Strawberries, pureed with sugar (prepared for the winter). Strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking: golden recipes with photos

Strawberry A very healthy and tasty berry, but, unfortunately, its season does not last long. The first one appears on the shelves in mid-May, these berries are from Greece and Israel. Their price is quite high, and it is possible that they contain various chemicals used for rapid ripening and long-term storage. The second wave of strawberries lasts from June 1-16, and they are brought from Astrakhan, Moldova and Kabardino-Balkaria. But the most delicious and inexpensive Podmoskovnaya appears from June 16-30. This is the best thing to buy to saturate your body with vitamins during the season and make preparations for future use.

Strawberries with sugar for the winter

  • - 1 kg
  • Sugar – 0.5 kilograms

Strawberries with sugar for the winter recipe

Before you cook strawberries pureed with sugar, they need to be processed. remember, that strawberries with sugar for the winter It is prepared only from good berries, otherwise it will not live long.

Carefully sort the berries, remove the stems. Rinse the strawberries under cold water and let them dry a little. Please note that by grinding wet berries, you risk that raw jam can quickly deteriorate.

If you are a lover of natural taste, then prepare strawberries with sugar according to our recipe - 1 kg of strawberries for 0.5 kg of sugar. Well, if you prefer a sweet taste, then keep the proportions 1:1, i.e. 1 kg of strawberries to 1 kg of sugar.

Grind the berries with a masher or blender. Mix the mixture with sugar, adding it to your taste.

If you are freezing strawberries with sugar, then place them in rectangular plastic cups with a lid or in plastic bags with a zipper and put them in the freezer. Well, if you prefer not to freeze the berries, then place them in clean, dry, pre-steamed glass jars, sprinkle a small layer of sugar on top and cover with a nylon lid. In this case, store the strawberries in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf, for no more than six months.

Recipes for strawberry jam for the winter

In order not to resort to heat treatment of strawberries for the winter, which results in the loss of flavor and vitamins, try an easy recipe for strawberries with sugar without cooking!

10 min

230 kcal

5/5 (1)

Winter strawberry preparations taste good, are easy to prepare, store well, and, of course, retain a significant portion of the taste, aroma and vitamins from whole berries. But still, heat treatment cannot but leave its mark on the quality of the finished product. Is it possible to do without it, and if so, how?

In fact, everything is very easy, much easier than you imagined. You can wither, freeze or dry our scarlet berries in the form of marshmallows, or you can rub them with sugar. This is exactly what I do most often.

There is no risk of product spoilage, as in the methods listed above, the finished product does not depend so closely on the humidity in the room or the temperature in the freezer, and this option is also the simplest and can be done even by not the most skilled cook. How to candy strawberries for the winter without cooking?


First of all, we need the strawberries themselves: they can be overripe and softened, but under no circumstances should not be broken, fermented or rotten. This will have a bad effect on the taste of the finished product and will cause it to spoil quickly, so be careful!

  1. After washing the berries, removing the stalks and sepals from them and slightly drying them on a towel, take fine granulated sugar or powdered sugar at a ratio of one to one- that is, a kilogram of strawberries will need to be pureed with a kilogram of sugar.
  2. After this, it’s time to take up the masher: unlike preserves and jams, which we heat-treat, here you don’t need to infuse the strawberries with sugar until the juice appears. We just take it and crush it, turning the berries into a homogeneous soft pulp.
  3. When the strawberries turned into a strawberry mass without a single dense piece - pour our sugar into it and mix thoroughly. What comes out is a kind of berry paste, fragrant and very sweet. Try not to eat it right away, the temptation to do so will be very great!

How to store pureed strawberries with sugar

We sterilize the jars. Since the delicacy itself is not subject to sterilization, it is important to take this stage responsibly - although sugar is a natural preservative, it does not provide complete protection of the product from spoilage! For the same reason, you should take small jars, no more than half a liter, so that open strawberries with sugar do not have time to ferment or become moldy before they are eaten.

Having packaged the berry paste into jars, twist it and put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf or in a cold basement - it needs coolness for storage and darkness. Let her wait in the wings until the fresh strawberries run out and the memories of her grow cold...

Garden strawberries are one of the healthiest and at the same time delicious berries. It is more pleasant to eat it fresh, but even in winter you want to enjoy this delicacy. When cooked, strawberries become different, their color and taste change. Some people like it, some not so much. Strawberries pureed with sugar are often prepared without cooking, even if they are made for the winter. This allows you to preserve its benefits and organoleptic qualities as much as possible. A selection of 7 recipes for jam made from strawberries ground with sugar and tips for making it will allow you to fill your refrigerator with this healthy delicacy and indulge yourself with desserts made from this berry until the next season.

Culinary secrets

Knowing a few secrets will allow even a novice housewife to prepare strawberries pureed with sugar for the winter.

  • It is better to pick strawberries on a sunny day - they will be sweeter. Berries picked in rainy weather may be sour and watery.
  • It is better to grind strawberries on the same day that the harvest is harvested. It is not worth pouring it from one container to another.
  • First of all, you need to sort out the strawberries and remove the leaves. Then it is washed under running water, being careful not to disturb the integrity of the berries.
  • Strawberries must be dried by scattering them on a cloth towel. If you make “cold jam” from wet berries, it can quickly spoil, and this will not have the best effect on its organoleptic qualities.
  • Strawberries are ground through a sieve. If you use a blender, the raw jam will have a liquid consistency. If you simply mash the berries with a potato masher, the consistency will be thick and uneven, but some people like that there are pieces of berries in the jam. The option for grinding strawberries is chosen in accordance with the recipe and your own preferences.
  • The jars for the berries pureed with sugar must be thoroughly washed and sterilized, and the lids that go with them must be boiled for at least 5 minutes.
  • Experienced housewives choose small containers, usually not exceeding 0.5 liters, for strawberries ground with sugar. A label is placed on them indicating the date the jam was made and the recipe used.

Strawberries pureed with sugar can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months, in the freezer - up to a year. Considering that such jam is prepared without heat treatment, the berries in it retain all their beneficial substances.

Classic recipe for winter pureed strawberries

What do you need:

  • strawberries – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 6 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Place the washed and dried berries in a bowl and add five kilograms of sugar.
  2. Cover the basin with gauze and place in a cool place.
  3. After three hours, thoroughly mash the strawberries using a potato masher or mixer with an appropriate attachment.
  4. Wash and sterilize the jars. Boil the lids. They can be nylon or screw, as long as they provide a tight fit.
  5. When the jars are dry, fill them with the berry mixture, leaving 1 cm to the edge.
  6. Fill the jam with sugar to the very edges of the containers and close.

Store in the refrigerator. The presence of a “sugar plug” prevents the formation of mold and souring.

Liquid jam without cooking from strawberries with sugar

What do you need:

  • garden strawberries – 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 3 kg.

How to cook:

  1. After sorting, washing and drying the strawberries, place them in a saucepan and use a blender to puree them.
  2. Add 0.5 kg of sugar at a time and beat until it is finished.
  3. Fill sterilized jars with jam, which resembles a thick syrup, close them tightly and store them in the refrigerator.

This “jam” can also be stored in the freezer, poured into clean containers. In this case, the amount of sugar can be reduced by one and a half times.

Strawberries, pureed with sugar, for storage in the freezer

What do you need:

  • strawberries – 2 parts;
  • granulated sugar - 1 part.

How to cook:

  1. Rub the strawberries through a sieve or mash well.
  2. Add sugar, mix thoroughly.
  3. Place in containers and place in the freezer.

Remember that strawberries can be stored whole in the freezer by simply sprinkling them with a small amount of sugar or even without using this sweet product.

Mashed strawberries with sugar and vanilla (with cooking)

What do you need:

  • strawberries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • vanillin – 4 g.

How to cook:

  1. Pour 1 kg of granulated sugar over the prepared berries and leave for an hour.
  2. Mash the strawberries thoroughly or puree them using an immersion blender.
  3. Add the remaining sugar and place on low heat.
  4. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling, skimming off the foam. Don’t throw it away, but eat it yourself – it’s delicious, especially if washed down with milk or cream.
  5. Add vanillin to the jam, mix well. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
  6. Pour the treat into sterilized jars, screw on the lids and store in a basement or unheated pantry.

The advantage of this recipe is that there is no need to fill the refrigerator with strawberry syrup. A dessert made according to this recipe can be stored well all winter at a temperature just below room temperature.

Strawberries are everyone's favorite delicious berry! Almost everyone is waiting for its ripening, but the trouble is that the strawberry season is very short. To preserve the delicacy until the next harvest, many attempt canning and preparing various types of preserves and jams. And below we will discuss a recipe for strawberries with sugar for the winter, which does not even require cooking.

Preliminary information about strawberries

An excellent berry and raw material for delicious desserts, strawberries are also an excellent medicinal product. Among other things, eating this red berry helps improve appetite and stabilize the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be used as an effective diaphoretic and diuretic. Moderate regular consumption of strawberries promotes rapid normalization of salt metabolism and hematopoiesis. And on a hot summer day, it can quench your thirst just as well as any cold drink. In traditional folk medicine, this berry is used in cases of anemia and childhood diarrhea.

In view of all this, there is no doubt about whether you need frozen strawberries with sugar in the refrigerator. The recipes below assume that the strawberries will be mashed with granulated sugar and will not be cooked. An additional huge advantage of this particular method of harvesting is that the berry that has not undergone heat treatment retains maximum of its beneficial qualities, properties and microelements. Whereas jam, for example, largely loses the original healing properties of the berry. And the preparations proposed below cause much less hassle. In short, if you don't know what to do with your strawberries, then we definitely say that pureed strawberries with sugar are the ideal option. The recipe, despite its seemingly simple principle, may differ among different housewives. And various subtleties of preparation also play a significant role. As a result, the resulting products may differ slightly from each other. Such variety is a characteristic feature of frozen strawberries with sugar. The recipes below will help demonstrate this.

Fresh strawberries with sugar: recipe No. 1

The first option is very, very simple, since it does not require many ingredients and culinary wisdom. However, when preparing, you will need to be careful, patient and persevering.

To make strawberries tasty, it is important to maintain the correct proportions. Without following this rule, mashed strawberries with sugar, the recipe for which we will describe below, may not turn out very tasty. Therefore, remember: you should never skimp on sugar. The ideal ratio in this matter is 1:1. That is, for 1 kilogram of berries you need to spend 1 kilogram of granulated sugar.


As in all similar cases, mashed strawberries with sugar, the recipe for which we describe, will turn out tasty only if you use clean, washed and sorted berries. So you need to start with this. After you have dealt with the berry, cleared it of leaves, soil, and other debris, you need to dry it. The dried strawberries then need to be put through a meat grinder. The recipe for strawberries with sugar without cooking allows the use of a blender instead of a meat grinder - in this case this is not of decisive importance. When the berry is ready, add sugar to it. When using this recipe for strawberries with sugar for the winter, remember that it is very important to thoroughly mix the ground berries with sugar. When this is done, all you have to do is put the resulting product into jars and seal it with lids.


To ensure that your product does not deteriorate during storage, and the pureed strawberries with sugar, the recipe for which we described, do not disappear, it is important to observe one condition. It lies in the fact that both the jars themselves and the lids with which you will roll them must be thoroughly sterilized. Otherwise, expect your product to become moldy and unfit for consumption. For sterilization, you can use natural water steam from a kettle or pan, as many do. But it is best to use special sterilizers.

Recipe No. 2

Another way to prepare fresh strawberries with sugar for the winter. The recipe, ingredients and their proportions here do not differ from the previous method. And in general everything is done exactly the same. The only, but very significant difference is that you need to grind strawberries not in a meat grinder or without the help of other special equipment, but manually, with a wooden mortar in a wooden bowl. This method of processing will allow the berry to retain some of its properties, and its taste will be slightly different. Once again, the finished strawberries need to be distributed into sterile jars and sealed with lids.

In both cases, prepared fresh strawberries with sugar for the winter (recipe No. 1 and recipe No. 2 assume that they will be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place in the dark) are suitable for eating for about five to six months.

Increased shelf life

Perhaps you want the strawberries ground with sugar, the recipe for which you read above, to last longer. This can be achieved by increasing the proportion of sugar by about 50%. That is, for 1 kilogram of berries, use not 1, but 1.5 kilograms of granulated sugar. In this case, your berries will last several months longer. It may even be until the next harvest.

Plastic lids

Let's say that for one reason or another you decided to use ordinary plastic lids rather than metal ones for sealing. In this case, you will not get strawberries ground with sugar, the recipes for which were brought to your attention. It's all about proportions. Remember that using plastic lids automatically doubles the sugar consumption. That is, in this situation, for 1 kilogram of berries you should spend 2 kilograms of granulated sugar. Plus, when your mixture is distributed among the jars, it again needs to be covered with a thick sugar crust on top in a layer of at least 1 centimeter. Otherwise, you risk losing the fruits of your efforts.

Storage options

In addition to the refrigerator and cellar, you can store pureed strawberries in the freezer. In this case, it can last much longer, although it will acquire a specific frozen taste. In addition, exposure to very low temperatures reduces the medicinal qualities of the product. But the option with a freezer does not require sterilization. Ready strawberries can be packaged in plastic cups, containers or plastic bags and carefully placed in the chamber. It is important to remember that during the freezing process the mass will increase in volume, therefore, you do not need to fill your containers completely.

Strawberries pureed with sugar: recipe

Let's say you didn't grow strawberries yourself, but picked wild ones in the forest. And now we want pureed wild strawberries with sugar to appear in your refrigerator. You can use a recipe for its preparation similar to cultivated varieties. But in this case it is better to take additional precautions. Namely, firstly, add more sugar. And secondly, when your berries are placed in jars, you need to pour a tablespoon of vodka into each of them on top. This saves the berry from fermentation, to which wild strawberries are more susceptible.

I think that for most people with a sweet tooth, pureed strawberries with sugar, stored for the winter, are the best treat. By the way, I recommend preparing it for pancakes right now. However, we are accustomed to stocking up on our favorite berries not only for pleasure, but primarily for the treatment and prevention of colds. After all, everyone knows that red beauty contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. I consider this preparation very important and useful in every home. Therefore, we make the most of the season of the queen of berries, and make more healthy strawberry preparations for the long period of cold weather and damp bad weather. In a similar way, it can also be used to alleviate the symptoms of respiratory diseases and replenish vitamin reserves.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: pureeing.

Total cooking time: 15 minutes.

Number of servings: 1 can 0.7-1 l.


  • sugar – 500 g
  • strawberries – 500 g

Cooking method

On a note

  • Store pureed strawberries with sugar in the refrigerator all winter. To prevent it from fermenting, proportions should be observed during the cooking process. Sugar plays an important role here, but the berries must also be fresh and clean without a trace of rot. After all, any spot on a strawberry can ruin the entire preparation. It will begin to ferment and have an unpleasant taste.