Pancakes. The most delicious pancake recipe

How to bake thin pancakes? How to make pancake cake? How to cook meat broth with pancakes? What to cook for Shrovetide?

Recipes for Shrovetide.

The funniest winter holiday in Russia has always been Maslenitsa. Firstly, the walks lasted a whole week, and secondly, the reason for them is already very good - seeing off the winter and meeting spring!

The main decoration of the festive table on Shrovetide, of course, is pancakes. Previously, not a single treat was dispensed with and without yen - butter biscuits in the form of suns.

Each day of Shrovetide has its own name. Monday - Meeting. On this day, a stuffed Pancake week is being built. On Tuesday - Zaigrysh - bride's weddings are held. On Wednesday - Gourmands - the son-in-law comes to mother-in-law for pancakes. Thursday - Take a walk. Friday - Mother-in-law's parties. Mother-in-law comes to the son-in-law on a return visit. Saturday - Zolovkin gatherings. Daughter-in-law invite husbands sisters and other relatives to visit. In the Last Sunday, a scarecrow of Shrovetide is burned.

In fact, all the rites of this week are reduced to matchmaking. Daily festivities and feasts are a great opportunity to choose a bridegroom, and after Lent, on Red Hill, play a wedding.

How to bake thin pancakes


✓ 200 g flour

✓ a pinch of salt

✓ 1.5 tbsp. l Sahara

✓ 400 ml of milk

✓ 150 ml of water

✓ 10 g butter

Time for preparing: 40 min

As a result, you should get 24-28 pancakes with a diameter of 18 cm.

Making pancakes

1. Sift flour and salt into a bowl, holding a sieve higher, so that the flour is "aired". Make a deepening in the middle, pour in the eggs and stir. Combine milk with water and sugar, gradually add to flour. Stir until all lumps disappear. The consistency of the dough should resemble liquid sour cream. Add vegetable oil and beat the dough with a whisk.

2. Strongly heat the pan, brush with a brush and grease it with oil.

3. Pour in approximately 1/3 of the ladle of dough. Raise the pan over the fire and make a quick circular motion so that the dough spreads over the entire surface. After 30-35 seconds flip the pancake to the other side. This is most conveniently done with a wide spatula. Cook for another 10-12 seconds.

4. Put the prepared pancake on the dish with a spatula, grease with a small amount of butter. Continue to bake pancakes until all the dough has been used. Stack pancakes in a pile, smearing each pancake with a small amount of oil. A dish with ready-made pancakes should be covered with a large bowl so that the pancakes do not cool, or kept in a water bath.

Photo pancake recipe

Pancake pie with fish

You already know how to bake pancakes, then you can already cook pancake pie.


✓ 20 pancakes with a diameter of 18 cm

✓ 1 bunch of parsley

✓ 1 bunch of dill

✓ 1 bunch of green onions

✓ 1 tbsp. l butter

✓ 4 large onions

✓ 200 g cream cheese

✓ 1.5 tbsp. l Sahara

✓ 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil

✓ 400 g salted salmon or trout fillet

Time for preparing: 40 minutes

Servings: 10

Making pancake cake

1. Bake pancakes as described in the previous recipe. Wash and parsley, dill and green onions thoroughly, then chop very finely. Heat the butter in advance to room temperature. Mix greens with oil, slightly salt and set aside.

You can use any herbs of your choice for this pie: cilantro, tarragon (a few leaves), thyme, rucola, lettuce, corn salad.

In combination with salted fish, you get exactly what you need.

2. Cook the caramelized onions. Peel and cut onions into thin rings. Heat vegetable oil in a pan, add sugar, cook until sugar is completely dissolved. Put onion and stir constantly, fry over low heat for 4 minutes. Remove from heat. Set aside 2-3 tbsp. l bow to decorate the top of the pie.

3. Cut the fish into very thin plates. Put 1 pancake on a flat dish. Spread it over the entire surface with green oil, put pieces of fish on top.

If you bought fish slices for this pie, cut each piece into 3-4 pieces, depending on size.

4. Cover with a second pancake, grease it with cream cheese.

To make cream cheese easier to spread, it can be whipped with 1-2 tbsp. l oily sour cream.

5. Put the third pancake and put on it 2-3 tbsp. l caramelized onions. Continue stacking the pancakes with fillings until all the ingredients are complete. Cover the pie with a large bowl and refrigerate for 2 hours. Before serving, garnish with caramelized onion rings set aside.

If your kitchen has enough horizontal surfaces for laying out pancakes, you can immediately spread a third of the pancakes with cream cheese and another third with green oil. And then collect the pie, laying out the missing ingredients on the pancakes.

Pancake cakes can be made with other fillings. For example, finely chopped herring goes well with a second filling of green onions and hard-boiled eggs or liver pate and carrots fried with onions. For lovers of new tastes, we recommend interlacing pancakes with pasta made from black olives and capers and avocados cut into thin plates.

And what else can you cook using pancakes? For example, meat broth.

Pancake Meat Broth


✓ 1.5 kg of beef with bone

✓ 1 onion

✓ 1 carrot

✓ 70 g celery root

✓ 1 stalk of leek (white part)

✓ 1 bay leaf

✓ 6 peas of black pepper

✓ 2 peas of allspice

✓ 2-3 sprigs of parsley, dill and thyme

For a guy:

✓ 4 squirrels

✓ 2 cups of ice cubes

For pancakes:

✓ 10 pancakes with a diameter of 18 cm

✓ 1 large onion

✓ 2 cloves of garlic

✓ 2 hard boiled eggs

✓ vegetable oil

✓ salt, pepper

Time for preparing: 2 hours 40 minutes

Serving: 10


1. Wash the meat, put in a pan with 3 l of water and bring to a boil over high heat. Remove foam, salt. Reduce the fire.

2. Wash and peel carrots, onions, leeks and celery. Cut the carrots into circles 1 cm thick, celery into small pieces, onions cut into 4 parts. Bake vegetables in a dry hot pan, 5 min. Wash greens, dry. Chop leek into long pieces.

3. Tie all the greens with a thread in a bundle. Add the fried vegetables and herbs to the broth. Cook over medium heat for 1.5-2 hours. Add bay leaf and peppercorns. Cook for 15 minutes. Put the meat in a bowl and cover. Put vegetables and greens with a slotted spoon. Strain the broth in a clean pan.

4. To make the broth completely transparent, you must prepare a guy. Crush two glasses of ice cubes into small crumbs and beat with 4 proteins until fluffy foam. Strained and slightly cooled broth again put on medium heat. Stir so that a funnel forms in the center and pour eggs with ice into it. Once the foam has surfaced, reduce heat to a minimum and cook for 10 minutes. Carefully remove the foam.

5. Strain the broth again. Salt if necessary.

6. Cook the pancakes. Remove the meat from the bone and turn through a meat grinder or chop finely. Onion and garlic, peel, chop and fry in 1 tbsp. l heated oil, 5 min. Grind the eggs into crumbs. Combine the meat, eggs and onions with garlic in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Fill the filling into pancakes, roll up with an envelope. Heat the remaining oil in a pan, spread the pancakes in portions with the seam down and fry for 1.5 minutes. from each side. Serve to the broth.

Photo recipe for cooking meat broth and pancakes

The strength of the broth depends on the quality of the meat and the amount of water in the pan. From lean meat you get a fairly weak broth in concentration. From meat with large bone and fat, the broth will be strong. When pouring water, one must take into account that part of the liquid will evaporate, and part will absorb meat and vegetables.

Shrovetide is coming, damn it bears honey.

Despite the fact that pancakes are one of the easiest to cook dishes, some housewives have some difficulties, so in this article we will consider 5 ways to cook delicious pancakes. To achieve excellence in the preparation of pancakes is not difficult if you follow simple tips, observe all the proportions in the recipes and regularly hone your skills.

The traditional pancake dough consists of eggs, flour and milk with small additions and variations - for example, milk can be replaced with kefir or water. Pancakes can be made with or without yeast - in the first case, thick, lush pancakes with a distinctive aftertaste await you, and in the second, thin pancakes. You can use different types of flour, and depending on the type of flour you will have pancakes that are completely different in taste.

Carefully mixed dough of the correct consistency is the key to successful pancakes. If the pancake dough turned out to be liquid, you should add flour to it, otherwise the cooked pancakes will break. If you have another problem - the dough is too thick - you need to dilute it with liquid, since the viscous dough will not be well distributed over the surface of the pan. A small amount of sugar gives the pancakes a golden and crisp edge. The pan must be greased once with oil, after which the procedure can be repeated after baking four to five subsequent pancakes. Many housewives use for convenience a half of potatoes strung on a fork. It is best to fry pancakes over medium heat - this speeds up cooking time, avoiding burning.

When everything is ready, using the ladle, it is necessary to pour the dough into the pan, quickly tilting it so that the dough forms an even circle. Empirically calculate how much dough is needed to make one pancake. When the dough gets into the pan, it should begin to hiss - this indicates that the pan has warmed up to the desired temperature. If the pan is not hot enough, your pancakes will not have crispy edges. When the sides of the pancake begin to look dry and acquire a light golden color, the pancake should be turned over - for this it is best to use a thin spatula. Then you need to wait about the same period of time or a little less, and then turn the pancake on a large plate. To prevent the pancakes from cooling, place them in a slightly preheated oven or cover with a kitchen towel.

Typical fillings used for cooking and serving pancakes are extremely diverse - it can be jam, jam, honey, cottage cheese, condensed milk, caviar, stewed apples with cinnamon, minced meat with onion, potatoes mixed with onion and sour cream, red fish with curd cheese and dill, etc. Non-beaten options, such as fresh fruit, whipped cream or pate, are also suitable - pancakes are ideal for a wide variety of taste combinations. The most banal, but no less tasty option is to serve a dish with sour cream and jam of your choice.

The most laborious part of making pancakes is, of course, the process of baking them. But it takes so little time and at the same time brings so much pleasure and joy in eating them that you should definitely include pancakes in your daily diet, and not cook them exclusively on holidays. So, if you are ready to start, we suggest starting to get acquainted with the recipes.

Pancakes with milk

  1 cup flour
  2 large eggs
  1 cup milk
  1/2 cup water
  1 teaspoon of sugar
  1/4 teaspoon of salt

  Combine flour, sugar and salt in a small bowl. Combine milk, water, vegetable oil and eggs with a mixer or blender. Add the flour mixture to the milk mixture and beat until smooth. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour - this will allow air bubbles to settle, making pancakes less likely to burst when you start to fry them. The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.
Heat a greased frying pan and pour about 40-50 ml of dough for one pancake. Cook for about 1 minute, and then carefully raise the edge of the pancake to assess the degree of its readiness. The pancake can be turned upside down when it is freely separated from the pan, and its lower side is slightly browned. Fry the pancake for about 30 seconds.

Fishnet pancakes

  3 cups flour
  3 1/4 cup milk
  4 eggs,
  1/4 teaspoon of salt
  1 tablespoon of sugar
  1/2 teaspoon of slaked vinegar
  2 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  2/3 cup boiling water,

  Beat milk and eggs together, add salt and sugar and mix well. Pour in flour, add soda and vegetable oil quenched with vinegar, then add boiling water, stirring vigorously, and leave the dough for 20 minutes. Using a ladle, pour the dough into a preheated pan, oiled. Carefully lift the edge of the pancake to make sure that one side is ready - it should be golden and have brown spots on the surface. Fry the inverted pancake for about 1 minute.

Kefir pancakes

2 cups kefir,
  2/3 cup flour
  1 tablespoon of sugar
  a pinch of salt,
  1/2 teaspoon of soda,
  2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Mix eggs with sugar, salt and soda. Add vegetable oil and mix well. Sift flour and mix well to avoid clumping. Pour kefir and leave the dough for 30 minutes.
  Lubricate the pan with oil, pour the required amount of dough into the center of the pan, rotating it so that the dough spreads over the entire surface, and bake pancakes.

Yeast pancakes in milk

  4 cups flour
  3 cups of warm milk
  20 g dry yeast
  2 teaspoons of sugar
  1/2 teaspoon of salt
  1/4 cup melted butter,
  2 eggs.

  Dissolve the yeast in a small bowl in 1 cup of warm milk. Combine flour, sugar and salt in a large bowl. Gradually add the yeast mixture and melted butter. Beat eggs and remaining milk, add to dough and mix. Leave the dough for half an hour in a warm place so that its volume doubles.
  Pour the dough into a preheated pan. When bubbles begin to form on the surface of the pancake, turn the pancake over and fry until cooked.

Yeast pancakes on dough

  500 g flour
  2.5-3 cups of milk or water,
  1 egg
  2 tablespoons melted butter,
  1 tablespoon of sugar
  1/2 teaspoon of salt.

Dilute the yeast in a small amount of warm water, stirring them after that with 1 cup of warm milk. Stir with 150 g of flour and leave in a warm place for 2 hours, so that the dough increases in volume with the formation of bubbles.
  After adding the remaining warmed milk to the dough, mix it with melted butter, egg, sugar and salt. Then mix the remaining flour. Allow the dough to rise in a warm place. After this, the dough should be mixed so that it settles, and again wait for the rise in a warm place, after which start to bake pancakes.

Well, now you know 5 ways to cook delicious pancakes, so we advise you not to put the matter in the long drawer and quickly go to the kitchen to please your loved ones with delicious pancakes - these ruddy suns that can cheer you up even on the most gloomy day.

Greetings to our dear readers. Very soon, here comes a wonderful holiday - Maslenitsa. And this means that winter is ending and you need to eat pancakes. Probably all of them bake this holiday. But we definitely do them, and not necessarily on holidays, or even just like that. So we will consider recipes for quick pancakes with you.

You never know what can happen to us and to us, but it happens that you want pancakes, but not enough time. Or maybe you want to please the kids for breakfast, and again there is not enough time. You can get out - go buy semi-finished products, and just fry in the morning.

Ha, but it's not about us. Honestly, I don’t like purchased pancakes. Yes, we buy them, but this is a very rare case. Homemade pancakes are tastiest. Today we will tell you very simple and quick pancake recipes.

Get ready - at the very end you will find a mega simple and very quick recipe for quick pancakes. As well as a couple of tips, stay with us and we will proceed.

Quick pancakes in milk.

Minimum time is running out, nothing complicated. We just mix and cook everything, and when the kids wake up, they will be delighted with delicious pancakes.

We will need:

  • Milk - 1 cup;
  • Flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Butter for frying.

Step 1.

We drive eggs into deep dishes, immediately sugar, salt and milk. Beat everything with a whisk or mixer.

Step 2

Add vegetable oil and mix.

Step 3

Now add the flour with spoons with a pot. We add not all at once but in portions and constantly mix so that no lumps form.

Step 4

We leave it on the table, and in the meantime, heat the stove and set the pan to heat. We will fry in butter, so the pancakes are tastier, they get a delicate creamy taste. Melt a small piece in the pan.

Step 5

Now we fry the pancakes as usual, pour the cooker into the center of the pan with a cooker and distribute the dough on the surface in a circular motion.

Fry on both sides. Then you can serve breakfast with sour cream or condensed milk.

Quick pancakes on kefir.

Sometimes it happens that there is no milk in the refrigerator, or it is sour. But pancakes need to be done quickly, and the store is not working or far. It does not matter if there is kefir or sour milk. You can bake delicious pancakes.


  • Kefir - 400 ml;
  • Flour - 300 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Boiling water - 200 ml;
  • Vegetable oil (olive) - 30 ml;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1.

We drive the eggs into the bowl, pour the kefir, put sugar and flour. We also salt to taste and beat everything with a whisk.

Step 2

Now in a glass of boiling water we dissolve soda, mix and pour into the dough. All this mix well. If the dough is thick, then you can add a little more water.

Step 3

Now leave the dough aside for 3-5 minutes. In the meantime, turn on the stove and set the pan to bask. Lubricate it with vegetable oil a little. Then you will not need to lubricate.

Step 4

When the pan is hot, add vegetable or olive oil to the dough and mix well.

Step 5

Now fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown, in general, everything is as usual. If it still burns a little, then you can add more butter to the dough or grease the pan.

As the dough ends, serve on the table with jam or condensed milk and have a nice breakfast.

Pancakes whipped up (no sugar).

Here are some quick pancakes, we will do without sugar, as we eat them with condensed milk or jam. This is for those who can not have much sweet.

We will need:

  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Vegetable little - 50 ml;
  • Flour;
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1.

All the ingredients are immediately mixed in a deep bowl and mixed. Usually we do it with a mixer, you can just beat everything with a whisk.

Step 2

Now we heat the pan and for the first time grease it a little bit. Then you can not lubricate. If it burns a little, add more butter to the dough.

Step 3

Fry pancakes on both sides over medium heat until golden brown.

When ready, turn the pancakes into a triangle, pour with condensed milk and have breakfast.

Fast pancakes on the water.

There is another simple recipe for quick pancakes but on the water. By themselves, they are not very tasty, to be honest. But they are perfect for pancake cakes or spring rolls. As a filling, you can use anything, such as baked apples. Very tasty, I advise everyone.

We will need:

  • Flour - 500 g;
  • Water - 450 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • Soda - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1.

Pour vegetable oil and water into a deep container. Water should be at room temperature. Mix.

Step 2

Now add sugar, salt and baking soda. Mix everything again.

Step 3

Now add a spoonful of flour, mix and add the remaining flour in large portions, constantly mixing. The dough should turn out to be liquidy.

Step 4

Now, as usual, we heat the pan and a little grease with oil. As the pan is heated, you can bake a pancake. Pour into a pan, spread over the surface and fry on both sides until golden.

When the pancakes are removed on a plate, a little grease with butter or vegetable, so that the following pancakes do not stick. So every pancake.

Step 5

After the pancakes are fried, put the filling on top, any, wrap the pancakes with an envelope and that's it. Can be served.

Mega quick pancake recipe.

And now I present to you a mega quick recipe for pancakes with milk and yeast dough. You can’t imagine simpler and faster. If interested, you can take it into service for emergency situations.

We will need:

  • Yeast dough;
  • Milk;
  • Vegetable oil.

Step 1.

We buy yeast dough in the store, not frozen which, usually dough in a bag.

Now take a blender and put our dough in it.

Step 2

Pour some milk, about a glass. Turn on the blender.

Step 3

Pour everything into a deep bowl and add 50 ml of vegetable oil, mix and everything, you can fry pancakes as usual.

That’s all with us. Leave your comments below, join us in Odnoklassniki and read us on our channel in Yandex.Dzen. Bon appetit to all and bye for now.

How to make quick pancakes - simple but tasty recipes.   updated: February 7, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

In the microwave to cook - have to be postponed. The TV does not work, the computer ... I regretted thinking about how we are attached to all this! There are also crows on the street bowed and their cry from the heart becomes dreary. I went to the window to close the window, a bright, round pancake of the sun flashed in my face. A happy baby of three or four years old runs along the sidewalk skipping for mom, looks at a tree dotted with screaming crows, and says: “The birds are singing!”
  “Be like children ...” I remembered and, in high spirits, went to cook pancakes.


  • milk 1 liter
  • egg 2 - 4 pcs.
  • sugar 1 - 2 tablespoons
  • salt pinch
  • soda 0.5 tsp and 1 tsp vinegar to pay off (can be excluded)

Step by step cooking recipe

Preheat the milk to t 40 ° C (tolerates a finger) and divide it into two parts of 0.5 liters. So it will be more convenient to knead the dough and there will be no lumps in it.

Break eggs into a bowl, add salt and sugar. Whisk with a whisk until foam is formed.

Add 0.5 liters of warm milk to the bowl with beaten eggs and mix.

Gradually add the sifted flour and mix until smooth, so that there are no lumps. You should have a smooth and thick dough.

Add the soda quenched with vinegar to the dough, mix. Soda can not be added, then the pancakes will be without holes and more elastic.

Add the remaining 0.5 liters of warm milk and vegetable oil, mix thoroughly.

This recipe has been kept with me for a long time and then it says that you need to thoroughly wash the pan and thoroughly heat it, grease it with oil . .. This is understandable, because before there were no non-stick frying pans and baking pancakes was a test of patience - the pancake stuck tightly to a heavy cast-iron frying pan and, having torn off a lump of hot dough, had to be thrown out. From here came the saying “The first pancake is lumpy ...” With modern technology, this process has become a pleasure. If you like pancakes, be sure to purchase a modern pancake pan with non-stick or ceramic coating.

Heat the crepe maker , pour dough on it and bake pancakes first on one side, then on the other side.

Remove the finished pancake on a plate. Pour the next batch of dough onto the crepe maker and, while it is fried, grease the previous pancake with butter while it is still hot .   This can be done like this with a fork.

Or melt the butter in the microwave and brush the pancakes with a brush.

  Tip: if you think that the pancakes are thick, you can add a little boiled water to the dough. But do not overdo it, if the dough is too thin, the pancake will not stay in the pan when filling the dough.

So pancake after pancake - we got a whole pile!

Well, don't sigh! And you will definitely succeed!

And so I put pancakes, if you need to put them in the refrigerator, just cover with cling film. It is so convenient to get them out and heat them in the microwave. And if put in a pile - stick together.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook stuffed pancakes → ,
  I recommend trying pancakes with and Try pancakes

In the microwave, I also highly recommend it.

Pancakes. Short recipe.


  • milk 1 liter
  • egg 2 - 4 pcs.
  • sugar 1 - 2 tablespoons
  • salt pinch
  • soda 0.5 tsp and 1 tsp vinegar to pay off
  • refined vegetable oil 2 - 4 tbsp
  • premium wheat flour 3.5 cups (cup volume 200 ml)
  • butter for the lubrication of ready-made pancakes 200 gr

Heat the milk to t 40 ° C and divide it into two parts of 0.5 liters. Beat eggs with salt and sugar whisk until foam. Add 0.5 liters of warm milk to the bowl with beaten eggs and mix. Gradually add the sifted flour and mix until smooth, so that there are no lumps. Add soda quenched with vinegar to the dough. Stir well and add the remaining 0.5 liters of warm milk and vegetable oil. Mix well. Heat the crepe maker and bake the crepes first on one side, then on the other side. Remove the finished pancake on a plate and, while it is still hot, grease with butter.

In contact with

How to make pancake dough? There are dozens of options for making pancake dough and they are all so different. We have collected for you some of the most popular pancake cooking options.

Each recipe is illustrated with detailed step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks, so that you can easily find your perfect pastry for pancakes and please your loved ones not only at Shrovetide, but also on any other day.

Pancake Dough Recipes

We chose 6 delicious recipes for making pancake dough that are easy to cook at home.


Pancakes with milk - this is one of the most popular basic recipes for making pancake dough. They can be served with your favorite sauce or any filling.


  • Milk 500 ml
  • Eggs 3 pcs.
  • Wheat flour 1.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar 0.5 tbsp. l
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. l

Pancake dough in milk

  1. Break eggs into a bowl and beat a little.
  2. Add 150-200 ml to the eggs. milk. We also add salt and sugar. All mix well.
  3. Add the sifted flour to the milk with eggs.
  4. To the resulting mixture, gradually add the remaining milk and mix until smooth.
  5. Add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough. And mix the dough.
  6. We bake the dough in a hot pan.

Pancakes made with milk are thin and tender.


Lush, airy pancakes with yeast will be an excellent basis for a pancake pie. They are good with jam, honey, cream sauce or any topping to your taste.


  • Milk 1 L
  • Wheat flour 3 tbsp.
  • 4 eggs
  • Butter 4 tbsp. l
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. l
  • Salt 1 tsp.
  • Fresh yeast 20 g
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l

Yeast pancake dough

  1. In a small amount (about 200-250 ml) of warm milk add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar. Mix everything well and dissolve the yeast in milk.
  2. Add 1 cup (220 ml) sifted wheat flour.
  3. And knead the dough. Cover the bowl and put in a warm place without drafts for 20-40 minutes.

  4. Add cooled melted butter and eggs beaten with sugar and salt to the dough. Mix everything.
  5. Add the remaining sifted flour to the dough and add the remaining milk.
  6. Knead the dough until smooth.
  7. Bake pancakes in a pan.

Yeast pancakes are very airy, porous and lush.

See full recipe with step by step photos.


If you are intolerant to milk, or you want a more dietary version of pancakes, then this recipe is for you. In such pancakes, you can wrap any filling to your taste.


  • Filtered water 1 l
  • 4 eggs
  • Wheat flour 300 g
  • Sunflower oil 3 tbsp. l
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Soda 1 tsp

Pancake dough on the water

  1. Combine eggs and salt together and beat well.
  2. Add water, soda and sunflower oil.
  3. Add sifted flour. Stir the dough well.
  4. We bake pancakes in a hot pan.

Pancakes on the water are thin and it is very convenient to wrap different fillings in them.

See full recipe with step by step photos.


If you have serum left, do not rush to pour it, you can get wonderful delicate pancakes with unusual taste from it.


  • Wheat flour 250 g
  • Serum 700 ml
  • Chicken eggs 2 pcs.
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. l
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Baking soda 1 tbsp. l
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l

Serum Pancake Dough

  1. Mix eggs, sugar and salt. Mix everything well.
  2. Heat the whey to a warm state and pour into the egg mixture.
  3. Gradually introduce all the flour. Stir the dough well.
  4. Add baking soda and mix the dough again.
  5. Bake pancakes in a pan.

Pancakes are lush and delicate.

See full recipe with step by step photos.


Is there a beer left? This, not surprisingly, is also an excellent and nutritious basis for pancakes. These thin pancakes are created for stuffing with all kinds of salty fillings.


  • Beer 200 ml
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour 100 g
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l

Beer pancake dough

  1. Combine the egg with sugar and salt. Mix everything well.
  2. Pour in slightly warmed beer and mix.
  3. Add sifted flour. Stir, add vegetable oil and mix again.
  4. Bake pancakes in a pan.

Thin pancakes on beer can be eaten with sour cream or stuffed with various salty toppings.

See full recipe with step by step photos.

Cook your favorite pancakes, learn new recipes, delight your family with delicious and fragrant pancakes and share your results and experiences with us. Bon Appetit!