Application for registration actions at the traffic police. Application for vehicle registration

The rightful owner of the car is not the one who paid money for it, but the one to whom it is registered. It is the registration of a car that gives the owner a unique right to dispose of his property at will - to give, sell, etc.

The new rules for registering a car have made life easier for motorists in many ways. However, the main points remained unchanged - the car must be registered, upon purchase, to the new owner. The buyer is given 10 days to complete the registration procedure. During this time, he is obliged to appear at the nearest traffic police department and, by writing an application, as well as providing a package of documents, become the full owner of the car.

If the car is new, then it also needs to obtain license plates. Driving without license plates is punishable by a fine and deprivation of rights. Let's figure out how a car is registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, new rules in 2018, and what documents need to be provided.

The procedure for registering a car with the traffic police when buying and selling 2018

A used car is sold and bought at a place convenient for both parties. This transaction does not require notarization of documents or legal registration. The former owner is also freed from the need to deregister the car. This fact significantly saves time for the seller. To complete a transaction, you need to write a purchase and sale deed in triplicate, in any form.

All responsibility for re-issuing documents falls on the buyer. It is he who is obliged to appear at the traffic police department within 10 days with three copies of the act. The seller must also make his intentions regarding the license plate clear. Perhaps he will want to keep it for himself, or maybe he will give it away along with the car. The main thing to remember is that, if necessary, license plates can be removed only at the traffic police during registration.

Documents for registering a car with the traffic police for individuals 2018

Having completed the purchase and sale transaction process, the buyer must collect the necessary documents and go to the traffic police. At the department, he will be given a sample application for registration of a car, which he will be required to fill out. The application form can be downloaded in advance from the official website of the State Services and filled out at home, so as not to waste additional time near the window.

Along with the application form, the buyer is given a sample receipt for payment of the state duty. This state fee must be paid before the traffic police officer verifies the car and the submitted papers. After payment, the driver, with the application and other documents, waits at the observation deck for a department employee to inspect the car for compliance with the presented documents.
After the inspection, a vehicle inspection certificate is issued, which must be submitted to the registration window.

So, we list what documents are needed to register a car with the traffic police 2018:

  1. Buyer's passport and its photocopy.
  2. OSAGO policy.
  3. Old certificate.
  4. Receipt of paid state duty.
  5. Application for registration.

After this, the buyer becomes the owner, which is confirmed by the issued certificate of registration with his data.

How to sign up with the traffic police to register a car through government services?

The Internet resource of State Services offers a significant way to save time in queues. On this site you can perform a number of useful and necessary actions, including signing up for registration of a car at the State Traffic Inspectorate.
This can be done by users who have their own account. If you have a personal account, then you should start the registration procedure, which takes about 10 minutes. All requested data must be truthful and supported by documents.

After logging into your personal account, you should fill out a sample application for registration in electronic form, and also print one copy of it. After this, the buyer selects the required traffic police department, where he sends the application. Don't forget to indicate a convenient date and time to register the car. The data provided by the buyer is checked, after which an invitation to register the car is sent to the phone, email or personal account.

State duty for car registration 2018

It is impossible to process documents without paying the state fee. The cost of registering a car with the traffic police in 2018 depends on the package of services that the buyer receives when registering the car.

  • Registration of a new certificate will cost 500 rubles.
  • Obtaining license plates – 2,000 rubles.
  • Changes to the PTS will be made for 350 rubles.
  • And if you need to change your PTS, you will have to pay 450 rubles.

Do not pay state duty on receipts taken from someone, the data may change, and the money paid will be very difficult to return. At the window you can get the details for paying the state fee for registering a car with the traffic police.

Application for registration of a car with the traffic police - sample 2018

An application for registration of a car is written according to a standard template. On the official website of the State Services you can download an application form to the traffic police to register a car with the traffic police. Or you can pick it up at the document acceptance window at the traffic police department.

The application contains the following blocks:

  1. Traffic police department number.
  2. FULL NAME. buyer.
  3. A list of attached documents is indicated.
  4. Seller information.
  5. Information about the car.
  6. Information about the representative (if the car is registered by proxy).

All this data is already in the purchase and sale document; you just need to carefully transfer it to the application.

You can download a sample application for vehicle registration here:

Replacing a vehicle registration certificate when changing registration

In case of any significant changes in the personal data of the owner of the vehicle or the design data of the car itself, the driver is obliged to change the certificate. This procedure can be completed without a car, since it will not be inspected. It is worth providing new documents, with the changes made, and writing an application. After receiving a new certificate, you will have to make changes to your MTPL policy. All personal documents must contain the same information so that no complications arise during reconciliation.

Sample application for registering a car with the traffic police

When purchasing any vehicle, you must register it with the traffic police, otherwise a fine will be imposed on the new owner. An application to register a vehicle with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate must be submitted within 10 days from the date of purchase.

List of required documents

In order to register a vehicle with the traffic police, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  • Application for vehicle registration (required when a person applies in person).
  • Passport or other personal identification document.
  • Vehicle inspection report.
  • OSAGO policy. By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the need to provide a compulsory motor liability insurance policy (meaning in paper form) has been abolished. The main thing is that you have it - traffic police officers will simply look at the information about its availability in the database. However, if you take it with you, you can save some time.
  • Vehicle purchase/sale agreement.
  • Receipts for payment of government duties. In this case, you will need 3 of them: 2 thousand rubles for issuing a registry. signs (for motorcycles and any self-propelled equipment 1500 rubles), 500 rubles for a registration certificate and 350 rubles for correcting information in the vehicle title. Total – 2850 rubles.

If you make payments via the Internet (for example, to Sberbank Online), then it is advisable to print receipts.

How to make an application correctly

The application for registration contains 6 points. Next, let's look at how to fill them out correctly:

  1. The name of the traffic police to which the citizen applies. To avoid mistakes, we recommend going to the official website of the traffic police and rewriting the full name of the institution from there.
  2. Full name of the applicant. If a representative by proxy is involved in bureaucratic delays, then his data is indicated, not the owner of the vehicle.
  3. The third paragraph indicates the type of car - new or used.
  4. The fourth paragraph provides complete information about the vehicle (make, model, VIN number, etc.). In order not to be mistaken with the values, it is better to look at them in the PTS.
  5. Information about the owner of the car, in other words, passport data. The “representative” item is filled in only if the registration is carried out by another person by proxy.
  6. The last point is information about the vehicle, which can also be found in its passport.

There is no need to fill out anything else - the information in the remaining paragraphs is filled in by the traffic police officer.

Changes to the registration procedure

The government has decided to significantly simplify the vehicle registration procedure. Let us note the changes that have occurred this year:

  • The period during which the owner of a vehicle must register it has increased to 10 working days (previously it was only 5).
  • If a person sells a car, there is no need to deregister it with the traffic police. In order to sell a car, it is now enough to draw up the appropriate agreement and re-issue the title (enter the details of the new owner into it). Then the above documents are simply transferred to the new owner. According to Russian laws, it is the buyer (i.e. the new owner of the car) who must carry out the registration procedure. If he does not meet the 10-day deadline, he will face a fine of 2,000 rubles.
  • Since 2017, you can go through the registration procedure in any region of the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of registration of the vehicle owner. In this case, it is not necessary to change the registration plate; you can leave it, saving 2000 rubles. However, some still try to update it if a different region is indicated on it. Many drivers are sure that a car with non-local license plates is stopped more often by traffic police officers.
  • Checking the power unit when registering with the traffic police is not required. Previously, traffic police officers checked engine information, which took a lot of time.

Total: more time is given for registration, additional procedures have been canceled.

Features of the vehicle registration procedure

In order to register a car with the traffic police, you will need to complete 4 simple steps:

  1. Register with the MREO. This can be done by phone or through the state website. services".
  2. Prepare the necessary documents.
  3. Take a sample application form from any traffic police department or download it from the official website of the traffic police and fill out all the necessary points (information about the owner and vehicle, date of purchase, etc.).
  4. Visit the MREO on the specified date (in a car that is being registered), taking with you the list of documents presented above. On average, the procedure takes no more than one and a half hours (including queues).

Video about car registration

The simplified procedure for registering a vehicle is designed to motivate drivers to complete it in a timely manner. The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine for driving an unregistered car from 500 to 800 rubles (depending on the number of days of delay). For a repeated violation, the fine will be 5,000 rubles.

How to make an application to register a car with the traffic police in 2018

Knowing how to draw up an application to register a car with the traffic police in 2018, you can eliminate the need to turn to intermediary companies for help, which automatically leads to a reduction in the amount of overpayments.

In the absence of confirmation of registration of the vehicle, the owners face administrative liability in accordance with the Administrative Code.

To accept the established package of documents for registration, the authorized body must additionally submit a corresponding application. Let's take a closer look at the rules for drawing up an application in 2018.

Vehicle registration procedure

If you purchase a new vehicle from official dealers, the new owner must initially obtain new registration plates.

If you purchase a used car that has already been registered with the traffic police, the license plates remain, which automatically frees the new owner from having to pay state duty for their issuance.

For your information, the legislation provides owners of purchased cars or other types of vehicles with a maximum of 1 days for registration.

The period begins to count from the moment the document confirming the transfer of the car is signed or changes are made to the new owner.

List of required documents

Based on the established rules for registration, it is necessary to provide the authorized body with the following list of documents:

The specified list of documentation is exhaustive, but the authorized body reserves the right to request other certificates confirming information.

Where to go

Issues of state registration of vehicles are dealt with by authorized persons of the structural unit of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, both at the place of temporary location of the applicants or at the place of permanent residence.

The procedure for deregistration according to the rules of Russian legislation is carried out in the traffic police department in which the car was previously registered.

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly states that all citizens, without exception, who have expressed a desire to register a vehicle, have the right to contact the authorized body of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in one of the following ways:

Additionally, you need to pay attention to the possibility of registering the car by a legal representative. A power of attorney must be drawn up for him.

Payment of state duty

The issue of paying state duty is set out in detail in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in particular in Art. 333.33.

According to the legislation, the amount of state duty in 2018 is:

For your information, when paying the state fee through the official State Services portal, the established amount is automatically reduced by 30%.

How to fill out an application to the traffic police to register a car

The procedure for generating an application for the purpose of registering a car does not entail any difficulties.

Read where to file for divorce here.

At the same time, you should pay attention to the existing features, which eliminates the possibility of various misunderstandings with the authorized body and receiving a refusal.

Rules for drawing up a document

The required application for the purpose of registering a car includes several blocks that entail the applicant’s obligation to enter any information.

If the requirements for compiling the specified block are ignored, it can simply be excluded, since it is not mandatory.

It is extremely important for the applicant to fill out with reliable information those blocks that fully correspond to the situations.

In particular, according to the norms of Russian legislation, in case of registration, it is necessary to fill out such sections of the application as:

  • main body;
  • detailed information about the owner of the car or other vehicle;
  • personal information regarding the vehicle itself.

At the end of the document, the date of generation and time must be indicated. Do not forget about affixing a personal signature with mandatory decoding.

The main features include:

In case of entering inaccurate or erroneous information, employees of the authorized state body reserve the right to refuse registration actions.

Is it possible to apply online?

For the convenience of vehicle owners, you can apply for registration using the official State Services portal.

To this end, in 2018 you should adhere to a certain algorithm of actions, namely:

If the generated application meets all the necessary requirements, the user will receive a corresponding notification regarding the start of processing the application.

Video: registering a car on the State Services website

Otherwise, the applicant receives a refusal with a detailed statement of the grounds for making such a decision.

For your information, the procedure for checking an application to ensure that accurate information is entered on the website takes no more than 10 minutes.

You should not ignore the opportunity to print out an application drawn up in your own hand, as well as an electronic ticket for an appointment with an authorized person of a government body and a receipt for payment of the state fee (if the payment was made through the government services portal).

It is extremely important to double-check the completed application and, if necessary, make appropriate amendments to it.

The main features of this application option include:

Based on the actions taken, an authorized representative of the traffic police will issue documentary evidence of the registration of the vehicle.

Sample filling

Initially, you need to remember to indicate in the document in question only information about the new owner.

According to the generally accepted rules of Russian legislation, the application includes the following data:

Other subsections of the document in question must be filled out by an official of the registering state body.

In this case, the authorized person independently verifies the specified information regarding the vehicle.

The 2018 application form to the traffic police for vehicle registration can be downloaded from the link here.

For your information, using the example of filling out an application to the traffic police to register a car, you can eliminate the possibility of various inaccuracies.

Penalty for late registration actions

In case of ignoring and simultaneous non-compliance with the rules for registering vehicles established by Russian legislation, the owners are brought to administrative responsibility on the basis of Article 19.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The amount of penalties is differentiated. The basis of the calculation is the attitude of unscrupulous owners towards a particular object.

For example, if an illegal act is discovered, individuals are subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine of up to 2 thousand rubles.


In case of gross disregard of the rules of Russian legislation regarding the registration of vehicles, this fact may create some discomfort for the previous owners, since fines come to them in particular.

For the procedure for self-registration of an LLC with one founder, see here.

If the issue of registration takes a long time, the previous owners will need to pay additional tax on the vehicle.

It is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of further negative legal consequences.

This is largely due to the fact that if the previous owner of the vehicle is not honest, the new owner may be left with nothing at all.

For example, a vulgar owner can simply file a complaint with law enforcement agencies about the theft of a car that was actually transferred to the buyer.

In conclusion, it is noted that the procedure for generating the corresponding application does not entail any difficulties.

At the same time, you should pay attention to the features discussed above, ignoring which entails receiving a refusal from the registration authority to register the vehicle and accepting a full package of documents in particular.

If you encounter any difficulties with drawing up an application, it is recommended to seek help from qualified specialists who are always ready to help for a relatively small fee.

Application to the traffic police for vehicle registration - sample filling

When purchasing a vehicle, a new car owner must register it. A 10-day period is allotted for this to happen. Based on the documents submitted to the traffic police, the appropriate procedure will be carried out.

A sample application for submission to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate can be downloaded from our website. In some departments, this document is filled out by knowledgeable people for a certain financial reward.

What documents are needed?

To re-register a vehicle, it is necessary to prepare a certain list of documents. It includes:

  • Application of the appropriate sample for making the necessary adjustments.
  • Applicant's identity card.
  • Existing vehicle registration certificate.
  • Papers confirming ownership of this car.
  • Civil liability insurance policy for the new vehicle owner (OSAGO).
  • Papers confirming payment of the required duty.

Of course, the vehicle must also be present during the paperwork procedure.

How to fill out the form

Having received the necessary form, it should be filled out correctly. The first line of the form contains the name of the document, in this case it is a statement. The second line should indicate the name of the registration department of the traffic police.

The next step is to enter the applicant’s full name. Next, you need to select by underlining the category of the vehicle that is subject to registration. Initially, the following options were proposed:

  • New, purchased in Russia.
  • Imported into the Russian Federation from abroad.
  • Purchased as released military equipment.
  • Made in Russia according to individual order.
  • Temporarily delivered to the Russian Federation for a period of more than six months.

The next point is to indicate the reason for the changes. Then you need to choose whether to deregister the car or stop registering the vehicle. For each of the proposed options there is a list of reasons that should also be indicated.

This side of the document ends with a block of information about the owner of the car:

  • Full name or name of organization.
  • Date of birth or date of registration of the legal entity.
  • Identification.
  • TIN (relevant for individuals).
  • Residential address of an individual or registered address of a legal entity.
  • The final line is an indication of the phone number and email (if available).

The second sheet of the application begins with a block of personal data of the owner’s representative (if there is one).

A table of information about the vehicle is also located here (to be filled out in case the vehicle needs to be inspected by a traffic police officer).

This sheet ends with blocks of information about:

  1. changes made to the existing design;
  2. automated accounting checks;
  3. decision taken on this application.

On the last sheet of the application for registration, information about the applicant is recorded in special columns.

To save time and effort, it is advisable to fill out this application form in advance and contact the traffic police department with ready-made documents.

Download the application form for registering a car with the traffic police

The application form in 2018 can be submitted to the traffic police in person or on the State Services portal. Check out a sample of how to fill it out.

Sample application for vehicle registration

Please review the completed application form for vehicle registration.

The vehicle registration application can be filled out either using a computer or by hand.

In addition, the presented application form is universal and is suitable for the following registration actions: deregistration of a vehicle, making changes and termination of registration.

How to correctly fill out the application form for registering a car?

Important: The application indicates the details of the new owner of the vehicle.

When filling out the vehicle registration application form, you must:

  1. Specify name traffic police departments, in which it is planned to register the car, at the top of the application;
  2. Enter Full name of the applicant(owner/representative by proxy);
  3. In chapter "Register" highlight the required option from those proposed in the application;
  4. In chapter "Vehicle" indicate the vehicle data from the title;
  5. In part “Information about the owner of the vehicle” enter information about the car owner. If necessary, indicate information about the owner’s representative by power of attorney - the applicant, otherwise leave this column of the application blank;
  6. In part "Information about the vehicle" enter data from the vehicle title and (or) registration document. Leave the second column of the application blank;

The remaining points of the application form are entered by the traffic police officer. The inspector must personally check the data on the car and title with those indicated in the application.

This application form for vehicle registration is compiled according to the generally accepted form valid at any registration authority located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Necessary documents for registering a car in 2018

In addition to the completed vehicle registration application form, you must have the following documents with you:

  1. Identity document(for citizens of the Russian Federation - passport);
  2. PTS;
  3. Power of attorney for the applicant to represent the interests of the owner of the vehicle (if any);
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities(for legal entities);
  5. Documents certifying ownership of the vehicle(certificate of inheritance rights, written document, power of attorney, certificate-invoice from the dealership);
  6. Insurance policyOSAGO;
  7. Payment receipt state duties;
  8. Transits, if available (+ fill in the appropriate box in the application).

The vehicle is registered within 1 hour from the moment the application is accepted by the traffic police officer on duty.

State duty for registering a car with the traffic police in 2018

The amount of the state fee for registering a car with existing license plates consists of the following mandatory items:

  • issuance of a vehicle registration certificate – 500 rubles;
  • registration of PTS (making changes) – 350 rub.

Cost of registering a new car

Deadline for vehicle registration

Within 10 days from the date of purchase or changes in the personal data of the car owner.

By virtue of clause 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1994 N 938 (as amended on May 25, 2016) “On state registration of motor vehicles and other types of self-propelled equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation,” the owner is obliged to register the vehicle or make changes to the registration data in the traffic police within 10 days after its purchase.

Important: If the transfer of the vehicle occurred on April 20, 2018, then the car must be registered before April 29, 2018, that is, an application to register the vehicle must be submitted before this day inclusive.

Fine for late registration of a car in 2018

For late registration there is an administrative penalty in the form of a fine:

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

When purchasing a vehicle, a new car owner must register it. A 10-day period is allotted for this to happen. Based on the documents submitted to the traffic police, the appropriate procedure will be carried out.

A sample application for submission to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate can be downloaded from our website. In some departments, this document is filled out by knowledgeable people for a certain financial reward.

What documents are needed?

To re-register a vehicle, it is necessary to prepare a certain list of documents. It includes:

  • Application of the appropriate sample for making the necessary adjustments.
  • Applicant's identity card.
  • Available.
  • Papers confirming ownership of this car.
  • Civil liability insurance policy for the new vehicle owner (OSAGO).
  • Papers confirming payment of the required duty.

Of course, the vehicle must also be present during the paperwork procedure.

How to fill out the form

Having received the necessary form, it should be filled out correctly. The first line of the form contains the name of the document, in this case it is a statement. The second line should indicate the name of the registration department of the traffic police.

The next step is to enter the applicant’s full name. Next, you need to select by underlining the category of the vehicle that is subject to registration. Initially, the following options were proposed:

  • New, purchased in Russia.
  • Imported into the Russian Federation from abroad.
  • Purchased as released military equipment.
  • Made in Russia according to individual order.
  • Temporarily delivered to the Russian Federation for a period of more than six months.

The next point is to indicate the reason for the changes. Then you need to choose whether to deregister the car or stop registering the vehicle. For each of the proposed options there is a list of reasons that should also be indicated.

In a specially designated column, you need to note the make and model of the vehicle, year of manufacture and VIN code. If available, the registration plate must also be mentioned.

This side of the document ends with a block of information about the owner of the car:

  • Full name or name of organization.
  • Date of birth or date of registration of the legal entity.
  • Identification.
  • TIN (relevant for individuals).
  • Residential address of an individual or registered address of a legal entity.
  • The final line is an indication of the phone number and email (if available).

The second sheet of the application begins with a block of personal data of the owner’s representative (if there is one).

A table of information about the vehicle is also located here (to be filled out in case the vehicle needs to be inspected by a traffic police officer).

This sheet ends with blocks of information about:

  1. changes made to the existing design;
  2. automated accounting checks;
  3. decision taken on this application.

On the last sheet of the application for registration, information about the applicant is recorded in special columns.

To save time and effort, it is advisable to fill out this application form in advance and contact the traffic police department with ready-made documents.

The first thing that is required after purchasing a car is its registration with the traffic police. This procedure is necessary for legal entities and individuals. By purchasing a car at a dealership, on the one hand, you can facilitate this operation, since today almost every car dealership offers customers to register the vehicle they purchased on the spot. This is better in that it will reduce the time spent waiting in traffic police queues for long periods of time, and will also eliminate the need for certain formalities, such as, for example, restoring an application.

Purchasing a car, for example a year old, not in a showroom, will allow their owners to independently register it with the relevant authorities. After all, everyone knows that the times when registering a car required going through at least several authorities, and in huge queues, are long gone. Nowadays, all you need for this is a package of necessary documents and the application itself to register the car.


Your application is submitted to the traffic police at the place of registration, or temporary registration. If the car is an imported foreign car, its registration will be carried out at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

An application for car registration, unlike applications to court, is drawn up in the form established by the traffic police. The application form for registering a car can be filled out in advance, or you can entrust this procedure to specialists from a law firm who will fill it out on the spot. This service will therefore have to be paid for.

Documents required to register a car

Documents for must be:

A completed form for registering a car, which must contain the date and signature of the applicant.

A document directly confirming ownership of the purchased vehicle. Please note that a certificate or purchase and sale agreement is not required to be registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, but your document confirming ownership must contain the following information

1. Terms of the transaction and signature

2. Detailed information about the car

3.Passport details of both parties.

- a receipt for payment of the state fee for issuing a certificate of registration of a car with the traffic police;

- the same receipt certifying payment of the state duty for registering the car and obtaining state license plates;

- a document proving your identity (passport, military ID, etc.);

- transit registration plates in the amount of 2 pieces

- car passport (PTS);

- MTPL insurance policy;

- when registering a car with the traffic police by a person who is not the owner of this vehicle, a power of attorney drawn up by a notary should be provided, which gives the right to represent the interests of its legal owner

- if a foreign-made car was previously registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate on the territory of the Russian Federation, the owner must provide documents confirming customs clearance;

- if the owner of the registered car is a direct legal entity, it is necessary to provide documents certifying this (constituent documents)

The government services portal makes the life of car owners more convenient: users have the opportunity to obtain or replace a driver’s license, pay traffic fines, and register a car through State Services. Below we describe the process of registering a car via the Internet in several steps.

The procedure will take you from 10 to 20 minutes. After successful acceptance of the electronic application, on the selected day and time the applicant must appear at the registration and examination department of the traffic police with a package of documents. The duration of the service is from 1 to 3 hours. Typically, applicants leave the State Traffic Inspectorate office with a fresh vehicle registration certificate, an entry in the PTS and, if desired, new license plates within an hour.

Before filling out an electronic application for registering a car through government services, you need to collect the following documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Vehicle Passport (PVC).
  3. Vehicle inspection report (diagnostic card with current validity period).
  4. Sales and purchase agreement.
  5. OSAGO insurance policy.
  6. State registration plate “Transit” (only if it was issued).
  7. Receipt of payment of the state fee (can be paid immediately before the visit to the traffic police department).

1. Select a service on the portal

Go to and log in to your account. If you don't have one yet, . Find the service “Vehicle registration”.

If you want to register a new car, use the “Registration of a motor vehicle with the State Traffic Inspectorate” service. If you want to re-register the car after the previous owner, select “Change vehicle owner data”.

Select the type of service received “Electronic”. Click the “Get service” button.

In addition, on the portal you can restore the registration of a motor vehicle, register the vehicle for a limited period, replace the STS, PTS or registration plates if they are lost or unsuitable for use, change the data of the owner of the vehicle or the vehicle itself, deregister the vehicle due to with disposal or export abroad of the Russian Federation.

2. Selecting a vehicle

Select the vehicle (car/bus, trailer or other vehicle) and the form of ownership (owner or authorized representative).

3. Personal information

Enter the data (full name, date of birth, email address, phone number and passport details). If the information is entered correctly in your portal, the data will be automatically “picked up” from it and you will not need to enter anything. If the information in the form is incorrect, you can change it by clicking on the “Change data” link (the change will take place in your personal account).

Indicate the current address of residence at the place of permanent or temporary registration or at the place of actual residence.

4. Vehicle information

If a new registration number is required, please indicate this on the application by entering the old number in the format Х555ХХ77. The fee for issuing new registration plates is 2,000 rubles.
Do you want to get a new vehicle passport (state fee - 800 rubles) or make changes to the current one (state fee - 350 rubles)?
Next, select the vehicle category (passenger car - category B).

Enter the vehicle identification number (VIN) twice in the format JF1GGGKD37G038841 and body number (matches VIN).

Enter the make, model, year of manufacture of the car. Select vehicle type, engine type and color. Please note that only the make, model and year of manufacture are required fields, the rest are optional and can be left blank.

5. Information about documents

Enter the details of the vehicle passport, document confirming the ownership of the vehicle and insurance policy details. All fields at this step are optional; you can fill them out as you wish.

6. Selecting a State Traffic Inspectorate office, time and date of visit.

You can choose a State Traffic Inspectorate office at your place of residence or at another address.

After you have found a suitable traffic police department on the map, click the “Select appointment time” button.
In the “Select date of visit” field in the format DD.MM.YYYY, enter a convenient date. Then select the appropriate one from the suggested reception hours.

Confirm date and time.

Check the box next to the line “I am familiar with the procedure for submitting an application electronically” and submit the application for consideration.

The application has been sent and will be accepted for some time, which you can review. You will also be notified about the successful acceptance of your application through the communication channels selected on the portal (SMS, E-mail).

All you have to do is pay the state fee, if you have not already done so, appear at the traffic police department on the appointed day and time, hand in your documents, wait for the inspector to inspect the car and receive a vehicle registration certificate, a PTS with a new entry and, possibly, new registration plates.

Fee for registering a car

Get a 30% discount when paying the fee for registering your car. Now the portal has the ability to pay fees online for government services. Until January 1, 2019, payment by bank card, electronic money or via mobile phone for vehicle registration is 595 rubles instead of 850 rubles. Read more.

How much money do you need to pay to the state to register a vehicle? Firstly, 500 rubles is the state fee for issuing a vehicle registration certificate. Secondly, making changes to a vehicle’s passport or even issuing a new title costs 350 and 800 rubles, respectively. And thirdly, getting new numbers or replacing old ones with new ones. It costs 2000 rubles. If the car is not new, then you can refuse this service and simply leave the old plates, saving money.
Thus, if you bought a used car and want to register it, provided that its PTS and license plates are in order and do not need to be replaced, the fee will be only 850 rubles (500 rubles vehicle certificate + 350 rubles change in PTS).
You can pay the fee at any branches of Sberbank or other banks, or through a terminal installed directly at the State Traffic Inspectorate branch.

Many Russians want to buy or already have, but want to replace their existing car. But there is a problem with registering with the traffic police, due to the consequences caused by the constant turnover of vehicles and the change of owners of the car.

Often, a car owner is forced to contact the traffic police several times because the car is not ready for registration. A large number of citizens with such problems leads to extreme workload of departments.
What to do to avoid these problems when registering a car with the traffic police?

You can download the application form to the traffic police to register your car using this link

The first thing to do is to prepare a document that confirms your right to property (purchase and sale agreement, or other documents provided for by law).

If you buy a car at a car dealership, they will draw up a contract for you right there; if not, then with the help of an entrepreneur. You can also draw up an agreement yourself, taking into account all the requirements of civil law.
With a signed contract, the new car owner must register the car at the nearest traffic police office within 10 days (after signing the purchase and sale agreement, or the validity period of the transit number).
Next, you need to submit an application to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for registration of the car, a sample form that you can find on the Internet. The inspector will need it when inspecting the car; in it he will make notes about the technical condition of the car and its compliance with the factory equipment.

So, if the design of the car has been subject to any changes (tinted windows, a replaced steering wheel (“non-original”), a bumper from another car, etc.), you will not be able to register it until all violations are eliminated, but changes can be made in full compliance with the requirements of Russian laws.

After checking the vehicle and eliminating all claims from the inspector, you need to insure your newly purchased car and obtain an OCAGO policy - an important document for registration. It is not necessary to immediately enter the license plate number into the policy; you can do this later, after registration or assignment. To accomplish all this, you need to contact any insurance agent, of which there are many now.

Having taken out insurance, you will need to pay the state fees charged for registering a car at a Sberbank branch or at another financial institution. The size of the state duty may vary, for example: if you decide to keep the license plate of the previous owner of the car, you will pay 500 rubles; when buying a new car or if the former car owner deregistered the car with the traffic police, the amount will already be 2,000 rubles.

However, there is one condition for registration with an old license plate: its symbols must be clearly visible, not wrinkled or repainted (which sometimes happens). The car is deregistered from the previous owner automatically after registration to the new owner, which means that in order to sell the car it is not at all necessary to deregister it in your region.