Pancakes can’t flip torn. Why are pancakes torn when frying

Why are pancakes torn and stick to a pan? The answer to this question is found by virtually any novice hostess. Baking beautiful and savory pancakes is almost an art. But you can capture it quite swiftly. It is only necessary to understand a few fundamental rules for the manufacture of this dish. We are talking specifically about them in this article.

Having examined the information offered here, any hostess will learn the premises of the troubles that arise when baking a state Russian dish - pancakes.

Reason # 1: not enough eggs

Why are pancakes torn? Perhaps, during the manufacture of the test, the formulation is broken? Kneading it, you must strictly follow the description. Typically, pancakes stick and tear if there are not many eggs in the dough. Protein and yolk are the link of all other ingredients. The lack of these ingredients leads to the fact that the structure and density of the test are violated. You can save such a blank. Add 1-2 testicles to the dough. Stir the resulting mass and add a little flour to it. Stir everything thoroughly again. The dough should be a homogeneous mixture.

Reason # 2: Missing Flour

A prerequisite for why pancakes break when turned over may be a lack of flour in the batch. Moisture is rapidly draining from a very watery dough in a hot pan. There remains a very thin and porous flat cake. It is very difficult to turn it over, and from time to time it is simply unrealistic. If such a problem happened to your dough, pour a little flour into it and mix until all the lumps are broken.

Having made the dough for pancakes, do not rush to bake it right away. Leave the preparation for half an hour to infuse. During this period of time, the flour will release gluten, which will make the structure of the dough more dense.

Reason # 3: lack of fat

Be sure to add a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil to the dough during the batch, as the lack of fat in the dough can be a prerequisite for why pancakes are torn. The taste of the dish will benefit from this. And the cakes themselves will simply turn over and be removed from the bottom of the pan.

In addition, it is recommended to lubricate the form itself with fat. This can be done with a piece of unsalted lard or any vegetable oil. But with the latter the main thing is not to overdo it. Only the bottom of the pan should be greased with grease, in a thin layer. Do it comfortably with a napkin dipped in oil or with a brush.

Reason 4: excess sugar or spices

When making pancake dough, try not to overdo it with spices. Vanilla sugar, pepper, coriander and other seasonings change its strength. As a result, thin pancakes will burn and burst. And even the most common granulated sugar in the composition of the dough can serve as a prerequisite for the violation of the integrity of the cakes. Therefore, it must be put to a minimum. Pancakes can be given extra sweetness after manufacturing, anointing them with jam or honey.

Reason # 5: a bad pan

So that the process of baking an ancient Russian dish brings you pleasure, it’s important to choose the right pan for this matter. In the standard, it should be metal. The walls and bottom of this shape are quite thick, which contributes to the uniform baking of the dough. You can also use modern non-stick pans to make thin cakes. Seasoned cooks are advised to have separate dishes for baking this dish, in other words, it should be intended only for pancakes, since the forms in which meat, fish and vegetables are fried may have small scratches and recesses. A rough bottom can also be a reason why pancakes break when baked.

Perfectly recommended as such a modern unit, like an electric crepe maker. It is profitable in that it can bake several thin pancakes at once. The temperature mode program, set by annotation, allows the hostess not to worry about pancakes being burned or not baked. Even a novice cook with the help of such an assistant as an electronic pancake, will be able to cook rosy and savory cakes.

Learning the right way to bake pancakes. Beginner Tips

The main prerequisites for why pancakes are torn, you have already learned. Next, let's talk about the rules of the baking process of this dish. If you follow all the rules described below, you will no longer have troubles with making thin cakes.

  • We knead the dough correctly according to the annotation, we lay that number of goods. which is indicated in the recipe.
  • Knead the dough until it acquires a uniform color and a uniform consistency. So as not to create lumps, you must first stir the flour with a small amount of water (milk, water, kefir), and then add more.
  • Before pouring the dough into a pan, it must be heated, and then greased.
  • It is recommended to bake pancakes over moderate heat.
  • Twist the cakes with a spatula, first lifting the edges in a circle.

Why are pancakes torn when frying? Now this issue is no longer relevant. You understand all the secrets of making this dish.

Delicious pancakes, complemented by some filling or just with jam (jam, condensed milk ...) are loved by almost everyone. It is good when they turn out rosy, well baked, with a crispy crust. Such as to the hostess herself for joy, and to her household for treats. But they are not always like that. Sometimes the pancakes stick to the pan and tear, even if you turn them very carefully. What's the matter here? Why do pancakes stick to the pan and break? What to do with it? These are the three questions we will try to give an exact answer today.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan?

In fact, there are many reasons why this baking can break. These include:

  • non-compliance with the formulation;
  • problems with a frying pan (poorly heated, does not have a special coating ...);
  • too thin or thick dough;
  • the wrong choice of dishes for baking pancakes.

Let's reveal them all in more detail.

Formulation Failure. Our mistresses sometimes like to do everything “by eye”. At the same time, the risk of putting something extra (for example, pouring more milk than necessary) greatly increases, as does the chance to forget something. To prevent this from happening, always try to stick to the cooking recipe!

Pan is poorly heated. It often happens that the hostess, only putting the pan on the fire, immediately rushes to pour the dough into it. It is absolutely impossible to do this! Let the dishes warm up well, and then bake pancakes on it.

Too thin or thick dough.  In the first case, you need to add more flour, in the second - pour milk. A good dough in its consistency should resemble thick sour cream.

Wrong choice of dishes. It is best to bake pancakes in milk or kefir in a cast-iron or aluminum frying pan, preferably specially created for this. When choosing other dishes, they will stick and creep away so that you do not take - this has already been verified.

Why else can pancakes stick to a pan?

Pancakes made with kefir or milk can also stick to the pan, corny, because you did not let the dough stand for half an hour. It is necessary to give it to insist even if this was not indicated in the recipe. And also if the pan is poorly greased with vegetable oil, or even use new dishes. In the latter case, it is recommended to pour a mixture of 3-4 tbsp into the pan. tablespoons of salt and 1 tbsp. tablespoons of baking soda and bake it until a creamy color is obtained. Then pour the ingredients into the bin. Rinse the pan under the tap with water using a soft cloth (do not sponge it!).

What to do so that the pancakes never stick and are not torn?

  • Make friends with your pan! Yes Yes exactly. Even experienced housewives, when using someone else's dishes, will complain that they burn pancakes and break.
  • Do not use enameled pans. Pancakes are torn on them, despite any attempts to somehow fix it.
  • Use a peeled half of potato or a good culinary brush to smear the dishes.
  • Try to evenly distribute the pancake layer in the pan, turning it for this in a circle.
  • Bake only over medium heat. To make pancakes rosy, it is very important to choose the right heat.
  • Turn the pastries exclusively with an iron spatula with thin edges. If you use a wooden one, the pancake is sure to either crumple or tear.

Follow these simple rules, and your pancakes will always be thin, tasty, sweet, as “on order”.

Bon appetit!

The ability to bake smooth, light, beautiful and mouth-watering pancakes comes with experience. Few of the young housewives can invite relatives to pancakes without hesitation: at first they turn out to be very ugly. I want to figure out why the pancakes stick to the pan and break. It is also interesting to learn how to make sure that the pancakes do not burn, and what to add to the dough so that it turns out to be lush and tasty.

Below we will try to explain why problems arise in baking pancakes, and give recommendations for their prevention and solution.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan and break

  • Saving eggs. If you are kneading the dough for the first time, you must strictly follow all the recommendations regarding the amount of ingredients. So, if you want to save on eggs, pancakes will not be elastic enough. They will break and stick to the pan, because it is the eggs that provide the dough with elasticity. However, you can still fix it! To make the dough more pliable and dense, add another 1-2 eggs to it and give it a uniform consistency.
  • Lack of flour.  If there is too little flour, the dough turns out to be liquid, and the pancakes formed from it break when trying to turn them over. From a very thin pancake (and what else can be made from batter?), Moisture evaporates instantly. There remains a thin and loose layer sticking to the surface of the pan.

    The batter can be thickened. Add flour to it and mix it very carefully, breaking all the lumps.

    And one more tip: take your time to bake pancakes from freshly prepared dough! Let it stand for half an hour for the flour to release gluten. Thanks to this, the dough will become more dense and viscous, and it will be easier to bake pancakes.

  • Lack of oil.  Kneading the dough, season with vegetable oil. Firstly, it helps to improve the taste of ready-made pancakes. Secondly, thanks to oil they easily turn over and act in film.

    In addition, the pan in which you plan to bake pancakes should be greased with butter or pork fat (unsalted). You can do this with a paper towel. Please note that only the bottom needs to be lubricated! Excess oil will not benefit pancakes.

  • Too much sugar and / or spices.  When preparing dough for pancakes, do not get carried away with spices. Vanilla, cardamom, pepper and other exotic condiments make the dough fragile. Sugar also “sins” in the same way. Therefore, if you want to give pancakes a sweet and unusual taste, sprinkle them with honey / syrup / cinnamon / vanilla sugar when they are ready. The dough should be as fresh as possible.
  • Unsuitable pan.  Pancakes are a whimsical product. For their preparation, any pan is not suitable anyway. For this purpose, it is best to take a thick-walled cast-iron pan, the bottom and walls of which will be heated evenly.

    If you prefer thin pancakes, you should buy a non-stick pan. The main thing is that you have a separate dish exclusively for pancakes. On it you can neither fry nor bake anything else. The fact is that in the frying pans that we use daily, scratches or chips occur every now and then, and any mechanical damage leads to tearing of pancakes during the baking process.

    Lovers of modern “smart” kitchen appliances can recommend an electric crepe maker. She knows how to bake several pancakes at the same time. Even an inexperienced mistress will cope with this unit: just set the desired mode, and the pancake maker will do everything itself. Pancakes cooked "automatically" are beautiful and rosy.

In order for your pancakes to come out “like your grandmother's”, you need to bake them in accordance with all the rules. How exactly? - Now we will tell.

  • When kneading the dough, ensure that it acquires a uniform color and becomes uniform in consistency. To prevent the formation of lumps, first mix the flour with some kefir or milk. Add fluid if necessary.
  • Heat the pan well and oil quickly. Only then can you pour pancake dough on it.
  • To evenly distribute the dough in the pan (that is, to form a round pancake with smooth edges), tilt the pan in different directions.
  • The fire should be moderate.
  • To turn pancakes, use a wooden spatula. First, pick up the edges of the pancake, and then turn it over completely. Pros turn pancakes over by tossing them in a pan. You will be able to repeat this trick only if the dough is thick enough.
  • If you cannot turn the pancake too thin, tilt the pan perpendicular to the surface of the plate. The pancake will easily go away.
  • Make sure that the pan does not heat up too much, otherwise the pancakes will burn. It is believed that the pancake is fully baked in half a minute. In fact, the cooking time depends on the thickness of the dough and the temperature of the pan. The moment when you need to turn the pancake over can only be determined empirically. If you see that small bubbles began to form on the surface of the dough, and at the edges the pancake began to brown, feel free to turn it over.

Now you know why pancakes are torn and how to avoid it. Get a separate frying pan and a wooden spatula to it, find a suitable recipe and begin to hone your skills. Do not neglect the recommendations of professionals, do not save products (for pancake dough it is not so much necessary), knead the dough correctly, do not overheat the pan and be sure to use oil. After some time, you will be surprised how simple it turns out to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes that diverge with a bang.

Have a good experiment!

Beginning hostesses ask - why are pancakes torn when turned over? When preparing this hearty Russian dish, I want a perfect shape, but it does not always work out. Do not worry, you can fix things right in the process of preparation, and some tricks and rules will help you stop worrying about this at all.

Let's start with the technical issue - pans. For baking pancakes, cast iron is ideal. Not everyone has it, choose an alternative among the highest quality. If not only pancakes, but also other dishes stick to the selected pan, then it is not suitable for baking. Find a replacement.

Another important point is the intensity. Before baking, put a good fire and heat a dry frying pan. Make sure visually that there are no water droplets on the surface of the dishes. If you do not heat the pan, then turning the pancakes is harder. This is one of the reasons why the first pancake is always lumpy.

Check oil

A teaspoon of vegetable oil is poured into a heated pan. According to some recipes, you can find out that they use different types of fat, for example, margarine or butter, but this is wrong. Butter is added to ready-made pancakes for satiety, but baked only in vegetable oil.

The test itself should also have oil, usually in recipes they write about it. Do not miss such a moment.

Check recipe

What to do if everything is in order with the pan, it is heated and there is enough oil, but all the same pancakes break when turned over? Then check the recipe. There are several reasons for this.

Few eggs

Add an extra egg to the dough. It will serve as a link to the rest of the ingredients. If in the ratio flour - liquid - the eggs of the latter are few, then the pancakes will break. Although there is, but there is its own specifics.

Little flour

It is easiest to check a small amount of flour: if the dough is too watery, then there is just not enough flour in the batch. The pancake dough should be liquid, but not water, it should spread, but not pour out. If cooking on water, use. He's the best.

Remember that when adding each additional ingredient, the dough is well kneaded to a homogeneous mass. If you add too much flour, then you need to add an egg.

A lot of sugar

If you have already checked everything, and pancakes stick to the pan and break, what should I do? Check sugar in the dough. There are usually two problems with him - he is too much or he is poorly involved. Try to knead sugar with eggs well so that it dissolves in the structure. Make sure that the batch is uniform and uniform.

As for the large amount of sugar, it is enough to follow the recipe here. Don't try to make pancakes sweeter by adding more sugar. If there is too much of it, the consistency of the test will be broken and it will be more difficult to bake pancakes. Better add sugar or sweet filling to your ready-made pancakes.

Strictly follow the recipe

Pancakes are easy to do, but if you do not follow the correct sequence, you can violate the consistency. It is not in vain that water, milk or kefir are added to flour sequentially. Follow the steps and everything will work out. This is especially important for kefir pancakes, recipes and.

Use a wide spatula

Finally, to make pancakes perfect, take a wide wooden or silicone spatula. In some cases, it is convenient to turn over with your hands. There are many individual nuances, so you just need to get used to and the process of turning over will be easier.

Now you know why pancakes are torn when turned over and you can avoid problems during the preparation of the next culinary masterpiece. 😉

Almost every housewife knows how to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes, but sooner or later each of us faces pancake force majeure. And today we will try to give all the answers to the pressing questions of pancake makers: why do pancakes stick to a cast-iron pan, fall apart and break, and what to do in such situations. Having passed our course of a young kitchen “fighter”, we will surely all be able to find and fix that hidden cause of failures and failures in the culinary field.

The history of pancakes has an incredible amount of recipes. Someone likes magnificent cakes, and someone prefers the finest lace glowing in the sun. Surely every family has its own successful and most delicious version of kneading on pancakes, however, like on our website.

But be that as it may, even recipes tested over the years can periodically play a trick with us - when frying pancakes I stick to the pan, and when they are turned over they break. Familiar situation? Let us reveal the secret of the rebellion of these cakes and pans.

There are quite a few reasons for provoking pancake failures. Basically, if the pancakes stick to the pan and break, then the whole problem can be hidden in the following:

  • in improperly selected dishes
  • the wrong way to bake
  • or something is missing in the test,
  • or, on the contrary, in excess of some components.

As a result, in order to get the most delicious and most beautiful dessert cakes at home, you need to individually and in more detail review all the possible negative factors in pancake cooking and fix them.

Pancakes stick to the pan and tear! What to do?


In fact, objectionable dishes turn out to be the main reason for pancake lawlessness.

What is the catch here?

The thing is that in the frying pans of these materials, during the heating process, an extremely thin grease film invisible to our eye is formed, which protects the pancake from sticking.

You, for certain, noted that the warmed-up cast iron does not even have to be oiled, and the pancakes on such dishes come out rosy and very tasty.

More details in the article of the same name.


However, in relation to such baking gadgets, unpleasant situations sometimes happen - pancakes stick, do not roll over and break. Here, the whole snag is in the improper handling of utensils.

If the pan was washed using an iron brush before baking pancakes, the protective fat layer was also wiped off.

You can return this layer as follows. We put a dry frying pan on fire and heat until smoke begins to emanate from its surface.

New dishes

Another common pancake maker problem is the use of a new, never-used pan for baking pancakes. This cannot be done, since a “virgin” vessel needs to undergo a preliminary “run-in” to begin uninterrupted operation.

Well, fry at least the fried eggs on it before, and only then you can bake pancakes on it, and they will not stick.

Also, in the culinary failures when frying pancakes, the dough itself plays a special role, because it is from the observance of all the recipe norms that the quality of the finished product depends.

Pancakes are torn! What to add?

So, we chose the right pan, calcined it, prepared it for frying the pancakes, but the pancakes still stick. In this situation, the fault may be the wrong recipe, or its failure to comply.

How to make the dough into pancakes so that they do not stick, and what should be added if the naughty dough is already mixed.

Thin pancakes

In an effort to bake delicate, delicate pancakes, some housewives often knead excessively thin dough, hoping "at random". This is the primary reason for the unsuccessful dessert.

Moisture evaporates very rapidly in a hot pan from such a thin layer of dough, which deprives the cake of even the slightest elasticity and firmness. As a result, the pancake is fragile, it breaks and strives to stick to the hot surface of the iron.

In this case, add a little more flour to the dough and mix everything again until smooth.


Another popular reason why pancake dough sticks to a pan is rush. Having diluted the dough, we want to start baking as soon as possible, which is fundamentally wrong.

Pancake kneading loves to stand for half an hour, then it becomes more "accommodating." The thing is that during this time the flour releases gluten to the maximum, which will eventually make the pancake more dense and elastic.


Undoubtedly, there are lean options in the pancake recipes database, however, it is the shortage of eggs in the test that can negatively affect the quality of the finished desserts.

Eggs are a kind of culinary "cement" - an emulsifier that holds together all the binder components of pancake batch.

Definitely, for 1 liter of liquid 1 egg will not be enough, but 2-4 eggs will already be very effective.

You can save the rebellious dough by adding a couple of eggs to it and thoroughly whipping the composition until smooth. In addition, it is thanks to the eggs that the pancakes acquire a beautiful ruddy color and bake faster.

Also, thin pancakes will not break if more eggs are added to the dough, then a floury flaw will be invisible in this light.

The lack of eggs or their small number leads to some more problems in baking, we proposed their solution in the following articles.


If adding pancakes and flour to the pancake mix, the pancakes continue to behave not in the best way, then the introduction of 5-7 tbsp. vegetable can save the situation.

Such a measure will help soften the dough, create an additional fat barrier between the pan and the tortilla, and give the finished pancakes a special flavoring effect.

In addition, such pancakes will no longer be dry, and will turn over without any problems.


If your recipe requires the use of soda, then put in the composition of this white powder should be exactly as much as shown in the description.

Excess soda can not only ruin the taste of pancakes, give them an unnaturally yellow tint, but also destroy the stickiness of the dough. Here, even without sticking, the pancakes will fall apart when turned over.


Who would have thought, but if you put too much sugar in the pancake dough, then such cakes will strive to stick and burn - the effect of caramel.

That is why sweeteners should sweeten pancakes ready-made using powder, condensed milk, jam or honey. And in the batch itself, granulated sugar should be strewed to a minimum.


It is possible to flavor the dough with cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom and other spices, but carefully, since the excessive use of such flavors will lead to disastrous consequences.

The strength of the test is reduced, the integrity of the cake is broken. There should be a measure in everything.

It would seem that pancakes are the easiest and most beloved breakfast option for many. However, some culinary experts are not so friendly with these cakes sticking to the pan that even such an innocent children's request, how to make pancakes for breakfast, turns into a nightmare for the hostess.

It seems that I already got the hang of managing the dough, but how to properly fry them and how to lubricate the pan so that the pancakes do not stick is also important to be able to.

First heating

The first rule says that the pancakes do not come out “lumpy”, you should pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan and heat the dishes to the first haze, and then pour the dough.


These ingredients contain water, which, when heated, begins to boil, which leads to the sticking of the dough to the pan and the burning of pancakes.
  How to process a frying pan can be found in the detailed article on this topic.

  • The best grease for the pan is a piece of bacon strung on a fork.
  • Lubricate the bottom of the iron only 1 time, before the first pancake, and the rest is recommended to bake in a dry frying pan. However, as needed, you can slightly lubricate the surface with a latex brush dipped in oil, or a piece of bacon.
  • For baking thin and medium pancakes, you should choose an average, or slightly more average temperature. For yeast, lush, as well as for openwork pancakes - average or slightly less than average temperature.
      Read more here ...

Why do liver pancakes fall apart

Not only dessert pancakes need special attention. A very popular snack liver cake also requires the preparation of liver pancakes as shortcakes.

This dish is very tasty, but the pancakes themselves can fry the nerves of the hostesses when frying, because the liver pancakes fall apart when turned over almost always if there is no proven recipe in the arsenal.

Usually, cakes for liver cake fall apart if the composition is too liquid.

For 0.5 kg of twisted liver, ½ cup of milk will be more than enough.

You can save the situation if you add flour to the dough, which will make it more dense and elastic.

What to do if thin pancakes are needed for an appetizer? You just need to take for the batch more chicken fresh eggs, then at the exit we get soft and thin cakes. A pound of liver will require at least 3 eggs.

  • Starch will also help add strength test. Only 1 tablespoon this powder can save the dish from complete failure.
  • Another common problem of pancakes from the liver is, oddly enough, the liver, or rather its overabundance in the test. The liver completely deprives the dough of adhesive ability, which is why you should not neglect the prescriptions of the recipe.
  • So that the liver pancakes do not stick and do not fall apart, they must be baked in a hot cast-iron frying pan greased with fat or oil.

Conclusion: what to do if pancakes stick and tear

So we examined all aspects of pancake failures. And also suggested methods for solving them.

To summarize, we recall that the pancakes do not stick to the pan, you need:

  1. Stick to the recipe and knead the dough exactly following the prescription.
  2. Knead the dough until it has a uniform consistency, even color.
  3. To get rid of lumps, for which we knead the eggs, flour and a little liquid until a thick, even mass, and only then bring the rest of the liquid to the desired consistency.

    Pancakes - a dish that is perfect for the festive table, and for the most ordinary breakfast. Many housewives love to cook them. However, sooner or later, everyone faces one problem: pancakes stick to the pan, what to do is unknown. Consider why this can happen and how to deal with it.

    Pancakes are not removed from the pan. What to do?

    Even an experienced hostess may have such a problem. It would seem that everything is done according to the recipe, but all the same, pancakes are not removed from the pan, burning or tearing when trying to turn them over.

    There are several reasons why pancakes can stick to the pan:

    • Failure to comply with the formulation;
    • Incorrect test consistency;
    • Problems with coating the pan;
    • Insufficient heating of the pan.

    If you deal with these problems, then the pancakes will easily turn out the way you need them. And if you use our original ways, even such a simple dish will become a real festive dinner.

    Formulation Failure

    Often experienced housewives add ingredients “by eye” when preparing the dough. But at the same time, there is a chance that some component will be in excess, or vice versa - something will be missed. For example:

    • An insufficient number of eggs will cause the pancakes to be friable and pale.
    • Excess soda also will not lead to anything good: pancakes stick to the pan and break when turned over.

    Important! To avoid such a problem, you need to carefully read the recipe and observe the proportions.

    If you nevertheless mixed up something during cooking or the wrong proportions were indicated in the recipe, you will have to think a bit to fix the situation.

    What to add to the dough so that there are no problems with baking?


    Chicken eggs are the sticking component of the dough for this dessert. In addition, it is they who give ready-made pancakes rosy and elasticity. But there are recipes in which there is no mention of eggs, as a result, the dough is loose, and the pancakes do not want to roll over and break.

    The way out of this situation is simple: add a couple of eggs to the dough and try to bake a pancake. If there is no result, you can add more eggs.

    Important! After adding the eggs, the pancakes will be baked faster, a more beautiful shade will be obtained, and you can forget about the dryness of the edges.


    Baking soda is added to pancakes on kefir and sour milk. Soda removes excess acid, making pancakes more airy. But you need to add it strictly according to the recipe, since with an excess of soda, the dough will lose its stickiness, and the pancake will not turn over. In addition, the taste of the dish will change.

    Important! If you still overdo it when adding soda, then you need to make a separate batch without soda, and then pour it into the spoiled dough.


    Vegetable oil must be added directly to the dough. So it will be softer, and pancakes will get a special taste. In addition, the oil will create an additional separation between the pancake and the pan, which will reduce the likelihood of pancakes sticking.


    Excess sugar in the dough leads to the so-called “caramel” effect - pancakes stick to the pan due to burnt sugar. Therefore, it is recommended not to add products containing a lot of sugar in the batch. It’s better to serve sweets to the finished dish.

    Separately, you can use the selection to make them even tastier.

    Incorrect test consistency

    The result depends on the consistency of the test. The thicker it is, the denser and thicker the pancakes will turn out. That is why inexperienced housewives make thin batter for thin pancakes. As a result, the water evaporates and the pancakes stick to the pan, becoming dry and brittle.

    You can avoid problems by bringing the dough to the desired consistency: adding water, milk or flour.

    Important! Water and milk should be warm, because when cold water is added, the flour may not be fully stirred, forming lumps, and hot water will spoil the pancakes taste indices.

    The finished dough by consistency should be thicker than kefir, but thinner than sour cream.

    Frying pan problems

    This is another answer to the question “Why do pancakes stick to the pan?”. Similar problems arise if the pan is new or, conversely, old.

    Using a new pan that just arrived at your home from a store shelf can cause problems. To avoid such:

    • You can first run-in: fry something so that a fat layer forms on the surface. After that, you can safely proceed to the preparation of pancakes.
    • You can also calcine the pan before use. To do this, salt is poured into it, and the pan is heated on a fire or in the oven for an hour, periodically mixing the salt. After calcination, the salt is poured out, and the pan is wiped with a cloth and greased with oil, fat or lard.

    Important! It is necessary to lubricate not only the bottom of the pan, but also the sides, since dough also often spreads there.

    The used pan must be cleaned periodically, otherwise it can be another reason for food sticking. Here are some tips on how to clean the pan so that the pancakes do not stick:

    • You can use ordinary detergents by washing and rinsing the pan thoroughly. All that remains is to dry it and grease it with oil.
    • It is not necessary to use detergents to clean the pan. It is enough to pour water before washing the dishes, adding a little salt or soda. The result will be even more effective than using dishwashing detergents.
    • When washing dishes used for frying pancakes, it is recommended to use rags or soft sponges.

    Important! Do not use iron sponges or hard brushes to clean the pan. They damage the coating of the pan, as a result of which the food will constantly burn.

    Almost everyone loves to eat pancakes, because, depending on the filling, this dish can be completely different. Nourishing pancakes with meat or fish filling are obtained, lighter ones - or with an egg. Pancakes with jam, fruits and berries will be an excellent dessert. Proper preparation of pancakes will save, including the fact that during the cooking process the products will tear or deliver other chores.

    The most urgent question asked by many housewives in various culinary forums: what to add so that the pancakes do not tear. Also, many are interested in how to make it transparent, tender, and with openwork lace. For everything, there are culinary tricks and practical advice.

       The test must be given time to fit. Then the gluten contained in the flour will manifest itself, and the pancakes will not tear;
       You can add an egg to the dough, but you must remember that the more eggs are added to the dough, the harder the resulting pancakes;
       You can make the dough on a little warmed milk. Milk must be diluted with water in equal proportions;

    Even when the hostess knows what to add, if the pancakes are torn, if you do not follow other important recommendations, the dish will not work like in the picture. Therefore, it will be useful to read other tips on the proper preparation of pancakes.

       With one hand, pour the dough on the edge of the pan, and raise the pan with the other and make rotational movements. This will help the dough evenly occupy the entire surface of the pan. As a result, the pancake will be even and the same in thickness;
       Make pancakes rouge helps the amount of sugar in the dough. But we must remember that if you add too much sugar, then the pancake will not brown, but simply burn;

       The dough for such pancakes, which will perfectly absorb sour cream or condensed milk, must be prepared with yeast, kefir or yogurt;
       It is recommended to sift the flour at the time of preparation of the test, and not in advance. Then the finished pancakes will turn out magnificent;
    If a baking powder is used instead of soda when preparing the dough, it should be taken twice as much as soda;
       If the dough has not risen sufficiently, then you can gradually add warm milk to it. At the same time, stir the dough constantly;
       Before adding proteins, they must first be thoroughly beaten. Add proteins already after the dough rises;
       Pour oil into the finished risen dough. Up to this point, pre-whipped proteins should already be well intervened in the dough. If the squirrels come into contact with sour cream, they will settle and make the dough thick;
       Pancakes need to be baked at the moment when the dough has risen. If it has already settled, then the dish will not work out lush and loose. So that the dough does not settle, it must be constantly mixed with a spoon;
       You can turn the pancake over only after the edges have already dried up, and the middle is covered with characteristic pimples;

       The responsible hostess always has a separate pan for pancakes, which is not used for frying other products;
       If the pan is made of cast iron, then it must be thoroughly heated before cooking;
       Pancakes often stick to a Teflon-coated pan. Therefore, it is better to use;
       If traces of previous pancakes are left in a cast iron pan, you do not need to wash them. It is enough to carefully rub the traces with a soft cloth in which salt will be wrapped;
       Before baking, add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough;
       There is no need to pour oil into the pan; the pan must be oiled every few pancakes. It is convenient to grease the pan with a half of potatoes, planted on a fork and moistened with vegetable oil;
       If you cook pancakes in sour milk, this can cause them to stick during cooking. To prevent this, you need to add a little flour and soda to the dough, then pour boiling water with boiling water and mix very well;

    What to do to make pancakes openwork:
       From the test on kefir the most delicate and beautiful pancakes will turn out;
       If in the process of making pancakes the hostess sees that the product lacks openwork, you can add sparkling water or beer, koumiss to the dough. The choice of liquid depends on what final taste you want to receive;

       Bake such pancakes in a pan with a Teflon coating;
    You can add vegetable oil to the pancake dough. When the pan warms up, chop fresh bacon on the fork and wipe the pan with it before each cooking. With this preparation, the pancakes will turn out dry;
      Now you know not only what to add so that the pancakes do not tear, but also all the secrets of the successful preparation of this dish. Please yourself and your pancakes of any kind more often, and not just at Shrovetide.

    Some housewives during cooking pancakes face a number of problems that spoil the taste of the dish. Most of them wonder: why are pancakes made of rubber? And the rest get tough, burnt, torn, bubbly or white pancakes. Such problems mainly arise due to fuzzy adherence to the recipe.

    Rubber pancakes

    Experienced housewives found out why pancakes come out with rubber:

    1. A large quantity of flour mixed with a small volume of baking powder was used to knead the dough. In this case, a heavy dough is obtained, which is absolutely unsuitable for baking delicate pancakes. And after adding a baking powder to it, the mass will begin to bubble, which can save the situation. Also, to bake a delicate dish in the dough, you can add boiled water brought to room temperature, while the mixture needs to be constantly stirred.
    2. When a large number of eggs are added to the baking mass after cooling, the pancakes can become rubber.
    3. If you knead the dough only in water. So that the pancakes do not turn out rubber, you need to add milk or whey to the mass.
    4. When infused into a mixture for frying milk of high fat content, a rubber dish may result. In such a situation, it is better to dilute the milk with water.
    5. Strongly beaten dough also gives a rubber effect to pancakes, so when kneading the dough, gently break the lumps with a whisk or spoon.

    Hard pancakes

    The first one is the wrong recipe or proportional amount of ingredients:

    1. Due to the presence of an increased amount of egg whites in the mixture after baking, the pancakes become stiff or acquire a rubber structure. Eggs should be exclusively a binding ingredient, and for one and a half liters of dough their number should not exceed 1 piece.
    2. The consistency of the dough should not be very thick, as it should be quickly distributed throughout the bottom of the pan. Otherwise, a thick layer will bake for a long time and turn out tough. The mixture should not be thicker than non-greasy sour cream.
    3. Instead of milk for kneading pancakes, it is better to use dairy products, for example, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir. These ingredients will add delicacy and delicacy to the dish structure. When mixing the mixture on kefir or yogurt, soda must be added additionally before baking, otherwise the pancakes will not fry inside.
    4. To make the dough elastic, it is necessary to pour vegetable oil in the proportion of 3 dining spoons per 1 liter of the mixture.

    Also, the cause of the hardness of the dish may be improper baking technology.  To protect pancakes from drying out, lightly grease a frying pan with an oil-soaked napkin just before baking. In this way, pans with non-stick coating must also be processed. Also, immediately after baking, each pancake is best lubricated with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil.

    So that the dish does not lose its softness, all the baked stack should be constantly covered with a lid or a plate. Under the influence of temperature and due to increased humidity, the pancakes will stew, be saturated with juiciness. You can also immediately wrap the stuffing into ready-made pancakes.

    Bubble pancakes

    Sometimes it happens that the pancakes during cooking bubble, unevenly fry and rise. This phenomenon can cause several reasons. Bubbles may appear on the pancake surface due to insufficient flour. This is due to the fact that the mixture acquires an airy light structure, which begins to rise under thermal influence. The appearance of bubbles can still be associated with a large amount of soda.

    Therefore, in order to fight bubbles on a pancake surface, you must either reduce the amount of soda or increase the amount of flour.

    Crumbling pancakes

    When baking pancakes, it often happens that the dish sticks to the pan and breaks when removed or flipped. How to cook pancakes? You need to start with a properly selected pan and kneading dough.

    Frying pan selection

    When preparing pancakes, you need to know that the metals that prevent the dough from sticking to the bottom of the pan are aluminum and cast iron. Therefore, in the first place, preference should be given to frying dishes prepared from these materials. This is due to the fact that after several uses a thin oily film appears on the surface of the pan, blocking adhesion.

    In order not to experience constant difficulties with cooking pancakes, you must adhere to the following tips:

    • for cooking, you need to use a separate pan, which is not used for foreign dishes;
    • if the pancakes fall apart on a teflon surface, a small amount of boiling water should be added to the dough before frying;
    • the cast-iron pan can not be washed every time, but simply after frying, wipe its surface with a soft rag with salt;
    • before frying, do not pour a large amount of oil into the pan;
    • before cooking the first pancake, the pan must be very hot.

    Mixing the right test against burnt, dry and torn pancakes

    This can mainly be due to:

    • too thin dough;
    • a large amount of soda;
    • lean dough (without oil).

    How to avoid trouble with a baked mixture?

    1. Before making pancakes, the dough should be infused for 15 minutes. It is necessary that gluten is released from the flour and the mixture becomes more elastic.
    2. If there are no eggs in the ingredients of the mass, beat 1 egg and mix everything thoroughly.
    3. Knead the dough using slightly warmed milk, which is diluted halfway with water.
    4. You should try as little as possible to use third-party ingredients in the recipe, for example, vanillin or cocoa. Usually, the pancake edges dry because of them, and the surface sticks and tears.
    5. It is best not to use egg powder instead of natural eggs, as it can spoil the taste of the dish.
    6. It is necessary to try to break all the lumps formed from the added flour.

    Pale pancakes: why not blush

    Some housewives cook pancakes on squirrels without the addition of yolks. Most often, pancakes mixed with such ingredients turn out to be pale.

    How to deal with this?

    1. Significantly increased heat will help turn white pancakes into ruddy. On low heat, the dough will fry slowly, and the pancakes will eventually become dry.
    2. Also, pancakes prepared without yolks are well browned if you regularly grease the pan with oil.
    3. The main components of the blush are sugar and milk. However, sugar without increased heat will also be powerless in the fight against the pallor of pancakes.

    To cope with the main problems that arise during baking pancakes, you need to analyze the quality of the pan used, the ingredients and the proportional composition of the kneaded dough. After a weak spot that interferes with the preparation of the dish is identified, it must be eliminated using the above tips.

    If there are people in the world who do not like pancakes, it is only because they have never tried them. What could be better than a stack of rosy hot pancakes emanating fragrant steam? And it’s all the more offensive to the hostess when her delicate tasty masterpieces, even cooked according to all the rules, begin to tear. In fact, why are pancakes torn into which so much love and care are invested? Poorly heated pan? Too fat? Wrong dough?

    To cook delicate thin pancakes, you need to know the secrets of their preparation

    The first flour products

    Pancakes are perhaps one of the oldest options for making flat cakes. At the very beginning of their history, they were made only from water and flour, then restless humanity began to improve such a simple and tasty dish. And not only the Russian people had a hand in creating pancake masterpieces. Similar dishes, only with other names, are among the French, Mongols, Chinese, English, Indians, Ethiopians.

    And today's pancakes are also far from a simple mixture of flour and water. Now in the arsenal of the modern housewife there are recipes for dough in milk, kefir, mineral water, boiling water, soda, with seasoning, rice flour, yeast, buckwheat, carrot, apple ... And this is also a symbol of the sun, so pancakes are always baked on Pancake week helping the sun bring spring faster.

    Different peoples of the world have their own recipes and secrets for making pancakes.

    What pancake dough is made of

    The composition of the dough for classic pancakes is extremely simple: flour, eggs, milk. Salt and sugar to taste. And then the very details begin that make an ordinary cake a culinary masterpiece and will not allow it to break:

    1. Flour. Most often, ordinary wheat flour is used. The higher the grade, the finer and lighter they will be. There is also a special pancake meal. During production, they add soda or baking powder, milk powder, sugar, salt and everything else that the manufacturer wants to make his product unique. In such a composition, you can simply add water - and to the pan. Making a good dough yourself is a little more difficult, but the taste of pancakes made from fresh products will compensate for all the losses of time and effort. You can choose buckwheat, corn, rice flour, but each of them requires a special approach. If it is not enough, then pancakes can be torn, regardless of the type and grade of flour.
    2. The eggs. They come in different grades and sizes. There are recipes without eggs at all (brewed with boiling water). You can use one or more eggs. The taste and quality of the dough from this varies greatly. For example, 1-2 eggs will make pancakes openwork, and if you overdo it with eggs, you get a rubber cake. With a lack of eggs, pancakes can break. It is impossible to indicate the exact number of eggs - they come in completely different sizes. Have to experiment a bit.
    3. Milk. Not only milk is suitable, you can limit yourself to plain water or take kefir. There are recipes that use mineral water - it will make products thin and delicate. It is better to use milk at room temperature - the flour will dissolve more easily and there will be less lumps. If you cook the dough with yeast, then the milk needs to be slightly warmed up. It is likely that when folding, the pancakes will tear if the dough is made too thick. You can try to turn them warm (cooled ones break more often) or slightly dilute the dough with water or kefir.

    Pancake dough includes simple ingredients

    There are many recipes with a variety of ingredients. But you have to deal with the proportions yourself. Try making a small amount of dough and remember (or write down) the proportions. Fry a test pancake, roll it. Not torn? Hooray, you have a personal perfect recipe.

    How and what to fry

    So, the dough is ready. Can I pour it into the pan? In any case, if you do not want the pancake to break off from you. It is necessary to let the test stand for a while, "rest". Flour takes time to become sticky enough. In our case, ten minutes is enough at room temperature (maybe more) so that the products do not tear. Only after the dough has rested, you can take up the pan.

    The temperature of the pan also matters. On a cold surface (not sufficiently warmed up), baking a pancake simply will not work, it will be half-baked and will necessarily break. In an overheated pan, the pancake can burn up, which will add colors to it, but it is unlikely to please the hostess. For how long the pan will gain the desired temperature, it is impossible to say for sure. Much depends on the pan itself and the selected temperature regime.

    An ideal cast iron skillet is considered. And the older she is, the better. There are special pans with low sides, a thick bottom and a non-stick coating. In any case, a thick bottom and a flat surface are important - this will ensure uniform heating and the same thickness of the product. A well-baked and not burnt pancake will definitely not break.

    Even the most ideal frying pan can fail if you do not grease it with fat (a piece of bacon, vegetable or butter). This method works well - right in the dough at the end of cooking add a little vegetable or melted butter (or maybe a little of both).

    During frying, you will have to mix the dough regularly, because the oil strives to float to the surface. But as a result, the pancakes will turn over well, will not stick to the pan and will not tear. The pan itself can be greased only once - at the very beginning, and always with vegetable oil (butter will burn).

    Making pancake dough doesn't take much time.

    The next factor affecting the strength is a variety of additives (vanillin, cocoa powder, some spices). There is a possibility that pancakes with such additives will break when rolled up or even turned over.

    To summarize

    The reasons why pancakes are torn can be easily eliminated:

    1. Batter. Few eggs or flour, a lot of water, milk or kefir. Beat another egg, bake a test pancake. If the situation has not improved, add flour and mix well so that there are no lumps.
    2. Unheated pan. Thoroughly clean the pan from sticky or torn pancake. It is better to do this with a paper towel rather than water. Lubricate the surface with vegetable oil (grease, not pour), wait until it heats well.
    3. Various additives. Try mixing a little dough with additives in a separate bowl and bake a trial version. If it does not break, feel free to add the selected products.

    In the pancake dough, you can add various ingredients and diversify the home menu

    A few important little things that will make pancakes tastier and prevent them from tearing:

    • the flour needs to be sifted, this will saturate it with air and make it easier;
    • all ingredients are preferably at room temperature;
    • do not put too much sugar, pancakes will burn and tear;
    • pour vegetable oil into the dough (about two tablespoons per half liter of milk or kefir);
    • let the dough rest, the stickiness will increase and the pancakes will not tear;
    • do not rush to turn over until holes appear and the edges dry out - an uncooked pancake easily breaks;
    • place the pan on high heat first and then reduce it before baking.

    Learn the secrets of making pancakes and be sure to delight your household

    If the pancakes are torn, do not give up. A little effort will easily fix the situation. In the end, no one is born a talented chef, everyone makes mistakes. But it’s not worth it to abandon the ruddy appetizing pancakes and well-deserved praises of your home.