Yandex main page Greek salad. Greek salad - classic step-by-step recipes with photos

If you ask different people what a classic Greek salad looks like, you won’t get a definite answer. Some will remember that all the ingredients in this appetizer are cut very coarsely. Others say that the salad contains tomatoes, black olives and feta cheese. And still others will say that this light appetizer is the very embodiment and quintessence of refinement. In a Greek salad, it is not customary to give free rein to culinary imagination. The most a cook can do is replace feta with another similar cheese, add lettuce, or increase the calorie content of the snack by adding fried chicken breast or boiled shrimp. In this article we will look at how to make a classic Greek salad without going beyond the canon. Below you will read the most correct step-by-step recipe, supplemented with photographs. We will also show you how to subtly diversify the dish so that it is recognizable as “Horiatic” and not something else.


What should the world famous and very popular Greek salad consist of? The classic recipe is very strict in this regard. We definitely need fresh ripe tomatoes. And these should not be cherry tomatoes or yellow vegetables, but real, full-fledged red tomatoes - three pieces. Let's stock up on the same amount of fresh cucumbers. They can be small - their taste should not dominate. It is intended only to add freshness to the entire dish. An inexperienced cook may think that it is better to take pitted olives for a salad - eaters do not risk breaking their teeth. But that's not true. For Choriatika, choose only large black olives with pits. You will need three hundred grams of these olives or a jar of canned ones. An indispensable ingredient of the appetizer is red salad onion. It has no bitterness, on the contrary, it is even slightly sweet. The only spices we add are black pepper, salt and dry oregano. And you need to season the salad with real extra virgin olive oil.

Her Majesty feta

The dominant taste of a classic Greek salad is this cheese. It only resembles our cheese in shape and consistency. But Greek feta cheese is special. Made from goat or sheep milk, it has a delicate flavor that absolutely does not overshadow the vegetables and other ingredients of the snack. On the contrary, feta favorably emphasizes the ripeness of tomatoes, the freshness of cucumbers and the spiciness of olives. But feta cheese and Adygei cheese have a too sharp and sour or salty taste. The entire harmony of “Horiatic” will be disrupted if you replace feta with some domestic ersatz. When arranging a salad, cheese and vegetables are not mixed in the classic recipe. When everything is ready, carefully place the feta cubes on top. As for dressing, for the same reasons you should not replace olive oil with sunflower, corn or rapeseed oil.

Greek salad. Step-by-step classic recipe

It's very easy to make this appetizer, which is served in the finest restaurants around the world. Even a novice cook, if he follows the recipe, will cope with this task perfectly. The main and indispensable condition for preparation is that all ingredients must be chopped coarsely. The only exception is the red salad onion, which must be chopped into thin rings. Choriatiki gives the impression of a simple collection of the freshest vegetables, so according to the classic recipe, the Greek salad does not even need to be mixed. So, we take a dish - rather deep than flat - and start cooking. First, coarsely chop the tomatoes and cucumbers. Shake out the onion rings on them. Place olives on top. Please note that we do not remove the seeds according to the classic recipe. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and half a teaspoon of dry oregano. Spread feta cheese cut into large cubes. Pour the dish with 50-70 milliliters of olive oil.

Recipe with bell pepper

Photos of the classic Greek salad often show the appetizer as a multi-colored mixture of red, green, white, black and yellow ingredients. What gives the dish its final touch? This is a sweet bell pepper. In principle, you can take a red, green, and white pod. This will not affect the taste. But for beauty, for a harmonious palette, it is better to take yellow or orange pepper. Cut off the stalk, remove all the seeds, wash, and cut diagonally into large strips. We place the appetizer in the following order. Place tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and onions in a salad bowl. Pour four tablespoons of olive oil into a jar with a lid. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Salt, sprinkle with black pepper and dry oregano. Screw on the lid and shake the jar vigorously until the dressing turns into an emulsion. Pour the sauce over the salad. Then we put feta and olives on top. Let's serve. In Greece itself, this salad is called “Village”.

Recipe with lettuce leaves

This delicious light snack is often served on lettuce leaves. This makes it similar to the no less famous Caesar. But lettuce leaves are different. Some have a pronounced spicy or nutty taste, others are neutral, and others, like Iceberg, have crunchy properties. We need those with more juice. The salad itself has enough of it. Let us remember that the ingredients include ripe tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, and olives add liquid with their marinade. To make all the components look organic, let’s use Iceberg lettuce as a “stand” for Choriatiki. Romaine leaves will also work. But the recipe does not recommend adding arugula and other herbs to a classic Greek salad. Their strong taste can disrupt the delicate harmony of the dish. Lettuce leaves can be used not only as a bowl in which to put a snack. But then you need to tear them into large pieces by hand. When should they be added? We cut tomatoes, peeled cucumbers and onions. We tear two medium lettuce leaves with our hands. Mix the mass. Place olives and cheese on it. Season with sauce.

Classic Greek salad with Chinese cabbage

Shred a small head of cabbage into large strips. To restore freshness, it is advisable to wash Chinese cabbage with ice water and dry quickly. Considering that ripe tomatoes will inevitably release juice, it is better to get rid of excess liquid. Beijing cabbage, even cut into pieces, will be the bottom layer. Place red tomatoes, cut into large slices, on a light green mat. Peel the cucumbers. This green layer will “lie” on the red tomatoes. Red or orange pepper, cut into thick strips, will go on top. Sprinkle it all with sweet onion rings. Add black olives and feta. The classic recipe for Greek salad with Chinese cabbage recommends dressing the appetizer with a sauce of olive oil, the juice of half a lemon and dry oregano with salt and black pepper. This dish is served without stirring.

Greek salad with an Italian twist

This appetizer only deviates slightly from the canon. Instead of dry oregano - a typical spice of Hellas - we will use fresh basil, which is very popular in Italy. It should be remembered that a plant with purple leaves is more spicy, with a strong aroma, and one with green leaves - less so. How to prepare, that is, in what order to put the ingredients in such a Greek salad? The classic recipe has the following instructions in this regard. First, chop the sweet onion into half rings. Mash, salt, sprinkle with a few drops of balsamic vinegar (it can be replaced with wine). We tear Lollo Rossa or Iceberg (several leaves) with our hands... You can do it differently. If you are using lettuce leaves as a bowl, line the bottom of the dish with them. We lay cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes on them in layers. Salt. Then place half rings of pickled onions. Feta, black olives and basil complete the garnish of the appetizer. Dress Greek salad with classic extra virgin olive oil.

Recipe using white cabbage

Unlike the Beijing sister, our “queen of the vegetable garden” is tougher and juicier. Therefore, it needs to be chopped as thin as possible. You will need half a small head of cabbage. Shredded cabbage should be mashed with your hands to release juice and soften the vegetable. Two peeled carrots, grated with large shavings, will also help. Next, the classic recipe for Greek salad with cabbage recommends adding the usual set of vegetables. You can also include yellow or orange bell pepper in the list of ingredients. Tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, olives and feta are required in this dish. Don't forget to salt the salad and sprinkle it with ground black pepper and dry oregano. Season the appetizer with olive oil mixed with lemon juice. And although white cabbage and carrots make this dish little like a Greek salad, the classic recipe allows for such a small Slavic liberty.

Feta, fetax, cheese - are substitutions allowed?

A rich person who has access to all products will say that any classic dish uses only those ingredients that are listed in the recipe. But a good cook, who is forced to exist in conditions of import substitution, will be able to create a delicious Greek salad even using Druzhba processed cheese. And the snack will be even more authentic if you use a product such as fetaxa in it. Despite the similarity of the names, this cheese differs from the one prescribed in the classic recipe for Greek salad. Feta is made from sheep's milk with the addition of goat's milk. This cheese is almost unsalted, very tender, with a loose consistency. Fetaxa is a cheaper option. The cheese is made from cow's and sheep's milk. It is similar to feta in its delicate consistency. But it is sharply distinguished by its too salty taste. This is what fetaxa has in common with feta cheese. Is it possible to replace delicate sheep cheese with such ersatzes? Does Greek salad with fetax even have a right to exist? The classic recipe allows for such a substitution. But given the taste of such an analogue, you need to salt the dish very carefully.

We increase the nutritional value of the dish

Greek salad is considered a very light snack. It is usually served with a hot dish of fish or meat. But we can get by with just one salad for lunch if we increase its calorie content. How? Here is one of the recipes for a hearty dish. Cover the dish with lettuce leaves. Strain a jar of sardines from the oil. Cut the fish in half and place on the leaves. Place cucumbers, tomatoes, and pitted black olives on top. We make a dressing from olive oil, wine vinegar (or lemon juice), salt, oregano. Place feta cubes on top. Decorate the dish with sprigs of purple basil and capers.

Chicken recipe

Bring the breast or fillet to full readiness. It can be boiled, fried in oil or grilled. Considering the neutral taste of this type of meat, we prepare a classic “Greek” salad with fetaxa. The saltiness of the cheese will be balanced by the chicken. We arrange the products in the same way as in a salad with canned sardines. Place the meat cut into lengthwise pieces on lettuce leaves. Place onion rings, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, olives, cheese on top. Let's do it a little differently. To the olive oil, lemon juice, oregano and salt, add one more ingredient - a finely chopped clove of garlic.

Did you know that the classic Greek salad, the step-by-step recipe for which you read above, was included in the Guinness Book of Records? And all thanks to the residents of the Cretan town of Ierapetra. In 2010, they spared no effort and created a Greek salad that weighed more than twelve tons. The Cretans estimate that eight hundred kilograms of first-class feta were used to create this dish. Since you know the recipe for this delicious appetizer, you too can make something epic at home called Greek Salad.

Traditionally, cucumbers, tomatoes, olives and peppers are added to Greek salad, and olive oil is used for dressing. The main component of the salad is feta cheese. Sheep and goat milk is used to make this cheese.

For this salad, vegetables are cut into large cubes rather than chopped. In Greece, cucumbers for salad are peeled and the ingredients are mixed before eating.

Making Greek salad is a fairly simple process. It can be an appetizer or a side dish for a dish of meat or fish.

Time consumption – 15 min.

Number of servings - 6.

Ingredients for classic Greek salad:

  1. 200 grams of feta cheese.
  2. 4 tomatoes.
  3. 2 cucumbers.
  4. 2 sweet peppers.
  5. Red onion.
  6. Lemon juice.
  7. 80 grams of pitted olives.
  8. Olive oil.
  9. Parsley, celery, basil.
  10. Garlic.
  11. Salt.

How to make classic Greek salad

This salad is very easy to prepare. The peculiarity of Greek salad is its beautiful appearance. You need to try to cut the vegetables nicely and evenly.

The bottom of the vessel is covered with lettuce leaves. Vegetables are cut into large rings and carefully placed in a container. There is no need to stir Greek salad, so you can use your imagination when decorating. For example, pieces of pepper are laid out along the edges of the salad bowl, and cucumbers and tomatoes are placed in the center, or make some kind of shape out of tomatoes. It all depends on your desire and ingenuity. You can use your imagination and create with your dish.

The salad is sprinkled with olives, cheese, pre-cut into cubes and herbs. With the help of basil you can add a special piquancy to the salad. Parsley or cilantro would also work. Dress the salad with olive oil and lemon juice. At the end it is salted and peppered.

  1. It is recommended to divide the feta cheese or feta cheese into several parts. One part is cut into small pieces and added to the salad after the olives. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed (it should look like a salad with sour cream). The rest of the cheese is added before the end of the cooking process, as a garnish. It is cut into large cubes, which are laid out on top.
  2. It is also recommended to divide the lettuce leaves into several parts. It is better to decorate the salad with beautiful and large leaves after preparing it: using a spoon, you need to lift the salad and slip the leaves under it.
  3. The onion is peeled and divided into several parts. Cut it into thin half rings. One part is finely chopped, put into a salad and mixed with other ingredients, and the second part is left to decorate the salad.

Number of servings – 4.

Ingredients for Greek salad with chicken:

  1. 0.3 cups red wine vinegar.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. olive oil.
  3. 1 tbsp. l. chopped fresh oregano leaves.
  4. 1 tsp. dried ground garlic.
  5. Salt.
  6. ¼ tsp. black pepper.
  7. 6 cups romaine lettuce.
  8. Chicken breast – 500 grams.
  9. 2 tomatoes.
  10. 1 cucumber.
  11. Half a glass of red onion.
  12. Half a glass of pitted olives.
  13. Half a glass of Feta cheese.

Making Greek salad with chicken

Place the chicken fillet in a frying pan, add salted water and bring to a boil. Then cover the frying pan with a lid, reduce the heat, and simmer the chicken for 15 minutes. It needs to be cooled and cut into small cubes.

Lettuce leaves are cut into small pieces, you should get about 6 cups. Cucumbers and tomatoes are cut into small cubes. The onion is finely chopped. Olives are cut into circles.

In a container, mix oregano with vinegar, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. Then the salad with chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and olives is mixed in a container with sauce. The ingredients are sprinkled with crumbled cheese on top and mixed again.

Cooking time – half an hour.

Number of servings – 4.

Ingredients for Greek salad with pasta and tuna:

  1. Tuna – 230 grams.
  2. 3 cups farfalle (butterfly) paste.
  3. Salt.
  4. Vegetable oil.
  5. 1.5 cups cucumbers.
  6. 90 grams of Feta cheese.
  7. ¼ cup boneless olives.
  8. ¼ cup red onion.
  9. 12 cherry tomatoes.
  10. ¼ cup lemon juice.
  11. 2 tsp. olive oil.
  12. 1 tsp. dried oregano.
  13. ¼ tsp. black pepper.

Making Greek Salad with Pasta and Tuna

First, boil the pasta in salted water. After cooking, drain off excess water, rinse the pasta with cool water and place in a deep bowl.

The tuna is salted and placed on a grill or barbecue grate, which is greased with vegetable oil. Fry each side of the tuna for 5 minutes. Transfer to a plate and cool. The tuna is cut into small pieces and mixed with pasta.

The ingredients are mixed with cucumbers, cut into small pieces, feta cheese, red onion, cut into small pieces, olives, cut into circles and cherry tomatoes, cut into two halves.

In another bowl, mix oregano with lemon juice, olive oil, black pepper and salt. The salad is sprinkled with the resulting dressing and mixed.

Cooking time – half an hour.

Number of servings – 4.

Ingredients of Greek salad with spinach:

  1. Half of the romaine lettuce.
  2. 1 bunch of spinach.
  3. 3 tomatoes.
  4. Half a salad onion.
  5. Half a cucumber.
  6. Half a bell pepper.
  7. 200 grams of cheese.
  8. 12 olives.
  9. 3 tbsp. l. olive oil.
  10. 1 tsp. marjoram.
  11. Salt.
  12. 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Making Greek spinach salad

Head lettuce, spinach and tomatoes are cut into slices. The cucumber is cut into two halves and cut into thin slices. Onions and bell peppers are cut into rings. The cheese is cut into cubes, and the marjoram is finely crumbled.

Mix the salad with spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, onion and pepper in a bowl. The salad is sprinkled with cheese, olives and marjoram.

To prepare the seasoning, olive oil is mixed with lemon juice, salt and pepper. To complete the preparation, season the salad with seasoning.

How many salads do you know that are prepared very quickly and easily, and almost everyone likes the taste of the finished dish? So, regardless of your answer, I want to say that Greek salad is one of them. It is prepared easily, quickly and with relatively low financial costs.

Greek salad can be prepared for holidays and on weekdays; it never gets boring, and the plates with it empty before your eyes. Moreover, there are so many cooking options that you can prepare this salad every day. In addition, components that are not included in the original recipe are often added to this salad.

And, so that you can be convinced of the veracity of what is written above, I suggest you familiarize yourself with several classic recipes for this essentially light snack. We will look at different recipes with different dressings. In terms of time, it will take you about 10 minutes (plus or minus 5 minutes) to prepare a salad according to any of the recipes below.

Greek salad with croutons and chicken

This Greek salad recipe will appeal to chicken lovers, because it will be present in the composition. It shouldn't be in the original, but we'll still add the breast of this bird. For a light snack, this is the best preparation option.


  • chicken fillet (breast) - 120 gr.
  • pitted olives - 70 gr.
  • onions - 0.5 pcs.
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • green salad - 5 leaves
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Feta cheese - 100 gr.
  • bread - 5 slices
  • salt, Provençal herbs - to taste


1. Boil the chicken breast until done, no more than 15 minutes.

Alternatively, you can first cut the raw breast into cubes and then fry it in vegetable oil. This way the salad will be more satisfying.

Then cut it into cubes and set aside.

2. Cut off the crusts from the bread slices. Cut the crumb into cubes.

Fry them in vegetable oil or dry them a little in the oven.

3. Wash the lettuce leaves thoroughly and dry them. Place the leaves on a serving plate.

In general, Greek salad is always best made in portions.

4. Cucumbers and tomatoes are also cut and placed on top of the salad.

5. Next we place the bell pepper, previously peeled, washed and cut into cubes.

6. Finely chop the onion and place it on a plate with vegetables.

7. Add a little salt, and then lay out the chicken meat.

9. Now we need to cut the feta or Fetax cheese into a small cube. Then we place it on top of the chopped vegetables.

After cutting, do not put feta in water. Because its edges become washed out and it becomes ugly.

10. Sprinkle with crackers on top and sprinkle with a little olive oil.

11. Finally, sprinkle the finished salad with a mixture of Provencal herbs or oregano.

This is not quite the correct recipe. Try to cook it and, perhaps, you will like it in this variation more than prepared according to the original recipe. Bon appetit!

Recipe for a classic Greek salad with fetax (feta) just like in a restaurant

Can you have a classic Greek salad without fetax? That's right - it can't. Although it is often replaced with good cheese, we will look at this recipe a little later. And now, meet us - a classic of the genre, we cook it the way they cook it in many restaurants.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Fetaxa cheese - 100 gr.
  • tomatoes - 250 gr.
  • bell pepper - 150 gr.
  • cucumbers - 200 gr.
  • onion - 70 gr.
  • olives - 50 gr.
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • salt pepper


1. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into cubes. We put them in a salad bowl.

2. Wash the cucumbers as well, cut off the ends, cut them into half rings and place them in a new layer on top of the tomato cubes.

3. Core the pepper and cut it into strips. Place the pepper strips into a salad bowl.

4. The next layer will be peeled onions and cut into half rings.

5. Now let's prepare the Greek salad dressing. To do this, mix lemon juice with olive oil and stir.

6. Pour the resulting mixture into the salad and mix all the ingredients.

7. Cut the cheese into cubes and place it on top of the salad. Then we decorate the resulting salad with olives.

Greek salad is ready to be served on any table, both on holidays and on ordinary days. Eat for your health!

Classic Greek salad with feta cheese and olives

Well, now, as I promised, a recipe with feta cheese. Not always and not everyone has feta or fetaxa in their refrigerator. So what should we do? Use cheese. In essence, the recipe is almost the same as the previous ones, with only minor changes. We will prepare it very quickly, in just 7 steps.


  • medium size tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • colored bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • lettuce leaves
  • feta cheese - 130 gr.
  • dill
  • olives and olives
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp.

for refueling:

  • balsamic vinegar - 150 ml.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.


Step 1. Cut all the vegetables into large slices. Tomatoes, medium size, cut into 6 pieces.

Trim the ends of the cucumbers. Cut it in half lengthwise and then into triangles of the same size.

Peppers can be cut arbitrarily or, like cucumbers, into corners.

Step 2. Prepare the salad mix. To do this, take different lettuce leaves, remove the stalks and separate the leaves from the stems.

Step 3. Cut the cheese. We will cut it into large beautiful triangles of the same size and place it on a plate.

Step 4. Let's make the balsamic vinegar cream. Pour vinegar into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Evaporate our mixture by 2 times. The result should be a sweet and sour sticky mass.

Step 5. Finely chop the washed dill and leave a few sprigs for decoration.

Step 6. It's time to place all the ingredients on the plate. First we have a salad mix, laid out around the perimeter of the entire dish. There are tomato slices around it.

Then peppers and cucumbers.

Now it's time for cheese. Place it on its side on top of the vegetables.

Place olives and olives over the entire surface.

To make the olives shiny, you need to grease them a little with vegetable oil. Thus, they do not lose moisture, do not wrinkle and remain in a suitable, beautiful form for a long time.

Sprinkle a little coarse pepper and sprinkle with chopped dill, and arrange the whole branches in any form.

Step 7: The final step is to dress the salad. First, lightly drizzle the finished salad with good olive oil.

Now that our balsamic cream has cooled, pour it over the Greek salad.

Here is such a sunny, beautiful and very tasty recipe for Greek salad, the preparation of which took us only 7 steps. Cook with pleasure and treat your guests to this wonderful and healthy dish. Bon appetit!

Classic Greek salad with croutons

One of my favorite Greek salad recipes, which will look great on any holiday table, is presented below. Fragrant seasonings will make the finished Greek salad very aromatic and tasty. Try it and enjoy.


  • loaf - 0.5 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • olive oil - 7 tbsp.
  • feta - 250 gr.
  • greens - to taste
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • dried oregano - to taste
  • olives - 25 pcs.


1. First of all, let's prepare the crackers. To do this, cut off the crust from the loaf and tear the pulp into small pieces.

If the bread is “yesterday’s”, then it can be cut into small identical cubes

Place them on a baking sheet, sprinkle with a little oil and place in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.

2. Remove the finished crackers from the oven and cool. And at this time, let's take care of the vegetables.

3. Cut the tomatoes into medium-sized slices.

4. Bell peppers can be cut into squares or strips. And you can do both.

5. Cut the washed cucumbers into “crescents”, 0.5 cm thick.

6. Peel the onion, wash it and cut it into half rings.

Advice! If the onion is bitter, then you need to pour boiling water over it. In general, it is better to use red onions for salads - they are sweeter and tastier.

7. Carefully chop the feta. Since it is very soft, the knife must be periodically moistened with water so that the feta does not crumble.

8. Chop the greens using a knife. If you don't like it, then you can get by. If you add lettuce leaves, it will be better to tear them with your hands.

9. In a bowl, mix the juice of half a lemon, salt, pepper, oil and oregano.

10. Place vegetables, cheese and herbs in a salad bowl. Then add the olives, pour over our lemon dressing and mix gently.

11. Before serving, sprinkle the finished salad with croutons.

The cooking process may seem very lengthy to you. In fact, the situation is different. In total, it will take you no more than 15 minutes to prepare a Greek salad according to this recipe. I just tried to describe the entire cooking process in as much detail as possible, so that not a single detail is left out and so that you don’t have any questions.

So go for it, and you will succeed. Now let's relax and watch the video recipe below.

Video on how to make Greek salad dressing

Everyone makes salad dressing differently. But it is impossible to say which of them is the most correct and tasty. Everyone has different tastes and everyone decides for themselves. I, in turn, just want to invite you to watch a video on preparing the salad itself and a very interesting dressing for it. Enjoy watching!

On this note, I want to say goodbye to you, since my review is completed and has come to its logical end. I hope that this selection will become one of your favorites and deserve a place in your cookbook. Bon appetit!

Greek salad is what we call the world’s most famous salad, which is loved and often prepared in Greece. For the Greeks, the salad is of course not “Greek” but “country or rural”, as its name sounds in direct translation.

We have already prepared Mexican salad - , Russian - , Korean or rather Asian - , Now let's try Greek.

I had to eat Greek salad done by an old Greek. You know, at first I was just a little disappointed when I saw what he put on the table. But after trying it, I realized that the most important thing is delicious fresh food, not cutting or serving.

In Greece, this salad is usually cut into large pieces. For example, a tomato will be cut into 4, maximum 8 parts, and the cheese can be served as a whole piece.

The Greeks put olives in the salad with pits, of course their own, Greek ones. They are larger than the Spanish ones and have a more buttery taste.

The most important ingredient in a Greek salad, in my opinion, is feta cheese.

The main herb in the salad is oregano and a little basil.

The salad also uses shallots, cucumbers, and olive oil.

In general, Greek salad is a simple version of a village salad made from the most basic ingredients that village Greek housewives have in every home.

Therefore, we will cook according to the same principle, and we will use what we have in the house from ingredients similar to those indicated in the recipes.

For example, instead of shallots, take sweet salad onions or any onion. Instead of olive oil, any vegetable oil.

Olives, olives (in general, these are the same thing) whatever you have, preferably pitted. Instead of feta cheese, if we can’t find it, Adyghe cheese, feta cheese or something similar.

Add lettuce leaves, other spices, other herbs. It may not be quite a Greek salad, but it’s a very tasty summer salad, and we’ll still call it Greek.


1. Greek salad classic recipe


      • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
      • Cucumbers - 4 pcs. (small)
      • Onion - 1 medium head
      • Garlic - 1 clove,
      • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
      • Feta cheese - 180 g.
      • Olives - 100 g.
      • Basil - 0.5 tsp.
      • Oregano - 0.5 tsp.
      • Lemon juice - 2 tsp.
      • Olive oil - 50 ml.
      • Salt, pepper - to taste


1. First, let's prepare the dressing for our salad. Add lemon juice, oregano and basil, ground black pepper to the olive oil and squeeze in a clove of garlic. Mix everything well. The dressing is ready, set aside for now.

2. Cut the tomatoes into medium pieces.

3. We cut the cucumbers almost in Greek style. First, cut the cucumber lengthwise, and then, folding the two halves, cut crosswise into pieces approximately 8 mm thick. or even a little more.

4. Cut the sweet red bell pepper into medium pieces too.

5. Cut the onion into half rings and separate them, making strips.

6. Place all the vegetables in a deep cup, add pitted olives and season with our dressing. Mix everything carefully.

7. Cut the cheese into cubes, the size corresponding to the size of the vegetables.

8. Cover the dish with lettuce leaves and put our salad there.

9. In principle, the Greek salad is ready. But there is no main component here yet - cheese.

Place cheese cubes on top. Now the salad is completely ready. Fragrant, juicy.

Serve the salad and wine on the table. White wines go best with Greek salad: Sauvignon Blanc, Sancerre, Vino Verde. Use a strong lamp instead of the sun. Well, here you are in Greece and eating Greek salad.

Bon appetit!


Greek recipe - Greek salad


      • Cucumbers - 3-4 pcs.
      • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
      • Sweet bell pepper - 1 pc.
      • Onion - 1 head
      • Olives (olives) - 1 jar
      • Sirtaki cheese (feta or feta cheese) – 200g
      • Lettuce leaves
      • Olive oil - 100ml (any vegetable oil is possible, but olive oil is better)
      • Half a lemon
      • Spices (we use basil, thyme, rosemary) - to taste
      • Ground black pepper to taste
      • Garlic - 1 clove


1. Cut cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet bell peppers into large cubes. Place the vegetables in a deep salad bowl.

2. Cut the onion into half rings, lightly salt and press with your hands so that it gives juice and add it to the vegetables.

3. Add onions to cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers.

4. Prepare salad dressing. Grind the spices in a mortar or by hand. Squeeze a little garlic and pepper. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and pour in olive oil. Mix everything well. The gas station is ready.

5. Add olives to the vegetables and mix everything thoroughly.

6. Cut the cheese into cubes. We will add it just before serving.

7. Serve the salad. Place lettuce leaves on a large plate.

8. Place chopped and mixed vegetables on the leaves and place pieces of cheese on top. You can add salt to the salad to taste, but keep in mind that the cheese is salty. I don't add salt. The salad is ready, all that remains is to season it.

Bon appetit!

3. Recipe for Greek salad with oregano, dill and mint


      • Tomatoes - 300 g.
      • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
      • Sweet yellow pepper - 1 pc.
      • Black olives
      • Mint leaves - a pinch
      • Dill
      • Wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
      • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
      • Oregano - 1 tsp.
      • Salad onion - 1 head
      • Lettuce leaves
      • Feta - 200-300 g.


1. Slice the cucumbers. Don't make it small, cut it into medium pieces.

2. Since our tomatoes are small, cherry, we cut them into 4 parts.

3. Place cucumbers and tomatoes in a deep cup.

4. Cut the pepper into thin strips.

We used yellow pepper to create a contrast of colors. Red tomatoes, green cucumbers and yellow peppers.

If it were summer and there were a lot of different tomatoes, I would take three different varieties of tomatoes and definitely yellow. Then I would take red pepper. It is sweeter, and again for contrast.

5. We send peppers to cucumbers and tomatoes. Mix.

6. Cut the onion into thin half rings and separate into strips. We also send it to vegetables.

7. Chop mint leaves and dill finely. Those who don't like it can do without mint.

8. Add finely chopped mint and dill to the general pile of vegetables, in a cup. Salt the salad and mix.

9. Add olives. Mix everything.

Preparing salad dressing

10. Take 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil or other vegetable oil, pour a teaspoon of wine vinegar here, if it seems that there is not enough acid, add more vinegar up to 1 tablespoon, you can replace it with apple cider vinegar. Stir and add half a teaspoon of oregano.

11. Mix everything well again. Season the salad with our dressing, leaving a little in the cup, about a teaspoon or a little more. Mix again.

12. Place lettuce leaves on a plate and place half of the mixed vegetables from the cup on them. Distribute evenly throughout the dish.

13. Cut the cheese into cubes the size of an olive. Place half the cheese in a cup with the remaining spoonful of dressing. Mix. The cheese looks very beautiful and the pieces do not stick together.

14. Place the cheese on a plate with half of the salad laid out.

15. Place the second half of the salad on top of the cheese. Carefully level it out.

16. Place the remaining cheese in the cup where the salad was, add a spoonful of oil, sprinkle with oregano and mix everything.

17. Place the cheese in the salad, distribute it over the surface and sprinkle a little oregano. In total, we used about a teaspoon of oregano for the whole salad.

Decorate the salad with a mint leaf. Our Greek salad is ready. We can’t wait anymore, let’s sit down at the table.

Bon appetit!

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4. Video - Recipe for classic Greek salad

Greek salad is one of the best ways to prepare fresh vegetables. It turns out light, aromatic, but not banal. This salad stands out among all other types due to the presence of very tasty and thoughtful dressings. You can also change the amount and type of additional ingredients.

Here are the most detailed step-by-step recipes for classic Greek salads with the best dressings.

Greek salad - general principles of preparation

It is important to choose vegetables for Greek salad that are ripe, juicy, but not overripe. Cucumbers should not have large seeds. If they have a thick skin and it is not possible to replace them with another vegetable, then the skin is peeled. The tomatoes need to be red, but not soft, otherwise they will quickly lose their shape. It is better to use colored peppers rather than green ones. Vegetables cannot be cut and seasoned in advance. Greek salad is best prepared just before eating. Within an hour it will lose its attractive and fresh appearance, the vegetables will float.

What products are used:

Vegetables (cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce);


Chees Feta;


Feta cheese is not always available in stores, but it can be replaced with feta cheese or other similar pickled types. Goat cheese, which is often found at bazaars, can diversify the classic Greek salad.

The main ingredient of the dressing is very often olive oil and it is very important that the bottle is marked Extra virgin. Only a high-quality product will give the salad that special taste. But there are often options for yogurt-based dressings; below there is a step-by-step recipe for such a Greek salad.

Greek salad: classic step-by-step recipe with olive dressing

This classic step-by-step Greek salad recipe uses a traditional butter and lemon juice dressing. It perfectly complements the taste of vegetables, gives a wonderful aroma and piquant sourness.


Two large cucumbers;

One ripe pepper;

One salad onion;

100 g feta;

20 large black olives;

Half a lemon;

A couple of pinches of oregano (popularly oregano);

3 tbsp. l. oils;

Two tomatoes.


1. Rinse all vegetables and wipe dry. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers, cut first in half, then again and crosswise into fairly large pieces. We make bars 1.5-2 centimeters. You will get small cubes, no need to chop them. Pour into a bowl.

2. Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the attachment point with the stalk. Cut in half again, then each quarter crosswise. You will get large pieces. We choose dense vegetables so that the shape remains beautiful and the tomatoes do not wrinkle during the stirring process.

3. First cut the pepper in half. We select the middle with the seeds, then cut it lengthwise and chop it crosswise into strips, but not quite thinly. Add to main vegetables.

4. Peel the salad onion. Cut into thin rings. We separate the layers so that the vegetable is evenly distributed in the salad.

5. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. For this amount of vegetables you will need about one and a half spoons. But the dressing needs to be matched with the taste of the tomatoes. If they are sour, then you can pour in less.

6. Combine olive oil with lemon juice, beat until smooth, add oregano.

7. Pepper the vegetables, lightly sprinkle with salt and pour in the dressing. Gently stir the salad. Usually two spoons or spatulas are used for this. They are used to gently lift food from the bottom of the bowl and turn it over.

8. The mixed salad can be placed in a beautiful dish or immediately divided into portions.

9. Cut the feta cheese into neat cubes, you don’t have to make it very large, and place it on top in a chaotic manner.

10. We take olives without pits. They can be put whole into the salad or cut in half. But in the second case, we cut only lengthwise. Place feta between cubes.

11. Greek salad according to the classic recipe is not decorated with greens, but they will not be superfluous. If necessary, add a sprig of dill, parsley, or place all the vegetables on top of the lettuce.

Greek salad: a classic step-by-step recipe with a spicy dressing

Recipe with cherry tomatoes. If they are not there, then we replace them with regular tomatoes, calculating the approximate quantity, depending on the size. This step-by-step recipe for a classic Greek salad uses an incredibly delicious and flavorful dressing. Spicy mustard is used to prepare it. If the sauce is not strong enough, then increase the amount if desired.


25 olives;

Two cucumbers;

A dozen cherries;

Half an onion;

Romaine lettuce leaves;

100 g pickled cheese.

For refueling:

A couple of tablespoons of oil;

Soy spoon. sauce;

One spoon of apple. vinegar;

0.3 tablespoons mustard (spicy);

A little oregano;

Five grams of honey.


1. This salad will be placed on a dish covered with green lettuce leaves. It can be replaced with iceberg; Chinese cabbage is often used, removing the hard veins. Prepare the dish, lay out the leaves. If you like their taste, you can cut them and add them as the first layer, it will be more convenient to eat.

2. Prepare the dressing. Mix apple cider vinegar, which can be replaced with lemon, with honey and mustard, grind thoroughly, add oregano, salt and all other ingredients listed above. It is best to beat the dressing well; you can use a blender. Set aside and let the sauce steep.

3. Wash and wipe the vegetables dry. Cut the cucumber into large pieces. If the skin is thick, it is better to remove it immediately. It is convenient to use a paring knife for this. Sometimes they do not remove all the skin, but make strips, alternating white pulp with green peel. The results are very beautiful and unusual pieces. Transfer the prepared cucumber onto the prepared lettuce leaves.

4. Cut cherry tomatoes into quarters or halves, as you prefer. If you use ordinary tomatoes, then cut them into neat pieces. Place on top of the cucumbers.

5. Now take the onion, cut off half, we don’t need the second part. Cut into half rings, separate with your hands, and sprinkle cherry tomatoes on top. Sometimes onions are placed under them, that is, on cucumbers. This is not important.

6. Now let's get to the cheese. It is always cut into neat cubes and placed on vegetables.

7. Cut the olives into halves, place them between pieces of cheese or simply sprinkle them casually.

8. In principle, the salad is ready. All that remains is to sprinkle it with the previously prepared sauce, which has already had time to sit. But sometimes the dressing is served in a separate gravy boat. This is convenient because you can independently regulate the amount and spiciness of the salad.

Greek salad: classic step-by-step recipe with croutons and yogurt

An amazing dressing option for the most delicious filling. This step-by-step recipe for a classic Greek salad uses croutons. Under no circumstances do we take ready-made products from bags, we only cook them ourselves.


Four tomatoes;

Three cucumbers;

Two peppers;

One head of salad onion;

Half a loaf;

160 grams of pickled cheese;

100 g olives;

2 bunches of lettuce.

Yogurt dressing:

100 g thick Greek yogurt;

0.3 spoons of mustard;

Spoon of lemon juice;

Spoon of butter;

One clove of garlic;

0.3 tsp. dried oregano;

Salt and soy sauce to taste.


1. It’s better to start the salad with croutons so that they have time to cool. It is advisable to use yesterday’s or the day before yesterday’s loaf, that is, a little stale. Take a good knife and cut it into slices, then into small cubes. Place on a baking sheet, place in the oven and cook until golden brown.

2. Take out the crackers and cool.

3. Now we’ll make the dressing so that it infuses. For the sauce, it is best to use thick yogurt, the fat content is arbitrary. Place it in a bowl, add chopped garlic, lemon juice, and add a little dry oregano. You can take fresh chopped herbs, then you need 2-3 sprigs. Add mustard, you can add a little soy sauce or salt. Grind until smooth, set aside the dressing and let it sit.

4. We deal with vegetables. We cut the cucumbers lengthwise into 6 parts, then cut them crosswise into pieces, making 1.5-2 centimeter bars.

5. Lay out the lettuce leaves and sprinkle the cucumbers on them.

6. Now cut the tomatoes and place them on top of the cucumbers. We don't make small pieces. Can be replaced with cherry tomatoes, cut in half.

7. Cut the onion into half rings and sprinkle on the vegetables.

8. Cut the cheese into cubes, olives in half, add croutons to them, stir together and place it all on a dish with cucumbers and tomatoes. In general, you can mix all the products together and put them on lettuce leaves, but the crackers from fresh vegetables quickly soften and then do not crisp.

9. Before serving, pour the Greek salad with aromatic yogurt-based dressing or offer it separately. This option is convenient if the appetizer needs to sit for a little while. Without refilling, it will not leak and will retain its attractive appearance longer.

No sweet salad onions? You can chop a regular onion, pour it into a colander and pour boiling water over it. Another wonderful option is to pickle the onions. It will turn out simply chic! You need to cut the vegetable, add water acidified with vinegar, and leave for half an hour. To soften the taste, sometimes a little vegetable oil and a pinch of sugar are added to the marinade.

Very often, meat products are added to Greek salads. Their choice will directly depend on the taste of the cheese. If it is salty and bright, then it is better to take fresh boiled chicken or turkey. If the cheese is bland and tasteless, then beef or pork will help elevate the dish.

Lovers of salads with bright flavors can add some pickled or salted mushrooms. They complement fresh vegetables and add their own flavor to the dish.