Pollock fish aspic. Jellied fish in tomato

Do you want to know how to make fish aspic in a tasty and simple way? Then you can read useful information on this topic right now.

It’s easier to cook, there are no such sharp bones as in preparing fish aspic.

Such jellied meat on the holiday table looks beautiful (a DIY masterpiece), mysterious, and you always want to taste it.

Jellied pike perch fish with gelatin

Meet a delicious and simple recipe for jellied pieces of pike perch with gelatin.

Preparing the recipe

  1. We have a medium sized walleye. We clean the fish from scales and entrails. We cut off all the fins near the abdomen with scissors and cut out the gills.

2. Cut off the fins along the ridge of the fish.

3. Cut off the head and tail of the fish.

4. Cut the fish into pieces the size as in the photo.

5. These are the pieces the pike perch should be cut into, with pieces 2-3 cm thick.

6. Now we need to prepare the broth. Pour water into the pan and put the head, tail, onion, bay leaves, black peppercorns, and salt.

7. As soon as the water in the pan boils, add other pieces of fish and cook for 20 minutes.

8. To clarify the broth, we need the whites of two eggs. Separate the white from the yolk and beat it a little.

As a tip: Lightened transparent jelly is called lanspig. To get this jelly, you need to mix dissolved gelatin with chilled broth (2 egg whites and 1 glass of broth).

9. Take the cooked fish into a plate.

10. Pour the whipped whites into the broth and stir. Boil the broth with the whites a little.

12. Pour the cooled broth into a jug, add gelatin and stir. Leave it to swell.

13. We begin to assemble the dish. The aspic should be beautiful. Separate the fish meat from the bones and place it on a dish, add cut quail eggs, add boiled shrimp, olives cut into rings. Place lemon half rings along the edge of the dish (in a circle). Add parsley leaves.

14. Then carefully pour the broth with gelatin, first onto a spoon, and then over all parts of the plate.

15. The recipe is finished. We put the New Year's jellied meat in the refrigerator to set.

Jellied fish (carp) “Gift of Neptune” with gelatin


  • 2 kg carp
  • 3 sweet green peppers
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of gelatin
  • 1/4 egg
  • 1 onion
  • Paprika and salt - to taste

Cooking method

  1. Cut the fish into fillets with boneless skin.
  2. Carefully remove the core and cut into portions.
  3. Make a strong broth from the waste, adding onions, paprika, and salt.
  4. Then add pieces of fish to the broth and cook until done.
  5. Carefully remove the fillet, strain the broth, add gelatin to it. Stir.
  6. Place the pieces on a dish, pour over the prepared jelly and let it cool.
  7. Before serving the jellied carp, garnish with chopped green peppers, tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs (or as in the photo).

You can decorate carp aspic in different ways as your imagination allows.

Jellied fish without gelatin - recipe with stuffed carp pieces

Check out this delicious and original recipe for stuffed fish aspic. If any of the readers have made it or tried it at a party, please respond, I would like to know your opinion. I consider this recipe to be a masterpiece in the creativity of aspic dishes.


  • Carp – 3 – 3.5 kg (2 pcs.)
  • Onions - 3 pcs.

  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Milk 200 ml
  • Loaf - crumb
  • Parsley, bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice, cloves, cumin, fish seasoning, garlic, sugar, salt


  1. Cutting the fish: First, remove scales and mucus and rinse with cold water. Then we cut the abdomen from the head to the anus and remove the entrails. We remove the black films from inside the abdomen. Remove the gills from the head.

If carelessness was allowed during gutting and bile spilled, the fish must be washed immediately, and the area where the bile got in should be rubbed with salt and rinsed thoroughly again.

2. The cut fish should be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel.

3. Cut off the heads and tails of the carp and place them separately on a plate.

4. Place carp carcasses cut into pieces on another plate.

5. Our further goal is to separate the skin from the meat and remove it. We take a piece with a tail, stick a knife in and move it around the circumference of the piece, thereby cutting off the skin from the meat piece.

6. Pull off all the skin of the fish from the tail.

7. Then cut off the bone with a knife.

8. We are left with a fish tail with skin, but the inside is empty.

9. We do the same with other pieces of fish - cut off the skin from the meat piece.

11. Place the bones from pieces without meat into a plate with heads and tails.

12. In front of you is a plate with the skin separated from the meaty pieces of fish.

13. Look, the skin is not completely bare, there are also meaty areas on it - this is also good and so be it.

14. Place the heads, tails and bones with the cut meat on the bottom of an empty pan. Add peeled onions, carrots, bay leaves and all the spices.

15. Fill with water, add a little salt and cook for 30 minutes, after boiling. Then we take out the fish and strain the broth through a sieve with gauze, we really need it.

Cooking minced meat in aspic

16. Cut out the crumb from a piece of loaf and crumble it into a plate.

17. Pour milk over the loaf crumbs.

18. Knead a little with a fork and set aside for swelling.

19. Chop the parsley sprigs with a knife, as in the photo.

20. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and place in a dish.

21. Using a meat grinder, grind the fish meat and onions evenly.

22. Create minced meat for stuffing from the following ingredients: grated carrots, minced fish, 2 raw eggs, onions, swollen loaf pulp, fish seasoning, chopped parsley, a little garlic, a pinch of sugar, salt. Mix everything thoroughly.

Stuffing the fish skin

23. Stuff the fish skin with the prepared minced meat. In front of you is a voluminous piece of stuffed tail.

24. Stuff the rest of the carp skin, forming voluminous pieces.

25. Use your fingers to press on the stuffed piece so that it is firmer and neater.

26. This is what the stuffed skin looks like. Externally, it looks like sliced ​​​​pieces of ordinary fish.

27. Place the stuffed pieces on the bottom of the pan and fill with strained broth.

28. Pour in the broth so that it covers the fish and cook for 30 minutes. If you have any broth left, do not pour it into the sink, but pour it onto a plate, it will thicken and you can eat it with pleasure, even without fish.

29. 30 minutes have passed, turn off the heat, take out the pieces of fish, put them in different plates and see that the minced meat has not fallen out, that’s how it should be.

Forming the aspic

30. Add carrot slices to the fish pieces and pour broth from the pan. We wait for the broth to cool and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

31. After hardening, cut the jellied meat into beautiful pieces and form a festive dish.

We place a dish with stuffed pieces of carp without gelatin on the table and wait for the reaction from the guests.

Jellied perch with shrimp and gelatin - video

Garnishing the dish with shrimp and lemon slices is very simple and entertaining. Try it!

Jellied meat (aspic) “Goldfish” made from red fish


  • 1 kg of any red fish
  • 400 g fish trimmings
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • Bay leaf, black peppercorns, herbs, 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 packet of crushed gelatin
  • 2 egg whites
  • Capers or cucumber for garnish

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, add all the ingredients: red fish with trimmings, carrots, unpeeled onion, all the spices and cook for 30 minutes. The contents of the pan should be reduced by 1/4.
  2. Remove the fish from the broth and cut into small pieces.
  3. Strain the remaining broth through a fine sieve.
  4. Cut the carrots into slices.
  5. Take gelatin and soak in cold water for a few minutes.
  6. Beat the whites into a thick foam.
  7. Place the broth on gas and bring to a boil, add gelatin and whipped egg whites. Bring the broth back to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Then strain through cheesecloth.
  8. Place a piece of fish into the prepared molds, garnish with carrot slices, cucumber slices or capers (or as in the photo), herbs and pour clear broth from a spoon in two or three additions to secure the decorations.
  9. Then pour an even layer of broth over all the molds again and place in the refrigerator to set.

The dish is ready and can be placed on the festive table.

Cod jellied “Kingdom of Poseidon”


  • 1 kg cod
  • Boiled vegetables, boiled eggs, lemon, herbs - for decoration

Cooking method

The fish will not slip out of your hands when cleaning if you rub your fingers with salt.

  1. Boil the cleaned fish and prepare a strong jelly from the broth.
  2. Take a large shallow pan and fill it with crushed ice.
  3. Place tall glasses or glasses in the pan. These will be the fish molds.
  4. Pour jelly into them little by little, laying various boiled vegetables, pre-cut into pieces of various shapes, along the walls. Place fish pieces in the very middle

Let the aspic stand for 2 hours to harden, and then place it on a large plate, turning it upside down.

Jellied fish fillet (hake, pollock, navaga)


  • 1 kg of fish fillet (hake, pollock, navaga)
  • 50 g gelatin
  • 2 jars of mayonnaise
  • 20 g lemon juice
  • Parsley roots, celery, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 6 bay leaves, vegetables for decoration, herbs

Cooking method

  1. Clean the fish. Wash the waste, but do not throw it away.
  2. Pour cold water over the waste, add parsley, roots, onions, carrots and bring to a boil over high heat. When it boils, reduce the gas and cook for another 1 hour.
  3. Place pieces of fish into the hot broth and cook for some more time. Once the fish is ready, remove it from the pan, strain the broth through a sieve and let cool. There should be about 1 liter of broth left.
  4. Place gelatin in the broth for 30 - 40 minutes, then heat, stirring constantly, but do not bring to a boil. Now the broth needs to be clarified. Now carefully read the rules for preparing transparent jelly for jellied fish:

To clarify, pour vinegar or lemon juice into the hot broth. To strain, take the fish juice obtained during thawing and 2 raw eggs, mix it all well and dilute with five equal parts of cold broth.

Place the hot broth on low heat again and pour the guy into it in a thin stream. Bring to a boil and once it boils, turn the heat to low. After 15 - 20 minutes the guy will settle to the bottom. Take the broth and strain through a napkin. Hot jelly is ready.

Pour some hot and clear jelly for further decoration.

5. Cool the finished fish, remove all bones and cut into pieces.

6. When the jelly has cooled, add mayonnaise to it and mix well. Leave a little jelly for decoration. Place the fish pieces in a large dish, decorate as desired and spread the jelly. Let the dish harden a little in the cold and pour the jelly and mayonnaise left on top for decoration.

7. Now that everything is ready, you can start decorating. Fresh or pickled cucumbers, boiled carrots or potatoes, bell peppers or peas, tomatoes, olives, radishes, eggs, lemon, and herbs are suitable for this.

8. In the transparent jelly that you left for decoration, moisten the vegetable slices and place them on the surface. Then carefully pour the remaining jelly into the dish and let it harden completely.

Jellied fish “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”


  • 160 g sturgeon
  • Lemon
  • Carrot
  • 130 g ready-made jelly
  • Greens and sauce - horseradish

Preparing the recipe

  1. Boil the fish fillet, cool and cut into pieces.
  2. Pour a thin layer of jelly onto a baking sheet or large shallow pan and let set. Place pieces of fish on top of it so that there are small gaps between them.
  3. Garnish with herbs, carrots, lemon. Strengthen with frozen jelly. Carefully pour in the remaining jelly until the layer is just under 1cm thick.
  4. When the dish has completely hardened, remove it from the baking sheet and cut into small portions, including pieces of fish.

Serve the aspic on a platter with or without a vegetable garnish. Serve horseradish sauce separately.

How to prepare fish jellied fish from silver carp - video

The article is over and I would really like you to like it and, as a result of your culinary activities, not just appetizing jellied meats, jellied meats and jellies, but creative masterpieces to appear on the festive table.


Pollock belongs to the fish of the cod family. Therefore, its taste gives dishes some bitterness, which it is advisable to soften with acid.
Any pollock will do - fillet, whole, and even hake!

The components of "Pollock aspic" are simple:
- fish fillet (pollock or hake),
- onion,
- carrot,
- lemon,
- peppercorns, bay leaf,
- gelatin.

Let's place our pollock in a cooking pot. If it just doesn’t fit, cut it into the necessary pieces. Immediately (so as not to forget, add onions and carrots. Onions are desirable, but carrots are a must big pieces!).

Cook pollock - bring to a boil, with we take off the foam(we still make aspic - so that the broth is transparent), add bay leaf, peppercorns, salt - half a teaspoon - and reduce the heat - wait half an hour - let the broth cook.
Remember - peppercorns and other niceties are added only after the foam has been removed. Otherwise, you will scoop out the peppercorns along with the foam.

The pollock is ready - cooked!

And let it sit (if you don’t want to deal with pollock or just have other things to do) for a couple of hours.
The broth must cool!

Now, as in that saying - the fish is separate, the broth is separate.
Let's fish the pollock onto a plate and strain the broth into another pan - from the pepper, onion and bay leaf. We'll catch the carrots and we'll need them.

The broth has cooled down - if you stick your finger into it, you feel warmth, not burning. (Aesthetes may not stick their finger in, but simply apply it to “another pan”).
Pour a pack of gelatin into the broth.

But keep in mind - gelatin is poured only into warm liquid! Otherwise the gelatin won't do its job!
The calculation is this: 25 grams of gelatin per liter of broth. For the next half liter, 15 grams. And so on!
Pour gelatin packets into warm bouillon.
Then the gelatin needs to be diluted - shaken in other words - stirred (with a fork) until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

All that remains is to pour the broth over our fish.
Not everything is simple either. Place the fish on the bottom of the plates (enough plates!) and pour
Broth so that he just covered our pollock.
Add what you have on hand - lemon slices, a few cranberries (remember! - sourness suits cod better!), pickled cucumber slices. True, pickled cucumber, despite its taste, looks more like squalor than taste.
A chopped egg will also decorate the aspic.
We cut the carrots (which were cooked in the “broth”) nicely and also put them on a plate.
Pay attention - we post it to the bottom and fill it in?

How to cook delicious fish aspic. What fish to use for it. Do I need gelatin? Recipes for fish aspic and options for decorating it.

Fish aspic is a classic appetizer on the New Year's table. Depending on the hostess’s cooking abilities and her imagination, this dish may resemble a French restaurant dish or the disgusting thing mentioned in “The Irony of Fate.”

There are several secrets to preparing truly tasty and presentable jellied fish. It wouldn’t hurt to know them if you plan to serve this appetizer on the holiday table.

What kind of fish is jellied fish made from?

A similar dish, which is now called jellied fish, appeared on the tables of peasants a very, very long time ago. Then, when it was necessary to feed a large peasant family cheaply and from practically nothing, they began to prepare jellies from fish and meat.

  1. It turns out that if you cook these products (meat with bones, fish with fins and scales), the broth begins to thicken and, when cooled, turns into a jelly-like mass
  2. The broth was made not only from fish. Vegetables and herbs were also added there
  3. Boiled fish and vegetables were crushed to form the so-called kroshenina. It was added to jelly
    It must be said that this dish did not look too beautiful - it was grayish-green and cloudy. The taste of the jelly was also specific
  4. Everything changed dramatically in the 18th century, when French cuisine came into fashion. And the French already at that time knew how to cook beautiful, tasty and expensive aspic, which only nobles and merchants could afford to enjoy.
    The cloudy, rich broth that spoiled the presentability of the aspic was replaced by lanspik. Lanspik was prepared from fish and vegetables, then additionally thickened with gelatin, lightened with the help of special delays, for example, egg white, tinted with turmeric, etc. The aspic turned out amber and transparent
  5. Fish and vegetables were no longer chopped. They were carefully cut, the most beautiful and appetizing pieces were laid out for display.
  6. In French cuisine, aspic must be decorated before serving.

IMPORTANT: Today, the housewife has an alternative - to whip up worker-peasant jelly, which, obviously, not everyone dares to try, or to spend time and put in some effort to please loved ones with a real delicacy

Jelly from cut fish, cooked in a slow cooker.

The first and one of the most important questions when preparing fish aspic is what it can actually be made from. Traditionally, in Russia, valuable varieties of fish were used for this dish. Jelly was prepared from river fish. Today, almost everything is filled:

  1. River fish - trout, perch, carp, sterlet, pike, bream, pike perch, podust, sturgeon
  2. Sea fish - pink salmon, pollock, perch, salmon, mackerel, trout
  3. Seafood

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to prepare aspic from fresh fish or one that has been dry-frozen. If there is a lot of water in it, the carcass will simply crumble during prolonged cooking.

VIDEO: Jellied fish

How to prepare broth for fish aspic?

Preparing the right broth for jellied fish is not so easy. You need to know certain subtleties. For example:

  1. Fish for broth can be cooked whole or cut
  2. To avoid the need to use additional thickeners (gelatin), the head, tail of the fish and its parts with fins should be cooked for about 2 hours
  3. If you plan to use gelatin, the cooking time is reduced to 1 hour
  4. Along with the fish, onions, carrots, peppercorns and bay leaves are boiled. It's better to put them in a gauze bag
    Sometimes the broth for aspic from fish heads and tails is cooked separately from the fillet. Then he will be more beautiful
  5. The broth is boiled under the lid, but if it seems too weak, you can simmer it for some time without it

IMPORTANT: Broth for aspic is always cooked from only one type of fish. If the dish is flaky, for example, from several types of fish and seafood, use broth from one ingredient, the rest are boiled separately

After cooking the broth, it is sometimes necessary to clarify it. For this use:

  1. A raw egg. It is thoroughly washed and carefully broken. You need whipped egg whites and crushed shells. They are mixed and poured into the boiling broth. After two to three minutes, the base for the aspic is filtered through a cloth or several layers of gauze. It turns out transparent
  2. Fish caviar. It is ground and added to the broth that has cooled to 50 degrees. Next, bring the broth to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes, then strain

IMPORTANT: If the base for jellied fish seems too colorless or grayish, you can tint it with spinach juice or turmeric

How to decorate jellied fish?

When it comes to fish aspic, the taste and appearance of the dish are equally important. The options for decorating it are endless. The main thing is to have imagination.

  1. Molds. You can serve the aspic in a dish or remove it. This could be a standard oval dish, round muffin tins, small dessert molds, bowls, even egg shells
  2. Seafood. With fish in aspic you can present squid tentacles, shrimp, mussel meat, caviar
  3. Vegetables. These are green peas, carrots, capers and gherkins, bell peppers, tomatoes, olives and black olives.
  4. Berries and fruits. Red currants, cranberries, lemon and grapefruit give the original sourness to the aspic.
  5. Any greens

IMPORTANT: Carrots for jellied fish can simply be cut into slices. But it will turn out very beautiful if the cutting is curly

Jellied fish in the shape of... a fish.


RECIPE: Fish head aspic

From a minimum amount of inexpensive ingredients you can create a real masterpiece! For this aspic, you can take the head of a silver carp, since it is quite large. This part of the carcass, which many housewives consider a by-product, contains a lot of edible and healthy properties, for example, omega three fatty acid.

You need: fish head (silver carp), onion – 1 pc., carrots – 1 pc., bay leaf, peppercorns, salt; eggs, green peas, greens for decoration.

  1. The silver carp head is washed. The gills must be removed, as they give the broth bitterness. If the head is large, it can be divided into two halves
  2. The head is placed in cold water so that it is covered by 2-3 cm
  3. Wash and peel onions and carrots. They, along with a bay leaf and several peppercorns, are placed in a gauze bag on a string (then it will be easier to remove from the broth)
  4. The bag is lowered into water to the head and begins to cook over low heat.
  5. When the broth boils, remove the foam from it
  6. When foam stops forming, cover the pan with a lid.
  7. Boil the head for an hour and a half
  8. It is recommended to add salt to the broth in 3-4 stages
  9. When the base for the aspic has cooled slightly, I remove the fish and a bag of vegetables from it, then filter it, lighten it and tint it if necessary.
  10. Boneless meat is selected from the head, cut into beautiful pieces and laid out in molds (one large or several portions)
  11. Pour broth over the fish, decorate the aspic with chopped carrots, peas, hard-boiled chicken eggs, and herbs
  12. The dish hardens in the refrigerator for 3 hours

RECIPE: Fish aspic without gelatin

Jellied pike perch, prepared without adding gelatin, turns out so tender that it literally melts in your mouth.

You need: pike perch - 1 kg, onions and carrots - 1 piece each, celery root - a 6-8 cm piece, peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves; for decoration - quail eggs - 6 pcs., green onions, herbs, olives, cranberries or red currants.

  1. The pike perch carcass should be cleaned and cut - remove the entrails, gills and eyes
  2. The head, tail and parts with fins are separated from the carcass. They are filled with 1.5 liters of water and a classic set of vegetables is added.
  3. Cook the jelly from these parts for about 2 hours. All foam must be skimmed off, and the broth being prepared should be salted to taste.
  4. At this time, prepare the fillet. It can be boiled for 15 minutes or baked in foil. Cut the pike perch fillet so that the pieces are even and neat
  5. The cooked broth is filtered through gauze folded in four.
  6. To make the dish beautiful, it can be presented in several stages. At the first stage, a small amount of broth is poured into a mold and sent to the refrigerator to harden. Place pieces of pike perch fillet, quail eggs cut in half or slices, halves or slices of olives, red berries, and greens onto the frozen layer of jelly. Then pour it all over with the remaining broth and send it to cool.

IMPORTANT: To prevent boiled fish from falling apart, it should be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours before slicing and sending to aspic.

VIDEO: Jellied fish CARP

RECIPE STEP BY STEP: fish aspic with gelatin

Jellied fish, such as bream, will be more elastic and dense if gelatin is added to it. In addition, the broth cooking time is then significantly reduced.

Fish aspic with gelatin.

You need: fish – 1 kg, gelatin – 2 tbsp. spoons, vegetables for aspic; vegetables, eggs and herbs to decorate the dish.

  1. The fish is washed, cleaned and cut according to the scheme
  2. Broth is prepared from its parts and vegetables that have thickening properties.
  3. Gelatin is diluted according to instructions and left to swell
  4. Boil fish fillets separately for 20 minutes.
  5. When the tail and head of the fish have been boiled for 45-60 minutes, turn off the broth. Once cooled, it is filtered
  6. The broth is put back on the stove. Add swollen gelatin to it. The broth is only brought to a boil, but not boiled
  7. Boiled pieces of fish and products selected for decoration are carefully poured with broth with gelatin, and the dish is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

RECIPE: Silver carp river fish jellied

Silver carp is a low-fat river fish that contains a lot of protein and vitamins. The aspic made from it will be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Jellied silver carp river fish.

You need: silver carp carcass, vegetables for broth, gelatin; greens and other products to decorate the dish.

  1. The silver carp is washed, cleaned and gutted
  2. For the broth, take the head, tail, parts with fins, for the aspic itself - fillet about 300-400 g. The rest of the fillet can be used for frying, baking, fish cutlets
  3. The broth is boiled for 45 minutes, cooled as standard, filtered, clarified
  4. Boil the fillets separately for 30 minutes.
  5. Gelatin is diluted. When it swells, dissolve it in the cooled and reheated broth
  6. Pieces of fillet and products for decoration are poured with broth. Allow the fish jellied meat to harden in the refrigerator

VIDEO: Trout aspic with shrimp

RECIPE: Red fish aspic

Red fish is considered a healthful delicacy. Any variety is suitable for aspic, for example, chum salmon, trout or salmon.

Needed: salmon - 1 kg, vegetables for broth; squid tentacles, shrimp, quail eggs, peas, red berries for decoration.

  1. Cook the salmon broth for 20 minutes. You need to remove and cut up the fish, and thicken the broth with gelatin
  2. Separately cooked shrimp, squid tentacles, vegetables, herbs and pieces of salmon are placed in the mold and filled with broth. However, the decor of jellied red fish can be anything, more on that later

RECIPE: Salted fish aspic

Anyone who believes that salted herring is eaten only with potatoes, or is made into “Shuba”, is greatly mistaken. For variety, you can make aspic from this fish.

You need: salted herring - 1 pc., fish broth (or meat) - 0.5 l, vegetables, herbs, eggs, berries, lemon for decoration.

  1. Obviously, the broth for jellied herring is cooked separately from any other fish, chicken or tongue. Gelatin is used as a thickener. Since the herring itself is very salty, the broth for pouring it is not salted
  2. The herring is cleaned, the bones are removed, and the fillet is cut into neat small pieces (those who don’t know how can buy pre-cut fish)
  3. Boil carrots for decoration for 5 minutes
  4. Eggs are also boiled separately
  5. Lemon cut into quarters of rings
  6. Present the dish and cool it to a jelly-like consistency

IMPORTANT: Lemon is needed in jellied herring for beauty and to add sourness to the dish. You can either eat it or carefully leave it on the plate.

RECIPE WITH PHOTO: canned fish aspic

Jellied canned fish, such as sardines, is considered an economy class dish. You don’t need to spend a lot to prepare it. Unfortunately, you can’t call such fish jellied meat beautiful or festive: canned fish falls apart a lot.

Fish jellied meat with beetroot juice.

You can completely fill the fish with colored broth, then the jelly will turn out white, pinkish or reddish, or you can make a puff dish.

Stuffed fish aspic

Stuffed jellied fish (pike or carp, for example) is a dish in a dish that you will have to tinker with. But the result will be worth it - it will simply be swept from the festive table. You can pour the whole fish or its pieces.

You need: carp – 1 kg, onion – 2 pcs., carrots – 1 pc., peppercorns, bay leaf, toast – 2 pcs., egg – 1 pc.

  1. The fish is cleaned and disassembled
  2. Broth is made from the head and tail
  3. The rest of the carcass is cut into rings
  4. Carefully remove the pulp from them
  5. Peel the onion, cut it finely and sauté
  6. Toast soaked in warm water
  7. In a blender, grind and combine fish fillet, soaked toast, onion and egg. The resulting mass is salted and peppered
  8. Fill the fish pieces with minced meat and bake them in the oven for about an hour.
  9. I place the finished and cooled pieces of fish in a mold, add products for decoration, and pour in the cooled broth mixed with gelatin.
  10. This aspic sits in the refrigerator overnight

Fish aspic in a slow cooker

You can prepare the broth - the base for jellied fish - in a slow cooker. To do this, head, tail and parts of the carcass with fins:

  • the first 15 minutes are cooked in the “Soup” mode
  • cook for the next 2 hours in the “Stew” mode

VIDEO: Fish aspic in a pressure cooker

Pollock aspic rich in vitamins and minerals such as: choline - 13%, vitamin B12 - 54.3%, vitamin PP - 23%, potassium - 16.8%, magnesium - 13.8%, phosphorus - 30%, iodine - 100% , cobalt - 150%, copper - 13%, selenium - 28.9%, fluorine - 17.5%, chromium - 110%

What are the benefits of Pollock Jellied?

  • Kholin is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, and acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformation of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interconnected vitamins that are involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, and is necessary to maintain homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. A lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, an increased risk of developing hypertension and heart disease.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Iodine participates in the functioning of the thyroid gland, ensuring the formation of hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine). Necessary for the growth and differentiation of cells of all tissues of the human body, mitochondrial respiration, regulation of transmembrane transport of sodium and hormones. Insufficient intake leads to endemic goiter with hypothyroidism and slowing of metabolism, arterial hypotension, stunted growth and mental development in children.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Deficiency is manifested by disturbances in the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, and the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
  • Fluorine initiates bone mineralization. Insufficient consumption leads to caries, premature wear of tooth enamel.
  • Chromium participates in the regulation of blood glucose levels, enhancing the effect of insulin. Deficiency leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

Pieces of pollock or the whole fish are laid out in a mold with an egg, carrots or herbs and filled with fish jelly. In some cases, pieces of pollock are mixed together with the jelly and put in the cold until it hardens. Next are the variations:

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Name A country Original ingredient The essence of the recipe
Appetizer “Pollock Jellied with Egg” Russia Egg, bay leaf, parsley. Boiled fish, eggs, herbs are laid out in the mold, filled with broth with gelatin and put in the refrigerator until it hardens.
Jellied pollock recipe Russia Carrots, parsley, bay leaf, allspice. Boiled carrots and sprigs of herbs are laid out on pieces of boiled fish, filled with gelatin solution and cooled in a cold place. The gelatin solution is prepared from fish broth with onions, carrots, bay leaves, spices, and the addition of soaked gelatin.
Fish aspic Russia Carrots, roots, mayonnaise, bay leaf, herbs, lemon juice. The fish and fish jelly are mixed, poured with sauce (jelly with mayonnaise) and frozen in the refrigerator. Vegetables are dipped in jelly (prepared with a pull), laid out on the prepared aspic, filled with the remaining jelly and solidified again in the refrigerator.

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