young quinoa helps well - the intestines are stimulated, peristalsis intensifies.

With inflammation of the oral cavity, rinsing 5-6 times a day for 10 days with the infusion of dried quinoa leaves helps. 20 g of raw material is poured with boiling water, insisted for several hours, filtered and cooled.

Due to the presence of healthy potassium salts in white marie, saturation of the diet with quinoa dishes positively affects the work of the heart and allows for the effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Quinoa is not cultivated in the culture, so you need to carefully weigh where to get it. It is not worth pulling out plants in a landfill or on the fields of collective farms and state farms, since it is likely that they are treated with herbicides. It is best to pick this weed grown in the shade of an abandoned garden.

If you see a person who specifically grows quinoa in the garden to eat it later, then you will probably think that this is sheer nonsense. Indeed, quinoa in the general understanding is just a weed. But in fact, in ancient times, the quinoa was called wild sorrel. It contains a number of useful properties that contribute to maintaining the vitality of the body.

There are two varieties of quinoa - green and red. Red quinoa is an ornamental plant unsuitable for food. Green quinoa is used for salads, appetizers, soups and main dishes. It does not have a pronounced taste, but it is enriched with vitamins. Also, quinoa is used to decorate dishes.

What dishes to use the quinoa

In Russia, the quinoa was added to cabbage soup and botvini. Also, it was quite appropriately combined with sauerkraut. Seeds of quinoa were cleaned and cooked porridge from them in a hungry year. To taste, this porridge resembled buckwheat. They cleaned the seeds only because their shell contains a component that causes an acidic taste.

The quinoa should be eaten in early spring, while the shoots have not yet bloomed. It is during this period that the grass has a more saturated taste. Before picking a quinoa, you need to make sure that the bottom of the leaves is white. If the leaves have a different shade, then this is wild-growing grass, and it will be bitter in taste, and some varieties of wild quinoa are poisoned.

You can cook quinoa as an independent dish. But at the same time, more spices should be added to the grass to enhance the taste. Sauces, especially sour cream and homemade mayonnaise, are also excellent for quinoa.

Lebeda was used in Russia to treat many diseases. The main ones are rheumatism, treatment of mucous membranes, wound healing, burns. As a prophylactic, quinoa was consumed raw or boiled. Also, the constant use of quinoa in food contributes to the normalization of the circulatory and digestive systems.

Quinoa in a raw food diet

One of the most common plants on the menu of raw foodists is spreading quinoa, which was eaten in ancient Greece. In pre-revolutionary Russia, impoverished peasants baked bread from a quinoa mixed with rye flour. They made stews and soups from a mixture of quinoa with sorrel, sour, sour, beet tops and radishes.

Light green matte quinoa leaves serve as a fortifying vitamin remedy. The leaves of quinoa are especially rich in vitamin C, they have calcium and zinc, cobalt and magnesium.

It is best to eat young juicy tops of shoots and leaves fresh, but experienced vegetarians harvest them for the winter and marinated. Salads from quinoa leaves are especially tasty with dishes of flour, with cucumbers, tomatoes or chillies.

Garden quinoa is an annual herbaceous plant 60-150 cm high. The folk names of the quinoa are flour grass, wild spinach. Everything is sometimes red. Often the plants are covered with silvery hairs, which makes them look like sprinkled with flour.

Culinary recipes of dishes from quinoa, cabbage soup, tortillas, cutlets and salads from quinoa, salted, dried and pickled quinoa. Properties of the quinoa and its nutritional value.

Wild quinoa, growing everywhere like a weed, is among the medicinal and food plants. Wild quinoa is green, and garden quinoa is white, light greenish, reddish or burgundy.

Significant protein content found in the swan. Quinoa has no smell or taste. This property makes it an ideal component of any food combination. It is advisable to add strong aromatic spicy additives to the swan: garlic, onion, parsley.

It is advisable to use quinoa in spring and early summer, while it is young, before flowering. In this case, you need to pay attention to the back side of the leaves having a white powdery coating. Varieties of wild quinoa without plaque are bitter or poisonous.

Young leaves and tender stems can be used for borscht, side dishes, sauces, mashed potatoes, etc. In a pickled or pickled form, quinoa shoots are suitable for softening spicy salads and vinaigrettes. However, pickled quinoa has an unpleasant odor and therefore it must be washed several times in cold water before use.

Also, quinoa can be mixed in rye or wheat flour. This will give bread increased nutrition, better baking and preservation. Seeds of quinoa can be used as a substitute for flour. Of these, you can cook swan porridge (swan), which, to taste, is close to buckwheat.

Culinary recipes of quinoa dishes.

Cabbage soup from quinoa and sorrel with potatoes.

Sorrel 200 g + quinoa 200 g + potatoes 500 g + onions 100 g + water 3 l + carrots 50 g + salt. Peel the potatoes. Cut into strips. Boil it. Finely chop the sorrel and quinoa. Sauté with onions and carrots in vegetable oil for 2 minutes. Then put in a potato broth. Stir. Boil for about 2 minutes. To salt.

Cabbage soup from quinoa and sorrel.

Quinoa leaves - 100 grams + leaves - 30 grams + cucumber - 50 grams + green onions - 20 grams + dill - 10 grams + sour cream - 30 grams + salt + spices. Go over the quinoa and sorrel. Wash. To grind. Finely chop green onion, dill and cucumber. In boiling water, put a quinoa and sorrel. Let it boil. To salt. Cook until soft. Remove from heat. Cool. Add green onions, dill and chopped cucumber. Add sour cream.

Cabbage soup from quinoa.

Rinse young leaves (400 g) with cold water. Dip in boiling water. Cook until soft. Remove and allow water to drain. Wring out. Grind through a sieve. Add 1 tbsp flour and butter. To salt. Mix. Fry the resulting mass. Then, dilute it with broth (0.7 L) or hot water.

Cold quinoa soup with sorrel.

Young quinoa leaves - 100 g + sorrel - 30 g + green onions - 20 g + cucumbers - 40 g + dill - 5 g + sour cream - 20 g + water - 285 g + salt. In boiling salt water, put chopped quinoa and sorrel. Cook until tender. Cool. Add chopped green onions, diced fresh cucumbers. Sprinkle with dill. Season with sour cream.

Soup from quinoa and hogweed.

Potatoes - 50 g + carrots - 20 g + quinoa - 20 g + hogweed - 20 g + water - 400 g + sour cream - 10 g. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Carrots - straws. Chop quinoa and hogweed. Dip everything in boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Boil. Remove from heat. To salt. Add sour cream.

Botvigna with a swan, sorrel, and nettle.

Young (leaves) - 200-300 g + quinoa - 100 g + sorrel -150 g + bread kvass - 1.5 l + grated horseradish - 1 tbsp. + green onions + dill + beets - 1 pc. Boiled fish - 200 g. Young nettle leaves, quinoa, sorrel boil a little. Grind and dilute with kvass. Then add the grated horseradish, finely chopped green onions, dill and diced beets. Cool Botvigno. Use with boiled fish.

Quinoa cutlets.

The calculation for two cutlets of 150 g each: 200 g of finely cut white quinoa leaves + 50 g of onion + 30 g of oatmeal or oatmeal + 15 g of fat (oil or lard) + pepper + garlic + crackers + egg. Or: quinoa - 165 g + oatmeal (or semolina) - 25 g + crackers - 10 g + salt + spices.

Finely chop the washed greens. Dip in boiling water and immediately add a handful of oat or semolina. Cook like regular cool porridge. From the resulting mass, mold the patties and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Fry. If there is no special breadcrumbs, then you can crumble a piece of stale white bread.

Vegetable cutlets with a swan.

Chop and stew cabbage leaves (100 g) until softened. The crushed leaves of clover and quinoa (100 g each) should be extinguished separately, since they soften much faster. Prepare a white sauce from flour (5-10 g), milk (50 g), butter (10 g) and eggs (1 piece). Mix the stewed cabbage and greens with the sauce, add salt (3-4 g), form cutlets from the resulting mass, roll in breadcrumbs (10-15 g) and fry in a hot skillet.

Casserole with a swan.

Garden quinoa - 700 g + butter - 100 g + flour - 125 g + milk - 300 ml + breadcrumbs - 75 g + feta cheese - 50 g + vermicelli-50 g + 2 eggs + ham-50 g + salt + pepper. Rinse the quinoa and boil in salt water for 10 minutes. Extract and let loose drain. Cool. Cut in small pieces. Boil the vermicelli in salt water (without boiling). Drain the water. Rinse vermicelli with cold water.

Melt butter (75 g) in a separate bowl. Passage the flour. Add quinoa and noodles and keep on fire for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Pour in warm milk while stirring. Add two raw eggs. Add finely chopped ham. To salt. Spice up. Spread all this mass on a greased baking sheet and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for about 40-50 minutes until golden brown.

Dumplings with nettles, chives and quinoa.

For the test: 2 cups flour + half a cup of nettle juice, quinoa + salt. For minced meat: half a glass of shredded mixture of quinoa, nettle and dash, ground beef and pork + ground black pepper + salt.

Cooking minced meat. Rinse the herbs. Grind and squeeze the juice. Mix ground beef and pork with herbs. To salt. Spice up. Knead thoroughly. Roll out the dumplings dough into a thin layer. Cut the mugs with a glass. Put the stuffing. Form dumplings. Boil in boiling salted water for 5–6 minutes. Add oil, sour cream, chopped parsley and dill.

Eggs with mustard and quinoa.

Egg (boiled) - 2 pcs + quinoa leaves -15 g + beets (boiled) - 40 g + mayonnaise - 15 g + table mustard - 4 g. Peel the boiled beets and grate. Stir with finely chopped green quinoa. Add table mustard, mayonnaise. Mix. Cut boiled eggs in half. Put on a plate. Next, put a slide of a mixture of beets, quinoa, mayonnaise and mustard.

Mashed quinoa.

Sort young leaves (400 g), wash, squeeze, lower in boiling water. As soon as they become soft, drain hot water and pour over cold, then squeeze, finely chop and rub on a sieve. Put butter (1.5 tablespoons), flour (0.5 tablespoons), add milk (1 cup) and several times boil. To improve the taste, you can add stewed vegetables.

Quinoa salad.

Scale the quinoa with boiling water. Drain the water. Cut the quinoa. To salt. Spice up. Add vegetable oil. Mix.

Salad of quinoa and nettle.

100 g of leaves + 100 g of quinoa leaves + 2 cloves of garlic + 2 eggs + green onions + 1 tablespoon of horseradish + 1/2 cans of mayonnaise + salt. Rinse nettle leaves and swans well and lower in boiling water for 20 minutes. Remove and allow water to drain. Then finely chop the leaves. To salt. Add crushed garlic. Hard-boiled eggs and finely chop. Mix everything. Add finely chopped green onions. Add mayonnaise mixed with horseradish.

Salad with red cabbage and quinoa.

Red cabbage - 65 g + quinoa - 30 g + sour cream - 10 g + salt. Rinse the quinoa thoroughly and chop finely. Add slaw red cabbage. Add sour cream. To salt.

Salad of quinoa and young cabbage.

Chop cabbage and quinoa leaves. Mix in a ratio of 2: 1. To salt. Season with sour cream or mayonnaise. According to this recipe, instead of cabbage, you can use other salad vegetables and herbs.

Salad with quinoa and sorrel.

150 g of quinoa leaves + 30 g of sorrel + 1 potato. For refueling: 1/2 tbsp. l vegetable oil + 1 tsp vinegar + 30 g horseradish. Boil the potatoes. Lower the young leaves of the quinoa and sorrel in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Drain the water. Chop. Combine with boiled, chopped potatoes. To salt. Mix. Season with a mixture of oil, vinegar and horseradish. Garnish with boiled egg tops.

Quinoa and onion salad.

Rinse young leaves (200 g). Boil it. Dry a little. To grind. To salt. Stir with finely chopped green onions (5 g). Add vegetable oil (5 g) and hot sauce (1 tablespoon).

Salad with quinoa and beetroot.

Lay the crushed young leaves (100 g) on \u200b\u200bslices of boiled beets (150 g). To salt. Season with vinegar and sour cream (20 g).

Chorba from a quinoa.

Garden quinoa - 750 g + onions - 150 g + carrots - 50 g + celery - 50 g + rice - 50 g + vegetable oil - 100 ml + sour cream - 200 ml + flour - 1 tbsp. spoon + 3 raw yolks + green onions - 1 bunch + tarragon greens + salt. Boil rice. Pour finely chopped onion with boiling water (1 l). Add carefully washed and finely chopped quinoa leaves.

Cut the carrots and celery into small cubes. Sasser in vegetable oil. Put in a pan with a quinoa. Cook for about 20 minutes. Add boiled rice. Beat the yolks with sour cream and flour. Pour this mixture into a chorba in a thin stream. To salt. Add vinegar. Scalp tarragon greens with boiling water. Allow water to drain. Slice. Tarragon add to chorbu.

Cream cheese and quinoa pasta.

1 pack of processed cheese + 1 cup chopped fresh quinoa + 1 onion + 2 leaves of dandelion. Grind quinoa, onion and cream cheese and grind to a pasty state.

Tortillas on a herbal infusion.

1 kg of flour + 2 cups of herbal infusion + 25 g of yeast + 2 teaspoons of salt. Collect the first shoots of wild greens of quinoa, mint, horse sorrel, dandelion, purslane and spinach. Rinse. Add to them shoots of alfalfa, garlic greens, green and onions. Grind everything into minced meat. Pour 1 kg of ground meat with 1 liter of warm water. Stir. Give a little infusion and pour this infusion into another bowl.

On the basis of this herbal infusion, knead the yeast dough. When the dough rises, divide into pieces. Roll into balls. Cover with cloth. Let stand for about 15 minutes. Blind with a thickness of about 1.5 cm. On the surface of the cakes, make shallow punctures with a pointed match. Bake just like other types of cakes.

Quinoa sauce.

1.6-2 kg. sort out the swans. Rinse well several times. Dip in a large amount of salted boiling water with a spoonful of soda. Cook until soft. Drain the water. Pour cold water. Grind to a pasty state. 2-4 pieces of sugar and 1 / 2-1 teaspoon of butter thoroughly grind with a teaspoon of flour. Boil it. Put in spinach. Stir. Dilute with a glass of raw or boiled cream. Heat until hot, but do not boil.

Sauce with quinoa and dandelion.

1 item quinoa spoon + 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil + 3 cloves of garlic + 5 tablespoons. tablespoons of whey + 3 tablespoons. tablespoons of butter + 1 teaspoon of dried flowers + 1 teaspoon of grated radish + 1 tbsp. a spoon of sour cream + salt. Grind the quinoa to a pasty state. Finely chop the garlic. Grate radish. Mix everything. Add dandelion flowers, sunflower and butter, whey, sour cream, salt. Mix everything.

Salty quinoa.

On a bucket of fresh quinoa, 1.5 cups of salt. Pouring salt, washed and dried quinoa into layers in a container. Lay a wooden circle or board on top. Put oppression on top. After all the green mass has settled, you can add more fresh layers of quinoa. Rinse, chop before use. Use for soups or cabbage soup.

Dried quinoa.

The collected young plants should be dried, spread out or suspended in bunches outdoors. Store in glass containers or in wooden crates to be covered with paper. Before use, boil boiling water.

Pickled quinoa.

To clear. Wash. Cut in small pieces. Put in a container. To fill with water. To salt. Boil until thickened. Cool. Fold in a jar or enamel container. Pour with a strong solution of salt and vinegar.

Tea from the quinoa.

1 teaspoon of quinoa herb pour 1/4 liter of boiling water and strain after 10 minutes. Dosage: 1-2 cups of tea daily.

Based on the materials of the book “Surviving the Threshold of Civilization”.
Nagorsky S.V.

Growing a quinoa in the garden might seem a little strange to someone. But not everyone knows that this is an annual vegetable greens, or rather, an excellent food and medicinal herb. Quinoa is considered a commonplace weed. But her popular names: wild spinach, flour grass, they just say that these greens have long been eaten. There is even a saying: "It doesn’t matter that in rye quinoa." However, only green-leafed species of quinoa (those that are introduced into the vegetable crop) are consumed as food.

Red-leafed forms are used as ornamental plants. Quinoa greens, like spinach, have no pronounced taste, but it is a hearty, vitamin component in salads and other dishes.

Garden quinoa or vegetable quinoa is an cultivated form of wild quinoa grass. It was cultivated by the ancient Greeks. Cultivated, it was used as a decorative and food plant at the same time. The poetry of ancient Greek poets was even dedicated to Lebed.

In the wild, it can be found everywhere. Quinoa has long been consumed in Russia and not only in hungry lean years. Edible both young greens and peeled seeds.

Widely distributed in the Caucasus and grown on small private farms, and in some countries of southern and central Europe on an industrial scale.

Its greens are harvested like any other green culture: they are salted, pickled, frozen and even fermented like cabbage. In the refrigerator at a temperature of 1-2 degrees, fresh herbs are stored for no more than 2 days.

Our ancestors also noticed that quinoa is inferior in nutritional value to products of animal origin. And the reason for this "satiety" is that it is very rich in protein (valuable protein). It is used fresh in salads, borsch, hot and cold vegetable soups, in vegetable side dishes, omelettes.

In Russia, it was used in stews and cabbage soup, and botvini. Young leaves were pickled and fermented like cabbage. Seeds peeled from the shell (the seed shell has a bitter taste) was used to prepare cutlets and cereals, which are similar in taste and nutrition to buckwheat. Seed flour was added to rye and wheat when baking bread. At the same time, bread was better baked, became more nutritious and did not stale longer than usual. In the old lean and war years, quinoa often saved people from starvation.

Quinoa is consumed while it is young - before flowering begins. When using its wild-growing form, make sure that the underside of the leaves has a white powdery coating. The fact is that some of its wild species that do not have a powdery coating on the leaves have a bitter taste and can be poisonous.

Quinoa as an independent dish is usually consumed with the addition of various spices and herbs (peppers, onions, garlic, parsley, sorrel, etc.), as well as sour cream, mayonnaise and various sauces.


Chop the leaves of quinoa (200 g) and sorrel (60 g); lay greens in boiling water (0.6 l) and cook until cooked; when serving, season with sour cream, green onions, dill and fresh, diced cucumber. Soup is good, both in cold and in hot form.


Grind 200 g of quinoa leaves and 50 g of onion; add 30 g of oatmeal or oatmeal, raw chicken egg; make minced meat, salt, pepper, form patties, roll in breadcrumbs; fry in vegetable oil.


Quinoa leaves, 2 boiled eggs, boiled beets, mayonnaise, table mustard; finely chop the grass, grate beets on a coarse grater, mix, add mustard and mayonnaise to taste; put in a salad bowl and garnish with egg slices.


Mash young shredded cabbage with salt, sugar and lemon juice, add quinoa leaves in a ratio of 2: 1, season with sour cream, butter or mayonnaise. According to this recipe, instead of cabbage, you can use other salad vegetables and herbs according to your tastes and preferences.

Quinoa seeds have recently become widely known throughout the world for being very similar to quinoa grains. In general, quinoa is seeds, but since they look more like grains, everyone calls it grain.

Quinoa and quinoa seeds are tried by people who care about their health, because they do not contain gluten and are rich in protein. Vegetarians, vegans and people with gluten intolerance can safely include quinoa and quinoa grains in their diet and even make them a staple food.

Quinoa salad

  • 1 cup quinoa or quinoa
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 cup chopped into 5-6 centimeter pieces of asparagus
  • ½ cup sun-dried tomatoes
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • ½ lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • ½ teaspoon honey
  • Salt to taste

Quinoa Salad 2

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Put the quinoa seeds in a very small sieve and rinse under cold water until it becomes clear.
  2. Boil 2 cups of water, and then add the quinoa.
  3. Cook for 12 to 15 minutes.
  4. Let the swan stand to cool.
  5. Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise.
  6. Using a teaspoon, scoop out the seeds.
  7. Cut the cucumber into slices.
  8. When the quinoa has cooled, add the tomato, chives and herbs.
  9. Stir all the ingredients and let them stand.


  1. Add olive oil, lime juice, orange and whisk.
  2. Add chili peppers, garlic, sesame seeds, salt and black pepper.
  3. Beat until smooth.


  • 1 cup quinoa seeds;
  • 6 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 2 limes;
  • 1 large orange;
  • 1 green chili pepper
  • 2 cloves of chopped garlic;
  • 1 medium-sized cucumber;
  • 1 large tomato, peeled and diced;
  • 4 feathers of green onions, sliced;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint;
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh flat leaf parsley;
  • 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds;
  • 1 teaspoon white sesame seeds;
  • Freshly ground pepper to taste.

If you use other wild herbs in your diet, or if you have interesting materials and experience in organizing your garden plot or Family estate, send your articles, notes, observations to my mailing address - [email protected], I will be happy to share this knowledge on the pages of your site !!!

Try other wild dishes -,

With love Oksana Motorina