Apple cider made from apples. What kind of drink is cider?

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Cider is a drink made from apple juice, originating in France. Its taste characteristics are similar to champagne, but you can make cider at home. No special devices are needed, and the set of ingredients is available to everyone: apples, sugar and yeast.

Preparing apples

You can take any variety of apples for homemade cider: summer, autumn, winter. The main condition is that they must be sweet and sour.

Depending on which blocks you used, the finished cider can range in color from greenish to golden and taste anywhere from dry to completely sweet. If you only have sweet apples, the juice from them will need to be further diluted with water and the amount of sugar reduced.

It is very important to sort the apples and wash them. It is also necessary to remove all damaged areas and stalks. Cider is a low-alcohol drink with a high content of vitamins. In addition to preparing the apples, you must follow the recipe instructions exactly.

Original recipe

Wash the selected apples, peel them from the centers, cut them into slices and grind them using a food processor or meat grinder. Transfer the resulting mass into a deep bowl, pour sugar on top in a proportion of 15 g per kilogram of fruit.

We leave the result of our work in a warm place for three days, covering it with a thin cloth. The cake that has risen to the top must be strained and the pulp squeezed out, and the remaining juice must be poured into a large jar.

Add another 300 g of granulated sugar to the container with the juice, cover with a lid and leave to ferment for three weeks. After this period, you will have a drink that will surprise everyone with its taste and aroma.

Special Ingredients

Homemade cider can be prepared using a different recipe using yeast. Pour the ground apples with water and leave to ferment for two weeks, then strain the resulting liquid, heat it, add yeast and sugar to it.

The proportion of ingredients is as follows: 25 g of yeast and five glasses of granulated sugar per 4.5 liters of apple juice with water. After adding all the ingredients, the mixture should be left in a warm room to ferment.

You can make your own cider at home with the addition of honey. A few dried pears will add a refined aroma to the drink. When the finished cider is bottled, a couple of raisins can be added to each bottle for a special taste. The cider can be supplemented with a small amount of lemon or orange zest. Homemade cider can be enjoyed cold or warm. Warm cider is well complemented with cinnamon or cloves.


Cider is a refreshing low-alcohol drink that can be easily prepared at home. Most often it is made from apples, but sometimes pears, quinces or other fresh fruits are used.

Origin of the drink

For many centuries, the British, French and Spanish have been arguing about which of them was the first to guess how to prepare a delicious drink. There are many legends associated with the origin of cider. So, someone believes that he appeared thanks to Charlemagne, who once sat down on a bag of rotten apples. Others claim that the drink was discovered by sailors who noticed that fermented fruit juice brought a lot of joy and fun.

But the first mention of a drink made from fermented apple juice was found in the ancient Roman writer Pliny. The popularity of cider flourished in the 8th-9th centuries, when Europeans became interested in creating apple orchards. It was during this period that the classic production scheme appeared, which has survived to this day practically unchanged.

Traditional cider is a drink made from a special variety of apples without adding yeast or pasteurizing. It tastes like fermented apple juice, and also does not have any unnatural sweetness due to the lack of sugar in the composition.

Apple cider. Homemade recipe

Unfortunately, in our country it is almost impossible to find apples that are used to make classic cider. Therefore, experts recommend using the most sour and tasteless fruits. They do not need to be bought in a store or collected from your own garden. It will be better if you use ripe apples growing in a park or forest. It is believed that the worse the taste of the fruit, the tastier the future drink will be. Next, we will offer you a simple cider recipe that you can easily make at home.

So, use a juicer to prepare apple juice and pour it into a jar. Install a water seal or use a medical glove (don't forget to make a hole in one of your fingers). After this, you need to send the dishes to a dark and cool place. The room temperature should be about 20 degrees.

After a month, use a hose to drain the resulting liquid without disturbing the sediment. Close the jar with a lid and store it. This time the ambient temperature should not be higher than 10 degrees. When three or four months have passed, the cider can be bottled, sealed and placed in the refrigerator. Here the drink can be safely stored for three years.

Homemade apple cider

With this recipe you can prepare a delicious alcoholic drink much faster. For it you will need ripe green, red and yellow apples. It is usually not recommended to wash fruits, but if they are very dirty, be sure to rinse them under running water.

Cut the fruit into quarters, remove the core and grind the pulp in a food processor. Place the resulting pieces into three-liter jars (the dishes should be one-third full). If you wish, you can add a little sugar (up to 100 grams) and a handful of raisins at this point. If you come across hard apples, then pour one liter of spring water or any other natural water into each jar.

Put rubber gloves on the necks, which will later serve as an indicator of fermentation. Don't forget to make small holes on them to allow carbon dioxide to escape.

The workpieces must be placed in a warm place (from 22 to 30 degrees) for five or seven days. You can use a heater if you wish, but be sure to monitor the temperature with a thermometer.

When the glove is inflated, strain the contents of the jars using gauze. Chopped apples should be squeezed out and discarded. Pour the liquid into clean jars and place the preparations in the refrigerator for three or four days. During this period, sediment should accumulate at the bottom. Using a hose, pour the cider into the bottles, being careful not to disturb the sediment. Be sure to fill the new container right up to the neck, otherwise the drink will oxidize and spoil.

Apple cider keeps well in the refrigerator for a whole year. Serve it chilled. The drink goes well with meat, seafood and cheeses.

How to drink cider

It is not customary to savor apple drink or inhale its aroma in any special way. But if you prepared cider according to the classic recipe, then try to use it according to all the rules.

First, take the bottle in your hand and lift it above your head. Pour the liquid into the glass so that it breaks against the walls and flies in different directions. This way you can release the accumulated carbon dioxide and reveal the taste of the drink to the fullest.

Second, drink the cider quickly while it is foaming. It will be better if you fill a third or a quarter of the glass at a time. Thirdly, serve the drink chilled to 12-14 degrees. This temperature allows you to show all the advantages of the cider and emphasize its aromatic qualities.

An interesting tradition is preserved in some regions of France and Spain. There it is customary to pour cider into six glasses at once. If you plan to taste the drink with friends, you can easily follow this rule.

Cider with rum and spices

This light drink with a pleasant aroma is not prepared according to a classic recipe. However, the excellent taste of this cider deserves attention.


  • apple juice - one liter;
  • ground nutmeg - half a teaspoon;
  • rum - 60 ml;
  • cinnamon - 20 grams.

How to make delicious cider at home? We will describe a simple apple drink recipe in detail below.

Pour the juice into a saucepan and place it over medium heat. When the liquid boils, add grated nutmeg, pour in rum and add cinnamon. Reduce heat and simmer the drink for ten minutes. Serve it hot.

Pear and apple cider

This wonderful carbonated drink has a pleasant fruity and honey taste. For it you will need the following products:

  • sweet pears - ten kilograms;
  • sweet and sour apples - ten kilograms;
  • sugar - 500 grams (you can do without it);
  • wine yeast (if you use washed apples) - two teaspoons.

This is how we will prepare apple and pear cider.

Peel the fruits from seeds, grind the pulp through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of the resulting puree. Pour the liquid into a glass jar, cover it with gauze and leave it alone for a day. If you are using processed fruit, add yeast or some unwashed grapes.

When fermentation begins (bubbles appear on the surface), remove the cloth and install a water seal. Leave the workpiece at room temperature for one or two weeks. If desired, you can add sugar and leave the juice to ferment for a few more days.

Without disturbing the sediment, pour the cider into bottles. Don't forget to add sugar to the bowl in advance. For one liter you will need a tablespoon of the product. Leave the drink at room temperature for another two weeks. During this time, it will be saturated with carbon dioxide and become carbonated. After this, the cider can be stored in the pantry or cellar.

Soft drink

Cider is a light, carbonated wine with a pleasant taste. But if for some reason you do not drink alcohol, you can prepare the drink according to our recipe. This time you will need the following products:

  • one liter of natural apple juice;
  • one peeled orange;
  • five cinnamon sticks;
  • finely chopped piece of ginger root;
  • two liters of sparkling water.

To make non-alcoholic apple cider, read the following recipe.

Pour juice into a saucepan, add orange slices, add spices. Bring the mixture to a boil and then simmer over low heat for half an hour. Strain the aromatic juice through a strainer and remove the spices. Place ice in the bottom of tall glasses, then pour in mineral water (fill half the volume) and the cooled mixture. Garnish the cocktail with a slice of orange and a cinnamon stick.

Cider drink

On cold winter evenings it is customary to warm up with hot mulled wine. But we invite you to change traditions and try the original hot cocktail.

Dice a quarter of a peeled orange and two apple slices. Peel the ginger slice and cut into slices. Place the mixture in a tall beer glass and season with black pepper, cinnamon and cloves. Pour in the apple cider and then microwave the drink. Heat it for five or seven minutes. Ideally, the liquid should heat up to 80 degrees.

Drink the cider slowly, in small sips. As a snack, you can serve toast or sandwiches with your favorite toppings.


Cider is a very easy drink to make. Be sure to try our recipes. You will be convinced that homemade wine has an excellent taste and pleasant aroma. Once you have mastered the traditional cooking method, try changing the recipe. Experiment with ingredients and spices. Use honey, citrus fruits and ginger. As a result, you will delight your friends and acquaintances with new original tastes every time.

Apple cider - what is it? Is it harmful? Cider is a huge number of myths and incorrect statements about this product, but it is not very difficult to understand them.

What is cider?

Cider is a low-alcohol apple, or less often pear, drink. Its strength is approximately 5-7 degrees. Special varieties of apples are grown for cider - sweet and sour, which contain a small amount of sugar. Today, more than 45 are suitable for making cider. The most famous and beloved of them: Black Kingston, Fox Cub, Yarlington Mill and many others.

The production of this drink is based on the process of fermentation of apple juice without adding yeast. Based on the varieties of fruit, cider is divided into sweet, semi-sweet, dry, semi-dry and traditional. The drink has a golden or greenish color. It is characterized by an apple scent.

From the history of cider

It is still unknown exactly which country gave this apple drink to all of humanity. The French, Italians and Spaniards are sure that cider is their national product. There are a huge number of legends and myths telling about the production of apple drink.

For example, many associate it with the name of Charlemagne (VIII-IX centuries), who, according to legend, accidentally sat on a bag of overripe and softened apples, causing them to crush. This is how the first cider came about. It is also believed that King Arthur and the navigator James Cook carried a solution closely similar to cider on board their ships as a cure for scurvy.

Most historians still believe that cider is a drink of the inhabitants of Scandinavia. The Celts were sure that it endowed a person with beauty and health and was brought from the lands of eternal youth. People believed so much in the healing properties of this drink that they not only drank it, but also washed their bodies with it. Since the 14th century, churches began to baptize newborns in apple drink, believing that it was much healthier and cleaner than water. Respect for cider began in the 14th century, at the same time John Wycliffe wrote the “Bible of Cider”.

With the creation of the press (13th century) and the beginning of the development of new types of apples, cider production became more modern. Guillaume d'Ursus developed new varieties of apple fruits that tasted much more sour and contained more tannin. Mixing different varieties of apples also made it possible to create new varieties of cider. Thanks to this event, they began to pay more attention to it. In 1855, the personal physician of Charles IX released a treatise that described the medicinal properties and characteristics of cider, as well as methods and technologies for its production.

The first written mention of this drink was seen in the works of Pliny. He described how residents in the valleys of the Nile River in the 13th-15th centuries BC. loved to drink a drink obtained from the fermentation of apples.

But during numerous wars, cider lost its popularity and was destroyed. However, in the 18th century, it regained its popularity among bohemians.

It is believed that this drink has a subtle philosophy. Of course, cider is an alcohol, but if it is properly prepared, it cannot intoxicate.

Homemade cider recipe

You can make your own apple drink in your home kitchen. It is not difficult and is accessible to everyone. So, homemade cider - what is it? How many degrees does it contain? First you need to understand the process of its preparation.

  1. The first step is to finely chop the apples of different varieties (or use a food processor to turn them into pulp), first cutting out the cores and removing the seeds. It is important that the fruit is clean, without rot or blackening. It is recommended not to wash apples, unless, of course, they are very dirty, since the peel contains bacteria that help fermentation.
  2. The fermentation vessel must be rinsed with warm water and dried. Fill the vessel one third with fruit (a little more is possible). Leave free space in the container for the formation of foam and carbon dioxide.
  3. For every kilogram of apples, 100-150 grams of sugar are added. The resulting slurry must be mixed thoroughly.
  4. Then you need to tie the neck of the jar with gauze and leave the container in a dark, dry and warm place for about 3-5 days. The contents need to be stirred from time to time.
  5. When a pungent smell, foam and hissing appear, you can safely move on to the next stage of cider preparation. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mixture through a sieve or clean gauze and pour into a jar (or other convenient container). After which you need to install it on the vessel. You can also pull it onto the neck instead of a water seal.
  6. The future cider should ferment for 45-70 days in a dark place at a temperature of 18-26 degrees. After the allotted time has passed, sediment will begin to appear at the bottom of the jar, and thanks to the glove, the bubbles will remain inside the vessel. The drink will begin to noticeably brighten.
  7. At this stage, it is necessary to filter the apple drink again, preferably through several layers of gauze.
  8. The final step involves pouring the cider into cans or bottles and sealing it tightly with a cork or cap. Now all that remains is to wait. After about 3 months, the cider will ripen and be ready for consumption.

The result should be a fragrant color. If the preparation technology was correct, then homemade cider contains approximately 6-7 degrees. This drink is very easy to drink. It doesn't cause a hangover. 100 ml of cider contains approximately 115-120 kilocalories.

This cider recipe is relevant in Russia, but the French and English, for example, like to make cider without adding sugar or yeast. The drink turns out natural and is perfect for those who love a sour taste.

The benefits of cider

Many people think that cider is beer. But as soon as a person tries a high-quality apple drink, his opinion will change dramatically. He will be able to answer the question of cider - what kind of drink it is.

Since ancient times, according to written sources, people have used cider as a cure for scurvy and gout. Today, doctors also believe that this tasty drink in moderate quantities is very beneficial for humans. It helps cope with stomach diseases, removes kidney stones, helps to lose excess weight, significantly slows down the aging process, removes toxic substances from the body, which is very useful for digestion and normalization of metabolism and blood pressure, and increases appetite.

Spa salons today also use cider, making baths based on it. And clients see the result immediately: the skin becomes much softer, more velvety, more tender, very “young” wrinkles are completely smoothed out. Isn't this happiness for women!

Contraindications and harm of cider

Cider is a drink containing alcohol. Consuming it in large quantities will be harmful to health.

Like all alcoholic drinks, cider is not recommended for expectant mothers, women who are breastfeeding, as well as people with hepatitis, pancreatitis, intestinal or stomach ulcers. For such patients, doctors recommend limiting the consumption of cider or giving it up altogether, since in these diseases this apple drink can lead to deterioration of health. If you're trying it for the first time, be careful. In this case, you should not consume it in large quantities, since individual intolerance to the components included in the drink may occur.

How to drink cider correctly

True gourmets believe that cider, like any alcoholic drink, has its own technology for proper consumption, which you need to know in order to taste the whole bouquet and feel the aroma.

Many people call cider a foamy drink, but if you pour it into a glass, there will be no foam because it melts instantly. To prevent this from happening, you need to bottle it according to the rules.

First, you need to raise the bottle of drink as high as possible above the glass (1 meter is the ideal distance). You need to pour so that the stream of drink breaks against the walls of the glass. As a result, the cider will begin to foam, and it is at this time that you need to drink it before the foam disappears. Many people advise drinking the drink in one gulp.

Secondly, in order to feel all the notes of apple flavor, experts recommend drinking cider chilled.

Thirdly, it is advised not to drink it completely, as a small sediment remains at the bottom.

How to serve cider drink

The glasses used for cider are completely different. For example, in England and Germany they use regular apple drinks, while in France they prefer wine glasses. In Normandy and Brittany, considered the birthplace of cider, ceramic bowls are used for this invigorating drink.

What's best to use as a snack?

True gourmets choose special snacks for each type of cider. For example, fish, hare and poultry meat, and beef are good for the dry variety. Traditional cider reveals its taste well in combination with cheese and game meat. In Normandy, people like to drink cider with fresh seafood. But one thing is for sure: fruit goes perfectly with cider.

How to choose quality cider in a store

By reading the label, you can immediately tell whether it is a good cider. A high-quality apple drink should not contain yeast, flavorings or dyes. Under no circumstances should it be sweet or contain extraneous flavors uncharacteristic of an apple.

In summer, as a rule, there is always a large harvest of apples; markets and shops are literally overwhelmed with a huge amount of these delicious fruits. And many summer residents sometimes wonder what to do with so much fruit. But from them you can make an excellent low-alcohol cider with a rich apple taste and pleasant aroma.

Cider was first invented in France, and in its taste and appearance it slightly resembles sparkling wine, like champagne. Making apple cider at home does not take much time, it is very simple to make, the main thing is to have the right amount of apples and sugar on hand.

Depending on which recipe and type of fruit you prefer, the drink can turn out to be of different colors, from golden to pale green, and the taste will vary from sweet to dry. The strength of cider is usually no more than eight degrees, and its flavor notes will appeal to almost everyone. Such an invigorating drink will not harm your health, and you can drink it as much as you like, because it is made only from natural products, which means it benefits the body and even “supplies” it with vitamins.

Apple cider is divided into three classes: sweet, dry and traditional, and has four flavor palettes: sweet, bitter, semi-sweet and bittersweet. It all depends on what recipe you choose, simple or more labor-intensive, because you can make cider not only from apples, but also from juice. Not so long ago it was considered a drink of commoners, but over time the taste of cider was appreciated all over the world. Today, many lovers of light drinks have begun to make this drink at home for family holidays.

How to choose and prepare fruit for cider

Absolutely any recipe requires competent selection of apples and their proper preparation. Take into account the fact that the fruits were not too sour or, on the contrary, too sweet, since this will only harm the drink and you will not achieve the required degrees. It is also not recommended to use unripe, overripe and, of course, spoiled fruits; it is best to make homemade cider from late varieties of apples, since such fruits contain more extractives and tannins.

That is, from such fruits the drink turns out more tasty with a more pronounced aroma. Therefore, you first need to carefully examine the apples, and if there is even a hint of worminess, throw away the fruit immediately. Also, they should not show signs of impacts, which means that fruit that has fallen to the ground is not suitable and must be removed from the tree for cider.

And another important nuance: you cannot use several varieties, even two. There should be only one variety; this is the only way you will get a pronounced and pure taste of homemade apple cider.

In addition, the recipe requires under no circumstances to wash the fruits, but simply wipe each of them with a soft cloth. This is necessary in order not to wash away the natural, wild yeast, which is of great benefit - it is thanks to this yeast that the fermentation process will occur. If you wash the apples, you will cause significant harm to the future cider.

Simple Homemade Cider Recipe

This recipe is for those who want to make regular classic cider at home and get a tasty, aromatic drink with a hint of honey and a low strength. As ingredients You will need 5 kg of apples and 750 grams of granulated sugar. Moreover, the juicier the fruits turn out to be, the more cider you will get.

If you want to diversify the taste of the drink, you can add a little cinnamon, star anise, raisins or lemon , it won't do any harm. The strength depends on the amount of sugar, this recipe gives us an average number to get the traditional seven to eight degrees. And don’t forget that the drink jars must be washed, sterilized and dried.

Drink cider chilled; pour it into a glass at a considerable distance. This is done in order to release carbon dioxide. The drink is not finished until the very end, as a small sediment remains at the bottom. It is better to store it in the cellar, or, as a last resort, in the pantry, but it is advisable not to delay the shelf life and drink the drink within six months. It will taste like apple champagne.

Homemade Apple Juice Cider Recipe

If you do not have the opportunity to make cider from natural fruits, then we bring to your attention a recipe according to which you can easily prepare this aromatic drink at home, using juice instead of fruit.

It's very easy to do, all you need is three liters of natural undiluted juice, two tablespoons of granulated sugar juice and 50 grams of wine yeast. They are necessary due to the lack of wild yeast that is present on apple peels. And since you are using juice, yeast is needed for fermentation. You can also add lemon zest to taste.

  • First you need to prepare the starter. How to do it? In half a glass of purified water, dilute wine yeast with two tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • Stir and leave for one hour until the fermentation process begins.
  • Pour three liters of apple juice into a dry jar and add the finished starter to it.
  • Install a water seal or put on a rubber glove with a punctured finger.
  • As soon as the glove falls off, the drink must be carefully drained from the yeast.
  • The final stage: strain the cider through cheesecloth and seal the container tightly.

The amount of sugar can be varied to taste. If you add more, there will be no harm, it will just make the drink stronger and sweeter. The benefit of this cider is that it retains all the vitamins and nutrients. The drink turns out to be sparkling and fizzy; it is perfect for a festive feast and quenches thirst well. It should be stored in the refrigerator, but not for long, otherwise the taste will resemble vinegar.

Video recipe for making cider from juice

Homemade apple cider recipe with honey

If you want to enhance regular cider with a honey taste, you can make an apple-honey sparkling drink. How many ingredients will this require? First of all, these are, of course, apples and honey. Need to take 8 kg of fruits, 1.5 kg of viscous natural honey and 6 liters of water . Any fruit will do, as long as it is in excellent condition. If you wish, you can also add pears, do it “half and half” with apples, this will be no less beneficial for you.

  1. Cut the fruits into four parts and pour them into a canvas bag.
  2. Tie the fabric tightly, put it in an enamel pan, cover it with a wooden circle with a net and press it down with a weight. A bucket of water is suitable as a load.
  3. Dissolve honey in boiled water and add to the pan, covering the top with gauze.
  4. Place the drink in a cool, dark place for five weeks to ferment.
  5. Then drain the liquid into a clean container and pour honey syrup into the pulp again.
  6. Repeat this procedure again, pouring the drink into different containers.
  7. After the third time, mix all three ciders and leave them alone for nine months.
  8. At the final stage, pour the drink into bottles and seal tightly.
  9. Leave to ripen in a cool place for another month.

This method may be a little labor-intensive and you will have to do a lot of movements, but the result will be very impressive. You will become the owner of an incredibly tasty and healthy, without harm to health, drink with apple and honey aroma.

Homemade apple cider made from dried fruits

In order to make an excellent apple drink, it is not necessary to use fresh fruits or natural juice. They can be replaced with dried fruits. The only condition is that dried fruits must be without core, seeds and skin. The method of making cider is extremely simple and easy.

Place dried fruits in a clean container (preferably glass, a large bottle or jar), fill with purified water. One kilogram of dried fruit requires ten liters of water. There is no need to close the lid, just cover with gauze and leave for five days in a cool place until the fermentation process begins.

And only after the drink has fermented, the container should be sealed and left to ferment for one month. It is recommended to throw a handful of raisins into the bowl before this; this will only improve the taste of the drink. After the required period, the cider is bottled and stored in the basement.

Cider is considered a close relative of apple cider vinegar and a classic manifestation of Western gastronomy. Over the past ten years, the drink has gone through a rapid path of development and transformation. Even nutritionists who are skeptical of alcohol have called cider a catalyst for the correct acidity and the most useful, cheerful drink.

Cider appeared relatively recently in the CIS, but quickly conquered retail space and received popular love. The main advantage of the drink is its lightness and sweet and sour taste, which are successfully intertwined with. Cider is suitable for both independent consumption and cooking, and its taste can change depending on the temperature of the liquid.

What is the drink, how to make homemade cider and what do you need to know about the modern alcohol market?

General characteristics of the product

Cider is a low-alcohol drink. It is obtained by fermenting fruit juice. The use is considered traditional, but the alcohol market offers pear, blueberry, raspberry, grapefruit and even mint or lavender alcoholic drinks. Some recipes provide for the natural fermentation of liquids, others with the help of special cultured ones.

Production Features

To prepare the drink, specially cultivated varieties are most often used. Ordinary apples that we see on store shelves and eat are not entirely suitable for industrial production. Why? They contain a minimum concentration.

Tannins are phenolic compounds of plant origin that contain an abundance of hydroxyl groups. They have tanning properties and a specific astringent taste. Tannins are responsible for the rich caramel shade of the drink, sour notes and a pleasant aftertaste.

Some producers still use table or dessert apples for cider. In this case, the taste, color, structure and aftertaste will be less pronounced. Typically, a number of other ingredients (both natural and chemical) are added to such drinks to make up for the missing characteristics.

Manufacturers divide apples for cider into 4 categories depending on the concentration of tannins and acid:

  • sweet (low tannin and acid);
  • sour (low tannin, high acid);
  • sour-bitter (lots of tannin, little acid);
  • bitter-sour (lots of tannin and acid).

The best cider comes from a combination of all varieties of apples, but you can use one specific variety to achieve a sweet/bitter/sour/tart flavor profile.

Important: you cannot use fresh fruit for this drink. They must sit for at least 1 week before use. The apples are peeled, put under a press, the juice is squeezed out and sent for fermentation. After this, the liquid is bottled and delivered to distribution points.

During preparation, the drink goes through 2 different stages of fermentation. At the first stage, artificial addition of yeast occurs. Together with the yeast that is initially found on the apple peel, the fruit undergoes fermentation. Some producers abandon artificial ingredients and wait for the apples to ferment on their own. During the first fermentation, the alcoholic component of the drink is formed and is converted into ethanol. The second fermentation occurs in the juice. Natural bacteria regulate the process of transformation into carbon dioxide.

In many countries, the state strictly monitors the industrial production of alcoholic beverages. For example, in the UK, the minimum dose of apple juice that should be in cider is established at the legislative level - 50% or higher. If this requirement is not met, the batches simply do not reach the counter and are disposed of.

The strength of the finished drink traditionally varies from 1 to 8%. Based on sweetness, cider is divided into several categories from dry to sweet. There is also a specific gradation of shades. The color of cider depends on its components and can convey the entire palette of known shades. With a weak degree of filtration, the liquid may appear cloudy and form sediment - this does not indicate low quality, but rather production features.

In the modern alcohol market, carbonated or champagne cider holds the leading position. Its strength varies from 5 to 8%. The taste and structure of the drink is very similar. The only difference is the variety of fruit flavors and combinations.

Historical reference

There are many theories about the origin of apple drink. One of them mentions Charlemagne, the king of the Franks (VIII-IX). Legend tells that Charles accidentally sat on a bag of overripe apples. The fruits were crushed under the weight of the ruler, but the resulting liquid became the impetus for the invention of cider. But Pliny, an ancient Roman writer, mentioned the properties and popularity of the drink. The years of his work fall on the years 60-79 AD, which makes the version with Charlemagne nothing more than fiction.

During the Middle Ages, cider became the national drink of the Basques. These are the people who inhabited the Basque lands in southwestern France and northern Spain. In 1189, the rules for growing apples, their preparation, cleaning and fermentation to create an alcoholic drink were conditionally approved.

Fact. The first state that regulated the production of apple cider was the Kingdom of Navarre. By the end of the 16th century, the drink became the most popular in the kingdom, and in terms of production volumes it significantly exceeded. During the reign of Louis XII, one Navarrese nobleman, Guyon Dursu, transferred the production technology to Normandy and contributed to the spread of apple drink.

To extract juice, they used to use a special horse-drawn crusher and a cider press. The press consisted of a huge vat for draining liquid, a special box for fruit and weights. You can make a similar design yourself from scrap materials.

The traditional drink was considered seasonal and had a minimum shelf life. It was prepared and drunk in the fall – at the same time large-scale cider festivals were held, which have survived to this day. In some French provinces of the 19th century, the drink became more popular than a calling card of France. But after the twentieth century, apple cider still gave way to beer. This happened due to the minimum shelf life of the drink and its seasonality.

Geographical features of production

It is believed that the highest quality ciders are produced in the north of France, namely in Normandy and Brittany. Normandy cider is used not only as an independent drink, but also as a raw material for. Calvados is a brandy based on apple or pear cider. The cider is distilled, infused, combined with additional components and Calvados is obtained with a strength of 40%.

Hesse and the middle Rhine Valley produce a tart, slightly sour apple cider, which the locals call apple wine (Apfelwein). In early autumn, Frankfurt traditionally hosts a cider festival - Apfelweinfest.

Baskonia and Asturias (autonomous communities in northern Spain) consider themselves the birthplace of the drink. The traditional serving of cider in these areas looks like this: the liquid is poured from a bottle from a height of 60-80 centimeters directly into a special glass.

Fact: The highest level of cider consumption per capita is recorded in the western part of England.

In Eastern Europe, the drink did not receive such tremendous approval and popularity. For example, in Poland, cider occupies only 1% of the alcohol market, and in the former Soviet republics, sales and industrial production of the drink were launched only in the post-Soviet period. In North America, cider is not even classified as alcohol. There it is considered one of the varieties of concentrated apple juice.

Useful properties of the product

Cider has taken the lion's share of benefits from its main ingredient - apple. The drink with the most pure and organic composition has a rich set of vitamins/minerals that contribute to:

  • dilation of blood vessels and harmonization of pressure;
  • activating the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating metabolic processes and increasing the degree of digestibility of food products;
  • reducing the risk of developing depression and serious problems with psycho-emotional health;
  • increased salivation and increased appetite;
  • blocking free radicals and protecting the body from early aging;
  • acceleration of lipid metabolism;
  • rapid and effective removal of toxins and cleansing of the body.

The beneficial properties of the drink depend on the variety of apples from which it was prepared. It is also necessary to pay attention to the composition. The shorter it is, the better the quality of the product in your hands. Avoid drinking drinks with extra sugar and preservatives - find a responsible manufacturer or make your own cider.

Cider is an organically pure drink, therefore it contains no harmful and dangerous components (chemical additives, carcinogens, toxins). Along with its relatively low calorie content (40 - 47 kcal per 100 ml of product), cider is rich in carbohydrates, as it contains sugar added during the production process. The sugar content does not exceed normal limits and does not pose a danger to the body.

Homemade apple cider recipe

This is an authentic drink recipe that uses only apple juice - no yeast or sugar is needed. If you want to diversify the taste and add a few extra accents, add spices before fermentation. The taste of the finished drink depends mainly on the selected apple variety. Of the most common varieties, “Antonovka” is perfect.

Important: you do not need to thoroughly wash the apples with soap before fermentation. Natural yeast should remain in the peel, and the chemical components of the soap will destroy them.

To make cider you only need apples. You can vary the quantity yourself depending on your personal needs.

Required equipment:

  • juicer;
  • a massive fermentation container (it is best to use metal or glass);
  • sealed container for storing liquid;
  • latex gloves.

The total duration of fermentation is 20 days. How do you know when fermentation is complete and the cider is ready to drink? This can be understood by the rubber glove that will cover the container with cider - it should fall down. The finished liquid can be additionally filtered through gauze or a cotton waffle towel.

Cooking technology

Rinse the apples under running water, cut into arbitrary slices and remove the tails/hard cores. Pass the prepared fruits through a press or juicer. Pour the finished juice into a glass or metal container. The container must have a water seal. If there is no shutter, put a rubber glove on it. The main rule is that no air should enter the liquid. Place the container in a dark room at room temperature for 20 days. After this time, pour the juice into an airtight container (no need to raise the sediment) and store the cider in the refrigerator.

Use of alcoholic ingredient in cooking

Cider can be used in all recipes that involve alcohol. Sauces, marinades, gravies, and various dressings are made on its basis. You can soak fruits or berries in cider before preparing the pie - the taste of the ingredients will be filled with a slight sourness and a characteristic alcoholic aftertaste.

Recipe for strawberry gazpacho with cider

We will need:

  • fresh – 300 grams;
  • dry cider or light ale to taste – 200 milliliters;
  • peeled – 200 grams;
  • ice – 40 grams;
  • green – 1 sprig for decoration.

Cooking technology

Leave a few grams of fresh strawberries and cucumber for decoration, and puree the rest in a blender until smooth and thick. Add cider to the resulting mass and mix the contents thoroughly. Pour the gazpacho into a deep plate, garnish with cucumber slices, strawberries and a sprig of green basil. Serve immediately after cooking.